Page 1 Socialist political economy ·Unfinalized Second Edition Discussion Draft· (volume One) "Socialist Political Economy" Editing Group Page 2 Page 3 1 Item record on book Preface ......................................... 1 The first chapter socialist ownership and the relationship between production Chapter 1 Socialist Public Ownership .......................11 Section 1 The Great Revolution of Ownership Relations............. 11 Change from capitalist ownership to socialist ownership by the whole people...13 Changing individual ownership into collective ownership by the socialist working masses........ 17 The establishment of socialist public ownership is a great revolution...21 Section 2 The ownership problem has not been completely resolved...24 The bourgeois legal rights within the scope of ownership have not been completely abolished...24 Both types of socialist public ownership have a leadership problem............ 29 Section 3 Restoration of Capitalist Ownership in the Soviet Union... 33 The economic basis for the restoration of capitalism............. 33 Soviet revisions changed the socialist ownership into a bureaucratic monopoly bourgeois ownership... 37 Section 4 The Consolidation and Development of Socialist Public Ownership in the Struggle...45 Consolidation and perfection of socialist ownership by the whole people...45 The development direction of collective ownership of rural people's communes ... 49 Chapter 2 Mutual Relations in Socialist Production ...61 Section 1 The Formation of Socialist Interrelationships...61 Page 4 2 Socialist public ownership is the foundation of socialist relations...61 The role of the superstructure in the formation and development of mutual relations...64 Section 2 The Nature of Socialist Interrelationships...68 Communism factors and bourgeois legal rights in mutual relations...68 Socialist interrelationships are class relations...75 Section 3 Consolidate and improve socialist relations in the struggle............ 81 The great dynamic effect of interrelationship............ 81 Consolidate and improve mutual relations in accordance with socialist principles.............. 85 Section 4 The relationship between capital and labor is resurrected in the Soviet Union...93 The second chapter socialist production process Chapter III The Nature and Purpose of Socialist Production ............ 99 Section 1 Products and Commodities of Socialist Society...................... 99 Section 2 The Basic Economic Laws of Socialism............107 The duality of the socialist production process and its dominant aspects...107 Grasp the revolution and promote production..................118 The main content of the basic economic laws of socialism.......126 Section 3 How to Develop Socialism Quickly, Efficiently, and Land... The possibility and reality of the high-speed development of socialist production... 128 The general line of building socialism.............131 The Great Leap Forward of my country's National Economy...135 Chapter 4 The Distribution of Social Labor in a Socialist Economy ...141 The first section is planned and proportional to the regulation of the law of development...............141 The planned distribution of social labor in connection with the commodity system.........141 The regulation of socialist production by the law of planned and proportional development...143 The main types of proportional relations in the national economy...149 Page 5 3 Reasonable layout of productivity..................157 Section 2 The influence of the law of value in the process of distributing social labor....... 162 Section 3 Consciously use objective laws to distribute social labor in proportion... 168 The process of distributing social labor is a contradictory process...168 Consciously regulating the distribution of social labor is the superiority of the socialist economy... 174 Chapter 5 Socialist Agriculture and Industry ............ 185 Section 1 Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy............ 185 The basic role of agriculture in the socialist national economy............. 185 The fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization...193 Studying Dazhai in Agriculture ............. 197 Section 2 Industry is the Domination of the National Economy............ 202 The leading role of industry in the socialist national economy............. 202 Socialist Industrialization ... 208 Industrial Studies Daqing................... 214 Section 3 The Combination of Socialist Industry and Agriculture...217 Combination of Industry and Agriculture under Socialist Conditions........................217 The combination of industry and agriculture within the scope of the same collective ownership...............221 The integration of industry and agriculture in the national economy...226 The essence of the integration of industry and agriculture is the issue of the alliance of workers and peasants....... 229 Chapter VI Savings under the Socialist System ............ 233 Section 1 Labor time saving is the economic law of socialism............. 233 Socialism has opened up a broad path for the law of saving labor time... 233 Contradictions in the process of saving labor time.......................236 Section 2 Labor Productivity under the Socialist System ... 239 Increasing labor productivity is a sign of labor time saving............. 239 The role of technological innovation in increasing labor productivity...............243 Section 3 Socialist Cooperation and Competition............ 248 Page 6 4 Socialist Collaboration............248 The Socialist Competition... 252 under book Chapter VII Socialist Economic Accounting System ............257 Section 1 The Duality of Economic Accounting.............257 Economic accounting is an important means of strict economy ... 257 Use value accounting and value accounting...260 Section 2 Socialist Economic Accounting System...........................268 The economic accounting system is the economic system for managing socialist enterprises.........268 The specific content of the economic accounting system...273 The third section analyzes the "complete economic accounting system" of Soviet revisionism ................. 279 The third chapter socialist circulation process Chapter 8 Commodity Exchange in a Socialist Society ....................... 287 Section 1 Exchange Relations and Their Characteristics in Socialist Society.................. 287 Several Types of Exchange Relations in Socialist Society.............. 287 Bourgeois legal rights in exchange relations....................... 295 Section 2 The role and restriction of socialist commodity exchange, and the struggle against restriction... 300 Promote the development of production and the improvement of people's lives... 300 The struggle between restriction and anti-restriction in the field of commodity exchange............ 307 Section 3 Prices and Price Policies under the Socialist System...............311 The Role of the Law of Value in Commodity Circulation...312 The basis of prices under the socialist system ... 314 The socialist price policy..................317 Page 7 5 Section 4 Foreign Trade of Socialist Countries.......................323 Chapter 9 Currency and Currency Circulation in a Socialist Society ...335 Section 1 The currency of a socialist society............. 335 The nature and functions of currency ... 335 Money is still the soil for capitalism...339 Section 1 Currency Circulation in a Socialist Society...346 The relationship between currency circulation and commodity circulation...346 Currency circulation channels ... 347 The Law of Currency Circulation ... 350 Section 2 my country's Renminbi............ 354 Chapter 4. Distribution and Reproduction in a Socialist Society Chapter Ten Distribution in a Socialist Society ............363 Section 1 Distribution of National Income.................. 363 The relationship of ownership determines the relationship of distribution............363 The primary distribution and redistribution of national income...367 Section 2 Distribution of Personal Consumer Goods............. 372 The historical reasons for implementing the principle of "everyone can do their best, distribute according to work"....... 372 The legal power of the bourgeoisie in the distribution according to work dominates............. 375 The form of distribution in the socialist economy of ownership by the whole people.............380 The form of distribution in the socialist collective ownership economy.............386 The third section must restrict the bourgeois right of distribution............. 388 Criticize bourgeois legal rights and advocate a communist attitude to labor..... 388 Acknowledge the difference and oppose the disparity between high and low............ 396 Create conditions to gradually expand the distribution factors on demand....... 404 Chapter Eleven Socialist Accumulation and Expanded Reproduction ... 409 Page 8 6 Section 1 The Proportional Relationship Between the Two Major Departments of Social Production ... 409 Marx's Reproduction Formula ... 409 The law of rapid growth in production of means of production...415 The growth of production of means of production is inseparable from the growth of production of means of consumption..... 420 Section 2 Accumulation is the source of expanded reproduction....................... 424 The unity of opposition between accumulation funds and consumption funds...............424 The relationship between the determination of the accumulation fund and the two major sectors of social production.........425 The internal composition of the accumulation fund.............. 429 Section 3 General Laws of Socialist Accumulation....................... 432 Chapter XII The Movement of Funds in Socialist Reproduction ...443 Section 1 The Capital Circulation in Socialist Reproduction...443 Section 2 Fund Distribution in Socialist Reproduction ... 452 Distribution of corporate funds and corporate finance.......................452 Distribution of total social funds and bank credit...454 The distribution of social net income and the state budget..............460 Socialist Finance ... 464 Section 3 The relationship between the distribution of funds and the distribution of materials in socialist reproduction.....469 The relationship between budget funds and credit funds in the allocation of funds............. 469 The relationship between budget and credit allocation of funds and material allocation.........473 The fifth chapter s Chapter 13 Socialist Production Relations and Class Relations ... 479 Chapter XIV The Continuing Revolution under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat...489 Chapter 15 Communism is the inevitable trend of socialist development.......... 497 Page 9 7 Page 10 Page 11 1 sequence Speak The great leader and mentor Chairman Mao Zedong personally initiated and led the proletariat The Great Cultural Revolution, theoretically and practically, resolved the consolidation of the dictatorship of the proletariat, Preventing the restoration of capitalism is a major issue of the contemporary international communist movement. Hundreds of millions of workers, peasants and soldiers, revolutionary cadres, and revolutionary intellectuals have endured this great revolution. To exercise in strong winds and waves, to study Marxism, Leninism, and Mao Zedong Thought, study the theory of continuing revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, and figure out Where is the bourgeoisie and the issue of the overall dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, insisting on anti-revisionism Repair and continue the revolution. In the face of this great revolutionary situation, Righteous point of view, compile a popular book of socialist political economy, Analyze the law of movement of the socialist economy accurately and analyze the conditions under socialism The process of formation, development and elimination of the bourgeoisie, especially within the party Analyze the socialist society's classes, class contradictions and class struggles The nature, objects, tasks and future of the Yi Revolution are very important tasks. Up. Marx and Engels are revealing the laws of capitalist economic movement and critical mechanisms. In the process of the socialist line, one of the socialist political economy These basic principles guide the proletariat to seize power and establish the dictatorship of the proletariat, Struggle to build socialism. In the October Revolution, Lenin put the Marxist Theory became the practice of Russian socialism, further developing Marxism Socialist political economy, for the persistence of class struggle under the dictatorship of the proletariat, Page 12 2 Preventing the restoration of capitalism points the way. After Lenin's death, Stalin inherited Led the Soviet people to realize the industrialization of the country and the agricultural collective Socialization, a theoretical summary of socialist economic issues, and in fact Solved a large number of representatives of the bourgeoisie in the Communist Party of the Communist Party of China (Bolsheviks). but, Stalin made a big mistake on the issue of whether there was class struggle in a socialist society. error. Soviet political economy textbooks published in the 1950s (one, two, three Version), does not recognize the contradiction between socialist production relations and productivity, does not recognize The bourgeoisie still exists to varying degrees in all aspects of socialist relations of production Legal rights, do not recognize the existence of the bourgeoisie in the Communist Party of the Communist Party of China, do not recognize the realization After the socialist industrialization and collectivization of agriculture, there is still a capitalist restoration The possibility of opening up, in the final analysis, does not recognize that the entire history of the dictatorship of the proletariat There are always classes, class contradictions and class struggles in the modern era. It's methodology, lost The contradiction between production relations and productivity, the superstructure and the economic foundation Shield is the framework for the study of socialist political economy, and it loses materialism and dialectics. Fall into idealism and metaphysics. As a result, it is analyzing the dictatorship of the proletariat and During the social and economic movement after the establishment of the socialist economic foundation, Do not fall into the quagmire of the theory of extinction of class struggle and the theory of productivity only. This wrong point Analysis, of course, will not draw a scientific conclusion to continue the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat. although However, this political economy textbook also has correct parts. Strong in the book Adjusting the socialist economy is an economy that serves all people, not for exploitation by a few Profit-making economy. In this respect, it is different from Khrushchev and Bree Revisionist political economy compiled by the Zinev renegade group. In today's In the Soviet Union, political economy has completely fallen. It advocates bureaucratic monopoly and pegged profits Handsome, material stimulus, expert management of the factory, preaching that exploitation is reasonable, oppression is reasonable, has become Page 13 3 Economics for social imperialism has no even the slightest scientific value. Because the Soviet Union was the first socialist country created by the great Lenin in history Home, its mistakes, like its success, have a profound impact on people. This is quite obvious in our country's political economy research. In the fifties, I Many works on socialist political economy in China are basically copied from Soviet textbooks , Copied both the correct part and the wrong part of it; especially worthwhile Note that in the process of copying, it is inevitable to accept the guidance of Soviet political and economic The whole set of idealistic and metaphysical worldviews studied by science. In this world Under the domination of outlook, it is easy to accept the revisionist line. Big in proletarian culture Before the revolution, my country's economic theory circles had long been influenced by Liu Shaoqi's revisionist line. Serious impact. The epistemological basis of this black line is that it widely exists in our country's economy The kind of bourgeois idealism and metaphysical worldview in economic theory. "no The Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution is a great revolution that touches people's souls and aims to solve people's Worldview issue. " ① Thus, in destroying Liu Shao-chi, Lin Piao and the bourgeoisie The headquarters, in the course of the great struggle to criticize Deng Xiaoping and counter-attack the rightist style of overturning the case, Breaking through the bourgeois worldview and establishing the proletarian worldview The requirement of compelling, mentioning economic theory workers (not only economic theory workers) Came in front of you. Where there is revisionism, there is Marxism; there is idealism and metaphysics, There is materialism and dialectics. This is the law of history. The greatest contemporary Marxist Chairman Mao comprehensively summarized the pros and cons of the international communist movement Experience, put forward a series of scientific thesis, enriched the Marxist A treasure trove of theory, inherited, defended and developed Marxism-Leninism. ① Quoted from "People's Daily" on November 6, 1967. Page 14 4 Chairman Mao pointed out in "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People": "In a socialist society, the basic contradiction is still production relations and productivity. The contradiction between the superstructure and the economic foundation. " ① these contradictions Expressed as: "The socialist production relations have been established. Adapt to the development of the country; however, it is still very imperfect. These imperfect methods The development of face and productivity is contradictory. In addition to production relations and productivity development In addition to this adaptive and contradictory situation of the exhibition, there are also superstructures and economic The economic foundation is compatible and contradictory. ” ② Chairman Mao said when talking about the socialist system: "In short, China Belongs to a socialist country. It was similar to capitalism before liberation. Still implemented Eight-level wage system, distribution according to work, currency exchange, these are not much like the old society difference. The difference is that the ownership has changed. ""Our country now implements business The wage system is not equal, there is an eight-level wage system, and so on. This can only Restrictions under the dictatorship of the proletariat. Therefore, Lin Biao and others like to take the stage and engage in capital The capitalist system is easy. ” ③ During the socialist revolution, Chairman Mao deeply analyzed the socialist society For the first time in the history of the development of Marxism, the class relationship After the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production is basically completed, there will still be classes And class struggle, made a scientific thesis that the bourgeoisie is within the Communist Party, and proposed The great theory of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat came out. This great theory, Broke the long-standing idealistic and metaphysical views in the field of political economy, ① "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A), People Press 1965 edition, p.336. ② Ibid., pages 337~338. ③ Quoted from "People's Daily" on February 22, 1975. Page 15 5 It dealt a heavy blow to all kinds of revisionist views, and made socialist politics The economics of governance glowed with revolutionary youth and pushed it to a brand new history stage. Chairman Mao's great theory shows us that socialist relations of production will never It is dead, frozen, immutable, but like other productions in history The same is true of relationship, which is an extremely vivid and rich process of contradictory movement. just The socialist relations of production that have just emerged from the mother's womb of capitalism are a kind of Immature communist production relations. It is divided into two, there is a growing total The factors of propertyism, and the decline of capitalism manifested as bourgeois rights Tradition or trace. They are opposed to each other on the one hand, and connected to each other on the other. Became the spear of socialist production relations and productivity, superstructure and economic foundation The characteristics of the shield movement. This contradictory movement is concentrated on the proletariat and assets Contradictions and struggles between classes, especially the concentrated expression of the proletariat and the ruling The contradictions and struggles between the bourgeoisie within the Communist Party of China. The proletariat will eventually disappear Annihilate the bourgeoisie and all other exploiting classes, eliminate all classes and class differences, We must uphold the full dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and the continued dictatorship of the proletariat. Continue the revolution. Socialist political economy can only criticize revisionism and get rid of idealism Only in the struggle with the influence of metaphysics can we advance along the track of Marxism. Its basic task is to follow Marxism, Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought Basic theories, link productivity and superstructure, analyze socialist production relations The production, development and transformation of the department into the movement law of communist production relations, divided into Analyze the formation, development, and demise of the new bourgeoisie, especially the party bourgeoisie, Clarify the laws and characteristics of class struggle under the dictatorship of the proletariat, and help cadres to obtain capital Page 16 6 Emancipated from the influence of the proletariat and revisionism, and socialized from the democratic revolution. Socialist revolution. The book that is now placed in front of the reader is written in accordance with the above requirements. Attempts. This book has been revised. But when we modify this time After the manuscript, I went back and read it again, and I felt strongly that the book did not reach the upper limit. Mentioned requirements. Literally, it seems that all the issues that should be involved are involved, And try to use the Marxist world view to advance the socialist economic movement Dialectical analysis, but after strict inspection, the weaknesses of this book still vary with Visible everywhere. Socialist political economy is seriously affected by idealism and metaphysics Sounds, where for decades. This book does not completely get rid of this influence. This book is for The socialist economic movement still exists to be classified according to the external signs of things. Rather than classify the situation according to the internal relations of things. From the system structure of the book From the analysis of the various categories of socialist production relations in this book, we can To see the imprint of the political economy textbooks published by the Soviet Union in the 1950s. economic The category is the theoretical expression of the actual economic relationship. Their economic relationship with reality Same, always in the movement of unity of opposites, political economy should analyze it Our respective opposing and interconnected movements, analyzing the opposing sides From the basis on which conditions are transformed to the opposite side, the conclusion of the revolution is reached. but Yes, looking back to check, some of our analysis is still superficial, some places Still staying on the outside of things, and not engaging in the inner connection of things to explain things The movement of things, there is no in-depth analysis of the conditions under which the communist factor will fight Traditions or traces of capitalism, under what conditions Traces will flood and drown the communist element. We must continue to study hard Page 17 7 Marxism is working towards a true mastery of materialism and dialectics. Explain the law of movement of the socialist economy from the combination of theory and practice, It is the responsibility of socialist political economy. Marx said: "Research must Fully occupy the material, analyze its various forms of development, and explore these forms of inner relationship. Only after this work is completed, can the actual movement be properly Narrate it out. " ① We possess some of the material, but far from sufficient. I have been In the material of possession, analyze its various forms of development and explore the internal In contact, I did not do enough. In the process of narration, the reader will find Let's add some examples. Concept plus examples, follow the combination of theory and practice The problem is very different. This situation reflects our theory's departure from The actual degree. Chairman Mao taught us: "We must start from domestic and foreign, Starting from the actual situation inside and outside the county, and inside and outside the district, the inherent It is an invented regularity, that is, to find out the internal connection of surrounding events, as our behavior Active guide. And to do so, you must not rely on subjective imagination, not on temporary heat Love, not relying on dead books, but on objective facts, possessing detailed materials, Under the guidance of the general principles of Marxism-Leninism, positive Definite conclusion. This conclusion is not a list of phenomena of A, B, C, D, nor a boast. The platitudes of rhetoric, but scientific conclusions. This attitude is realistic It means that there is no sense of grandstanding. This attitude is a manifestation of party spirit. It is a Marxist-Leninist style that unites theory and practice. " ② with Chairman Mao This criticism of our party's style of theory divorced from reality is to criticize ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, Page 23. ② "Reforming Our Learning". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, No. 759 pages. Page 18 8 This book is the most accurate. Use the theory and practice advocated by Chairman Mao A unified Marxist-Leninist style to spur us to continue to work hard, but also How kind! The issue of writing style is also an important issue of political economy. Bourgeoisie It is not surprising that political economy is often obscure to deceive the masses. Marxist political economy is not the case. It must promote the masses, it must be popular Easy to understand and lively. The works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Chairman Mao are We have set a shining example. This Marxist-Leninist style of writing It's not found in the textbook of Union Economics, which is deeply affected by the authors of the textbook. And the bondage of going to school is closely related. As for the economics of contemporary Soviet revisionism, Reflects the mental state of the dying stage of the bourgeoisie, and its writing style is more than that of the bourgeoisie Economics during the rising period is even worse. This book tries to reflect anger The mental state of the vigorous proletariat should be lively, fresh and powerful The style of Marxism-Leninism goes without saying. But at this point, it's not Can do as expected. The style of the book also reflects that it has not completely got rid of metaphysics The impact of this is often dull and dull. To make the whole book lively, fresh and powerful The Marxist-Leninist style of writing requires a lot of effort. After we initially analyzed the main weaknesses of this book, we felt that this book Did not complete the task that he proposed. We should learn from scratch, we should do it from scratch Up. However, if it doesn't break or stand, it doesn't flow, it doesn't stop. This is the origin of things The law of development is also the law of development of socialist political economy. For this purpose Yes, we decided to print this book and listen to opinions from all quarters in order to Further spur us forward in the criticism of readers. We are convinced that in our country Ten thousand workers, peasants and soldiers worked hard to study and master Marxism, Leninism, and Mao Zedong's thinking Page 19 9 I think today, in such a vivid and rich environment of the Chinese revolution and the world revolution, Through collective efforts, it is possible to compile a book that adheres to Marxism, Criticize revisionism, get rid of idealism and metaphysics socialist political economy Learned it. In this huge project, if this book can be used as a paving stone If the child works, that is our greatest wish. "Socialist Political Economy" Writing Group September 1976·Shanghai Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 The first chapter socialist ownership and Interrelationships in production Page 24 Page 25 11 Chapter One Socialist Public Ownership The first section of the great change in ownership relations The development of human society to this day has experienced five different social systems, It's about a million years old. How does human society develop? Various How has the social system changed? Before the advent of Marxism, no one People have made scientific answers. In the mid-nineteenth century, the great proletarian revolutionary leader Marx and Engels personally participated in the class struggle and scientific practice in the capitalist era. Based on the experience, critically studied all the outstanding achievements of human culture, for the first time Made a scientific answer. The development of human society and the replacement of different social systems are mainly social The relationship between production relations and productivity, between the superstructure and the economic foundation fruit. In a society where classes exist, the basic contradictions of this kind of society are concentrated Contradictions and struggles between levels. Production relations must be suitable for the development of productive forces. This is the development of basic social contradictions. The objective law of development. The development of productive forces requires changes in production relations, and production relations The changes in the political and cultural social superstructure caused the replacement. In production relations Among them, the ownership relationship of the means of production is the most fundamental relationship. For thousands of years, for generations The working people of the modern age are cows and horses, leading a miserable life of not having enough food and clothing. Page 26 12 The source is because the means of production are in the hands of the exploiting class. Marx pointed out: "One A person who has no other property other than his own labor force, in any society and In the state of culture, all have to be slaves for others who possess the material conditions of labor. He can only work with the permission of others, so he can only work with the permission of others. Can survive. " ① Therefore, we analyze the development of society, on behalf of the socialist system analysis To replace the capitalist system, we must start with the analysis of changes in the ownership of the means of production. The socialist public ownership of the means of production is capitalist private ownership and socialization The inevitable product of contradictions between mass production. However, it's impossible Produced within. This is because the socialist public ownership of the means of production is implemented, which means The deprivation of the bourgeoisie. This is the root of the capitalist society under the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie It couldn't be done. The bourgeoisie will never automatically withdraw from the stage of history, it must move All the power of the member society, using the superstructure it controls, especially the state To hinder the transformation of capitalist production relations. "Government comes out of the barrel of a gun" ② . The proletariat can only use a violent revolution to smash the bourgeois state apparatus and establish the proletariat Level dictatorship, can “deprive the deprived” and take the capitalists' private means of production Become the public property of all working people, and socialist the individual economy Transform and comprehensively establish socialist public ownership of the means of production. The change of ownership is an important sign that distinguishes different social systems. Socialist The establishment of justice and public ownership marks that our country has entered a socialist society. but, Socialist public ownership is also like all new socialist things. A long process of establishment and development in struggle. Then, how is it fighting ① Marx: "A Critique of the Gotha Program." "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Annual edition, page 5. ② "War and Strategic Issues". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, No. 512 pages. Page 27 13 Is it established and developed in China? Change from capitalist ownership to socialist ownership by the whole people Marx and Engels pointed out in the Communist Manifesto: “Communists can To sum up my theory in one sentence: eliminate private ownership. " ① One Eight Seven One The historical experience of the Paris Commune in 1 year showed that after the proletariat seized power, if Let the bourgeoisie continue to control the lifeline of the national economy, then the bourgeoisie will Leveraging its economic strength and coordinating its political and military counterattacks to subvert the proletariat Dictatorship at the highest level, and the restoration of capitalism. When Lenin summarized the experience of the Paris Commune After profoundly pointed out, one of the two mistakes that ruined the glorious victory of the Paris Commune, It just didn't rob large companies like banks that are related to the country's economic lifeline. Class hands. After the proletariat seizes power, generally speaking, it will encounter big capital and Small and medium capital coexist in such a situation. Big capital represents the most reactionary production barrier System, which controls the lifeline of the national economy and is a serious obstacle to the development of social productive forces. The main economic basis for the reactionary rule of the bourgeoisie. Proletariat must confiscate without compensation The method immediately concentrated it in the hands of the state under the dictatorship of the proletariat. Led by Lenin The Great October Revolution learned the historical lessons of the Paris Commune and used revolutionary violence fans After smashing the bourgeois state apparatus and establishing the Soviet power of the dictatorship of the proletariat, Immediately nationalize banks, railways, merchant ships, and major industries in various sectors. Established socialist ownership by the whole people. This is Marxism's “deprivation ① "The Communist Manifesto". Selected Works of Marx and Engel, Volume 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, No. 265 page. Page 28 14 The glorious practice of the theory. Chairman Mao is using the universal truths of Marxism-Leninism to guide my country's revolution In specific practice, scientific analysis was carried out on the old Chinese capitalist economy, and the old China's capitalist economy is divided into a bureaucratic capitalist economy (big capital) and a civilian economy. Ethnic capitalist economy (small and medium capital), dividing China's bourgeoisie into bureaucrats Comprador bourgeoisie (big bourgeoisie) and national bourgeoisie (small and medium capitalists), The party has formulated different policies for them. The bureaucratic bourgeoisie is an extremely reactionary ruling class in semi-colonial and semi-feudal China. The bureaucratic capitalist economy is the economic foundation of the reactionary regime of the bureaucratic capitalist class. Opposing bureaucratic capitalism is part of the new democratic revolution led by the Chinese proletariat One of the fundamental tasks. In response to the reactionary nature of bureaucratic capitalism, Chairman Mao is leading In the process of the new democratic revolution of the people of our country, it was clearly stipulated that officials should be confiscated. "People's Republic led by the proletariat return all" bureaucratic capital ① policies. The fixed capital of bureaucratic capital in old Chinese capitalist industry and transportation industry Accounted for 80% of the total. Confiscated bureaucratic capital and changed bureaucratic capitalist ownership Socialist ownership, which eliminates the main part of Chinese capitalist ownership Destroyed and established a strong socialist economic foundation for the dictatorship of the proletariat, It also created necessary conditions for the transformation of small and medium capital. Although small and medium-sized capital in the fixed capital of old China's industry and transportation It only accounts for 20%, but it is numerous and has a wide range, covering every corner. want To consolidate and develop the socialist economic foundation, we must also confiscate large capital on the basis of Step by step the socialist transformation of small and medium capital. ① "Report at the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China." "Mao's Anthology" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, page 1321. Page 29 15 my country's national bourgeoisie is in a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. It is produced and developed from the bottom, which determines its duality: in the bourgeoisie During the democratic revolution, it had a revolutionary side and a compromise side; in society During the socialist revolution, it has the possibility of being forced to accept socialist transformation, but also Strongly demand the development of the reactionary nature of capitalism. Industry and commerce run by the national bourgeoisie Industry also plays two roles in the recovery period of our national economy: On the one hand, In increasing the production of products that are conducive to the national economy and people's livelihood, expanding economic exchanges between urban and rural areas, and maintaining It has a certain positive effect in terms of holding labor and employment; on the other hand, it has People, profit-seeking, anarchy in production, etc., they also contribute to socialist construction and People's lives have a destructive and negative effect. According to the duality of the national bourgeoisie and The dual role of the national capitalist economy, Chairman Mao formulated the Capitalist industry and commerce implement policies of utilization, restriction and transformation, that is, the use of capitalist The positive effects of industry and commerce limit its negative effects that are not conducive to the national economy and people's livelihood, and gradually Socialist transformation of them. my country's socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce is through various forms Of state capitalism. The nature of state capitalism is determined by the nature of state power. in Capitalist society, state capitalism is a kind of direct control by the bourgeois state Capitalist economy. It serves the bourgeoisie. Under the dictatorship of the proletariat State capitalism is a state under the dictatorship of the proletariat that “can impose restrictions, Sufficient to regulate the scope of its activities" ① . Under the conditions of the dictatorship of the proletariat in China The primary form of the state capitalist economy includes processing, ordering, monopoly, and ① "The Political Report of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Brazzaville)." "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 Annual edition, page 627. Page 30 16 Underwriting sales; in commerce, there are forms such as purchasing agent and agency sales. High national capitalist economy The level form is a public-private partnership. This advanced form of state capitalism, in our country’s The practice is divided into two stages of development, namely the public-private partnership of individual enterprises and the industry-wide Public-private partnership. In 1956, my country fully realized the public-private Joint venture. After a public-private partnership in the whole industry, capitalists' ownership of the means of production, It is only reflected in the fixed dividends obtained based on the amount of private shares, the control of the means of production has been It belongs to the country and all working people. The country can develop according to the national economy It is necessary to carry out unified economic reorganization of joint ventures, such as mergers and transfers. So Therefore, the industry-wide public-private partnership is to transform capitalist industry and commerce into a socialist whole A decisive step for a privately owned enterprise. The realization of industry-wide public-private partnerships, It marks that my country's socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce has basically been completed. in The fixed interest payment period stipulated by the state to capitalists has expired, and the payment of fixed interest has ceased At that time, public-private joint ventures became completely socialist enterprises owned by the whole people Up. Under the conditions of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the method of redemption, namely through state capital It is beneficial to the proletariat to transform the private capitalist economy in the form of socialism. It is conducive to dividing the bourgeoisie, strengthening the socialist economic foundation, and avoiding The possible production disorder and interruption due to the change of ownership will help to accelerate The pace of socialist construction. But this is by no means to say that class peace can be used instead of class Level struggle. In fact, in the entire socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce In the process, there are always restrictions and anti-restrictions between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, The struggle between reformation and anti-reformation. This kind of struggle is reflected in the party, that is, with Chairman Mao as Between the representative proletarian revolutionary line and the revisionist line led by Liu Shaoqi Page 31 17 Struggle. On the eve of the national liberation, Liu Shaoqi and his team tried their best to create a bourgeois The counter-revolutionary public opinion of "cutting meritorious service" clamored to "let capitalism exist and develop dozens of "Years", "can develop in parallel with state-owned enterprises", frantically opposed Chairman Mao's proposal Implement the correct policy of utilization, restriction and transformation of national capitalist industry and commerce. in In this struggle, Liu Shaoqi and his group of inner-party bourgeoisie acted as the backing. The guidance of the Chinese proletariat and all working people in Chairman Mao's revolutionary line Smashed the resistance of the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party, and won the capital in 1956. A decisive victory in the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce. Change individual ownership to socialist collective ownership After the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, in addition to facing capitalist private ownership, It also faces another private ownership of the means of production: farmers and individual handicraftsmen Ownership. Lead individual laborers, especially individual farmers, onto the road of socialism, To transform the peasants' individual economy into a large socialist agriculture is to develop agricultural productivity The objective requirement is to consolidate the economic foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the countryside. Claim. Chairman Mao pointed out: “Without the socialization of agriculture, there will be no solid socialism. " ① How to transform individual agricultural economy into socialist agriculture What? The peasants are laborers, the ally of the proletariat, and private peasants You cannot deprive you of the means of production, otherwise you will make a huge mistake. Individual farmers The socialist transformation of the industrial economy can only be achieved through the road of cooperation. Engels ① "On the People's Democratic Dictatorship." Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, No. 1366 pages. Page 32 18 In criticizing the German and French opportunists' agra Thinking about the socialist transformation of individual agricultural economy through cooperatives s. Engels said: "When we have the power of the state, we will never Use violence to deprive small farmers (with or without compensation, the same), as we will not Don't treat big landowners that way. Our task for small farmers, first It turns their private production and private possession into cooperative production and possession, but Not to use violence, but to demonstrate and provide social help for this. " ① After the victory of the October Revolution, Lenin and Stalin led the Soviet peasants to crush The obstruction and destruction of the rich peasants and their agents in the party Bukharin Principle, with the help of the dictatorship of the proletariat, through the road of co-operation, Transform the scattered individual agricultural economy into a large-scale socialist collective farm Zhuang, thus proved for the first time in practice: the road of co-operation is to the individual agricultural economy The only correct way to carry out socialist transformation. In the process of leading my country's agricultural socialist transformation, Chairman Mao In the fierce struggle between the party and Liu Shaoqi's opportunist line, theoretically and practically It has enriched and developed the Marxist-Leninist theory of agricultural cooperation. Chairman Mao criticized Liu Shaoqi and his group for practicing the "Four Freedoms" after the land reform ② The revisionist line of preserving and developing the rich peasant economy was proposed tit-for-tat, in After the land reform, it is necessary to "strike the iron while it is hot." When it splits up, it loses no time to lead it to the socialist road of mutual assistance and cooperation. Chairman Mao is berating Liu Shaoqi and his group for "It is impossible without a large number of agricultural machinery ① Engels: "The Problem of French-German Farmers". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 Annual edition, page 310. ② The so-called "Four Freedoms" refer to the freedom of employment, the freedom of buying and selling land, the freedom of lending, and the freedom of trade. Develop the freedom of rural capitalism. Page 33 19 When the fallacy of “collectivization” was realized, it scientifically clarified agricultural co-operation and agricultural machinery The relationship between agricultural and social reforms and technological reforms. Chairman Mao pointed out: "In agriculture, under the conditions of our country (in capitalist countries Capitalism), there must be co-operation before big machines can be used. " ① Without cooperativization, mechanization cannot be achieved, and only the path of capitalism road. Only by first cooperating and then mechanizing on the basis of cooperating can it be The only correct socialist road. Chairman Mao made a scientific study of the class situation in the countryside after my country's land reform Analysis, formulated a rule to resolutely rely on poor peasants and lower-middle peasants, and solidly unite with other The middle peasants will gradually develop mutual assistance and cooperation, and gradually move from restricting the exploitation of the rich peasants to finally eliminate them. The proletarian revolutionary line to eliminate the exploitation of the rich peasants. The whole party is implementing this revolutionary line In the process, in accordance with the policy of comprehensive planning and strengthening of leadership, in accordance with the principle of voluntary and mutually beneficial Therefore, three forms of mutual convergence are adopted: that is, the mutual assistance of agricultural production is generally organized first. Group, then establish primary agricultural production cooperatives, and then transition to advanced agricultural production cooperation Society. At the end of 1956, my country basically completed the socialism of individual agriculture. Transformation. The transition from a mutual aid group, a junior club to a senior club, is that production relations must be appropriate The result of the objective law of the development of productive forces. The mutual aid group is a kind of budding socialism with several households or dozens of households. A group of collective labor organizations for agricultural production. It is helpful to solve the lack of labor for poor farmers, Difficulties in farming livestock and large agricultural tools, cultivate farmers' collective labor habit, develop production, Played a positive role. However, the mutual aid group did not touch the private ownership of the means of production. ① "On the issue of agricultural co-operation". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A), People's Publishing House, 1965 Annual edition, page 424. Page 34 20 The mutual aid group is small in size and implements decentralized management, which is not conducive to local planting and comparison. A more reasonable division of labor cannot effectively use land and labor. This is a coexistence The development of productivity is contradictory. These contradictions promoted the development of mutual aid groups to buy shares with land Primary agricultural production cooperatives characterized by unified management. Primary cooperatives are small, semi-socialist agricultural production cooperatives. Member Privately owned land, farm animals, and large-scale agricultural tools will be invested in shares, and the cooperatives will manage and use them in a unified manner. Use, solve the contradiction between joint labor and decentralized operation in the mutual aid group, and further promote The development of production. However, half or more of the net income of primary cooperatives Distribution of collective production labor, the rest is based on land, farm animals, The distribution of the shares of large-scale agricultural tools is generally called "land dividends." This There is a unified management, collective labor and private land and other means of production. Contradiction affects the employees' enthusiasm for work and hinders the further development of productivity. exhibition. These contradictions promote the need for the primary society to further improve its degree of public ownership. Developed into advanced agricultural production cooperatives. The fundamental difference between advanced agricultural production cooperatives and primary cooperatives is that the Land dividends." That means that the means of production are not only collectively operated, but also collectively owned. The labor remuneration of the members implements the socialist principle of "everyone can do their best and distribute according to work". It is a completely socialist cooperative. It can promote agricultural Production development. However, it also has certain contradictions with the development of productive forces. One In 1958, under the guidance of the general line of building socialism, a social Great leap forward in the cause of socialist construction. During the Great Leap Forward, especially the Great Leap Forward in agricultural production Under the new situation, the high-level clubs, in terms of organizational scale, business scope, and degree of collectivization, The contradiction with the further development of productive forces has become prominent. High-level society is weak, It is not conducive to the establishment of large-scale farmland water conservancy infrastructure construction; Page 35 twenty one With little capital, it is impossible to buy large-scale mechanized farm tools, even if they can afford it, due to the lack of land, Nor can it fully play its role. This requires high-level societies to enter the collective ownership system One step forward. In 1958, Chairman Mao concluded that the vast number of poor and lower middle peasants were in the Great Leap Forward in agriculture. The various creative experiences breaking through the high-level The great call of "the people's commune is good", the new social organization of the people's commune has been like Like the rising sun, it appeared on the broad horizon of eastern Asia. In just In the past two months, the country's rural areas have basically realized people's communes. Although rural people's communes are still collective economic organizations, they are generally The size of the organization is much larger than that of the high-level society. The degree of public ownership is also due to the The team is economical at the first level and is one step higher than the high-level club. It has the characteristics of "one big and two public". It has realized the unity of politics and society, and has exceeded the scope of a single economic organization such as the high-level society. It has realized the integration of industry, agriculture (including forestry, animal husbandry, deputy, fishery), business, learning, and military Together. It is the basic unit of our socialist society in the countryside, The basic unit of state power in the countryside under the dictatorship of the property class. Rural People's Commune The establishment reflects the expansion and improvement of the collective ownership of the socialist working masses in our country, Overcoming the limitations of high-level societies, it is more conducive to the development of productivity in the countryside, and it is also more Conducive to the consolidation of the dictatorship of the proletariat. The establishment of socialist public ownership is a great revolution Through the deprivation of the deprived and the co-operation of individual economy and the communalization of rural people, Basically eliminated the private ownership of the means of production and established socialist ownership by the whole people And socialist collective ownership by the working masses. Two socialist public ownership replaced Private ownership, this is an earth-shaking revolutionary change in the ownership of the means of production in our country Page 36 twenty two 化. It shows that our proletariat and working people have basically broken free from private ownership The economic foundation of my country's socialism has been established. This is production A revolutionary leap in relations. The reform of ownership has caused economic and social relations A series of changes in the department. In the long history of thousands of years from slave society to capitalist society, production The relationship is constantly changing, and the combination of labor and the means of production is also different. But the fundamental point is the same. These production relations are based on labor and production capital. It is characterized by phase separation. The establishment of socialist public ownership is to eliminate this kind of labor The phenomenon of the separation of workers from the means of production laid the economic foundation and began to reverse the History is reversed again, and the social nature of labor has undergone a fundamental change. work The peasant and working people not only turned over politically, but also turned over economically, becoming The master of the country, the master of the means of production. As Lenin said: "They thousands of For the past 100 years, I have worked for others and for the exploiters. It is now possible for the first time Work for myself, and use all the latest technological and cultural achievements to work of. " ① Only From then on, working people began to control their own destiny, horse Under the guidance of the Curthist line, it has opened up a new way of consciously transforming the world and creating history. era. The establishment of socialist public ownership has enabled the entire national economy to follow the proletariat The interests of all working people and all working people are developed in a planned and proportionate manner. This is greatly It liberates the social productive forces and ensures that the productive forces move forward at a speed that the old society did not have. development of. Socialist public ownership takes two forms: ownership by the whole people and collective ownership. The formula is compatible with my country's current level of development of productivity. Owned by the whole people ① "How to organize the competition? ". The Collected Works of Lenin, Vol. 26, p. 381. Page 37 twenty three Compared with collective ownership, it is a form of socialist ownership with a higher degree of public ownership. formula. Its means of production are not owned by a certain part of society's working people, but It belongs to the working people of the whole society and is under the unified control of the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Serve the interests of all working people. The labor force connected with the means of production also Unlike collective ownership units, which are only subject to the deployment of a certain collective unit, However, it can be uniformly deployed nationwide according to national needs. Socialism Although the quantity and quality of the means of production owned by state-owned enterprises vary greatly, The personnel working in state-owned enterprises are not due to differences in the There are different labor remuneration standards depending on the amount of profit. The socialist economy of ownership by the whole people is the main economic foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat foundation. In 1973, my country's nationally owned industries accounted for all industrial fixed assets 97% of the industrial population, 63% of the industrial population, 100% of the total industrial output value Eighty-sixths. State-owned businesses accounted for 92.5 percent of total commercial retail sales. The socialist economy under ownership by the whole people is the leading force of the socialist national economy. Society The socialist country's influence on the small and medium capitalist economy and the individual The socialist transformation of the economy is achieved through the leadership of the state-owned economy. in After the socialist transformation of ownership is basically completed, the collective ownership economy Consolidation and development, the development of the entire national economy is also under the leadership of the state-owned economy Under. The collective ownership of the socialist working masses is a kind of low socialist public ownership Level form. It occupies a large proportion in our country's agriculture, and by 1973, In my country's agricultural production materials, about 90% of farmland and irrigation and drainage machinery are About 80% of the tractor and large livestock are collectively owned. National food and More than 90% of all kinds of cash crops are produced by collective economy. In addition to the agricultural side Page 38 twenty four In addition to collective ownership, there is also a small amount of collective ownership in industry and commerce. The system economy exists. Socialist collective ownership of the working masses, especially in agriculture Collective ownership occupies an extremely important position in the socialist economy. The development of the national economy plays an important role. There is a major difference between the economy of state ownership and the economy of collective ownership. No, there is a close connection. On the one hand, consolidating and developing the state-owned economy is The primary condition for the consolidation and development of the collective economy. Not dominant in modern industry Under the leadership and support of the state-owned economy, the collective economy cannot develop rapidly. The other party Face, when agriculture and handicrafts are still based on collective ownership, The development of the state-owned economy is also inseparable from the development of the collective economy. In the national economy Under the leadership of the two socialist ownership systems and two economies Only by promoting and intensifying the economic ties between urban and rural areas can the entire socialist national economy be promoted Develop at a high speed, consolidate the worker-peasant alliance, and consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat. Section 2 The ownership problem has not been completely resolved Bourgeois legal rights within the scope of ownership have not been completely abolished After the establishment of socialist public ownership, will the problem of ownership be completely resolved? Up? In the field of political economy, there has long been a popular view that social Once the socialist ownership is established, the problem of ownership is completely resolved. This view The mistake is to treat ownership as just a thing, a simple factory, land, Machinery, tools, raw materials and other means of production, thinking that these things were originally in the hands of capitalists Or in private hands, the proletariat and working people take it over, and the problem is solved. Decided. This view is one-sided and runs counter to Marxism. Page 39 25 When analyzing capitalist ownership, Marx pointed out: "Capital is not a Things are a kind of social relationship between people who use things as media. ” ① Chairman Mao He has also repeatedly taught us that after the establishment of socialist ownership, in terms of ownership, The problem has not been completely resolved. These statements all show that the ownership of the means of production is not It is a thing, not a relationship between people and things, but a kind of relationship between people and people connected with things. Social relations between. Only by examining and analyzing actual economic movements can we Get a correct understanding of the issue of socialist ownership. According to the theory of Marxism, looking at my country's ownership relations for more than two decades The actual movement completely confirmed the truth: the ownership has changed, the society The establishment of a socialist ownership system does not mean that the ownership problem has been completely resolved. The establishment of socialist ownership by the whole people and collective ownership is of course the ownership The great change in the relationship, this is for sure. However, in terms of ownership, The problem has not been completely resolved. This is because, within the scope of ownership, the bourgeoisie Legal rights have not been completely abolished. Lenin said: "The'bourgeois right' recognizes that the means of production are privately owned by individuals. property. " ② In 1956, when our individual agriculture, handicraft industry and individual After the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce is basically completed, Part of private ownership still exists in agriculture and commerce. By 1973, my country's industry There are also individual handicrafts, which account for 0.8% of the total number of industrial employees; The small amount of private land and family sideline jobs of the members of the rural people's communes are also owned by individuals Nature; there are individuals in business that account for 0.2% of the country's total retail sales Vendors. In addition, there is a considerable amount of fair trade in the countryside, which is based on ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, page 834. ② "State and Revolution". "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 252. Page 40 26 A commodity circulation based on individual ownership. Central part of my country's industry, agriculture and commerce The existence of private ownership shows that the bourgeois legal rights expressed as private ownership are not yet finished. Cancel all. In fact, the urban and rural capitalist forces always use this aspect of actual existence. In the bourgeoisie right, the development of the private economy will impact and destroy the socialist economy. Within the scope of socialist public ownership, is the bourgeois right Is it gone? It has not been completely cancelled. Socialist collective ownership is a process of public ownership A socialist public ownership with a lower degree. A collective economic unit is a kind of The independent production and economics of joint possession of the means of production for joint labor and joint distribution Camp unit. The land, means of production, labor and labor owned by each collective economic unit The population is different. Under these conditions, the input of each collective economic unit The same amount of labor cannot obtain the same amount of income. For example, various people's communes and the same The production teams of a commune and the production teams of the same The fertility of the land is different or the geographical location is different, the equivalent amount of labor (including Living labor and materialized labor), but the income obtained is different, which forms a differential land income. Under the same other conditions, the quality of the land occupied is better Communes and production teams nearer the market earn higher income, and vice versa. From the perspective of soil quality, take the two plots of Maqiao Commune in the suburbs of Shanghai as an example. One plot is called "Yutang tablets" are mainly made of yellow mud heads, with loose soil and good water conservancy conditions, so the yield is relatively high. In 1974, the average grain yield per mu of the three brigades in this area reached 1,639 jin; another The title of this film is "Lin Song Pian", which is mainly made of purple mud, and the terrain is low-lying. When it rains, it will become flooded; The sky is clear and the ground is too hard to move, so the output is low. In 1974, the five teams of this film The average grain yield per mu is 1,424 catties, which is two hundred and fifteen catties per mu less than the previous piece. From the geographical location, take the suburbs of Shanghai as an example, close to the urban or industrial area Compared with the outskirts team, the production team has many favorable conditions. One is rich in fertilizer, which can be obtained When it comes to industrial waste water and waste residue as fertilizer, or just a few labors, you can get it into factories and factories. Page 41 27 Dung. The second is convenient transportation, close to the production team in the urban area, no matter how to transport garbage, send vegetables, Swamp, labor is much less expensive than the outer suburbs team. The Outer Suburbs team not only uses a lot of labor, but also has a lot of vehicle wear and tear. The above factors have caused a big difference between the rural team and the outskirt team. Such as, The production team of Lingjia Lane, Shanghai Hongqiao Commune, Shanghai County, is close to the urban area, and the agricultural capital only accounts for the total income 13.7%; while the fourth team in the western suburbs, which is a little far away from the urban area, accounts for 33.5% of the total income. Of course, the differences in agricultural capital and income between different collective economies are not all It is caused by the land income of different grades, but there are many reasons. Especially collar Has the leadership team adhered to the party's basic line? Has it mobilized the vast majority of poor and lower middle peasants? Socialist enthusiasm, whether the implementation of "food as the key link, comprehensive development" and "diligence The policy of operating thrifty cooperatives, etc., has a great relationship with the production and income of the collective economy. system. "It's man-made." The conditions are poor and can be changed with people's efforts. The Dazhai Brigade relies on Mao Zedong's thought to be in charge, fights against the sky, rearranges the mountains and rivers, and makes the Getting rich illustrates this most eloquently. However, people's subjective actions are great Under the same conditions, the quality of the land and production materials is good or bad. The collective ownership economy's production development and the benefits of members. Big impact. It can be seen from here that compared with socialist ownership by the whole people Come up, the collective ownership of the working masses is a kind of socialism with a lower degree of public ownership Public ownership has more bourgeois legal rights in the possession of the means of production. In terms of the relationship between socialist ownership by the whole people and collective ownership, it Although they are all socialist public ownership, but both of them still exist in the degree of public ownership. There is a difference. This difference, in the final analysis, is still manifested in the The inequality in the tie. At the same time, between state-owned enterprises and collectively-owned enterprises In the exchange process, it still shows the relationship of commodity exchange. The price of industrial and agricultural products Although the “scissors gap” between the two countries is much smaller than that of the old society, it is still difficult to fully obtain Page 42 28 Therefore, within the scope of socialist ownership, the existence of bourgeois legal rights, Not only in the various collective ownership economies, but also in ownership by the whole people On the relationship between ownership and collective ownership. The social masters that Marx and Lenin once envisaged The righteous society bourgeois legal right no longer exists within the scope of ownership, which refers to the whole The means of production is already owned by the entire society, and we obviously have not reached this point. “There is a bridge between private property and public property” ① , we obviously have not Finish this bridge. Although socialist ownership by the whole people is a socialist with a relatively high degree of public ownership Righteous ownership form, but it is a kind of nationwide Ownership, therefore, cannot be without the traditions or traces of the old society. First of all, the The combination of labor and the means of production under the conditions of socialist ownership by the whole people is also subject to The shackles of the old social division of labor of mental and manual labor, as long as this old The social division of labor still exists, and managing the socialist economy of ownership by the whole people is still "Special functions of special classes" ② , the universality of socialist ownership by the whole people Can not help being branded with the old society. Secondly, although socialist enterprises owned by the whole people Of course they belong to all the working people, there are no different owners, but the society State-owned enterprises are relatively independent economic units in terms of production and operation. There is a "you and me boundary" between each other. To obtain each other's products, you still have to pass the business Exchange of goods. The relationship between enterprises under socialist ownership by the whole people is still Linked by commodity relations. These conditions show that socialist ownership by the whole people The coming communism ownership by the whole people is different, it still retains some of the old society's ① "On Contradiction". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, No. 304 page. ② "State and Revolution". "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, No. 213 page. Page 43 29 Traditions or traces retain bourgeois legal rights that reflect these traditions or traces. Both types of socialist public ownership have a leadership issue After the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production is basically completed, The problem has not been completely solved, except for the bourgeois right There is an important issue related to this issue, except that the enclosure is not completely cancelled. That is, there is a question of leadership in both the state-owned economy and collective-owned economy. Question, there is the question of which class actually owns the means of production. The issue of ownership, like other issues, can't just look at its form, but It depends on its actual content and which class it actually holds. This is horse Curthism is a very important theoretical and practical issue on the issue of ownership. When Engels explained the abolition of private ownership of the means of production and the establishment of public ownership of the means of production, Out: "Large industry creates an absolutely necessary situation, that is, to establish a new Social organization. In this new social organization, industrial production will not be Competing factory owners lead, but the whole society follows a determined plan and the whole society The needs of body members to lead. " ① the words of Engels tells us that all means of production The nature of the system is concentrated on the issue of which class obtains leadership over the enterprise. Enterprise The ownership of industry leadership has changed, and the nature of the ownership of the means of production has also changed. Capital The head of the enterprise and its agent must serve the interests of capitalists and must be Capitalist ownership. The communist public ownership of the means of production must abolish private ownership The leadership of the enterprise is led by the entire society to meet the needs of the entire society ① Engels: "Principles of Communism." Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 Annual edition, page 217. Page 44 30 The needs of the staff. Socialist public ownership is the working masses or part of the labor of the whole society A form of ownership in which the masses jointly occupy the means of production. This form of ownership requires Seeking the leadership of state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises must be controlled by real Marxism Only in the hands of the workers and the working people can the means of production be used for the workers' Benefit service reflects the nature of socialist ownership. The historical experience of the international communist movement and the practice of our country's revolution prove that the society The establishment of socialist public ownership does not mean the leadership of state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises It is truly in the hands of the proletariat and the working people. Seize the proletariat After taking political power and basically realizing the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production, The overthrown landlords and bourgeoisie are still there, and their hearts are not dead. The new bourgeoisie also Produced in batch after batch. The bourgeoisie, especially the party bourgeoisie, must do everything possible Usurp the leadership of the enterprise in every possible way. At the same time, because the socialist society still exists There are differences between workers and peasants, between urban and rural areas, between physical labor and mental labor. In the old social division of labor, the functions of leadership and management cannot yet be shared by all people. The rounds of envoys can only be relatively fixed on some cadres. In this article In this case, the leaders assigned by the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat to enterprises Ministry, if you become a true Marxist, can work with the working people Manage the enterprise and act in the interests of workers in production and business activities, The nature of socialist public ownership is guaranteed. Conversely, if these leaders do The government degenerates into capital roaders in the cloak of Communists, or is corrupted by the bourgeoisie. Eclipse, in leading production and business activities, it does not represent the interests of workers but represents The interests of the bourgeoisie, then, even though the enterprise is still called socialist in name State-owned enterprises or socialist collective enterprises, but the leadership of the enterprise has actually In the hands of the bourgeoisie, the ownership system has actually degenerated to varying degrees. Page 45 31 Therefore, any socialist enterprise has the leadership in nominal and in fact Which class has the problem. Chairman Mao pointed out at the First Plenary Session of the Ninth Central Committee: "According to my observation, neither the whole nor the overwhelming majority is considered. I am afraid it is quite a big one. In most factories, the leadership is not in the real Marxists, not in workers In the hands of the masses. It was not that there were no good people who led the factory in the past. Good people, party committee The secretaries, deputy secretaries, and committee members all have good people, and the branch secretaries have good people. but he Follow the line of Liu Shaoqi in the past. It is nothing more than material stimulation and profit. Take command, don't promote proletarian politics, give bonuses, etc. ""but, There are bad guys in the factory". "It means that the revolution is not over . " ① Then, how to identify whether the leadership of a company is a real Marxist And the working people? This requires progress from the production and business activities of the enterprise Line inspection. All classes carry out production and business activities according to certain lines, Therefore, if you look at what the company's leaders are doing, you can see The ownership relationship reflects the interests of which class. The party's Marxist line embodies the proletariat and all labor The fundamental interests of the people. In the production and business activities of socialist enterprises, if The implementation of the Marxist line shows that the means of production of enterprises are indeed Governing according to the interests of the workers is used to serve the interests of the workers. The leadership here is in the hands of real Marxists and working people. If the enterprise implements the revisionist line, it means that the enterprise's means of production In fact, it is governed by the needs of restoring capitalism, serving the capitalist class Level of interest. In the production and business activities of the enterprise, if not insisting on being proletarian Class politics is in command, but what "profits are in command" is to fundamentally separate ① Quoted from the 4th issue of "Red Flag" magazine, 1975. Page 46 32 Opened the direction of socialism, changed the purpose of socialist production, and slipped to capital The evil path of capitalism is gone, and if it develops, the means of production will eventually be transformed into capital. This book has been transformed into a tool that simply pursues profit regardless of the interests of the people. Therefore, in order to make enterprises move in the direction of socialism, on the issue of ownership To unify the name and reality, the leadership of the enterprise must be controlled by Mark In the hands of ideologists, at the same time it is in the hands of the broad working masses. Leadership is in In the hands of the working people, it means that the working people are under the unified leadership of the party. Participate directly in the leadership and management of the enterprise as the owner, and break through mental work And manual labor, the old social division of labor. To transform enterprises in accordance with the interests of the proletariat and the working people. The masses The right to lead an enterprise is a manifestation of the nature of socialist public ownership. Can't think, The working masses have no leadership over socialist enterprises, only under the leadership of certain people Right to work, education, rest, etc. Master the leadership of the enterprise, it's labor The fundamental right to motivate the masses; without this right, other rights are not guaranteed. The leadership of the enterprise must not only be in the hands of true Marxists, but also In the hands of the working people, this is the great leader Chairman Mao summed up the international communist An important question raised by the historical experience of the Prostitution Movement. From the International Communist Judging from the history of the Yi Movement, if the leadership of socialist enterprises is not held in the real In the hands of the Marxists and the broad working masses, but the revisionist “one "Long system" will cause the working masses to actually be separated from the means of production. Deng Xiaoping drums What do you say, "'One long system' is good, it does not hinder the development of production and science Development". This is entirely the language of the bourgeoisie oppressing workers. In the "one-man system" Under the conditions, the working people are forced to obey the orders of the "one leader" and are regarded as simple Of the labor force used in the production process, it loses its fundamental rights. Page 47 33 Exploited and oppressed by the bourgeoisie. Engels pointed out: "Personal management The inevitable consequence of managing industry is private ownership." ① Deng Xiaoping followed in the footsteps of Soviet revisionism and desperately Advocating the revisionist "one chief system" is to transform socialist public ownership Private ownership of capitalism. Section 3 Restoration of Capitalist Ownership in the Soviet Union The economic foundation of the restoration of capitalism Socialist ownership will be restored to capitalist ownership under certain conditions, This is not only a theoretical question, but it has become a reality in the Soviet Union. In today's The socialist ownership of the whole people established under the leadership of the Soviet Union, Lenin and Stalin And socialist collective ownership has completely degenerated into a bureaucratic monopoly capitalist class System. Find out how the Khrushchev and Brezhnev renegade clique managed the society in the Soviet Union Socialist ownership degenerates into bureaucratic monopoly-capitalist ownership, and learn from this history The lesson is for consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat in our country and preventing the restoration of capitalism, resulting in The conditions that make the bourgeoisie neither exist nor reproduce, have important theories Meaning and practical significance. After the October Revolution, under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin, the Soviet Union The nationalization of socialism and the collectivization of agriculture had basically completed the Socialist transformation of property ownership. This is the socialism of the Soviet people The great victory achieved during the revolution. Although the landlords and capitalists were deprived of their means of production, they were politically knocked down ① Engels: "Principles of Communism." Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 1, People's Publishing House 1972 edition, p. 217. Page 48 34 But it does not mean that these exploiting classes have been eliminated. These people are still there. This This class is still there. Nikolai Alek, a capital roader buried in the Communist Party of the Communist Party of China Sevich Voznesensky ① Since the 1930s, he has been writing books and saying what to say When the Soviet Union's ownership problem was solved, the exploiting classes were eliminated, and the socialist society The main contradiction of the society is no longer the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, but the advanced The contradiction between production relations and backward productivity. In fact, in the Soviet Union at the time, There are not only exploiting classes that have been overthrown, but also new capitalist classes are constantly emerging The existence of bourgeois legal rights is an important economic Economic foundation. From the perspective of ownership, what are the manifestations of the bourgeois rights at that time? What? First of all, there are still some private companies in Soviet industry, agriculture, and commerce. ① Nikolai Aleksevich Voznesensky (1903-1950), PhD in Economics of the Soviet Union, Academician of the Academy of Sciences. Served as Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the Soviet Union, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of the Soviet Union (Council of Ministers), No. A vice chairman and so on. After the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he was elected as a member of the Central Supervisory Committee, a member of the Central Committee, and an alternate to the Politburo Committee members and Politburo members. The main works are: "On the Problems of Socialist Economy" (1931), "Proletariat "Politics and Socialist Economy" (1933), "On Soviet Currency" (1935), "During the Patriotic War "The Soviet Union's Wartime Economy" (1947), etc. During his time in leading the economic work of the Soviet Union, he implemented a rule of value The law regulates production and exchange, and the revisionist line of material stimulation. Stalin criticized him "for seeking capital in Russia The restoration of capitalism" and his dismissal. After Khrushchev came to power, he restored his reputation and touted him as "the Communist Party and "Excellent activist of economic science", "excellent organizer of socialist project" and so on. In the article "On Socialist Economic Issues", Voznesensky preached that the main contradiction of socialism is The contradiction between the progressive socialist production relations and the backward productive forces, and the solution to this contradiction is not Continue to develop productivity. He said: "The Soviet proletariat solves the problem of advanced society by raising the level of development of productive forces. The contradiction between the socialist production relations and the relatively backward productivity, and the improvement of productivity on the basis of socialism is In order to'catch up with and surpass the advanced capitalist countries' is to build a socialist society. Eliminate this contradiction, It is the content of the heroic struggle of the proletariat and its political parties during the transition period. "When class and class antagonism disappeared, This contradiction will become the basic internal contradiction of the socialist economy. This contradiction is managed by the socialist worker group The industry has developed to an unprecedented speed to solve the problem. " Page 49 35 system. In 1937, in terms of output value, individual handicrafts accounted for percent of industry 0.2; in agriculture, the individual agricultural economy accounts for 1.5%; in the commercial sector In 1940, the collective farm market accounted for 14% of the total commodity circulation three. The personal sideline of collective farmers and workers still accounts for a large proportion of economic life. According to the approval of the People's Committee of the Soviet Union and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China in February 1935 The provisions of the "Agricultural Labor Association Demonstration Regulations" are allocated to each farmer in the collective farm. The plot next to the house where people use and operate sideline businesses is a quarter of a hectare to a half of a square. Hectares, up to one hectare in some areas. Land occupied by collective farm members' personal sideline Although land accounts for only 3% of the total sown area in the country, The sown area of ​​​​crops and potatoes accounted for more than 30%. The national vegetable and melon crop and potato planting area is 100 1940 1950 State farms and other state agricultural enterprises 4.6 6.0 Collective farm 42.8 44.9 Collective Farmers' Personal Sideline 31.3 34.1 Workers and staff personal sideline 6.3 12.0 Individual farmers and other residential groups 15.0 3.0 According to the 1935 "Agricultural Labor Association Model Charter", in the main agricultural land District, each farmer in the collective farm can have one cow, two calves, one or two piglets Sows, sheep and goats less than ten, unlimited poultry and rabbits, less than twenty boxes Bees; some can be increased in animal husbandry areas, but in practice they often exceed regulations. Collective farm The livestock raised by the farm staff account for a large proportion of the number of livestock in the country. The above materials show that after the 1930s, the ownership of the economy and the collective Although the ownership economy has an advantage in all sectors of the Soviet national economy, Page 50 36 Some private ownership still exists in the industry, agriculture, and commerce. In agriculture, all The proportion of civilian ownership is still very small, and collective ownership itself is still very imperfect. Bourgeois legal rights are within the scope of ownership and have not been completely abolished. In particular, it needs to be pointed out that whether it is an enterprise owned by the whole people or collectively owned Control enterprises, there is a considerable majority of leadership not in the real mark In the hands of ideologists and the broad working masses, but in the hands of the party In the hands of the ruling authority. The 19th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1952 revealed: “There are many staff members The enterprises entrusted with their management and leadership are state-owned enterprises, and they are actually trying to turn these enterprises into their world "Strike the territory", "There they establish their own'order', their own'discipline'", "They can do anything", "doing nonsense." Such as: Ulyanovsk region "leader Some of the staff of the organization and the staff of the Soviets and the Party have degenerated and become corrupt. Embezzlement of public funds, waste and theft of state property". The director of the Food Co Anti-national discipline, often abuse of power, illegally misappropriating various materials and products in enterprises "There are many facts about theft of public property" in state-owned commercial organizations. In collective farms, some leaders used their power to steal public property. Soviet newspaper At that time, it was revealed that Enbesh, Almaty Region-Shurbachev, chairman of a farm in Kazakh region "Put your relatives and friends in the jobs in charge of materials and money" to form a theft group, From 1945 to 1952, "theft and embezzlement of public property" lasted for eight years. Finance." In terms of management, "some leaders have taken an incorrect line. Training on collective farms Plant independent production teams, abolished production teams" and even contract production to groups, destroying collective ownership system. In 1950, such groups were established in various farms in the Stalo-Oskol district of Kursk region. There are eight hundred and eighty, and four hundred and forty-two in the Svoboda district. These circumstances show that the Khrushchev and Brezhnev traitor groups usurped the Soviet Union Before the coalition political power, in the Soviet Union, not only the old bourgeoisie still existed, but also Page 51 37 The new bourgeoisie has emerged one after another. When the bourgeoisie is economically When the power develops to a certain level, its political representatives will demand political Rule requires the overthrow of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the socialist system, and requires overall change Socialist ownership, restore and develop the capitalist system. Sure enough, in Stalin After his death, the Khrushchev renegade clique launched a counter-revolutionary coup and put the bourgeoisie The hope of a vain attempt to restore throughout the Soviet Union has become a reality of restoration. Soviet revision changed the socialist ownership into a bureaucratic monopoly capitalist ownership Soviet socialist ownership by the whole people degenerates into bureaucratic monopoly capitalist ownership The system is closely related to the changes in the nature of the Soviet Union. Socialist National Institute Ownership exists in the form of socialist state ownership, and Khrushchev, When the Brezhnev traitor clique came to power, the bourgeoisie came to power; the class nature of the country When the qualitative changes, the nature of ownership will inevitably change. Dictatorship of the proletariat Socialist country, degenerated into a fascist dictatorship of the bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie The process of the state, that is, the socialist ownership of the whole people in the Soviet Union degenerates into an official The process of monopolizing the ownership of the bourgeoisie. After the Khrushchev and Brezhnev traitor groups came to power, The comprehensive restoration of capitalism in the field is achieved through As the core revisionist line to achieve. As early as 1953, Khrushchev The Renegade Group has made "Expand the powers of corporate managers" and "Expand the powers of factory directors" Wait for the resolution. At the 20th Congress of Soviet revisionism held in February 1956, Khrushchev called The clamor "must be thoroughly implemented" "the principle of personal material encouragement." In 1957, He Lu Xiaofu proposed to stipulate the "profit and production fund utilization" as a plan and examination Important indicators for nuclear enterprises and construction units. In 1961, at the 22nd State University of Soviet revision Page 52 38 In the previous section, it further proposed that “profits and the meaning of profit should be improved” and regarded it as The party's "programmatic requirements". In September 1962, in the "Pravda", tossed Out of a Soviet revisionists Queen economist Lee Vielman ① of "program-profit-bonus" Haven, systematically advocating state-owned enterprises with profit command and material stimulation as the core Management plan, and organize discussions on this Haven in major newspapers. After a while Public opinion prepared, the Soviet revisionist Central Plenary Meeting in November 1963 affirmed Liberman The proposal, decided to "extensively test." The main content of the "Liberman Proposal" is to use "economic means (profits, Bonuses, prices, currency, etc.)” instead of “administrative means” to “stimulate” the produce. The specific measures are: evaluate the work of the enterprise according to the profit rate, "the higher the profit rate, The greater the bonus"; to simplify and "improve" the planning of enterprises, the state will Only issue the two indicators of "product output varieties and delivery deadlines"; expand enterprise usage Use the power to withdraw incentive funds from profits; stipulate that "flexible pricing of new products Principles and procedures" to ensure profits. As soon as the "Liberman Proposal" came out, in October 1962, the Soviet revisionism ① Dr. Evgenii Scotia · Gonigori Vicky Lee Vielman (1897), the Soviet economics, Kehaerfu Professor of the School of Engineering Economics, head of the Economic Research Office of the Kharkiv National Economic Committee, "Economic Science" editor Committee. In 1950, he published an article "On the Profit Plan of Industrial Enterprises", advocating the use of material incentives and profit The way to manage the socialist economy under the command of command did not attract the attention of the society at the time. Su Xiu Twenty Later, with the support of the Khrushchev traitor group, he suddenly became extremely active, publishing articles successively, attacking The principle of the socialist planned economy clamored that the economy cannot be managed by administrative means. In 1962 he published "Plan· The article "Profit·Bonus" advocates using profit to evaluate the work of an enterprise and improve the entire planning system, advocating for the enterprise With more "freedom of business activities", expand the right of enterprises to use funds as collective and individual rewards However, the more profit a company makes, the more bonuses should be retained by the company. Pravda touted it "proposed important The principled issues of the “relevant issues”, “have great significance”, and organized discussions across the country to restore capital Righteous public opinion. Page 53 39 The National Economic Planning Bureau of the Planning Commission decided to conduct trials in Ukraine and Leningrad. Test. The female Bolshevik factory and Volga of the Moscow National Economic Committee— —The lighthouse factory of the Vyatka National Economic Committee, which also opened on July 1, 1964 The “new planning work system” began to be implemented on January. What kind of stuff is "Liberman Suggest"? To put it bluntly, it is based on capital Arrange the production and business activities of the enterprise based on the principle of profit. Everything for making money, except Besides getting rich soon, there is nothing else. Implement Liberman's recommendations It is to carry out production and management in accordance with the principles of capitalism, which is to restore the capitalist system, Separate laborers from the means of production again and convert the means of production into capital. Since Brezhnev came to power in October 1964, he has been Under the name of economic reform, Khrushchev's measures to restore capitalism The so-called "Regulations on Socialist State-Owned Production Enterprises" and some other resolutions use The form of the law was fixed and became the "new economic system" to restore capitalism. The Soviet revision's "Regulations on Socialist State-Owned Production Enterprises" stipulated; "Regarding production and business activities Power, by the manager (supervisor, master) and other persons in charge of the enterprise according to the division of duties The member exercises it. "Enterprise managers have the right to determine the company's personnel quota, and have the right to "recruit and dismiss workers." Employees, take incentive measures and punish employees of the enterprise"; have the right to determine Wages and bonuses; the right to sell, transfer or lease the production materials of the enterprise; the right to control Various "economic stimulus funds, etc." controlled by the industry. Lenin pointed out: "The most profound economic foundation of imperialism is monopoly." ① owned The monopoly capital of capitalist countries has gone through a long period of time in the process of free competition. ① "Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism." "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 2, People's Publishing House, 1972 Annual edition, page 817. Page 54 40 Big fish eat small fish, the product of capital concentration and capital accumulation. Socialist countries if There has been a full restoration of capitalism, due to the original socialist economy of ownership by the whole people Is a highly socialized economy that is closely integrated with the state power, so from The capitalist economy produced by the degeneration of socialist ownership by the whole people is bound to At the beginning, it was manifested as a highly concentrated state monopoly capitalism, and the associated capital The property class is the bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie. The capitalism restored by the Soviet Union is Such countries monopolize capitalism. It is the economic foundation of Soviet revisionism social imperialism foundation. It is precisely because of this that the Brezhnev traitor group actively imitates the capitalist A set of methods adopted by a monopoly organization to actively promote the so-called "based on economic accounting" To strengthen the traitor's bourgeois monopoly on the Soviet economy rule. The production joint company first appeared in 1961 in the Lviv Economic Administrative Region of Ukraine Of the former Shoe Company and Dawn Leather Company. In 1962, the November Plenary Session of the Central Committee of Soviet revisionism decided, Gradually merge enterprises and establish various production associations (companies), and establish operations in Moscow and Lening Le and other places to test. At the Twenty-fourth Congress of Soviet revisionism, Brezhnev further emphasized The policies of companies and conglomerates must be implemented more firmly-they should become The basic economic accounting unit of social production. "On March 2, 1973, the Central Soviet revision and the Soviet Union The Council of Ministers concocted "Several Measures on Further Improving Industrial Management", calling for consolidation and Accelerate the development of production joint companies. In this way, the basic organization of state monopoly capitalism-production The joint company, under the impetus of the Soviet revisionist traitor group, quickly developed. Su Xiu believes that Merging enterprises through the way that currently independent SMEs belong to large enterprises is There is an urgent meaning. "Under the efforts of Brezhnev and his group, the All Soviet Union The number of divisions has increased from a few in the early 1960s to more than 1,500 in October 1974. The Soviet revisionist traitor group is transforming the socialist ownership of the whole people into a bureaucratic monopoly At the same time as class ownership, it also changed the nature of socialist collective ownership. Page 55 41 Although the name of "collective farm" has not changed, its essence is the same as that of ownership by the whole people. The enterprise has also changed. Collective farms are a form of cooperative system. Regarding the nature of the cooperative system, Mark The ideologists never examine it in isolation, but put it on the same national politics. Power and the dominant economic form. Lenin in "On Cooperation The article clearly pointed out that not all cooperatives are socialist Qualitative. Lenin said: "There is no doubt that cooperatives are Collective capitalist organization. " ① At present, a considerable part of the capitalist countries have a Some consumer cooperative organizations or production cooperative organizations, but those cooperative organizations are Operating on the principle of capitalism is actually a capitalist economy. Utopian Society Lord The righteous Owen once set up cooperatives in capitalist countries, but in the capitalist economy After being squeezed out, it quickly collapsed or deteriorated. Only in countries with the dictatorship of the proletariat And under the leadership and help of the socialist state-run economy, the collective socialist working masses Only cooperative organizations of ownership can be established, consolidated and developed. Stalin The collective farm in the Soviet Union during the leadership period was such a collective of socialist working masses Cooperative organization of ownership. After Khrushchev and Brezhnev came to power, they completely changed the collective agricultural Zhuang's socialist nature. They first replaced collective farm chairmen in large numbers and dispatched Their minions hang "knowledgeable experts", "talented organizers", etc. Waiting for the signboard to usurp the leadership of the collective farm and issue it through the State Bank of Soviet revision In the form of loans and financial supervision, the state machinery of Soviet revisionism has strengthened the control of collective farms. They have also implemented the revisionist line of rule in the countryside, advocating Develop commodity-currency relations, thoroughly implement the principle of “personal material ① "On the Cooperative System." "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p.685. Page 56 42 Family farms and collective farms are built on the basis of this economic relationship"; The Bank continues to "adjust" and "reorganize" to adjust the collective farm to the capitalist road Go up. As early as March 9, 1955, the Soviet revisionist renegade group attacked the agricultural plan of the Stalin period. The planning system is “unnecessary”, “bureaucratic, exaggerated, divorced from the reality of life ". It stipulates that "commodity output should be the starting point of the plan" to replace the original production (including Including crop varieties and sown area) plan; as long as the collective farm completes the task of selling to the state, You can decide on your own the sown area of ​​​​various crops, as well as the rate of livestock production and the number of livestock. "As for How to produce these products is the business of the farmers themselves and the farm chairman." The so-called "Model Constitution of Collective Farms" promulgated in 1969 further stipulated: The chairman of the farm has the right to lease or transfer the state-owned land used by the farm; he has the right to control the property and Funds until the free trading of agricultural machinery and other means of production; the right to determine the labor remuneration and Bonuses; the right to fire dealers and employees, etc. After such a series of "adjustment" and "reorganization", the original The means of production owned by the broad masses of working peasants' collectives have fallen into Brezhnev The bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie, who was the chieftain, is gone. In addition to transforming the socialist public ownership into a bureaucratic monopoly of assets In addition to class ownership, we are also vigorously supporting individual private ownership in urban and rural areas: developing family vice Business, expand the plot next to the house, encourage free trade, etc. In 1957, the total number of dealers engaged in private labor in the Soviet Union (equivalent to labor energy 32% of powerful adult bankers). In 1959, the total labor force engaged in personal sideline jobs in the Soviet Union was 9.9 million. The labor force is 12.8 million, accounting for 128 million of the total labor force. 17.7%. In 1965, this proportion rose to 20% (25 million people). Siberia Page 57 43 Up to 26%. The private economy occupies an important position in the Soviet economy: in 1958, the private sector The share of agricultural products in collective farm agricultural production is 31.8%. In livestock production, private livestock The proportion of animal husbandry is even greater. In 1960, private livestock owned by individual sideline businesses in the Soviet Union accounted for The proportion of livestock: cattle-30.4%; sheep-21.1%; goats-81.4%. According to 1960 According to annual statistics, 43% of the living expenses of every banker in the whole Soviet Union depend on personal sideline income. The area is even more than one-half. The so-called collective farm market in the Soviet Union has long become a capitalist free market. It follows The development of the private economy continues to expand. In March 1966, there were more than 7,200 nationwide; to After 1970, it has grown to more than 8,000. This kind of market refers to a fixed market with a dedicated address. to In those small markets that are dotted around piers, ports, railway stations, etc., which Su Xiu called spontaneous, Not yet counted. The Soviet revisionist traitor group supports individual private ownership, and its purpose is to make this individual economic As a supplement to the bureaucratic monopoly capitalist economy, as a bureaucratic monopoly capitalist A social basis for governance. The Soviet revisionist traitor group transformed socialist ownership into a bureaucratic monopoly capitalist class The process of ownership, that is, the masses of workers and peasants in the Soviet Union once again lost the means of production. The process of becoming a hired slave. The Soviet revisionist renegade group, through its agents in various enterprises, uses pipes, cards, deductions, Various methods such as punishment have been extremely vicious and intensified the exploitation of workers. Besides the country In the name of the family, apart from exploiting workers through taxes and profits, they also arbitrarily Expand and strengthen the bourgeois power in distribution, through high wages, high bonuses and Various personal allowances have made those bureaucrats, factory directors, managers, chief engineers, Privileged classes such as chief accountants exploit workers wantonly. According to Soviet revisionist newspapers, after the implementation of Brezhnev's "new economic system," the Soviet Union Page 58 44 The monthly piece rate wages of turn workers in state-owned enterprises are low 50 to 60 rubles, medium 70 to 8 Ten rubles. And those bureaucratic monopoly capitalists such as managers and factory directors use wages, bonuses, and supplements. It's tens of times or even hundreds of times higher than the workers' wages. It is not included in the illegal means such as theft. In order to strengthen the exploitation of workers, the Soviet revisionist traitor group has vigorously advocated since 1969 And to promote the "layoff test" of the Shekino Chemical Consortium. This "experiment" was recommended by Su Xiu An important step to implement the "new economic system" is also an important measure to strengthen the exploitation of workers. "Cut The “employer test” is to strengthen the labor intensity of workers through “increasing workload and expanding service scope”. The way to reduce staff. At the same time, it is stipulated that the total wage fund of the enterprise will remain unchanged for several years, due to the reduction The salary fund left over by the staff is left to the enterprise for the control of a small group of privileged classes. "Reduces The result of the "experiment" not only allowed a small number of privileged classes to embezzle a large part of the excess wage base. It also caused batches of workers to be dismissed and left unemployed or semi-unemployed. Surplus population. According to Soviet revisionist newspapers, only 292 in the Russian Federation “according to the example of Shekino As of July 1, 1973, the “working” enterprises had laid off 70,000 workers. The first secretary of the Moscow Region Party Committee also had to admit that due to the implementation of the “new system”, a large number of workers were fired. People, the unemployment problem has become a "national" problem in the Soviet Union. Today, the degree of exploitation of Soviet workers by the Soviet bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie has far exceeded Tsarist capitalists. According to statistics, in 1908, the exploitation rate in the Russian industrial sector was about 100%. In 1973, the rate of exploitation in the Soviet industrial sector was as high as 200%. The cruel exploitation caused dissatisfaction and anger among the workers. A 30-year-old Su The veteran workers of the United Nations said: "We have many millionaires here." "They are not only living with us And there is nothing in common in language. "A student from Moscow First University said: "The Soviet Union is now a capitalist country. Highly paid people live better than Western capitalists Well, the entire country's factories and enterprises are in their hands. But ordinary people live in poverty, Even worse than the Tsarist era. " In 1970, the average Soviet farm clerk actually received less than sixty rubles per month. The general farm chairman's monthly salary is more than 300 rubles, and some are as high as more than 1,000 rubles. The chief economist, Accountants, agronomists, mechanics, livestock ministers and other major experts are paid 200 to 300 rubles a month. The income of the farm chairman is ten to twenty times higher than that of the average farmer. In addition, the farm chairman and his "Think tanks" also use "bonuses" and "subsidies" for exploitation. Ukraine Zhimir Page 59 45 The chairman of the state farm robbed all the farm labor in the name of the so-called "administrative management fee" 15% to 25% of the compensation fund. Some farm chairpersons have luxurious residences, rich living, and own cars And villas, but the broad masses of farmers live in simple wooden houses and short adobe houses, living in poverty. A bitter life. The plight of the vast numbers of workers and peasants in the Soviet Union today shows that being a proletariat After power is usurped by the bourgeoisie, working people will inevitably fall back into being exploited, The abyss of being oppressed, suffering twice, suffering two sins. The deeper the oppression, the stronger the resistance, this is the law of class struggle. Chairman Mao teaches We: "The Soviet Union was the first socialist country, and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was created by Lenin Party. Although the leadership of the Soviet party and state is now usurped by revisionists, However, I urge comrades to firmly believe that the vast number of people, party members and Cadres are good, they want revolution, and the rule of revisionism will not last long. " ① The Brezhnev renegade clique perversely perverses, in the end, it can only raise stones His feet have been severely punished by history. Section 4 Consolidation and Development of Socialist Public Ownership in the Struggle Consolidation and perfection of socialist ownership by the whole people After the establishment of socialist public ownership, since it is still very imperfect, the bourgeois law Rights have not been completely abolished; since there is still a question about which class actually belongs to Question, there is still the possibility that the leadership will be usurped by the bourgeoisie. Once the socialist public ownership system is established, the question of who wins and loses will be thoroughly addressed once and for all. ① Quoted from the 16th issue of "Red Flag" magazine, 1967. Page 60 46 The view that has been resolved at the end is extremely wrong, and is similar to the objective of socialist ownership. Actually inconsistent. In fact, after the establishment of socialist public ownership, There is a long-term perspective that consolidates, perfects and develops it in sharp and complex class struggles. process. The lessons of the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union sharply consolidate and develop The historical task of developing socialist public ownership refers to the proletariat of socialist countries In front of all working people. To consolidate and develop socialist public ownership, first of all, we must consolidate and improve Socialist ownership by the whole people with the leadership of the people's economy. Consolidate and improve socialism The key to ownership by the whole people is to restrict the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. The bourgeois right is the legacy or trace of the old society in socialist production relations Concentrated expression is the soil for the production of capitalism and the bourgeoisie. Bourgeois right Once strengthened and expanded, socialist ownership by the whole people will be corroded and degenerated The quality is capital-traveling ownership and bureaucratic monopoly capitalist ownership. Party bourgeoisie It is this kind of personification of capitalist road ownership and bureaucratic monopoly capitalist ownership. In socialist enterprises owned by the whole people, there are mental and physical labor Initiating this old social division of labor also retains bourgeois legal rights. Thus in production Inevitably, direct producers (manual workers) will accept minority A situation in which production activities are carried out by the will of management workers (mental workers). This The existence of the old social division of labor is the result of the "one-man system" system of mental workers. Govern the economic foundation of manual workers. At the same time, socialist state-owned enterprises have entered Commodity production and commodity exchange are still carried out, and bourgeois legal rights are retained. It is the economic foundation on which one part of the manpower seeks to rule the other part of the people through commodity relations. As for the distribution according to work implemented in socialist state-owned enterprises, the prevailing The principle of commodity exchange is the exchange of a certain amount of labor with a certain amount of labor. This Page 61 47 The existence of this kind of bourgeois right is an important source of Sherlock's character. In short, the bourgeois law that has not been completely abolished in terms of socialist ownership by the whole people Rights, as well as the dominant resources in terms of mutual relations and distribution. The right of the property class is an important economic basis for the birth of capitalism and the new bourgeoisie. The emergence of the new bourgeoisie is always the same as the process of strengthening and expanding the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. The process is connected together. Marx once cited Aristotle when analyzing capitalist ownership This sentence: "The master is not by acquiring slaves, but by using slaves, To prove that he is the master." Marx went on to say: Capitalists do not "pass Give him the right to purchase capital ownership of labor" but "through the production process" "Use wage workers① "to prove that you are a capitalist. Marx's words are clear Tell us that judging the nature of a system of production It is in whose hands it is in the name, but it depends on the actual ownership relationship in the production process. International sports. In the socialist production process, if workers can only accept the "one-manage system" The rule can only be used and consumed as labor force in the production process. Can silently accept the rule of commodity relations (how much work, how much money), basically There is no right to ask why, what, and how to produce. Then, this signifies That a dominant position in production organizes production in accordance with capitalist principles The bourgeoisie in property activities, that is, those in power taking the capitalist road, appeared. This In this case, the socialist ownership of the whole people in the Soviet Union degenerates into a bureaucratic monopoly asset class In the process of hierarchical ownership, it has been very clear. In this case, for the society For the working class, the main body of socialist ownership and the leadership of the whole people, of course Intolerable. After they established ownership by the whole people, they did not stop and demanded ① Marx: Volume 3 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 25, page 433. Page 62 48 Continue the revolution, don't like the bourgeois right to oppress them, and demand that they be under the dictatorship of the proletariat Restrict bourgeois legal rights. Chairman Mao's series of restrictions on the bourgeoisie Theories, routes, guidelines, policies and measures of legal rights collectively express the ranks of workers The demand for the continued revolution of the working class and the working people is to criticize the bourgeois rights, A powerful ideological weapon for criticizing the bourgeoisie, especially the party bourgeoisie. Resolutely execute Chairman Mao's series of important instructions firmly oppose the “one-chief system” and put the leadership In the hands of real Marxists and the working masses, restrict the commodity system and The bourgeois right in the distribution of labor will inevitably make the socialist ownership of the whole people struggle China has been continuously consolidated and improved. Of course, under the dictatorship of the proletariat, the legal rights of the bourgeoisie are restricted. The development of capitalism and the emergence of the bourgeoisie within the party are also inevitable. but, Restriction is very different from no restriction. Unrestricted, bourgeois legal rights are generally strengthened And expansion, socialist ownership by the whole people will soon deteriorate, capitalism and capital The property class will develop faster. Restrictions, capitalism and the bourgeoisie Will be hit, will not be flooded, and will gradually Eradicate the soil that breeds capitalism and the bourgeoisie, and gradually create the bourgeoisie Conditions that can neither exist nor reproduce. In this way, socialist ownership by the whole people It will be gradually consolidated and improved in the process of restricting bourgeois legal rights. It is precisely because restricting bourgeois rights is to restrict capitalism and the bourgeoisie, so Therefore, the party bourgeoisie such as Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping especially criticize assets There is an aversion to class rights. However, the bourgeoisie within the party opposes restricting the bourgeoisie Legal rights, the proletariat and the revolutionary people must restrict the bourgeois legal rights and consolidate The economic foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Page 63 49 The development direction of collective ownership of rural people's communes Like socialist ownership by the whole people, socialist working people collectively own The process of consolidating and improving the system is also a process of continuously restricting the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. Cheng. However, the consolidation and improvement of socialist collective ownership has its own characteristics. point. Socialist collective ownership is a socialist state with a low degree of public ownership. Therefore, in the struggle to restrict the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, one must experience Transition from collective ownership to large collective ownership, and then to socialist collective ownership Transit the long process of socialist ownership by the whole people. At the present stage, the rural people's communes in our country implement a three-level collective ownership system, namely Social collective ownership, collective ownership of production brigades and collective ownership of production teams. The means of production of the commune belong to all members of the commune. Commune level Production materials, including various large agricultural machines, large farmland water conservancy facilities, and Various forestry, animal husbandry, sideline, fishery and small industrial and mining enterprises, etc. Commune collective ownership It is a form of collective ownership with a high degree of public ownership. Below the commune, the means of production of the production brigade belong to the members of the brigade Have. All means of production at the brigade level, mainly including the difficulty of the production team Forestry, animal husbandry, sideline and fishery enterprises suitable for the establishment of production teams directly serve agricultural production Small and medium-sized agricultural machinery. Below the production team, the production materials of the production team belong to the members of the production team. All production materials at the production team level, including land, seeds, fertilizer, farm tools, Small-scale agricultural machinery and team-run forest, animal husbandry, assistant and fishery diversified operations. This is better than commune Collective ownership and production brigade collective ownership is a low degree of public ownership. Body ownership. In the current three-level collective ownership of rural people's communes, Page 64 50 The collective ownership at the brigade level is partial, and the collective ownership at the production team level is basic. The production team is the basic accounting unit of the People's Commune. Profit and loss, directly organize production and distribution. Why is the three-level collective ownership of rural people's communes Production team based? This is because, at this stage, my country's agricultural production basically depends on people. Power and animal power. Although the degree of agricultural mechanization has increased after the communalization, In other words, it has not fundamentally changed the situation of manual labor. So in order to adapt Except for a few places, the existing productivity level and the ideological awareness level of the members In general, a production team composed of about 30 farmer households is used to organize production and distribution. The basic accounting unit allocated. In this way, it is convenient to organize production and strengthen management, and it is convenient to use Members are better concerned about the collective and strengthen supervision of cadres. But with productivity Development and improvement of the ideological awareness of members, this three-level ownership, team-based situation Will gradually change. In the current rural people's communes, the commune and brigade two-level collective economy Not strong enough, but it plays an important role in the development of the collective economy of the people's communes. effect. Because of the existence of the collective economy at the commune and brigade levels, it is possible to purchase and produce Large-scale agricultural machinery that the team was unable to purchase, and a farmland that the production team was unable to build Infrastructure construction of water conservancy and small industrial and mining enterprises shall focus on supporting the low economic level Production team. With the continuous growth and development of the commune and brigade two-level collective economy, Will play an increasingly important role. The rural people's commune is owned by the three-level collective with the production team as the basic accounting unit The system can adapt to the different levels and requirements of rural productivity development. Eg, In the development of agricultural mechanization in my country, different types of agricultural machinery can be Each is owned by the production team, production brigade and commune, and fully developed in different scopes. Page 65 51 Play their role. Another example is the various types of forestry, animal husbandry, sideline, fishery and industrial operations, According to their size and the amount of manpower, material and financial resources required Do not run by production teams, production brigades and communes. Therefore, take the production team as the basic core The three-level collective ownership of the calculation unit has great flexibility and superiority; For most regions in China, it is still basically the same as my country's current rural productivity development. Adapted. However, because productivity is the most active factor in social production, It is always moving forward, and there is still a relationship between production relations and productivity in the countryside. Under the compatible and contradictory conditions, these will inevitably promote the three-level collective ownership The system first undergoes a certain quantitative change, that is, when the production team is the basic accounting unit Under the premise of gradual increase in the share of collective ownership at the brigade level and commune level Big. Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, with the support of the state, the rural people of our country The communes and brigades industries of the communes are developing rapidly, and the proportion of the three-level collective economy of the people's communes is not The same degree has changed. According to 254 in 13 provinces and cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Henan, Hubei, etc. In a typical survey of communes, the proportions of the three-level collective economy are as follows: In 1974, all levels accounted for The proportion (%) In 1975 all levels accounted for The proportion (%) Compared with 1975 % Increase in 1974 1. Three-tier total income (1) Commune level (2) First-level brigade (3) The first level of production team 100.0 9.7 14.4 75.9 100.0 11.7 15.9 72.4 7.1 29.1 18.7 2.0 2. Tertiary tax (1) Commune level (2) First-level brigade (3) The first level of production team 100.0 14.8 12.9 72.3 100.0 18.3 13.8 67.9 7.7 39.9 15.1 1.0 Page 66 52 3. Three-level accumulation (1) Commune level (2) First-level brigade (3) The first level of production team 100.0 15.8 25.3 58.9 100.0 18.7 27.7 53.6 22.6 45.4 34.0 11.6 4. Tier 3 fixed assets (1) Commune level (2) First-level brigade (3) The first level of production team 100.0 7.8 22.9 69.3 100.0 9.1 24.5 66.4 19.2 38.9 27.6 14.2 As can be seen from the above table, the proportion of commune level and brigade level in the third level of collective economy Although it is still relatively small at present, the commune economy and brigade economy are developing faster than the production team. The economy is much faster. Therefore, in 1975 compared with 1974, regardless of the total income of the three-tier economy From the perspective of the contribution of the tertiary economy to national taxation, from the perspective of the accumulation of the collective economy itself, Or from the perspective of the ability to purchase fixed assets, the proportions of commune level and brigade level are increasing. long. In the longer term, this change will be more significant. For example, in 1970, the suburb of Shanghai Among the three-level total income of the people's communes in the district, the first-level economy of the communes only accounts for more than ten percent. The first-level economy is less than 5%, and the first-level economy of the production team accounts for more than 80%. By 1975, the commune, the The two-level collective economy of the team rose to 34% and 19.5% respectively, and the first-level economy of the production team decreased accordingly To 46.5%. With this quantitative change in the three-level collective ownership of the People's Commune, it is bound to be introduced Part of the qualitative change is the current implementation of the three basic accounting units based on the production team. -Level collective ownership, to the two-level collective ownership with the production brigade as the basic accounting unit To create important conditions for the system transition. The basic ownership of the production brigade is implemented within the scope of a people's commune. Use the production brigade as the basic accounting sheet for unified organization of production and unified organization and distribution Bit. Basic production of land, large and medium-sized agricultural machinery within the production brigade The data and other collective property will be owned by the brigade and controlled by the brigade; Page 67 53 All labor within the production brigade will also be deployed and used by the brigade. Rural area In the people's communes, the emergence of two levels of collective ownership The degree of public ownership of collective ownership of people's communes has improved. Now, implement production The basic ownership of the brigade is not many throughout the country. However, it has a powerful Vitality reflects the direction of the further development of more than 50,000 rural people's communes across the country. The transition from the basic ownership of the production team to the basic ownership of the brigade is the productivity Objective requirements for further development. The vast number of poor and lower middle peasants in the rural areas of our country are launching a mass movement to "learn from Dazhai in agriculture". In the process of implementing the "eight-character constitution" of agriculture ① , there has been continuous efforts in farmland water conservancy The climax of capital construction; and the small collective ownership of the production team is the construction of large-scale agricultural There are contradictions in the field of water conservancy projects. For example, to build stable and high-yield agricultural Often need to go beyond the scope of a production team to improve the appearance of farmland and fill in certain Some old rivers, old ditches and banks, and some new rivers and new channels were dug. But in a big For the water control and soil improvement projects within the team's scope, for each production team, their benefit process The degree is different. Sometimes it may even be beneficial to most production teams, but to a few production teams. unfavorable. Under the basic ownership of the production team, the land belongs to each production team. Production teams organize production and distribution within their respective scopes. When encountering this kind of contradiction, May proceed from local interests and only consider the needs and interests of the team. In this situation Next, a large-scale water control and land improvement project that can benefit most production teams It was impossible to proceed. With the increasing development of agricultural mechanization, it can now be seen that it is the same as production ① The agricultural "eight-character constitution" refers to soil improvement, fertilizer, water conservancy, seed improvement, reasonable dense planting, planting Protection, field management, tool reform (referred to as soil, fertilizer, water, seed, density, protection, management, engineering), etc. Measures to increase production. Page 68 54 New contradictions are bound to occur in the basic team ownership. From the grain, cotton, From the perspective of the production of the five agricultural and sideline industries, including oil, pigs, and vegetables, there are a total of 70 It should be mechanized. If mechanization is fully implemented, a production team must at least be equipped Prepare 30 or 40 kinds of agricultural machinery. However, a production team has small funds and a small scale. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to purchase such a complete set of agricultural machinery. some Even if a wealthy production team has the ability to purchase these agricultural machinery, but in a production team Within the scope of, some agricultural machinery cannot be fully effective. For the agricultural machinery industry, To manufacture and supply such a set of agricultural machinery for each production team was also difficult for a while. And it will cause a waste of social wealth. If the brigade buys these agricultural machines, If there are many machines, it is not necessary for each production team to purchase a set, but several production teams The production team shares one set. In addition, agricultural mechanization is not just a purchase of agricultural machinery The problem is that the corresponding farmland water conservancy construction and agricultural mechanization are needed; There must be a tractor-passable road and a tractor-passable bridge over the river. It's all in a big place Layout within the scope of the team. Agricultural machinery, roads, bridges, and channels need to be matched. The contradiction of the basic ownership of the production team occurred. In the use of labor, generally speaking, the production team of about 30 households, labor With no more than sixty or seventy, it is difficult to make a reasonable division of labor. and, The land area and the number of labors owned by each production team are different. Have The team has more fields and fewer people, and some teams have fewer fields and more people. The production team is the basic accounting unit. Under the conditions, the labor force cannot be uniformly and reasonably allocated by the brigade. Under the guidance of the policy of “taking grain as the key link, all-round development” At a certain stage, there will be difficulties in seeking further and faster development. Some of these contradictions existed during the period of agricultural production cooperatives. in After agricultural production cooperatives developed into rural people's communes, there were communes and brigades Page 69 55 Unified leadership provides favorable conditions for resolving these contradictions. Some contradictions, as in Electric irrigation channels are arranged within the commune and the whole brigade, and the water network south of the Yangtze River Zones are generally resolved within a few years after communalization. But with agricultural production In the development of industry, some of the original contradictions have become prominent, and some of the original contradictions have not been Appeared. Especially with the in-depth development of the mass movement to learn from Dazhai in agriculture, it must be Solve these contradictions step by step. Transition from basic ownership of production team to brigade based This ownership system will create the necessary conditions for a better resolution of these contradictions. The transition from the basic ownership of the production team to the basic ownership of the brigade is also a reduction in production. The difference between the rich and the poor between the production teams, the guest who consolidates the economic foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the countryside View requirements. The realization of agricultural co-operation and people's communalization has prevented individual farmers from The polarization has allowed socialism to occupy the positions in the countryside and consolidate the proletarian The economic foundation of politics in the countryside. However, the collective with the production team as the basic accounting unit The economy, after all, is a small-scale collective economy. Under the condition of commodity production, There will inevitably be a difference between the rich team and the poor team, and cause the difference between the rich and the poor within the peasants. The rich team has a solid foundation, realizes mechanization quickly, and can use abundant financial and human resources Organize diversified operations. Poor teams have weak financial resources and are unable to start economic affairs that require large amounts of capital. industry. In the process of development, the rich team will become relatively richer and the poor team will become relatively poorer. the trend of. In 1975, the gap in the collective income distribution of production teams in several brigades in Jiading County, Shanghai The situation is: the second production team of the Lighthouse Brigade of Zhuqiao Commune has an average of 282 yuan per person per year. The ninth production team of the brigade only had 164 yuan, a 78% difference. From the Zhenbei Brigade of the Long March Commune The Xiajiazhai production team has an average of 243 yuan per person per year. The Xujiazhai production team in the same brigade has Only one hundred and thirty yuan, a difference of 87%. The production team of the West Tower of the Xuangao Brigade of Wangxin Commune, on average One hundred and eighty yuan per person per year, compared to only ninety-nine yuan for the Yaowan production team in the same brigade, nearly double the difference. Page 70 56 Enlarging the difference between the rich team and the poor team is the expansion of the collective ownership economy. The right of the bourgeoisie is not conducive to the consolidation and development of socialist collective ownership. It is not conducive to the consolidation of the economic foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the countryside. Implementation of Brigade Basic The ownership system will prevent the expansion of the gap between the poor and rich teams among production teams. Production team The transition from basic ownership to the basic ownership of the brigade is The result of a contradictory movement between productivity, superstructure and economic base. Its development The speed is different in the vast rural areas of our country. According to the typical Experience, the conflict between production relations and productivity, superstructure and economic foundation in rural areas Shield has developed to the extent that the following conditions are met, and the basic ownership of the production team The transition to the basic ownership of the brigade is by and large mature. First, the level of productivity development has improved considerably, especially agricultural mechanization With certain development, the commune-level economy and brigade-level economy have improved to a certain extent. grow. As far as agricultural mechanization is concerned, when the agricultural and sideline production When mechanization of work types is needed and possible, the production brigade is used to organize production in a unified manner. Have the power to purchase complete sets of agricultural machinery, it is also possible to make full use of complete sets of agricultural machinery, Compared with the unified organization of production by the production team, it will show the superiority of the basic ownership of the team. Sex. With regard to the development of the commune-level economy, especially the brigade-level economy, only When the first-level economy of the brigade has developed to a certain extent, the brigade has the power to purchase complete sets of agriculture Only machinery has the power to help and support the development of production for the late team, and only the production team can Can "share" the "production" of the brigade. Do not "share" the poor team during the transition The “production” of the rich team, and all production teams can “share” the production of the brigade, It's just that the poor teams are more "shared" and the rich teams are less "shared." Second, the gap in the level of collective distribution among the production teams within the brigade has roughly Page 71 57 Move closer. The imbalance in the development of things is absolute. The production teams of the same brigade are There will always be unevenness in the level of economic development. However, if the gap is too large, When transitioning to the basic accounting unit of the brigade and implementing the unified brigade allocation standard, Either the income of the members of the poor team increased sharply, or the income of the members of the rich team decreased sharply. This is not conducive to the unity and production enthusiasm of the members. To create for the transition Conditions, before the transition, the brigade should properly control the distribution level of the rich team. For the poor team, we must start with helping it develop production and gradually increase its distribution level. Make the level of distribution between the poor and rich teams gradually approach. Third, it has formed a core of leadership of the party that resolutely implements Chairman Mao's revolutionary line. The transition to the basic ownership of the production brigade is an improvement of the degree of public ownership of the means of production. High means that bourgeois legal rights in terms of ownership will be further restricted. Therefore, the transition process is bound to be filled with two classes, two roads and two roads The fierce struggle of the line. The brigade has a party member that resolutely implements Chairman Mao's revolutionary line The core of leadership can lead the masses of poor and lower middle peasants and members to communicate with the party's capital class Fighting against each other, fighting against the destructive activities of the same place, wealth, anti-corruption, and capitalism, Fully mobilize the socialist enthusiasm of the broad masses of members and ensure that after the transition Increase production and income and keep moving forward. Fourth, the broad masses of members have a certain degree of ideological awareness, and some require transition Thought basis. Because with the realization of the transition, the old contradictions are resolved, and there will be New contradictions, and these new contradictions are often associated with small-scale production's customary forces and capitalists. Righteousness spontaneously tends to be entangled. Lenin pointed out: "Remove small peasants, remould their The whole psychology and habits are things that need to go through several generations. " ① Chairman Mao taught us: ① "The Tenth Congress of the Communist Party of Russia (Both)." The Collected Works of Lenin, Volume 32, p. 205. Page 72 58 If "a little relaxation of political work for farmers, capitalist tendencies will become widespread Indiscriminately. " ① . If the broad masses of members do not have certain ideological consciousness, there is no requirement The ideological basis of the transition, it cannot lead them to deal with the The socialist enthusiasm of the masses cannot be fully mobilized due to the new problems brought about. There may also be the wrong idea of ​​​​"eating a big pot of rice". In order to achieve a successful transition, It is necessary for the production brigade and production team to carry out in-depth socialist education before the transition Movement to strengthen the collective concept of the broad masses of members and criticize the spontaneous tendency of capitalism, Establish a firm idea of ​​​​taking the path of common prosperity. In the conditions of transition to the basic ownership of the brigade, the development of productive forces Is very important. Without this condition, the transition will be difficult. This shows the relationship of production The laws that must be adapted to the development of productive forces are at play. But politics is the commander-in-chief, yes The lifeline of all economic work; the superstructure consolidates and develops its economic foundation Exhibition is not powerless. Given that the economic conditions are generally The transition to the basic ownership of the brigade depends on whether there is one who insists on Chairman Mao's revolution. The Party's core leadership and the broad masses of members of the line have become ideologically conscious. Missing this No matter how good political and ideological conditions and economic conditions are, it is difficult to achieve a successful transition. There is Under the circumstances, even if the economic conditions are slightly worse, due to the strong party leadership and nuclear Heart, resolutely implement Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line and raise political thoughts This program of work can fully mobilize the socialist enthusiasm of the members and the masses, and it can also win The transition is facilitated, and after the transition, the collective economy of the production brigade can advance Steps have been consolidated and developed. Now, the vast majority of rural people's communes ① Chairman Mao's "Notes on "A Resolute Struggle against Capitalist Tendency". "Chinese Rural "The Climax of Socialism" Volume 1, p. 353. Page 73 59 It is a system of "three-level ownership, team-based", but in many places Farmers are actively making the transition from the basic ownership of the production team to the basic ownership of the brigade. creating condition. ① After the rural people's communes realized the basic ownership of the production brigade, The continued development of productivity and the further improvement of the ideological consciousness of the broad masses of There must be a question of the transition from the basic ownership of the brigade to the basic ownership of the commune. question. Even if the basic ownership of the people's commune is realized, it is still a socialist labor A collective economic organization under collective ownership by the masses. Of course, socialism is owned by the whole people It is also impossible to coexist forever with collective ownership. With the deepening of the socialist revolution With the development and growth of the economy at the commune level, the rural people's communes will also undergo fundamental changes. ① From the situation of the Peng Zhao Brigade, Malu Commune, Jiading County, Shanghai, we can see how the poor, lower and middle peasants acted The transition to basic brigade ownership creates conditions. Peng Zhao's brigade, 490 households, 1,673 people, There are eight production teams. With the development of agricultural mechanization and the basic construction of farmland, the basic ownership of production teams has appeared The situation where productivity is not compatible. Beginning in 1975, they proposed the idea of ​​​​"change the content first and then wear the hat". While strengthening the ideological education of members, we should prepare the conditions for the transition to the brigade ownership system in the future from ten aspects: (1) Establish a brigade agricultural machinery station to expand the scope of the brigade's agricultural machinery management. (2) Establish a large-scale fertilizer transportation team, which is responsible for transporting garbage, black mud, dung and waste ammonia back to the city To go, the brigade will make a unified allocation based on the soil quality of each production team. (3) Establish a brigade seed field, specifically responsible for cultivating, keeping, and supplying improved seeds for each production team. (4) Establish a plant protection professional team, and the group will organize the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. (5) Establish a professional greening team, which will plan afforestation in a unified manner. (6) Expand the sideline professional team and vigorously develop sideline production headed by pig raising. (7) Establish a professional team for farmland infrastructure construction. (8) Actively help poor teams develop production, while stabilizing and appropriately controlling the level of personal income distribution of rich teams, Narrow the gap between rich and poor among production teams. (9) Make the distribution level of team-run enterprise personnel roughly the same as that of farm members. (10) Appropriately expand the part of the cooperative medical system that is collectively burdened, and increase medical care for members who have financial difficulties Subsidy fees. Page 74 60 That is, the transition from socialist collective ownership to socialist ownership by the whole people. Can be predicted It is expected that the People's Commune will be the transition from collective ownership to ownership by the whole nation and from The best organizational form for the transition from socialism to communism. Page 75 61 Chapter 2 Mutual Relations in Socialist Production Section 1 The formation of socialist relations Socialist public ownership is the foundation of socialist mutual relations The relationship between people in production is determined by the ownership of the means of production. The establishment of public ownership of the means of production is a great change in ownership relations, but all Control issues have not been completely resolved; similarly, people's mutual relations in production Department, although huge changes have taken place with the change of ownership, there are also A process of continuous improvement. That thinks that once socialist public ownership is established, society The mutual relationship between people in the production of socialism becomes "comrade-style mutual assistance and cooperation." The viewpoint is nothing but idealism and metaphysics. Capital roaders in the party are taking advantage of This kind of erroneous theory promotes the extinction of class struggle and strengthens and expands the relationship between parties. The right of the bourgeoisie in the face of it, and the restoration of capitalism. Therefore, correctly analyze the The nature of socialist interrelationships, analysis of the serious capitalist Level legal rights, recognize that after the establishment of socialist public ownership The serious task of perfecting the proletariat is to consolidate the economic foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat and prevent The restoration of capitalism is very important. The first thing to be clear is that with the establishment of socialist public ownership, people are What changes have occurred in the interrelationships in production, what problems have been solved, and what else Page 76 62 These problems are not resolved. For this reason, it is necessary to briefly review the mutual The history of relationship evolution. In slave society and feudal society, the relationship between people in production is Naked unequal relationships. Slave owners and slaves, landlords and peasants, two major confrontations The relationship between exploitation and being exploited, oppressed and oppressed between levels is obvious. Capitalist Righteous society is different: capitalists and workers are exploited and exploited, ruled and reunified The relationship of governance is completely expressed through the relationship of commodities, that is, as the relationship between things and things. Yes, the essence of inequality is concealed by the illusion of equality. For a long time, the bourgeoisie Economists wrote books one after another, making a fuss about the relationship between things and trying to hide To cover the essence of class antagonism between people in capitalist society, and to safeguard capital System of exploitation. Marxist political economy turned this old case over, "Everywhere bourgeois economists see the relationship between things (commodity Exchange commodities), Marx all revealed the relationship between people. " ① " Economics What is studied is not things, but the relationship between people, in the final analysis, class and The relationship between classes" ② . In this way, the most difficult problems in the entire economics Of course he was cheerful. In a capitalist society, capital's domination and exploitation of labor is based on On the basis of capitalist ownership. "The silent compulsory protection of economic relations Prove the rule of capitalists over workers. " ③ It is because capitalists occupy all production resources ① "The Three Sources and Three Components of Marxism." "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 2, People's Publishing Society 1972 edition, p. 444. ② Engels: "Karl Marx "A Critique of Political Economy". Selected Works of Marx and Engels No. 2 Volume, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 123. ③ Marx; Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, page 806. Page 77 63 It is expected that workers can only sell their labor force in order to survive. In the labor force Covered by the illusion of equality in buying and selling, there has been a deprivation between capitalists and wage-workers. The relationship between exploitation and the antagonism between exploited, ruled and ruled classes. "Slaves of Rome It is chained, and wage workers are tied to their owners by invisible threads. " ① The mutual relations in socialist production are in the socialist public ownership of the means of production Based on the system. The establishment of socialist relations means that Between the working peasants and the bourgeoisie, landlords, and rich peasants in the old society. The relationship between rule and rule is reversed. This reversal is based on the means of production The premise that socialist public ownership replaces private production of the means of production. Socialist Corporation System is also an economic coercive force, which deprives the exploiting classes of exploiting labor. Mobilize the people to force them to accept that the proletariat and the working people treat them Rule and transformation. The proletariat and the working people Organized establishment and development will become the master of socialist production. Among working people A new type of mutual support and cooperation based on the same fundamental interests The gay relationship was born. However, in a socialist society, there are two forms of public ownership of the means of production. There are also differences between workers and peasants, between urban and rural areas, between mental work and physical work. There are also commodity production and currency exchanges. In the process of labor exchanges between laborers, The prevailing principle is still the exchange of equal amounts of labor. These economic conditions determine, In socialist production, there is inevitably a factual Inequality, the existence of bourgeois legal rights, the relationship between revolutionary comrades, A process of establishment and development is not perfect all at once. Especially in capital ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, p.629. Page 78 64 On the basis of the legal rights of the property class, a new bourgeoisie and party bourgeoisie will emerge. They will inevitably destroy and corrode socialist relations and turn them into capitalism Mutual relations. Therefore, the process of continuous improvement of the new socialist relationship, It is the process of gradually restricting and finally eliminating bourgeois legal rights, that is, the proletariat The process of opposing and ultimately defeating the bourgeoisie, including the party bourgeoisie. The role of the superstructure in the formation and development of mutual relations A certain form of ownership of the means of production determines the nature of the relationship. but, The relationship between people is always developed under the reaction of the superstructure. Influenced by the political rule and ideology of a certain class. Therefore, when looking at people In the interrelationship in production, it is necessary to conduct research without contacting the superstructure of society. Research. In a society where classes exist, the superstructure is built on the economic foundation of the society. Established political and legal systems, and the political, legal, Views of teaching, art and philosophy. Once the superstructure is formed, it actively contributes to its Economic infrastructure services, and to eliminate outdated old foundations and their old superstructures struggle. The ruling class of any society always has to use the power of the superstructure to do everything possible Hundreds of ways to protect the established ownership relationship, and to consolidate and develop in line with it Correspondence and distribution. This is a general rule. Take the capitalist society, the bourgeoisie in any country The power of the multi-story building alternately uses the two hands of executioner suppression and priestly deception to Maintaining and expanding capital's dominance over labor. Marx pointed out: the bourgeoisie "We cannot rely solely on the power of economic relations, but also rely on the help of state power. Page 79 65 Can ensure one's right to extract enough surplus labor" ① . From the end of the 15th century to The famous “enclosure movement” that took place in England in the first half of the nineteenth century ② used violence Means drove a large number of poor peasants into a stream of proletarians "free as birds" Entering the city expands the objects of labor for capital. However, the agricultural People tend to wander around rather than accept the arbitrary rule of capital over labor. For To drive the bankrupt farmers to the factories, the British bourgeoisie instituted a punishment for the vagrant The law makes them “forced to get used to hiring labor through flogging, branding, and torture. The discipline necessary for the active system” ③ . At the same time, the bourgeoisie also promoted freedom and peace Bourgeois ideologies such as fraternity and fraternity deceive, paralyze and poison the working people, To maintain and develop the relationship between capital and labor. See, in order to maintain and How cruel are the methods used to develop such a mutual relationship as capital ruled labor Sinister and vicious! The relationship between capital and labor is maintained by violence, and it also depends on violence. It can be crushed; in a country under the dictatorship of the proletariat, it really was crushed. Socialist relations of production cannot be produced within capitalist society, but only It can be established under the conditions of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Therefore, the socialist superstructure The reaction to the socialist economic foundation has become more obvious. Socialist Mutual relations are determined by socialist public ownership and must be at the upper socialist level ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, p. 300. ② The "enclosure movement" is one of the important methods of the primitive accumulation of British capitalism. Wool spinning at the end of the 15th century With the rise of industry and the rise in wool prices, British landlords and capitalists colluded with each other and tried to change the farmland of farmers. A pasture for raising sheep. In the eighteenth century, the British bourgeois government concocted a series of so-called "enclosure bills", using capital The tool of the dictatorship of the property class supports the violent deprivation of peasants by landlords and capitalists. In these centuries, farmers have continued to oppose Resistance, launched many uprisings against the enclosure. ③ Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, page 805. Page 80 66 Formed and developed under the tremendous reaction of architecture. If you think that with socialist public ownership With the establishment of the socialist system, the socialist relationship will naturally form and develop, That would be very wrong. In fact, the establishment of state power under the dictatorship of the proletariat Since then, the democratic reforms carried out under the leadership of the party, the "three evils" and the "five evils", Rectification and anti-Rightism, socialist education and other political movements, especially the proletarian culture The struggle to transform the Great Revolution, criticize Lin, criticize Confucius, and counter-attack the style of rightist reversal not only criticized Attacked the enemy, and at the same time profoundly educated the cadres and the masses, and greatly promoted the society Consolidation and development of the relationship between socialism. As Chairman Mao pointed out: Socialism The superstructure "for the victory of our socialist transformation and the socialist labor organization The establishment of a positive promotion effect" ① . In socialist production, the working class and other working people rule and reform Exploiting classes such as the bourgeoisie, landlords, and rich peasants are created. The exploiters follow their rank The nature of the class is not willing to accept this kind of domination and transformation, so the workers There is inevitably a fierce relationship between the class and other working people and the exploiting class. Struggle. In order to achieve the rule and reform of the exploiting classes, it is necessary to At all stages of the development of the revolution, the proletariat has always adhered to the Dictatorship. In socialist production, the new type of mutual relations among working people is also subject to It is the shackles of bourgeois legal rights and the corruption of bourgeois ideology. Proletarian culture Before the Great Revolution, some corporate cadres were affected by the revisionist line "Three Winds" and "Five Qis" ② Treat the masses with unequal attitudes, not the workshop group ① "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A), human People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p.463. ② "Three Winds" refer to bureaucracy, subjectivism, and sectarianism; "Five Qis" refer to bureaucracy, decency, magnanimity, Arrogant and squeamish. Page 81 67 Engage in Santong, learn one or several crafts from the teacher, and build a relationship with the masses. The “cat-and-mouse” relationship, in a state of acute class struggle with the working class, There has been a partial qualitative change in the socialist relationship. To follow socialism In principle, the establishment and development of revolutionary comradeship among working people must limit capital The law of the bourgeoisie gradually eliminates the ideological influence of the bourgeoisie among cadres and the masses, This must also rely on the power of the socialist superstructure. The rectification movement led by our party Movement is to solve the "three winds" and "five qi" among cadres, and to change the "cat and mouse" among the cadres. "Relationship" is an effective Marxist education movement of "fish-water relationship." Only by relying on the correct line, principles and policies of the Party and the dictatorship of the proletariat can we gradually Locally restrict bourgeois legal rights. Only "a country with people can the people be possible Use democratic methods to educate yourself and transform Yourself, free yourself from the influence of internal and external reactionaries" ① and gradually overcome people's minds Bourgeois ideology, which is a new type of socialist interrelationship among working people The formation and development of the department cleared the way. The proletariat must use the power of the socialist superstructure to maintain and develop the society Socialist interrelationship, the bourgeoisie must start from destroying the socialist superstructure. Hands to restore the interrelationship of capitalism. Lin Biao tried his best to promote the consciousness of the exploiting class Morphology, what do you say "the relationship between man and man-special self-interest", "animals rely on predation If you win, you can learn from them." His accomplices preached that "everyone treats each other like a jackal." "If you don't cheat, you won't make a deal", publicly promoting the naked bourgeoisie Xiaoyu's egoism is interrelated. "About the Work of Science and Technology "Several Issues" (referred to as "Reporting Outline"), is a ① "On the People's Democratic Dictatorship." "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, Page 1365. Page 82 68 To implement the black program of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, it opposes intellectuals, workers and peasants. To expand the difference between mental work and manual work, and to expand the capital of intellectuals. The legal rights of the property class tried to cultivate a handful of spiritual aristocrats riding on the heads of workers and peasants. The dictatorship of the proletariat in the realm of the superstructure in order to restore the interrelationship of capitalism. If the proletariat wants to maintain and develop the socialist relationship, it must After the basic victory of the socialist transformation of the ownership system, continue to develop Develop the socialist revolution on the economic front, political front, and ideological front, and eliminate capital and prosperity No, fight privately for repair. Obviously, if the bourgeoisie is not repelled, especially the party assets The frenzied offensive of the class, do not fight against the party in power who are taking the capitalist road, do not criticize Judging the revisionist line, not criticizing the bourgeois right, and not gradually eliminating some of the leaders The "three winds" and "five atmospheres" of cadres do not resist the invasion of "asset winds". Do not eliminate the poison of bourgeois egoism and standardism, and do not destroy the bourgeoisie The concept of legal rights, the working class and working people cannot maintain and consolidate their production The dominant position in China, it cannot effectively rule and reform the exploiting classes. It is impossible for the mutual relations among the people to develop and develop in accordance with the principles of socialism. perfect. Section 2 The Nature of Socialist Interrelationships Communism factors and bourgeois legal rights in mutual relations The establishment and development of the socialist public ownership system has allowed laborers to be ruled from being oppressed Status, rising to a dominant position. This is a few thousand since the advent of slavery In the middle of the year, the greatest change in the relationship between people in production. Free from exploitation Of workers, combine with each other for the common benefit of society and use publicly owned health Page 83 69 Production materials, socialized mass production is carried out in a division of labor and collaboration. In this regard, Whether it is between workers and peasants connected with the two major material production sectors of industry and agriculture The relationship between socialist enterprises, regions and departments Relationship, or the relationship between workers in enterprises under state ownership and collective ownership. Communism has emerged in the mutual relations. Chairman Mao's socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production in our country is basically complete After Cheng pointed out: "The interrelationship between production and exchange in various economic sectors is also In accordance with the principles of socialism, gradually find a more appropriate form formula. " ① mutual relations in various economic sectors in the production and exchange, in the final analysis, is The relationship between people exchanging labor. Under socialist conditions, people are There are three major differences in the exchange of labor, which are based on the principle of equal labor exchange. Is based on the principle of commodity exchange. Therefore, in the relationship between people In fact, bourgeois legal rights still exist seriously. The growing communism factor is the same as the serious bourgeois right The unity of opposites constitutes the characteristics of socialist mutual relations and forms socialism A series of contradictory movements related to each other. This contradiction exists largely in production and In the mutual relationship of exchange. The interrelationships formed by the production and exchange of commodities will Perform analysis in the relevant chapters of this book. Here, we focus on analyzing socialist enterprises The movement of people's relationships within the industry. The relationship between people within a socialist enterprise has many contents and involves The relationship is very broad, and the relationship is extremely complex, but the relationship between workers in the enterprise From a point of view, there are mainly three aspects, namely: the relationship between the leader and the masses, and the management ① "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A), human People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, pages 462~463. Page 84 70 Managers, technicians (mental workers) and direct producers (manual workers) Relationship between workers and workers, farmers and farmers Mutual relationship. Let's first look at the relationship between leaders and the masses. Social production needs to be organized and led by someone, which is common to any larger scale Labor is needed. Marx pointed out: "All large-scale direct social labor Or working together, more or less commands are needed to coordinate individual activities and The movement that produces the whole—different from the movement of the independent organs of this whole— The various general functions generated. A single fiddler is directing himself, A band needs a conductor. " ① However, the ownership of the means of production is not At the same time, the nature and purpose of production are different, the role of leadership in the enterprise and the leadership and group The mutual relations of the people are also different. So, following the quote quoted above, Mark Si immediately pointed out: "Once the labor subordinate to capital becomes cooperative labor, this kind of management The functions of management, supervision and regulation become the functions of capital. " ②In the capitalist system The purpose of capitalist organization and management of production is to cruelly exploit workers. Column Ning said: "What capitalists care about is how to manage for plunder and how to manage plunder. " ③ So capitalists or their agents with the relationship between workers, is owned This family exploits and oppresses the workers. Under the socialist system, leaders in enterprises The guides and the masses, on the whole, are the masters of the enterprise and are in a trench All of our comrades-in-arms have the same fundamental interests, and there is no fundamental conflict of interests. they Jointly manage socialist enterprises, work and work for a common revolutionary goal ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 23, p. 367. ② Ibid., pages 367 to 368. ③ "How to organize the competition? ". "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, No. 395 page. Page 85 71 Made. Let's look at managers, technicians (mental workers) and direct producers (Manual workers) relationship. Under the capitalist system, although the managers and technicians Generally do not possess the means of production, but they are knowledge points cultivated by bourgeois education. Son, employed by the bourgeoisie, attached to the bourgeoisie, and served the bourgeoisie. because Therefore, in capitalist enterprises, the relationship between managers, technicians and workers is one Generally manifested as the relationship of class antagonism. Under the socialist system, the proletariat The original managerial and technical personnel are still arranged to work in socialist enterprises; On the other hand, it helps them change their position and transform their bourgeois world. The world view enables them to serve the workers and peasants. Judging from the situation in our country, Among the old managers and technicians, except for a very small number of people who hold enemies to our country In addition to the reactionary intellectuals towards emotions, “the vast majority of people are patriotic and love me Our People's Republic of China is willing to serve the people and serve the socialist country Serving" ① . With the continuous development of the socialist revolution and socialist construction, the proletariat Level also continuously cultivated his own intellectuals to participate in management and technical work. Especially since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, in accordance with Chairman Mao's Bed factory training technical personnel from road workers " ② indicated generally held The "July 21" Workers University has cultivated batch after batch of political consciousness And rich practical experience workers and technical personnel, enrich the technical team of the enterprise. because Therefore, under socialist conditions, the fundamental ① "Speech at the National Propaganda Work Conference of the Communist Party of China". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A Edition), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p.502. ② Quoted from "People's Daily" on July 22, 1968. Page 86 72 The interests are basically the same. In socialist enterprises, in addition to cadres and the masses, technical personnel, management In addition to the relationship between workers and workers and peasants, there are also workers and workers. The relationship between the people and the peasants, this relationship is mainly manifested in the production and labor process Collaborative relationship. The cooperative relationship in the process of production and labor is the need of social production, and it varies with With the development of increasingly large-scale machinery industry, it is required that the various links of the production process Work closely with each other and coordinate production. Under different ownership conditions, the nature of collaboration They are all different. Under capitalist private ownership, “the collaboration of wage-workers is only Capital uses their results at the same time" ① . The collaboration between workers is strengthened by capital. The system reflects the opposition between workers and capitalists. Between workers in socialist enterprises, The cooperative production between farmers, in accordance with the objective requirements of socialist public ownership, is A conscious action to improve labor productivity, this collaborative relationship is just like Shanghai What the workers at the Yangshupu loading and unloading station of the Port Authority referred to as "the front and back shoulders of a bar" Relationship is a revolution in which workers with the same fundamental interests help each other and cooperate closely. Comrade relations. In short, in socialist production, leaders and the masses, managers, Technicians, workers and farmers, "although the division of labor is different, they are all masters." This kind of Linked by the public ownership of the means of production, formed on the basis of consistent fundamental interests The relationship between the people is the sprouting and growing of the socialist relationship Communism factor. Within the socialist enterprise, between the leaders and the masses, managers, technical The relationship between personnel and workers and farmers is increasingly based on the consistency of fundamental interests. ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, page 368. Page 87 73 The gay relationship is developing, but this does not mean that there is no contradiction between them. Not to mention that there will be a "realm of indifference" between them. Leaders and the masses, managers, technicians and workers, farmers The people are the masters of the country and enterprises, but in the historical period of socialism they still Fettered by the old social division of labor. Full-time leading cadres and management out of production Personnel, technicians and other intellectuals are generally mental workers; The masses of workers and peasants who receive producers are all manual laborers. In capitalist society and one In a society where the exploiting class dominates, the exploiting class will never miss an opportunity. Put an increasingly heavy burden of manual labor on the shoulders of the working people. over there, Mental work and manual work are fundamentally opposed. "In this totally committed to work Alongside most of the people, a class separated from direct productive labor has formed. Common affairs related to society: labor management, government affairs, justice, science, art, etc. Wait. Therefore, the law of division of labor is the basis of class division. " ① This is the" modern society Is one of the most important causes of inequality . ” ② The “work hard The person governs people, and the laborer governs people" is a reflection of this fundamental opposition. In society In a socialist society, this antagonistic contradiction between mental work and manual work is denied Up. However, as a social division of labor, mental labor and physical labor still exist. The essential differences between them still exist and cannot be eliminated in a short period of time. This This essential difference is manifested in the fact that most of the mental workers are still in production The position of directing and organizing production, often does not participate in manual labor much; mental laborers And manual workers in terms of their wealth of life and cultural and technical level. ① Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, page 321. ② "State and Revolution". "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 253. Page 88 74 There are gaps, etc. This difference is that the bourgeoisie An important sign of the serious existence of legal power. People's mutual relations in socialist production will also be affected by bourgeois law. The serious influence of the right thought. The idea of ​​​​bourgeois legal rights is the observation of bourgeois legal rights Reflect on the form of thought. At its core is the hierarchy. Some leading cadres When the bourgeois right thoughts are corroded, they will not treat people as equals, but use prestige. They will change their relationship with the masses from that of revolutionary comrades. The relationship between rule and obedience. This phenomenon is the problem of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat Contradictory reflection. The technical personnel and management personnel of enterprises have no view of the bourgeois world. In the case of fundamental transformation, they will also use the bourgeois legal right to treat workers. The peasant masses, therefore, the relationship between them and the workers and peasants shows a certain kind of It is like the kind of antagonism in capitalist enterprises. In addition, among the workers and peasants, Will inevitably be influenced by bourgeois thinking, and some people will leave the society. The principle of socialism handles their mutual relations. Between the leader and the masses, the manager Between workers, technicians and direct producers, and between the masses and the masses. Contradictions are generally issues of right and wrong among the working people. Within the people, there are positive Correct and wrong, innovation and conservative, advanced and backward, and so on. But when Throughout the historical stage of socialism, such issues of right and wrong generally have to be branded with class. Printed. Therefore, the socialist interrelationships among the people cannot be Not on the basis of the same fundamental interests, it is manifested in different degrees as socialism and The right and wrong of capitalism. What the proletariat wants to insist on socialism is to criticize capital The non-capitalism restricts the legal rights of the bourgeoisie; the bourgeoisie must promote capitalism It's not that the rights of the bourgeoisie are upheld and the opposition to socialism is that the social Contradictory movement of interrelationships. This contradictory movement, that is, mutual relations Page 89 75 The growing communism factor and the serious bourgeois right The process of struggle; reflected in the class relations, it is the proletariat and the bourgeoisie The struggle process. In this contradictory movement, the proletariat is in a dominant position, so The nature of people's mutual relations is socialist. Mutuality among working people In terms of relations, if the bourgeois rights and freedom of thought are allowed to overflow, let them Occupy the dominant position, then the relationship between people becomes capitalist, That will gradually change the colors of socialist enterprises. Lenin pointed out: "In order to completely eliminate classes, it is not only necessary to overthrow the exploiters and the land The masters and capitalists must abolish not only their ownership, but also any production Private ownership of data should eliminate the urban and rural areas, between manual workers and mental workers The difference. This is a long-term cause. " ① history of any of the proletariat The task is to pay special attention to adjusting people's Mutual relations, restrict bourgeois legal rights, get rid of bourgeois legal rights, and implement Chairman Mao's instructions that cadres, workers, peasants, soldiers, academics and businessmen should follow the May 7th road, and Gradually achieve the combination of mental work and physical work, thereby reducing and eventually eliminating The essential difference between mental work and manual work. If you do not pay attention to gradually reduce your brain power The essential difference between labor and manual labor has gradually expanded, which will not only increase The contradiction between deep mental workers and manual workers, and in the process of this contradiction must Naturally, a new bourgeoisie was created and became the social foundation for the restoration of capitalism. Soviet This is the situation. Socialist interrelationships are class relations ① "The Great Pioneering Work". "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, page 11. Page 90 76 There are still classes, class contradictions and class struggles in socialist society. In the bourgeois right, so the most essential relationship between people is still class relationship. In order to clarify this problem, it is necessary to trace the semi-colonial semi-feudal The state of class relations in China. Based on the economic foundation of old China, the following classes have emerged: the proletariat, The petty bourgeoisie, the national bourgeoisie, the landlord class and the bureaucratic bourgeoisie. then, The status of these classes in production and their interrelationship are: master the main production The landlord class and the bureaucratic bourgeoisie of the reactionary state apparatus are the same as imperialism Collusion, occupy a dominant position in social production, exploit and oppress viciously The proletariat and petty bourgeoisie. The national bourgeoisie also owns a lot of means of production, On the one hand, it has connections with imperialism, landlords and the bureaucratic capitalist class in production. Exploitation and oppression of the proletariat and working people; on the other hand, landlords and bureaucrats The damage of the bourgeoisie. The proletariat and the vast poor peasants in social production In a position of complete powerlessness, subject to imperialism, feudal forces and the bourgeoisie Triple oppression and exploitation. "Overthrow the old social system and establish a new social system, the socialist system Degree, this is a great struggle, a struggle between the social system and the relationship between people Big changes. " ① when China has entered a historical period of socialism, basically realized the agricultural Industry, rival industries, and the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and When socialist public ownership is expected to be the only economic foundation of our country, "all The interrelationships of the various classes in the country are changing." ② The landlord class and bureaucratic assets ① "Speech at the National Propaganda Work Conference of the Communist Party of China". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A Edition), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 501. ② Ibid., page 500. Page 91 77 The class has long been overthrown, and their means of production have been It is already in a position of being ruled and transformed in social production. National bourgeois private After the enterprises were transformed into socialist state-owned enterprises, the production capital they possessed Materials have also been transferred to the hands of the working people, thus losing their dominant position in the enterprise. Have to accept the education and reform of the working class. Farmers and craftsmen have been born by individuals Proprietors are transformed into collective laborers, and together with the working class, become the socialist economy the host. The working class has become the leading class of the country and holds the lifeline of the national economy. In the leading position in the entire social production. In this way, socialist production in our country In this, the relationship between the two exploiting classes and the two working classes is formed. Two The exploiting class is the remnants of the landlord and comprador class, and the bourgeoisie. Two labor The active class is the working class and collective peasants. Interrelationships in socialist production, The main thing is the relationship between these four classes and within them. Socialist production The relationships among the four classes are not parallel. The basic contradiction of a socialist society Determines that in the entire historical stage of socialism, the main contradiction is the proletariat and assets Class contradiction. Generally speaking, it is proletarian that dominates social production. The class, in a dominant position is the bourgeoisie; however, in the entire socialist In the historical stage, the core strength of the bourgeoisie has been transferred to the ruling Communist Party. This In this way, when the capital roaders within the party hold certain power, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie The relationship between the two levels will be reversed on a local scale, that is, the proletariat is in the The position of bourgeois domination and exploitation, thus showing a complicated class relationship phenomenon. But no matter what kind of phenomenon, under socialist conditions, in the production process Among them, the most basic is still the proletariat and the bourgeoisie (including the party bourgeoisie) The class relationship. From Khrushchev and Brezhnev to Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping Page 92 78 The orthodoxists all spread the argument that when socialist public ownership becomes a state After the sole economic foundation, all exploiting classes are eliminated. Their reason is, The exploiting class became the exploiting class because they possessed the means of production and To exploit laborers; once the public ownership of the means of production is established, the exploiting classes will not Existed. Therefore, the relationship between people in production loses the sex of class relations. quality. This fallacy completely violates Marxism and the reality of socialist society. Real. Lenin said: "The so-called classes are such large groups. These groups The position in a certain social production system in history is different. The relationship (most of this relationship is clearly stipulated in the law) is different. The role played in the labor organization is different, so they can get the share of the society under their control. The way and amount of wealth are also different. The so-called classes are such groups, Because of their different positions in a certain socioeconomic structure, one of them A group can occupy the labor of another group. " ① Lenin's definition of this class, It is still very important to understand the changes in class relations in socialist society. In a socialist society, although the old bourgeoisie has lost Means of production, but they cannot "put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot", Change has changed from exploiters to self-reliant laborers. They are still there, but their hearts are not dead. The original economic status determines their economic living conditions, political positions and In terms of ideology, they are still active there as the bourgeoisie; at the same time, social The existence of bourgeois legal rights in socialist society shows that the bourgeoisie still has The economic basis of existence. The new bourgeoisie is also on the soil of bourgeois legal rights It is constantly produced from a part of workers, peasants, government officials and party members, ① "The Great Pioneering Work". "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, page 10. Page 93 79 As a result, a bourgeoisie was created within the ruling Communist Party, and a capitalist road was created. In power. Chairman Mao profoundly analyzed the class relations in socialist society and made assets The scientific thesis that class is within the Communist Party is a major development of Marxism-Leninism. exhibition. The bourgeoisie in the party is the capital roader because, politically, they promote The revisionist line and persistence in taking the capitalist road can put the dictatorship of the proletariat Tools become tools of the dictatorship of the proletariat; economically, they are determining production Data usage, social labor organization, and social income distribution have great influence Power, but they are not in accordance with the social needs of the working people, but instead Express the interests of the entire bourgeoisie, and use this according to the needs of restoring capitalism These powers. They are trying their best to strengthen and expand the bourgeoisie's legal rights, engage in control, trap, and pressure. Engage in profit management and material stimulation, use legal and a large number of illegal methods to suck workers, The blood and sweat of poor middle peasants. Whether the individual is subjectively aware or not, we "here The people involved are only the personification of the economic category, a certain class relationship and interest Bearers of interest" ① . Capital roaders are the personification of capital. They play the capital The function of the first class represents the capitalist production relations and is to harm the party and subvert the proletariat. The main force of the dictatorship. The emergence of the bourgeoisie in the party is by no means accidental. Phenomenon, because the socialist economy is still organized according to the commodity system It is in the three aspects of production relations, in production, exchange, distribution, Bourgeois legal rights exist to varying degrees in the process of consumption. Communists also It also lives in the economic relations of bourgeois legal rights. As Chairman Mao pointed out Like: "After the democratic revolution, the workers and the poor and lower-middle peasants have not stopped, they want revolution. ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 23, p. 12. Page 94 80 But some party members did not want to go forward, and some retreated and opposed the revolution. for what? As a high official, we must protect the interests of high officials. " ①Part of a party member Some of them have changed, some are changing, and some will change if they are not vigilant. Among the party members who have changed, they have carried out Follow the counter-revolutionary revisionist line, and strive to safeguard and expand the bourgeois legal rights, For the socialist revolution, it becomes the bourgeoisie within the party, and the party follows the capitalist road In power. The bourgeoisie within the party wants to destroy socialism and restore capitalism. The property class and the poor and lower-middle peasants must consolidate and develop socialism and realize communism. With the continuous deepening of the socialist revolution, capital roaders within the party have increasingly become the entire capital. The core and main force of the property class. Therefore, the proletariat and The struggle of the bourgeoisie is mainly the struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie within the party. In the historical stage of socialism, since the main contradiction in society is the proletariat and The contradictions of the bourgeoisie and the various relations of people in production must be supported by it. Allocation, restriction or influence. The same is true for the interrelationships among working people, neither Can avoid being branded with class, with the nature of class relations, in the final analysis It must be expressed as a class relationship. Some comrades are concerned about the mutual relations among the working people in socialist production, It is also inevitably branded with class, with the nature of class relations, in the final analysis At the end, it should also be expressed as a class relationship, which is difficult to understand. These comrades are mainly not Understand the law of class relations changes in the socialist period. Down in the old bourgeoisie In the future, new bourgeoisie will continue to emerge. Where did the new bourgeoisie come from What? Didn't it arise from the working people or even from the vanguard of the proletariat? The emergence of the new bourgeoisie among the working people has a process. During this process, ① Quotations from Chairman Mao. Quoted from "People's Daily" of May 16, 1976. Page 95 81 The relationship between the broad masses of working people and the emerging new bourgeois elements is Level relationship. It takes time to understand and understand the class nature of this relationship. Because the party's bourgeoisie is not like holding money in the labor market to buy labor, The capitalists who squeeze the workers' surplus value are so obvious and so easy to be identified. but Yes, as long as we follow the revisionist line carried out by such people and represent the interests of the bourgeoisie It is still identifiable by investigating and analyzing these aspects. These people are working people Activities among the people will inevitably bring about bourgeois Shield some people who don't know the truth and have low consciousness, follow their revisionist road Line walking will also make the relationship between working people have the nature of class contradictions. After the proletariat gains power, the broad masses of workers and the poor and lower middle peasants will never stop. They must continue the revolution and fight against capitalism, the bourgeoisie, and capital roaders. In the course of the struggle, the broad masses of workers, the poor and lower middle peasants, and those temporarily deceived followed The contradictions of people who follow the revisionist line are generally contradictions among the people. But this Contradiction is also a manifestation of the contradiction between two classes, two roads, and two lines. total Therefore, throughout the historical stage of socialism, the main social contradiction is the proletariat and capital. The contradiction of the property class. The relationship between working people is also subject to this main contradiction The domination, restriction and influence of the proletariat are marked by the contradictions between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, Therefore, the mutual relationship among working people in socialist production Expressed as a class relationship. Section 3 Consolidate and improve society in the struggle Interrelationship Interrelationship Page 96 82 A certain mutual relationship is produced on the basis of a certain ownership of the means of production Yes, but the relationship is not passive, it has a great dynamic effect, Can counteract the ownership system and play a decisive role under certain conditions. The effect of mutual relations on ownership and distribution relations as well as on productivity, in social It was very clear in the historical period before socialism. For example, to make capital owners Righteous ownership and distribution relations are maintained and consolidated, and the bourgeoisie must maintain capital The interrelationship of capitalism is the subordination of labor to capital. If the capitalist and The agent does not have absolute ruling power over the workers in the capitalist enterprise, if They cannot force the workers to act according to the will of the capitalists and allow them to Cloth, then capitalist exploitation cannot be realized, capitalist ownership cannot Consolidate and develop. The bourgeoisie attaches great importance to maintaining and consolidating labor's subordination to capital Relationship to consolidate and develop the distribution relationship between capitalist ownership and capitalism. This The relationship between capitalist rule and enslaved workers is the basis of capitalist mutual relations. This content, in the process of consolidation and development, has indeed promoted capitalist private The development of the social system has promoted the division of capitalist society that “the one who works does not get, the one who gains does not work” The development of the relationship. In a capitalist society, the working masses are "not only the bourgeois Slaves of the bourgeois state, and are subject to machines and supervised workers every day First, by the individual bourgeois factory owner himself enslaved ① . Under the capitalist system The history of mutual relations is a cruel oppression, enslavement, and exploitation by the bourgeoisie. The history of workers' blood and tears. In old China, the historical facts in this area are really tens of thousands. Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Company ① "The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx Siggs" Volume 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, No. 258 pages. Page 97 83 For example, the mutual relationship between capitalists and workers in this company is In addition to relying on managers, factory directors, supervisors, and foremen to supervise and direct workers' labor, they also specialize in More than 30 pseudo-police officers are employed to practice barbaric club rule. The false police robbed workers, beat them, Imprisoned, even hacked with a sharp axe. Various rules and regulations restricting the freedom of workers have been established in the factory. 1931 Article 30 of the factory regulations revised at the end of the year stipulates: “Anyone who violates the following paragraphs shall be granted upon verification of the actual evidence. Dismissal or order compensation: 1. Violation of factory orders and serious circumstances; 2. Gathering crowds to fight or issue Those who disturb the workplace; three, molesting women and obstructing workers; four, stealing public property; five, intentionally damaging the company Those whose property value is more than RMB 5; 6. Those who deliberately destroy the product and have serious plots; 7. Instigate labor, Those who destroy work with evidence; 8. Defraud the value of work; 9. Falsely report prices for profit or collude with secret servants; 10. After signing in or casting a card, go out without any reason. "Article 31 also stipulates: "violating the following paragraphs Those who commit the offence shall be punished separately, and the fine shall be deducted from the wages; if the offence is committed four times a month, the penalty shall be expelled immediately: 1. Leaving without authorization will be punished by foreigners; 2. Late for absenteeism, daily workers will be fined by foreigners, and monthly workers will be fined by foreigners Horns; three, negligence produced, punished according to its severity; four, sleepy, sitting or lying down, penalize foreign two horns; five, For noisy noise, punish foreigners for four corners; six, insult a colleague, punish foreigners one yuan; One dime; 8. Forgetting to accept or cast a card, penalize foreigners by one dime; 9. Forget to sign, fine foreigners by two dime; 10. Stopping work before releasing work will be fined. "From the above clauses, it can be clearly seen that capital The nature of the relationship between home and workers. This company relies on this Cruelly chase and squeeze high profits. The annual rate of exploitation in 1914 and 1915 (surplus value And variable capital) are 362% and 404%. During the period from 1933 to 1936, the annual exploitation The rate is as high as 1000%. The establishment of socialist public ownership fundamentally denied the exploitation and oppression of capitalists. The relationship between forced laborers requires the gradual establishment and development of people in accordance with the principles of socialism The mutual relationship of each other, to give full play to the active role of the mutual relationship. In the material society After the ideological transformation was basically completed, Chairman Mao repeatedly taught us that we must pay special attention to Integrate people's relationships. The change of interrelationship is an important link to change production relations Section. Grasping this link and constantly making adjustments will help consolidate and improve socialism The relationship between ownership and socialist distribution, thereby promoting the development of the entire social production, Page 98 84 All have great significance. The historical experience of the dictatorship of the proletariat at home and abroad proves that the socialist system Forward and backward are closely related to whether people's relations can be handled correctly. together. If the bourgeois power in the relationship between people lies in the dictatorship of the proletariat Is restricted, then the communist factor will be greatly promoted, and people's social The enthusiasm and creativity of the company can be fully brought into play. The direction of socialism is more assured, the socialist ownership system is more consolidated, and distribution is more important. The department will also tend to improve. Conversely, if the bourgeois legal rights are strengthened and expanded, let Capitalist money relations, employment relations, and competition relations have proliferated, and the workers The master status and revolutionary enthusiasm of the masses will be suppressed, and a part of the masses' thinking Will be corrupted, and the decadent and vulgar ideology of the bourgeoisie will inevitably be Grow up in the middle; the new cadres and the masses, technicians, managers and workers Type relationship will become the opposing class relationship between ruling and being ruled; The system will be damaged or even degenerate; the distribution relationship of socialism will also Under the shell of "distribution according to work", it will become a small group of privileged class with a wide range of The relationship between exploitation and exploitation of the fruits of labor of big workers and peasants. Constantly adjusting the relationship between people in production also promotes social productivity Important factors for development. In accordance with the socialist principles on the basis of public ownership of the means of production The mutual relationship that is gradually established, whether within an enterprise or within each The same enterprises, various economic sectors, and the ownership of the whole people and the economy of collective ownership In between, they must directly affect the basic factor of productivity-laborers. because Therefore, the correct handling of their mutual relations is conducive to fully mobilizing workers The socialist enthusiasm of the master is conducive to fully mobilizing the strength of various economic sectors. Conducive to making full use of and tapping the economic potential, and promoting the rapid productivity of the entire society Page 99 85 development of. Countless examples in my country's socialist construction prove that mutual relations are not resolved The problem is that it is impossible to make a great leap forward. In socialist production, between people In the process of restricting the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, the relationship is moving towards mutual help and mutual promotion. When the comrades' relationship is gradually advancing, the production of the enterprise is flourishing. When this kind of relationship is destroyed, the opposite will happen. Consolidate and improve mutual relations in accordance with socialist principles The tremendous dynamic effect of mutual relations requires people to be After the transformation is basically achieved, full attention will be paid to the consolidation and improvement of mutual relations. Many years Especially since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, my country's industrial and mining enterprises, rural people's Society, deeply criticized the revisionist line of Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping, The principle of socialism is to improve people's mutual relations in socialist production. A lot of work, accumulated and created a wealth of experience. In the final analysis, the most fundamental The point is to adhere to the party's basic line throughout the socialist historical stage and fully develop The ability of the socialist superstructure to consolidate and develop the socialist economic foundation Use, to criticize and limit the legal rights of the bourgeoisie under the dictatorship of the proletariat Enthusiasm to support the three major differences and share common The budding new things of propertyism. Revolutionary teachers have always attached great importance to bourgeois law that restricts mutual relations right. When Marx and Engels summarized the historical experience of the Paris Commune, they highly praised The commune stipulates that incompetent members of the commune can be replaced at any time to restrict the bourgeoisie Revolutionary measures of legal power. After the victory of the October Revolution, Lenin tried to limit the mutual The legal rights of the bourgeoisie, which have serious relations, have waged unremitting struggles. Lenin Praise the workers' initiative "Communist Saturday Voluntary Labor" Page 100 86 The attitude of workers, participating in the "Communist Saturday Voluntary Labor", in order to restrict Bourgeois legal rights in mutual relations set a shining example. Chairman Mao is ten Pay attention to the bourgeois right of restricting mutual relations and repeatedly teach us: "I All our working cadres, regardless of their position, are the servants of the people" ① . "Officials" and be ordinary people" ② . Following Chairman Mao's teachings, cadres at all levels must be able to Up and down, continuously improve the relationship between superiors and superiors, close the relationship between cadres and the masses, Consciously restrict the bourgeois right of mutual relations. All revisionists are always desperate to expand the capital class in mutual relations The level of legal power serves the restoration of capitalism. Liu Shaoqi and Lin Biao desperately advocated "Leadership "Smart theory", slandering workers and peasants only wants to "congratulations on getting rich" and "inviting fortune into treasure" The villain believes that the management of the enterprise must "particularly rely on factory directors, engineers and technicians." Deng Xiaoping also hated the workers, peasants and the masses, saying that "relying on workers, peasants and soldiers is relative." He particularly hated the new cadres emerging from the masses of workers and peasants, slandering them " Coming up from a helicopter," he proposed what kind of "step theory" should be pursued, and on seniority. The essence of these fallacies is to consolidate and expand the legal rights of the bourgeoisie in mutual relations. The relationship between the leadership and the masses must be restored to that of rule and obedience. The practice of the socialist revolution tells us that to restrict the bourgeois legal rights, We must resolutely get rid of bourgeois legal rights and expand the propaganda of communist ideas. Among some cadres, the phenomenon of fighting for status, reputation and ranking, the kind of "work It's hard to work without laws and regulations, cadres hard to lack authority, and the masses hard to lack rewards and punishments." "Property must be rewarded and management must be punished" and such statements are all bourgeois legal rights ideas. Performance. The idea of ​​​​bourgeois right is the conceptual form of bourgeois right ① Quoted from Yan'an "Liberation Daily" on December 16, 1944. ② Quoted from the People's Daily on June 8, 1967. Page 101 87 The reflection serves to safeguard the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. Therefore, breaking the bourgeois law The thought of rights is also an important prerequisite for the extension of bourgeois legal rights. Thoroughly, the stronger the restriction. In the historical stage of socialism, the relationship between The bourgeois right will exist for a long time. The concept of private ownership, hierarchy, and employment Nian and other bourgeois legal rights thoughts can't be expected to be eliminated all in one morning. Our minds. Therefore, criticizing bourgeois legal rights is a long-term battle task. Service. In the cause of socialist revolution and socialist construction, thousands of people have emerged There are many advanced figures with a high degree of communism consciousness. The brilliant new things of propaganda thought, propaganda and carry forward these communist factors, For the destruction of bourgeois legal rights, more people will be Liberated from the narrow vision, consciously restrict the bourgeois legal rights, and gradually eliminate the breeding capital The soil of the proletariat, consolidating and developing the socialist relationship, is of great significance Righteousness. The "Anshan Iron and Steel Constitution" formulated by Chairman Mao himself is a correct treatment of socialist enterprises. The relationship between people within the industry is the basic principle of managing socialist enterprises. These ones The principle is: Persist in proletarian politics, strengthen the leadership of the party, and promote mass movement. To implement “two participation, one reform and three integration” (that is, cadres participate in labor, the masses participate in management Management, reform unreasonable rules and regulations, and implement the three policies of workers, cadres and technicians Combining), a great summary of technological innovation and technological revolution. Persist in proletarian politics in command, Strengthening the leadership of the party and taking advantage of the mass movement is to make enterprises develop in the direction of socialism. The fundamental guarantee for development; the implementation of "two participations, one reform and three integration" is a socialist enterprise This is the fundamental way to get rid of bourgeois legal rights and restrict bourgeois legal rights. "saddle The “Steel Constitution” is the foundation for the proletariat within the enterprise to exercise full dictatorship over the bourgeoisie Dafa is also the basic program of socialist enterprise management. Page 102 88 Chairman Mao's instruction on the socialist education movement in 1964 Pointed out: “The bureaucratic class and the working class and the poor lower middle peasants are two sharp confrontations. Established class". "Management is also social education. If the manager does not engage in the workshop team Santong, if you learn one or a few crafts from your teacher, you will be with the working class for the rest of your life In the acute state of class struggle, the working class will inevitably treat them as The bourgeoisie fell. If you don't learn technology, you will be a layman for a long time, and you will not manage well. To It's faint and convincing, but it won't work. " ① Chairman Mao's instructions, both within the Party The powerful ideological weapon for the struggle of the bourgeoisie is also the establishment of social relations between cadres and the masses. An important indicator of the interrelationship of socialism. Anyone who can follow Chairman Mao's teachings Often go to the workshop group to practice the same study, the same criticism, and the same labor cadres, generally speaking Since then, the resistance to bourgeois ideas has been more conscious and self-aware; Accept the criticism and supervision of the masses, adhere to the socialist direction of the enterprise; The situation is also more familiar and less commanding. Chairman Mao once pointed out: "We must persist in doing Participate in the system of collective production labor. The cadres of our party and the country are ordinary labor People, not a master riding on the head of the people. Cadres participate in collective production labor, Maintain the most extensive, frequent and close contact with the working people. This is the social master A fundamental event under the justice system, it helps to overcome bureaucracy and prevent Revisionism and dogmatism. " ② have a Shanghai textile workers songs, describing a The changes before and after a factory leader's participation in collective production labor: "In the past, the workshop did not Come and run, now come to the machine to ask for advice. I didn't understand the situation in the past, but now my follower knows everything. The problems in the past have been delayed, but now they are resolved immediately. In the past, only big reports were made, now the car ① Quoted from "People's Daily" on July 1, 1976. ② Quoted from "The Debate on the General Line of the International Communist Movement", People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, No. 438 pages. Page 103 89 Intermittently. She used to be a little bureaucrat, but now she is a sister. "From here you can It can be seen that after cadres have participated in collective production labor, they have eliminated the "three winds" and the "five "Qi", with revolutionary vigor, the relationship between thousands of groups will be closer. On the contrary, if you Guides, managers and technicians do not participate in labor for a long time, Specialization, the workshop team, production team and the masses become one, worship workers and peasants as teachers, Seriously transform the worldview, then as Chairman Mao pointed out, they will The son is in a state of acute class struggle with the working class and the poor, lower and middle peasants, Become a new bourgeois element, and in the end will inevitably be beaten by the working class and the poor and lower middle peasants inverted. The participation of the masses in management is determined by the nature of socialist production relations. The most fundamental rights of workers and peasants under the socialist system. Can the working people manage The management of socialist enterprises reflects the position of the working people in production Such a fundamental problem. Lenin profoundly pointed out: "No matter how to break such a shortage The ridiculous, grotesque, despicable, dirty and stale prejudices seem to be only the so-called Classes', only the rich or those who have been educated by the rich class can govern the country Only home can manage the organized construction of a socialist society. " ① However, the repair of old and new The orthodoxists always do their best to oppose the participation of the masses in management, and regard the workers as The object of deduction and punishment. In 1920, at the Ninth Congress of the Communist Party of Russia Trotsky clamored for the “militarization of the trade union itself”, Level militarization", it is necessary to adopt compulsory military command methods against workers and "establish a Workers see themselves as a system of working soldiers who cannot freely control." Workers do not If you work well, you “should be put in a correctional camp or a concentration camp”; you don't obey the transfer order Order, "will be punished as a deserter ." Trotsky even blatantly preached ① "How to organize the competition? ". Lenin Selected Works Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 395. Page 104 90 Implement "forced labor" on workers. Before the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in my country, due to With the interference of the revisionist line, many companies are engaged in "the leader is in charge, the experts run the factory." "Leadership legislation, management personnel enforce the law, and the masses abide by the law" has made the working people In the position of being managed, stuck and pressed. In the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the majority of workers Under the leadership of the party, the peasant masses have carried out the "one commander in command and the expert ruling the factory". It was a violent impact and created a lot of fresh experiences of people participating in management, such as: The representatives of the workers and peasants directly participate in the revolutionary committee of the enterprise, and they must work without leaving their production; Frequently use the method of "talking the line, exposing contradictions, and promoting transformation" to mobilize the masses. Use the weapons of loud, loud, big-character posters, big debates and forums, small comments, etc. Form, criticize the leadership's problems in the implementation of routes and policies, Implement revolutionary supervision. This is a new development of the masses' participation in management, which is essential for the improvement of society The interrelationship of socialism plays an important role. In business management, reforming unreasonable rules and regulations is also constantly adjusting and Change an aspect of socialist interrelationships. Any socialized production must be built Establish certain rules and regulations. However, any rules and regulations are always in production It is formulated under the relationship and ultimately reflects a certain production relationship. Leave to live It's unrealistic to examine the rules and regulations in relation to industry, and it is bound to happen. The mistake of seeing things but not people, and even going astray. Chairman Mao's "System Must Be Favorable "To the masses" ① correctly answered the socialist production relations and rules and regulations The relationship between. Under socialist conditions, the workers and peasants are the socialist production The owner of the department, the formulation and implementation of all corporate rules and regulations set off. This is the most fundamental difference between socialist rules and regulations and capitalist rules and regulations ① Quoted from the People's Daily on May 31, 1972. Page 105 91 specialty. If the guiding ideology of formulating the system is "the theory of backwardness of the masses," The system is used to suppress workers. Then, the formulated system will inevitably destroy the social masters. The new type of relationship between people in the righteous enterprise is bound to be resisted by the workers. Text Before the Great Revolution, under the influence of the revisionist line pursued by Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping, Many companies "there are a lot of rules and regulations, and each one is tightly tied to rewards and penalties", which is severely tied up. The hands and feet of the masses were of course violent by the workers during the Cultural Revolution. Shock and criticism. Deng Xiaoping's "About Speeding up the Development of Industry "Some Issues" (the "Regulations"), even in the name of "rectifying" labor organizations, In an attempt to make a complete set of management, restraint and suppression that were criticized by the masses during the Cultural Revolution Revisionism was restored, and it was criticized by the masses again. But only If the bourgeoisie in the party is required to exist, this kind of regulations that restrain the hands and feet of the masses will be revived. Therefore, we must constantly mobilize the masses and have leadership to change those that are not conducive to The rules and regulations that unite and cooperate to restrain the enthusiasm of the masses; Based on the practical experience of the public, formulate or improve new rules and regulations, and pass the deep Into the meticulous political and ideological work, and establish the implementation of reasonable rules and regulations in the group On the basis of public consciousness. Such a system is beneficial to the masses Mobilize the socialist enthusiasm of the masses and adapt to the improvement of socialist relations And the development of productivity. Shanghai No. 33 Cotton Textile Mill had a total of 100 rules and regulations formulated before the Cultural Revolution. Zero three, three hundred and thirty thousand words. There are several situations in these systems: some are for The socialist enthusiasm of workers is restrained, some are working behind closed doors, divorced from reality, and internal Tolerance is cumbersome, workers can't remember, can't do it, and don't meet the needs of production development; In line with the actual production, but when formulating and implementing these systems, the Relying on the masses of workers, so it is not accepted by the masses. Such as the technical measurement and inspection system, "Stopwatch drops Answer, one hundred heartbeats." Workers hated this system. During the Cultural Revolution, the majority of workers Page 106 92 People rose up to attack the unreasonable rules and regulations. In the process of fighting, criticizing and correcting, criticizing and correcting On the basis of the socialist line and summing up experience, relying on the masses to formulate reasonable rules and regulations, And keep improving with the development of production. The workers believe that the technical measurement system still needs Yes, after discussion, the deduction of points and awards has been cancelled, and a new technical measurement system has been established. Everyone helps each other Mutual learning, mutual testing and mutual inspection, product quality and operation technology requirements are higher and stricter than in the past. By changing Reform unreasonable rules and regulations, between leaders and the masses, between technical personnel, managers and workers The relationship has been further improved, which has effectively promoted the development of production. The cotton produced in this factory Cloth, has always enjoyed the honor of "exempt from inspection" throughout the country, and was praised as "universal cloth" by printing and dyeing factories. An important part of reforming unreasonable rules and regulations is that they must be handled correctly. Handle the relationship between division of labor and collaboration. A reasonable division of labor and job responsibility system is necessary, But more importantly, it depends on human consciousness. Before the Cultural Revolution, Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping The revisionist line pursued divides the various types of work very carefully, emphasizing the opposites, Restrict each other, and even describe mutual support among workers as "violating job responsibilities System." As a result, "the division of labor is like dividing families, and the interlacing is like a mountain." Sex is stuck in the frame of full-time division of labor, restricting the development of productivity. Cultural Revolution Since their fate, the broad masses have broken the division of labor that has restricted workers' hands and feet. Formal "battle" and "one specialization, multiple abilities" activities were vigorously carried out, broadening the workers' eyes World, strengthened revolutionary unity, brought into play the wisdom and talents of workers, and created new Productivity. Before the Cultural Revolution, Shanghai Hujiang Machinery Factory clearly stipulated that apprentices could not operate masters The machine tool used. The master asked for leave, and would rather stop the machine than allow others to use it. equipment If there is a fault, the operator can clear it, and you must wait for an overhauler to repair it. Workers violate In order to improve the system, the inspection will be written, and the operation certificate will be withdrawn. During the Cultural Revolution, the workers criticized The revisionist line of running enterprises exposes the serious harm of over-division of labor The activity of "one specialization, multiple abilities" greatly exceeded the scope of the job responsibility system. Whole plant 800 Page 107 93 Among the multi-workers, 55 percent of the workers have not only mastered the skills of this type of work, but also two or three Other types of technology. Operators can operate as well as maintain and repair equipment. In the practice of production struggles and scientific experiments, cadres, workers, peasants and the masses The "three combinations" of technical personnel combine the leadership with the masses and make the workers and peasants The practical experience and the theoretical knowledge of technical personnel are combined to jointly study and solve Big production technology problem. In this way, it is not only conducive to the development of mass technological innovation And technological revolution, but also conducive to the realization of intellectual labor and the knowledge of workers and peasants It will help narrow the essential difference between mental work and manual work, and further restrict The right of the bourgeoisie in relation to each other, the relationship between the revolutionary comrades who develop socialism system. Socialist mutual relations are established in struggle, and can only develop and Gradually improve. Grasp the middle and push both ends. Hold tightly to the relationship of production The important links in the chain will promote the continuous development of ownership and distribution relations. Development and improvement, so as to continuously push forward socialist production relations. Section 4 The relationship between capital and labor is resurrected in the Soviet Union The duality of people's mutual relations in socialist production shows that socialism The mutual relationship contains two development possibilities. From the general trend of the law of social development See, the communist element in the socialist relationship will gradually grow, and the capitalist class Level legal rights will gradually be restricted, socialist mutual relations will gradually improve, and finally Interrelationships developed into communism. However, due to the socialist relationship The serious existence of bourgeois legal rights in respect of this aspect, and thus the restoration of capitalist mutual relations The possibility also exists. If the leadership of the party, the country and the enterprise is taken away Page 108 94 The ruling party of the capitalist road usurped and promoted the revisionist line, socialism In terms of mutual relations, the bourgeois legal rights will expand, and socialist mutual relations will It will degenerate into a capitalist relationship, that is, a relationship in which capital rules labor. Such a process of retrogression and restoration has been completed in the Soviet Union. Study Su Xiu Rebellion How did the apprentice group transform the socialist interrelationship into the capitalist interrelationship, from It is undoubtedly very necessary for the revolutionary people to learn the negative lessons in the process. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique intended to replace socialism with the mutual relationship of capitalism And denies that there is a serious capitalist class in the socialist relationship. Level legal rights, deny the class nature of mutual relations, nonsense in socialist society The relationship between people is purely a relationship of "comrades, friends and brothers." The Queen's economists of the Soviet revisionist also clamored that the Soviet Union had "no confrontation Level, there is no social gathering that has a stake in maintaining corrupt and outdated economic relations. Group". This is a complete revisionist fallacy. There is a little bit of Marxist common sense Everyone knows that in a society where classes exist, there is absolutely no The relationship between “will, friends and brothers”. The proletariat and the working people Can those in power who follow the capitalist road be able to "will" and "dao" together? Prolific Can class and working people, new and old bourgeois elements, be able to call "brothers" or "brothers" ? Modern revisionists preach this fallacy solely to deceive the working people. In order to cover up their strengthening and expansion of the bourgeois rights of mutual relations, The interrelationship of socialism degenerates into the interrelationship of capitalism, and the full restoration of capitalist Conspiracy of justice. The Soviet revisionist renegade group transformed socialist interrelationships into capitalist interrelationships An important measure of the Department is to vigorously promote the revisionist "one-man" system. press According to their “one-manager system”, the factory director is the full-power leader of the enterprise, and the workers only have to serve Page 109 95 From the obligation of the factory director to order, he has no right to ask how the company manages. Hru Xiaofu publicly declared that he "learned from the good example of capitalists in corporate management. What is not at fault. " (" Report on the Soviet Communist Party's program ") Soviet revisionist economists Queen It is said that this "one-long system" originated from the nature of large-scale machinery industry, which depends on the production Strictly maintain a certain degree of coordination. This means that as long as it is a large machine industry, it is not true The “one-long system” is not acceptable. This is the out-and-out level of productivity that determines business management The nature of revisionist fallacy. It is true that socialized mass production objectively requires the establishment of Centralized and unified command system to coordinate the internal and external, top and bottom, left and right relationship. But who owns this centralized and unified power? It depends on the nature of the enterprise's means of production ownership. Under the capitalist system, social The functions of centralized and unified command required by large-scale production are combined with the functions of capital Together, the power of the enterprise is concentrated in the hands of capitalists and their agents. Now it is the arbitrary rule of capital over labor. Under the socialist system, socialized students The functions of centralized and unified command required by industry are the same as those of the proletariat in building socialism Combining historical tasks, the power of an enterprise must be mastered by the real Marx In the hands of the activists and the working masses, can they ensure that enterprises follow the correct direction of socialism. Moving forward can fully mobilize the socialist enthusiasm of the masses and promote rapid production. Rapid development. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique advocated and promoted the revisionist "one-man" system. It is to use the arbitrariness of the bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie to protect the bureaucratic monopoly capital The rule of labor, to oppress and exploit the working class and working people of the Soviet Union, from the root Essentially, the masses of workers are deprived of the power to control enterprises. The Soviet revisionist traitor group and its queen economists also tried their best to produce and exchange The expansion of bourgeois' legal rights in mutual relations calls for “vigorous Develop commodity-currency relations, and under the banner of “reform”, desperately expand Page 110 96 The scope of activities of currency exchange and the stimulus effect of prices make capitalist money relations, The proliferation of buying and selling relations and competitive relations caused the rapid collapse of socialist relations. in Inside the enterprise, the factory director, manager, farm chairman and other resources appointed by the Soviet revisionist traitor group The bourgeoisie became the masters of all the power of the enterprise, and the working people Become a wage slave who sells labor. Between companies, they are mutual for profit Play, intrigue, intrigue and fight. In short, people's relatives in production and exchange Mutual relations have been transformed into pure capitalist money relations and employment relations And competition. Please see the facts. In the Soviet Union, the heads of agencies and factories could find an excuse to fire workers. According to Su Xiu The press revealed. Kropian, Director of the Second Non-Ferrous Metals Bureau of the Republic of Armenia, fired his staff A variety of reasons, including: "bad eyesight", "not his in-laws", "Grandson needs this position", etc. There are a total of sixty-two people in the bureau, and Kroppi Only fifteen months after Yang sat on the throne of bureau chief, 79 people were recruited and fired. For this This kind of relationship, a manager of the Construction Trust of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Soviet Union had a wonderful confession: "Tola Si is my home, I am the master, I can do whatever I want. "A Soviet woman used pro The physical experience broke the essence of this "comrade, friend and brother" relationship; she said: "We here Here, the capitalists and kulaks ruled in the past, but now the new capitalists and kulaks rule. " On the one hand, the Soviet revisionist monopoly bourgeoisie treats thousands of workers who do not meet their needs Kicked out of the factory gate, on the other hand, it has set up in cities with more than 100,000 people More than two hundred and fifty official labor markets-the "Labor and Employment Bureau" or "Employment Agency" "Shaoxing", recruiting cheap labor for enterprises and earning commissions. Marx pointed out Out: "The surplus worker population forms a disposable industrial reserve army. Land is subordinate to capital, as if it were raised by capital. Excess The worker population is not restricted by the actual population growth, and is required for the ever-changing capital increase. Page 111 97 To create personal materials ready for exploitation. " ① Soviet so-called" labor flow "Movement" is the industrial reserve army of the capitalist society. Now this industrial reserve army The team is still expanding. The Soviet revisionist traitor group also expanded the bourgeois law in terms of mutual relations in the countryside Rights, foster the spontaneous forces of capitalism, cultivate the privileged The relationship becomes a capitalist relationship. The Soviet newspapers and periodicals revealed that in the Soviet "collective farms", the farmers must comply with various All kinds of so-called "discipline" and "rules and systems", if you don't obey, you will be added with various The "crime" was punished by job transfer, reduced income, dismissal and expulsion. Tartar The chairman of the collective farm "Communist Road" in the Pestrezi district of the prefecture issued more than one hundred A variety of punishment orders, one in every four collective farmers was punished. Belgoro The chairman of the German "Frunze" collective farm admitted that he "played the role of a whip"; "criticized The chairman of the farm will run the risk of not chopping wood for the winter or hay for the cows." Within the "collective farm", the relationship between the farm leader and the farmer is the same as in the capitalist economy. That kind of rule is the same as being ruled, enslaved, and enslaved. Many contemporary Soviet Xiu literary works also revealed that Su Xiu advocated "comrades, friends and The essence of the relationship between brothers. In the script "Foreigners" by Soviet revisionist writer I. Dvorecki, the protagonist, the Soviet revisionist party Ceskov, an engineer from a certain enterprise, went to the 26th foundry shop of Neresh Company to change "Lost behind." He arrogantly roared to the workers: "We are the leaders, our two We do nothing with our hands. We use speech and brain to work." He ordered the foreman to monitor the workers People: "Watch them and choke their throats"; whoever is not obedient will "deduct half of the bonus", ① Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, pages 692-693. Page 112 98 "Beat them with rubles." As the manager of a large company in this script confessed, "Should not be Briefly explain the concept of'outsiders',...'outsiders' is a change of...the original relationship change". In "The Story of Manager Pronchatov", Pronchatov Advocating the use of "legal system" and "discipline" to strengthen "scientific management" The principle of “good companions with fists”. Workers do not obey orders and “to abolish progressive piece wages”, Even sending you to court is a "fist"; if you obey well, you will be rewarded with one month's salary. It is "kindness." This kindness is just to cover up the cruel exploitation of workers' surplus value. This This kind of management and discipline is nothing but the capitalism "sustained by hunger" that Lenin exposed Management and discipline. Soviet revisionist leader Brezhnev once claimed that in Soviet society, “ A new and harmonious relationship—a friendly and cooperative relationship." Today the Soviet Union The actual state of the interrelationships in production is the best explanation of this fallacy: The so-called "new" in Brezhnev's mouth is actually the old, abolished capital The doctrine system is making a comeback; the so-called "harmony" is actually a bureaucratic monopoly of assets The opposition between the class and the working people; the so-called "friendly cooperation" is the official The sharp competition between the monopoly capital industry. In a word, Su Xiu boasted "the same The true content of the relationship between “will, friends and brothers” is the tyrannical control of capital over labor. rule. Page 113 The second chapter socialist production process Page 114 Page 115 99 Chapter III Nature and Purpose of Socialist Production Section 1 Products and Commodities of Socialist Society The establishment of socialist public ownership of the means of production makes the nature of labor products happen Changes have brought social production into a new historical stage, and a new The paradoxical movement process. In the process of this new contradiction movement, the object of social production The goal of view has changed; the goal of socialist production is not to pursue profit, but to Meet the needs of socialist countries and working people. However, due to socialist Production is still commodity production, and value and profit have to be realized, so there is a pegging of output value. Capitalist production under the guidance of handsome and profitable leaders. Why is there such a contradiction Elephant, where is the root? We must first analyze the product nature of socialist society quality. Because the products of socialist society contain a series of intricate contradictions Germ. Once the embryo of these contradictions is revealed, then in a socialist society There are a series of contradictions, you can follow the vine and make further analysis for In order to illustrate the problem from comparison, let's briefly analyze The production and nature of the product. Under the conditions of private ownership of the means of production, what is produced, How to produce and how much to produce are all private matters, and products belong to private individuals. Have. In this way, production is directly expressed as private production, and labor and products are also directly expressed Now it is private labor and private product. When these private products are not for the producers themselves Page 116 100 When it is produced for consumption but for exchange, the product is transformed into a commodity. Commodities and the labor of producing commodities are private products and private labor on the one hand, and at the same time It is also a social product and social labor. Because commodities are used to meet social needs Movable products, the labor of producing commodities is a part of the total labor of society. However, the social nature of products and labor cannot be It can be directly expressed, it cannot be a direct social product and direct social labor. But only through an indirect way, that is, through exchange, to prove that the When the product is needed by the society, the social nature of the product and its labor is confirmed. This contradiction between social labor and private labor is an inherent contradiction between commodity and commodity production. shield. "What is a commodity? This is a more or less separate private producer The products produced in the new society, that is, first of all, private products. ” ①The product is both However, first of all, it is a private product that can oppose each other as a commodity; Under the condition of righteousness and public ownership, are social products still private? Are they still commercial? Product? This is a major theoretical question of practical significance and must be answered In a socialist society, when the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production is basically After completion, with the exception of a few remnants of individual ownership, the entire social production It has been established on the basis of public ownership of the means of production. Since then, the sex of social production and products The quality has changed. State-owned economy and collectives based on socialist public ownership Economic production, as a whole, is directly used to meet the needs of the society in the whole country. It is planned and organized within the scope. The products they produce, especially by The national plan directly stipulates those products whose output is of great importance to the national economy and people's livelihood, ① Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, p. 345. Page 117 101 It was shown from the beginning that they are useful to society. In this way, products and production of these products Product labor has begun to have direct social products and direct social labor to varying degrees. The nature of it. As Engels pointed out: “Once the society possesses the means of production and And apply them to production in the form of direct socialization, everyone's labor, No matter how different its special purpose is, it has become a direct social labor from the beginning. move. " ① in a long period of socialist society, it is part of the means of production Is owned by the whole society, and part of it is collectively owned by the working people. Have reached the point where all the means of production belong to the whole society. But after all, there is society The beginning of possession of the means of production. In this way, social products and the labor that produces these products Also began to have direct sociality. People's own products are no longer Become an alien force, which has begun to be used to meet the needs of the working people Up. "In bourgeois society, the past dominates the present, in communist society It is the present that governs the past. " ②In the socialist society, this important The beginning of historical significance marks that social production has entered a new historical stage. Socialist products have begun to have direct sociality. In this regard, they have become communist Element, but it is still a very immature direct social product, and it is different To a certain extent, it carries the tradition or traces of the private products of the old society. The problem is in the society Why products produced under the conditions of public ownership still have the tradition of private products Or traces? This is related to the maturity of socialist public ownership. In society Socialist society, although the ownership system has changed, socialist public ownership has replaced private ownership System, but there are two socialist public ownership systems, namely ownership by the whole people and collective ① Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, p. 348. ② "Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, No. 266 page. Page 118 102 Ownership. This means that the means of production have different owners, and people are producing The bourgeois legal rights in relation to the possession of data have not been completely abolished. In this case, It has to be reflected in the possession relationship of the product. Socialist collective ownership For the enterprise, the products it produces are no longer private products, but after all It is not publicly owned by the workers of the whole society, but only by the workers of a collective enterprise all. The labor force that produces these products is not in the whole society but only Organized within the scope of a collective enterprise. In the production process of these products How much living labor and materialized labor are consumed and how much net income can be brought Mainly related to the members of this collective enterprise. Therefore, the labor of a collective enterprise The public products of the movers are only private for the country and other collectives. Have. In this sense, the products of collectively owned enterprises and the products produced All of the labors still carry the traditions or traces of private products and private labor. For ownership enterprises, the products they produce, although all belong to socialist countries So the labor force producing these products is organized in the whole society, The amount of labor consumed and income in the production process are also related to all working people However, various state-owned enterprises still maintain relatively independent production and operation. They are relatively independent economic units. Relative independence of state-owned enterprises Sex, not technical, but an economic relationship, which shows that there are still There is a "you and me boundary". Here, although there are no different owners, but still Establish their relationship or mutual relationship like different owners, and share with the future Prostitution by the whole people is different. Otherwise, it is impossible. because, Production relations must meet the requirements of the development of productive forces, and there is no high level of social productivity. Development, social products have not yet been greatly enriched, if state-owned enterprises are cancelled Relative independence in production and operation is not conducive to their independent contribution to the society. Page 119 103 Will be responsible, which is not conducive to better mobilizing their sense of responsibility and accumulation in production and operation. Polarity, which is not conducive to the development of social productive forces. Socialist state enterprise Since they are relatively independent economic units, their products and production The labor of the product cannot be without certain private traditions or traces. The products of socialist labor, on the one hand, have direct social Sex, on the other hand, has private traditions or traces to varying degrees. This It is the duality of socialist products. This duality reflects the socialist production The characteristics of the relationship and the particularity of the contradiction. In this duality of socialist products, Direct sociality is at the leading side of the contradiction. This is the product of socialism and communist The place where righteous products are connected; privateness reflects the traditions or traces of the old society. It shows that it is inextricably linked with the private economy. In a socialist society, since products still carry the tradition or traces of private products Then, if one party wants to obtain the product of the other party, it cannot be Distribution method, but only through the conversion of products into commodities and the implementation of equivalent exchanges. solve. Therefore, the socialist countries must also implement commodity production and commodity exchange. system. Socialist products have direct sociality, and at the same time they are commodities. This It seems contradictory. actually not. This situation occurs because society Socialist public ownership is still a familiar public ownership. Engels once pointed out: "Once the society If the means of production are occupied, the production of goods will be eliminated" ① . Engels envisioned "Society possesses the means of production" means that all means of production have been Will all. The practice of the international communist movement has proved that in a socialist society ① Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, p. 323. Page 120 104 In a fairly long period of time, it is not possible to achieve that all the means of production belong to the entire society. Yes, and socialist ownership by the whole people also has certain traditions of private ownership Or traces. In this way, on the one hand, socialist public ownership makes social products begin to have Direct sociality; on the other hand, socialist public ownership is not yet fully mature, which makes the social The products of the meeting still have a certain degree of privateness, and they have to be transformed into commodities. The product has straight This is how the unique phenomenon of being connected to sociality and being a commodity occurs. In socialist political economy, there has long been a popular view: socialism Commodity production under the justice system is “special commodity production”, denying it is private Economic relics. Stalin undoubtedly made a decision on commodity production under socialist conditions. There have been many scientific explanations, but he also believes that this kind of commodity production is not usual Commodity production, but special commodity production, it must not develop into capitalist production Production, and it is destined to work with its currency economy for the development and consolidation of social Career services produced by socialist ① . However, history has not developed according to this conclusion. The Soviet Union has spawned a lot of capital on the soil of the so-called "special commodity production". Capitalism and the bourgeoisie, and ultimately led to the bourgeoisie in the Communist Party The leaders Khrushchev and Brezhnev launched a counter-revolutionary coup and restored it in the Soviet Union Capitalism. Based on the basic principles of Marxism, Chairman Mao summarized The historical experience of the implementation of the commodity system pointed out: “Our country now implements a commodity system Degree"; "Now an eight-level wage system, distribution according to work, and currency exchange are still implemented. There is not much difference from the old society. The difference is that the ownership has changed. " ②In all Under the changed conditions, commodities are no longer exchanged as products of capital, but as ① Refer to "Soviet Socialist Economic Issues". People's Publishing House, 1961 edition, p. 13. ② Quoted from People's Daily on February 22, 1975. Page 121 105 It was exchanged as a national and collective product. Its characteristics are: First, it is the main It is necessary to reflect the mutual exchange of activities between the two major working classes of workers and peasants; second, it Mainly under the guidance of the socialist country plan, directly to satisfy the socialist country The needs of the family and the people: Third, compared with capitalist society, commodity The scope has been greatly reduced, labor is no longer a commodity, natural resources such as land and mineral deposits Nor is it a commodity; the exchange of commodities between socialist state-owned enterprises, It is an exchange within the scope of the same ownership and a commodity between different owners in the past The exchange comparison has also begun to undergo qualitative changes. However, as long as there are commodities and Product production, as a general feature inherent in commodity production, still exists. These ones The main characteristics are: First, as a commodity, it has two factors: use value and value. Element, and inevitably there are use value and value, concrete labor and abstract labor The contradiction between labor, private labor and social labor. In a socialist society, despite production Commodity labor is basically collective labor under the guidance of the state plan, with direct social The nature of labor, but there are also traditions or traces of private labor. second, As the basic law of commodity production-the law of value, it must work. Commodity Value is still determined by the socially necessary labor time for the production of goods. Therefore, the manufacturer For different socialist enterprises of different products, individual working hours are lower than socially necessary working hours , You can get more income; individual labor hours are higher than socially necessary labor hours In time, you can only get less income or even loss. Third, as a general The currency of value still exists. The value of commodities must be expressed in currency, that is, performance For the price. In a socialist society, there will still be deviations in the value and price of commodities. Due to the difference in the price and value of different commodities, some commodities have high prices Value, some are roughly equivalent to value, and some are lower than value. In one step, producers of different commodities consume equal amounts of labor and obtain unequal amounts of income. Page 122 106 The above situation shows that as long as the product is a commodity, social production adopts commodity production The form of production, then, the apparent equality inherent in commodity production is actually unequal The legal rights of the bourgeoisie still exist. In a socialist society, the commodity system and the commodities, values, The existence of economic categories and laws of currency, price, and value Its objective necessity. Under the guidance of the proletarian revolutionary line, it can be used Serving for the consolidation of the worker-peasant alliance and the development of the socialist economy. Therefore, trying to prematurely It is not correct to cancel it, or not to study it carefully and control it. but, After all, the commodity economy is the old soil of capitalism, commodity production and commodity exchange The current bourgeois right is an important economic basis for the production of capitalism and the bourgeoisie. foundation. This is because as long as social products still carry the tradition or traces of private products, As long as there is a commodity system, output value and profit must be calculated. In this way, save In the fertile soil where production value and profit are in command. A small group of people, especially Those who want to use the bourgeois rights of the commodity system to rise to the new bourgeoisie The members of the community will take advantage of the opportunity to grab a handful and master more and more commodities and currencies to make the society There will be polarization. Therefore, regarding the bourgeois rights of the commodity system, It must be restricted under the dictatorship of the proletariat. Otherwise, capitalism and the bourgeoisie It will develop faster. That thinks that socialist commodity production is impossible The statement of birth capitalism and the bourgeoisie is not only inconsistent with the facts, but must However, it must be used by revisionists. The Soviet revisionist traitor group took over and "Developed" this view, and tried to promote the "no An atom takes place within capitalism", "it cannot become development capital The basis of socialist relations", "it is impossible to lead to personal wealth and capitalism "The production of element", "it is impossible to become capitalist production." They say that nothing Page 123 107 Not to paralyze and deceive the Soviet people, thereby freely expanding commodity-currency relations, Cover up the fact that capitalism is fully restored. How to recognize and treat the bourgeois legal rights in the production of socialist commodities? Actively create conditions to gradually restrict, or to strengthen and expand? This is a The big issue concerning whether the dictatorship of the proletariat can be consolidated is the two classes and two ways. An important aspect of the struggle between the road and the two lines. Bourgeoisie inside and outside the party Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping and the like desperately advocated for the restoration of capitalism "Four Freedoms", "Three-in-one Package", promote "profits in command", and expand products The bourgeois right of the system, trying to transform socialist production into a pursuit Capitalist production for profit. In the economic sphere, the proletariat and assets Class struggle is always manifested as a struggle between restriction and anti-restriction. Reform in ownership Before it is basically completed, the proletariat must restrict the development of private capitalism and prevent it The destructive effect of the ownership; after the reform of ownership is basically completed, the proletariat must limit capital The legal rights of the property class prevent the restoration of capitalism. This restriction is to advance. in case Without restrictions, socialism cannot continue to advance, and communist factors cannot develop. exhibition. Only by restricting the bourgeois rights of the commodity system and creating regulations Gradually eliminate the traces of private products and make social production develop into communist Direct social production, so that social products develop into direct social products of communism, Only then will commodities and commodity production finally die out, breeding capitalism and The soil of the bourgeoisie will finally be wiped out. Section 2 The Basic Economic Laws of Socialism The duality of the socialist production process and its dominant aspects Page 124 108 Products under socialist conditions have already begun to have direct sociality, and at the same time There is still a certain degree of personality, and it is still a commodity. This situation has to be reflected in the health In the production process, so that the socialist production process is also a commodity production process, so The duality as a commodity production process still exists. This is: on the one hand, it Is the labor process. In this process, the labor of the producer is the specific labor, creating Create use value; on the other hand, as abstract labor, it also creates new value. The commodity production process is the unity of this labor process and value formation process. Because commodity production under socialist conditions is based on the public ownership of the means of production Commodity production on the basis of the basics, so the duality in the production process has its own characteristics. point. Studying these characteristics will help to further understand the nature of socialist production. is important. Regardless of the various specific social forms, the labor process From the perspective of the role of the element, it is nothing more than a person with the ability to work. Use all kinds of labor materials to act on labor objects to produce various expected products The process of product creation is a purposeful activity that creates use value. It is a relationship between man and nature. Material transformation process. However, any labor process is always in a certain social form Under. Therefore, any labor process not only reflects the relationship between man and nature Relationship, and necessarily reflect the social relationship between people. From this perspective See, the labor process under the socialist system is the same as the labor process under the capitalist system. The process is very different. The labor process under the capitalist system is the process of capitalist consumption of labor Process, its characteristics are: workers work under the supervision of capitalists, and the products of labor are Owned by capitalists. This means that labor under the capitalist system is wage labor. Page 125 109 It is slave labor, hard labor for the exploiters. Under the socialist system, working people have become the masters of the country and enterprises for the first time. People, so the socialist labor process has a brand new unprecedented in history specialty. The socialist labor process is the workers, peasants and other laborers, The process of creating material wealth for the benefit of the working class itself is characterized by: The working people consciously engage in organized, Planned labor, the products of labor are all at the disposal of the working class and used to satisfy The needs of the socialist countries and the working people. So the labor of socialism Process is a planned labor process that is not exploited. In this sense, the The socialist labor process already has direct social labor factors. However, a socialist society is a society in which classes exist. Except labor In addition to classes, there are also exploiting classes. The original exploiters, those who don't work In a socialist society that cannot eat, they also have to work. For the exploiters, they The labor is always mandatory. Of course, this kind of Coercion is fundamentally different from the coercion imposed by the exploiter on the laborer in nature. The de-exploitor forces the laborer to work in order to exploit the laborer. Workers are now strong The purpose of restricting the exploiters' labor is to gradually transform them into self-reliant labor. Newcomer. Therefore, the socialist labor process is also a The process of transformation has social class content. The socialist labor process, from the perspective of the working people, also brings There are traditions or traces of the old society. This is because the legacy of capitalist society The old social division of labor needs to go through the entire historical stage of socialism to be gradually eliminated. Off. In the socialist period, although the proletariat and working people have basically earned Freed from the chains of private ownership, free from exploitation, but labor has not Page 126 110 Among the workers has become the first need of life, part of the labor of the workers is still for themselves With his family. Tradition from the old society Or traces can be finally eliminated until the advanced stage of communism. These characteristics of the socialist labor process should also be reflected in the value creation process Come in. As long as it is a commodity, it reflects the duality of labor: specific labor and Like labor. Specific labor creates use value, and abstract labor creates value. Value counter It reflects a certain social relationship. Under different socio-economic conditions, value reflects Different social relations have different value formations. Under the conditions of a simple commodity economy, the peasant or handicraft Of the means of production are engaged in production, labor products and labor locations materialized in these products The value formed naturally belongs to him. After the merchandise was sold, he took back his life The value of the means of production consumed in the production process, while at the same time realizing his living labor The new value created; this part of the new value, generally speaking, is just used to compensate him for maintaining Hold the value of the means of living needed for labor reproduction. In this way, the production process Can continue on the scale of simple reproduction. Marx put simple commodity production The value formation process under the conditions is called the pure value formation process. Under the conditions of capitalism, the purpose of capitalists' commodity production is to Exploit workers' surplus value. Through the production and sale of commodities, the capitalists recover The value of the means of production consumed in the production process, and at the same time, the workers' living labor creates The new value created not only compensates for the variable capital of capitalists' purchase of labor, but also There is still remaining. This surplus is the surplus value exploited by capitalists. Marx called these value formation processes in capitalist production as value proliferation. bedside stand. The category of value proliferation process reflects the unification between capital and wage labor. Page 127 111 The relationship between governance and being ruled, exploited and exploited. In the socialist production process, the labor of the producer, as abstract labor, Created new value. Should this part of the new value created by the producer be fully attributed to What about the producer? Can't. In order to realize the expanded reproduction of socialism, In order to meet the common needs of the working people, the society must master various social foundations. gold. These social funds can only come from the value newly created by producers. If new creation The value of creation is entirely owned by the producer, then the socialist economy cannot Expanded reproduction can only maintain simple reproduction, and the various common The need will not be met. Therefore, in a socialist society, the new producer The value created must be divided into two parts: one part serves as the producer's personal consumption fund, It is under the control of the producers and used to meet the various needs of life. The other part as Various social funds, that is, the net social income, are under the unified control of the society and used to make progress Develop socialist production and meet the common needs of all working people. This situation shows that in a socialist society, the labor of producers is actually Divided into two parts: one part can be called the labor that forms the social fund, the other part It can be called the labor that forms the producer's personal consumption fund. The new value created by producers under the socialist system is divided into producers' personal consumption. Expense funds and social funds are distinguished from the new value created by workers under the capitalist system Salary and surplus value are two fundamentally different things. Under the capitalist system, The distinction between wages and surplus value reflects the exploitative relationship of capitalism. over there, Workers' labor is a commodity, governed by the law of value, and wages are the price of labor. grid. No matter how great the value newly created by the workers is, the part that belongs to the workers is always It is only equivalent to the value of the means of subsistence necessary to maintain the reproduction of labor. its The remaining part, the part of surplus value, is not only occupied by capitalists free of charge, but Page 128 112 And in turn it becomes a means to strengthen the exploitation of workers. Under the socialist system, The value created by a part of the labor of the producer must be handed over to the society to form a society Fund, but as a member of society, he also shared that he and other workers The benefits brought by those social funds provided. All the value created by the producer is Used directly or indirectly to serve the interests of the working people. Producer's personal consumption base The division of funds and social funds is determined by the overall interests and personal interests of the working people, Long-term interests and current interests need to be coordinated. Therefore, social The value formation process under the justice system is different from the simple price formation in simple commodity production. The value formation process is also different from the value proliferation process in capitalist production. It is Reflects a unique value creation process of socialist production relations. Socialist The production process is the direct social labor process and value creation process. The socialist production process is the unity of the direct social labor process and the value creation process. Then, in this duality, what is the dominant aspect of contradiction? The dominant aspect of a contradiction in social production reflects this The objective purpose reflects this most essential relationship in social production. It is not made by people Your choice, in the final analysis, is determined by the nature of the ownership of the means of production. To which class the property is owned, social production must be for the benefit of that class service. Under the capitalist ownership of the means of production, the labor process also provides use Value, but the purpose of capitalist production is not here. Capitalists open factories, yes In order to exploit workers through the process of value proliferation and grab profits. Value increase is capital The leading aspect of the production of capitalism embodies the most essential relationship in capitalist production. Marx pointed out: "The purpose of capital is not to satisfy needs, but to produce profits" ① ; ① Marx: Volume 3 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 25, page 285. Page 129 113 "Capital and its self-proliferation are manifested as the beginning and end of production, and as production Motivation and purpose" ① . The socialist public ownership of the means of production, so that social production must be The needs of the proletariat and all working people are served. The needs of the people, whether it's him Our common needs or personal needs, long-term needs or current needs, all It must rely on a variety of different use values, that is, material wealth to be satisfied. therefore, The labor that creates use value in a planned way to meet the various needs of the working people The process of socialist production is the dominant aspect of socialist production and reflects the Objective purpose and the most essential relationship in socialist production. Value creation process subordination The labor process for creating use value. In the socialist production process, accounting labor It is absolutely necessary to calculate the profit and loss of dynamic consumption. But what to produce, produce more It must not be shifted by the output value and profitability, but by all laborers Based on the needs of the people. Whatever the working people urgently need, we must do our utmost Try to expand production, even if it is temporarily losing money. On the contrary, all labor What the people do not need so urgently, even if the output value is large and the profit is high, it should not be expanded arbitrarily. Big production. The reason why socialist enterprises have to calculate labor costs and calculate profits and losses is In order to reduce production costs, so that it can not only be compensated in value, but also To provide an increasing number of social funds to develop production at a high speed and increase social assets The supply of products. In the final analysis, the value creation process is subordinate to the labor process, and the purpose remains However, it is to create increasing social wealth to meet the needs of all working people. Before the victory of the October Revolution, Lenin pointed out: In a socialist society, The wealth created by activity is for all workers, not for a handful of wealthy people. ” ② ① Ibid., page 278. ② "May Day". The Collected Works of Lenin, Vol. 7, p. 185. Page 130 114 The purpose of socialist production is to meet the needs of all working people. In the end, what are the specific aspects of this need? It firstly includes the improvement of the material and cultural life of the proletariat and working people Aspect needs. Engels has long pointed out that the socialist system replaces capitalism After the system, “through social production, it is not only possible to ensure that all members of society are rich Sufficient and ample material life every day, and it may also ensure their physical The development and application of power and intelligence . " ① Lenin also pointed out that society A socialist society will “fully guarantee the welfare of all members of the society and enable them to gain freedom The all-round development of the labor force " ② . This means that socialist production will not only guarantee the The material and cultural living conditions are improving day by day, and it will ensure that workers gradually get rid of thousands of The shackles of the old social division of labor over the years have fully developed their physical and intellectual abilities for Gradually narrow the gap between workers and peasants, between urban and rural areas, between mental and physical labor. Service. The needs of the proletariat and working people also include the consolidation of the dictatorship of the proletariat and Consolidate the needs of national defense. To meet this need is to meet the improvement of material and cultural An important prerequisite for living needs. There is still a danger of capitalist restoration in a socialist society It is dangerous. There is a threat of subversion and aggression by imperialism and social imperialism. If the proletariat and working people do not firmly maintain their political rule and consolidate Own national defense, guarantee the security of one's own country, domestic and foreign reactionaries and exploiting classes There will be a comeback. At that time, the proletariat and working people can't talk about improving material ① Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, p. 322. ② "Draft Program of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party." "The Complete Works of Lenin," Vol. 6, page 11. Page 131 115 Cultural life will inevitably have to suffer twice and suffer twice. At the same time, the proletariat and the working people clearly understand: Mankind, the proletariat itself cannot be finally liberated. ① Therefore, the proletariat And the needs of the working people also include the need to support the revolutionary struggle of the people of the world want. The above-mentioned needs of the proletariat and the working people, especially those embodying labor The long-term interests of the people and the needs of the overall interests must pass through the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Home to make unified arrangements. Therefore, the purpose of socialist production can also be said to be To ensure that the growing needs of the socialist countries and people are met. In summary, Socialist production is to improve the material and cultural life of all working people. Peaceful service to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat, consolidate national defense, and support the world's people's revolution Fight service. In the final analysis, it is for the ultimate elimination of classes and the realization of communism. The purpose of socialist production is to determine the nature of the socialist ownership of the means of production. The quality is determined by the objective conditions of domestic and international class struggle in the historical period of socialism. Not a subjective thing. Chairman Mao pointed out as early as the period of my country's civil revolutionary war that the The first principle of political and economic work is: "Develop production and ensure supply" ② . Mao Lord Xi Zai discusses the economic construction of the revolutionary base area led by the socialist public economy Shi pointed out that in the revolutionary base areas, “the purpose of restoring and developing production is to improve The life of the people, on the one hand, supports the People's War of Liberation" ③ . ① Quotations from Chairman Mao. Quoted from "People's Daily" on June 29, 1967. ② "Meet the New Climax of the Chinese Revolution." Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1967, horizontal This, p. 1112. ③ "Speech at the Shanxi and Sui cadre meeting". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 Typesetting, p. 1206. Page 132 116 After my country entered the historical period of socialism, Chairman Mao again proposed "preparing for war, The great strategic policy of “preparing for famine and serving the people” will guide my country's socialist production and The development of the entire national economy. The above-mentioned principles and guidelines put forward by Chairman Mao fully reflect socialist production Objective purpose. In the guidance of Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line, principles and policies Attracted, the vigorous development of socialist production in our country has not only guaranteed the people's material culture The standard of living has been continuously improved, and the dictatorship of the proletariat has been consolidated and strengthened and supported The cause of world revolution. The purpose of socialist production is to serve the proletariat and the working people. Is determined by socialist production relations; organize socialism according to this purpose Production, which in turn will consolidate and develop socialist relations of production and make socialist The communist factor in the relations of production has further expanded, leading to the advancement of bourgeois legal rights restricted. However, socialist production is at the same time commodity production, which is bound to To implement equivalent exchange, it is necessary to calculate costs and profits. Bukharin is denying socialism When commodity production and profit under conditions, it was said: “The rule of the proletariat Under the circumstances, production is the production to offset social needs. "Lenin refuted this Point of view, pointed out: "Profits also meet the needs of'society'. It should be said: Under this condition, the surplus product does not belong to the private class, but to all the workers, and Only to them. " ① under socialism, as a social worker profit is created The transformation form of that part of the value. Focus on profit, fundamentally speaking, is to achieve this Part of the value, which is beneficial to the entire society. But profit is the same value after all Related categories. When the value of various products is transformed into the planned price, the planned price ① Lenin: "A Commentary on Bukharin's "Economy in the Transitional Period"". People's Publishing House in 1958, Pages 41-42. Page 133 117 Grid often deviates from value, and the planned prices of different products deviate from value The situation is often different. Therefore, with the same amount of labor, the production is different Products, you will get different profits. But the level of product profit margins is not inverse Reflect the extent to which society needs these products. Products with high profit margins are not necessarily social The clubs are urgently needed. Similarly, products with low profit margins do not mean that the society is not urgent. Required. If one-sided pursuit of profit, it will sharpen the contradiction between production and social needs If they get up, they will depart from the purpose of socialist production. If profit is not done, we will embark on the path of capitalist production where profit is in command. Just because the purpose of socialist production is still linked to the commodity system, this It provides an important economic condition for profit taking command. State of the dictatorship of the proletariat If we do not impose restrictions on the commodity system and allow profits to prevail, it will eventually change Change the purpose of socialist production and disrupt the socialist economy. In the Soviet Union, its birth The purpose of production has fundamentally changed. Chasing profits has become a monopoly capital of Soviet bureaucracy Grade production purpose. The basic economic law of capitalism, the law of surplus value, has been Replaced the basic economic laws of socialism. In order to cover up their rebellion To exploit the essence of capitalism and deliberately divide the socialist production process with capitalist production The process is mixed up, saying that Chengdu is the unity of labor process and value proliferation process; and They also prominently promote value proliferation as the dominant aspect. What do they say "Enterprise The most important summary indicators of financial activities in the industry are profits and profit margins." Called to "fight for increased profits." But in this way, they desperately plundered The reactionary face of the surplus value created by the working people of the Soviet Union was exposed. The Soviet revisionist renegade group with socialist signs and capitalist activities, In order to deceive the masses, and desperately distort the purpose of socialist production from another aspect, Propagating what "everything is for people, for people's happiness". Modern revisionism Page 134 118 The author so vigorously exchanged bourgeois welfarism for the purpose of socialist production, It's just to be deceived with "Xianshan Qiongge" such as well-eaten, well-dressed, and well-living. The masses, make people forget class struggle, forget revolution, forget class The fundamental purpose of communism is to allow this group of traitors to let go of capitalist restoration. In the Soviet Union today, the socialist economy has long been transformed into a state monopoly capitalist economy. The masters of society are no longer the working people, but the Brezhnev traitor group The bureaucratic monopoly on behalf of the bourgeoisie. The so-called "all for people" means all for The bureaucratic monopoly of the capitalist class. They are really "rich", eat well, dress well, Live well, and the vast working people of the Soviet Union have fallen back into oppression and exploitation The abyss of suffering. Grasp the revolution and promote production The purpose of socialist production is to satisfy the country and people's growing Need; in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to greatly develop social production and increase labor Dynamic productivity increases the total output of society. Marx and Engels in the "Communist Manifesto" Pointed out that when the proletariat overthrew the rule of the bourgeoisie, it would use its Political rule, depriving capitalists and concentrating all tools of production into their own hands, "And increase the total amount of productivity as quickly as possible" ① . Lenin established in the Soviet power At the beginning of the establishment, it also pointed out: “Only by increasing production and increasing labor productivity, Soviet Russia Country can win. ” ② Then, how to increase labor productivity and develop social production? ① "The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, No. 272 page. ② "The Eighth Congress of the All-Russia Soviet". The Collected Works of Lenin Vol. 31, p. 454. Page 135 119 Modern revisionists attribute the development of production only to science and technology, production labor The improvement of tools, in an vain attempt to deny that productivity can only be achieved under certain production relations The universal truth of Marxism is protected and developed. This reactionary "only The theory of productivity" fundamentally distorts the history of human society. Marxism believes that increasing labor productivity and developing social production requires It is undoubtedly important to adopt new science and technology and new production tools. But it is by no means the first condition. Chairman Mao pointed out: "China can only Complete the socialist transformation thoroughly in terms of degree, and in terms of technology, in all Departments and places that use machines to operate, all use machines The economic outlook has all changed. " ① Chairman Mao also pointed out:" the class struggle, the struggle for production And scientific experiments are the three great revolutionary movements for building a powerful socialist country" ② . If we abandon the establishment, consolidation and improvement of socialist production relations, Let's talk about the development of technology when the superstructure is not adapted to the socialist economic foundation; It would be extremely wrong to talk about production struggle and scientific experiment without class struggle. Although science and technology and production tools are important, they must be created by workers and And only by the workers can it become a realistic productivity. Despite the changes in production Transformation and development are always from the change and development of productivity, first of all from the Change and development begin, but this kind of relationship between man and nature is living with people Certain production relations formed in production activities are inextricably linked. Production The change of the department is caused by the certain development of productivity, but the certain development of productivity Development is again driven by certain production relations. Especially the great development of productivity, ① "On the issue of agricultural co-operation". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A), People's Publishing House, 1965 Annual edition, page 432. ② Quoted from "People's Daily" on July 14, 1964. Page 136 120 It is an undeniable historical fact that always after major changes in production relations. Under the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism in old China, The landlord class and the comprador class represent the most backward and reactionary production relations in China. This production relationship seriously hinders the development of productivity: the annual output of steel is divided by the northeast There are only a few hundred thousand tons outside, there is almost no machine manufacturing industry, not to mention automobile manufacturing, Aircraft industry. Only after the founding of the People's Republic of China, gradually eliminated Imperialist ownership, bureaucratic capitalist ownership, and feudal ownership Step by step reform of national capitalist ownership and individual ownership, basically established Socialist production relations, our country's social productive forces are at a speed that the old society did not have. Degree developed rapidly. After the establishment of socialist production relations, do we still need to follow the development of productivity? Does the exhibition continue to adjust and change? Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping and other party asset class Level, oppose the continued revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat and insist that there is no change in production relations Problem. They nonsense that the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production is basically complete After completion, the main domestic contradiction is no longer the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, but What is "the contradiction between the advanced socialist system and the backward social productive forces" No longer need to continue to change production relations and the superstructure, just immerse yourself in the development of Productivity is enough. Deng Xiaoping said more bluntly, "As long as it can increase production, do it alone. Yes, regardless of whether the cat is white or black, it is a good cat that can catch mice. "Their strange Talking about the strange theory was criticized during the Cultural Revolution. Deng Xiaoping expressed "repentance and renewal", "Never reverse the case." But once he re-worked and gained some power, Take the lead in violently turning right. "It's still a white cat or a black cat. Nationalism or Marxism. " ① Deng concocted inspired" On the whole party across the country ① Quotations from Chairman Mao. Quoted from "People's Daily" on March 28, 1976. Page 137 121 "The General Program of the Work", a revisionist program of "three directives as the outline" is widely peddled, Advocating "Only Productivity Theory" and "Class Struggle Extinction Theory" and blatantly deny Take class struggle as the key link, oppose the party's basic program, tamper with the party's basic line, whether The main target of the socialist revolution is the bourgeoisie within the party. It is the restoration of Deng Xiaoping The political manifesto of capitalism. Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping in socialist conditions This set of "productivity-only theory" advocated by Trotsky, Bukharin and Woz The "productive force theory" advocated by the Nesenskys and others under the socialist conditions of the Soviet Union Pirated. Around 1920, Trotsky used the people of the Soviet Union to hope to restore the nation The urgency of the economy, what "everything should be based on the economy", to Created the so-called "production atmosphere" and attacked Lenin, saying, "What we care about High production, and what you care about is only formal democracy", only "from political "Look at the problem. Bukharin said nonsense under the guise of "bufferers": "political Regardless of whether it is a governance factor or an economic factor, you can't throw it away." "From a political perspective, The question and the question have the same value from an economic point of view", using eclecticism as a method of proof. At that time, Lenin deeply exposed and criticized Trotsky and Bukharin's mistakes. Lenin pointed out: "Politics cannot but occupy the first place compared with economics. I am not sure about this. It is to forget the basic common sense of Marxism. Lenin also pointed out sharply, This kind of reactionary "productivity-only" error "If you don't understand and correct it, then Will lead to the demise of the dictatorship of the proletariat" ① . In 1931, the Soviet agricultural collective At the beginning of the victory, Voznesensky jumped out and published "On Society The article "The Problem of Socialist Economy" says "The proletariat and its ① "Revisiting the trade unions, the current situation and the mistakes of Trotsky and Bukharin". Selected Works of Lenin, Volume 4, People People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, pages 441 and 443. Page 138 122 "Tolerance" is a solution to "advanced socialist production relations and relatively backward productivity The main task in the future is to "improve the development level of productivity." What Woznesensky preached is exactly the theoretically modified "productivity theory", It was a revisionist fallacy that Lenin had already refuted painfully. It was totally anti-Marxist. of. Marxism believes that even after the establishment of socialist production relations, There is also the task of continuing to adjust or change production relations; the development of productivity is still We must rely on proletarian politics to command and use revolution to promote. This is because: First of all, after the establishment of socialist production relations, they are basically the same as production Meets the requirements of power development, but it is still very imperfect. These imperfect Aspects and the development of productivity are contradictory. Only to adjust production relations in a timely manner Only those imperfect aspects of the country can better protect and promote the development of productivity. Second, as productivity continues to develop, production relations will also be Contradictions occur in further development. When some parts of the production relationship have become unwell In response to the development of productive forces, it is also necessary to make timely changes to adapt it to production Requirements for further development. Modern revisionists advocate the so-called advanced socialist The contradiction between the righteous production relationship and the relatively backward productivity is completely nonsense. The purpose is to try to divert their attention and induce people to concentrate on production instead of looking up at the road. Throw it away and continue the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat so that they can let go of restoring capitalism In a class society, production relations are, in the final analysis, class relations. In socialism Society, the proletariat and the working people want the productive forces to continuously develop, they must Be good at maintaining the established socialist production relations and adjust or adjust timely Change the part of the production relationship that is not compatible with the development of the productive forces; and adjust Or change production relations, that is, strengthen and develop the communist factor in production relations Page 139 123 Element, restricting the bourgeois legal rights in the relations of production, and therefore, adjustment or change Class relations are the elimination of all classes and class differences through a series of steps. "All economic struggles must become political struggles" ① . Adjustment of production relations Reform will inevitably arouse all the resistance and destruction of the new and old bourgeoisie inside and outside the party. Into a struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. "All class struggles are politics Struggle" ② . "The basic economic interests of the proletariat can only be achieved through the use of the dictatorship of the proletariat A political revolution that replaces the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie is satisfied. " ③ proletariat to achieve their The goal is to persist in the proletariat in all fields and at all stages of revolutionary development. The dictatorship of the proletariat continuously carries on to the end the continued revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat. otherwise, Socialist production relations cannot consolidate by themselves, nor can they adjust or change by themselves. Revolution, productivity cannot develop rapidly. The socialist ideology guided by Marxism has It plays a huge role in establishing the economic foundation and promoting the development of productive forces. "Theory One After mastering the masses, it will become a material force. " ④ open under the correct guidance of the Party's line Develop the socialist revolution on the political, ideological, and economic fronts, and strengthen the Dictatorship, constantly consolidating and developing socialist relations of production, and restricting the capital Level legal rights, criticize bourgeois legal rights, and constantly improve the class struggle of the people The consciousness of struggling for peace and line struggle, constantly mobilizing them in the socialist revolution and construction The enthusiasm of being the master of the house can promote the greater development of productivity. This has been international ① "Our Program". "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 205. ② "Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, No. 260 page. ③ "What to do? ". "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 262. ④ Marx: "Introduction to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 1, People Press 1972 edition, p. 9. Page 140 124 The history of the communist movement proves that it has also been Life and the history of socialist construction, especially for the proletarian culture of our country The history since the revolution proved. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is a powerful impetus to the development of our social productive forces force. Through the Cultural Revolution, a new leap forward appeared in my country's industrial and agricultural production. Successfully completed the third five-year plan for the development of the national economy started in 1966. 1970 Compared with 1965, the total industrial output value increased by 73.7%, and the total agricultural output value increased by 21.4%. The history of Shanghai Tool Factory's "three ups and twos" shows both pros and cons. Revolution can promote production. This factory was originally started by bureaucratic capital to repair textile machinery parts plant. After liberation, when the state took over, there were only more than 20 workers and more than 20 dilapidated equipment. 1950 After reorganization and expansion in the year, it specializes in mass production of common tools required by the machinery industry. The workers who were liberated from the enslavement of bureaucratic capital, with a strong sense of turning over, were the masters of the house. Work in a posture, labor productivity in 1954 increased by seven and a half times compared with 1950, and A way of self-reliant production of knives and tools has emerged, setting off the first in the history of this factory Production climax. However, at this moment, Liu Shaoqi's revisionist line was blown. The unhealthy trends of the United States, the strict hierarchical "one-manage system", the "material stimulation", the "control, The so-called "regularized management system" of "sticking and pressing". As a result, the company has become lifeless. The socialist enthusiasm of the workers was suppressed. The labor productivity in 1956 was higher than that in 1953. It was even lower by 30%, and the factory's first downturn since liberation occurred. Opened in 1958 In the revolutionary wave of the Great Leap Forward, the masses of workers in this factory responded to Chairman Mao's call. The idea of ​​​​bourgeois legal rights was greatly broken, the revisionist set of clear rules and precepts, and the The resounding slogan of “Governance in command, not banknotes in command”. As a result, technological innovation continues to emerge and production The output in 1960 increased by seven times compared with 1957. Production climax. However, by 1961, there was another wave of Liu Shaoqi's revisionist line. Bad wind. Under the influence of this unhealthy trend, in addition to the piece rate system, this factory was strongly influenced by the masses. Apart from the fact that the opposition has not been restored, other revisionist rules and regulations have been restored, only the rules and regulations So I made 72 books, a total of more than 3,000. As a result, the three years of production from 1962 to 1964 The total amount is still less than the level of 1960, and the excellent situation of production has been severely damaged. Page 141 125 There was a second low tide. The proletarian cultural big apple hits, and the workers follow the revisionist line Rushed out again under the suppression of the squad, once again liberated from the spirit, and greatly exerted the social Socialist enthusiasm and creativity. In 1970, this factory realized the "ten thousand knives per person" war. Fighting goals. The total output this year has nearly tripled compared with 1965, and the variety has more than doubled. Set off the third production climax. Practice has proved that the great development of social productivity is always changing outdated and After the production relations and superstructure, not before the change. Relations of production And the transformation of the superstructure is the social revolution. "Revolution is the locomotive of history." ①It is this locomotive that drives the historical train to roll forward and promotes social life The continuous development of production. The history of the development of socialist production has always been the proletariat's political command of the economy. The history of grasping the revolution and promoting production. A socialist enterprise always has leadership Whether it is in the hands of real Marxists and workers, poor and lower middle peasants, There is always the question of what route to implement, there is always a timely adjustment of production relations and The problem of the superstructure. Therefore, if a socialist enterprise wants to develop production, it must Proletarian politics must be used to command production. If like modern revisionists at home and abroad As advocated, if you only focus on production and not the revolution, you will lose your way and go the wrong way. Road, it is impossible to mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of the masses to develop socialist production Sexuality will follow the Soviet Union's old road of "satellites going to the sky and red flags landing". Modern correction The activists advocate the "productivity only theory" and always obliterate the class nature of production relations. Further obliterate class contradictions and class struggles in an attempt to negate the proletarian political unity. The reactionary purpose of handsome economy. This argument is the basis of the "class struggle extinguishing theory", ① Marx: "Class Struggle in France from 1848 to 1850". Selected Works of Marx and Engels No. 1 Volume, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, 474 pages. Page 142 126 It is a fallacy that serves bourgeois politics. We have to draw a clear line from this argument Limit, unswervingly implement Chairman Mao's “Grasp the revolution and promote production” policy. This policy is effective and must be adhered to. It correctly answers the revolution and Production, spiritual and material, superstructure and economic foundation, production relations and productivity The dialectical relationship between the two guarantees the rapid development of my country's socialist production. The main content of the basic economic laws of socialism We are clarifying the objective purpose of socialist production and how to develop socialist After the two issues of righteous production, we can further explore the basic economics of socialism. The problem of economic law. The so-called basic economic laws always include the goal of social production and the achievement of this goal. The means of such two aspects. It determines production, exchange, distribution and consumption. The four main links that constitute the overall social and economic life determine the one part of social production All major aspects and all major processes. The purpose of socialist production is to satisfy the country and people's growing need. The way to achieve this goal is to promote technology and production through revolution. development of. Therefore, to sum up, the basic economic law of socialism contains this The main content: timely adjustment or change of production relations and superstructure, continuous improvement The technology is lacking, how fast and economical to develop socialist production to meet the needs of the country and the people The need to stop growth will create material conditions for the ultimate elimination of classes and the realization of communism. The basic economic laws of socialism determine all the principals of socialist economic development. The important aspect determines the basic content of socialist production, exchange, distribution and consumption. In terms of production, in a socialist society, what is produced, how much is produced, No matter how the production is arranged, it must obey the requirements of this law. Socialist countries are making Page 143 127 When planning, it is to arrange production according to the requirements of the basic economic laws of socialism The variety, quantity and layout of production make the development of socialist production conducive to Consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat is conducive to strengthening combat readiness, consolidating national defense, and supporting support The revolutionary struggle of the people of the world and the continuous improvement of the material and cultural life of the working people level. Socialist exchanges also must first obey the basic economic laws of socialism. Requirements. Socialist countries are deciding on the proportion of export and domestic sales, military and civilian use The ratio of supply to rural areas and cities, and the sales prices of various commodities When making a grid, we don't first consider how much money can be sold and how much profit we have. It is to first consider what is conducive to the development of socialist production and the consolidation of the worker-peasant alliance. Is conducive to ensure the improvement of the working people's lives and consolidating national defense. Conducive to the promotion of proletarian international unity with fraternal socialist countries, To support national independent countries, etc. In terms of distribution, whether it is the distribution of national income or personal consumer goods Distribution must also be governed by the basic economic laws of socialism. Socialist country When deciding the ratio of accumulation to consumption and the wage level, the The long-term and current interests of the class and all working people, collective interests and individual All interests must be coordinated and properly arranged to fully reflect the basic social The requirements of economic laws. Similarly, in dealing with the consumption problem of socialist society At that time, whether it is organizing social group consumption or personal consumption, it must be subject to The need to improve the lives of working people, while also conducive to the revolutionization of people's thinking, Conducive to the promotion of the new style of the proletariat, consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat and strengthening the Speed ​​​​up socialist construction. In short, the basic economic laws of socialism embody socialist production, exchange, Page 144 128 The most essential link between distribution and consumption determines the root of socialist economic development This direction. Correctly understanding and applying the basic economic laws of socialism can enable me They enhance their consciousness in their work, overcome blindness, and follow the correct direction of socialism. Stride forward. Section 3 How to develop socialism quickly and economically The possibility and reality of high-speed development of socialist production The purpose of socialist production is to meet the growing needs of the country and people. The degree of satisfaction of this need is closely related to the speed of production development. society Consolidation of national defense in a socialist country, the development of social, cultural, educational and health The improvement of quality cultural life and the support for the revolutionary cause of the world's people require The rapid development of socialist production. The first victory of the socialist revolution In some countries, the industrial base is often relatively weak, which makes the society develop at a high speed. Doctrine production is even more urgent. Under the socialist system, the rapid development of production is not only necessary, but And it is possible. Chairman Mao pointed out: "The so-called socialist production relations are relatively old Generation production relations are more suitable for the nature of the development of productive forces, meaning that they can allow Productivity is developing rapidly at a speed that the old society did not have, so production continues to expand, because The situation in which the growing needs of the people can be gradually met. " ① Therefore, the high-speed development of socialist production is not only a wish, but also ① "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A), People Press 1965 edition. Page 145 129 It is an inevitable trend after the establishment of socialist production relations. It is a socialist system. A performance of degree superiority. Socialist production relations promote social production and the entire country from the following aspects: The high-speed development of the people's economy is the first. The socialist system is the Polarity and creativity provide great possibilities. Capitalist system The endless creative talents hidden among the working people destroy, suppress and suffocate Stopped. The socialist system has radically changed the social status of the working people. The working masses no longer work hard for the landlords and capitalists, but work for their own class. Moved, labor became a glorious and heroic thing. All these are sufficient for the working people Provides the conditions to play their infinite wisdom and talents. Second, "Socialism has not only liberated laborers and means of production from the old society, It also liberated the vast natural world that the old society could not use. " ①The socialist system Fundamentally blocked the inevitable condition of competition and production anarchy under capitalist conditions The huge waste of human, material and financial resources has appeared. Socialist countries can have plans Use equipment and natural resources rationally, and cultivate and Use labor to make full and reasonable utilization of labor resources and material resources, because And it makes the speed of socialist production development can greatly surpass capitalism Third, the socialist revolution overthrew the system of exploitation in the old society. The part of wealth that must be used by landlords and capitalists for parasitic consumption in property, Now it can be used to improve the lives of the people and as funds for expanding reproduction, This provides favorable conditions for the expansion and rapid development of production. For example, liberate The land rent paid to landlords by farmers in my country was about 60 billion catties each year. ① Chairman Mao: "Note to "Excess Labor Force Found a Way Out"". "Socialism in Rural China Tide, Volume 2, p. 578. Page 146 130 After liberation, these social products can be used to develop collective production and improve The farmers live. The same is true in industry and commerce. Fourth, the socialist system has opened up a broad path for the rapid development of technology. Under the capitalist system, capitalists try to adopt new technologies in order to extract more Residual value. Only within this limit is he interested in developing new technologies. The scope of accommodating new technologies under the capitalist system is much narrower than under the socialist system many. When a new technology cannot bring more surplus value to capitalists, it will not Will be adopted. At the same time, capitalists take the technological revolution that has been achieved in their own enterprises The new monopolized as a "business secret", and the bourgeois state uses "patent rights, etc." The form enables the capitalist's monopoly on new technologies to be protected by law, thus artificially Land hinders the progress of technology and the development of productivity. Under the socialist system, new technology The use of technology is to save labor consumption in production and create more Wealth is to reduce the labor intensity of the working people and improve working conditions. Therefore, technical The development of technology has become a conscious requirement of the working masses, and has broken the technological innovation That kind of limitation under the capitalist system. In a socialist society, any society The advanced experience of socialist enterprises in production methods and technological innovation is all labor The wealth of the people should not have any "business secrets" and "patent rights." These first After summarizing and promoting the advanced experience, it can be quickly used in other enterprises. All of this can greatly accelerate the development of production under the socialist system. Fifth speed. The socialist system has eliminated the kind of production increase peculiar to capitalism. An antagonistic contradiction with the relatively reduced purchasing power of the working people. Socialist production The purpose is to meet the growing needs of the socialist countries and people. Production increased, Economic construction, national defense construction, social and cultural education and health care, and support the world The scale of the revolution will expand accordingly, and the consumption level of the working masses will gradually increase. Page 147 131 There will never be an economic crisis of overproduction under capitalist conditions. Therefore, when the capitalist world was hit by an economic crisis, production dropped sharply. At the time of the decline, my country's socialist production was still developing vigorously, showing that The superiority of the socialist system. In short, socialist relations of production ensure that the role of people and things in productive forces is To give full play to. The high-speed development of social production and the entire national economy is social The objective law of ism production. The development of socialist production and the entire national economy is high The waves move forward, spiraling upward. In real life, economic development is inevitable Free land will be restricted and affected by various subjective and objective conditions. Years are the same. This is a wave in progress. It is similar to the economics that appeared under the capitalist system The economic stagnation, retreat and production growth caused by the economic crisis are Fundamentally different. The general line of building socialism The socialist system provides for the rapid development of production and the entire national economy. Objective possibility, but to make this possibility a reality, we need to have A Marxist line that correctly reflects objective laws. The line is correct, the society The socialist system can be consolidated and developed, so that the social production of high-speed development Violence can be fully utilized; if the route is wrong, or the correct route is revised The interference of the orthodox line will inevitably hinder and destroy the development of social production Chairman Mao summarized the historical experience of socialist construction and formulated the entire social The basic line of the historical stage of socialism, and under the guidance of this basic line, For our party, we have formulated the “Energy and Strive to Page 148 132 The general line of socialism. The general line of building socialism is based on class struggle, Give full play to people's subjective initiative and make full use of the superiority of the socialist system. A Marxist line of building socialism in a cost-effective manner. The general line of building socialism quickly, efficiently and economically It is required to unify how fast and how easy it is to save in socialist construction. "Much" is to produce The requirement of product quantity, "fast" is the requirement of time, and "good" is the requirement of quality. "Province" is a requirement for saving labor and consumption. How quickly and easily save these aspects, They promote and restrict each other. I have to save, not too fast, only a little bit, It's horribly slow, but it's not good; It's not enough to use a lot of funds, because in the long run, from the overall perspective, the result must not be How fast can it be, but it can only be slow. Be enthusiastic, strive for the top, how fast and saving land The general line of building socialism correctly reflects the basic economic laws of socialism, The law of planned and proportional development of the national economy and the law of high-speed development of socialist production The objective requirements of the law correctly reflect the demands of the people across the country to quickly change The revolutionary will behind the "white". The general line of building socialism quickly, efficiently and economically Emphasizes the leadership of proletarian politics, emphasizes the leadership of the party and the masses of the people Combination is a new development of the party's mass line. "Historical activities are the cause of the masses" ① . Marxism-Leninism has always criticized Britain The absurdity of creating history has always been advocated by the working people in creating the truth of history. Mao Lord Xi pointed out in a very general way: "The people, and only the people, are the ones who made world history. ① "The Holy Family". The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 2, p. 104. Page 149 133 power. " ① " tend to be lower than the higher level, higher than the leadership of the masses, not leadership And ordinary workers, because they are separated from the masses and have no practical experience. " ②Chairman Mao He has repeatedly taught us that we must rely on the masses to seize power and we must rely on the construction of socialism. Rely on the masses. The practice of socialist construction in our country for more than two decades has fully proved this point. The bourgeoisie in the party, whether it is Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, or Deng Xiaoping, they They are all faithful believers of Kong Lao Er. They stand on the reactionary stand of the landlords and the bourgeoisie On the other hand, it does everything possible to slander the people. Lin Biao brags about his "head They look good, they are different from others, they are very agile", "not the brains of ordinary farmers, It's not the brains of ordinary workers." He desperately sold Kong Lao Er's “Only the wisdom and the foolishness” The fallacy of immutability. Deng Xiaoping tried his best to spread that “relying on workers, peasants and soldiers is relative”. And do everything possible to support capital roaders who are not willing to repent. Bourgeois “experts” and “authorities” with knowledge of the The politics of the proletariat. This fully exposes that the bourgeoisie in the party is the death of the people. enemy. Countless examples throughout the ages prove that the humble is the smartest, and the noble is the stupid. In the cause of socialist construction, we can only fully believe in the masses, follow the masses, and respect The pioneering spirit of the masses mobilizes all positive factors to unite all those who may be united, And as far as possible, the negative factors can be transformed into positive factors in order to successfully carry out the politics. The socialist revolution on the fronts of governance, economy, ideology and culture can be more, fast and Develop socialist production and science, culture, and education in a good and economical way. "Put all your energy and strive for the top", these two sentences are about the spiritual state of people. Attitude and subjective initiative are required to correctly handle and adjust people's interactions in production Relationship, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the broad masses of people to build socialism. This is much ① "On Coalition Government". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, page 932. ② Quotations from Chairman Mao. Quoted from People's Daily on May 29, 1976. Page 150 134 The primary condition for building socialism quickly, efficiently and economically. People are the most important factor in productivity. The superiority of the socialist system must be passed Only extraordinary activities can be brought into play. The general line attaches great importance to the revolutionary energy of the masses. The role in socialist construction requires the full mobilization of the masses of workers, peasants and soldiers, and revolution The initiative and enthusiasm of Yu Bu and revolutionary intellectuals made them dare to think, dare to speak, Dare to do, and strive to do things that can be done through hard work. How fast to achieve The key to saving money and avoiding low cost is a lot of motivation. Procrastination, Fearful of the head and tail, this is impossible, that is impossible, this world of cowards and lazy people Outlook runs counter to the requirements of the general line of building socialism. On the question of how to mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses, modern revisionists always put Material stimulus and the bourgeois ideology that “money can make ghosts grind” is regarded as eternal Hard truth. Their filthy bourgeois soul is the same as the workers, The noble ideas of the poor, lower and middle peasants working for the revolution and farming for the revolution are completely opposed. he They advocate material stimulus in order to use bourgeois ideas to poison the masses in order to achieve other They restore the evil purpose of capitalism. Marxists have always believed that mobilizing groups The fundamental way to gain public enthusiasm is to exercise proletarian politics in command and follow the mass line. Chairman Mao clearly pointed out: "The wealth of society is the knowledge of workers, farmers and labor. The molecule created it himself. As long as these people control their own destiny, there is another horse The Kerth-Leninist line is not to avoid problems, but to use a positive attitude to solve To solve problems, any human difficulty can always be solved. " ① revolutionary masses palm Grasping the party's Marxist line will surely arouse tremendous revolutionary energy and change Create a miracle in the world for the huge material power. ① Chairman Mao: "Notes to ""The Secretary's Hands, The Whole Party Runs Office"". "The Socialist Climax in Rural China" First volume, pages 5-6. Page 151 135 In the process of formulating the general route, Chairman Mao also proposed a complete set of general implementation routes. The principles, policies, and methods of the government are important for organizing the masses and cadres to overcome difficulties. It played an important role in winning the socialist revolution and socialist construction. Chairman Mao's proposal is to take agriculture as the foundation and industry as the leading factor, giving full play to both the central and local Enthusiasm, make full use of coastal industries, accelerate the construction of inland industries, implement industrial, Simultaneous development of agriculture, local production and foreign production, and simultaneous development of large, medium and small The policy of walking on two legs is conducive to correctly handling all aspects of socialist construction Relationship, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties, so that these aspects promote each other, Complement each other and support each other so that we try to avoid All kinds of one-sidedness to ensure that socialist production and the entire national economy Proportionally develop at a high speed. The Great Leap Forward of my country's National Economy The general line of building socialism quickly, efficiently and economically It has greatly promoted the development of my country's socialist construction. The brilliance in the general route Under the shining, the people across the country are high-spirited and vigorous, dare to think, dare to speak, dare to do The revolutionary spirit is unprecedentedly high; a society that is more advanced, advanced in learning, catching up with the advanced, and helping the backward The upsurge of ism competition has passed by one wave after another. my country's national economy is booming The Great Leap Forward. When explaining the meaning of the Great Leap Forward, Chairman Mao said: "We cannot go The old road of technological development is crawling step by step after others. We must fight Break the convention, try to use advanced technology, and in a not too long historical period, my country has become a socialist modernized power. What we call the big leap Page 152 136 Enter, that's what it means. " ① The Great Leap Forward embodies "independence and self-reliance" in the cause of socialist construction. The proletarian revolutionary ambition and glorious tradition of "hard work". Back in the War of Resistance Against Japan During the period, Chairman Mao gave these instructions on the economic construction of the anti-Japanese base areas: "We advocate self-reliance. We want foreign aid, but we cannot rely on Relying on it, we rely on our own efforts and the creativity of all military and civilians. " ②In the party After the second meeting of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China passed the general line for building socialism, Chairman Mao It pointed out: "Self-reliance is the mainstay, with foreign aid as the supplement, break superstition, and be independent Land industry, agriculture, technological revolution and cultural revolution, to overthrow slave thinking, Bury dogmatism, earnestly study the good experience of foreign countries, and must also study the bad Lessons learned from experience, this is our line. " ③ this route with Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping's revisionist line of admiring foreigners, surrendering and traitorous Antagonistic. This line enabled us to overcome the imperialist blockade and withstand the The pressure of social imperialism, despite the ups and downs of the capitalist world economic crisis, my country's economy has always been solidly and vigorously developing. We must always stick to this line. The semi-colonial and semi-feudal old China suffered enough from the economic inability to become independent. In old China, not only was the heavy industry sector basically blank, but the light industry was also extremely backward. For a long time, many daily-use industrial products were imported from abroad, called "foreign goods". Matches are called "foreign fire", kerosene is called "foreign oil", and Yuan nails are called "foreign nails". Woven fabrics are called "foreign fabrics", and shops selling daily industrial products are called "foreign goods stores". ① Quoted from "Red Flag Magazine", Issue 1, 1965. ② "Must learn to do economic work". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition Page 917. ③ Quoted from Premier Zhou Enlai's "Government Work Report" in January 1975. People's Publishing House in 1975 7 pages. Page 153 137 Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, we have developed independently and on our own Socialist national economy. my country's agriculture is realizing machinery on the basis of collectivization 化. The variety of light industry products is becoming more colorful. my country's own machinery industry, The metallurgical industry, chemical industry, instrumentation industry and electronics industry have established and Developed, an independent comparatively complete based on agriculture and dominated by industry A complete industrial system and national economic system are taking shape. On this basis, our country Successful trial production of atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs. The artificial earth satellite is in the sky and can be scheduled Plan to return to the ground. my country's first trial to successfully synthesize insulin, for exploration The origin of life has made a significant contribution. The first successful trial production of dual internal water cooling in China Steam turbine generator. my country successfully developed a controlled thermonuclear reaction experimental device, It has entered the world's advanced ranks in exploring the peaceful use of thermonuclear reactions. my country An ultra-deep well of over 6,000 meters was successfully drilled, marking that my country's oil drilling technology has reached To a new level. This song is an independent and self-reliant triumphant song, song Praise our country's brilliant victories since the founding of the country, especially since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Profit. Under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought, the people of our country crushed Lin with hard facts. "The national economy is stagnant" and "the present is not as good as before" spread by Biao and Deng Xiaoping Shamelessly slander, using hard facts to prove to the world: Western bourgeoisie can The Eastern proletariat certainly can do what can be done; the Western bourgeoisie cannot. The Eastern proletariat can also do it. Socialist production has a higher development speed than capitalist production, which is an objective matter. real. In the short period of 24 years from 1949 to 1973, my country's total agricultural output value increased by one 1.8 times, the output value of light industry has increased by 12.8 times, and the output value of heavy industry has increased by 59 times. In the capitalist society, even if the capitalist Page 154 138 In the second half of the ninth century, it never reached a level of socialist production development. This high speed; after entering the period of monopoly capitalism and the general crisis of capitalism, The speed of capitalist expansion of reproduction is even slower. The annual output of steel in my country increased from 158,000 tons (1949) to 21 million tons (1971), it only took 22 years. And it took 33 for the United States to complete this growth process In 1998, Britain spent 86 years, Germany spent 46 years, and Japan spent 50 years. Take the United States, the number one capitalist country with rapid production development, as an example. Its industrial production is During the nearly thirty years from 1871 to 1900, there was an increase of about 3.9 times, but in From 1901 to 1929, it only increased by 2.7 times; from 1930 to 1959 In time, it only increased by a factor of 1.7. In the decade from 1964 to 1974, the US industry increased 53%, the Soviet Union's industry grew by 1.2 times, the Japanese industry grew by 1.6 times, and the West German industry grew by 60%, while my country's industry has increased by 1.9 times during this period. Individual capitalist countries' labor Industrial production has also experienced rapid development in a certain period, but this is a short-lived phenomenon. Can last ① . ① During the period from 1951 to 1970, the average annual growth rate of industrial production in Japan reached 14.1%. If it had made a fortune during the US imperial invasion of Korea and Vietnam, and the US imperially supported the Japanese monopoly capital the result of. During the war of aggression against Korea from 1950 to 1953, the US emperor paid at least three billion US dollars in "Need" orders; after the end of the war of aggression against Korea, the US imperialism never stopped placing orders for Japan. During this period, the "special needs" payments of the US imperialism to Japan further increased, reaching more than two billion US dollars each year. US return to Japan This monopoly capital provides a large amount of loans, direct investment in Japan's heavy industry sector, and exports a large amount of technical expertise to Japan. Rights, etc. In addition, Japan's monopoly capital has cruelly exploited the working people in the country. Receiving large amounts of subsidies in China has also stimulated the rapid development of Japanese industry. Yen (Japanese goods The low foreign exchange rate has helped Japanese goods compete for markets around the world, and has contributed to stimulating the development of domestic industries. Also played a big role. But as everyone knows, these factors that promote the development of Japanese industry are unreliable. , Cannot last. Since the fourth quarter of 1973, Japan, together with the United States, the United Kingdom, West Germany and other countries, has fallen into capital The capitalist world economic crisis, which has lasted for more than two years, has still not recovered. Such as If we are not looking at individual countries or individual periods, but from the entire capitalist world, from a longer period of time Page 155 139 my country's socialist construction has achieved a brilliant victory, but this is by no means to say that I We can be complacent. my country used to be poor and white, and its industrial foundation was extremely weak. just now, Although our country has achieved great victories, it has become a prosperous social master. Righteous country, but there is still a long way to build a strong socialist economy There is still much work to be done. The people of our country are realizing Mao The chairman's solemn declaration: "The Chinese people are ambitious and capable. In the future, catch up with and exceed the advanced world level. " ① The question, then, the slowing down of capitalist production is still extremely obvious. ① Quoted from "Liberation Army Daily" on October 29, 1966. Page 156 Page 157 Page 158 Page 159 141 Chapter 4 In the Socialist Economy Distribution of social labor The first section is planned and proportional to the regulation of the law of development The planned distribution of social labor in connection with the commodity system Organizing social production consumes production materials and labor. Means of production The role of labor in production is to provide living labor. Taken together, It's all social labor. To organize social production, there is a question of the distribution of social labor. question. How much social labor is put on agriculture, how much is put on industry, there is How much is put on other undertakings. There is a certain percentage in any society. The objective needs of production are determined not by people's will. But this How to establish this proportional relationship, and in what form to achieve it, depends on the ownership Same but different. Then, under the conditions of socialist public ownership, this proportional relationship is How was it established? In what form is social labor distributed? Almost all the historical textbooks of socialist political economy say this: In a socialist society, the entire social economy is developed in a planned and proportionate manner. Also In other words, the distribution of social labor is carried out in a planned and proportionate manner. It seems that there is no Any contradictions. Some textbooks also say that under the conditions of socialist public ownership, we will never Page 160 142 There will be a phenomenon of "spontaneity and flow" in social labor distribution. Teach in these According to the authors of scientific books, in a socialist society, the distribution of social labor seems only The law of planned and proportional development is at work; and people have become "Enlightened persons" do not need a process of cognition at all for the proportional relationship that exists objectively. Is the distribution of social labor in a socialist economy so smooth? Is there no contradiction? The great change in ownership has made the socialist based on socialist public ownership Will produce, begin to have direct sociality, and people can consciously create New conditions in history. Under these conditions, social production began to shake off capitalism Competition and anarchy of production, the social labor can be distributed proportionally in a planned way Up. At this time, the economic law of planned and proportional development of the national economy emerged (Jian Called the law of planning). This law regulates the distribution of social labor. However, in the society In a socialist society, this law is linked to the commodity system of. The socialist society still implements the commodity system, which shows that as a commodity production The basic law of exchange and exchange, the law of value, has not withdrawn from the stage of history. At this In this case, the distribution of social labor has already begun to be adjusted by the law of planning. Festival, on the other hand, is inevitably affected by the law of value. "A commodity The value of can only be expressed by another commodity and only in exchange with another commodity Time can only be realized, and here is the possibility: Or the exchange is not It can be established, or the true value of the commodity cannot be realized. " ①Under socialist conditions Although there are plans to guide the distribution of social labor, the actual The ratio between the international investment and the objective requirement does not match, so that some commodities cannot be supplied ① Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, page 349. Page 161 143 Begging, buyers do everything possible to go around, but they still can't buy them. Oversupply, forming a backlog, and even having to cut prices, and even the real Value cannot be realized. Doesn't this situation exist every day and every hour? In socialism In the economic movement, the appearance of this kind of situation means that the law of value may replace The law of planning regulates the distribution of social labor. For this possible law of value The spontaneous adjustment effect of the proletariat, if it is not restricted under the dictatorship of the proletariat, it will Competition and production anarchy under capitalist conditions reappear, and people will have May be dominated by things, thereby consciously or unconsciously violating the objective proportional relationship, not According to actual needs, social labor is distributed. Therefore, under socialist conditions The distribution process of social labor is an interaction between the law of planning and the law of value process. This process is obviously much more complicated than the kind of metaphysics imagined. Therefore, in the process of labor distribution, only see that people may consciously use the plan In terms of law regulating social labor, we cannot see that there is still a law of value affecting social labor. On the other hand, the planned distribution of activities will have serious consequences. The distribution of social labor under socialist conditions has such a relatively complete After understanding the above, let's first focus on the analysis of the adjustment of the law of planning. effect. The regulation of socialist production by the law of planned and proportional development As the contradictions in capitalist society become increasingly acute, especially since capitalism From competition to monopoly stage, competition and production anarchy violently shake The capitalist system of exploitation. Engels once foreseen: "In trust, freedom Competition has turned into monopoly, and the unplanned production of capitalist society is moving towards the coming society. Page 162 144 The planned production surrendered in a socialist society. " ① With the development of monopolies, there have been The trend of some planning adjustments. Lenin once analyzed the establishment of "capital kings" Trust, to a certain extent within their control The production situation is regulated in a planned way; in some capitalist countries, there are even so-called National economic plan. This new stage of capitalist development shows that there are plans and Proportional distribution of labor has become an objective requirement of socialized mass production. However, under the conditions of capitalism, the entire social production cannot be planned. Regulation, the overall planning of social production is never and impossible some. After capitalism develops to the stage of imperialism, monopoly capitalism or state The monopoly capitalist economy has developed viciously, in a large monopoly organization Although planning has been strengthened, they are still based on the private ownership of the means of production In the final analysis, what to produce and how much to produce must be pursued to the maximum Governed by the principle of profit, the entire social production still has to be in blind competition Status. Although they have economic plans of one kind or another, they cannot achieve the whole society. It will plan production, let alone change the capitalist nature of social production. In the past Teller's “National Socialism”, today Brezhnev's “Developed Society” "Ism", there are some plans, but they are all plans to monopolize the capitalist economy. This This so-called plan is nothing more than a tool for the dictatorship of the monopoly bourgeoisie. In order to conceal the evils of monopoly capitalism, the monopoly bourgeoisie and old and new amendments Activists, repeatedly grasping certain production planning features that appear under the conditions of monopoly capitalism Phenomenon, insisting that the social-imperialist economy is a “socialist economy” and capital The imperialist economy is "organized capitalism" and "planned capitalist ① Engels: "Socialism from Utopia to Scientific Development". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 435. Page 163 145 “Righteous” economy, thus denying the proletariat's efforts to overthrow the monopoly capitalist system Socialist revolution. In fact, Lenin had already criticized this fallacy. Lenin Point out: "Complete planning is of course the trust has never been and impossible some. Although the trust is planned, even though the capital kings The scale of production within the country or even internationally, although they have planned Production, but it is still under capitalism, although it is in its new stage, But it is undoubtedly still under capitalism. In the eyes of the true representatives of the proletariat, this The approach of capitalism to socialism only proves that the socialist revolution is approaching. It is not difficult to achieve, it can be achieved, and there is no room for delay, and it is by no means a proof It can be tolerated that reformists deny the socialist revolution and whitewash capitalism. " ① Several decades have passed since Lenin made the above criticism. In the past few decades, capitalists Yishijie has experienced many serious economic crises. Since the end of 1973, Western capitalist countries broke out another worst crisis since the 1930s In the economic crisis of China, industrial production in the major capitalist countries fell sharply, and the entire The national economy is in chaos, and there is no plan for development. Master in Marx In the face of scientific analysis of justice and the economic reality of capitalism, the bourgeoisie and revisionists The lies of the righteous are completely bankrupt. In modern times, the easiest way to deceive people is the so-called planned economy of Soviet revisionism. From On the surface, the Soviet social-imperialist economy is more powerful than the capital-imperialist economy. Planned: The state monopolizes all production sectors and has long-term plans and short-term plans. Draw. However, because Soviet revisionism's plan was fundamentally against the socialist production goals. Planning is a plan that pursues profit as the purpose of production, so it must be profitable To take command (that is, to use the law of value) to regulate economic life, which is essentially the same capital ① "State and Revolution." "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 229. Page 164 146 The imperialist economy is the same. In order to compete for profits and bonuses, the Soviet bureaucracy monopolized Fierce competition has been launched among the various groups of the bourgeoisie. In this way, the experience on paper Economic plan was actually destroyed by competition and anarchy of production, making the entire country The people's economy is in a quagmire. Soviet revisionist social-imperialist economy and other imperialists Like the country, crises and chaos are everywhere. At the Twenty-Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Su Xiu put forward a so-called “magnificence of improving people's welfare”. Program” and formulated the ninth five-year (1971-1975) plan for this purpose. Su Xiu announced that During the Five-Year Plan period, the national economy will undergo “major structural changes”, and the consumer goods industry must be guaranteed Exceed the growth rate of the capital goods industry. Five years have passed, what is the result? The whole "nine A series of major indicators of the “Five” plan were not completed and declared bankruptcy. The proportional relationship was due to monopolistic competition. Competition and become more disordered. Not only is the production of consumer goods not as predicted by the Ninth Five-Year Plan Exceeding the growth rate of the means of production, on the contrary, the gap has widened due to intensified arms expansion and war preparations Up. The so-called “significant structural changes” to the national economy have completely failed, while “improving people The magnificent program for the welfare of the people” is nothing but a scam. What it brought to the Soviet people was only a problem. Draw cakes to satisfy your hunger. With the increasing domestic crisis of Soviet revisionism, the so-called planned economy of Soviet revisionism The nature of capitalism has also been increasingly seen through. For a period of time, the country Some people studying the process of Soviet capitalist restoration have analyzed the Soviet Union The essence of the so-called planned economy. French scholar Charles Bertrand in 1970 In December, the US "Monthly Review" published an article "Revisiting the Transitional Society", referring to Out: "To equate the'plan' with socialism will only help the bourgeoisie (specially (Don't be the Soviet bourgeoisie) under the guise of a “plan” to exercise its ruling power, In the name of “plan”, deprive the exploited class of all the right to speak, and further strengthen The exploitation of the broad masses of people. "The "Red Paper" published in October 1974 in the United States Page 165 147 The seventh issue of the "Parts" published a long paper "How Capitalism was Restored in the Soviet Union", It is pointed out that "this "planned state capitalist characteristic of the Soviet economy today, Compared with pure market competition, it is a higher stage of capitalist development. ""thing In fact, the Soviet economy and the fascist economy of Nazi Germany are much more similar. " "Because the Soviet Union is a state capitalist society, the anarchy of capitalism The influence of the state can be improved to some extent by formulating a unified national plan. good. The plan is to balance the needs of various industries and to ensure that every This industry obtains a'fair' profit. But this plan cannot solve the system’s Contradictions, and in fact, these contradictions must be manifested as bad internal Ministry struggle. As increasingly a result, the plan itself became divorced from the real economic life. "Su Revising the planned economy shows that this kind of bureaucratic monopoly plan is a bureaucratic monopoly of the bourgeoisie The economic manifestation of dictatorship. There are plans to distribute social labor proportionally. Under capitalist conditions, although It has been mentioned on the agenda, but it is impossible to achieve. Only under the dictatorship of the proletariat Socialist countries have established a socialist public ownership system, Equipped with social labor, it appears as a law. This is because the The socialist public ownership eliminated the inter-departmental, The antagonism of interests between various enterprises makes production directly social, socialist The state can organize the labor force and production materials of the whole society in a unified manner, and use plans to guide All sectors of the national economy develop in a coordinated and proportionate manner. Engels had long foreseen: "When People treat this kind of productivity according to the nature of today's productivity that is finally recognized When society's production anarchy gives way to the Page 166 148 The needs of the employees have a planned social adjustment of production. " ① In this way, on the basis of socialist public ownership, the national economy has planned The law of development of the case began to take effect as a brand-new economic law. The law of planned and proportional economic development replaces competition and production anarchy. This is an extremely important aspect of the superiority of the socialist system. The emergence of the law of planned and proportional development marks the conscious creation of human beings The beginning of history. In the capitalist society of competition and production anarchy, It is not that people rule things, but things dominate people. Workers cannot control their own destiny. Capitalists cannot get rid of the blindness of objective economic laws that work behind people. Project control. In a socialist society, public ownership of the means of production has been realized, and the working people Began to consciously use objective economic laws to create his own history. Plan and compare The regulation of socialist production by the law of development is manifested in accordance with the proletariat and the A socialist country under the dictatorship of the proletariat composed of the common will of the working people, Follow the needs of the state, collectives, and individuals, according to the objective comparison of various sectors of the national economy Case relations, the planned distribution of social labor. This is a comprehensive regulation of the law of value The sublation of the role of social labor distribution is also a denial of competition and production anarchy. In the process of practice, people have been able to gradually and correctly understand the planned and proportional The law of development, and is learning to work out the transformation of nature and transformation according to this law The plan of the society, through organized activities, to achieve people's expected results. hair The chairman spoke highly of our working people's use of this law to advance under the leadership of the party. Conscious activities to transform the world. Chairman Mao pointed out: "The development of mankind has Wannian, in this place of China, it has only now been achieved according to the plan to develop ① Engels: "Socialism from Utopia to Scientific Development". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p.437. Page 167 149 Own economic and cultural conditions. Since we got this condition, our country has It will change from year to year. Every five years, there will be a big change. There will be a bigger change in five years. " ①The practice of China's socialist construction, proof I understand that Chairman Mao's scientific thesis is completely correct. Only after four or five years The face of planned China has undergone tremendous changes, and the semi-colonies have already been sealed. The established old China was transformed into a socialist country with initial prosperity. The main types of proportional relations in the national economy Then, how does the law of planned and proportional development regulate socialist production? What about? To understand this, we first need to know that in the development of the national economy, What are the objective relationships? Which are major and which are minor? Only when you first understand these objective proportional relationships can you use the plan correctly Adjust social production according to the law of proportional development. Although the proportional relationship in the national economy is intricate and complex, it There is a certain internal connection between them, and there is a law to follow. In production, exchange, Among the four links of distribution and consumption, production is the decisive link. In the production area Among them, agriculture and industry are the two most important sectors. Therefore, agriculture and industry, The proportional relationships within agriculture and industry are three important factors in the entire national economy. An important proportional relationship. These three aspects are planned to develop proportionally and will surely promote The rapid development of the entire national economy. The ratio between agriculture and industry occupies an extremely important place in the national economy. ① Chairman Mao: "Notes to "The Long-term Plan of the Red Star Collective Farm". "Socialism in Rural China Chao, Volume 1, p. 311. Page 168 150 Bit. Agricultural production and industrial production are mutually conditional. Worker needs in the industrial sector Agriculture provides food and various non-staple foods, and light industry needs agriculture to provide raw materials instead of Both light industry and heavy industry must regard the agricultural sector as an important market for their products. In turn, the rural population needs industry to provide daily industrial products, and agricultural production needs labor. Industry provides fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural machinery, electricity and other production materials, while the Ministry of Agriculture Except for the self-sufficient part of the door's products, it needs to be Mouth is the market. Due to the close interdependence of industrial and agricultural production, In fact, the relationship between industry and agriculture is the relationship between workers and peasants, socialist The relationship between ownership and collective ownership by the socialist working masses, Allocate land to adjust the proportional distribution of social labor between industry and agriculture so that they promote each other Progress is a key issue for the planned and proportional development of the national economy. This question We will discuss the subject in the next chapter. The proportion within agriculture, including agriculture (planting), forestry, animal husbandry, The ratio between sideline industry and fishery, as well as the grain, cotton, oil, hemp, The ratio between the various sub-sectors of silk, tea, sugar, vegetables, tobacco, fruit, medicine, miscellaneous. In the entire agricultural production, food production is of paramount importance. Mao Lord Xi taught us to "accumulate food widely." With grain in hand, I don't panic. Food production Whether it is done well or not is not only related to the development of agricultural production itself, but also related to labor Industry and the development of the entire national economy. Because of the importance of food production, Therefore, when dealing with the proportional relationship within agriculture, we must adhere to the principle of grain. The development of cash crops and forestry, animal husbandry, sideline and fishery industries cannot be separated from the grain Outline. Food production occupies a decisive position in the entire agriculture. The relationship between the Ministry and the Ministry must first do a good job in food production at all times. However, food production Page 169 151 Industry cannot develop in isolation. In agricultural production, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry There is a close interdependent relationship. Agricultural production, especially food production The development of forestry and animal husbandry is a necessary condition for the development of forestry and animal husbandry. In turn affect agriculture. Trees and forests can conserve water, conserve water and soil, and protect against wind Fix sand, regulate the climate, protect and develop pastures, open up feed, fertilizer, and fuel Sources are an important guarantee for agricultural production. The development of animal husbandry, especially the pig industry, It can provide organic fertilizers for agriculture and forestry (mainly agriculture), which in turn promotes agriculture, Forestry development. Chairman Mao pointed out a long time ago: "Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry depend on each other. One is indispensable, and the three must be placed on the same status. " ① Chairman Mao profoundly explain Understand the dialectical relationship between agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry, and point out that the three combinations of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry are correct An important aspect of dealing with the internal ratio of agriculture. Develop rural sideline and fishery to serve industrial and agricultural production and serve the city Serving the people's lives in the villages and serving exports is an important way to advance the breadth of production. surface. This is important for increasing the accumulation of rural collective economic funds and promoting socialist production in urban and rural areas. The development of industry and the improvement of people's lives play a certain role. As for the various sub-sectors within agriculture except food, such as cotton, Oil crops, hemp, silk, tea, sugar crops, vegetables, tobacco leaves, fruits, medicine Wood and other miscellaneous crops are indispensable and have the same effect as food production. Close interdependent relationship. Chairman Mao's policy of “taking grain as the key link and comprehensive development” reflects the The proportional relationship that exists objectively in China is a guide for correctly handling the internal proportional relationship in agriculture. Food production and diversification within agriculture are objectively interdependent, A mutually reinforcing relationship. The development of food production is a prerequisite for the development of diversified operations. ① Quoted from "Red Flag Magazine" No. 3, 1972. Page 170 152 The development of diversified operations can promote further growth in food production in terms of fertilizer and capital. Step development. The policy of taking grain as the key link and comprehensive development requires that under the premise of taking grain as the key link, Taking into account the different characteristics of different regions and adapting measures to local conditions, The production of fishery and grain, cotton, oil, hemp, silk, tea, etc., should be planned in an overall manner, and appropriate Platoon, so that they promote each other and develop in an all-round way. The proportional relationships within industry are more complex than those within agriculture Complex, but in this intricate relationship, there is also a framework, which is steel. Because where there is steel, there are machines. With machines, various industries can be developed. Industry takes steel as the key link, which reflects the dominant aspect of the proportional relationship within the industry. Industry The development of departments must be based on the development of the steel industry. In order to improve the proportional relationship within the industry, in addition to implementing the "steel as the key link" In addition to the policy, we must also pay attention to correctly handle the proportional relationship in the following aspects. First, the proportional relationship between light industry and heavy industry. Both light and heavy industries There is a close dependency between them. In socialist construction, prioritize development At the same time as heavy industry, we must prevent ignoring the bias of light industry. Chairman Mao formulated the light, The policy of simultaneous development of heavy industry scientifically reflects the relationship between light industry and heavy industry Dialectical relationship is the only correct policy for maintaining the proportional development of light and heavy industries. Second, the proportional relationship between the raw material industry and the processing industry. For example, metallurgy Between industry and machinery manufacturing industry, between chemical raw material and chemical products industry, etc., There is a close interdependent relationship. The raw material industry is not the same as the processing industry With cooperation, the product has no way out. The processing industry has no corresponding raw material industry with it Together, there is no source of raw materials. Although neither can be separated from the two, but one In general, the dominant aspect of the contradiction is the raw material industry. As the saying goes: "It's hard for a clever woman There is no cooking. "If the processing industry does not get a sufficient supply of raw materials, the equipment will not Page 171 153 Can be fully utilized. Therefore, for those who are based on independence and self-reliance For socialist countries, develop the raw material industry, especially in the raw material industry The decisive mining industry, fight the battle in the mines, pay attention to maintaining the raw material industry The balance with the processing industry is very important. The above-mentioned relationship between the raw material industry and the processing industry, for the same industrial sector The same applies to all divisions. For example, the steel industry as a whole is one A raw material industry sector, which provides raw materials for machinery manufacturing, construction industry and other sectors. However, within the steel industry, among the three sub-sectors of mining, smelting, and steel rolling At the same time, mining is the source of raw materials for the steel industry, so it is necessary to build Establish an appropriate proportional relationship between the three. Third, the proportional relationship between defense industry and basic industry. The defense industry is One of the fists of the dictatorship of the proletariat is to deal with imperialism and social imperialism. Strategy, an industrial sector that is indispensable to assist the oppressed people and the oppressed nations. However, the development of the defense industry must be based on the development of basic industries. Enge Si pointed out: "The production of weapons is based on the entire production . " ① No metallurgist The development of basic industries such as the chemical industry, the chemical industry, the mechanical industry, and the electronic instrument industry, The defense industry cannot go up. The defense industry and basic industry must maintain a certain ratio 例 Relationship. Breaking away from basic industries and developing the defense industry in isolation will inevitably destroy the people economic. Lin Biao and his team advocated that "military industry can drive the entire national economy", Strongly oppose the combination of military and civilian products, whose criminal purpose is to destroy the The socialist national economy served them for their conspiracy to launch a counter-revolutionary coup. We only have ① Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, Page 206. Page 172 154 According to Chairman Mao's theory on the relationship between economic construction and national defense construction, To develop national defense construction on the basis of economic construction, and closely link the development of national defense industry Linked with the development of basic industries, maintaining the balance between defense industry and basic industry, Only in this way can the defense industry and the entire industry achieve greater and faster development. Fourth, the proportional relationship within each industrial sector, such as the machine manufacturing industry The proportion of the main machine and auxiliary machines, the whole machine and accessories, the internal spinning and weaving of the textile industry The ratio of dyeing, etc. The maintenance of these proportional relationships is theoretically very Easy to understand. However, in practice, since the main engine is heavy and the auxiliary engine is light, the whole machine is lighter. The influence of the wrong idea of ​​​​"only willing to be the protagonist and not supporting role" of accessories, also It will destroy the proportional relationship between the main engine and the auxiliary engine, the whole machine and the accessories. To work To maintain a proper proportional relationship within the industry, it is necessary to make proper arrangements in the production plan. Platoon, and at the same time, we must constantly face the thought of "only willing to be the protagonist, not supporting Be critical. The proportional relationship within agriculture, within industry, and between agriculture and industry is The extremely important proportional relationship in the national economy is the basis for the balance of the entire national economy. In addition, there are many important proportional relationships in the socialist national economy. The proportional relationship between industrial and agricultural production and transportation is an important proportional relationship. system. Marx listed the transportation industry as the second place after extractive industry, processing industry, and agriculture. Four material production departments. Socialized mass production must ensure that all departments and A company obtains timely supplies of raw materials, materials, and fuels, The place of production is shipped to the place of consumption. Planned production requires planned transportation to closely match Together. The transportation industry is the "leading officer." Mining and building factories must first be prepared Transportation conditions. If the development of the transportation industry lags behind the development of industrial production, The production materials needed for agricultural production cannot be delivered in time, and the products cannot be shipped out in time. Page 173 155 That would greatly hinder the development of industrial and agricultural production. There is also a certain proportional relationship between cultural and educational construction and economic construction. Cultural education Education is the superstructure, it serves the economic foundation. The culture of socialist countries Education must be guided by Marxism in order to adapt to the consolidation of socialist economy The requirements of economic foundation. The scale and development speed of cultural and educational construction must be the same as economic Only when the level of development is compatible with the speed of economic Ideologically conscious and educated workers are continuously sent to the national economy and the upper echelons Each department of the building can ensure the people's cultural life and health Make progress to meet the needs of the development of the socialist revolution and construction. The ratio of the first category of production means to the second category of production and consumption means Case relationship, the proportional relationship between accumulation and consumption, are all very important proportional relationships. This If these proportional relationships are not properly arranged, they will also hinder the development of the entire national economy. This aspect of the problem will be analyzed in the eleventh chapter in the socialist national economy In the process of economic development, there is also an important proportional relationship, that is, production growth, cultural The proportional relationship between the development of chemical education and population growth. The planned development of industry, culture and education, objectively requires planned population growth Long, namely family planning. Family planning is the planned reproduction of labor, with Arrange people's lives in a planned way, protect the health of mothers and children, and carry out social An important prerequisite for the construction of socialism. No family planning, that is, enter without a plan Line labor reproduction. This will affect the planned and proportional development of the national economy. The so-called family planning is not a simple birth control, but according to different circumstances, Discrimination. In densely populated areas with high birth rates, it is necessary to promote late marriage and temperance Fertility. In sparsely populated minority areas, adopt policies that are conducive to population growth. Measures. In short, the population growth must be adapted to the planned development of the national economy. Page 174 156 Malthusians have regulated the relative overpopulation peculiar to the capitalist system Law, said to be an absolute law of nature① , whose purpose is to conceal the sins of the capitalist system evil. Malthusian population theory always regards people as a negative factor, and people as a single Pure consumer. Marxism believes that in all things in the world, man is the first Precious. People are the decisive factor in social productivity. People are first producers, The second is the consumer. Moreover, under the socialist system, the planned production Growth is always faster than planned population growth. Twenty since the founding of our country In five years (from 1949 to 1974), although the population has increased by 100% Of 60, but the grain has increased by 1.4 times, the cotton has increased by 4.7 times, light Industrial products have increased several times, more than ten times, and heavy industrial products have increased even more. Reactionary horse Alsace's population theory has not only been refuted by Marxism in theory, but also It was completely shattered by our country's socialist construction practice. Only when human society has developed into the historical period of socialism can family planning be opened. It was possible. In a capitalist society, human production is like the production of objects. State of the government. Only when the proletariat and working people have mastered The means of production of the society, after being in the position of the masters of the society, begin to behave like the opposite The production of things is adjusted in a planned way, so the production of people is also planned. ① Malthus (1766-1834) was a British bourgeois vulgar economist. He believes that population is According to the geometric progression, it grows according to the proportional progression of 1, 2, 4, 8...; while the growth of the means of living is very slow. It grows according to the arithmetic progression, that is, according to the arithmetic progression of 1, 2, 3, 4... As the population growth far exceeds With the growth of means of subsistence, society will inevitably produce hunger, poverty and unemployment. He believes that this It is the result of the absolute laws of nature and has nothing to do with the social system. To address population growth and growth in means of living Unsuitable "contradictions" must limit the population. For example, use birth control, late marriage, non-marriage and abortion to restrict Population growth has even wiped out a large number of people through war, cancer and famine. Malthus' "Population Theory" is a This is a reactionary fallacy that blatantly defends the capitalist system, opposes proletarian revolution and extreme hatred of mankind. Page 175 157 adjust. Engels said: "If communist society will not be Unlike the production of things, it also adjusts the production of people. Rectification, then it is that society, and only that society can do it without difficulty To this point. " ① A socialist society has old socialist society in economic, moral and spiritual aspects. The traces of the meeting, therefore, family planning is not possible without difficulty, and will be affected by the old The resistance of habitual forces. However, under the leadership of the Communist Party, as long as there is a mark Ideological line, strengthen the publicity and education of family planning, and increase the economic and technical If appropriate measures are taken, family planning can be gradually promoted. This is labor A manifestation of the people's control of their own destiny is a kind of superiority of the socialist system which performed. Reasonable layout of productivity The planned and proportionate development of the national economy requires not only interdependent The department develops in coordination with each other in production, and requires it to maintain the regional distribution A coordinated proportional relationship requires a reasonable layout of productivity. Reasonable productivity The layout involves the full utilization of natural resources, the saving of social labor, and the The construction of socialism develops quickly and economically, the gap between urban and rural areas in socialist countries is reduced, and the The unity of the various ethnic groups in China and the consolidation of national defense are major issues. The distribution of productive forces in capitalist society is in a state of competition and production anarchy Formed spontaneously. Capitalists run enterprises, whether they are building factories or farms Railways, etc., are only subject to the need to pursue maximum profit. ① Engels: "To Card Kautsky (February 1, 1881)". "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 35, Page 145. Page 176 158 Consideration and arrangement of the disk. The distribution of productive forces formed spontaneously in a capitalist society, including There are many unreasonable factors: industrial production develops in a rugged manner, concentrated in a few large cities. Roads, railways, water and air navigation and other transportation businesses, in industrially developed areas Due to the large amount of freight and high profits in the district, capitalists compete to operate, and the transportation force is often excessive. The result is that everyone can't get enough to eat, resulting in a waste of transportation power. And in underdeveloped areas In the district, due to the small amount of freight and profit, the capitalists do not fry, and the transportation is extremely behind. These contradictions in the distribution of productive forces in capitalist society are in capitalist private ownership. It is impossible to solve under the conditions. These contradictions are only in a society where the means of production are publicly owned Only a socialist society can be resolved. Therefore, after the proletariat seized power, We are faced with the task of transforming the layout of productivity. This is what Engels had foreseen long ago Understand. Engels pointed out that in order to eliminate the abnormal development of capitalist industry The socialist society will “arrange itself in a coordinated manner in accordance with a unified master plan Productivity" ① . What principle should a socialist society use to reform the incompatibility left over from the old society? What about the distribution of rational productivity? The so-called rational layout of productivity Want content? The rational layout of productivity requires that the industry be close to the origin and sales area of ​​​​raw materials. For a socialist country with a vast territory, this requires Large administrative regions or economic cooperation areas should form relatively independent, distinctive, Different levels of industrial systems. In this way, the consumption of long-distance transportation can be greatly reduced The expended manpower and material resources ensure the development of socialist production in a fast, efficient and economical manner. of course, ① Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Version. Page 177 159 The principle that industry should be close to the origin and sales area of ​​​​raw materials is not absolute. In its Other favorable factors are sufficient to offset the unfavorable factors of long-distance transportation. The smelting industry and processing industry in the remote place of raw material production are fully utilized and reasonable Development is also necessary. The rational distribution of productivity requires large industries to be distributed as evenly as possible across the country All regions, and develop the county, community, and team industries in a planned and step-by-step manner so that industrial production It is closely integrated with agricultural production, so that the rural economy and culture can be further developed. exhibition. As a result of this rational distribution of productivity, the residents of large cities will be dispersed to the agricultural sector. Going to the village, many new small cities have been established, which gradually narrows the essential difference between urban and rural areas. Even finally wiped out. The distribution of productive forces in socialist society must be subordinated to the dictatorship of the proletariat National defense needs to be conducive to dealing with imperialist and social imperialist aggression and Threatened. To this end, it is necessary to avoid excessive concentration of industry in large cities and coastal areas, and to So that all regions have a certain degree of modern industrial production including military production capabilities and Basically realize food self-sufficiency. In this way, when imperialism and social imperialism are launched At the time of a sudden attack, we have many reliable large and small industrial bases, Have broader leeway to be indestructible, no matter where imperialism comes from All attacks will be submerged in the vast ocean of People's War. The rational distribution of productive forces in a multi-ethnic socialist country requires Conducive to the strengthening of the unity of all ethnic groups. Under the capitalist system, the dominant The bourgeoisie of that nation always has to limit in order to capture the maximum profit The development of industry in the oppressed ethnic regions. After the proletariat seized power, for To strengthen the unity among the working people of all ethnic groups, we must strengthen the borders in a planned and step-by-step manner. The industrial construction in Xinjiang and ethnic minority areas promotes the economic and cultural development of various ethnic groups Page 178 160 The gap in level is gradually narrowing. In short, the rational distribution of productive forces in socialist society must be The need of the dictatorship of the property class is subordinated to the need to develop socialist production quickly, efficiently, and economically. want. And the core issue of transforming the layout of productivity is as pointed out by Engels It is necessary to change the abnormal industrial development left over from the old society, resulting in "The distribution of large industries in the country as evenly as possible" ① . The distribution of productivity in old China was extremely unreasonable. Imperialism, feudalism and officials The long-term rule of bureaucratic capitalism made the semi-colonial and semi-feudal old China like this A situation: The only modern industries are concentrated in some coastal provinces and cities, while the vast There is hardly any modern industry in the mainland. In the early days of liberation, the total industrial output value of coastal areas accounted for about 73% of the national total industrial output value. In terms of heavy industry, taking the steel industry as an example, about 80% of the production capacity is distributed along the coast. In Inner Mongolia, Northwest, and Southwest, which are rich in resources, there is almost no steel industry. In light industry, taking the textile industry as an example, more than 80% of the spindles and more than 90% of the cloth machines are divided into The cloth is on the coast, but in the vast cotton-producing areas and inland, there are few textile factories. In order to change this unreasonable situation left over from old China, the key issue It is to develop industries in the vast inland areas. In this way, coastal industries (formerly There is a relationship between industrial bases) and inland industries (new industrial bases). Chairman Mao Shen Analyzed the relationship between them momentarily, and clarified the principle of correct handling. To change the unreasonable situation of coastal industries and inland industries, it is necessary to To vigorously develop inland industries, it is necessary to build most of the new factories in the ① Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, p. 336. Page 179 161 Industrial bases need to be supported through various channels such as factory relocation, contract construction, support for manpower and material resources, etc. Aiding the development of inland industries has gradually balanced the national industrial layout. This is for adding Strengthen the universal leadership of the working class throughout the country, consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat, and consolidate our country China's national defense and how quickly, efficiently, and economically build socialism are extremely important. But this decision Not to say that a negative attitude can be adopted towards coastal industries. Generally speaking, coastal industries It has a long history and can support from technical strength, equipment, raw materials, product design, etc. Aid to mainland industries. Making full use and rational development of coastal industries can better support The development of inland industry. Over the past two decades since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao's comments on coastal industries and Under the guidance of the theory of the relationship between the inland industry, the industry in my country has developed rapidly. The newly-built industrial bases in various provinces have begun to take shape. At the same time, the original The industrial base has also been fully utilized and developed reasonably. Mainland industry, The maritime industry has jointly played a major role in my country's socialist construction. In the process of changing the unreasonable distribution of productive forces left over from old China, Speeding up the economic and cultural development of my country's ethnic minority areas is of particular importance. Although ethnic minorities in our country only account for 6 percent of the country's total population, It is vast, accounting for about 50 to 60% of the total area of ​​​​the country, and the underground mines are abundant. Wealth is very much needed in the construction of socialism in our country. In the past, due to imperialism, Exploitation and oppression of feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism, economic gains in minority areas Without development, not only is there no modern industry, but agricultural production is also very backward. solution Since the release, under the guidance of Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line, under Chairman Mao's Under the brilliance of ethnic policy, the economy in ethnic minority areas in my country has also developed rapidly coming. "North coal transportation to the south" and "south grain transfer to the north" are incompatibility left over from old China. A heavy burden on the distribution of rational productivity. my country's railway capacity is quite large Page 180 162 Part of it is spent on this. Since liberation, especially the proletarian literature Since the Great Revolution, the interference of Liu Shaoqi and Lin Biao's revisionist line has been smashed, Implemented Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line, and the food self-sufficiency rate of the northern provinces Greatly improve. The three provinces of Hebei, Shandong and Henan, which have been plagued by disasters and lack of food, are now Food is more than self-sufficient, and it has made new contributions to reversing the "south-to-north transfer of grain". Southern provinces The exploration and production of coal mines have developed rapidly, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Jiangsu, and Guangdong The coal output in other provinces has increased greatly. Tibet, which has never produced coal, also found Coal. The “North-South Coal Transportation” and “South-to-North Coal Transfer” left over from history Is gradually changing. Section 2 The law of value distributes social labor Influence in the process Marx is analyzing the connection between capitalist society and previous social forms At the time, he once pointed out: "Bourgeois society borrows these fragments and factors of social forms Established, some of them are relics that have not been overcome and continue to remain here, Some things that were originally only signs have developed to have sufficient meaning, and so on. " ① The socialist society is born out of the capitalist society, and there is the same sentiment condition. In terms of distributing social labor in a certain proportion, to the stage of monopoly capitalism, The use of planning to regulate production has already shown signs. However, it must reach the socialist society. After the meeting was born, it appeared in front of people as a law and developed to have Full meaning. At the same time, there are still unsurpassed relics in socialist society, such as ① Marx: "Introduction to "Critique of Political Economy", "Selected Works of Marx and Engels," Volume 2, People Press 1972 edition, p. 108. Page 181 163 For example, the law of value still affects the process of distributing social labor according to a certain proportion. To understand To understand the distribution of social labor in the socialist production process, one must know how to plan and proportionate The interaction between the law of development and the law of value in the process of distributing social labor. Then, what is the law of value? How does the law of value affect the distribution society What about the labor process? Under socialist conditions, the commodity system is still implemented. This means that society The production of products is still commodity production. With commodity production, there is a law of value. "Where there are commodities and commodity production, is not without the law of value." ① price The basic content of the law of value is: (1) The value of a commodity is consumed by the production of the commodity The necessary labor time consumed by society is determined; (2) The exchange of commodities should be based on equivalent The principle to proceed. These two aspects are interrelated, the latter is based on the former, The former must be implemented through the latter. In fact, the production of similar goods The individual labor hours consumed by enterprises are very different, but they must be To exchange labor time as a unified measure. The law of value Equality in form and inequality in reality are bourgeois legal rights. Value rule The basic content of the law is not much different in the socialist society and in the old society. However, the production of commodities in a socialist society is mainly Commodity production under the conditions of public ownership, therefore the mode and scope of the law of value Surroundings and consequences are already very different from capitalist society. Under the capitalist system, social production is in a state of competition and production anarchy The price of commodities changes with the relationship between supply and demand in the market. The production price fluctuates continuously, sometimes higher than the production price Grid, sometimes lower than the production price. This spontaneous fluctuation of commodity prices dominates ① Stalin: "Problems of Socialist Economy in the Soviet Union", People's Publishing House, 1961, p.14. Page 182 164 People blindly expand or shrink production. When the price is higher than the production price, the profit is large Regarding average profit, capitalists are scrambling to invest capital when they see that there is a big profit. To these departments. Otherwise, the capital is taken away. Social production is in this blind Developed in a competitive state. This situation shows that under the capitalist system, prices The law of value is expressed as a kind of alien power that works behind people. It is the overall regulator of social production. Under the socialist system, the regulator of social production is no longer the law of value. It is a national economy based on the basic laws of socialism and planning plan. As Marx foresaw: "The planned Distribution regulates the proper ratio of various labor functions to various needs. " ①This is Because the purpose of social production has changed. The purpose of socialist production is to Meet the needs of the country under the dictatorship of the proletariat and the working people, instead of being an elephant As in capitalist society, profits are only produced for capitalists. Dictatorship of the proletariat Socialist countries can follow the needs of the country and the people, and according to the social According to the necessary proportions, the social labor will be allocated to The various sectors of the national economy do not rely on the law of value for regulation. So from Basically speaking, the law of value in socialist society is no longer The alien forces acting behind them are no longer the full regulators of social production Up. But the law of value still exists, but it may already be recognized by people, And become a law governed by people, and use it in the process of socialist construction Historical role. Under the conditions of socialist commodity production, the law of value plays an important role Performance is the planned price. Commodity prices under socialist conditions are not in the free market ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 23, p. 96. Page 183 165 The market rises and falls spontaneously as the relationship between supply and demand changes, but is regulated by the national plan of. From this perspective, the planned price reflects the law of planned and proportional development The role of. However, it must not be concluded from this that the planned price can be It is unnecessary to consider the role of the law of value. That's not the case. plan The basis of price is nothing but the value of commodities. From the perspective of the whole society, The price of some commodities is higher than the value, and the price of other commodities must be lower than the value. This phenomenon of price and value divergence exists everywhere in the planned price system. It is also the manifestation of the law of value. Then, how does the law of value pass through the plan Does price affect the distribution of social labor? First, what socialist state-owned enterprises produce and how much they produce are determined by the basis The basic laws of socialism and the laws of planned and proportional development of the national economy Seeking adjustment of the national economic plan formulated. But under the commodity system, any national Economic plan, both in physical form (how many tons of steel and how many tons of coal are produced each year...) It is expressed in the form of value (how many billion yuan investment, output value, how many billion yuan Turn in profits...) show it. Therefore, in this sense, the value rule The role of the law has been reflected in the national economic plan, affecting the distribution of social labor. Matched. Moreover, in the national plan, some industrial products, especially the daily industry Products, often only stipulate the production quantity according to the major category of the product, without specifying the specific variety, Specifications; or, only the output value index is issued to the enterprise, and the physical index of the product is not specified Mark. At the same time, under certain conditions, the state also uses planned prices to consciously use The deviation of price and value affects the production of such products. Secondly, the production of the socialist collective economy is also guided by the state plan ongoing. Especially important agricultural products such as grain, cotton and oil produced by rural people's communes The sown area and sales tasks are all prescribed by the state plan. Many other farmers Page 184 166 For the production of by-products, although the state does not directly issue planned tasks, it does The method for the department to sign procurement contracts with the agency and team is incorporated into the national plan. So Therefore, the production of the rural collective economy, as a whole, plays a decisive role in regulating It is also the law of planned development of the national economy. However, the country also The role of the planned price promotes the realization of the plan. For example, in a certain period of time, the country Take measures to adjust the cotton-grain price ratio to promote cotton production and promote cotton purchases. The realization of planning. The effect of the law of value on the production of collective enterprises appears to be Bigger, this is because collective enterprises are self-financing economic units, and their accumulation Both the tiredness level and the income level of the members depend on its own production income. As for the collective Those in economic production are not very important to the national economy and people's livelihood, and are not included in the national plan The production of sporadic native products that are not connected through procurement contracts, and the prices are high And the size of the revenue will play a greater role: products with higher revenue are easier It is more difficult to develop products with lower returns or losses. This is the law of value A certain degree of regulation on the production of such products. In short, as long as the commodity system is implemented, whether it is the production of state-owned enterprises or the The law of value in the production of physical enterprises still works. But from socialism In terms of production as a whole, the distribution of social labor among various production departments, production What, how much is produced, is determined by reflecting the basic economic laws of socialism and the national economy It is regulated by the state plan of the law of planned development. Therefore, the national plan is a decision The first thing that plays a qualitative role, the law of value is only the second one that plays a role s things. The law of value has its historical role on the one hand in the process of distributing social labor On the other hand, it also has its negative effects. After all, the law of value is the basis of commodity production Law, it is the relic of the private economy and contains the germ of all contradictions in capitalism. Page 185 167 Lenin pointed out: "The individual act of exchanging a certain commodity with another In a simple form of value, it already contains capitalist yet All the main contradictions unfolded" ① . Under socialist conditions, the role of the law of value Although it can be known by people and can be used consciously by people, but only If the law of value exists, it will bring such possibilities to socialist enterprises: Expanding the bourgeois rights embodied in the law of value, keen to produce those with high prices Value-oriented products, unwilling to produce those whose prices are lower than value or relatively higher Products with little value, regardless of whether these products are needed by the country or the people. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the harm that the law of value may bring to the socialist economy. limit. If there are no restrictions, it will impact the national plan and not only affect socialism The development of the economy has a destructive effect, and it will make the management style of the bourgeoisie and capitalists The spontaneous forces of righteousness swell, accelerate the production of new bourgeois elements, and produce Those in power who took the capitalist road corrupted and disrupted the socialist economy. Limit also It is the negative effect of expanding the law of value, and it is the two aspects of socialist revolution and construction. An important aspect of the struggle between individual classes, two roads, and two lines. United Communist (cloth) Woznesensky, the ruling party in the party taking the capitalist road, in the "Patriotic War" In the book "The Soviet Union's Wartime Economy", there was a strong advocate for expanding the law of value The role of the law of value in the socialist economy is "a kind of Fees, the minimum rules that determine product distribution and product exchange." Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping are also desperately expanding the role of the law of value, advocating the law of value "The omnipotence theory". Their characteristic is to talk about something away from the purpose of socialist production "Unified plan", and the soul of this plan is profit Law fully regulates social production. Deng Xiaoping's so-called acceleration of industrial development ① "Philosophical Notes". The Collected Works of Lenin Vol. 38, p. 190. Page 186 168 In the “Regulations” developed by the People's Republic of China, on the premise of negating the purpose of socialist production, Talking about its "must strengthen the country's unified plan." In addition, he also attacked the proletariat Criticizing profit in command is "one-sidedly opposed to grabbing profits", what to say "not profit Be in command, it doesn't matter to be handsome on this issue, or what does the country depend on? "This This exposed his insidious purpose of advocating that the law of value should fully regulate production. this road The line is the route of Soviet revisionism. If this revisionist line is allowed to spread, the society will All righteous enterprises are in charge of profit, big profits, small profits and small profits. It will inevitably impact and destroy the socialist planned economy, and the legal rights of the bourgeoisie will be expanded vicious Large, development will inevitably lead to the restoration of capitalist ownership. Therefore, reflect The practice of the struggle between the two lines on the law of value tells us that we must To use the law of value to serve socialist production, we must distinguish between Marxism and revisionism. The boundaries between orthodoxy, socialism and capitalism must not be taken lightly, or You will lose your way. Section 3 Consciously use objective laws Distribute social labor proportionally The process of distributing social labor is a contradictory process Under socialist conditions, labor is distributed according to a certain proportion. The regulation of the law of planned and proportional development, and the influence of the law of value, is social An important feature of the socialist economic movement. As the ownership changed, the society Production is no longer fully regulated by the law of value as in capitalist society, because Competition and production anarchy appear; at the same time, due to the existence of the commodity system, The law of value still exists, and a certain influence will occur in the process of distributing social labor. Page 187 169 So it is different from the communist society. Marx once pointed out: "Only when society The life process is the form of the material production process, as a product of freely combined people, Only when it is under the control of man's conscious and planned The secret veil was lifted. However, this requires a certain social material basis or series of things Qualitative survival conditions, and these conditions themselves are the result of a long and painful historical development Natural product. " ① proletarian socialist revolution, after a fierce class struggle, Established the dictatorship of the proletariat and socialist production relations. At this time, social quality production The process begins to be under the conscious and planned control of people. Social product The "mysterious veil" has begun to be unveiled. The basic economic laws of socialism and planning The law of proportional development of plans began to take effect. But this is only the beginning. Society People in a socialist society are still divided into classes and have not yet fully reached the communist master The realm of "freely associated people" in the righteous society. Socialist society He is also connected with the commodity relationship, so to a certain extent, it is also shrouded in "mystery The screen". The so-called law of value, according to its essence, is an alien force the amount. Its movement is always more or less free from human conscious and planned control of. In this way, the process of distributing social labor must be manifested as a contradiction In the socialist production process, the law of value and planned development The direction in which the law of the law acts is sometimes the same. For example, the national economy has plans The law of proportional development requires that the production of certain cash crops be accelerated to adapt to The rapid development of certain light industries requires raw materials, and the prices of these cash crops It can also ensure that it will bring more benefits to the agricultural collective economy. In this situation, The national plan's increase in production requires the same as the increase in production and income in the agricultural collective economy. The requirements are the same, and production increase plans are generally easy to complete and overfulfilled. ① Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, Page 97. Page 188 170 However, there will also be inconsistencies in the directions of these two laws. example If there is a planned development law that requires accelerated development of cotton production, but the price ratio of cotton and grain If it is unreasonable and the income that can be obtained from growing cotton is low, it will affect cotton. Completion of flower production plan. At this time, it is necessary to use the law of value to increase the cotton Spend prices to promote cotton production. Of course, this way, under certain conditions, It will appear that the prices of certain cash crops can bring more revenue to the collective economy. In addition, other cash crops or food crops can only bring less income. In this case, it will make some people keen to increase the income of farming The production of agricultural products is not conducive to the national economic plan's Requirements for a full increase in production. It can be seen from this that when the effects of the two laws When consistent, the law of value plays a positive role in promoting the completion of the national plan. When the functions of the two laws are inconsistent, the law of value will impact the national plan The completion of it plays a negative role. Take the early edamame and early tomatoes planted in the spring of 1974 in the suburbs of Shanghai, and the green vegetables and spinach planted in the autumn. Vegetables as an example: After deducting the production cost per mu, the net income of early soybeans is 77.1 yuan. Early tomatoes cost 193.7 yuan; autumn green vegetables net income 36.7 yuan autumn spinach It is one hundred and forty-eight. In order to earn more money, some production teams do not follow the national plan. Rather, the planting area of ​​​​early green soybeans and autumn greens was greatly cut down, but at the same time Increase the planting area of ​​​​early tomatoes and autumn spinach. The price is not regulated by the law of planning The changes in the structure of vegetable varieties caused by the regulation of value laws will inevitably affect market supply. This kind of vegetable cultivation is regulated by the law of value, which can be changed. In fact, some Advanced clubs and teams have always adhered to the principle of "plan first, price second", according to the national plan Plan to plant vegetables. The vegetable field area of ​​​​Yangjing Commune in Chuanxi County, Shanghai accounts for 61% of the total farmland area. It is one of several communes that mainly grow vegetables in the suburbs of Shanghai. In the past, they have also seen value rules Law regulates vegetable production, but after the Cultural Revolution, the commune's party committee's line struggle Awareness has been greatly improved. In terms of vegetable cultivation: (1) Constantly criticizing capitalism Page 189 171 Spontaneous tendency to correctly handle the contradiction between "line" and "money": (2) Correctly handle the production season The contradiction between the marketability and the balance of the market, to ensure that urban people often have vegetables to buy; (3) According to the needs of residents Carry out planting to raise vegetable production and supply to a new level; (4) Deal with vegetable growers well The relationship with the food sellers, to serve the foodies together. As a result, in 1975 compared with 1966, The menu yield increased by 21%, and the average yield per mu increased by 52%. Varieties increased from 58 varieties in 1971. In 1975, the income of members increased by 32%. In this way, both It became a planting plan issued by the state, meeting the needs of the society and increasing the income of the members. Under the conditions of public ownership, as long as there is a correct line of guidance, the harm caused by the law of value can be Get restricted. Therefore, the so-called conscious use of the law of value is to fully understand the price The role of the law of value, according to the principle of "plan first, price second", according to Relying on national plans to guide social production, cannot rely on prices to guide production. otherwise, It will slip onto the evil path of "the law of value" advocated by the revisionists. Because, as the law of commodity production, the law of value embodies a kind of bourgeoisie Legal rights breed and produce bourgeois elements. Basic economic Under the restriction of the law of development and the law of planned and proportional development, the use of the law of value can promote Encourage all enterprises and economic departments to increase labor productivity and reduce unit output Socially necessary labor time of the product, so that social labor can be divided reasonably according to a certain proportion. Allocation and redistribution will enable socialist production to move forward more quickly and economically. But once Leaving the constraints of the basic economic laws of socialism and the laws of planned development, leaving In political and ideological work, the law of value will be like a wild horse running out of rein Some people use the divergence of price and value to pursue profit and destroy social labor. The planned distribution has disrupted production and disrupted the economic foundation of socialism. therefore, The movement process of the law of planned and proportional development and the law of value in the distribution of social labor The contradictions that occur in the process will inevitably manifest as the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, Page 190 172 Between the road and the capitalist road, the Marxist line and the revisionist line struggle. What did the Soviet revisionist traitor group say: "The performance in people's joint activities is not May be achieved spontaneously and through competition, because we have no antagonistic contradictions and Interests, there is no struggle against opposing forces. "(Editor-in-chief including Rumyantsev of the Soviet Union: "Socialist Political Economy") This is both a distortion of socialist economic relations, It is to conceal the intense existence of the Soviet Union in the economic field after the restoration of capitalism Between the bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie and the proletariat, the bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie The struggle between regiments. Under socialist conditions, the distribution of social Skilled labor is basically achieved through national economic planning. national economy Whether the plan can correctly reflect objective laws is not only important for socialist construction, Moreover, it is also very important to restrict the legal rights of the bourgeoisie in the process of production and exchange. Big. If the plan ratio is not arranged properly and the production task arrangement is low, it will not be full To meet social needs, there will be a disconnect in the supply of certain commodities. Production task arrangement High, or the material supply channel is not smooth, it will cause a shortage of raw material supply mouth. When the above two situations occur, the lesser one makes enterprises find their own way and engage in material exchange. The heavy ones make the new and old bourgeoisie take advantage of the emptiness, conduct illegal arbitrage purchases, and resell them. In either case, it creates conditions for expanding bourgeois legal rights and restoring capitalism. Pieces. Plans are made by people and are ideological things. have it done Make people's plans accurately reflect the planned and proportional development of the national economy According to the law, it is not easy to distribute labor correctly according to a certain proportion. In socialism In society, the process of making plans is full of fierce struggles between two classes and two lines. The struggle between the Marxist line and the revisionist line in the economic field must be under control. Page 191 173 It was reflected in the process of formulating the plan: whether it is politics or profit, agriculture, Light, heavy or heavy, light, agricultural, large, medium and small or the whole ocean, is the implementation of "saddle The "Steel Constitution" or the implementation of the "Maanshan Iron and Steel Constitution" is really concerned about the lives of the masses or Material stimulus, is it insisting on independence, self-reliance, or admiring foreigners, surrendering and selling country……? This series of problems are all related to the consolidation of the socialist economic foundation It is still a major issue that undermines the socialist economic foundation. If the revisionist line is in control Having an advantage in the planning process will restore the capitalist economy. Party assets Classes like Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping are always deliberately The people's economic plan has been put on a revisionist track. During the year when Deng Xiaoping resumed work, Has been involved in planning work. He proposed under the black program of "three instructions as the outline" A set of revisionist line of running enterprises, the so-called "Articles on Accelerating Industrial Development" Statutes, in an attempt to use the plan as a basis for formulating The revisionist plan of restoration and retrogression was imposed on the whole party and the people of the whole country. National plans The planning agency is an important battle between the two lines in the planning process. Should see, The bureaucratic style of state planning agencies is also easy to accept revisionist lines. An important condition. This bureaucratic style cannot reflect the broad masses in time The vigorous creative spirit can only stifle the vigorous creative spirit of the masses. God, and for the revisionist line, it hits it off. Therefore, to make socialism The national economic plan truly reflects the basic laws of socialism To truly reflect the requirements of the party's basic line, we must adhere to the revisionist path. Fight against the bourgeoisie within the party, while constantly reforming national plans at all levels Agencies, eradicate bureaucratic vices, and make national planning agencies at all levels truly Tools of the dictatorship of the property class. Of course, in addition to socialist planning work In addition to the destruction and interference of the foreign bourgeoisie, people also have an understanding of objective laws. Page 192 174 Cognition process. The intricate proportional relations in the national economy must be understood all at once Clearly, that is difficult to do. However, people should be within the scope permitted by objective conditions In the surrounding area, try to make your actions meet the requirements of the law of planned and proportional development begging. As long as we firmly rely on the masses, constantly sum up experience, and improve our consciousness, Overcome blindness, do in-depth investigation and research to clarify the situation before making a plan, It is possible to arrange proportional relations according to the inherent connections of objective things. The correct application of the law of planned and proportional development will make the national economy interrelated The various departments of the Alliance maintain a coordinated and proportional relationship during the development process. But this Laws cannot point us in the direction of socialist economic development. To the social master It is the basic economic law of socialism that indicates the basic direction of the development of the righteous economy. So Therefore, a correct national economic plan must first reflect socialism in all aspects. Basic economic laws. Consciously regulating social labor distribution is the superiority of socialist economy Consciously regulating the distribution of social labor is a constant struggle process. This It's because the balance of socialist economic development is always temporary, relative, and not Balance is constant and absolute. In the process of socialist economic development, Due to various subjective and objective reasons, there will often be situations in which the balance and proportional relations are broken. The superiority of the socialist economy over the capitalist economy does not lie in During its development, the socialist economy will not have any disagreements among the various production departments. The balance lies in: In a capitalist society based on private ownership, each production The imbalance between departments cannot be achieved through people's conscious activities, through planned Adjustment to overcome, so it often develops into a serious scale imbalance, causing manpower, A huge waste of material and financial resources; and in a socialist society based on public ownership, Page 193 175 Through people's conscious activities, through the adjustment of consciousness and the country's plans, we can continuously Overcome imbalance and establish relative balance. "Frequent and consciously balanced, Actually it's planning." ① From balance to unbalance, then from unbalance to balance, It means breaking the old proportional relationship and building on a higher level of development Initiate a new proportional relationship to unite the socialist economy in a balanced and unbalanced opposition China is moving forward rapidly. Chairman Mao pointed out: "Objectively, the long-term social The conflict between production and social needs requires people to go through national plans from time to time To adjust. Our country makes an economic plan once a year to arrange an appropriate ratio of accumulation and consumption. For example, to find a balance between production and demand. The so-called balance is the temporary contradiction The relative unity. After a year, as a whole, this balance is contradicted When the struggle is broken, this unity changes, balance becomes imbalance, and unity becomes In order to be ununified, it is necessary to balance and unify in the second year. This is our plan The superiority of economy. In fact, each month and quarter is partially breaking this balance and unification. First, local adjustments need to be made. " ② this theory of Chairman Mao, with dialectical materialism The legal point of view clarifies the planned development of the socialist economy and its advantages. The development of Marxist political economy. The kind of planned socialist economy Proportional development is regarded as having no contradiction, for fear of imbalance, it is metaphysical Academic point of view. The correct attitude is to realize the imbalances in the national economy. Seek truth from facts, separate situations and treat them differently. Because the masses of workers in certain sectors Enhance socialist enthusiasm, save raw materials, improve equipment utilization and production failure The increase in the number of people and the overfulfillment of the plan has broken the balance, which is a good thing and should be welcomed. ① "Non-critical Criticism." "The Complete Works of Lenin" Vol. 3, p. 566. ② "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A), human People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, pages 463-464. Page 194 176 Because there are mistakes in the work and fail to complete the plan, the imbalance caused by We should sum up experience and lessons and try our best to avoid it. Whatever the reason, it appears in imbalance From now on, we must treat it with a positive attitude, based on the overall national economic development. It is required to promptly promote the production of temporarily backward departments and establish a new balance. This is the embodiment of the superiority of the socialist planned economy. In order to overcome the frequent imbalances and establish a relative balance, we must pay attention to Intend to do a good job of comprehensive balance. The overall balance is not the balance of individual production departments, but It is based on the balance within agriculture, the balance within industry, and the balance between industry and agriculture. The balance of the entire national economy on the basis of balance. The task of comprehensive balance is mainly guided by the party's basic line and The basic economic law of socialism and the objective of the law of planned and proportional development of the national economy Requirement, taking into account the influence of the law of value on socialist production, arrange for citizens Proportional relations in the economy, appropriate allocation of human, material, and financial resources to the national economy Various departments, establish a balance between social production and social needs, so that the means of production The growth of production is in line with the growing needs of socialist The increase in production is compatible with the needs of the people's gradual improvement in life. Process is a process of exposing, analyzing, and resolving contradictions. For doing well Comprehensive balance, we should use a positive attitude to deal with contradictions, and actively promote short-term products ① Go up and accelerate the development of those temporarily backward that are critical in the national economy In order to establish a new balance on a new and higher level. Only in this way, In order to better meet the needs of production and construction, national defense and people's lives. foot. The proletarian revolutionary line of Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping against Chairman Mao has ① Short-term products refer to products that are in short supply in a certain period of time. The "short-term balance" refers to accommodating short-term production A negative balance of products. Page 195 177 What is called "short-term balance" and so on, and the negative balance of lowering the higher and lowering the higher is greatly promoted; Sometimes, regardless of the shortage of raw materials, high indicators that are out of reality are proposed, and when the indicators are When it failed, he would "cut all the light and retreat enough" and talk nonsense "The donkey walks slowly, but But be prudent”, and implement a right or “left” and real right mechanism in planning work. Socialist line. Comprehensive balance is to establish the balance of the entire national economy, and the entire national economy The proportional relationship in is extremely complicated and contains many contradictions. Line analysis. Chairman Mao taught: "We cannot treat all the contradictions in the process equally. They must be distinguished into primary and secondary categories, focusing on catching the primary spear Shield" ① Apply this teaching of Chairman Mao to the comprehensive balance, that is to say, Regarding the various proportional relationships among various sectors and regions of the national economy, we must never disregard Primary and secondary are treated the same, but primary and secondary, important and general must be distinguished. Regardless of master Second, the average force is used, which is like pressing ten fleas with ten fingers at the same time. Guo couldn't hold any one. The development of key departments and key enterprises to the entire national economy Play a key role, so the key points must be taken care of, and their needs should first be guaranteed Be satisfied. However, the point of assurance does not mean that the general can be ignored. Same focus There is a close interdependent relationship between the generals. Not guaranteed key points, generally of course If it fails to develop well, it ignores the general, and the key development will also be affected. So Therefore, in the work of comprehensive balance, it is necessary to implement "overall planning and proper arrangement" Under the premise of taking care of key points, the general policy should be taken into consideration at the same time. To start from the whole, Look forward and afterward, consider the relationship between up and down, left and right, and avoid making one-sided mistakes. In the comprehensive balance work, the balance of labor, the balance of materials and resources must be taken into consideration. Golden balance. Since people are the most important factor in productivity, among the above three balances, ① "On Contradiction". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 297. Page 196 178 First, the balance of labor must be arranged. In the balance of arranging labor, the root According to the principle that agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, it must first be ensured The need for labor. Only when agricultural production has grown with the development of mechanization May provide surplus labor and more commodity grains and cash crops. A proper amount of labor can be transferred from agriculture to develop other industries and the national economy. Other department. Without this prerequisite, the excessive transfer of agricultural labor force will lead to Disrupting the overall balance is not conducive to the planned and proportionally high-speed development of the national economy. From the imbalance between the various sectors of the national economy to the establishment of a new balance, it is always necessary to There is a process. In order to ensure the proportional development of various departments in this process, A certain material reserve must be established and maintained. The quantity of various material reserves must be appropriate when. The reserves are too small to meet the needs of filling in the vacancies, which will cause some departments Due to the shortage of certain materials, the under-starting of work has affected the high speed of the entire national economy development of. Too much reserve materials will cause a backlog of materials and funds, making The materials and funds that could be used for the current production cannot play its role, nor Conducive to the high-speed development of the national economy. In the process of distributing social labor according to a certain proportion, in addition to the correct use of comprehensive In addition to the basic method of co-balancing, it is also necessary to follow the practical experience Some basic principles summarized on the basis. First of all, national economic planning must give full play to the initiative of the central and local governments. Combine the centralized and unified leadership of the central government with the initiative of local governments. To formulate and implement a unified national economic plan, of course there must be a high degree of concentration. Unified leadership in China. In the work of national economic planning, if there is no central Unified leadership, not advocating an overall view, not opposing decentralization, and allowing each place If each party is working independently, it is impossible to have a unified national economic plan. But the society Page 197 179 Centralist leadership is based on a broad democratic foundation. Central collar Guiding and playing local initiative are mutually conditional. Lenin explained economic work Said: “Our current task is to implement economic Democratic centralism guarantees the work of railway, post and telecommunications and other transportation and other economic enterprises. There is absolute rigor and unity; at the same time, centralism in the true democratic sense The premise is that for the first time in history, the possibility that Characteristics, and make the local initiative, initiative and variety to achieve the total The path, method and method of the goal can be fully and smoothly developed. " ① In order to combine the centralized and unified leadership of the central government with the full play of local initiative In the coming years, when formulating national economic plans, we must focus on Up and down, combined up and down; block-based, combined with blocks." In the process of executing the plan China, it is also necessary to allow localities to have special practices suitable for local conditions. This special, not It's the special kind of making an independent kingdom, but for the overall benefit, for the sake of local conditions To fully tap the potential forces in production and better complete the unified national economic plan Special necessary for planning. From the planning work system, it is necessary to implement a unified plan, Hierarchical management system. Chairman Mao pointed out as early as the founding of the People's Republic of China: "China is a big country, and such a powerful local institution must be established. In order to get things done. What should be unified must be unified, and it is never allowed to work independently; But unity and local conditions must be combined. " ② Chairman Mao later repeatedly teach We, "It's better to have two positivity than just one positivity", "in the middle Under the unified plan of the central government, let the local governments do more things." ③However , the bourgeoisie in the party ① The first draft of the article "The Current Tasks of Soviet Power". "The Complete Works of Lenin" Volume 27, p. 190. ② Quoted from "People's Daily" on December 4, 1949. ③ Quoted from "People's Daily" on January 1, 1971. Page 198 180 Always oppose Chairman Mao's revolutionary line, and have always made great efforts in the economic management system. "The dictatorship of all articles." Before the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping He tried his best to promote the "dictatorship", and later Lin Biao also strengthened the "dictatorship". Deng Xiao After Ping resumed his work, he reintroduced the "dictatorship of all articles." The so-called "dictatorship", It is to engage in bureaucratic monopoly and autocratic dictatorship. It's reactionary is that it doesn't let people have it Positivity. The formulation of the plan is done by "articles" alone, not "blocks". In the distribution of materials, the implementation of "uniform collection and distribution" is opposed to local matching and local supply. fiscal Political revenues and expenditures are exhausted, and local financial resources are undermined. After Deng Xiaoping resumed work, the evil Drugs slander the good situation on the economic front as "chaos", "scattered" and "slow"? Vigorously advocating "rectification" to control "chaos", collecting "powers" to control "scattering", and "introducing" control "slow". Deng Xiaoping reintroduced the "Dictatorship of Articles", resisted the Party Central Chamber, and opposed the land Fang is domineering and arrogant, antagonizes the masses sharply, and bows down to foreigners. His sin The evil purpose is to facilitate the implementation of a revisionist line from top to bottom, The socialist economy is a bureaucratic monopoly capitalist economy. To engage in "several dictatorship" is Engage in the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The "Dictatorship of All Orders" is opposed to the dictatorship of the proletariat. It is incompatible with Chairman Mao's revolutionary line. In planning work, you must be in politics Politically, theoretically, and ideologically, the "dictatorship" was thoroughly criticized and completely defeated. Secondly, "When making plans, we must mobilize the masses and pay attention to keeping sufficient Room. " ① This is an extremely important principle planning of the national economy. Each All production plans should have guarantees on raw materials and supporting parts. Some plans There is a gap in materials. Through saving, tapping the potential, etc., Proved the completion of the plan. this is normal phenomenon. But we must oppose the excessive gap. because The gap is too large, which not only undermines the seriousness of the plan, but also dampens the enthusiasm of the masses. ① Quoted from "People's Daily" on February 21, 1969. Page 199 181 Socialist construction is the people's own cause, therefore, planning work must We must fully believe in the masses, follow the mass line, expose contradictions, find gaps, and promote the transformation of a company The leaders of the enterprise should talk about the situation and encourage them Be vigorous, give the masses the task, give the situation, give the measures, give the difficulties, and start the mass discussion. This is an important sign that workers are the masters of the country. Plans and indicators do not pass through the masses Discussion, the idea belongs to the cadres; after discussion by the masses, it becomes the masses' own plan, Only by fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of the broad masses, the plan targets are both advanced and reliable. The planned indicators should be advanced. Only advanced plans can inspire The role of morale. In order to work out an advanced plan, it must be in line with bourgeois thinking Fight. Some people know that the production potential is great, but they set the plan very well. Low in order to take more over-produced products as a bargaining chip for unplanned collaboration; or not from the country The home needs to start, choose the fat and the thin; or if it is convenient, it needs more supplies, and the backlog is wasted; Or one-sided pursuit of output value without paying attention to variety and quality. Obviously, if you leave the capital If the ideology of the bourgeoisie is flooded, and if you don't fight it, it's impossible to formulate an objective The actual scientific plan. The process of making a plan, that is, proletarian thinking and The process of bourgeois ideological struggle. The planned indicators should be advanced, but this does not mean that the higher the indicators, the better. It can increase or double without a basis. Deviated from the high indicators of objective possibility, no It cannot only mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses, and it will inevitably dampen the enthusiasm of the masses. first Progressive plan indicators must be scientifically based, reliable, and feasible. hair The chairman taught: “No one can think without grounds, or go beyond Plan your own actions as the conditions permit, don't force it Page 200 182 Things that can't be done. " ① through the efforts could do things that If you can't do it, don't do it, called rightist conservative. If there is no sufficient basis, it will not work. To do it is called blindness, which is called the "left" and the real right. Plan to oppose right To be conservative, we must also oppose the "Left" form and the Real Right. Make the plan well-founded, after On the basis that efforts can be completed, third, when drawing up a capital construction plan, The principle of concentrating forces to fight the war of annihilation should be implemented. The human, material and financial resources that can be used for basic construction within a certain period of time are limited of. If the capital construction front is too long and the projects launched are greedy, it is bound to be Lengthen the time for completion and commissioning. If you concentrate on fighting annihilation, you can build it early Completed and put into production early. Assume that our capital construction funds during a five-year plan period Gold is enough to build 500 projects. There are two approaches here: one is five hundred projects At the same time, the construction funds will be used diversified. By the last year of the five-year plan, five hundred Both projects were completed at the same time. In this case, the construction period of each project takes five year. Another approach is to launch one hundred projects every year and use construction funds intensively. One hundred projects are completed every year in five years. Then, the construction period of each project Can be greatly shortened. It can be seen that Chairman Mao's principle of concentrating forces to fight the war of annihilation, It is not only an effective method of warfare in the military, but also a capital construction plan. The principles that must be followed at the time. Some departments and units sometimes cannot To implement this principle, this is due to the selfish ideology that ignores the overall situation Because of the lack of awareness of the harm caused by violating this principle. In order to implement this Principle, it is necessary to strengthen the propaganda and education of the principle of concentrating forces to fight the war of annihilation. This is a kind of struggle with views and behaviors that only consider local needs and ignore the overall interests. ① Chairman Mao: "Preface to "The Socialist Climax in Rural China". "Socialism in Rural China Tide, Volume 1, p. 4. Page 201 183 Fourth, long-term plans (five-year plans and 10-year and 20-year long-term planning) and short-term plans (annual plan, quarterly plan, Monthly plan). Without long-term planning, it will be difficult to plan for capital construction s arrangement. Long-term plans reflect long-term goals, so that people's vision is not limited The step ahead makes people stand tall, see far, and can be motivated. Workers Zhi said it well: "There is no big goal in the chest, and a straw is bent over; there is a big goal in the chest. Goal, Tarzan does not bend down. "But long-term plans must be implemented through short-term plans. Integration can be implemented, can be grasped, and it is convenient for inspection and Appraisal. In this way, the realization of the long-term plan will not fail. The planning work of the socialist collective ownership economy has its own characteristics. The collective ownership economy must obey the leadership of the state's unified economic plan, but it must not violate Under the national unified plan and policy decree, more flexibility and independence can be maintained In order to adapt measures to local conditions and fully mobilize the collective economy to develop socialist production Polarity and initiative have enabled the rapid development of the collective economy. Page 202 Page 203 Page 204 Page 205 185 Chapter 5 Socialist Agriculture and Industry Section 1 Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy The basic role of agriculture in the socialist national economy Agriculture and industry are the two main material production ministries of the socialist national economy door. Analyze how the two major sectors of agriculture and industry are interdependent and restrict each other, and follow Exchange activities according to a certain law, this is the study of the social total labor in the national economy An important issue in proportional distribution. "Agriculture as the foundation, industry as the leading" is a development developed by Chairman Mao himself. Develop the general policy of our socialist national economy. Why develop socialist citizens The economy must be based on agriculture and dominated by industry? If not, it will What are the consequences? To understand this problem, one must understand the relationship between agriculture and industry. In particular, we must understand why agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. Why is agriculture the foundation of the national economy? One of the simplest reasons is: people If we want to produce, or engage in cultural or social activities, we must first obtain the necessary Material living materials, solve the problem of eating. If you are not engaged in material life All other labor or activities are not mentioned. Marx pointed out: Page 206 186 "All labor is first and foremost for the purpose of possessing and producing food." ① Agriculture Karma labor is the labor engaged in the production of means of subsistence, the labor of providing food, it is The most necessary condition for human existence and all production. Only after agricultural production has developed to a certain level can there be Other sectors of the national economy. Agriculture turned out to be the only production department in the early stages of human society door. Even though there were labor and textile labor for making tools for agricultural production However, this kind of industrial labor and agricultural labor were not originally separate. If I If we call the economy at that time the national economy, then agriculture is The only sector of the national economy. Except for agriculture, other sectors of the national economy Under what circumstances did it happen? Marx pointed out: The first part of society All human labor used in agriculture “must be sufficient for the entire society, and therefore for Non-agricultural workers produce the necessary food; that is, make agricultural workers and workers It is possible for the people of the occupation to implement this huge division of labor." ② Marx's development of social division of labor The historical summary made by the students clearly tells us that only when the agricultural laborers Only after the productivity has risen to a certain level will it happen in other sectors of the national economy. and so, A certain development of agricultural production is the basis for the independence of other sectors of the national economy. After these production sectors become independent from agriculture, they must be further developed. It is still to be built on the basis of agricultural development. This is because agricultural labor productivity Increase, it is possible to provide more living materials and labor for the society, Meet the development needs of other sectors. Assuming that there are 400 million laborers in the country, we need 300 million Labor is spent on agricultural labor to solve food problems and provide other necessary means of living. In the end, only 100 million laborers are left to do other things. Suppose again, agriculture ① Marx: Volume 3 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 25, page 713. ② Marx: Volume 3 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 25, Page 716. Page 207 187 Labor productivity has increased, and only 100 million labors are needed in the same 400 million labors Engaged in agricultural production, then 300 million laborers can engage in other labor or activities. Moved. As Marx pointed out: "Society used to produce wheat and livestock, etc. The less time is needed for other production material and spiritual production The more time. " ① Marx in the analysis of the law of development of the capitalist economy, has After dividing the total labor of the society into two parts, necessary labor and surplus labor, The kind of labor that provides material for the whole society is called necessary labor. ② . This is also applicable under socialist conditions. In the total working hours of society, only The productivity of agricultural labor, which is necessary labor, has increased. The time required for labor is saved, and the time for other production can be used Increase. This shows that the increase in agricultural labor productivity is still a factor in the national economy. The basis for the further development of his various departments. Agriculture is the foundation of human survival and the independence of other sectors of the national economy And the basis for further development, this is the objective economic law of the development of human society. horse Kesi pointed out: "Agricultural labor productivity that exceeds the individual needs of laborers is everything The foundation of society" ③ . In the capitalist world, we can often see that some countries' industries are more developed However, agriculture is relatively backward, and there is not even much agriculture. Does this mean that capital Can the development of capitalist production be separated from the foundation of agriculture? Do not! Capital development The exhibition is not only based on domestic agriculture, but under certain conditions, foreign agriculture ① Marx: "One of Economic Manuscripts from 1857 to 1858 "On Monetary Theory". Quoted from "Marx, En Gus, Lenin and Stalin on Communist Society, People's Publishing House, 1958 edition, p. 67. ② See Marx: Volume 3 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 25, Page 713; Page 716. ③ Marx: Volume 3 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 25, Page 885. Page 208 188 As the basis. Some capitalist countries use foreign trade, especially through Rob and plunder the people of colonial and semi-colonial countries to obtain agricultural products, Lay the foundation for the development of the country's industry. Marx saw the capitalist world as An organically connected whole, he pointed out: "A certain stage of development of agriculture, whether it is Domestic or foreign is the foundation of capital development. " ① The contemporary Soviet revisionist social-imperialist economy is no exception. Su Xiu in order to achieve Its ambition to dominate the world, desperately develop military industry, expand its armaments and prepare for war, has resulted in agricultural Industry is seriously lagging behind, and this situation determines that it must also use foreign Based on agriculture ② . The basic role of agriculture in the socialist national economy is more Yes, it is more obvious. This is because the socialist public ownership system has The door is closely linked to form a whole. In order to meet the needs of the entire society, the country can The overall arrangement of labor in various departments in a planned and proportional manner shows that people are For the first time in history, it is possible to consciously use the objective law that agriculture is the foundation. society The socialist economy is an independent and self-reliant economy, and its development must be established ① Marx: "Theory of Surplus Value." "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 26, Volume 1, Page 23. ② Calculated by the Soviet population, the contradiction between food production and demand is very serious. In 1975, the Soviet Food The output dropped to about 137 million tons, one-third less than the planned target. In a normal year, every year There is a shortage of more than 10 million tons of food. In order to rescue the crisis, Soviet revisionists tried their best to buy food from the world market. According to reports, 1969 In 2006, Soviet revisions imported more than 10 million tons of grain. From the winter of 1972 to the first half of 1973, nearly 30 million tons of grain were imported. In the next two years, more than 20 to 30 million tons of grain will be imported every year. Su Xiu also plundered a large number of agricultural and sideline products from abroad, Turning Bulgaria, Hungary, Cuba and Mongolia among the member countries of the "Economic Mutual Cooperation" into its agricultural product supply Base and fruit and vegetable garden. In the case of animal products, Soviet revisionism has long plundered Mongolia. 1961 to 1965 During the year, Soviet revisions imported 5.5 million heads of live livestock from Mongolia each year. Since the 1970s, More than ten million heads. Such plundering forced the Mongols' meat intake from 125 kg in 1960. It dropped to 101 kilograms in 1972. In 1975, the Mengji authorities had asked the people in the country to change to eating wild animal meat. Solve the problem of insufficient meat supply. Page 209 189 On the basis of domestic agricultural development, in this way, agriculture plays an important role in the development of the entire national economy. The role is even more prominent. The development of the national economy of socialist countries must be based on agriculture, from the following Several aspects can be seen clearly. If we look at the production of socialist agriculture from the perspective of direct social production Production, then, this is a planned production of grain, non-staple food and industrial raw materials And other special use value processes. The food produced through this process and Non-staple food, in addition to meeting the daily needs of agricultural workers, is also used for Non-agricultural workers in the whole society provide food. Agricultural production is beginning to dawn, providing society with The food and non-staple foods in China have also increased, so that various social undertakings can also get With corresponding development, people's lives will be improved accordingly. At the same time, socialist agricultural products (especially cash crops) are also industrial An important source of raw materials. Heavy industry needs certain agricultural products as raw materials, light industry More agricultural products are needed as raw materials. At present, the raw materials used in my country's light industry are About 70% comes from agriculture. If we look at socialist agricultural production from the perspective of commodity production, then In the end, agriculture and industry are each other's market in the exchange of commodities. Agriculture provides society The more food and raw materials there are, the more industrial products sold to the countryside will increase. With the gradual mechanization of agriculture and the continuous improvement of farmers' lives, rural The role of an increasingly important market for industrial products will become apparent. Agriculture this pole Its vast market is an important source of capital accumulation necessary for the development of industry. In addition, part of the value created by agricultural labor The form of industry tax provides the country with the necessary capital accumulation. Socialist agriculture is also the main source of labor for industry and other sectors. Page 210 190 spring. The development of industry, transportation, and commerce requires an increase in labor. This Division of labor, in addition to relying on the efforts of the department to increase labor productivity, save Of the labor force used to meet the growing needs, mainly relying on the agricultural sector provide. The expansion of the labor force in industry and other sectors depends on the The amount of agricultural products produced exceeds the amount of agricultural products consumed by oneself depends on agricultural labor productivity Improvement. The prominent role of agriculture in the socialist national economy requires people to be more self-conscious Consciously grasp and use agriculture is the basic law to serve the construction of socialism. Farming Industry is the foundation of the national economy. This law is in the commodity system in capitalist society. It is realized as a kind of alien power of people. In a capitalist society, only when When the agricultural sector is profitable, a large amount of capital will be transferred to agriculture. And the development of agricultural production. Under socialist conditions, agriculture is in the national economy The basic role of the Chinese government, although it has to be demonstrated through the commodity-currency relationship, it's impossible Get rid of the constraints of commodity-currency relations as in the advanced stage of communism. However, by Since the establishment of socialist public ownership, this kind of agriculture is reflected in the commodity system In general, the basic role of the national economy has been influenced by the planned and proportional development of the national economy. The rule of domination can already distribute agricultural labor according to plan in the total social labor The great change in ownership shows that for the first time in human history Consciously using agriculture is the foundation of this objective law. The planned distribution of socialist agricultural labor is intertwined with the commodity currency relationship. together. Most obviously, the size of the basic role of agriculture is to a large extent It should be reflected by the commodity rate of agricultural products. Products in socialist agriculture There are two parts: one part is to meet the needs of farmers' individual and collective self-sufficiency Products, and the other part is a business provided to meet the needs of non-agricultural workers in the whole society. Page 211 191 Product. The greater the quantity of commodities in agricultural products, the higher the commodity rate of agricultural products. The greater the contribution made to industry and other sectors of the national economy. Food in people Under the condition that the consumption level of food and non-staple food remains unchanged, how much commercial grain and food can agriculture provide? Non-staple food determines how much labor can be accommodated in industry and other sectors; agricultural business The amount of raw materials and cash crops determines those industries that use agricultural products as raw materials The scale of development of production. The development of agricultural commodity production means that the collective The increase in currency income means an increase in the purchasing power of industrial products; that is to say, agricultural To a certain extent, the product commodity rate determines the size of the industrial product market. Agriculture and industry are mutual markets in the exchange of commodities, so the commercial The increase in the product rate will promote the development of the entire socialist commodity economy. For the socialist countries to accumulate more funds for expansion of reproduction, there will be Ability to accelerate the pace of socialist construction. As far as the process of socialist production and reproduction is concerned, it is always the first to satisfy The needs of collective farmers' self-sufficient products are the prerequisite, otherwise reproduction will not be possible. Follow With the development of agricultural production, both the self-sufficient part and the commodity part will correspond in absolute terms. Since the self-sufficiency part has a certain limit, relatively speaking, the commodity department The score will always improve faster. As far as the whole society is concerned, the The commodity rate is different, and due to changes in the production level, it will also affect the commodity Rate of change. If the country does not proceed from the actual local conditions, the agricultural products purchased Too much will affect the satisfaction of farmers' self-sufficiency, and affect the production of collective farmers. Sex, which will also affect the consolidation of the worker-peasant alliance. On the contrary, if only farmers are The need for self-sufficient products, regardless of the country and society's needs for agricultural commodities, It also weakens the role that agriculture should play and affects the pace of socialist construction. This also affects the consolidation of the worker-peasant alliance. So it is reflected in the two parts of agricultural products Page 212 192 On the issue of the proportion of people, there is a way to correctly handle the three aspects of the state, collectives and individual farmers The relationship between the problems. Chairman Mao was at different stages of revolutionary development, The relationship between the ratio and how to develop agriculture has been systematic and insightful. The discussion. As early as January 1934, Chairman Mao pointed out: "Agricultural production is The first place in our economic construction work" ① . In 1945, Chairman Mao In the report of "Cooperative Government", the basic role of agriculture is analyzed in detail, Min-this is the predecessor of Chinese workers. Tens of millions of farmers will enter the city in the future, Enter the factory". "The farmer-this is the main body of the Chinese industrial market. Only them It can supply the most abundant food and raw materials, and absorb the largest amount of industrial products. " ② to In the speech at the Shanxi-Suijiang cadre meeting in 1948, the agricultural industry was more clearly mentioned. On the issue of the industry's foundation, Chairman Mao said: “Abolish the feudal system and develop agricultural production. It laid the foundation for the development of industrial production and the task of turning an agricultural country into an industrial country" ③ . After my country entered the stage of the socialist revolution, Chairman Mao has repeatedly explained agriculture It is the basic idea of ​​​​national economic development. Chairman Mao repeatedly emphasized that throughout the country In the people's economy, the development of agriculture must be given top priority. "Without agriculture, there will be no "Light industry", "Agriculture and light industry have developed, heavy industry has a market and capital Gold, it will develop faster" ④ . Later, Chairman Mao successively proposed industrial and ① "Our Economic Policy". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, No. 117 pages. ② "On Coalition Government". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, No. 978 page. ③ "Speech at the Shanxi and Sui cadre meeting". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 Typesetting, p. 1211. ④ "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A), People Press 1965 edition, p. 496. Page 213 193 Simultaneous development of agriculture, arranging a series of national economy in the order of agriculture, light and heavy Brilliant thoughts, and summed up "taking agriculture as the foundation and industry as the leading factor" as development The general policy of the national economy. Chairman Mao repeatedly asked us to attach importance to agriculture and "gather grain" and warned us to eat The problem is that you cannot rely on foreign countries. Food depends on foreign countries, independence and self-reliance is An empty talk. Chairman Mao's important expositions on agriculture, light industry and heavy industry enrich and develop Unfold the basic principles of Marxist political economy and reveal the conditions of socialism The inner link between agriculture and industry has theoretically armed the cadres and the masses, In order to prevent and prevent repairs, how to develop the socialist economy quickly and economically points out the way forward. The practice of socialist construction in our country shows that socialist agriculture is doing well, Faster, more food, non-staple food and raw materials can be provided, and the rural areas will continue to expand. In this important market, various sectors of the national economy can also achieve rapid development; on the contrary, If agriculture is not done well, the development of other sectors will be slow. my country One Nine Five Eight The Great Leap Forward in the national economy, which began in 2000, started with the Great Leap Forward in agriculture. In three years During the period of natural disasters, agricultural harvests failed and the commodity crops provided decreased, which caused the national economy The development of economic sectors has been considerably affected. Since 1962, the agricultural company With continuous bumper harvests every year, my country's industry and other sectors of the national economy also appeared accordingly A booming situation. The fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization Under socialist conditions, the spread of agriculture's wings can promote the entire national economy Ji's dragon and tiger leaped. People consciously apply agriculture as the basic law, and they must The development of agriculture is given top priority and the productivity of agricultural labor should be increased as soon as possible. In agricultural machine Page 214 194 Socialist countries with a low degree of mechanization and a low level of productivity, especially The development of agriculture is extremely important. my country was originally a backward agricultural country, In addition to the collectivization of agriculture, the revolution in agricultural production The issue of agricultural mechanization on the basis of collectivization. In the scattered ocean On the basis of the small peasant economy, it is impossible to use machinery for farming. Collectivization is a prerequisite for agricultural mechanization. On the basis of agricultural collectivization, farmers have Conditions also require changes in production tools, the use of machine farming, and the rapid development of productivity. Therefore, agricultural mechanization and collectivization of agriculture is the inevitable trend of ① . International Communist The practice of the Yi Movement proved that if collectivization is not good, even if machine farming is adopted, Agriculture still can't go up. As a result, not only the food problem cannot be solved, but the rural areas will With the rapid emergence of polarization, capitalist forces will inevitably regain development. our country's The poor, lower-middle peasants said it well: do not engage in collectivization, but polarization; do not engage in mechanization, no Can consolidate collectivization, but also polarization. my country's agriculture has basically completed the socialist transformation of ownership. On the basis of consolidating the collective economy of the People's Commune, use modern large machines and scientific Technology to arm agriculture to rapidly increase agricultural labor productivity has become a must Natural trend. Chairman Mao had a socialist upsurge in our country's rural areas as early as 1955 Pointed out: "China can only completely complete the social and economic system in terms of social Socialist transformation, and in terms of technology, in all departments that can be operated by machines Only in the local and local areas can we use machines to completely change the social and economic outlook. " ① The agricultural mechanization we are talking about here refers to agricultural modernization, which includes everything from agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and side-fishing. Departments and places that can use machines to operate, all use machines, and use fertilizers, pesticides and other advanced Imported agricultural production materials. Page 215 195 ① The continuous consolidation and improvement of the collective ownership of rural people's communes is the same as the productivity The continuous development is inseparable. "The fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization", which means Righteousness is here. Dazhai Brigade, Xiyang County, Shanxi Province, after years of hard work in the march towards agricultural mechanization, By 1975, the whole brigade had more than 80 agricultural machinery. The momentum is equivalent to more than 80,000 workers, which is equivalent to one and a half times the labor force of the whole brigade. To realize agricultural mechanization, use machines in farming, sowing, harvesting, and transportation. It can increase agricultural labor productivity exponentially, tenfold, or even hundredfold, so that farmers can gradually get rid of Heavy physical labor saves a lot of labor. The conditions of agricultural production are different from those of industry, and are often subject to Natural conditions. However, "man will conquer the sky." With the development of agricultural mechanization, The situation of relying on the sky for food can be continuously changed, and stable and high yields of agriculture can be realized. The predecessor of the Xipu Brigade in Zunhua County, Hebei Province, was a well-known kingdom in the cooperative movement. A cooperative led by Fan. When the cooperative was established, the poor, lower and middle peasants carried forward the spirit of "poor sticks" and overcome Overcome the serious lack of production materials in the initial stage of the establishment. Set up cooperatives and people's communes to Later, they continued to carry forward the "poor stick" spirit and started agricultural mechanization. This brigade from 1971 In the three years from 1973 to 1973, he used his accumulated funds to purchase 100 More than 70 sets (pieces). The mechanization of agriculture has made great strides, the ability to resist disasters has become stronger, and agricultural production has gained It has been stable and high-yield year after year. In 1970, the grain yield per mu exceeded the "Yangtze River", and in 1974, the per mu yield reached To 1,350 catties. Since 1956, Shanghai County, Shanghai, after eight years, has focused on ① "On the issue of agricultural co-operation". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A), People's Publishing House, 1965 Annual edition, page 432. Page 216 196 After another three years, threshing, agricultural and sideline product processing and feed processing have basically been realized Mechanization; After another four years, the main focus is on the mechanization of cultivated land, so that the mechanically cultivated area will reach 80%. It took another three years to basically realize the mechanization of paddy field operations. By the end of 1974, all The county has more than 2,000 mixed tractors, large and small, with an average of one for every one hundred and ninety acres of land; the whole county 98.3% of the land has achieved electromechanical irrigation. Plant protection, rice and wheat threshing, agricultural and sideline products processing, water Long-distance transportation by land has also been mechanized and semi-mechanized; The mechanization of China is rapidly advancing. Mechanization has promoted the continuous improvement of agricultural production. all Since 1970, the county has achieved three cropping systems for more than 180,000 mu of grain fields. Beginning in 1973, the "Outline" was translated for two consecutive years. Agricultural mechanization can greatly increase labor productivity and promote deepening of agricultural production. March with degree and breadth. As the purchase of large and medium-sized agricultural machinery requires more capital Gold, and need to be uniformly arranged for use within the brigade or commune to fully distribute Use its benefits, so the development of agricultural mechanization will inevitably promote The development and growth of the collective economy at the brigade level has made the process of public ownership of the collective economy of the people's commune The degree of continuous improvement will help reduce the difference between production teams and promote The transition from the current basic ownership of the production team to the basic ownership of the brigade is conducive to Reforming the traditional concepts and old habits of small production is conducive to restricting the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. The realization of agricultural mechanization has brought about the gradual reduction of the gap between workers and farmers and between urban and rural areas. Will have far-reaching significance. The increase in agricultural labor productivity will improve the development of industry Provide a solid foundation; the development of industry will further support and promote agricultural machinery 化. The mutual promotion between workers and peasants, the alliance of workers and peasants under the leadership of the working class will also Further consolidate on a new basis. In the process of socialist agricultural mechanization, It is full of struggles between two classes, two roads, and two lines. In proletarian literature During the Great Revolution of China, he criticized Liu Shaoqi and his group's advocacy of “there are more Chinese "Mechanization", "It is impossible to mechanize mountainous areas", "Intensive farming cannot be mechanized", etc. Page 217 197 Against the fallacy of agricultural technological transformation, Chairman Mao's series of instructions on agricultural mechanization Show that it has become more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. All relevant departments and farmers have developed agricultural mechanization. The enthusiasm is greatly improved. With the rapid development of my country's industry, especially local small industries Development and all walks of life to strengthen their strong support to agriculture, my country's rural areas are in the party's basic path Under the guidance of the line, the agricultural machinery manufacturing established by the Party Central Committee The guidelines of the correct policy of focusing on small and medium-sized machinery products and focusing on collective agricultural machinery purchases Under the guidance, my country's agricultural mechanization has developed rapidly. Compared with 1965, my country's rural electricity consumption increased by 2.8 times; The usage has increased by nearly 1.9 times; the ownership of tractors (mixing platforms) has increased by 2.2 times, The number of tractors has increased by 74.8 times, and the actual farming area has increased by about 70%; Drainage and irrigation machinery has also increased by 2.8 times. More than 90% of the counties in the country have agricultural machinery repair factories. Agricultural Studies Dazhai For agriculture to give full play to its basic role, it must consolidate and develop agricultural On the basis of integration, further realize agricultural mechanization; and realize agricultural mechanization, The development of agricultural production must be led by revolution. Dazhai Commune, Xiyang County, Shanxi Province The Dazhai Brigade is a community that has basically completed the ownership of the means of production in rural my country. After the reform of socialism, insist on continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, how quickly and economically The red flag for building socialist agriculture is based on Chairman Mao's proletarian revolution The line develops a model of socialist agriculture. "Agriculture from Dazhai" was issued by Chairman Mao Great call. Before the collectivization of agriculture, the competition team was a "seven ditch, eight beams and one slope", "mountain high rock If you go out, you can climb the slopes. There is no three acres of land, and there are many disasters every year in the poor mountainous areas with extremely poor production conditions. Page 218 198 The entire Dazhai brigade has a total of only 83 households with more than 450 people, but they are in From 1971 to 1974, I removed 33 hills, large and small, and filled 15 ditches. Moved nearly 700,000 square meters of soil and stones, and merged the original 4,700 pieces of land into 2,000 Nine hundred pieces of land, then transformed into 1,500 pieces of land. Now the Dazhai Brigade has appeared. There are few "man-made small plains", and one half of the land can be farmed by machinery. Dazhai People governed the mountains and improved the soil, changed the production conditions, and changed the outlook of production. Before the liberation, the average grain yield per mu in Dazhai was less than 100 catties, and the total yield was the highest. Million catties. In 1974, the total output reached 770,000 catties. Income from forestry, animal husbandry and sideline businesses, 1974 This is an increase of seventy-six times over the initial period of cooperation in 1955. In the same year, the total revenue of the whole brigade reached 19 More than 4,800 yuan, more than ten times more than in 1955. Grain sold to the country, Dazhai From 1955 to 1958, an average of one hundred and five thousand catties per year; from 1959 to 1970, the average An average of 240,000 jin per year; from 1971 to 1974, an average of 330,000 jin per year. The latter figure has more than three times the total grain output before liberation. With the development of agricultural productivity, the commodity rate of agricultural products in Dazhai Brigade is not high. It fully reflects the role of agriculture in promoting industry and the entire national economy. Why did the Dazhai team have such a big change? The key is that the Dazhai team is in Under the leadership of the party branch, adhere to class struggle as the key link and adhere to the party's basic line. Persisting in continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, the revolution has led to the great development of production. Dazhai has always adhered to the party's basic line and constantly opened up to revisionism and capitalism. Show tit-for-tat struggle, consolidate and develop the collective economy; insist on using Marxism Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought educate the peasants and strive to eliminate the bourgeoisie and other deprivations The influence of the deprivation class has broken the traditional concept of small production; The revolution in production relations has continuously restricted the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. Full-scale dictatorship. Around 1961, Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping cooperated with Soviet revisionism in their wild anti-China campaign, Page 219 199 When severe natural disasters occurred in the past three years, a magical wind of restoring capitalism blew up. someone said: "In this difficult time, you can try it alone!" said the poor middle peasant of the Dazhai brigade: "I have tried for so many lives, how many blood and tears I shed, haven't I tried enough yet?!" At that time, some people came to buy forage grass from Dazhai at a high price, but Dazhai did not sell it, but only sold it at a fair price. In 1963, the devastating flood washed away the land and destroyed houses in Dazhai. The state sent relief funds and relief funds. Materials, but the poor and middle peasants of the Dazhai brigade insisted on not wanting them. They have the idea of ​​​​reaching out to the country, Will lose the idea of ​​​​relying on the masses, relying on socialist collective strength, and relying on hard work. On the contrary, Dazhai's pace is slower. During the socialist education movement in 1964, the task force was launched in Dazhai Following the "Taoyuan Experience", the poor, lower-middle peasants of the Dazhai brigade felt that something was wrong and resisted. In prolific In the Great Class Cultural Revolution, the Lin Piao anti-party clique played two tricks to hide their counter-revolutionary features. There was a period of formalism activities everywhere, but the poor, lower-middle peasants of the Dazhai brigade Feeling that it is useless in real life, I just don't do it. After the Cultural Revolution, in-depth Criticized Liu Shaoqi and Lin Biao's counter-revolutionary revisionist line and achieved great victories. but Yes, in 1975, Deng Xiaoping, the party's chief representative of the bourgeoisie, again advocated “class struggle "Extinction theory" and "productivity only theory." The party branch of the Dazhai brigade resolutely withstood this rightist overturning case Wind, resolutely lead the masses to adhere to class struggle as the key link, persist in studying the works of Chairman Mao, and revise a large number of Orthodoxy, mass capitalism. At the same time, it also mobilized the masses to comprehensively summarize and restrict the bourgeois legal Experience in the struggle, educated the cadres and the masses to act as promoters of restricting the legal rights of the The soil that breeds capitalism and the bourgeoisie, actively consolidates and develops new things in socialism. The road that Dazhai takes is not a simple road for mountain and water management, nor is it A simple way to increase food production. Its experience is very rich, concentrated to one The point is to always grasp the program of class struggle, mass revisionism, mass capital Doctrine, do socialism. To learn from Dazhai in agriculture, the first and main thing is to learn This fundamental experience solves the problem of the direction of agricultural development. Agriculture is not great Village is very different. Countless examples have shown that if you don't learn from Dazhai, The production will not go up. Learned from Dazhai, grasped proletarian politics, used the revolution to command production, There will be profound changes in the human spirit and the face of agricultural production will be completely changed. Page 220 200 Xiyang County, where the Dazhai Brigade is located, was influenced by Liu Shaoqi before the Proletarian Cultural Revolution. The interference and sabotage of the revisionist line, the failure of the mass movement to learn from Dazhai in agriculture, the agricultural The development of industrial production is very slow. During the Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the vast number of poor, lower, middle peasants and farmers in Xiyang County The revolutionary cadres deeply criticized Liu Shaoqi's counter-revolutionary revisionist line, vigorously and seriously The movement to learn from Dazhai in agriculture was launched, and the interference and destruction of Lin Biao's revisionist line was resisted. The people fought against the sky and rearranged the mountains and rivers, which resulted in great changes in the land appearance of the county. The rapid development of agricultural production. In 1966, the county's total grain output was more than 80 million pieces. In 1967, I started to learn from Dazhai. By 1969, the total output had soared to 160 million catties, which was a doubling in three years. Fan, the yield per mu exceeds the "Outline." From 1972 to 1975, three consecutive years of severe drought, Achieved high yields. In 1975, the total grain output reached 233 to 9 million catties, which was a major cultural revolution. Three times the highest annual output before the death; the commodity grain sold to the country reached 80 million catties, which is more than the cultural revolution The highest sales volume before the fate has increased by more than ten times. Before the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Jinshan County in Shanghai was also due to the revisionist line The progress of agricultural production is not fast. The grain yield per mu in 1965 was only 919 catties, which is higher than The average yield per mu is more than 10% lower in the ten counties in the suburbs. In 1970, the county party committee proposed “doing hard work three or five In 1970, he vowed to turn Jinshan into Dazhai” slogan. However, in 1970 and 1971, Production progress is still very low. Where is the problem? They conducted in-depth investigations and studies, The fundamental reason is that Xue Dacha did not learn the fundamental experience of Dazhai. For example, the same county gold discovery The fundamental reason is that learning from Dazhai did not learn the fundamental experience of Dazhai. For example, both belong to the county's Jinwei Commune The 82nd Brigade and the Permanent Brigade, the village-by-village and Tianliantian, were originally advanced units from Dazhai. But it was different struggle around 1970. The 82nd Brigade adheres to the party's basic line and vigorously grasps class And conscientiously implement "agriculture as the foundation and industry as the leading" and "grain as the key link, comprehensive development" Work hard, farm scientifically, learn from Dazhai one by one, To 1,838 kilograms; while the permanent brigade loosened the string of class struggle at that time, capitalists Righteousness tends to rise, paying more attention to food than food, and outflow of labor. As a result, the collective root food reduces production and the income of members decreases. less. After summing up the above typical experience, the Jinshan County Party Committee strengthened the party's leadership and insisted on Struggle as the key link, pay attention to using Mao Zedong Thought to educate people, grasp the line, promote the development of agricultural production The pace hastened. The permanent brigade also caught up. In 1974, the county's grain yield per mu reached one One thousand five hundred and fifty-four catties, an increase of 272 catties over 1971, the yield of lint cotton is 141 per mu Page 221 201 Jin, rapeseed yields 283 jin per mu, and the number of pigs raised is 790,000 (an average of one 37 heads), both have more growth than in 1971. In recent years, the average agricultural population The state provides 850 catties of commercial grain, 22 catties of lint, 23 catties of cooking oil, and a little pig Zero six heads. The experience of learning from Dazhai in agriculture in Xiyang and Jinshan counties is: "blocking undead capitalism It's impossible to take the step of starting school in Dazhai”; as long as Dazhai is firmly implemented The party's basic line is to persist in continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, and persist in following the society The road of ism, constantly criticizing revisionism and capitalism, restricting bourgeois legal rights, Arming the broad masses of cadres and members with Mao Zedong Thought can produce a kind of overwhelming With the power of the sea, any human difficulty can be overcome, and any human miracle can be created. Created, unfavorable natural conditions can be transformed into favorable conditions, and low yield can be Converted to high yield, the original high yield can be more productive. After the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the movement to criticize Lin and Confucius, and the counterattack against the Rightist overturning case In the struggle against the wind, the mass movement in agriculture from Dazhai flourished. But when There is still a serious struggle to learn from Dazhai in agriculture. The party refused to repent The capitalist Deng Xiaoping, in order to implement the revisionist program of "three instructions as the outline", reform Change the party's basic line, restore capitalism in the countryside, and viciously attack our country's agriculture The industry "drags the industry's hind legs" and put forward some reactionary "agricultural rectification" policy. Deng Xiaoping's so-called “agricultural rectification” is to deny Dazhai's insistence on Based on the basic experience of class struggle, the black cats of "white cats and black cats" have been re-examined. he What nonsense is "doing honestly is to learn from Dazhai" in an attempt to learn from agriculture The mass movement in Zhai was brought into the track of revisionism. Now, the masses of agriculture studying Dazhai The movement is developing victoriously in the great struggle to criticize Deng Xiaoping and counter the style of rightist reversal. In the movement to learn from Dazhai in agriculture, there are more and more Dazhai-style counties, communities, and teams across the country. Page 222 202 A large number of areas where low-yield becomes high-yield, high-yield and higher-yield have emerged. In 1975, our country There are more than 300 advanced counties that learn from Dazhai; the national grain yield per mu is listed in the "Outline" The number of provinces and cities has increased to nine. The three provinces of Hebei, Shandong and Henan, which have always been plagued by disasters and lack of food, Has achieved more than self-sufficiency in food; the Tibetan Plateau, which is located on the “roof of the world”, Since 1974, self-sufficiency in food has been achieved. Intensify the movement to learn from Dazhai in agriculture and let The flowers of Dazhai bloom all over the country, which will surely further consolidate the socialist position in rural areas and speed up The development of agricultural production has enabled agriculture to play a greater role in my country's national economy. use. Section 2 Industry is the dominance of the national economy The leading role of industry in the socialist national economy Since in the total social labor, it provides the necessary means of subsistence for the entire society Agricultural labor is socially necessary labor, then, does it mean that all industrial labor is What about social surplus labor? If industrial labor is social surplus labor, this is not Does it mean that industrial labor is irrelevant in the national economy? In the history of economic theory, there is a school of physiocracy. People of this school have seen The importance of industry is criticizing the mercantilists' belief that wealth comes from foreign trade. After Yi's erroneous view, they took the research on the origin of surplus value from circulation. The domain shifted to the production domain, which is an improvement. But the physiocrats believe that only Wealth is created by agricultural labor, and labor in all other sectors can only change objects The shape of the object cannot increase the number of objects. They also tried to demonstrate with examples, Such as: textile workers spin cotton into yarn and weave into cloth, mill workers grind wheat into dough Fans only changed the shape of objects, and did not increase the number of objects at all. Page 223 203 From this they came to the wrong conclusion that only the talents in the agricultural sector are People in the industrial sector are the “non-productive class”. On the basis of criticizing the Physiocrats, Marx revealed whether industrial labor or Agricultural labor is the process of material transformation between man and nature, and it is all productive labor. Both industry and agriculture are sectors of material production. Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, indicating The important position of agriculture in the national economy, but the development of agriculture is by no means isolated Even before industry was independent from agriculture, the development of agriculture No tool manufacturing. Marx pointed out: "Hunting, fishing, and farming are not relevant. The corresponding tool will not work. " ① manufacture and application of production tools, not only is the human The decisive condition for leaving the animal kingdom, and for the entire nation including agriculture Economic development plays a huge role. The Historical Evidence of the Development of Production Tools in Human Society Ming, from the development of stone tools to metal tools, social production has been hunted and gathered To the agriculture based on plantation; the continuous improvement of metal tools, the emergence of manual The rapid development of the industry; the development of hand tools into machine tools, the transition of handicraft industry To the big machine industry. Therefore, Marx once pointed out: "Districts in various economic times No, it's not about what to produce, but how to produce and what means of labor are used to produce. " ②Since industry has formed an independent sector, especially after the emergence of modern industry, industrial The role of agriculture, the role of industry in the entire national economy is even more significant. Modern industry not only provides a large number of daily industrial products to the society through machine production, but also Provide modern technology and equipment for agriculture and other sectors of the national economy to promote agriculture The technological transformation of China has promoted the high-speed development of the entire national economy. An important feature of industrial production is that it not only produces consumer goods, but also ① Marx: Volume 3 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 25, page 713. ② Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, page 204. Page 224 204 The special use value of producing mechanical means of labor. It is this characteristic that determines It is determined that industry is in a leading position in the national economy, and the development of industry will inevitably lead The modernization of the entire national economy strengthens the material foundation for technological transformation of the national economy. The level of industrial production reflects the level of a country's national economy. In socialism Under the conditions, the higher the degree of industrialization, it means the impact on agriculture and the technology of the entire national economy. The greater the material power of technical transformation. The development of industry should be based on agriculture; while the development of agriculture, agricultural labor The increase in productivity is inseparable from the leading role of industry. This is the national economy The dialectical relationship of interdependence, mutual promotion and mutual restriction between industry and agriculture. After we analyze the relationship between industry and agriculture in general, we need to further To study the different positions of heavy industry and light industry in the national economy And role. As mentioned earlier, industry is the dominant player in the national economy. This is about industry as a whole. In fact, industries that can play this role should be It is an industry that provides labor materials. Different labor materials, for nationals in different periods The economy has played a role in technological transformation and promoted the advancement of the national economy. in Among labor materials, “mechanical labor materials” such as production tools are regarded as The skeletal system and muscular system produced by ", more than other labor data" can show a The decisive characteristics of the era of social production" ① . In the modern social economy, Industries that produce mechanical labor means are basically heavy industries, such as metallurgy, machinery Machinery, electronics and other industries. They provide “mechanical labor” for various sectors of the national economy. Data" and other modern technology and equipment industries. They can In the process of technological transformation of agriculture, light industry, and other sectors of the national economy, play a decisive role ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, page 204. Page 225 205 Qualitative role. Under the socialist system, the leading role of heavy industry in the national economy can be In order to get more full play. This leading role is manifested as: (1) Heavy industry produces large amounts of water conservancy and power equipment, fertilizers, pesticides and agriculture Machinery and other products support agriculture, carry out technological transformation, and gradually realize mechanization of agriculture, The backward agriculture is modernized agriculture, which promotes the continuous improvement of agricultural labor productivity. (2) Heavy industry produces various light industrial machinery and light industrial raw materials, and promotes The technological transformation of industry and the continuous improvement of labor productivity have made light industry provide the people with Provide more means of subsistence, and make light industry relatively less dependent on agricultural raw materials rely. (3) Heavy industry is also used for handicraft industry, transportation industry, construction industry and national defense industry. Provide modern technology and equipment to promote the technological Technical transformation and development. The leading role of industry is reflected by heavy industry, which is not to say that light industry It doesn't matter anymore. There is a category in industrial labor, like agricultural labor, but also Labor to produce means of living. This kind of industry to meet the society's need for subsistence Labor is the continuation and supplement of agricultural labor. This kind of industry that produces the means of living, the main If agricultural raw materials and some industrial raw materials are used, machine processing methods are used to produce Produce food, textiles, daily necessities and stationery, etc., satisfying people's food, wear and use Industry in need. This industry is basically light industry. Light industry is in modern society People maintain an indispensable industrial sector for labor reproduction. Marx said Pass: "Just like the labor of a worker is divided into necessary labor and surplus labor, the worker The total labor of the class can also be divided in this way: the production of all living resources for the working class Materials (including the means of production required for this), which fulfills the necessary Page 226 206 Work; the work done by all the remaining parts of the working class can be regarded as surplus labor. " ① Marx Then he said:" part of industrial labor will be materialized with Among the products that are necessary consumption materials for agricultural workers and non-agricultural workers. From society From a point of view, it is wrong to regard this industrial labor as surplus labor. Industrial labor The part of labor is necessary labor just like the necessary part of agricultural labor. " ② Mark The part of industrial labor that Si said is basically light industrial labor. According to Marx's proposal of dividing the labor of the whole society into necessary labor And the argument of surplus labor, light industry labor is also a kind of socially necessary labor. Then, the development of heavy industry, which reflects social surplus labor, must be based on agricultural Based on development, the development of light industry must also be the prerequisite. In the national economy, only Only with the development of agriculture and light industry can heavy industry develop faster. In order to further understand the important role of light industry in the national economy, you can also Briefly examine the history of its emergence and development. We know that Hyundai Light Industry The industry is mainly used to machine agricultural and sideline products (including cash crops and livestock products) industry. Before the use of machine production, the processing of this agricultural and sideline product was carried out independently It was undertaken by handicraft industry; it was the countryside before it was separated from agriculture. Home industry. Farmers planted rice, wheat, cotton, raised or hunted animals Livestock, animals, only after rolling, milling, weaving or slaughtering, leather processing, Can be transformed into products such as people's food or clothing. If agriculture is for human survival The foundation is the foundation for the independence and development of other sectors of the national economy. Then, The domestic industrial labor under these conditions turned out to be naturally combined with agricultural labor. Together. When this kind of household industrial labor is separated from agriculture and becomes handicraft ① Marx: Volume 3 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 25, page 713. ② Ibid., pages 713~714. Page 227 207 After it developed into a modern light industry, it became a fundamental role in assisting agriculture It's an industry. So Marx pointed out that this kind of industry is "pure agricultural labor Necessary complements each other" ① . In the socialist national economy, the importance of light industry is very significant: agriculture Grains, cash crops and other agricultural and sideline products produced by the light industry Processing can provide all kinds of necessary living materials for industrial and agricultural workers and satisfy the social Will meet the needs of subsistence materials and improve people's lives. Light industry still has less investment, The characteristics of fast commissioning and fast capital turnover; as a process of creating value, light industry can Enough to provide the country with more capital accumulation in a relatively short period of time. According to Marx's proposal of dividing the labor of the whole society into necessary labor And the theory of surplus labor, laborers in light industry and agriculture are Will do necessary labor. Then, does it mean that light industry has also become the foundation of the national economy? Where's the foundation? no. The raw materials for light industry come from agriculture, what is needed for the development of light industry The labor force mainly comes from the countryside, and the domestic market of light industry is mainly based in the countryside. Chairman Mao clearly pointed out: "Without agriculture, there would be no light industry." Although it is also socially necessary labor for the production and living materials, in general, The development of industry is still based on agriculture. In addition, the development of light industry requires The heavy industry should provide technical equipment. Therefore, on the one hand, “the large-scale development of light industry Development not only requires the development of heavy industry, but also the development of agriculture" ② . The development of industry is also the “necessary complementation” of agriculture, which can help agricultural development Playing a basic role can promote the development of heavy industry. ① Marx: Volume 3 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 25, page 714. ② "On the issue of agricultural co-operation". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A), People's Publishing House, 1965 Annual edition, page 425. Page 228 208 Socialist industrialization The importance of industry in the entire national economy illustrates the development of socialist countries It is necessary to develop industry and realize socialist industrialization. As the capitalist countries' economy The imbalance of economic development and the enslavement and plunder of colonies and semi-colonies by imperialism, Modern industry is only relatively developed in a few major capitalist countries, the world The industries of most of the countries, especially the colonies and semi-colonies, are relatively backward. These workers A major task facing the proletariat in backward countries after seizing power is Is to rapidly develop modern industry and realize socialist industrialization so as to give full play to Industry's leading role in the national economy, building a modern agriculture, modern industry It is a powerful socialist country that develops industry, modern national defense, and modern science and technology. The old Chinese industry was extremely backward. When the whole country was liberated in 1949, the annual output of steel The quantity is only 158,000 tons, and the production of other industrial products is also very backward. Face this With such a weak industrial base, the proletariat developed rapidly after gaining power. Industry, to achieve socialist industrialization, has greater urgency. Chairman Mao early He pointed out: "Without industry, there will be no solid national defense and no welfare for the people. There is no country's prosperity. " ① The gradual realization of socialist industrialization will inevitably increase socialist The proportion of the controlled economy in the entire national economy will increase the Economic leadership. The development of socialist industrialization will lag behind the original industry Accelerated the development of industry and changed the unreasonable layout of industry; at the same time, The ranks of the human class will grow and develop along with it in order to strengthen the working class ① "On Coalition Government". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, No. 981 page. Page 229 209 The general leadership of the country. The development of socialist industrialization can give full play to industrial Leading role, equip agriculture and light industry with advanced technology, and promote agriculture and light industry The development of the country has gradually improved the material and cultural living standards of the working people. society Industrialization is also necessary to ensure the country's economic independence and consolidate national defense condition. Chairman Mao based on my country's socialist revolution and socialist construction In view of the needs, the party's general line during the transition period that he personally presided over and formulated in 1953 China, the “gradual realization of the country's socialist industrialization” is defined as the whole party and the whole A major task that the people of China must strive to achieve. To realize socialist industrialization in our country is to establish an The iron industry and the machinery industry are the center, a complete range, a combination of large, medium and small enterprises, A socialist industrial system with reasonable regional distribution. All cooperation areas and provinces need We must establish our own industrial system. In each collaboration area, in many provinces, Establish a more independent and complete one in a planned and step-by-step manner, but the situation is different In this way, the country's industrial system will be even stronger. What path should we take to develop industry and realize industrialization? There are two completely different Road: one is the road of "independence and self-reliance", the other is Relying on foreign countries, betraying sovereignty, or plundering foreign roads. The road to industrialization in capitalist countries, and Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping The road of traitorism pursued by others in vain, all belong to the latter road. Deng Xiao In the so-called "Regulations" for accelerating industrial development, which he instigated to concoct, he tried his best to promote To accelerate industrial development, we can only rely on the introduction of foreign technology and equipment, This move borrows foreign debt; and puts the people of our country on independence and self-reliance to develop industry The policy is slandered as "Yelang arrogant and self-defeating." Deng Xiaoping's path, Li Hongzhang, Zhang Zhidong and others of the Westernization faction in the late Qing Dynasty and the Kuomintang reactionaries acted as emperors. Page 230 210 The path of nationalist foreign slavery and comprador. In the contemporary world, economically backward countries, If you rely on imperialism or social imperialism to develop industry, it cannot be achieved at all. Industrialization is not about the "four modernizations" or "the people are rich and the country is strong". Can only lead wolves into the room and become a vassal of imperialism or social imperialism, and others There is no road. A socialist country that insists on the dictatorship of the proletariat should not and cannot go abroad The path of slavery or the path of plundering foreign countries to develop industry can only be independent, The road of self-reliance is to realize socialist industrialization. The realization of socialist industrialization in an independent and self-reliant manner requires The specific situation of the country depends on the accumulation within the socialist country and makes full use of Resources, relying on the creativity of the people and implementing a whole set of "walking on two legs" Policy, correctly handle the relationship between agriculture, light industry and heavy industry, and have a plan Proportionally develop the national economy. Chairman Mao pointed out: "The road to industrialization mentioned here The problem mainly refers to the relationship between the development of heavy industry, light industry and agriculture. I The country's economic construction is centered on heavy industry, and this must be affirmed. But at the same time Full attention must be paid to the development of agriculture and light industry. ""If our agriculture can have Greater development will lead to more development of light industry correspondingly. This is for the entire nation The economy will be good. " ① Chairman Mao's instructions, pointed out the socialist industrialization of the road road. Persist in the implementation of Chairman Mao's theory, line, The principles and policies are to insist on achieving socialism in an independent and self-reliant manner Industrialization, of course, must focus on the development of heavy industry. In this way, we can construct quickly and economically ① "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A), People Press 1965 edition, p. 496. Page 231 211 Socialism guarantees the country's economic independence and the consolidation of its national defense. Fight against it. Lenin pointed out: "If heavy industry is not saved or restored, I will We cannot build any industry, and without industry, we would perish without it It is an independent country. " ① There are two different ways to develop heavy industry: one is not based on agriculture, One-sided emphasis on heavy industry, and less development of agriculture and light industry. Industry; the other is the development of heavy industry under the guidance of an agricultural-based policy, Use more agricultural and light industry methods to develop heavy industry. The former approach focuses one-sidedly on heavy industry while ignoring light industry and agriculture. Development will inevitably lead to insufficient supply of consumer goods in the market, currency instability, and industrial Difficulties will also arise in the labor and capital needed for transformation. The consequence of this approach is, The people are not satisfied, and heavy industry will not really do well. This is a way to save money Law is a wrong path. Based on agriculture, develop more agriculture and light industry Heavy industry, the development of heavy industry is based on meeting the needs of people's lives, The situation is different. From the previous year, the labor force used in agriculture and light industry, Funds and materials have increased, and the use of heavy industry has decreased. The exhibition speed seems to be slower. But looking at the problem from a long-term perspective, doing so will definitely Promote the development of heavy industry faster. In terms of proportions, the focus of investment is still Industry, but agriculture and light industry are heavier. With the development of agriculture and light industry, Can add more labor and consumer goods to heavy industry, accumulate more funds, and provide For a broader market. There is a real or imaginary thinking about heavy industry. ① "The Fifth Anniversary of the Russian Revolution and the Future of the World Revolution." "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 Annual edition, page 666. Page 232 212 The question of whether it is strong or not. If you really want to think hard, you must be firm Unswervingly establish the thinking based on agriculture and accelerate the development of agriculture and light industry. In this way, it will lay a solid foundation for the rapid development of heavy industry and the entire national economy. Foundation. This is a quick and easy way to be independent and self-reliant The only correct way to achieve socialist industrialization. Facts have proved that following Chairman Mao's proposal on agriculture-based and industry-led The general policy for the development of the national economy and the correct handling of the relationship between citron farmers, light and heavy, can make These material production sectors promote each other; the growth of the production of subsistence The development of the production of means of production, and the development of the production of means of production is transformed into means of living Growth in production. Since my country's liberation, under the guidance of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line, the national economy has been realized. The overall leap forward of the economy has achieved a major victory in industrial construction. The output value of agriculture, light and heavy And their proportion in the national economy has undergone tremendous changes. From 1950 to 1973, my country's agricultural output value increased by an average of 4.3% per year. Light industry The output value increases by 11.6% annually: on the basis of the development of agriculture and light industry, the output of heavy industry The value has increased by 18.6% annually on average, and has achieved greater development. In 1949, my country's agriculture accounted for 70% of the total output value of industry and agriculture. Accounted for 30%, of which, heavy industry only accounted for 7.9%. By 1957, the proportion of light and heavy industries increased To 56.5%, of which heavy industry reached 273%. After the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution In 1973, the proportion of light and heavy industries rose to 70.3%, of which the proportion of heavy industries rose to 40%. After more than 20 years of construction, the relationship between agriculture, light and heavy The change shows that my country's socialist industrialization has made rapid progress. Not in the past The new industrial sector is now available. Many heavyweights that I could not design and manufacture in the past Page 233 213 The necessary industrial products can now be independently designed and manufactured. Due to the new industrial sector The establishment of the company and the enhancement of technical strength, the self-sufficiency of equipment and raw materials has also greatly increased High; machinery and equipment and steel are basically self-sufficient; oil production can not only be basically full Meet our country's growing needs, and there is still surplus available for export. Industrial area Significant changes have also taken place in the distribution: the inland industries are developing rapidly, and new industrial bases And new industrial cities have been established one after another. Following Chairman Mao's instructions, Premier Zhou Enlai reported on the government work of the Third National People's Congress. The report once pointed out that starting from the third five-year plan, the development of my country's national economy It can be conceived in two steps: the first step is 15 years, that is, in 1980 In the past, an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system were built; The second step is to fully realize agriculture, industry, national defense and science and technology within this century The modernization of my country has made our national economy lead the world. my country's socialist workers Industrialization has made great achievements, but it is similar to the great achievements of socialist revolution and construction. Compared with the target, there is a considerable distance. We must follow Chairman Mao's guidance On the road of socialist industrialization, continue to struggle and spend more than 20 years in this Build our country into a powerful modern socialist country within this century. This is a The great goal of the fundamental interests of the working people. The biggest unrepentant capitalist in the party It was precisely on this issue that sent Deng Xiaoping to use the people of the whole country to build socialism. The urgent aspirations of the four modern powers of the country, around the summer of 1975, one party Faced with vicious attacks on the "unsatisfactory development" of our national economy, The method used to realize the "four modernizations" as the "general program" of all work, in an attempt to Abolish class struggle as the key link and completely reverse the direction of my country's socialism. Development Agency Socialist national economy and fully realize agriculture, industry, national defense and science and technology within this century. The modernization of learning technology is a magnificent task for our people. Page 234 214 Use class struggle as the key link, and continue to engage with the bourgeoisie, especially the bourgeoisie within the party Only by fighting and criticizing the revisionist line can this magnificent task be successfully achieved. Industry Studies Daqing To give full play to the leading role of industry in the national economy, it is necessary to realize social Socialist industrialization, and to achieve socialist industrialization, it must be unified by the revolution Handsome. The development of socialist industry, like the development of any other undertaking, is full of The struggle between two classes, two roads, and two lines. Without revolution to command production, Without revolutionizing to command industrialization, it is bound to go on the wrong path. Daqing Oilfield It is precisely on the industrial front that the party's basic line is firmly implemented, using proletarian politics Take command of the economy, hold high the banner of "Anshan Iron and Steel Constitution", and follow our own industrial development path The typical road is to follow Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary road in the struggle between the two lines. Line, carry forward the revolutionary spirit of independence, self-reliance, hard work, diligence and thrift God, how quickly and efficiently build a model of socialist industry. Therefore, to develop society Socialist industry, we must respond to Chairman Mao's great call "Daqing" mass movement. The Daqing Oilfield site was originally a vast wilderness. When the Soviet revisionist traitor group in 1960 Treachery, tearing up the contract, stopping the supply of oil to our country, in an attempt to undermine our country's socialist construction At a time of business emergency, tens of thousands of oilfield workers came here full of anger. With the blue sky above his head and stepping on the wasteland, he vowed to take down this big oil field and smash the vicious conspiracy of Soviet revisionism. At that time, it was freezing cold, there were no houses, no beds, and there were not enough pots and stoves. Dozens The big drilling rig was put out on the grassland at once, but the equipment was not complete, not supporting, cars, cranes Very inadequate, the roads are muddy, and the water supply and power supply facilities are not enough. Under such difficult conditions, the hero Workers in Daqing put forward the battle cry of “take down the big oil field, anger the emperor, repair, and oppose” and insist on Proletariat politics is in command, study hard from Chairman Mao's "On Practice" and "On Contradiction", using Mark Page 235 215 Ideology, Leninism, and Mao Zedong Thought arm their minds and hold high the "Ansteel Constitution" Flag, fight with the sky, fight with the ground, fight with class enemies. Daqing workers insist on Chairman Mao's proletariat Level revolutionary line, smashed the interference of Liu Shaoqi's revisionist line and insisted on the all-round The dictatorship of the face and the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and hard work were carried forward in just over three years. In time, my country's top oil fields have been built with high speed and high quality, which has enabled my country's oil production The product was basically self-sufficient in 1963. Daqing workers also conducted a lot of scientific research to solve Several major technical problems in the history of world oilfield development have been solved. Daqing workers actively increase production and save Movement, the net income created by 1963 was equivalent to the total investment of the country. By Mao Zedong The "iron man spirit" that I want to nurture has always inspired the Daqing working class in self-reliance. Stride forward on the road. Since 1966, Daqing crude oil production has increased at an average annual rate of 31% Leap forward. In the movement to criticize Lin and Confucius, Daqing workers deeply criticized Lin Biao and Kong's second son. The idealistic view of history of “superior wisdom and stupidity”; in the struggle against the style of rightist reversal, Daqing workers criticized Convicted Deng Xiaoping's "Class Struggle Extinction Theory" and "Only Productive Forces Theory" and played a huge role With strength, wisdom and creativity, the entire oilfield revolution and production took on a steamy appearance. Potential. In terms of crude oil production, one Daqing in 1975 surpassed the five before the Cultural Revolution. Daqing. Learning from Daqing in industry is the same as learning from Dazhai in agriculture. The most fundamental thing is to adhere to the proletariat. Take command of politics at all levels, implement the party's basic line, and adhere to the socialist orientation. work There are various contradictions in factories and enterprises, but the main and decisive factors are two The contradiction between each class and two roads. Daqing's experience proves that as long as the party's foundation This line, grasp the socialist revolution in the superstructure field, and pay attention to solving the problem of production In terms of relations, use proletarian politics to command the economy and resolutely rely on the masses to The task of the dictatorship of the proletariat implemented at the grassroots level is to make factories and enterprises follow the socialist The fundamental guarantee for the continuous advancement of the road. Kailuan Coal Mine is a century-old mine and a typical unit of industry in Daqing. Old mine From a point of view, it should have been scrapped long ago, but the workers in this mine didn't think so. he Page 236 216 We worked hard and explored new ways to further mine this coal mine, making this century-old mine Rejuvenated, and since 1968, it has achieved substantial increases in production year after year. Like Kailuan Why can the old mine continue to develop and move forward? The most fundamental experience is to learn Daqing, Adhere to the party's basic line, rely wholeheartedly on the working class, and engage in mass movements. In 1974, In the movement of criticizing Lin and Confucius, the cadres and workers of this mine made progress and improved their ideological awareness. Realize that the mass movement of Daqing in industrial studies has been carried out more deeply. The mining area of ​​​​hundreds of miles, presenting a Derive a vibrant scene. The annual output of raw coal in 1975 doubled the original design capacity. One Kailuan has become two Kailuan; labor productivity is about 80% higher than the national average; work The average monthly output is higher than the national average and the raw coal cost is lower than the national average. 37%. On July 28, 1976, the Kailuan Coal Mine was damaged by a strong earthquake. Some foreign countries People say that the opening of Luan is over, and the people who are under it are over, and there is no more coal. However, the Kailuan Coal Mine of Heroes The workers, under the cordial care of Chairman Mao and the party members, and the The undaunted spirit of the United States has not only helped the vast majority of workers escape safely, but also has shaken Coal began to be produced in just ten days, creating a miracle rare in the history of earthquake resistance. Shanghai Fifth Steel Plant is also a typical unit of industrial study in Daqing. This factory was in 1958 The high-quality alloy steel plant built has relatively good equipment and technical conditions. The iron industry has made contributions. However, due to the interference of Liu Shaoqi's revisionist line, this Since 1961, steel production has been stagnant for a long time. During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, The big employees and cadres earnestly study the party's basic line, and deeply carry out the mass movement of industrial learning from Daqing To criticize Liu Shaoqi and his group for undermining the development of my country's steel industry. They broke the "class struggle "Struggle for extinction theory" and "productivity theory", insist on continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat; "Leadership is clever", adhere to the mass line; break the "top production theory", and engage in technological revolution New, tap the production potential. As a result, the factory quickly changed, and the innovation was successful. "Steel method" has created new technologies such as rapid steelmaking and vacuum smelting, greatly shortening the smelting time. Ended the old situation that had been lingering for a long time and stepped into a new realm of a substantial increase in production. Shanghai Steel No. 5 Plant In the in-depth campaign to criticize Lin and Confucius, he was criticizing the struggle of Deng Xiaoping, a capitalist roader who refused to repent. During the struggle, the workers' Marxist theoretical team has grown steadily, and the socialist enthusiasm of the masses With Carry Forward Fully, Production and Revolution are Thriving. The In The Fourth Five-year (1971 - 1975) Plan period During the period, the steel and steel output of this plant increased by 66.8% respectively over the period of the third five-year plan. And 86.9%, the varieties and specifications of steel have soared to more than 18,000, and a large number of Page 237 217 High, precise and sharp new metal materials. Chairman Mao's great call on "Industry to learn Daqing" has given rise to my country's industry Exhibition pointed the way. Under this great call, our working class has exalted the proletariat Continue the banner of revolution under the dictatorship, self-reliant, work hard, and change quickly It shows the face of our country's industry. Now, all parts of the country have their own Daqing-style industries enterprise. The spirit of Daqing is blooming throughout the country. As long as we stick to the party's foundation This line insists on criticizing revisionism, criticizing the bourgeoisie, and further developing industry The mass movement in Daqing will surely accelerate the pace of my country's socialist industrialization. It is certain that agriculture, industry, national defense and science and technology can be fully realized within this century. Modernization has enabled my country's national economy to be at the forefront of the world. Section 3 Combination of Socialist Industry and Agriculture The combination of industry and agriculture under socialist conditions From the internal relationship between agricultural labor and industrial labor in total social labor, we It can be seen that in any social form, there is a problem of combining industry and agriculture. Through different social forms, this combination has different ways. Then, in Under socialist conditions, what is the method used to integrate industry and agriculture? Under the premise of the two socialist public ownership, due to the socialist industrial production Production and agricultural production has begun to have a direct social nature, the combination of industry and agriculture It is achieved through national economic plans based on meeting the needs of the country and the people. From this perspective, the combination of industry and agriculture is a direct combination, which is the future of communism The embryonic form of the direct integration of industry and agriculture in a socialist society. However, socialist industry and agriculture Page 238 218 The production of industry still has private traditions or traces. The combination of industry and agriculture is still The combination under the product system must be realized through a roundabout way of currency exchange. This is not much different from the old society. The combination of socialist industry and agriculture This duality is a reflection of the duality of the socialist production process. In the history of human society, the combination of industry and agriculture has taken a variety of form. The evolution of each combination form is not accompanied by the evolution of social production methods. In the primitive commune economy, the handicraft industry was directly subordinate to agriculture, spinning and weaving. And the manufacture of daily utensils is also carried out as a sideline of agriculture. original Family ties bind industry and agriculture together. Later, with the development of productivity Development, aroused social division of labor, private ownership appeared, industry and agriculture in primitive communes This primitive direct combination in the economy began to disintegrate, and handicrafts Separated out. ① The separation of handicraft industry from agriculture, under the conditions of private ownership, determines industry and agriculture. The labor exchange of industry cannot but take the form of commodities. Since then, the combination of industry and agriculture has been It started through a roundabout way of currency exchange. This is as pointed out by Engels "As production is divided into the two main sectors of agriculture and handicrafts, Production directly for the purpose of exchange, that is, commodity production" ② . Once the industry and agriculture Labor exchange takes the form of commodity exchange, and the combination of industry and agriculture has become a currency-based medium. ① In my country, according to the excavation materials of the ancient city ruins in the middle and late Shang Dynasty, the handicraft production in the Shang Dynasty has been formed Independent departments have been established, and there has been a further division of labor, with various handicraft workshops. In Zhengzhou Mall and Yin Ruins Among the ruins of these workshops found nearby, there are copper, jade, bone, and pottery, especially copper. The site of the workshop occupies a prominent position . ② Engels: "The Origin of Family, Private Ownership and State". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 4, People People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p.159. Page 239 219 The indirect combination of mediation ① . The process of separating industry and agriculture has a long history in slave society and feudal society. History progressed slowly. However, when agriculture is still mainly farmers' individual production workers Industry is still mainly based on the principle of agriculture and handicrafts when the family produces by hand. The original bond of direct connection has never been completely cut. Capitalist machinery The development of industry and capitalist production relations that are compatible with this productive force have completely destroyed Destroyed individual agriculture and individual handicrafts, and finally put the primitive directness of industry and agriculture Binding ties completely tore ② combination of industry and agriculture took a circuitous completely Tortuous and dazzling currency exchange methods. The bourgeoisie took this approach, And the expansion of industrial and agricultural products caused the price of the "scissors" ③ , stepped up to agriculture Exploitation has brought the antagonistic contradiction between industrial exploitation of agriculture and urban exploitation of the countryside to The degree of extreme sharpness. In this way, the capitalist system is moving towards its opposite era Here comes. Industry and agriculture, from the primitive direct integration to the private system The separation and even sharp opposition will surely follow the establishment of socialist public ownership and Development and re-integration directly under new conditions. Marx pointed out: "Capital At the same time, the socialist mode of production is a new and higher-level synthesis", "creating material Prerequisite" ④ . ① In my country's Shang Dynasty, handicraft industry became an independent department, commodity economy began to develop, agriculture and handicrafts As the currency used for industry exchange, shellfish and "copper shells" have appeared. ② Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, page 551. ③ Scissors gap refers to a development trend of changes in the exchange rate of industrial and agricultural products. When industrial product prices increase Faster than the growth rate of agricultural products prices (or the prices of industrial products remain unchanged but the prices of agricultural products fall, or the prices of industrial products rise When the price of agricultural products is unchanged), if this situation is plotted as a statistical chart, the impact of industrial products on agricultural products The price ratio is an ascending line, and the price ratio of agricultural products to industrial products is a descending line. The two lines appear on the chart. The shape of the open scissors is called the difference of the scissors. ④ Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, p.552. Page 240 220 The "new and higher integration" of industry and agriculture predicted by Marx refers to After the abolition of the capitalist system, it was established on the public ownership and socialization of the means of production A new type of industrial-agricultural relationship based on production. The material premise of this socialized production, It already has it in capitalist society. However, its socio-economic premise The public ownership of property materials and the social impact on industrial production and agriculture based on public ownership The planned regulation of production can only take place after the proletariat seizes power. Therefore, Marx and Engels stipulated that after the proletariat seized power, One of the major tasks to be achieved under the dictatorship of the proletariat is: The combination of karma promotes the gradual elimination of the antagonism between urban and rural areas. " ①In the socialist society Association, due to the implementation of socialist public ownership, industrial exploitation of agriculture, urban exploitation of township The antagonistic contradiction between industry and agriculture in the village disappeared. Under socialist conditions, The unified national economic plan of the country enables socialist agriculture to produce industry in a planned way Develop the grains, non-staple foods and raw materials needed to enable socialist industry to plan Production of various daily industrial products needed in rural areas and chemical fertilizers needed for agricultural development, Pesticides and various agricultural machinery and equipment. This is why industry and agriculture are tight in the national economy. Close combination creates conditions. Mutual support and mutual promotion between industry and agriculture, It will continue to regenerate a more closely integrated worker-peasant relationship, in order to eliminate the gap between Disparities and urban-rural differences will gradually create conditions for communist worker-peasant relations. but Yes, the integration of socialist industry and agriculture is from the cutting edge of industry and agriculture under capitalist conditions. Sharp opposition is a form of transition to the direct integration of communist industry and agriculture. This The combination of industry and agriculture is still realized under the commodity system, which cannot be ruled out A series of contradictions and struggles in the process of combining industry and agriculture. Let's analyze the ① "The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, No. 273 pages. Page 241 221 The duality of the union of industry and agriculture in different scopes. The combination of industry and agriculture within the scope of the same collective ownership In the scope of the collective economy of the rural people's communes in our country, how does industry and agriculture implement the structure? Fit? In the collective economy of my country's rural people's communes, it has emerged and is booming. Industrial enterprises organized by communes and production brigades are exhibited. Everyone calls them commune industries. This kind of rural communal industry is a collective ownership of workers and peasants within the same people's commune. The combination of industry. The labor force of communal industry comes directly from collectively owned agriculture. The laborers in the communal industrial enterprises are farmers themselves, and as communal industrial enterprises The workers still have a certain amount of time to participate in agricultural labor every year, and the practice is to work and farm. The funds for establishing such industrial enterprises come directly from the accumulation of agriculture. People's Commune Team The two-level community and brigade industry is based on the needs of developing agriculture. Communal industrial Production is mainly the production of products (production materials, Especially labor tools). Secondly, there are also some products processed by large industries. The profit brought by this part of the product is used as an indirect support for the expansion of agricultural reproduction The source of funds needed. In the words of my country's poor, lower and middle peasants, this is a kind of Run industry around agriculture and do a good job in a new type of industry-agriculture combination of "industry promoting agriculture". The emergence of communal industry is the superiority of the “one big and two public” of rural people's communes in our country Vivid embodiment of sex. First, under the conditions of socialist public ownership, working people Being the master of social production has a great socialist enthusiasm. They pass Socialist education has mobilized the enthusiasm of the socialist At the same time, we urgently require the establishment of our own communal industry, so that agriculture can be directly connected with industry. Combined. Second, the growing collective economy of the people's communes is Page 242 222 The community industry provides the necessary labor, capital, raw materials and market. Third, people The collective economy of the civil communes is an integral part of the unified national economy of socialist countries. According to the needs of the development of the people's communes, the family can support agriculture through urban industry, Provide certain material conditions for the development of community industry. The emergence of communal industry is society New things under the socialist system, it has begun to have a new high-level comprehensive The sprout of communism in China has a strong vitality. Then, the communal industry How does the emergence and development help to further integrate industry and agriculture, and what are the significances? What? First, the development of communal industry directly strengthens the collective of rural people's communes The power of the economy. Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Shanghai County, Shanghai, has been building three-level agricultural machinery Net began to develop the community industry. By 1975, there were 433 community industry enterprises. There are more than 32,000 workers, and the total output value in 1974 was more than 110 million yuan. This number is equivalent to One-half of the county's total output value of agriculture, industry, and vice. Accumulated nearly 30 million yuan, more than the entire The county production team has doubled the accumulation that year. Among the accumulation at the commune level, 92% is Of the accumulation at the brigade level, 82% is provided by the brigade industry. So that the county The share of the first-level economy in the total income of the third-level collective economy has increased from 17.6% in 1970. Increased to 31.9% in 1974; the proportion of the first-level economy of the brigade in the total income of the third-level collective has changed from The 6.3% in 1970 rose to 17.2% in 1974. Second, the development of communal industry has made it possible for communes and brigades to use their own economic Economic power to support the poor teams to develop the collective economy, so as to make the difference between the rich and poor teams Constantly shrinking, for the people's commune three-level collective economy to continuously develop from low-level to high-level Provide material basis. Page 243 223 The Huiguo Town Commune in Gongxian County, Henan Province, due to the development of the community industry, strengthened the power of the collective economy. So that the commune can use its own economic power to support the poor teams to develop agricultural production and help the victims The teams conduct production self-education so that some poorer production teams can catch up with the richer production teams faster. a few In the past few years, the commune spent more than 400,000 yuan on supporting the poor teams. Third, the development of community industry can adopt various methods, ranging from manpower, technology Support agriculture in terms of technology, material resources, financial resources, etc., for the leap development of agricultural mechanization "Attach the golden wings." During the nine years from 1957 to 1965 in Shanghai County, Shanghai, there were basically no teams in the county. The total investment in agricultural mechanization is only 327,700 yuan, an average of The brigade invests about 150 yuan a year and can only buy six human sprayers. Between 1966 and 1969 In the four years of the year, the team-run industry has just begun to emerge, and the total investment of the brigade-level in agricultural mechanization It rises to 2.68 million yuan, an average investment of more than 2,800 yuan per year for each brigade. A little more walking tractor. During the five-year period from 1970 to 1974, the squadron-run industry grew Development, the total investment in agricultural mechanization at the brigade level is as high as 8,331,500 Yuan, the average annual investment of each brigade is 7,000 Yuan and can buy three more walking tractors. Fourth, the development of community industry can narrow the gap between urban and rural areas. In socialism Society, "To eliminate the separation between the city and the country, this is not a fantasy", the old society Of Us Left "This Heritage the MUST BE Eliminated, But by Will BE Eliminated." ① . The when Of course, this is conditional, "The distribution of large industries in the country as evenly as possible is Eliminate the conditions for the separation of cities and villages" ② . With the development of communal industry, the vast In the socialist countryside, factories are scattered, and industry and agriculture are directly integrated. ①② Engels:. "Anti-Duhring Theory" "the Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume. 3, People apos Publishing House, 1972  Annual edition, page 336. Page 244 224 The separation of rural areas and the gradual reduction of urban-rural differences create conditions. Fifth, the development of communal and brigade industry has enabled the socialist rural New changes are taking place in Wu. The rural people's communes are emerging The industrial technical team, a generation of new farmers mastering industrial technology is growing and growing in. In Shanghai County, Shanghai, we can see that with the development of community industry, a rural industrial technology The technical team has grown up. They are both farmers and new workers in the socialist countryside. This There were 3,397 tractor drivers and 2,320 rice transplanters in this county in 1975. Eight people, three thousand five hundred and four electricians, one hundred sixty-two car drivers, one hundred ship drivers Sixty-eight people, 303 of various construction workers, the above total of 12,562 people, Including the 32,745 people in the community factory, the total number is 45,307. It accounts for 17.4% of the county's rural labor force. Almost one out of six laborers masters industrial skills. Technical rural workers. In short, the development of communal and brigade industry has combined industry and agriculture and is conducive to shrinking The difference between workers and peasants and the difference between urban and rural areas is a very important way to limit the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. surface. This is a new thing in socialism. Because of this, it has been The strenuous opposition of the property class. In the People's Commune Movement, the commune industry has just gained In some developments, the bourgeoisie in our party called the communal industry "too bad Very", they attacked Xiaofeifei for "muck up", "not worth the loss", trying to kill Community industry. After the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and the movement to criticize Lin and Confucius, community workers The industry has developed further. But the capitalist roader Deng Xiao Under Ping's instigation, he attacked the “spontaneity” of the development of the communal industry and “blindness”. “Intelligence”, “disrupted and undermined the country's unification plan.” They tried to “integrate In the name of "Ton", they slashed and killed the community industry. This also tells us from the negative side that the community Page 245 225 The development of the team industry is very good. The community industry is currently not much in the rural areas of our country, and it accounts for the proportion of the entire industry Not too big. It will encounter many difficulties and twists in the development process. Even so, Our great and bright hope is here. The communal and brigade industry in my country's rural areas has also developed under the commodity system. It will inevitably bring new contradictions. For example, communal industry is urban industrial processing or production The accumulated funds can be used for agriculture. This is the indirect support of the community industry One way. This indirect support for agriculture is of course also a combination of industry and agriculture. but Yes, if the communal industry does not serve agricultural production, it only attaches importance to urban industrial processing, Pursue profit, do great profit, do little profit, do not do nothing. Then, capitalism The operation will inevitably overflow, which will directly weaken the power of supporting agriculture, and even compete with agriculture for funds, Competing for labor and walking on the evil road, thus destroying the combination of industry and agriculture. Community team Since industrial production is also a kind of commodity production, it must also breed capitalists. The soil of righteousness and the bourgeoisie. The state's planning leadership for communal industry is the same as that of state-owned Industrial production and the production of major crops such as grain, cotton and oil in rural people's communes In comparison, the guide is weaker, and the spontaneous forces of capitalism are more tolerant here. Easy to grow. Therefore, the development of communal industry also has two classes and two paths. Road struggle. With regard to the development of communal industry, it cannot be because of the existence of capital Righteousness spontaneously tends to stop eating due to choking, not enthusiastic support. Instead, only insist on Class struggle as the key link, restrict the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, and resolutely cooperate with the community in the process of industrial development To fight against the capitalist tendencies, actively support communal industry and make it persistently The direction of service can enable the community and team industry to embark on a path of healthy development and enable community and team workers Industry and agriculture are truly integrated; it will help gradually narrow the three major differences and strengthen The worker-peasant alliance consolidates the dictatorship of the proletariat. Page 246 226 The combination of industry and agriculture in the national economy Except for the combination of industry and agriculture within the same people's commune, In the economic field, on the basis of the two socialist public ownership, there is another The problem of the integration of industry and agriculture within the scope. Realize socialist industrialization and handle it correctly The issue of the relationship between agriculture, light, and heavy development is a matter of how to Such a problem that combines industry and agriculture. The socialist system provides industry and agriculture with strategies in the development of the national economy. Possibility of combining land plots. However, to make this possibility a reality, the key It also depends on whether the relationship between agriculture, light and heavy development can be handled well. People follow socialism The objective law of economic development is to arrange the national economic plan. In the first place, first arrange the scale of agricultural development, and then determine on this basis Light industry plan. Agriculture and light industry are arranged, then heavy industry and heavy industry Karma not only has the basis for development, but also clarified the direction of development. such, The national economy will develop at a high speed under the close integration of industry and agriculture. But the party The inner bourgeoisie Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping and others always promote Nong's revisionist line. Under the influence of this revisionist line, people often Will pit heavy industry against light industry and agriculture, and only talk about heavy industry versus agriculture and light industry. The role of industry, regardless of the role of agriculture and light industry on heavy industry, one-sided emphasis on Industry, regardless of whether the foundation of agriculture can adapt, the result is the foundation of industrial development Failure to consolidate will not only make the development of heavy industry slower and worse, but even worse Bad the proportional relationship among the various sectors of the national economy has become a one-legged walk, affecting industry and agriculture The organic combination. Judging from our country's practice, whenever the country emphasizes the development of the national economy In terms of speed, whenever it is pointed out that my country's economic construction is centered on heavy industry Page 247 227 At that time, some comrades had forgotten the objective laws and talked about agriculture, lightness, Heavily, in fact, he is engaged in heavier, lighter, and agricultural, and deviates from Chairman Mao's revolutionary line. he We have lengthened the basic construction front of industry in economic construction. To a certain extent, it squeezes out the human, material and financial resources necessary for the development of agriculture and light industry. in Under the commodity system, only industrial development is concerned, and agricultural development is ignored. What will be the result after the development of industry? As a result, not only the national economy cannot High-speed development, more importantly, has expanded the gap between workers and peasants and between urban and rural areas, thereby expanding The de facto inequality in the labor exchange between large-scale industry and agriculture has created new “scissors”. If the development of industry creates an excessive burden on agriculture, it will also renew industry and agriculture. There was a sharp confrontation. We must gradually integrate industry and agriculture, except for industrial development. In addition to agriculture as the basis for development, the most fundamental way is to develop agriculture and rapidly improve Agricultural labor productivity, so as to gradually narrow the gap between workers and farmers, and limit the Bourgeois legal rights. Since the integration of socialist industry and agriculture is realized under the commodity system, The law of value, which is the law of commodity production, is bound to have an impact on industrial and agricultural production. Correctly use the categories of commodities, currency, value, price, etc., Cooperation will play a positive role. However, the law of value and the categories associated with it, It is a product of the private economy and a manifestation of bourgeois legal rights. If not right, it may Limiting the harm caused will again lead to sharp challenges between workers and peasants and between urban and rural areas. Sharp opposition. Therefore, for a series of industry-agricultural integration linked to the commodity system, Contradictions in the process need to be handled correctly. If not handled well, the relationship between industry and agriculture Cooperation will also leave the socialist track. In the process of combining socialist industry and agriculture, the prices of industrial and agricultural products The "scissors difference" on the grid is a legacy of the capitalist commodity system. It reflects Page 248 228 Is an unequal exchange relationship. The role of the basic economic laws of socialism Next, this "scissors gap" will continue to shrink. But to be completely wiped out, it needs It takes a long historical process. "Scissors gap" in industrial and agricultural products under socialist conditions The existence of this indicates a contradiction between workers and peasants based on the same fundamental interests. In order to subvert the dictatorship of the proletariat, the new and old bourgeoisie Bad" to destroy the combination of socialist industry and agriculture, and to destroy the worker-peasant alliance. I We must do the opposite and actively create conditions to gradually reduce and eventually eliminate This "scissors difference". To make the socialist industry and agriculture be able to get the right combination, we must arrange The relationship between the prices of various agricultural and sideline products purchased by the state. Inappropriate price comparison arrangements, Will affect the collective economy's enthusiasm for organizing production in accordance with the national plan, which will also Affect the integration of industry and agriculture to give full play to the leading role of industry and make industry and agriculture Karma can be combined correctly. Give full play to the leading role of industry, so that industry and agriculture can be properly combined In addition to resolutely shifting the direction of industrial development to an agricultural-based track In addition to the above, it is also required to do everything possible to increase industrial productivity and reduce support The production cost of agricultural products to reduce the price of supporting agricultural products. this way, Will help promote the development of agricultural production. Agricultural production develops, industry will become more Develop quickly. On the contrary, the labor productivity of supporting agricultural products is low and the production cost is high. Or pursue profit, increase sales prices, and create a new "scissors gap", then, The collective economy of the people's commune would not be able to afford it; even if it could afford it, it would be Excessive expenses appear to increase production but not income. This will hinder industry and agriculture in Direct integration on the socialist track. In the process of the integration of socialist industry and agriculture, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie Page 249 229 The level of struggle is very sharp. In a socialist society, the combination of industry and agriculture must use goods Currency exchange relationship; and the currency exchange relationship is what produces capitalism and the bourgeoisie soil. Because of the existence of the bourgeoisie, because of the existence of bourgeois legal rights, because of The habitual power of small producers will inevitably produce new bourgeoisie one after another molecular. The old and new bourgeois elements always use the currency exchange barriers between industry and agriculture. It is, to conduct speculative sales and make huge profits from it. For this capitalist activity must It must be cracked down; the bourgeois legal rights in the process of combining industry and agriculture must be increased To limit; the spontaneous power of small producers must be criticized. So as to Ensure that the exchange activities between industry and agriculture always adhere to the direction of socialism. The essence of the integration of industry and agriculture is the issue of the alliance of workers and peasants The integration of industry and agriculture in the socialist national economy not only involves these two How the department exchanges labor and the development of the national economy is directly related to workers and The alliance of the two working classes of peasants. Chairman Mao pointed out on the eve of the liberation of the whole country, "City and countryside must be City work and rural work, so that workers and farmers, industry and agriculture are closely linked Tie up. " ① The combination of industry and agriculture is not only a must for the development of socialist economy It is a major political issue to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat. Our country is a proletariat led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants A socialist country with a dictatorship, our country is also a rural population that accounts for a percentage of the country's population In countries over 80, what is the status of agriculture and what is the status of farmers? ① "Report at the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China." "Selected by Mao Zedong "Collections" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 1317. Page 250 230 my country's economic development has a great relationship with the consolidation of political power. Agricultural problems and farmers' problems, It has always been a major issue in our country's revolution and construction. In a socialist society, industry and agriculture, cities and villages still exist Essential difference. If this difference is not eliminated, the bourgeois right cannot be eliminated. Assets There is also soil for class. To narrow the gap between workers and peasants and between urban and rural areas, we must first Pay attention to agriculture, pay attention to farmers, attach importance to industry to support agriculture, and help the development of agriculture. At the same time, we must actively support everything that emerges to narrow the gap between workers and peasants and between urban and rural areas. New socialist things, for example, the focus of medical and health work in rural areas Go, train barefoot doctors, young intellectuals go to the countryside and so on. We should not only follow Economically, it will change the rural lagging behind the city, but also change people's neglect of agriculture Underestimate the traditional concepts of farmers, criticize the bourgeois legal rights, and make industry and agriculture more Closely integrated, the worker-peasant alliance is further consolidated. Therefore, to agriculture As the foundation and industry as the leading factor. Doing a good job of combining industry and agriculture is not just one An economic issue, first of all a political issue, a line issue, is related to the implementation of A major issue in the implementation of the party's basic line. The enemy of the proletariat, the party bourgeoisie, in order to restore capitalism, destroy The dictatorship of the proletariat always destroys the alliance of workers and peasants, and economically destroys the workers and peasants. The combination of industry. Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping and others undermine the development of agriculture, light and heavy Relations, spreading the fallacy that “agriculture in a place with a lot of industry is not doing business properly” etc., Promote a revisionist line of "heavy industry and light agriculture" and The development of industry and the development of agriculture are separated, and the development of agriculture in areas with a large proportion of industry is hit In an attempt to weaken the foundation of the national economy. At the same time, in industry and agriculture In the commodity exchange of China, the “scissors gap” has been expanded as much as possible, which is called “the peasant's neck”. In an vain attempt to recreate the sharp confrontation between workers and peasants, and undermine the alliance of workers and peasants. They still false Page 251 231 To contempt the intellectual youth going to the mountains and the countryside is a "re-education through labor in a disguised form" and opposes college students' "coming to the community". Inciting farmers to "eat all the light". The party bourgeoisie expands the gap between workers and peasants in all aspects The difference between urban and rural areas is to destroy the socialist economic foundation. The practice of the struggle between the two lines in our country tells us that the development of agriculture and industry Only when the relationship is understood from the height of theory and line, it is possible to identify and defeat corrections It is possible to correctly handle the relationship between industry and agriculture, workers and farmers Relationship. Under the socialist system, the fundamental interests of workers and peasants are the same. "Company Socialism can fully satisfy the interests of both" ① . Development of socialist industrial-agricultural relations The objective laws of the country will inevitably lead to the gradual reduction and even the greatest Eventually wiped out. The function of this objective law is realized through people's conscious activities. The mutual support of socialist industry and agriculture, the working class educates and guides the peasants to move The socialist road, the rapid realization of agricultural mechanization, and gradually guide the peasants to expand The scale of large collective ownership and the improvement of its public ownership, and when conditions are ripe Time to make it develop into socialist ownership by the whole people. These conscious activities under the leadership of the party The fundamental differences between industry and agriculture, cities and villages, workers and farmers Steps are reduced and eventually eliminated to create conditions. In order to invade and expand abroad, Soviet revisionist social-imperialists suppressed the people internally. Furiously implement Hitler's policy of "cannons, not butter", and speed up the National Economic Army Affair. For this reason, it will inevitably impose excessive taxation, by increasing farmers' tax burdens and raising labor Through such channels as trade product prices, Soviet farmers were cruelly deprived. Su Xiu dreams of peeling Establish a new world hegemony based on the deprivation of farmers and all working people Empire. The result of this is now obvious: industry and agriculture have already invested together ① "Alliance of Workers and Exploited Working Farmers." "The Complete Works of Lenin" Volume 26, p. 311. Page 252 232 The sharp opposition reappeared in capitalist society. The separation of industry and agriculture, The antagonism between urban and rural areas has also intensified, and the opposition of the Soviet people The resistance is increasing day by day. This phenomenon indicates that the Soviet revisionist social-imperialist system will be resolved. Body. In the development of agriculture and industry, there is always a Marxist line Struggle against the revisionist line. Correctly handle the development relationship between agriculture and industry, and Essentially, it is a matter of consolidating the leadership of the working class and consolidating the working class and the peasants. The problem of the alliance between the working class and the bourgeoisie The new problem of class struggle under the socialist system. Page 253 233 Chapter VI Economy under the Socialist System Section 1 Labor time saving is the economic law of socialism Socialism has opened up a broad path for the law of saving labor time The production process is the creation process of the product. At the same time, it is also the means of production and labor Power consumption process. Therefore, in the production process, there is a Problems of power and financial resources. The saving of manpower is the saving of living labor, and the saving of material resources is The saving of materialized labor, while the saving of financial resources is the saving of living labor and materialized labor. Currency performance. All savings, in the final analysis, are savings of labor time. Saving is essential to the development of all social production, especially socialist production The development of China is extremely important. why? This is because, whether it is Individuals or society, if the time spent on producing a certain product is saved, you can Use the same time to produce more products, or engage in other things. Marx said: "Whether it is an individual, whether it is a society, the comprehensiveness of its development, needs and activities, It's all determined by saving time. "" Therefore, save time and The planned allocation of labor time in the production sector has become based on collective production Page 254 234 The primary economic law. This is even an extremely advanced law. " ① In a society where the exploiting class is dominant, the saving of working time is Cut the restrictions of the system. The abolition of the capitalist system and the establishment of the socialist system, It opens up a wide place for the law of saving labor time. The saving of labor time is an objective requirement for increasing the accumulation of socialist funds. Society If socialist countries want to accelerate socialist construction, they need to accumulate ever-increasing funds. In the development of capitalism, the bourgeoisie always relied on exploitation and plunder to increase Add capital accumulation. In addition to cruelly plundering and exploiting their own proletariat and In addition to the working people, they also used aggressive wars to plunder colonial and semi-colonial people. People's wealth to increase capital accumulation. The history of capital accumulation is bloody History of exploitation and plunder. Socialist countries cannot increase capital accumulation like capital Like nationalism and social imperialism, they exploit their own people internally and advance externally. Aggression, plunder, or extortion of war reparations, or betrayal of national resources, Instead, they can only rely on the hard work of all the working people and the strictness of the people throughout the country. Make an appointment. my country is a big country, but its economy is still relatively backward. In order to build our country Set up as a modern agriculture, modern industry, modern national defense and modern science and technology As a powerful socialist country, strict economy is of great significance. Chairman Mao pointed Out: "We want to carry out large-scale construction, but our country is still a very poor country. Home, this is a contradiction. Comprehensively and persistently practicing economy is to solve this spear One way to shield. ” ② ① "One of the Economic Manuscripts from 1857 to 1858 (Monetary Theory)" by Marx. Quoted from "Marx, Engel Sri Lanka, Lenin and Stalin on Communist Society", People's Publishing House, 1958 edition, p. 67. ② "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A), human People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p.494. Page 255 235 Strict economy is not only an objective requirement for increasing socialist accumulation, but also The necessary conditions for the accumulated funds to fully function. In economic construction, Save all possible manpower and materials in cultural construction, national defense construction, etc. Power and financial resources, do more things with the same human, material and financial resources, this is also An important condition for accelerating my country's socialist construction. The working people said it well: "Only work Don't you, work for nothing. "Only by being diligent and thrifty can the wealth created by the working people Wealth can make full use of its effect to build our country into a powerful Socialist countries. At the same time, our country bears the obligation of internationalism, and only Only by saving a little bit more in all aspects of the country can we contribute more to the world revolution. the amount. The saving of labor time is also gradually reducing and eventually eliminating the three major differences. View requirements. The mentor of the proletarian revolution has always cultivated the ability to engage in physical labor and Be able to engage in mental work, be able to perform direct production work, and be competent for management functions The comprehensive development of newcomers as an important step to narrow the three major differences. in order to So that the broad masses of working people can gradually be able to work with a hammer and farm with a hoe. Picking up a gun can hit the enemy, picking up a pen can criticize the bourgeoisie, then you need We must continuously improve their level of all-round development. Marx said: "Time is the talent of development The vast world that can wait. " ① only increasing material production when labor-saving At the level of time, the whole society takes less and less time to produce more and more abundant As a social product, the labor time of individual laborers for material production may gradually shrink Only short, the time for activities for all-round development may gradually increase. It is possible to gradually narrow the difference between rural areas, the essential differences between mental work and manual work. ① Marx: "Theory of Surplus Value." "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 26, Volume 3, Number 281 page. Page 256 236 The development of the socialist revolution and socialist construction objectively requires strict discipline approximately. The socialist system provides objective possibilities for strict economy. Master in society Under the system of justice, due to the state power of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the society of means of production Socialist public ownership, the national economy can develop in a planned and proportionate manner, making it possible Eliminate the social society caused by blind competition and economic crisis under the capitalist system. There will be an astonishing waste of wealth and a serious destruction of productivity. More importantly, in society Socialist society, working people become masters of the country and the socialist economy, The fundamental interests of the working people are the same. In the ideological and political way of Marxism Under the online education, the working people's consciousness of practicing economy is increasing day by day. all of these, Both have opened up a broad path for economy under the socialist system. Contradictions in saving labor time Although the socialist system provides objective possibilities for strict economy, it can Being able does not mean reality. In a socialist society, the continuous saving of working time is determined It's smooth sailing, but a process of constant practice and struggle, a constant revealing The process of exposing and resolving contradictions. People's ability to understand and transform nature is limitless. In reasonable exploitation of nature Resources, do a good job in environmental protection, carry out comprehensive utilization, improve product quality, and reduce In terms of production costs and other aspects, there is a continuous practice, continuous exploration, and experience Cheng. More importantly, in the fields of socialist production relations and superstructures, there are still In the part that is not compatible with the social productive forces and the socialist economic foundation, these The unsuitable part is contradictory to strict economy. Although the socialist society is established The public ownership of the means of production has overcome the blindness based on capitalist private ownership. Page 257 237 The astonishing waste of social wealth caused by project competition, however, due to the The controlled enterprises implement the commodity system. Therefore, each enterprise is implementing an economical process. In the process, there will inevitably be a conflict between local interests and overall interests. The immediate interests Contradiction with long-term interests, contradiction between production increase and economy, quality and conservation, etc. And so on, need to be handled correctly. The socialist public ownership unites the entire national economy into a whole, each Socialist enterprises, including enterprises owned by the whole people and enterprises under collective ownership, are An integral part of the national economy. The saving of labor time in an enterprise, generally speaking, It is bound to benefit the development of the entire national economy. However, due to the existence of two social Righteous public ownership, due to the relative independence of the operation and management of enterprises owned by the whole people, It will also make the two conflicts. Sometimes, from the perspective of a single company, the savings it takes The measures are good for the company, but they are not good for the overall situation. Therefore, one When a company implements economy, it must first consider whether it will give the country or consumers or other companies The loss and inconvenience caused by the industry must be considered in terms of the effects of the entire national economy. When an enterprise adopts conservation measures, it must also calculate the effect from a long-term perspective. If the temporary savings in production will cause long-term losses, it is undesirable. When determining capital construction investment, high-standard facilities that exceed the needs and possibilities are wasteful. But cancel or reduce necessary production facilities, auxiliary facilities or reduce their reasonable The standards of this kind will also cause waste. The savings in the production process is to produce a certain quantity and quality within a certain time Under the premise of the products, the saving of living labor and materialized labor. Increase production, Expansion of production scale, generally speaking, is conducive to the specialization of production and is conducive to new technologies. The adoption of new technologies and new processes is conducive to further saving labor consumption per unit of product fee. Strict economy can produce more products with the same manpower and material resources. Page 258 238 Create conditions for increasing production. Therefore, increasing production and saving are originally complementary to each other. Mutually promoting. However, if we look at the problem one-sidedly, increasing production and saving will also lead to conflicts. shield. If you simply pursue an increase in output, increase the equipment inappropriately and consume more Raw materials, more labor, then, as the output increases, the cost will also As a result, the output has increased, but the accumulation of funds cannot be equal in proportion The increase in land, even the increase in output and the decrease in accumulation, are not conducive to society. The development of ideological construction. If you simply pursue power, raw materials and living labor The saving, which is a high prerequisite for guaranteeing product quality, can be used to save The manpower and material resources come to increase the production of some products, but the products with lower quality cannot be The best use is actually a waste. The point of view of total economy is to save The contract is closely linked with the increase in production, and strict economy should be adopted in increasing production. To increase production. It is easy to understand that there will be conflicts between ensuring product quality and strict economy. In production If the design, production technology, and process flow of the product are not improved, reduce labor The consumption of labor and materialized labor is not “saving” but “cut corners”. It is bound to affect the quality of the product. It is for this reason that some people believe that the emphasis on quality You cannot save, and saving cannot improve quality. This view is to combine economy and quality It was absolutely opposed. In fact, ensuring and improving product quality is the same as saving On the contradictory side, there is also a unified side. The product quality has been improved and the production has been extended The service life of the product enhances the performance of the product, which saves people Consumption of power and material resources. From the perspective of a factory enterprise, improve product quality and reduce Removal of waste and defective products reduces the rate of product rework and repair, which also saves material and manpower. The key to correctly handling the contradiction between quality and economy is to fully mobilize the masses to reform Unreasonable product design, reform cumbersome procedures and techniques, and reduce unreasonable materials Page 259 239 Resource consumption, rationally select raw materials, improve the comprehensive utilization of materials, and turn waste into Bao, etc., so that the solution can be achieved under the premise of ensuring the improvement of product quality. Two classes, two roads and two roads that existed throughout the socialist period The struggle between lines will also be reflected in the issue of economy. The bourgeoisie inside and outside the party always Use the commodity system, currency exchange, and the three major differences in a socialist society to desperately Spread the decadent bourgeois ideas that pursue enjoyment, covet comfort, and extravagance. greedy Theft, profligacy and waste are not only their class nature, but also their economic The field attacks the proletariat, undermines socialist construction, and disrupts the socialist economy Basic evil means. Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping are the biggest capital-travelers in the party The faction always opposes Chairman Mao's policy of "building the country through diligence and thrift" Spoiling people's property not only causes losses to the country's material wealth, but also corrodes The thoughts of some workers, party members, and cadres have been introduced to create new bourgeois elements. Provided fertile soil; for the new and old bourgeois elements to carry out corruption, theft, speculation Provide conditions for criminal activities such as fraud, malpractices, etc.; for them to restore capitalism and expand Great social foundation. Therefore, strict economy and opposition to waste will not only be economic Enough to accelerate the pace of socialist construction, and politically it is also a political A powerful blow to the class. Section 2 Labor Productivity under the Socialist System Increasing labor productivity is a sign of labor time saving The economic law of socialist labor time saving requires continuous improvement of labor Page 260 240 Yield ① . In the process of socialist production and development, laborers continue to create new The higher labor productivity means that the same amount of labor is consumed to produce More material information indicates the saving of materialized labor and living labor. Labor production The high-speed growth of production rate is a decisive link in the high-speed development of production. The development of socialist economy is of great significance. Lenin pointed out: "Labor productivity, In the final analysis, it is the most important thing that guarantees the victory of the new social system. " ② agency The reason why the socialist system will inevitably defeat the capitalist system, in the final analysis, is because Under the socialist system, there will inevitably be much higher labor than under the capitalist system Productivity, for the country's growing prosperity and the people's material and cultural life Create the material basis. Since the founding of the People's Republic of my country, the socialist transformation has been basically completed. The changes that have taken place in the past have most effectively confirmed Lenin's argument. Why is such a change inevitable? Marx is analyzing the influence on labor The factor of productivity pointed out: "Labor productivity is determined by a variety of circumstances, and its Including: the average proficiency of workers, the level of scientific development and its technological The degree of application, the social integration of the production process, the scale and effectiveness of the means of production, And natural conditions. " ③ factors affecting labor productivity Marx pointed out, in the community Under the socialist system, it can play a greater role. Under the socialist system, laborers have changed from wage slaves to production ① Labor productivity is the efficiency of laborers producing a certain product within a certain labor time, that is, labor productivity. The performance of high and low in quantity. The more products that can be produced with the same amount of labor, or the unit product The less labor cost in, the higher labor productivity. Labor calculated only by the producer's living labor cost Productivity is called personal labor productivity. Starting from the whole society, when calculating labor productivity, not only should The cost of living labor, and the cost of materialized labor should also be considered; both materialized labor and the cost of living labor should be considered in The labor productivity calculated internally is called social labor productivity. ② "The Great Pioneering Work". "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, p. 16. ③ Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. The Complete Works of Mark Engels, Volume 23, Page 53. Page 261 241 The owner. Continually improve labor proficiency and begin to become laborers to play social A conscious activity of ideological enthusiasm. Planned training and Workers learn from each other and help each other, especially since the Cultural Revolution With the "July 21" Workers University being widely promoted in factories, The average proficiency of the movers increased rapidly. Under the socialist system, scientific development and its application in industrial and agricultural production Is no longer bound by the law of surplus value, but by the basic economic rules of socialism. Ruled by law. The monopoly of science and technology by a few bourgeois experts has gradually become It's time to change. Implement the "Three Combinations" among the workers and peasants, revolutionary cadres and professionals Under the conditions of, science and technology will be more widely used in production and get Develop faster. Under the socialist system, the planned social integration of the production process, production The planned division of labor and cooperation between the employers broke through the scope of an enterprise and a capital. It extends to between various enterprises, between various production departments and between various regions; The scale of utilization of the means of production also follows the transformation of private ownership into public ownership and the process of public ownership. The continuous improvement and expansion; the transformation of natural conditions, just like the “Dazhai” "Tian" construction, "Hongqi Canal" construction, Yellow River, Huai River, Haihe River governance, etc. As shown by the project, it is also unfolding at an unimaginable scale and speed in the old society. The socialist system has opened up broad prospects for the rapid increase in labor productivity. view. However, because there is still a bourgeoisie in socialist society, there are assets Class law rights, in the team of workers, peasants, state officials and intellectuals The influence of the bourgeoisie also exists in Wuzhong. Therefore, in socialist society, labor The increase in mobility can never be without resistance. This resistance mainly comes from The bourgeoisie within the party. Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiao Page 262 242 The leaders of these revisionist lines are always rampant on the issue of labor productivity. Marxism sells "the theory of the extinction of class struggle" and "the theory of productivity." he They and their queen theorists, on the one hand, distorted Lenin's view of the The theory for ensuring the victory of the new social system distorted Lenin's view as It seems that after the proletariat seizes power, increasing labor productivity is overwhelming. The primary task; on the other hand, they misrepresent Marx's idea of ​​​​affecting labor productivity The theory of the factors that describe the development of science and technology as guaranteeing the improvement of labor productivity The most important factor is to advocate technology first and experts first. Deng Xiaohu in 1975 When the wind of right-handed overturning cases was blowing, they desperately advocated that "productivity is science". The fallacy of bourgeois experts taking command in the technical field. In his view, only relying on capital Only when the experts of the property class can develop science and technology, can labor productivity be improved. Only a modernization can be achieved." They simply deny that thousands of years of human history are The history of class struggle basically denies the class struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie. Recognize the proletariat's revolution against the bourgeoisie and its dictatorship. " ① They On the issue of labor productivity, "the theory of extinction of class struggle" and "the theory of productivity only" are advocated, It is to cover the rampant attacks of the bourgeoisie against the proletariat and cover their restoration The evil activities of capitalism. Marxism believes that socialism is level. The increase in labor productivity is important to the consolidation and victory of the socialist system Yes, but by no means the first thing. Because of the elimination of classes and the reality of communism Now, it will never be realized spontaneously with the increase of labor productivity; at the same time, only Persist in the class struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, and constantly improve the socialist life Industrial relations, give full play to the superiority of the socialist system, socialist industry, agriculture The labor productivity in the transportation industry and transportation industry can grow sustainably and rapidly. ① Quotations from Chairman Mao. Quoted from "Red Flag" Magazine, Issue 5, 1967. Page 263 243 The role of technological innovation in increasing labor productivity The increase in labor productivity is determined by many circumstances. But with certain Labor experience, workers who create and use production tools are always The most important factor. Under the socialist system, workers are the masters of the country, Full of revolutionary pride, with great enthusiasm and initiative to develop socialist production. Not only can they work hard and hard in the struggle for production, but they also know how to do it skillfully. They continue to sum up and accumulate experience in production struggles, engage in technological innovation, and promote The development of science and technology to promote the increase of labor productivity, laborers struggle through production Practice and large-scale technological innovation is an important way to increase labor productivity. it Not only directly determines the improvement of production tools and production processes, but also for production capital The scope of utilization of materials and the degree of transformation of natural conditions also have a major impact. In society During the development of socialist revolution and socialist construction, all aspects of socialism The requirements of production are bound to be higher and higher. If you don't engage in technological innovation, Dynamic productivity is difficult to meet the requirements of the country and the people. In a socialist society, Technological innovation means that workers complete and exceed the national and collective production tasks, and Gradually transform production labor from heavy physical labor to semi-mechanized and mechanized And an important means of automation and electronic operation. Through technological innovation, reduce the labor intensity of workers, improve working conditions and improve Typical examples of labor productivity are everywhere in our country. The importance of technological innovation The important role is also very clear from some materials in Shanghai: Those familiar with the glass bottle industry will naturally think of the “three pieces of Bao": The first piece is an iron rod. One end goes into the red furnace and the other is held in the hand of the worker Page 264 244 Twirl back and forth. Each worker has to pick materials 6,000 to 7,000 times a day, and many workers have sprained their wrists. Had to undergo surgery. The second item is a towel. The workers soaked it in cold water and entangled it On the forehead to withstand the high temperature in front of the furnace. The third piece is a pair of wooden slippers up to three inches thick. Prevent high temperature burns to your feet. But today, we walked into the bottle-making workshop of Shanghai Glass Bottle No. 10 Factory and watched What we got here was another scene: several glass materials passed through an electronic scale and a set of control mechanisms, It is mixed dynamically and sent to the feeding machine; the laser level controller is based on the level of the glass solution level in the furnace Automatically control the feeder, so that the raw materials are evenly fed into the furnace; the materials in the furnace pass through the feeder again The blocks are automatically sent to the bottle making machine. After each bottle is finished, it is grabbed by the robot on the conveyor belt. Sent into the annealing furnace. All of this is controlled by an electronic computer. Do it yourself In the simple computer room that was set up, all kinds of indicators were shining, and the industrial TV screen was showing Shows the operating status of the machine. Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, this factory has carried out four The next major technological innovation, from manual operation to semi-mechanization, from semi-mechanization to mechanization, From mechanization to electronics. The comrade worker said happily: "In the past, bottles were made: Shaking the body, ten fingers are full of bubbles, and it takes two legs to deliver the bottle. The labor intensity is really high; now the bottle is made Yes: Press the button, watch the blanking, the bottles run around the machine, and the production Feiyue people laugh. "The factory 1966 The annual output was 1,358 tons, which reached 3,100 tons in 1974; Taiwan's bottle-making machine has seven people. In 1966, it was semi-mechanized. Each machine was reduced to four and a half people. Now that it is electronic, one person can manage two bottle making machines. What remains of the Shanghai glove industry before the liberation is the mess of "three old and one miscellaneous", that is, the workshop Old, old equipment, old products, mixed machine models. The entire industry has poor technical conditions, all of which are Manual operation. Workers need to shake, jump, count, and remember when operating. The labor intensity is high and the production The efficiency is low. A worker produces four to five dozen gloves a day and shakes more than 30,000 times. Adult workers "have high and low shoulders and thick arms." Since the Great Leap Forward in 1958, special Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the majority of workers in the glove industry have carried forward a revolution that dare to think and do. Spirit, successively reformed the hand-cranked glove machine into an electric, semi-automatic, automatic, and fully automatic glove machine. Labor intensity is greatly reduced, labor productivity is increased by more than 20 times, and the total number of employees in the industry is reduced by a third Second, the total output has increased fourfold. On this basis, they continue to continue to deepen technological innovation Entered into the degree and breadth, and successfully trial-produced the electronic digital program control glove machine, the output is more than semi-automatic The glove machine is improved by 12.6 times. After the group control glove machine was put into production, the stand rate increased nine times. The output of shifts is increased tenfold, and the labor of shift workers can be saved by 90%. All this, just like comrade workers Page 265 245 Said: "Innovation has no top, and the potential is endless. With great efforts and skillful work, the outlook is getting better and better." Technological innovation has promoted the improvement of machines, equipment and tools, and has improved production machines. The level of mechanicalization, automation and continuity; promoted the reform of product design and production Process reform; also promoted the reform of raw materials, replacing good financial materials with waste materials, Use raw materials with more resources instead of raw materials with few resources. All this greatly improves labor Productivity greatly saves raw materials, materials, equipment and labor. On the road of technological innovation, there are also two classes, two roads and two The struggle of all lines. Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping, these representatives of the bourgeoisie On the issue of technological innovation, “foreign slavery philosophy” and “creepism” have been promoted. Take a line of traitorous surrender. In their view, to engage in technological innovation, only foreigners Only by purchasing patents and importing machinery and equipment can it succeed, otherwise it will not work. What Deng Xiaoping concocted under the name "Accelerating Industrial Development" is actually accelerating capitalism. In the "Regulations" of the restoration, it is said that the realization of the "four modernizations" in our country depends on More “foreign advanced technology” should be introduced, and “modern complete sets of equipment Preparedness." If we continue to follow Deng Xiaoping's set, China will become imperialist, The economic vassal of the social empire. Deng Xiaoping's revisionist road of traitorous surrender Line, completely contrary to Chairman Mao's great policy of “independence and self-reliance” Road and go. Chairman Mao has long taught us: "On what basis should our policy be Point? Putting on the basis of one's own strength is called self-reliance. " ① Chairman Mao A series of instructions for building socialism independently and self-reliantly are for Liu Shao The sharp criticism of the line of traitorous surrender promoted by Qi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping was ① "The current situation and our policy after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 4, People's Publishing 1967 Horizontal Edition, p. 1030. Page 266 246 Technical innovation pointed out the direction and greatly inspired the working class, working people and The enthusiasm and creativity of scientific and technical personnel have strongly promoted the development of technological innovation. exhibition. We emphasize self-reliance instead of rejecting foreign advanced Technology, for all new foreign technologies that meet the actual needs of our country's production and development, Should learn and adopt. But we must be based on self-reliance, from the reality of our country Starting from the actual situation, learning and adopting purposefully and selectively. Dealing with new foreign technologies, Just like what Mr. Lu Xun said: “Use your brain "Take", after bringing it, "or use or store". For imported samples and samples Machines and other technologies have undergone a batch of two uses, three changes, four innovations, learning for creation, and foreign for Chinese use, It is conducive to the construction of our country. To engage in technological innovation independently and reliantly, one must fully believe and rely on The broad masses of workers. The bourgeoisie and its representatives in the party always don't believe in group The wisdom and strength of the people emphasize the special nature of science and technology, and believe that the development of science and technology can only Relying on a few experts, not the broad masses, and mass movements. This is the end All wrong. The mass line is the fundamental line of the party. The masses of workers are the masters of the factory, It is the most vivid and decisive factor among the factors of productivity. Only insist The mass line, mobilize the masses freely and engage in mass movements, can the masses' revolution Enthusiasm, revolutionary perseverance, revolutionary wisdom, that is, the socialist activeness of the workers Sex and creativity are mobilized to enable technological innovation to flourish forward. Leadership in the party Under the implementation of the three-combination of workers, leading cadres and technical personnel, it is the masses of the party The embodiment of the route in the technological innovation movement. my country's technological innovation has been The "Three Combinations" were developed outside the factory, and the "Three Combinations" of factories, schools and scientific research institutions were implemented. "Combination", the "three combinations" of design units, manufacturing units and users, etc. Various forms. These different types of "three combinations" are the new birth of socialism Page 267 247 Things are the production of new interrelationships established by people in the technological innovation movement. Dynamic manifestation. Insist on the implementation of the "Three Combinations" in the technological innovation movement, and will continue to improve The socialist production relations fully mobilize the masses and promote the development of social productive forces. In the technological innovation movement, we must also implement the “two "Walking on one leg" policy. Only those who value the foreign and look down on the soil are actually The broad masses are excluded from technological innovation. Practice has proved that only the local law is implemented, Only by combining local and foreign can the masses be fully mobilized. Various innovations by the broad masses of workers Creation is based on the actual needs of production development, summing up their years of adulthood Practical experience in production is created by relying on self-reliant local methods. Like It is relatively simple and easy to implement, can be adapted to local conditions, take local materials, spend less money, and start Features and advantages such as fast, great results, and easy promotion. It can be better if you stick to the local law Make the best use of people's talents, make the best use of things, and adjust all positive factors to the fullest Move up to open up the broadest world for the masses to participate in technological innovation. Take the sweater industry in Shanghai as an example. Before the Cultural Revolution, under the interference of the revisionist line, In order to pursue "decent" and "regular", relying on a few people to close the door and engage in automation. Can't figure it out. In 1973, two young electricians in a sweater factory Set off, the local law was launched, and it only cost 72 yuan to create a kind of "photoelectric control box", which made four This operation is automated. Because of the low cost and quick results, workers are very welcome. Half a year, It was quickly promoted on 1,500 looms in the whole industry, increasing production efficiency by more than 15%. Since 1974, this kind of tube easy program control has been used in steel rolling, forging, gold chip cutting, rubber Wait for 20 industries to gradually promote the use. Countless examples have vividly proved that local methods are born and grown and are deeply rooted in production Practice the soil. It is connected to the flesh and blood of the masses and has strong vitality. Enge Si had already said: "The occurrence and development of science was determined by production from the beginning." Page 268 248 ① The simple native method developed from the actual production is in line with the development of production technology Develop objective laws from low-level to high-level, from quantitative change to qualitative change. We emphasize "earth" The introduction of law is by no means a rejection of "foreign" law. The so-called "earth" and "foreign" are both compared Compared to exist, struggle and develop. Not based on the soil, worshipping foreign soil, the result is Nothing can be done. Only in the process of technological innovation, adhere to the local law Only by combining, can we fully mobilize the masses, make it vigorous, and receive the effects quickly and economically. If it is not so, it will be divorced from reality, divorced from the masses, and artificially created Into many restrictions, exclude the masses from the new gate It greatly dampens their enthusiasm and creativity, technological innovation is bound to be deserted, and as a result It's a small fee. So, do you want to insist on implementing the local law and combining local and foreign laws? In essence, the policy of the People's Republic of China is whether to have a mass movement or not problem. Section 3 Socialist Cooperation and Competition Socialist cooperation The social integration of the production process is an important factor that determines labor productivity. Collaboration is an important form of social integration in the production process. Marx Said: “Many people are in the same production process, or in different but connected production processes. In the production process, the cooperative work together in a planned way is called cooperation. " ② This kind of collaboration has different social nature and scope under different production relations. ① Engels: "Dialectics of Nature", People's Publishing House, 1971 edition, p.162. ② Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, p. 362. Page 269 249 Surrounding. Capitalist's private ownership of the means of production is where wages and laborers can gather Social conditions for collaboration. The characteristics of collaboration under the capitalist system are: labor The coordinated labor between the people is compelled by capital. The purpose of capitalist development collaboration It is to strengthen the exploitation of workers and extract more surplus value. Capitalist Righteous cooperation will inevitably arouse the resistance of workers and develop into the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The struggle between levels. At the same time, the scope of collaboration is limited by the scale of capital. Just one From the perspective of capitalism, capitalist collaboration is planned, but from the perspective of the entire society, Both production and exchange are anarchic. In different factories, different capital sets Between groups, collaboration is maintained by ordering contracts. Therefore, this collaborative relationship It is extremely unstable. The capitalist's only profit is to seek profit, harm others, and pursue profit. Quality determines that between capitalist enterprises, it is bound to be intrigue, Mutual dumping often interrupts and destroys this cooperative relationship. Socialist cooperation denies the forced labor of capital in capitalist cooperation Relationship and anarchy, it reflects people's public ownership of the means of production A new relationship of mutual support formed. The purpose of socialist cooperation is to produce More products to meet the needs of society. It can break through the limitations of an enterprise, Widely in the whole society, among different enterprises, different departments and different regions Ask in a planned way. "One corner of one factory, one hundred factories cooperate, one factory one, one hundred factories make line. "The power generated by the great socialist collaboration is by no means equivalent to the production of many enterprises. The simple sum of abilities creates a new and greater productivity. Socialist cooperation is conducive to promoting the development of social division of labor and production specialization. Lenin pointed out: "It is necessary to make the human labor of a certain part of the whole product To increase productivity, it is necessary to make this part of production specialize and make it a system Page 270 250 To produce a large number of products, special production such as machines can be used (and required). " ①The collaborative relationship between enterprises is usually called “one-stop” The mutual integration and mutual promotion have created conditions that are conducive to the realization of social division of labor and Specialization in production is conducive to overcoming difficulties that are difficult to overcome within the scope of an enterprise. Quickly break through the weak links in production to promote the rapid development of production. Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the industrial department of Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province has widely mobilized the masses, Summarize experience earnestly, do not adjust the parts of production relations that are not suitable for the development of productivity, and continue to reform The superstructure is not suitable for the aspect of the economic foundation, and the corduroy, card Chi cloth, printed cloth, chemical fiber, transistor radio, glass steel products, plastic products, etc. The production collaboration line has changed the past “small but complete” process repetition in factories, with scattered power. The lack of full capacity has caused great changes in the industrial outlook of Changzhou: From 1966 to 1973, the total industrial output value increased by more than 15% every year on average; during these eight years, The accumulation provided for the country is equivalent to five times the total output value of the city's original industrial fixed assets, equivalent to Eleven times the total state investment in the same period. Socialist cooperation is conducive to the concentration of necessary human, material and financial resources. In terms of construction and industrial technological transformation, complete one enterprise, one department, one Tasks that are difficult for the region to complete in a short time. The construction of the Shanghai Petrochemical Complex is a triumph of great socialist cooperation. This solution The largest construction project in Shanghai since its release, in the city's 23 bureaus and 23 design units, With the joint battle of hundreds of thousands of people and the vigorous cooperation and support from all parts of the country, from January 1974 1 It only took one year and nine months for the first foundation pile to be laid during the earth-breaking construction. Six production plants, four auxiliary plants, as well as the offshore oil unloading docks and sewage ① "On the so-called market problem." The Complete Works of Lenin, Volume 1, p. 84. Page 271 251 Water discharge tunnel, Jinshan Railway branch line, Huangpu River Bridge, living area and commerce, school, hospital Wait, there is a fabulous rise on the muddy beach where the tide came from the old days and the tide retreated. And make the first set of 18 sets of devices ignited for production. The technical transformation of the Shanghai textile industry is another example of the superiority of socialist cooperation illustration. Since the liberation, especially since the Cultural Revolution, under the auspices of relevant leading departments, The technical force of the whole industry is used intensively, and one or two weak links are rushed to solve every year. The battle will enable the textile industry to move forward. In 1970, the spinning frame of the whole city was renovated so that each spindle Yizi's cotton yarn yield increased from 35 kg to 43 kg. A development in 1971 The "People's War" of synthetic fibers doubled the production capacity of synthetic fibers. In 1972, entered A battle for the manufacture of wide-width looms took place, which increased the sales of high-efficiency wide-width looms in the city by 1.6. In 1973 and 1974, we concentrated on the development of polyester. In 1974, the output of polyester printing and dyeing fabric was higher than that of 1965. The year soared forty-two times. As a result of socialist collaboration, we have concentrated our efforts on the technological transformation of the industry. In the face of the war of annihilation, the Liberation 26 textile industry system basically did not build new factories. For households, more than 80 factories have been relocated and converted. Spindles have been reduced by 25% and cloth machines have been reduced by 18%. The number of employees has decreased by 12%, while the output value has increased nearly four times compared with 1949. This is the fund accumulated by the country. This is equivalent to 62 times the state investment in the capital construction of Shanghai's textile industry. Since the commodity system still exists in the socialist period, the The collaborative relationship between the two countries is still a collaborative relationship based on the commodity currency relationship, because Therefore, it also has duality. It is an enterprise on the basis of socialist public ownership A new type of collaborative relationship that supports each other, while still following the equivalent exchange The principle of exchange is still a commodity exchange relationship with currency as the medium. socialism This kind of objectively existing financial relationship and buying and selling relationship between enterprises is a collaboration In the course of the process, it is necessary to talk about the conditions, take care of the standard, only want to be the protagonist, not the supporting role, only try to be self It's convenient, regardless of other people's difficulties, and even beggars neighbors. economic basis. Therefore, the development process of socialist cooperation cannot be The struggle between justice and capitalism. This is the collaboration between public ownership and private ownership Page 272 252 Reflect on the relationship. To carry out socialist cooperation, we must adhere to the proletarian political leadership, Level struggle as the key link to deal with problems in collaboration. We must adhere to the principles of socialism, consciously Abide by the country's various fiscal systems and resolutely implement the various economic policies of the proletariat. Between state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises, between state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises In the cooperative relationship between each other, the principle of equivalent exchange must be observed and reasonable calculations shall be implemented. Price; the contract must be strictly implemented to ensure that according to the variety, specification, quality and quantity Complete collaboration tasks in a timely manner and on time. At the same time, we must promote the "Longjiang" style, using Difficulties promote oneself, give convenience to others, make the communist collaborative style increasingly Carry forward. Socialist contest The social integration in the socialist production process is not only manifested in the socialist cooperation Work, and manifested as a socialist contest. Socialist competition The form of social integration has never existed in human history. Its appearance, Shows that the relationship between people in the production process has developed to a new level segment. Socialist competition is fundamentally different from capitalist competition. Lenin said: "Competition It is the unprecedented brutal suppression of the masses of the people, the vast majority of residents, 99% With the enterprising spirit, perseverance and bold initiative of the workers, competition means rejection of competition. Competition, and replaced by financial fraud, arrogance and flattery towards the upper class Page 273 253 welcome. " ① This means that the performance of competitive capitalism capitalist production is weak meat The law of gluttony, its principle is that the advanced beat the laggards, and the laggards go bankrupt. Expand their territory on the basis of this. Competition is commodity production, especially capitalist private The product of commodity production on the basis of the system, it not only deepens the contradiction between capital groups, Moreover, because capitalists always enhance their competition by strengthening the exploitation of laborers Ability, so it must also deepen the contradiction between capital and labor. The principle of the socialist competition is "compared to the advanced, learn advanced, catch up with the advanced, and help the others Advance" to achieve common progress and common improvement. The socialist contest is a brand-new history Historical phenomenon, only when the proletariat and all working people have seized state power, when Only after the masters of the country and the enterprise can appear. It is the social master of the means of production The product of justice and public ownership reflects the unity of the fundamental interests of the working people. Lenin pointed out: "Socialism not only does not suffocate competition, but for the first time The possibility of using competition locally and on a real scale, attracting the real majority of workers Come to such a working stage, on this stage, they can show their talents, Use your abilities and give full play to your talents. ” ② The socialist competition in our country is to implement the party's construction under the leadership of the party. A form of mass movement based on the general socialist line. During the competition, pass Through learning and helping, the latest technology and advanced experience created by the masses will be promoted to Various industries and even the whole society. Therefore, the socialist labor The development of production, technological progress, and the increase of labor productivity have greatly promoted effect. ① "How to organize the competition? ". "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, No. 392 page. ② Same as above. Page 274 254 The socialist competition is a broad mass movement of production struggle, which is correct An important method to deal with the contradiction between advanced and backward in production. Through businesses and businesses Compare advanced with each other, look for gaps, find the typical advanced and backward; then in each enterprise Disclosure of internal conflicts is to first expose the problems existing in the leadership of the company, and then the group Make concerted efforts to resolve contradictions, change the backward into the advanced, and make the advanced more advanced. Master in society In the righteous competition, "a contradiction is overcome, and a new contradiction will arise again. competition. In this way, society will continue to advance. " ① In 1970, the Shanghai newspaper published the "Comparative Survey of the First Water Pump Plant and Shanghai Water Pump Plant". Investigation Report", the Shanghai Water Pump Factory is large, the conditions are good, the masses have not started, and the production cannot go up. The situation is the same as that of the No. 1 Pump Factory. The factory is small and the conditions are poor. It mobilized the masses and made the production steaming. The situation was compared. The publication of the investigation report caused a huge response in the Shanghai Pump Factory. wide The big cadres and the masses of workers can no longer sit still, with a strong desire to quickly change the situation of the backward, Uncovering contradictions and finding gaps, more than 300 suggestions for improvement were put forward at once. The leading cadres of the factory also end Corrected the line, improved the work style, penetrated the masses, and mobilized the masses. The efforts of the cadres and the masses Under the force, quickly changed the backward look. In the four years from 1970 to 1974, this factory produced Production continues to leap forward, with annual output value increasing by about 20% every year. Now one year's output is equivalent to four years The previous two and a half times, the variety has also expanded one and a half times. High pressure, large flow, which could not be produced in the past, The new products of Yangchengyuan have also been put into production in batches. Under the conditions of a commodity system in a socialist society, it is connected with commodity relations The relationship between competition and money will inevitably be reflected in the socialist competition. Therefore, it is very important to persist in proletarian politics in the socialist contest. ① Quotations from Chairman Mao. Quoted from "People's Daily" of May 24, 1955. Page 275 255 Otherwise it will have serious consequences for the socialist revolution and socialist construction ① . Representatives of the bourgeoisie in the party always regard competition as simply the accomplishment of production tasks. The means of business is always to make the profits that dominate capitalist competition in command and materially stimulate the All kinds of things are spreading in the socialist competition to destroy socialist production relations and corrupt Evade the minds of the majority of employees. The Soviet revisionist group and Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping and others advocate The so-called competition pursues the philosophy of bourgeois egoism and the principle of material stimulus Therefore, its core is the word "money", called competition, which is a naked capitalist Righteous competition. We must do the opposite. In the process of organizing a socialist contest China, carry forward the communist labor attitude and communist style, resolutely put the profit in command, Struggle against the revisionist line of material stimulus to make the competition follow the socialist track Healthy development. ① The famous Stakhanov movement that appeared in the Soviet Union in the 1930s was a socialism set off by the workers. competition. In this competition, the Soviet working class showed great socialist enthusiasm and creativity, and vigorously Promoted the development of production and technology. However, in the process of organizing the competition, they did not insist on proletarian politics in command. Persist in communist ideological education. On the contrary, the use of bonuses as a means of stimulating the development of sports has resulted in expanded material Equipped with bourgeois legal rights, it has promoted the bourgeois ideology in pursuit of fame and gain, and made the socialist relationship suffer. The severe corrosion of capitalism made the Stakhanov movement finally leave the path of healthy development. It is worth Lesson learned. Page 276 Page 277 Page 278 Page 279 Socialist political economy ·Unfinalized Second Edition Discussion Draft· (Volume II) "Socialist Political Economy" Editing Group Page 280 Page 281 257 Chapter VII Socialist Economic Accounting System The first section of the duality of economic accounting Economic accounting is an important means of strict economy Economic accounting is the product of production development. Social production has developed to a certain stage, It will produce recording, calculation, analysis and comparison of production costs and production results Needs. This kind of consumption and production in the production process (or business process) The activity of recording, calculating, analyzing and comparing the results is called economic accounting, also It is commonly referred to as bookkeeping or accounting. With individual producers, this kind of accounting tends to It is simpler to do it only in the mind of the producer. The more the production process With socialization, the importance of economic accounting has increased. Marx pointed out: "The process The more it is carried out on a social scale, the more it loses its purely personal nature. The control of the process and the bookkeeping of the concept summary are more necessary; therefore, bookkeeping is important to capital Righteous production is more necessary than decentralized production by rival industries and farmers. For publicly owned production, It is more necessary than capitalist production. " ① Economic accounting under the socialist system is the same as that under the capitalist system The accounting is different, but this accounting is still linked to the commodity currency and the old ① Marx: Volume 2 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 24, p. 152. Page 282 258 There is not much difference in society. The Soviet revisionist traitor group is using economic accounting with the old society There will not be much difference on the one hand, it will make a big profit and material stimulation, and restore capital Ism. In order to facilitate the struggle against the party's bourgeoisie to restore capitalism Dispute, we must first distinguish between economic accounting under the socialist system and the capitalist system The limits of economic accounting under the degree. Under the conditions of capitalist private ownership, economic accounting is subject to capitalist basic economic Rule of law. The purpose of capitalist production is to achieve value To reduce the surplus value created by workers. Capitalist economic accounting is always subject to capital For the purpose of socialist production, we must achieve the greatest surplus with the smallest capital expenditure. Residual value. For example, the adoption of new technologies and processes can save raw materials and improve High labor productivity, in other words, can save materialized labor and living labor, can Save labor time. However, this can only bring more surplus to capitalists. Only in the case of residual value will it be adopted. If you say, hire more cheap labor It can save capital expenditures more than adopting new technologies and new processes, and bring about More surplus value, even though new technologies and new processes can save labor and time In time, capitalists will not adopt it. This situation illustrates: "Capitalist production The labor that has been realized and materialized in commodities is extremely economical. On the contrary It is a waste of human and living labor, but it greatly exceeds any other mode of production. Not only wasted blood and flesh, but also nerves and brain. " ① There is a town in Minamata in southern Kyushu, Japan. There is a monopoly capital New Japan Nitrogen Fertilizer Vinyl chloride and vinyl acetate are produced here. In order to reduce costs and obtain higher profits, capitalists Since 1950, regardless of the health and lives of workers and residents, mercury catalyst technology has been used. ① Marx: Volume 3 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 25, p. 105. Page 283 259 As a result, a large amount of toxic water and waste residues containing methylmercury were discharged into Minamata Bay, causing serious pollution of the seawater. Fish are heavily poisoned. Residents of Minamata ate these fish, and at first they were slurred and had unstable gait. Facial dementia, further deafness and blindness, numbness of the whole body, and finally mental disorder, bending of the body, Howl to die. Among the 50,000 residents of Minamata Town, more than 10,000 people have this disease. The disease is "Minamata disease". After investigating and finding out the source of the disease, the capitalists did everything possible to adjust The results of the investigation were kept confidential, and they colluded with the authorities and refused to change the craftsmanship, resulting in "Minamata Disease" all over Japan spread. The spread of "Minamata Disease" in Japan fully illustrates the internal problems of capitalist enterprises. The essence of economy is to strengthen the exploitation of hired labor. From the entire capitalist society See, due to the anarchy of production, there is a lot of waste, and it is even more impossible What savings are there. The cyclical outbreak of the capitalist economic crisis has reduced social production, The number of unemployed people has increased, a large number of laborers and production equipment have been left idle, and labor The material wealth created was destroyed in large quantities. The capitalist system A lot of waste is inevitable. Therefore, in a capitalist society, economic accounting Governed by the laws of capitalist economy, the labor time savings in individual enterprise production About coexisting with the huge waste of living labor and materialized labor in the entire society. This spear Shield cannot be resolved under the capitalist system. Under the conditions of socialist public ownership of the means of production, economic accounting is dominated by society. The rule of basic economic laws. The purpose of socialist production is to serve the proletariat and Serving the interests of all working people is to meet the growing needs of the country and people need. Socialist economic accounting promotes social The continuous growth of socialist production can better serve the socialist production purpose. At the same time, socialist economic accounting can not only be carried out within each enterprise And because of the existence of the socialist public ownership of the means of production, Within the scope of the national economy, which makes it possible for human, material and financial resources Page 284 260 The whole society is fully and rationally used, so as to achieve better savings and more More places and better meet the needs of the country and people. Socialist economic accounting, as a comprehensive economy, develops socially The means of righteous economy are realized by the conscious activities of the working masses. by Since socialist economic accounting is consistent with the fundamental interests of the working people, the social Economic accounting in an ethical enterprise is not only the work of professionals, but also An economic activity that the masses consciously participate in. Team core in my country's socialist enterprises Calculations, economic supervision organizations, and economic activity analysis conferences are the In some important forms of economic accounting, the working people participate in the economic accounting activities of enterprises. Movement is required by the socialist public ownership system, and is a manifestation of the superiority of the socialist system. Now. The working people are most familiar with the production process. They have been fighting for many years in the production process. On the front line, he is the most clear about the status of his part of work, and is the most effective for increasing production and saving. Right to speak. In factories and enterprises, workers participate in team accounting, participate in workshops and the whole factory Analysis of economic activities and managing finances as a master can not only enable economic accounting Play a greater role to promote the more rapid development of the Encourage enterprise leaders to act in accordance with the party's line, guidelines and policies so that the The road of socialism advances healthily. While socialist economic accounting relies on the working masses, it also requires attention Play the role of professionals and combine mass accounting with professional accounting. Professional nuclear The calculation personnel have contact with various workshops and teams of the enterprise, I understand the situation better. Therefore, if the working masses and professionals are combined, Conducive to the realization of overall savings and to promote the socialist economy to move forward more quickly and economically development of. Use value accounting and value accounting Page 285 261 Economic accounting is to compare and compare production costs and production results in the production process. Accounting. The socialist production process is a direct social labor process and value creation process Unity. In the process of direct social labor, workers have to consume certain types and numbers of Use value of the quantity, and at the same time create a plan to meet the needs of the country and people Various use values, therefore, socialist economic accounting must account for use values. In the process of value creation, workers in addition to the old value of production materials and raw materials In addition to shifting to new products, it also creates new value. Therefore, socialism Economic accounting also requires accounting for value. Use value accounting and value accounting constitute the society Two aspects of economic accounting. The economic accounting indicators of socialist enterprises, whether they reflect production results The accounting index or the accounting index reflecting the production cost, both have Use value accounting and value accounting are two different aspects. Reflect production results In terms of accounting indicators, product variety, output and quality are the use value Accounting indicators; output value and profit are the indicators of value accounting. For socialism For the production results of the enterprise, we must consider both the use value and the value To perform accounting and measurement. Socialist enterprises can only Volume and output value, profit, these aspects have fully realized the use value and value accounting Indicators, it can be said that its production results, whether in physical form or value form In order to ensure that the country's and people's growing needs are met, the contribution. In the accounting indicators reflecting the production cost of the enterprise, there are also use price Two aspects of value accounting and value accounting. For example, raw material consumption quota, auxiliary Material consumption quota and equipment utilization factor, etc., are the accounting indicators of use value; The reduction in cost of comparable products is an indicator of value accounting. socialism The enterprise can only not exceed the consumption of various raw materials and auxiliary materials in the physical form Page 286 262 The quota is not lower than the utilization factor of various major equipment, saving various useful Of material wealth, and strive to reduce the cost of comparable products in terms of value form, For the country to save funds for socialist construction, we can say that its production and operation, Has well implemented the socialist principle of conservation and socialist enterprises have passed value verification Calculate, put all the different use values ​​​​in the unified monetary value form Together, in order to make a comprehensive comparison of its entire production results and production costs. Analyze the subjective and objective factors that caused the increase, decrease, and change to promote the overall saving of various materialized labor and activities. Labor to produce more quantity, variety, and quality Value to meet the needs of the country and people. Accounting value is to create more and better use value. From this side Generally speaking, use value accounting and value accounting are unified. However, use value After all, accounting and value accounting are two different angles of accounting, and there are also between them Contradictory. The unity of opposites between use value accounting and value accounting is the social The duality of economic accounting. The contradiction between use value accounting and value accounting is a commodity under the socialist system Contradictory performance. The purpose of socialist production is to ensure that the country and people Therefore, the state must assign various use value indicators to state-owned enterprises. However, socialist production is still commodity production, and the state is issuing various use prices. At the same time as value indicators, various value indicators must be issued. State issued to each country Value indicators such as the output value of the operating enterprise and the profit turned over are comprehensive indicators. The issued use value indicators such as product variety, output and quality are classified into categories In addition, because the national plan should not be over-regulated, the country has Often only the major categories of indicators are issued, instead of specific varieties and specifications. This Will enable state-owned enterprises to complete the use of value accounting indicators and value accounting indicators. Page 287 263 The situation is uneven, or even very inconsistent. It often appears that companies are accounting for value in use. The indicators have been achieved, but the indicators have not been achieved according to the value accounting; or According to the value accounting index has been realized, but the accounting index according to the value in use is not. Now wait for the situation. Price changes can also cause conflicts between value accounting and use value accounting. To Take the calculation of production cost as an example, we often encounter such a situation: The cost of raw materials is calculated from the value of use, in the various physical objects it consumes In terms of quantity, all quota targets have been achieved, or there has been a reduction; however, due to the original The price of the material is increased, and it will be shown as the cost of the raw material The amount has gone up. Similarly, taking the calculation of production results as an example, one often sees another One situation: the business results of a certain period of time are calculated from the use value Now the product variety and output in physical form have all realized the accounting guidance Mark. However, because the product has lowered its price, it is calculated in the form of currency However, the profit paid in the form cannot fulfill the plan. These circumstances indicate that use value accounting and Value accounting will move in different directions due to price changes. shield. Under the condition of price changes, it will cause use value accounting and value accounting Contradiction, then, under the condition of the same price, will use value accounting occur? What about the contradiction with value accounting? As the price level is high or low, it does not necessarily reflect The size of labor consumption in production, at the same time, the planned price stipulated by the state is relatively stable , And the value is constantly changing, so sometimes, it will also happen The contradiction between value accounting and value accounting moving in different directions. Eg, For the use value accounting indicators of products, only major categories are specified, but not specified Specific varieties, and assume that the prices of these specific varieties have not been adjusted. but, Page 288 264 Due to the difference between the price and the value of each specific variety, some prices Grid is higher than value, and some prices are lower than value. Therefore, these major categories are also completed In the case of a kind of use value accounting index, from the perspective of value accounting, the kind of production For specific varieties whose price is higher than value, the output value index is relatively easy to complete; For specific varieties whose prices are lower than their value, the production value indicators are more difficult to complete. Like this In the condition that the price does not change, use value accounting and value accounting occur Contradictory movements are often encountered in our actual lives. In value accounting, the value indicators of cost, price, and profit are the same The product is related. Capitalist economic accounting uses cost, price and profit. These economic categories must be used in socialist economic accounting. although The ownership system is different, but these categories are after all the relics of the private economy and reflect It is the right of the bourgeoisie. Its basic characteristics are based on value and its transformation A unified yardstick is used to measure production units with different conditions, and the apparent equality is used to cover up Actual inequality. This is not much different from the old society. Socialist enterprise The use of value accounting in industry is to better save labor time and produce more and better Is the use value needed by society, and value accounting is subject to use value accounting. Dominated by the main aspect of the contradiction. When use value accounting and value accounting are in conflict When shielding, socialist enterprises are required to guarantee the product variety, quantity and quality And other use value indicators. Under this premise, we must also work hard to increase Increase production value, reduce costs, and increase profits in order to achieve all value targets at the same time. However, under the conditions of commodity-currency relations, capital roaders within the party can also promote the first Revisionist illicit goods such as "profits in command" make value accounting the main source of contradiction. surface. Under the control of "output value first" and "profit in command", enterprises will inevitably violate The purpose of socialist production, regardless of the rational use of social labor, Page 289 265 The needs of China are put first, and the pursuit of output value and profit is put first. In this way It will inevitably impact the national plan, cause huge waste of social labor, and make certain commodities The supply exceeds demand, and the supply of other commodities exceeds demand, making social production and social needs The contradiction between the two is sharpened. In this case, with value accounting instead of use value Accounting has become the main aspect of contradictions, and the nature of economic accounting has deviated from socialism. Became capitalist. Such contradictions under the commodity system will always appear constantly. But only We want us to have a Marxist line and closely rely on the broad working class To deal with the poor and lower middle peasants, adhere to the class struggle as the key link, and constantly criticize the party bourgeoisie, Criticize revisionism, then, the contradiction between use value accounting and value accounting is determined Can be handled correctly, so that socialist economic accounting will not follow a healthy path Break forward. The 32-ton dump heavy-duty truck produced by the Shanghai Truck Manufacturing Plant is a All necessary transportation vehicles. In the past, under the destruction of Liu Shaoqi's revisionist line of admiring foreign and fawning foreigners, Foreign capitalists and Soviet revisionist social-imperialists bullied our country's inability to produce and refused to supply spare parts The way to card us. For a period of time, many imported vehicles in the mining area were unable to supply spare parts. Unable to move, it became scrap iron. The staff of Shanghai Truck Factory, self-reliant, worked hard, in 1969 In 2011, he built his own "competitive car" to support mining production. The 32-ton truck was officially put into operation After production, production has increased year by year, but spare parts have increased very little. There is an eight or six mine because The domestic heavy-duty vehicle parts were not available, so some vehicles had to sleep. They said: "With the country Produced a'competitive car' and supported us in'fighting the battle in the mines', which severely attacked the emperor, repairs, and opposition. Now that the supply of parts is scarce, it has dragged down our mining production." Workers from the truck factory went to I visited the mining area and saw this situation with my own eyes. The shock was great, so I investigated the parts produced by our factory. Circumstances, it is found that there is indeed a phenomenon of "reforming machine and light accessories". Why would "rebuild the machine, What about “light accessories”? It turned out to be caused by the “first in output value”. Second, a full set of spare parts for trucks, if assembled into a complete vehicle (production of collaborative parts made by brother factories Page 290 266 If the value is included), the output value will be more than ten times larger than that calculated based on a piece of spare parts. So when Some comrades proposed to send all the parts and accessories of the twenty complete vehicles to be assembled in the workshop When supporting the mining area, it encountered resistance. After arguing between the two opinions, everyone believes that the value Putting it in the first place, only one-sided pursuit of output value, regardless of the needs of national construction, that is the capitalist economy. A performance of economic accounting must be criticized. Use value To ensure the needs of the country and the people. Send spare parts for twenty cars to the mining area for repairs The use value of old cars is more than twenty, but hundreds; In terms of value, hundreds of heavy-duty vehicles were started to increase the output value of the mining area and the steel mills The increase in output value due to more ore raw materials is compared to the decrease in output value of a truck factory Come, I don't know how many times it will be higher. The employees of the truck factory unified their minds and happily The spare parts for twenty cars were sent to the mining area. At the same time, the various trucks in 1975 The production of spare parts was rearranged, an increase of 40% over the previous year. At the end of the year, the factory’s The total output value did not decrease as a result, on the contrary, it increased by 30% over the previous year. Qingjiang Rubber Shoe Factory in Qingjiang City, Jiangsu Province was originally a small alley factory producing "Jiefang Shoes". The superiors required the factory to produce all rubber shoes on the basis of picking the "Jiefang Shoes" and supply them to the city. Township market. What rubber shoes do you produce? Some believe that the area of ​​​​rural dry land converted to paddy land in northern Jiangsu is not If the number of failures increases, low-cost and high-quality non-slip boots should be produced urgently by the majority of lower and middle farmers. Some people think that The technology of non-slip boots is complicated, and the output value is low. If it is not possible to lose money, it is better to produce high output value and large profit General rubber shoes. A cadre also went to the field to process a batch of aluminum lasts of this general rubber shoe, and built It is recommended to produce this variety immediately. Through investigation and research, they learned that the current high production value Generally speaking, there are many factories for rubber shoes and the supply of products is sufficient. People do not want to produce. This is not a profit-only capitalist management style. In the minds of some comrades Is it wrong? Socialist enterprises can't just care about output value and profits, and ignore the needs of the people! then, The whole factory staff made the decision to produce non-slip boots. After the non-slip boots were put into production, they were Welcome, it is very popular, and the commercial departments in various places continue to request more orders. With the promotion of all aspects, This plant not only meets the needs of the poor, lower and middle peasants in terms of use value, but also satisfies various Value indicators. Some people think that achieving more output and profits is also a benefit to socialist countries. Page 291 267 How can you make a mistake if you make a contribution without getting into your own pocket? This look The law is wrong. If a socialist enterprise is based on its output value and profit To guide production, disregarding the needs of the people, disregarding the national plan, then not only from the root In essence, it deviates from the production purpose of socialism, and it will also cause huge social labor. Great waste, causing losses to the country. Because, in order to one-sided pursuit of output value and profit Run, only produce products with high output value and large profits, while the products needed by society are Did not produce according to plan, so that companies that need such products according to plan If you don't get this kind of product, it will directly and indirectly affect the connection with this kind of product. A series of enterprises stopped work for materials, causing serious waste of social labor. on the other hand, Products that are not needed or urgently needed by society have increased exponentially. This part of the product It had to be put in a warehouse, which in turn would cause a large backlog of funds. In socialism Under the regulations, whether it is a state-owned enterprise or a collectively-owned enterprise, it is not allowed Like a capitalist enterprise, Xu makes a living according to the value of output and the amount of profit. Change in production direction to produce products that are not planned by the enterprise. But only Require the existence of a commodity system, and transfer more funds to production within the enterprise's planned projects The situation of certain products whose prices are higher than value still exists. In the collective In the system of units, this situation is more prominent. This situation is reflected in the market, It will create a "gap" between supply and demand. This kind of "gap" is the breeding ground for urban and rural areas The fertile soil of capitalism. Batches of new bourgeois elements will start from this Bred on the soil to buy state and collective materials, engage in long-distance trafficking, Reselling, driving up prices, harming public gains, private fraud, corruption, theft, Capitalist activities such as bribery . If the proletariat fights against this kind of phenomenon Disputes, socialist enterprises will degenerate into capitalist enterprises; The forces of capitalism will become more frantically active. Page 292 268 Therefore, the use of value accounting and value accounting in the socialist economic accounting process In the final analysis, the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie should manifest itself as a struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The struggle between the socialist road and the capitalist road. Only grasp two classes, two Only by following this program of road struggle can we correctly understand and correctly handle this contradiction and make economic Economic accounting moves in the direction of socialism. Section 2 Socialist Economic Accounting System Economic accounting system is an economic system for managing socialist enterprises The history of socialist society tells us that for socialist state-owned enterprises Two systems have been adopted for management: one is that the state controls state-owned enterprises (mainly If the industry) adopts a supply system with all centralized management, that is, what the factory needs The means of production and all production costs are provided by the state according to actual needs. The goods are distributed uniformly by the state without pricing. The Soviet Union used to This management system has been implemented. It played an important role in guaranteeing the supply of revolutionary war positive effects. But this is the same as the large-scale socialist construction in peacetime. The characteristics of socialist economic development are not suitable, and it is not conducive to fully mobilizing enterprises Improve the enthusiasm of operation and management. Therefore, the Soviet Union used the Later, according to Lenin's advocacy, it gradually changed to another management system, namely economic Accounting system management system. Lenin clearly pointed out that the economic accounting system should be Have the foundation of state-owned enterprises. In my country's revolutionary base areas during the Revolutionary War, The socialist public economy has also implemented a supply system management system. Nineteen four Two years later, all agricultural, industrial, and livestock transportation businesses began to be commercialized and gradually changed to economic Accounting system. After the liberation of the whole country, the State Council immediately issued relevant regulations, Page 293 269 The industry has gradually cleared assets and capital, and fully implemented the management of the economic accounting system. Then, what is an economic accounting system? Simply put, the economic accounting system is It is a kind of guarantee that not only guarantees the unified leadership of the country, but also gives enterprises relatively independent management. Economic management system. This kind of economic management system is connected with the commodity system. Economic accounting system management requires socialist enterprises to organize production in accordance with national plans, For the things consumed in the production process, get compensation from the physical form; and require Use currency to compare the consumption and results of economic activities, and use the income of the enterprise itself To offset the expenditure, get compensation from the form of value, and guarantee to pay the profit to the state (including Including profits and taxes). Economic accounting is a system for systematically managing socialist enterprises, Reflecting socialist countries and socialist enterprises and socialist enterprises and enterprises A certain mutual relationship between. Let's study these relationships separately. (1) Economic relations between socialist countries and enterprises. This is a national system 1. The relationship between the leadership and the decentralized operation of the enterprise. Chairman Mao as early as 1942 When instructing all public economies to establish an economic accounting system, they Leadership, decentralized management". Unified leadership means that the enterprise's leadership in the party and the country Under the guidance, achieve unified understanding, unified policy, unified plan, unified command, unified Take action to fully complete or exceed the national plan. Decentralized operation means enterprise The industry uses the production funds allocated by the state to organize Organize production, supply and sales activities. Each state-owned enterprise has relative Independence, each calculating profit and loss, relying on the income of the enterprise itself to compensate the expenditure, and Provide accumulation for the country. Specifically, in socialist countries and socialist state-owned There are some relationships among enterprises: According to the entire national economic plan, the state allocates certain funds to various enterprises, Page 294 270 Issue various plan targets; each enterprise shall properly operate according to the national plan requirements Use funds to organize production reasonably, and fully complete the various plan targets assigned by the state. The plan cannot be modified without authorization. The state uniformly regulates the prices of products according to the needs of the overall balance of the national economy, Important products are distributed uniformly by the country. Companies must continuously improve labor productivity, The way to reduce costs is to increase income and increase accumulation, and prices must not be changed at will. The net income of all state-owned enterprises belongs to the state. Enterprises should follow national regulations, Pay taxes and turn in profits. The depreciation funds retained by the enterprise shall also be in accordance with national regulations use. All employees of state-owned enterprises shall be allocated by the state according to the plan. The right to recruit or reduce personnel. The wage system of enterprises is also uniformly regulated by the state. Do not modify it yourself. However, the situation of each enterprise is extremely different and extremely complex. Country not It may be unified for everything, and too much unified will restrict the operation of the enterprise Positivity. Therefore, the unified leadership of the country must be combined with the decentralized operation of enterprises. Under the unified leadership of the country, the enterprise has a certain degree of operational independence. The bank has its own independent account, which is the basis for fully completing the products specified in the national plan On the basis of their own production capacity, enterprises can set up separate economic agreements with other enterprises. Contracts and settle current accounts as independent economic units. "Unified leadership, decentralized operation" reflects the socialist countries and state-owned enterprises The relationship between industries reflects an important aspect of socialist production relations. Liu In order to disintegrate the socialist economic foundation, Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping Vigorously oppose the socialist economic accounting system of "unified leadership and decentralized management" Principle of rationality. They attacked the "simple" and "rigid" socialist planned economy, Not as "flexible" and "diversified" as the capitalist economy; socialist enterprises are required Page 295 271 "Seriously learn from the capitalists" and "accept the legacy of the bourgeoisie"; The government does not want to "a thousand pre-economy", but to give enterprises "independent handling of all economic affairs" Competence", to make the enterprise a completely independent accounting enterprise, in an attempt to make a socialist enterprise The industry has become a separate and opposing economic group, Competitive capitalist economic path. At the same time, Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping and others It also pursued a "dictatorship of all rules" in an attempt to turn the socialist economy into a bureaucratic monopoly capital Economics. In accordance with the principle of “unified leadership, decentralized management”, In the process of implementing the economic accounting system management of Yi Enterprise, there are two classes, two The road and the struggle between the two lines. Therefore, we must persist in proletarian politics in command, Correctly understand and handle the contradictions in the process of economic accounting, and resolutely follow the revisionist line Fight against the influence of bourgeois ideology and issue under the premise of upholding the unified leadership of the country The subjective initiative of the enterprise. In this way, it is conducive to continuously improve the country and enterprise Mutual relations promote the development of enterprises in the direction of socialism. (2) Economic relations between socialist enterprises. This is a kind of collaboration The relationship with relatively independent accounting. Enterprises that implement economic accounting systems, regardless of whether they are state-owned For enterprises and state-owned enterprises, or for various social enterprises in the same commune, the same big As far as the team-run enterprises are concerned, they all belong to the same owner. The economy between them Contact is the relationship within the same ownership system. This same belongs to different private owners There are fundamental differences in the economic exchanges between capitalist companies in China. However, in reality Under the condition of implementing the economic accounting system, these socialist enterprises are all related to each other. For units with independent accounting and relatively independent operations, the economic When contacting and collaborating together, the principle of equivalent exchange shall be implemented to keep accounts and settle accounts. Calculate in order to calculate the economic effect. Because there are a large number of economic ties between socialist enterprises, and because of the Page 296 272 In this connection, each has to carry out economic accounting, so sometimes there may be Contradictions in economic interests. This contradiction between socialist enterprises is in the proletariat Under the guidance of the high-level revolutionary line, through the comprehensive balance of national plans and the unification of higher-level departments The arrangement can be resolved. Enterprises required by the socialist economic accounting system The interrelationship must be independent accounting under the premise of joint collaboration. Every A socialist enterprise is a relatively independent business unit on the one hand, while the other Noodles are part of a unified socialist economy. If only from independent accounting Starting out, simply considering equivalent exchanges will hinder the development of the communist collaborative style. Then there is not much difference from capitalist economic accounting. Therefore, the socialist industry When the human, material, and financial relations between the Prosperity collaboration style, under this premise, implement equivalent exchange, this is the society The kind of economic relations between enterprises and enterprises that are required by economic accounting. each Enterprises start from the overall interests of the national economy, support and cooperate with each other, and must However, it is helpful to consolidate and develop the socialist production relations between enterprises. Locally develop socialist production. The Shanghai Special-shaped Steel Pipe Factory correctly handles the economic accounting system relations between socialist enterprises A typical. Every time they receive a production task, whatever the brother unit urgently needs, even if the output value Low, but also do everything possible to complete. The workers said it well: this is a "subtraction" from the factory's point of view, but From the point of view of the users, they can start production or expand production in time if they have the necessary steel pipes. This becomes "addition"; from the perspective of the entire national economy, it can speed up the social The pace of righteous construction has become "multiplication." This is how the workers at the Shanghai Special Steel Pipe Factory For more than ten years, I regard the difficulties of my brothers' units as my own difficulties and the needs of the country as my own. The direction of the development of production in our own enterprise always bears in mind the purpose of socialist production. From 1966 to During the eight years in 1973, the types and specifications of pipes produced by this factory were better than those before the Cultural Revolution. In the eight years (1958~1965) it has increased by nearly four times, of which special-shaped pipes have increased by nearly ten times. Page 297 273 It strongly supported the construction of the country and the production development of the brother units. Countries and enterprises established under the conditions of economic accounting Relationship, the purpose is to enable the enterprise to give full play to its business responsibility under the unified leadership of the country And enthusiasm, fully tap the potential, strictly increase production and save, in order to consolidate the society Socialist public ownership is conducive to the state's planned management of the socialist economy. Lin Biao and his gang spread the argument that "If you don't keep accounts for three years, the money will not go to foreign countries." The purpose of adjustment is to oppose economic accounting and undermine the socialist country's management of the national economy. So that new and old bourgeois elements can take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and steal socialist property, Disintegrate the socialist economy and restore capitalism. The specific content of the economic accounting system The economic accounting system is to manage socialist enterprises in a planned way, An effective system to develop socialist production. It includes the following aspects Body content: 1. The state implements unified leadership and planned management of state-owned enterprises, Determine product variety, output, quality and output value, labor productivity, cost, and profit And other planned indicators; enterprises must be responsible for the national plan, and fully complete the national regulations Set various indicators. 2. According to the production and operation needs of state-owned enterprises, the state has approved and allocated Give companies a certain amount of capital (current capital and fixed capital) so that the company can Turnover, and not often hamper production due to shortage of funds. 3. The enterprise organizes production in accordance with the tasks prescribed by the state, and Sell ​​​​the product at a price, use the income from the sale of the product to offset the expenditure, and in accordance with national regulations Page 298 274 The profit will be paid in to provide accumulation for the country. 4. The income and expenditure of state-owned enterprises should have certain systems and procedures; Cost calculation; there should be an inspection system for the completion of the production plan annually and monthly; Have a system for saving raw materials and protecting tools, and cultivate the habit of saving raw materials and caring tools used. 5. Development between state-owned enterprises and between state-owned enterprises and collectively-owned enterprises The principle of equal value exchange must be implemented in all economic ties of life. Enterprise and Enterprise For major economic ties, an economic contract must be concluded in advance. Every social enterprise The contractual obligations must be fulfilled seriously and jointly responsible to the country. Collectively owned enterprises organize production under the guidance of the state plan, in accordance with national regulations Sell ​​​​commodities at a fixed price, operate independently, take responsibility for their own profits and losses, and increase income for the collective. Increase accumulation. At the same time, it provides accumulation for the country by paying taxes. my country's rural people's communes basically still implement communes and production brigades at this stage. And the three-level collective ownership of the production team. Communes, brigades and production teams are all independent The self-financing accounting unit, among which the production team level is the basic accounting unit. Give birth The collective funds of the production team are paid and accumulated by the members, not allocated by the brigade or commune of. Communes and brigades are responsible for leading, helping and supporting production teams to develop the collective economy, But it is not possible to allocate funds from the production team to develop the social economy or brigade economy. In the collective ownership economy of rural people's communes, The brigade also implements an economic accounting system for management of team-run enterprises. The commune and the brigade were Our own social-run enterprises and team-run enterprises implement unified leadership, and give each enterprise Allocate a certain amount of funds and require them to use the funds responsibly, on time, on quality, Complete the planned production tasks assigned by the state, commune or brigade according to the quantity, and use your own income Income to offset expenditures, and complete or exceed the accumulation tasks specified by the commune or brigade. Page 299 275 It can be seen from the content of the above economic accounting system that the economic accounting The management of the system still requires the use of funds, costs, prices, profits and other economic categories. However, these categories in the socialist economic accounting system reflect Production relations serve to consolidate and develop socialist production relations. Now, we Let's study the characteristics of these economic categories separately: The capital of a socialist enterprise is fundamentally different from the capital of a capitalist enterprise. Capital is the value that brings surplus value, reflecting the capitalist's exploitation of the working people. system. The funds of socialist enterprises are the currency expression of state or collective property. Society Socialist enterprises use these funds to carry out production and business activities and submit to socialism The requirements of the basic economic laws are to expand reproduction for the socialist society and satisfy the state And the people's growing need for service. The socialist enterprise's fund accounting is to ensure the national and collective financial The property is inviolable, and it can be used reasonably and effectively. Enterprise production According to the nature of their turnover in the production process, funds can be divided into fixed assets Gold and working capital. The physical form of fixed funds is shown in plant and machinery equipment, etc. Fixed assets. Plants, machinery and equipment are used many times in the production process. Its value is gradually transferred to the product. The enterprise is fixed in accordance with national regulations The asset depreciation method extracts the depreciation fund so that its fixed assets can be continuously updated, And have the ability to carry out the necessary technological transformation. In addition to accounting for depreciation of fixed assets, Enterprises should also calculate the utilization rate of fixed funds to reflect the degree of utilization of fixed funds. Seek to expand its production capacity without increasing fixed capital. Socialist enterprises also need to account for working capital. Working capital is enterprise Used to pay labor objects (raw materials), employee wages, and finished product sales Funding for various expenses. The raw material changes itself after the completion of a production cycle Page 300 276 Its value will be transferred to the new product. Working capital in In its continuous cycle, the less time it takes to turn once a week, in a year The more turnover can be made within. Therefore, companies also need to account for liquidity The fixed amount and turnover speed of the company, in order to obtain the same amount of working capital for production and sales More products and services. The production cost of socialist enterprises is different from the capitalist production cost. The same essential economic category. The production cost of capitalism is the consumption of capital; capital The reduction of production costs of socialist enterprises means the saving of capital and the exploitation of laborers. The deepening. The production costs of socialist enterprises are incurred to produce certain products Expenses. It basically includes the value of consumed production materials and newly created The part of value that belongs to the producer's personal consumption. Subtract from the total product value The above two parts constitute corporate profits. Therefore, through the cost verification Calculate, continuously reduce the production cost of products, which means continuous saving of labor time And increase labor productivity, which can provide more accumulation for the country or the collective. drop The effect of low cost on socialist construction can be calculated from the following simple figures There is a summary in the words: according to the figures of 1972, our state-owned workers For every one percent reduction in the total cost of industrial enterprises, the country's accumulation of The investment amount for the construction of three Nanjing Yangtze River Bridges. The main ways for socialist enterprises to reduce costs are: 1. Fully mobilize the socialist enthusiasm of the working people and improve the Technical proficiency, continuously carry out technological innovation, adopt new technology, improve labor Productivity in order to reduce the man-hour consumption per unit product. 2. Save the consumption of raw materials and various materials, and rationally select new and more economical Raw materials, carry out the comprehensive utilization of raw materials, turn waste into treasure, rationally cut and improve Page 301 277 Formulas, using new processes, etc., to reduce the raw material consumption per unit product. 3. Fully tap the potential of existing equipment and increase equipment utilization to reduce The depreciation expense allocated by the unit product. 4. Refinement and streamlining of administration, improve the efficiency of corporate administrative management, improve transportation, Supply and marketing work, and strive to save corporate management costs. The profit of a socialist enterprise is the net income created by the working people, which is mainly Used to expand socialist production and improve people's lives. The profitability of the socialist economy can also be considered from the perspective of the entire national economy. Observe. Under certain conditions, socialist countries can allow some enterprises to temporarily not win Profit, even at a loss. For example, in order to have a reasonable layout of the national industry Inland industries and local industries, some of them temporarily No profit at the time. However, the development of these industries is in line with the long-term benefits of the national economy. Benefits are conducive to building a strategic rear with a deep layout that cannot be broken or dragged down. Therefore, even though these enterprises cannot make profits for the time being, the state still has to support their development. For another example, certain industrial products, especially new products, new materials and products that support agriculture In a certain period of time, some companies that produce these products are losing money. However, The development of these products is conducive to the development of industrial construction and agricultural production. For the whole country The interests of the people's economy, in order to consolidate the worker-peasant alliance, allow temporary policy plans Draw a loss. This kind of profit is examined from the perspective of the overall interests of the entire national economy, We call it "Premium Profit". This high-level profit reflects the socialist system The superiority of the degree. Of course, this does not mean the profitability of individual companies or departments It is not important, and it must not be used as a loss caused by poor management of individual enterprises. Excuses. The profit of the entire national economy, in the final analysis, is based on various enterprises, Based on the profitability of each department. Therefore, companies that temporarily lose money should work hard Page 302 278 Improve operations, reduce costs, strive to reduce losses, turn losses into profits, and actively contribute to the country Provide accumulation. The profit of socialist state-owned enterprises is the main source of socialist accumulation. Society Socialist enterprises must both criticize "profits in command" and oppose that regardless of cost. Don't talk about profit, and don't pay attention to the wrong idea of ​​​​increasing accumulation for the country. "Profits in command" It is disregarding the national plan, disregarding the needs of the country and the people, only for profit Run to guide production and use profit as the driving force to promote enterprise production. This is capitalism The operating principles must be criticized. Implement proletarian politics in command, follow the party's path Lines, guidelines and policies, in accordance with the tasks assigned by the national plan, To increase the profits of socialism. This is precisely for the socialist revolution and the socialist Contribute to the construction of justice. In our country's national budget revenue, those from state-owned enterprises Contributions (profits, taxes, etc.) accounted for more than 90%. If the business does not Can actively increase accumulation for the country, and even cause undue losses, will affect The revenue from the state budget will slow down the socialist revolution and construction, and will affect Responsible for fulfilling internationalist obligations. In short, the state's management of enterprises' economic accounting system is to better To realize Chairman Mao's instruction: "Any socialist economic undertaking must pay attention to Intend to make full use of manpower and equipment as much as possible to improve labor organization and improve Operation management and improvement of labor productivity, saving all possible manpower and material resources, Implement labor competition and economic accounting to reduce costs year by year and increase personal income And increase accumulation. " ① ① Chairman Mao: "Experience in saving production costs of the Liziyuan Agricultural Production Cooperative in Zhenru District" language". "The Socialist Climax in Rural China," Volume 2, p. 768. Page 303 279 The third section analyzes Su Xiu's "complete economic accounting system" The Brezhnev renegade group completely restored capitalism in the Soviet Union. A series of "economic reforms." One of the important measures of these "reforms" is The so-called "complete economic accounting system" is implemented in enterprises. Pushed by the Soviet revisionist traitor group "Complete economic accounting system" is a wonderful negative teaching material. To this modifier The analysis of the products of the righteous line helps us understand how the bourgeoisie Yamato strengthens the role of the law of value and makes economic accounting a bureaucratic monopoly asset class The ranks maintain their rule economically and step up their tools to extract the blood and sweat of the working people. What exactly is Su Xiu's "complete economic accounting system"? "Complete economic accounting system" means to engage in capitalist free management. The Soviet Union under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin was once the earliest establishment in human history A country with a socialist economic accounting system. The Soviet regime at the time, according to Lenin’s Advocate the implementation of an economic accounting system for socialist state-owned enterprises. The management enterprise The system is stipulated in the resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Independence within the scope of the national plan, so that companies can better determine the completion of the plan Mobilize internal resources to reduce product cost The purpose of this book. " ① socialist state enterprises are given the independence of the tube in the national plan Independence under rational conditions is an important principle of the socialist economic accounting system. It It is fundamentally opposed to the free operation of capitalist enterprises. The Soviet revisionist renegade group is precisely here. The Leninist principle was revised. They tried hard to preach: "must Reduce the number of plan indicators set by the superior organization for the enterprise", "expand the enterprise's The management initiative and independence in solving the problems of production activities" (Su ① "Resolution on Improving Industrial Management Institutions" of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (Brazzaville) on December 5, 1929. Page 304 280 Revised the resolution on industrial management and economic stimulus). The company's product production plan, There are only two indicators: 1. Total sales of products or sales output value. 2. The most important product varieties expressed in kind. Most of the company's products The activities of production can do their own thing. The company produces what it wants to produce, Whatever is advantageous Lenin pointed out a long time ago: "If the production and The distribution does not implement comprehensive state calculation and supervision, then the laborers' political power, labor The freedom of the author cannot be maintained, and the restoration of the capitalist oppression system will not avoid. " ① In the Soviet revisionist" full economic accounting system ", in addition to some companies In addition to the product indicators specified by superiors, some of the products have "all other planned indicators, It does not require the approval of higher-level agencies, but is formulated by the enterprise itself." (In 1965, the Soviet revision Discuss the "Resolution on Improving the Planning Work and Strengthening the Economic Stimulation of Industrial Production") , "Let enterprises have their own The right to modify the product production plan after obtaining an agreement with the consumer (orderer) Plan", "the plan should be based on the consumer's order", in order to expand the enterprise The "independence" and "autonomy" of the country are engaged in free business activities. Isn't this Is competition and production anarchy under monopoly capitalism a replica of it? 2. The "Complete Economic Accounting System" is to implement the capitalist profit principle. We have analyzed earlier that economic accounting under a certain social system is all the same Consistent with the production goals of the society. Capitalist economic accounting is subordinate to the capitalist The basic economic laws are meant to realize the value increase of capital and capture profits; It is not to save social labor and to produce more use value that meets social needs. Socialist economic accounting obeys the basic socialist economic laws for the purpose of How to develop socialist production quickly, efficiently, and economically in order to provide more use value to fulfill ① "The Current Tasks of Soviet Power." "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, Pages 506~507. Page 305 281 To meet the growing needs of the country and people. Realization of value, saving of labor time, Providing accumulation for the country is subject to the above-mentioned production goals. When value and use When there is a contradiction in value, we must first obey this side of use value and obey the society Needs. This means that if society needs a certain product, even if it is produced The product may bring losses, and it must be actively produced. However, the implementation of Economic Accounting System" means "the ruble decides everything" (April 8, 1967, the Soviet revisionist "Leningrad Pravda) , everything is to make money. The Soviet Traitor Group and its Queen Economists tried their best Advocate: "The most important summary indicators of corporate financial activities are profits and profitability." Value accounting has become the main contradiction of economic accounting. All production and operation of enterprises Activities are all revolving around the "grindstone" of profit. Marx is clarifying the capitalist The purpose of production is to say: “To produce surplus value or make money is this mode of production The absolute law. " ① dominated Soviet revisionism" full economic accounting system ", it is the capital Principle of profit. Since profit has become the "most important summary indicator", chasing profit has become The highest goal of production, all business activities of the enterprise must also be subordinate to this goal of. To this end, it is necessary to expand the enterprise (or "combined production company under the economic accounting system", The same below). The power of the enterprise is greater, and the bureaucratic monopoly of the enterprise The high-ranking elements can recklessly pursue profit through various crooked ways. The fact is in this way: Su Xiu's “Communist” magazine confessed in 1970: “Some companies try to... Produce products that are more beneficial to them, or remove unprofitable products from Although these products are very necessary for the national economy) to increase profits. "Su Xiu" Jing ① Marx; Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, Page 679. Page 306 282 The Economic News confessed: Saratov Enamel Products Factory originally planned to produce 147,000 pieces in 1970 A pot with a volume of 1.5 to 5.5 liters, but due to the low profit of this product, only four Seven thousand two hundred. But at the same time, in order to earn bonuses, they have doubled the cost of labor. Cauldron production plan. As a result, there is a backlog of large enamel products, but the people cannot buy the necessary ones. Small enamel products. The Soviet repair company can set the product price by itself, even if it is a unified product The price can also be customized in the name of "one-off temporary negotiation". Knot As a result, arbitrarily driving up prices has become an important means of making huge profits. On May 23, 1970, Soviet revisionist "Socialist Industry News" revealed that many furniture factories were In many cases, the wholesale price and retail price level are raised unfoundedly, and sold at arbitrary prices. Sell ​​​​products. Due to arbitrarily raising prices, 36 companies affiliated to the Ministry of Forestry and Wood Processing Industry The tool factory gained nearly 5 million rubles in extra profit in 1969. Soviet revision in May 1969 "Economic Daily" confessed: "An effective temporary wholesale price can guarantee that A reasonable level of profit." Shymkent Electric Factory once produced an effective temporary The profit rate of wholesale price products is seven times higher than the profit rate of all products of the factory. Precisely because of this For this reason, many companies have long listed a large number of products as such "temporary" Price" products. "Economics Daily" admits that only in the Cable Industry Directorate of the Soviet Ministry of Electrotechnical Device Industry, There are as many as 500 kinds of so-called "temporary price" products. In the Soviet Union, the use of so-called "new products" to increase consumer goods prices in disguise is widespread. The situation of taking huge profits. According to Su Xiu's second issue of "Planned Economy" in 1972: "The price agency Approve the prices of more than 500,000 new consumer products each year." Such as "climbers" Brand semiconductor radios, the original price was 17 rubles each, but it became a so-called "New products" raised the price to 27 rubles. Soviet repair enterprises can decide to dismiss workers and determine their own wage standards. This Like capitalist enterprises, they can “save production costs” by strengthening the Page 307 283 Exploitation of people to achieve the purpose of value proliferation. The so-called "Xie Jinuo Experiment" that Su Xiu hyped up and promoted was like a capitalist enterprise In that way, the method of dismissing workers without authorization can increase the exploitation of workers. According to Su Xiu "Labor Daily" It was revealed that only 292 companies in the Russian Federation that "worked according to the example of the Shekino people" As of July 1, 1973, 70,000 people had been laid off, and most of them were laid off. Both are directly and indirectly related to increasing the labor intensity of workers. In the Soviet Union, the bureaucratic monopoly Arbitrarily dismissed workers, and workers could not bear the harsh working conditions and were forced to “voluntarily resign” The situation is so common that Liaoning has become a serious phenomenon of worker mobility. According to Su Xiu's "Social Lord Volunteer Labor magazine reported that in 1972, the migrant workers in the industrial sector accounted for 20% of the total industrial workers. That is, nearly six million people. Su Xiu's implementation of a complete economic accounting system and a big profit-seeking strategy will inevitably hinder new technologies. The adoption of technology has caused great waste of social labor and hindered the development of social productivity. Fully exposed the decadence of social imperialism. An article published in Su Xiu's "Money and Credit" magazine acknowledged that the The international profit rate is 40% higher than the normal level, while the instrument manufacturing industry is even 1.9 times higher. The telecommunications industry 1.6 times higher. Such a high profit rate "undermines the collective interest of the enterprise in product updates." Su Xiu's "Qi Li Bao" said: "If new technology, new technology, Reduce production within a fixed period, reduce bonuses and profits, which is a disaster for business leaders. “Difficult”, so “the gate of the factory is blocked like a dam, and new technologies are not allowed to enter”. The "Prosperity Party" magazine revealed: "The relatively cheap labor hinders the development of technological progress, because From the perspective of improving profitability indicators, the use of manual labor is better than the replacement of manual labor. The device is more cost-effective. "At present, manual labor accounts for more than half of the Soviet industry. "Money and Credit" The magazine also revealed that according to over 100 machine manufacturing plants in Moscow, Leningrad and Central Ural According to the analysis of the situation, the value of products produced by new technologies accounts for 10% of the total production value When the profit rate is 30%, but when the proportion of products produced by the new technology accounts for 50%, the profit rate is Page 308 284 Reduce to 8~10%. In this way, in order to pursue high profits and high bonuses, companies are certainly not willing to buy Buy and use new technologies. In today's Soviet Union, new technologies cannot be adopted and promoted. Man-made obstacles to development are by no means an individual phenomenon, but a serious problem. 3. The "Complete Economic Accounting System" is a way to strengthen the Exploitation system. Companies that implement the "complete economic accounting system" adopt a "profit sharing" approach The so-called "profit sharing" in the law, according to the "Regulations" of the Soviet revision, "from the profit Runzhong draws a commission and is dominated by the enterprise", and the rest is turned over to the bureaucratic monopoly capitalist class Countries to dominate. The profits from corporate commissions form an economic stimulus fund. It is mainly used as a material thorn Excited. The greater the profit, the more material stimulus funds for the company. Then, who controls the company's stimulus fund mainly falls on Whose pocket is it? The "Regulations" of Soviet revisions stipulate that the right to distribute bonuses belongs to the manager. Since the official of the company The monopolistic bourgeoisie has the right to distribute bonuses, so bonuses will naturally Embezzled by them. According to Su Xiu's "Economic Issues" magazine, among more than 700 factories and enterprises that have been investigated, Workers, who account for 80% to 90% of the company's employees, receive only 18% of the bonus, while a few managers, The factory director and a few technicians accounted for 82% of the bonus. Some factories give workers more bonuses It only accounts for 0.3 to 0.8% of the entire reward fund. The workers pointed out angrily: "The'new system' The characteristic is that the workers go to complete the plan, and the leaders go to receive bonuses. " The "Complete Economic Accounting System" of Soviet revisions has prompted bureaucrats of all sizes to monopolize capital. Page 309 285 The bourgeoisie elements wantonly expanded and strengthened the legal rights of the bourgeoisie and invaded the Soviet people's Fruit of labor. They also used bonuses and other forms to buy and support a few workers and nobles, Intensified the class division in Soviet society. It can be seen that the “complete economic accounting system” is the monopoly of the Soviet revisionist bureaucratic bourgeoisie Tools to restore capitalism. It reflects the production relations of bureaucratic monopoly capitalism: Change the original relationship between socialist enterprises and the state into cold money Relationship (that is, the profit sharing relationship) ① ; the original socialist collaboration between enterprises Relationship, change into an intriguing competitive relationship, transform the socialist relationship within the enterprise, Change into an exploited and exploited employment relationship. Soviet revisionist bureaucratic monopoly capitalist Economic calculations, calculations and calculations are to make a fortune for themselves, making the working people increasingly Poverty, and caused the most unbridled waste in the entire society. This contradiction is only in Su Only after the victory of the second socialist revolution of the United Proletariat can be resolved. ① Article 9 of the Regulations on Socialist State-Owned Production Enterprises by Soviet revisions: “The state is not responsible for the The industry is not responsible for the obligations of the country." A leader of Su Xiu said: "The development of economic The nature of the relationship between the industry and the higher authorities itself has changed. Should be abandoned in economic leading agencies and enterprises The relationship between the former only has rights, while the latter only fulfills the customary concept of duty" (September 28, 1965) Su Xiu "Pravda"). Page 310 Page 311 The third chapter socialist circulation process Page 312 Page 313 287 Chapter 8 Commodity Exchange in a Socialist Society Section 1 Exchange Relations and Their Characteristics in Socialist Society Several types of exchange relations in socialist society The means of production and consumption capital consumed in the process of socialist production and reproduction Materials need to go through the process of circulation before they can be obtained from the physical form and the value form make up. Otherwise, the reproduction cannot continue. Therefore, we are After a preliminary analysis of the production process of socialism, let's analyze the society The circulation process of ism. The process of socialist circulation is still a process of commodity exchange. Commodity exchange is hatch An important hotbed of capitalism and the bourgeoisie. Under the socialist system, new capital The emergence of the property class and the activities of the capitalist roaders within the party to restore capitalism are all related to commodities. Exchange has an inseparable connection. Socialist commodity exchange based on public ownership How can it become the economic basis for capitalism and the bourgeoisie? Since the quotient The exchange of goods will also become the economic basis for the production of capitalism and the Why does the righteous society retain commodity exchange? Socialism under the dictatorship of the proletariat How can the country communicate with capitalism and the bourgeoisie under the conditions of commodity exchange? Fight to push the socialist society forward? To clarify these issues, first We need to analyze several types of exchange relations in socialist society. Page 314 288 After the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production is basically completed, the social There are three types of exchange relations in the socialist society: The first category is the communication between different owners in the socialist public economy. Change relationship. Commodity exchange between the socialist state-owned economy and the collective economy (including Exchange between members of rural people's communes and state-owned businesses), and this collective The exchange of commodities between the economy and another collective economy is this type of exchange. system. At this stage in my country, industrial production is mainly operated by enterprises owned by the whole people. Agricultural production is mainly operated by rural people's communes under collective ownership. Ministry of State Industry The door needs grain, non-staple food and various agricultural raw materials produced by rural people's communes. The village people's commune needs agricultural machinery, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. produced by the state-owned industrial sector Production materials and various consumption materials. Between the state-owned economy and the collective economy, in order to To obtain the products they need, an exchange relationship will inevitably occur. People's Commune Buying daily industrial products in state-owned stores is actually a state-owned economy and collective economy An exchange between. Between the collective economies of the rural people's communes, On the one hand, it is necessary to exchange information and adjust the remaining and deficiencies. All levels of the same rural people's commune Between collective economies, such as communal farms, brigade farms and production team farms Between the commune's agricultural machinery repairing plant, the brigade agricultural machinery repairing station and the production team, there are also mutual With or without, the need to obtain certain products from each other. Therefore, various rural people The collective economy of the civil commune, and the collective economy of all levels within the same commune. Commodity exchange relations are bound to occur. The second category is the exchange relationship within the socialist economy of ownership by the whole people. It pack Including commodity exchanges between socialist state-owned enterprises and socialist state-owned commerce Page 315 289 Commodity exchange with employees. In the process of socialist production, some state-owned enterprises are engaged in the production of production materials. Some state-owned enterprises are engaged in the production of consumption materials. Engaged in the production of consumer goods State-owned enterprises need to obtain necessary production capital from state-owned enterprises that produce production materials Materials before production. State-owned enterprises engaged in the production of means of production also need to Only when they obtain the production materials they need, can they produce. In this way, in the state Between enterprises, in order to obtain the products they need, an exchange relationship is bound to occur. The state has regard to those working in state-owned enterprises, state agencies, and cultural, educational and health departments. Employees, according to the socialist principle of Payment for labor in the form of currency wages. The staff took the currency and went to the state-run store to buy Various consumer goods. This kind of commodity exchange between state-owned businesses and employees is actually Exchange relations between the state and workers. The third category is the exchange relationship associated with the economic remnants of individual ownership. This kind of In addition to the remaining self-employed workers in industry, agriculture, and commerce, and the masses of workers and peasants In addition to the exchange of goods, it mainly refers to the relationship between farmers and farmers, between farmers and urban residents and farmers. Commodity exchange between the people and the commercial sector. Under the condition that the members of the rural people's communes retain their own land and family sideline jobs In exchange for the products they need, members of the company will set up their own land and household sideline products The surplus of the self-sufficiency of the country will be sold to the commercial sector, or in the rural It is sold directly to members and urban residents at the market. This is also an exchange relationship. It occupies a small proportion in the entire commodity circulation, but at the current stage it still necessary. Because it helps increase the income of members and supplement the socialist market Certain commodity resources are conducive to adjusting the non-staple food needs of urban residents. The three types of exchanges in socialist society reflect socialist labor Page 316 290 The process of transforming products from commodities to future direct social products of communism. Capitalism Society is a society in which commodity production and commodity exchange have developed to their peak. There, not only All products of labor appear in the form of commodities, and even the labor of workers It has also become a commodity. The future communist society is commodity production and commodity exchange A society that has completely disappeared. At that time, all labor products, including consumer goods and production Data will be the objects of direct distribution by society and will no longer appear as commodities. In slave The socialist society during the transition from a capitalist society to a communist society, labor Products have a process of transformation from commodities to direct social products of communism. this is A historical process that lasted several hundred years, but the beginning of this transformation has been It can be seen in the above three types of exchanges. The third type of exchange mentioned above is based on private ownership The basic commodity exchange, it shares a lot in nature with the commodity exchange in the old society Place. The first type of exchange is the exchange of commodities on the basis of socialist public ownership. From the perspective of the exchange of goods between different owners, the exchange of goods with the old society did not Much difference, but it is a planned advancement on the basis of socialist public ownership Yes, it is exchanged with capitalist commodities that is completely in a state of competition and anarchy It has been different. The second type of exchange is the exchange of commodities within the scope of ownership by the whole people. Compared with the exchange of goods between different owners in history, the difference is even greater some. The exchange of commodities between socialist state-owned enterprises has not fundamentally changed Change the ownership of the product, and the product after the exchange is still the property of the country. Economics contains the factors that the society directly distributes the means of production. Between the country and the employees In terms of exchange, since labor is no longer a commodity, the commodity exchange here is the same as in the past. There are also differences in commodity exchange, which already includes the direct distribution of consumer goods by society. The three different types of exchange in socialist society, although the The nature of exchange is different, but all these exchanges are exchanges of labor. country Page 317 291 The exchange of their products between the business enterprise and the collective economy is between workers and farmers Exchange their labor. Similarly, the exchange of various One's own products are also the exchange of labor between workers and farmers. Because one All products are the materialization of labor. This kind of labor exchange, as long as there are different economic The economic sector exists even in communist society. Because there is no economy The department can be fully self-sufficient and produce all the products that the department needs. However, under socialist conditions, labor exchange must take the form of commodity exchange. This complicates the problem. Under socialist conditions, remove a small amount of In addition, the entire social production is based on two socialist public ownership systems, namely ownership by the whole people and collective On the basis of ownership. Socialist public ownership is not fully mature Public ownership with the tradition or traces of private ownership, based on this public ownership The production, the products produced, and the labor that creates these products, all Both have direct sociality, but also have private traditions or traces. All collective Ownership enterprises are the owners of their products. All enterprises owned by the whole people, Not only are they the owners of their products relative to collectively owned enterprises, but also, Due to the relative independence of business operations, among the state-owned enterprises, Also maintain the "you and me boundary." In this way, the various societies linked by the division of labor To obtain the products of other enterprises, it can only take the form of commodity exchange. Formula, implement equivalent exchange. In the history of commodity exchange, we have crossed two major stages. In simple Under the condition of commodity production, the entire exchange process is expressed as a formula: commodity (W)-currency (G)-commodity (W). "The ultimate goal of this cycle is Page 318 292 Consumption is to satisfy needs, in short, it is use value. " ①In the capitalist commodity market Under the conditions of production, the entire exchange process is represented by another formula: currency (G)—— Commodity (W)-currency (G). Since the G at both ends of this formula is used as one The currency of general equivalent is completely equal in quality, if the G at both ends of the formula is Equivalent, then this exchange formula will be meaningless. Therefore, the G—W—G The formula must be expressed as the formula of G—W—G', and there must be a value proliferation. Significant. Therefore, the WGW commodity circulation formula in the simple commodity economy, Under the conditions of capitalist commodity economy, it will inevitably develop into GWG' capital This circulation formula. This is what Marx pointed out: "The motives and decisions of this cycle The purpose is to exchange value itself. " ② two commodities exchange, reflecting the different social Meeting relationships have their own different purposes, and they are distinguished in principle. Under socialist conditions, how does the process of commodity exchange manifest itself? What? This is a problem that people often care about. From the perspective of the ultimate goal of commodity exchange under socialist conditions, it seems to be the same as simple The exchange under the conditions of commodity production is the same, it is the satisfaction of needs and the use value. However, it is still qualitatively different from the exchange under simple commodity production conditions. simple Commodity production is based on individual ownership. Generally speaking, one family The household is a production unit, so in the process of production and exchange, the price is The regular adjustment of the value, the polarization is particularly intense. Commodity production in a socialist society, Is built on the basis of ownership by the whole people and collective ownership, so in production and delivery In the process of exchange, the law of planned and proportional development emerged, which can be used nationwide Regulate the production and exchange of commodities; the scope of the law of value has been greatly affected. ①②Marx : "Das Kapital" Volume 1, "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, page 171.  Page 319 293 Restrictions, generally speaking, do not appear to be as polarized as under individual ownership 化. In addition, the needs to be met are also different: simple commodity production meets The needs of the producers themselves; the production of commodities in a socialist society meets The needs of society. Marx said: "The capitalist from the capitalist mode of production Righteous possession, and thus capitalist private ownership, which is The first negation of activity-based private ownership. But capitalist production is due to natural The inevitability of the process caused the denial of itself. This is negative negation. Such no Definitely not to re-establish private ownership, but to build on the achievements of the capitalist era, In other words, in collaboration and the sharing of land and the means of production produced by labor itself On the basis of the same possession, re-establish personal ownership. " ① The members of the whole society work together Possession of the means of production, consciously treating many of their individual labor as a social labor Power to use, produce and consume together, every member of society is a social asset The owner of the product. In this sense, this kind of social ownership is indeed The return of "systematic" is only a return at a higher stage. At that stage, The exchange process of social labor is neither selling for buying nor buying for selling; W— The two formulas of G—W and G—W—G′ will withdraw from the stage of history; the product will no longer Converted into commodities, and thus no longer manifested as value. Society out of its own needs Development is the production and distribution process of direct social products. In a socialist society, It has not yet reached the point where the whole society has all the means of production. There are two types of public ownership. system. Under socialist conditions, we still intercept every piece of the enterprise's production process We can see the form of monetary capital circulation G—W—G′, but even in this The increased value realized in the fragmentary cycle is not labor conversion The surplus value brought to capital for the commodity, but the laborer as the social master ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, page 832. Page 320 294 The new value created by society-social net income. This new value is still for full Meeting the needs of laborers is to further expand the production of use value. therefore, From the perspective of the total process of socialist production, social production is essentially WGW produce. In a socialist society, G—W—G′ is just a piece of the entire capital cycle And its existence is not isolated, it is subordinate to WGW. therefore, Commodity exchange under socialist conditions can also be said to be an expanded and higher stage Exchanges under the simple commodity production conditions on the above, their common point is to satisfy the demand Yes, for use value, they are all W—G—W, and they are all sold for buying. Just in society Under the conditions of socialism, this kind of meeting needs through commodity exchange is not for the sake of one family. It's for thousands of households, that is, to meet the needs of the country and the people. However, “commodity production and developed commodity circulation, namely trade, are capital assets. The historical premise of birth. " ① socialist society is born out of capitalist society As long as it still has commodity circulation, namely W—G—W, it will produce capitalism And the bourgeoisie. In other words, under certain conditions, the realization of use value is The purpose of commodity exchange, namely WGW, will also be used for those whose purpose is to pursue surplus value. GWG' transformation makes the cycle of WGW subordinate to the cycle of GWG' Ring, so that money becomes capital. This is because no matter what kind of commodity exchange, All are to realize the value of commodities. The value of a commodity is consumed by the production of this commodity The necessary amount of labor is determined by the necessary labor time of the society. Here, the value is The manifestation of bourgeois legal rights is revealed. In order to realize the value of goods, There will be a "value chasing frenzy", which completely negates socialist production and exchange The purpose is to use value. The profit peg that appears in the process of socialist commodity exchange Phenomena such as being handsome and speculative are actually realizing WGW to GWG′ ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, p. 167. Page 321 295 The transformation process makes the latter have independent meaning. Once this conversion is completed, Motivation becomes a commodity again, money is transformed into capital again, and capitalism is restored. Opened up. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique restored capitalism in the process of commodity exchange. Came this way. Bourgeois rights in exchange relations The exchange in the socialist society still takes the form of commodity exchange, so it must exist. In the bourgeois right. Further analyze and understand the social exchange relations The bourgeois right that exists in the dictatorship is consciously restricted under the dictatorship of the proletariat, For the continuous improvement of the exchange relationship in the socialist society, create conditions for the future The gradual transition to the form of direct distribution of products in a communist society has important implications. Righteousness. The law of commodity exchange is equivalent exchange. Marx said: "Commodity exchange In pure form, it is the exchange of equivalents" ① . This means that commodities are in principle It is exchanged in accordance with the amount of socially necessary labor, that is, the amount of value. This from the table On the surface, it seems to be equal, but in fact it is unequal. In capitalism In society, capitalists purchase workers' labor force based on the principle of equivalent exchange. Thus squeezing the unpaid labor of workers. Between capitalists and small producers, production The conditions are different; capitalist enterprises with strong capital and modern technology and equipment It takes much less labor to produce the same commodity than that of small producers, However, the exchange of commodities can only be carried out according to the amount of necessary labor in the same society. ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, Numbers 180~181 page. Page 322 296 OK, this will inevitably produce income inequality; produce big fish eat small fish, small fish The polarization of eating dried shrimps. Obviously, equal rights in equal exchange, It is a kind of bourgeois legal right, which actually contains inequality. Benefits, but not to workers; benefits the big bourgeoisie, but not the petty bourgeoisie Profit. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the bourgeoisie used to With political slogans demanding equal rights and fairness, they attacked the feudal system. Enge Si pointed out: "Labor determines the value of commodities, and the products of labor Commodity owners with equal rights exchange freely, these-just as Marx has Proved-all political, legal and philosophical of the modern bourgeoisie The reality foundation on which ideology is built. " ① In a socialist society, despite the establishment of socialist public ownership, workers are The owner of the means of production does not sell his labor force as a commodity. In point of view, bourgeois legal rights are no longer recognized by society. However, in general In terms of products, they are still exchanged as commodities. Although the production conditions of each production unit Different, the actual labor time spent to produce the same product is different, but in principle it is still It must be exchanged in accordance with the amount of labor necessary for the same society. For example, in the purchase of goods, The commercial sector must not rely on these production units to produce the same products. The production conditions of the units are different, and there can be different purchase prices, but only Purchasing in accordance with the unified national price. This means that in the purchase of goods, The state only recognizes the amount of socially necessary labor to produce a certain commodity, but does not recognize The different labor hours actually consumed by the production unit is a spur to backward enterprises But it will bring unequal income to units with different production conditions. also ① Engels: "Marx and Rodbertus". "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 21, Number 210 page. Page 323 297 For example, in the purchase of agricultural and sideline products, the state currently implements "reward sales and overpurchase markup" This method will also bring unequal income to units with different production conditions. Into. The acquisition of products of production units with different conditions in accordance with a unified The present is still a bourgeois right. Commodity exchange must use currency as a medium. The value of the commodity that goes into exchange, but also Expressed as price. Due to the existence of contradiction between commodity supply and demand, the principle of equivalent exchange "only exists In the average, it does not exist in every individual occasion" ① . In every commodity In the exchange, the equal value is achieved, and the price is exactly the same as the value. This is in any society It will be impossible. The price of a commodity deviates from its value, and the amount of value Various equal commodities will be sold at different prices in the market. This is a commodity Another manifestation of bourgeois legal rights in the exchange. In a capitalist society, under the conditions of competition and production anarchy, etc. The trend of price exchange can only be through the fluctuation of market prices, through the price sometimes higher than The constant deviation of value, sometimes below value, is manifested. In a socialist society, Commodities exchanged in bazaar trade will also fluctuate in price higher or lower. in In the planned market, commodity prices are not formed spontaneously in market competition but are determined by the state. It is stipulated in a planned way by the home agency. However, the prices of various commodities specified in the plan are also kept There are varying degrees of deviation from value. Those whose prices are higher than their value Production units can obtain more income through exchange; otherwise, they can only obtain Less income, which brings de facto inequality. In the socialist exchange, the existence of bourgeois legal rights is inevitable. A socialist country under the dictatorship of the proletariat, according to the interests of the proletariat ① Marx: "A Critique of the Gotha Program." "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Annual edition, page 11. Page 324 298 Use it to serve socialist construction. However, the bourgeois law in commodity exchange Power is also the soil for the birth of capitalism and the bourgeoisie. From the perspective of human history, since the emergence of the third social division of labor, Merchant class. "It does not participate in production at all, but completely seizes the leadership of production And make the producers obey themselves economically, it has become a disagreement between every two producers. The missing middleman, and exploits both of them. " ① With this truly With the formation of social parasitic classes, a commodity system based on private ownership will eventually form Up. Later capitalism and the bourgeoisie were also cultivated in the circulation field from Produced in the polarization of small commodity producers. This historical phenomenon is worth noting It tells us that as long as the commodity exchange system is implemented, there is The soil of ism and the bourgeoisie. In a socialist society, individual farmers and handicraftsmen have embarked on collectivization Roads, but each collectively owned enterprise is still a different owner; Each collective production unit has different technical equipment, different natural conditions, and the same production The amount of labor entrusted by the commodities is different, and under the conditions of equal exchange The income brought by the production unit is also different, which creates a difference between the poor team and the rich team. The deviation of the price and value of various agricultural and sideline products is a resource for chasing high-priced and large-profit products. Capitalist tendencies provide the economic foundation. At the same time, collective farmers still retain a small amount of Reserved land and family sideline jobs; there are still a small number of non-agricultural self-employed workers in the society. In this case, the habitual power of small producers, part of the individual wealthy farmers The idea of ​​​​getting rich cannot be eliminated immediately. Some of them capitalist ideas Serious people will use the bourgeois rights in commodity exchanges to trade in bazaars. ① Engels: "The Origin of Family, Private Ownership and State". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 4, People People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 162. Page 325 299 To make waves, or take advantage of the contradiction between supply and demand in commodity exchanges to engage in long-distance trafficking, Speculation is waiting for capitalist activities. In the case of socialist state-owned enterprises, due to technical equipment and management In different situations, the amount of labor consumed to produce goods is different, and the implementation of equivalent exchange will also give Different state-owned enterprise units bring different incomes. These different incomes in all Under the condition that it is turned over to the state for unified control and use, there will be no difference in personal income. different. However, it will affect the achievement of profit targets by these state-owned enterprises. in When commodity prices deviate from value, some enterprises will leave socialist production. The purpose of production, only according to the cost, price and profit level to arrange the production and Commodity exchange, one-sided pursuit of achieving output value targets and sales targets; Business, the operation of small commodities; the operation of heavy parts, the operation of light parts. If repair If the orthodox line is dominant, the company will implement the policy of profit Taking into account the needs of the country and the people, we will benefit greatly, but will benefit the small ones. And right The commodities most urgently needed by the people are left aside, and they specialize in dealing with those whose prices are higher than the price. Worth of goods in order to earn more profits. If this development continues, socialist Production relations will also be transformed into capitalist production relations. The principle of commodity exchange will also invade the political life of the party and the country. Within the party The bourgeoisie will inevitably use its power to change the party and state in accordance with the principle of commodity exchange. The healthy political life of the family has turned the relationship between people into “naked interests”. "Relationship" has become a "cold and ruthless'cash transaction'" ① , even thinking of himself As a commodity, ask the party and the people high prices. Therefore, the commodity exchange in a socialist society, regardless of its form and substance ① "The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, No. 253 pages. Page 326 300 From a point of view, they are the soil for the birth of capitalism and the bourgeoisie, not much like the old society To minimize differences, it must be restricted under the dictatorship of the proletariat, and we must never lose our vigilance. The Soviet revisionist traitor group and its queen economists, in order to promote the restoration of capitalism China's revisionist line strives to deny that the commodity exchange system is a remnant of the old society. Bo Since Rezhnev came to power, the economic circles of the Soviet Union have intensified their efforts to beautify the commodity system. In order to meet the needs of the revisionist line of so-called "economic reform", and make every effort to attack The commodity system of a socialist society reflects the traditions or traces of the old society The correct point of view, saying that this point of view is "a correct understanding of commodity products under the socialist system A major obstacle to currency relations" must be "overcomed." Commodity currency relations under the socialist system will not produce capitalism and capitalism Level myth, what does it say "Using commodity-currency relations cannot lead to personal wealth The emergence of the factors of wealth and capitalism". The purpose is to cover up the Soviet capital The evil reality of the restoration of justice, for a small group of bureaucratic monopoly capitalists to exploit Soviet labor The people make the theoretical basis. Section 2 The Role of Socialist Commodity Exchange Fight against restrictions and anti-restrictions Promote production development and improve people's lives In the process of social reproduction, production plays a decisive role. No production, There can be no exchange. Moreover, the depth, breadth and method of exchange are all determined by production The material basis of socialist commodity exchange. Chairman Mao pointed out as early as 1942 Out: "Developing the economy and ensuring supply is the main part of our economic and financial work. Page 327 301 General policy. " ① Only the development of industrial and agricultural production, in order to have plenty of full production To meet the needs of the further development of production and the expansion of infrastructure, can there be sufficient consumption. Expenditures are supplied to the market to continuously improve the people's living standards. Left workers and peasants For the development of industrial production, it is impossible to promote socialist commodity exchange. However, exchange is by no means a negative and passive factor to production. Engels said: Product trade is “generally dominated by production movements”, but “it is also reversed To have an effect on the movement of production" ② . Production and exchange "These two functions All restrict and influence each other, so that they can be called the horizontal Coordinates and ordinates. ” ③ The exchange of production materials among enterprises under ownership by the whole people mediates all parts of the country The exchange of materials between districts, various departments of the national economy, and enterprises is to make production normal An important guarantee for progress and acceleration. The planned and proportional development of the national economy requires Seeking to distribute the means of production among the various departments in a planned way; Distribution is achieved through the planned exchange of production materials. According to production needs, The planned exchange of production materials on time, quality, quantity, and specifications, It plays an important role in promoting production and the development of the national economy. The exchange between the two socialist public ownership economies is a bridge between agriculture and industry. Liang is the link between production and consumption, and it links the socialist economy of ownership by the whole people and ① "Economic and Financial Problems in the Anti-Japanese Period." Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 3, People's Publishing House 1967 Horizontal Edition, p.846. ② Engels: "To Kang Schmidt (October 27, 1890)". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, page 481. ③ Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Version. Page 328 302 Intermediate links between collective ownership economy, cities and villages. The effect of this exchange is In order to promote the development of industrial and agricultural production and meet people's needs for industrial and agricultural products. The smooth progress of the exchange of industrial and agricultural products is conducive to Mutual support between townships is conducive to consolidating the alliance of workers and peasants and strengthening the dictatorship of the proletariat The class basis. As Lenin pointed out: "Commodity exchange is a measure of The standard of whether the relationship is normal" ① , "Use large-scale (socialist) The products of industry are exchanged for the products of farmers. This is the economic essence of socialism. The foundation of socialism. " ② . In order to give full play to the positive effect of socialist exchange on production and consumption, it is necessary to All contradictions in the exchange process must be correctly handled. During the exchange of production materials between socialist state-owned enterprises, a large number of What is born is the contradiction between production and needs. From the production enterprise to the consumer enterprise Circulation between time is a very complicated process. Production produced by a state-owned enterprise Data must be supplied to hundreds of state-owned enterprises for consumption; similarly, a state-owned enterprise Hundreds or thousands of state-owned enterprises need to provide it with the means of production; There are many varieties, specifications and models. The lack of main materials will certainly make production impossible. OK, even the lack of auxiliary materials will seriously affect production. In socialist nationals In the process of high-speed economic development, the growth rate of production The growth rate of production is faster than that of consumer materials, but the quantity and quality of Varieties, specifications, etc., cannot meet the needs of the rapid development of the socialist cause. A phenomenon that often occurs. The contradiction between the production and the needs of this means of production necessarily shows ① "Instructions (Draft) of the Labor Defense Committee to the Local Soviet Organizations." The Complete Works of Lenin No. 32 Volume, page 374. ② "Outline of the Book "On Grain Tax". "The Complete Works of Lenin" Vol. 32, p. 311. Page 329 303 Now it is the central and local governments, various departments of the national economy, various regions and various state-owned enterprises The contradiction between. Under socialist conditions, these contradictions are not like capitalist society In that way, through the spontaneous role of the law of value in competition and production anarchy The solution is mainly based on the requirements of the “unified The principle of “one leadership, hierarchical management, and division of labor” establishes certain material management The system is constantly solved by formulating a supply plan for the means of production. Our country The practical experience of socialism construction shows that in the process of the exchange of production materials, how To handle the contradiction between production and needs, there are always two classes and two roads A fierce struggle with the two lines. The line of the party's bourgeoisie to resolve this contradiction, Either it advocates "free management", or it advocates "dictatorship by rule." Follow this To deal with the contradiction between production and demand, not only detrimental to the means of production The close connection between production and consumption, and will destroy this connection; not only disadvantageous In the process of continuously improving the exchange of production materials in accordance with the socialist principles Regions, departments, and the interrelationships between central and local economic departments Relationship, and it will destroy this relationship and make capitalist mutual relationships proliferate. Long before the Cultural Revolution, Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping were involved in material management Regarding the system, we have tried our best to promote the "high monopoly" revisionist line, Dictatorship" tied the hands and feet of the place to death. In the circulation of the means of production The phenomenon of "national dispatch" and "national support" has been this kind of The product of the “dictatorship”, the result is a serious disconnection between production, supply, and sales, which binds the ground. Fanghe's enthusiasm for the development of production undermined the socialist ownership of the whole people and destroyed Broken production. The socialist revolution and socialist construction are the work of millions of people cause. The "Dictatorship of Articles" has stifled millions of people's enthusiasm for socialism died. This is in the name of strengthening the leadership of the central unified plan, and exercising bourgeois dictatorship Page 330 304 The reality. Chairman Mao's remarks on "Let the localities do more under the unified plan of the central government" The teaching of ① is a powerful critique of the "dictatorship". Criticizing the "Dictatorship of Articles" On the basis of “unified leadership, hierarchical management, and division of labor” Then, implement the reform of the material management system; differentiate and step by step Under the national unified plan, the implementation of regional balance, balance allocation, variety adjustment, guarantee “Turn over” approach. This requires that before the national unified plan and local guarantees In this regard, let the local governments do more and implement the raw materials and equipment produced in the region. On-site balance, on-site matching. The correct implementation of this method is conducive to implementation Chairman Mao's great strategic policy of "preparing for war, preparing for famine, and serving the people" is beneficial To strengthen the Party's unified leadership over economic work and to gradually establish various cooperation areas Even the industrial system in many provinces is conducive to mobilizing the enthusiasm of both the central and local governments. Conducive to handling well between the central and local governments, between regions and regions, enterprises and enterprises The interrelationship between them promotes the development of production. However, Deng Xiaoping, the largest capitalist roader in the party, soon returned to work and Order to reverse the case of the Cultural Revolution and re-implement the "dictatorship". He slandered the material management system System decentralization is "scattered", and the ongoing reform of the material management system must be stopped, Back; in the so-called "Regulations" for accelerating industrial development However, he publicly yelled: "Those who should be concentrated must be concentrated, not scattered." This is Deng One of Xiaoping's important measures to promote a counter-revolutionary revisionist line in the economic field One: "Receive power and control scattered." Material management reformed through the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Management system, which greatly mobilized the enthusiasm and initiative of localities and enterprises Mobility, no matter in planning allocation, organizing supply, pursuing potential and adjusting surplus There has been a lively situation; in the material adjustment work, the industry, ① Quoted from "People's Daily" on November 6, 1971. Page 331 305 Enterprise boundaries, talk about the route, consider the overall situation, carry forward the style, examples of mutual support, layer Endless. Deng Xiaoping's attack on the reform of the material management system is the so-called "scattered". An excuse for "several dictatorship." There is also a problem of "scattering" in material management. If some business units engage in their own "reserves", they will find their own For beggars, free exchange, etc., this tendency of capitalist liberalization, in society The whole historical stage of ism has its profound socio-economic roots and political ideological roots. of. However, many of this "dispersion" was caused by Deng Xiaoping's reintroduction of the "dictatorship". The consequences. The "Dictatorship of Articles" divides the "districts of various industries" "Articles" are regarded as an "independent kingdom" that cannot be inserted into the His hands and feet are tied to death; at the same time, a large amount of raw material is left The gap has forced factories and enterprises to find ways to make the production materials in circulation The tendency of capitalist liberalization is rampant. Therefore, this kind of "scattering" is a big deal The inevitable product of "Dictatorship of Articles". Between socialist state-owned enterprises and collective-owned enterprises, in collective The situation is also very complicated in the process of the exchange of goods between the ownership enterprises. it The objects of our exchange are mainly consumer goods, but also part of the means of production. In complexity The contradiction between production and demand will also exist for a long time in the relationship of commodity exchange. This This kind of contradiction is specifically manifested as the relationship between the commercial sector and the agriculture, industrial sector, and consumers. The contradiction between. The contradiction between socialist commerce and agriculture is mainly manifested in the Purchase and retention ratio, purchase price, purchase form, and supply and price of industrial products, etc. surface. Part of the production of agricultural and sideline products is commercial production to meet social needs. The other part is self-sufficient production to meet the needs of farmers. In agriculture The level of mechanization is not high, and agricultural production is easily affected by natural conditions. Page 332 306 The commodity rate of agricultural products in my country is still relatively low. For example, provided by farmers in 1974 Commercial grain only accounts for 21.6 percent of the total grain output. Under this condition, Properly arranging the purchase and retention ratio of agricultural and sideline products is of great significance. Properly arranged The principle of the purchase and retention ratio of agricultural and sideline products is: even if the country can obtain the necessary quantity For agricultural and sideline products, farmers' production and lives must be properly arranged. socialism While commerce purchases agricultural and sideline products, it must also do a good job of sending industrial products to the countryside. Seek to have contacts and exchanges to fully meet the needs of socialist agricultural production and farmers' lives want. The purchase price of agricultural and sideline products and the supply price of industrial products are directly related to the agricultural The income of the people is related to the expansion of agricultural reproduction and the accumulation of the country. To be sure Reasonable purchase prices of agricultural and sideline products and supply prices of industrial products make the delivery of industrial and agricultural products Exchange maintains the relationship of equivalent or nearly equivalent exchange. Follow the principles of socialism Only by managing the contradiction between commerce and agriculture can we do a good job in the exchange of materials between urban and rural areas and mobilize farmers' social Socialist production enthusiasm, promote the development of industrial and agricultural production, and consolidate the alliance of workers and farmers. The relationship between socialist commerce and industry is mainly the relationship within the state-owned economy. State-owned industry is engaged in production, and state-owned commerce is engaged in sales. Whether the quality, variety, and price meet the needs of the market often occurs contradiction. Industrial production generally has relative stability, while market needs generally It is changeable. The relationship between relatively stable industrial production and changing market needs Contradictions often lead to contradictions between industry and commerce. Other contradictions are Sales plans are not well connected, and there is a lack of investigation and research on production and market development and its laws. Research caused. However, the contradiction between industry and commerce, in general, is the same as the wrong line Interference and the influence of capitalist management thinking are inseparable. For the correct solution For contradictions between business, the industrial and commercial departments must follow the socialist principles and closely interact with each other. Collaborative relationship between. The commercial sector should strengthen investigation and research, reflect the needs Page 333 307 Extremely assist the industrial sector to develop production, expand varieties, improve quality, and give full play to Self-active role. The industrial sector must meet the procurement needs of the commercial sector as much as possible. Supply on time, quality, quantity, variety, and specifications. The contradiction between production and demand in the process of industrial and agricultural commodity exchange must ultimately manifest It is the contradiction between socialist commerce and consumers. With the leap of industrial and agricultural production Development, the people's purchasing power continues to increase, and it is more important for food, clothing and use. Seek variety. Correctly handle the contradiction between business and agriculture, and business and industry. The prerequisite for dealing with the contradiction between business and consumers. For the correct solution of business and consumption The contradiction of the author, also requires business workers to further establish a whole-hearted service for the people The idea of ​​​​dealing with the emerging contradictions in a timely manner. Our business workers say it well: "The three-foot counter is limited, and the service for workers, peasants and soldiers is unlimited." With this Thinking, socialist business will actively organize according to the needs of workers, peasants and soldiers Supply, rationally allocate commodities, arrange the socialist market, and create a variety of The form of serving the workers, peasants and soldiers shoulders the responsibility of better organizing the economic life of the people. The struggle between restriction and anti-restriction in the field of commodity exchange In the field of commodity exchange, the proletariat must restrict The class must do everything possible to resist. Therefore, the socialist exchange The struggle between the class and the bourgeoisie is essentially a struggle between restriction and anti-restriction. This kind of The struggle is fierce and will last for a long time. In the Soviet Union, capitalism The field of exchange has been fully restored, overflowing into disaster. This fact is fully aware of The sharp and complex class struggle in the exchange field is meaningful. In the field of exchange, the Soviet traitor group desperately expanded the bourgeoisie's Develop socialist production and socialist commerce serving the improvement of people's lives, change Page 334 308 It became a capitalist business with the highest goal of chasing profit. The Soviet Union today has implemented capitalist commercialization in the circulation of production materials. early In 1955, the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union abolished the prohibition on sale and delivery passed in 1951. Provisions for replacing unused equipment and materials. In 1957, the direct sales and purchase system of production and sales units was introduced. And some important production materials, such as automobiles, tractors, electrical equipment, etc., are sold freely. Cancel the planned allocation and distribution system. In 1965, it was stipulated that enterprises could freely buy and sell “excess” Production materials can be leased out for "temporarily unused" plant and equipment. As for the rural areas, the Soviet Union in 1968 The Supreme Soviet passed the "Land Legislation Principles", stipulating that collective farms have the right to transfer or disguise Lease the borrowed "state-owned" land. The New Collective Farm Model Regulations issued by the Soviet Union in 1969 It is stipulated that the farm chairman has the right to freely buy and sell agricultural machinery and other production materials. Because Su Xiu successively cancelled Various restrictions on the field of commodity circulation, expand the scope of commodity trading without any restrictions, make the means of production One-third of the total is included in the wholesale business track, and two-thirds are freely bought and sold by both parties. The circulation channels of consumption materials have also been transformed into capitalist circulation channels. Taking profit as The capitalist operating principle of purpose governs the circulation field. State-owned business under the Brezhnev brand Stores, picking up high prices for consumers, deducting the amount to be shoddy, resorting to fraud, and adopting Extend working hours, strengthen labor intensity, and extract more surplus labor. Except for state-owned stores In addition, there are three types of free markets in the Soviet Union in the sale of consumer goods, namely the collective farm market, Free market for high-priced commercial and industrial consumer goods. 70% of the collective farm market in the Soviet Union Set in a city, where market prices are different in the morning and evening, it is full of all kinds of speculative activities. consumption The high-priced commerce of cooperatives also deals in agricultural and sideline products. They implement high-priced purchases and high-priced sales. The mode of operation, concurrently operating agency sales, is not much different from the collective farm market. Many cooperatives are high The price commerce is located in the collective farm market. Goods sold in the free market for industrial consumer goods, large All were obtained through corruption, theft, backdoor, arbitrage, and privileged acquisitions from "internal shops", or They are bought and resold from foreign tourists and seamen. Most of the goods sold here are in state-owned stores. The price of things that are out of stock for a long time or cannot be bought at all is generally two or three times higher than that of state-owned stores. Many of the sellers in the free market of industrial products are speculators who trade thousands of miles. Like Like the collective farm market, the free market for industrial products is also a paradise for speculators. Page 335 309 In a socialist society, the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party The bourgeois rights of the country and the restoration of capitalism will inevitably advocate the expansion of the free market field. Bukharin once preached the fallacy of "normalization" in the market, Can freely play with prices in a vain attempt to cancel the market regulation of the socialist state plan To promote the development of the spontaneous forces of capitalism. Lenin said: "What is turnover from by? Freedom of turnover means freedom of trade, and freedom of trade means regressing to capital Go right. "This kind of turnover and freedom of trade will inevitably make commodity producers divide Turned into capital owners and labor owners, divided into capitalists and wage workers, That is to say, the restoration of capitalist wage slavery" ① . The Soviet Union’s The complete restoration of capitalism emerged under the slogan of "freedom of trade." This shocking fact shows that the proletariat is seizing power and establishing productive capital. After the expected socialist public ownership, if there are no restrictions on the commodity exchange system, capital Capitalism will develop quickly, which in turn will disintegrate the economic foundation of socialism. In the field of commodity exchange in our country, restrictions and counter-restrictions on bourgeois legal rights The struggle is also very fierce. This struggle is concentrated in the inclusion of commodity exchange The planned track still goes against the plan and engages in "free trade". In order to limit the delivery In exchange for the bourgeois legal rights, my country implements a unified purchase of grain, oil, cotton, etc. The unified marketing policy implements the state's planned allocation and distribution of important production materials, and Conditionally gradually narrowed so as to cancel the regional price difference of some commodities. For example, for most A national price has been implemented for medicines and some daily industrial products. State agencies and In addition, various measures have been taken to strengthen market management and combat capitalist speculation in urban and rural areas. To protect the basic needs of the people. The proletariat restricts the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, and the bourgeoisie must oppose it ① "The Tenth Congress of the Communist Party of Russia (Both)." "The Complete Works of Lenin" Vol. 32, p. 206. Page 336 310 This restriction. The party's bourgeoisie Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping tried their best to promote The revisionist line of “free trade” advocates “free market” and “free price The fallacies such as “latitude” and “free competition” desperately oppose the proletariat's The restrictions of the bourgeoisie's legal powers are vainly trying to make urban and rural capitalist forces widespread in the field of circulation. Abuse. They also put out "profits in command", "service to the whole people", and "business first" Waiting for illicit goods, trying to apply capitalist operating principles to socialist commodity trading In exchange. Liu Shaoqi also preached the so-called "people who engage in that line of things, It's allowed to buy more"; Lin Biao preached that Fallacies such as "backdoor" legality try to corrupt people's thinking. Their evil intentions It wants to restore capital by strengthening and expanding the bourgeois rights of exchange. Ism. The new and old bourgeois elements in society also often make waves in the circulation field. Attack the proletariat and socialism. They engage in speculative activities, disrupt and Destroy the socialist market; under the name of "cooperation", they engage in illegal attempts to obtain Barter for the private interests of individuals or small groups. Under the guidance of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line, Conspiracies like Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping were crushed, and capitalist forces did not Suffered a heavy blow. However, as long as the commodity exchange system still exists, capitalism and capitalism will breed. The soil of the property class. Therefore, in the field of exchange, between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie The struggle between restriction and anti-restriction will continue for a long time. Restrict the bourgeois right of social exchange in socialist society and never It means that the exchange of goods can be cancelled. On the contrary, as production develops, one must Leading and planned development of commodity exchange under the socialist system. But at the same time Limit the bourgeois rights of this exchange. Especially restrict the exchange The spontaneous effect of the law of value, to combat the spontaneous capitalist tendency in exchange, to combat Page 337 311 Use commodity exchange to engage in capitalist activities and undermine the socialist economy. Fundamentally speaking, to restrict the bourgeois right of exchange The field adheres to class struggle as the key link, adheres to the party's basic line, and strengthens the party's leadership And the masses; continue to criticize Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaohu's Revisionist lines such as "easy freedom", "profits in command" and "all dictatorships", vigorously Cultivate new socialist things in the field of commodity exchange and consciously limit the exchanges The right of the bourgeoisie, adhere to the socialist direction of commodity exchange. Except that the exchange of production materials between state-owned enterprises is mainly through state material management In addition to the channel of the management department, the exchange of goods in our country is through socialist state-run business And collectively owned cooperative commerce. These two channels It forms a unified socialist market in our country. State-owned commerce is a socialist unified city The main body and leadership of the market, most of the commodities and retail links, and all The wholesale link is all controlled by it. Cooperative business under collective ownership is a national Assistant in business. Give full play to their role to ensure the smooth flow of commodity circulation channels To promote the exchange of materials between urban and rural areas, and to restrict the activities of urban and rural capitalist forces. Important role. The rural fair trade is a supplement to the socialist unified market at this stage, and The necessity of its existence. But there, the law of value plays a spontaneously regulated Role, bourgeois legal rights seriously exist. Some people tend to keep their own land and The products of the family sideline business are speculatively sold in the market trade. Dictatorship of the proletariat The country must strengthen leadership and strict management of market trade; Restrictions on trading objects, trading products, market prices, etc. Section 3 Prices and Price Policies under the Socialist System Page 338 312 The role of value law in commodity circulation To give full play to the positive effect of socialist exchange on production and consumption, it is also necessary Seek a correct understanding and the role of the party's use of the law of value in commodity circulation. The law of value is the economic law of commodity production and commodity exchange. In socialism Under the condition that the society implements the commodity system, the law of value has a great influence on socialist production. Influencing the role, and the role in the circulation of commodities is even greater. In the socialist society In the process of commodity circulation, the exchange of commodities with currency as the medium must follow the equivalent exchange. The principle of exchange; the change in the price of currency as a value will vary to varying degrees Has an impact on the circulation of socialist commodities; on the circulation of certain personal consumer goods, There is even a certain degree of regulation. The commodity circulation process in a socialist society is fundamentally The civil economy is regulated by the circulation plan formulated by the law of planned development. Socialist society The exchange of the means of production mainly takes the form of distribution planned by the state. factory produced Which units are the products supplied to, what to supply, how much to supply, and to supply Time is generally carried out under the guidance of national plans. Even the flow of consumer goods It is also mainly regulated by national plans. Because the total amount of consumer goods entering the circulation The quantity and composition are determined by the country's production plan, and social purchasing power is also determined by the country's Plan controlled. The state is on the basis of a planned balance between the supply and demand of consumer goods In order to regulate the circulation of consumer goods, formulate a circulation plan for consumer goods. Especially some Consumer goods that are closely related to the national economy and people's livelihood, such as grain, cotton, oil, etc. Implement unified purchasing and marketing and plan supply. These are based on the public ownership of the means of production The planned economy system objectively limits the effect of the law of value on commodity circulation Scope and extent. However, most consumer products are openly supplied in the market, allowing consumers to Page 339 313 Purchased by. As the needs of hundreds of millions of consumers vary greatly, at different times Changes are constantly changing, and the production situation is constantly changing, and planning is often difficult to complete To grasp these specific changes correctly, the contradiction between supply and demand will often appear Now. There are many factors that affect consumers' needs, but the most important thing is the amount of income. Less and the price level. In general, the price of a certain personal consumer product is higher. Its sales volume will shrink; conversely, if the price is lower, its sales volume will expand. Big. This is the law of value within a certain range and degree of personal consumer goods circulation The regulatory role of the above. Socialist countries consciously use the law of value to regulate consumption to a certain extent The main feature of the circulation of products is that, on the premise of keeping prices basically stable, According to different situations in different periods, appropriately raise or lower the price of certain consumer goods, To limit or expand the sales of these consumer goods, so as to promote the supply and demand of these consumer goods Tend to balance and realize the country's commodity circulation plan. For example: for those who produce large amounts For consumer products that have increased, production exceeds sales, and prices are on the high side, lower prices Laws can increase consumers' purchasing power for these consumer goods. Increase in production Consumers that cannot keep up with the need to grow for a long time, in addition to working hard to increase production, Some of the non-necessities of life should be maintained at a relatively high price within a certain limit Level, can make the demand for these consumer goods subject to certain restrictions. For those seasons For highly sexual consumer goods, such as vegetables and fruits, take reasonable seasonal price differences, It is also necessary. Because, on the one hand, due to the different seasons, production, storage and storage The amount of labor consumed in Tibet will also be different; When the adjustment is lowered, sales can be expanded to avoid deterioration. Price in the off-season Properly increasing the style can reduce sales. This is for proper maintenance of supply and demand between different seasons Balance also works. Page 340 314 However, in order to make the law of value play a supplementary role in the regulation of planning, use It balances the contradiction between the supply and demand of consumer goods and promotes the development of the socialist economy. Only Only when people correctly understand the law of value and limit the scope of the law of value It can be done. If the law of value is allowed to overflow freely, simply based on market supply and demand In the case of frequent price adjustments, it violates the principle of "plan first, price second". It will definitely impact the socialist plan and destroy the economic foundation of socialism. The basis of prices under the socialist system Consciously use the law of value, mainly through the state formulating planned prices. Present. The planned price is an important aspect of the planned economy and the superiority of the socialist system An expression of sex. Then, the scientific basis for socialist countries to formulate planned prices what is it then? This involves the basic issue of prices under the socialist system. Under capitalist conditions, the concrete form of commodity value has been transformed into production price Grid (that is, the average production cost of the department plus the average social profit formed by the capital profit rate Run). Prices follow the changes in market supply and demand, surrounding production prices spontaneously Fluctuating. The price of production is the basis of prices in a capitalist economy. The socialist planned price is not formed spontaneously in the market, but by the state It was planned. Socialist countries have different types of products according to the party's line And economic policies, which set different prices and can make them higher or higher Lower. How is this price set? Can you do whatever you want? Not, The establishment of prices, high or low prices, always have a basis, always inseparable from one Centers. What is the basis of socialist prices? According to the requirements of the law of value, society The price in the socialist economy is still the monetary form of value, and the price of commodities must be Page 341 315 Value-based. In other words, when setting commodity prices, it is still necessary to According to its value. If you deny this, then you are denying the law of value. The objective exists. However, the complexity of the problem lies in how to correctly calculate as The value of the price basis. The value of any product consists of three parts: (1) The materialized labor (c) consumed in production, that is, the raw materials, fuel, Auxiliary materials and depreciation expenses of machinery and equipment and workshops, etc.; (2) Labor compensation (v), In state-owned enterprises, it is the wages paid to employees; (3) Profit (m). in case These three items (c, v, m) can be calculated separately, and the value of the product will be known. The first two (c+v) constitute the production cost of the product. As part of value Production costs, of course, are not the production costs of individual companies, but the average costs of departments. Relatively speaking, the average production cost of a department is relatively easy to determine. But profit (m) How to determine the amount of part? This is difficult. According to Marxist labor prices Value theory, only the labor of the producer is the only source of value creation. In action Under the conditions of distribution according to work, labor remuneration is roughly proportional to the cost of living labor of. In state-owned enterprises, under normal circumstances, the more wages paid, it indicates The more living labor consumed in production, the more profits should be created. Therefore, winning There is objectively a certain proportional relationship between profit and wages. This proportional relationship (m: v) It can be called the wage earning rate. As long as we seek one in the whole society beforehand The average wage earning rate (that is, the ratio between the total profit of the whole society and the total wages Example), under the condition that the wage payment (v) for producing a certain product is known, Calculate the profit (m) for producing the product. In this way, as a price basis The value of goods can be based on the average production cost of the sector plus the average social Page 342 316 Wage profitability determine profit, indirect extrapolated ① . In the past, some people advocated that the average profit rate of the society (profit Ratio) to determine profit, thinking that the basis of price in a socialist economy should not be The value of the commodity should be the production price (that is, the average cost of the department plus a The average profit determined by the fund's interest rate). This means that departmental boundaries should be broken, The price is set based on the principle of equally sharing profits within the whole society. Many sutras In order to meet the needs of the restoration of capitalism, economists advocate winning on average Interest rates are used to determine profits, and production prices are used as the basis for setting prices. in fact, This principle is the product of capitalist relations of production; it is the most important Full performance. Marx pointed out: "Commodities are not just exchanged as commodities but Exchange as a product of capital. These capital requirements, from the total amount of surplus value, Get a portion proportional to their respective amounts, or when their amounts are equal, Ask for an equal share. " ②Only when the production is aimed at chasing profit, the capital Under the condition of free flow among various departments, profit averaging will become a must Ran the trend. However, the purpose of socialist production is to satisfy the needs of the country and the people. Need, rather than capital's value proliferation, the investment of funds between various departments is The planned one cannot be transferred freely. Socialist society does not exist to form an average profit ① In actual work, it is impossible to directly measure the value of commodities, and no one does this. Calculated; even if the average production cost of the department plus the profit method determined by the average wage rate of the society is indirectly inferred Calculate, there are certain difficulties. However, since the current price is determined in actual work, it is generally necessary to calculate the cost to win Interest rate. Therefore, we can also use another method to calculate the value of goods, that is, on top of the average cost of the department, and then Plus a profit calculated based on the cost-to-profit rate: The cost-to-profit rate can be determined by referring to the technology of each production department. According to the technical composition, the profit margin of the heavy industry should be lower, and the profit margin of the light industry should be appropriately higher. Follow this The value of a certain commodity calculated in this way should be the same as the amount of socially necessary labor consumed in this commodity. Body close. ② Marx: Volume 3 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 25, p. 196. Page 343 317 Objective conditions. Therefore, socialism is formed according to the average interest rate of social funds The price is theoretically wrong. The production cost plus the profit determined by the above average capital profit rate, of course not It is the value of commodities, but the transformation form of commodity value. In a socialist society, The price of a commodity is not based on its value, but on the transformation form of its value. Basis, not only without objective basis, but also harmful, because price As a basis, we can calculate the labor consumption in production more correctly, and it is conducive to Really reflect and appropriately arrange various proportional relationships in the national economy. If the price is not Value-based, and any transformation of value as a basis, will make these ratios The case relationship is not correctly reflected, which affects the arrangement of the national economic plan. Whether the price is based on value, for the economic accounting of individual enterprises and the Social labor saving in the entire national economy is also of great significance. Because of production For different kinds of products, several different production schemes can often be adopted, and various different Raw materials and different types of machinery and equipment consume different amounts of materialized labor and labor. labor. Prices are based on value, which can help us choose to consume materialized labor and A solution with the least living labor. If prices are not based on value, some products The price is much lower than its value. Then, the production of these products as raw materials The scheme, calculated by price, may be the most economical, but in fact social labor On the contrary, the cost is the greatest. Socialist price policy Socialist countries must set prices on the basis of value, but this is by no means That is, the price can only be the same as the value without any deviation. This is because the price Lattice is not a simple monetary expression of value. The price setting must be subject to the party’s Page 344 318 The political and economic tasks of a certain period reflect the party's line, principles and policies, and Appropriate consideration of market supply and demand. That is to say, according to the price of socialism Ethics policy, using and restricting objectively existing value laws to formulate reasonable product price. Only in this way can prices be conducive to strengthening economic accounting and conducive to the development of health Production, which is conducive to stabilizing the market and people's lives, and conducive to improving socialist production. Production relationship. Therefore, in the socialist economy, there are not only prices for various commodities It is basically consistent with the value, and there is also a deviation between price and value Case. For example, the prices of agricultural products in my country are generally based on the principle of It is enacted, and some also allow temporary losses, so that the price is lower than the value. new Product costs are generally high, so you can only compare prices based on similar products, not Cost-plus-profit pricing often occurs when the price of the commodity is lower than the value. for A few high-end products are not urgently needed in daily life or are in short supply. Regulated, the price of such commodities is higher than the value. It can be seen that the pricing of various commodities The basis is different, so the deviation of price and value is also different. Changes in market prices are actually a redistribution of national income, which will directly Affect the economic accounting of enterprises and the actual income of urban and rural people. Keep prices basic Stability is conducive to the implementation of a planned economy, and is conducive to the development of state-owned enterprises and people's communes. Economic accounting is conducive to ensuring the actual income and life of the working people in urban and rural areas. Improvements are also conducive to restricting and cracking down on speculative activities of capitalist forces, and safeguarding social The construction of socialism is proceeding smoothly. Our country has always adopted a policy of stabilizing prices. One nine Since 50 years, prices in the Chinese market have been stable. This is our social master The performance of the superiority of the justice system. In old China, the Kuomintang reactionaries issued paper money indiscriminately, causing prices to rise several times a day. The production is declining, and the people are not living. The birth of the People's Republic of China ended the old China Page 345 319 The history of soaring prices. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the party and the country adopted a series of stabilizers. Price measures, fought resolutely against capitalist forces, and severely hit The machine turns the activity. For more than two decades, people's basic necessities such as grain and cotton have Prices of cloth, vegetables and briquettes have remained stable. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Since then, the state has reduced the sales prices of some industrial products in a planned way. One nine In 1974, the national retail prices were 2.9% lower than in 1965. my country The prosperous market and stable prices show the superiority of the socialist system. Compared with the hyperinflation of capitalism and the violent price fluctuations, it has formed A sharp contrast. The implementation of the policy of stabilizing prices is mainly to ensure that the overall price level and The price of basic necessities of the people is stable. Under this premise, for historical heritage The remaining unreasonable prices and the unreasonable prices due to economic development are basically unchanged, The policy of individual adjustment shall be adjusted with increasing and decreasing. Such as for grain, oil, pig, For agricultural and sideline products such as poultry and eggs, the state has repeatedly increased the purchase price, but the sales price There is no change in this principle, and the commercial sector's operating losses are subsidized by the state. For some high-end consumer products, keep relatively high prices. Profit and loss shall be unified by the state Balance is conducive to the stability of market prices. This is not at all under the capitalist system possible. A planned and proportionate development of the national economy requires price stability, and price stability It is also a comprehensive reflection of the coordinated development of the national economy. my country's prices can be stable for a long time, It is due to the implementation of the general policy of "Developing the economy and guaranteeing supply" and the rapid development of Expand production and expand commodity circulation, so that commodity supply and social purchasing power can roughly adapt. The issue of the exchange and price comparison of industrial and agricultural products is an important issue in the price policy. Page 346 320 It is related to the redistribution of national income between industry and agriculture, and is related to the market price Stability is related to the mutual integration and development of urban and rural material exchanges and industrial and agricultural production. It also directly affects the lives of working people in urban and rural areas and the worker-peasant alliance. This needs to follow The principle of equivalent exchange, formulating a reasonable price comparison. During the period when Stalin led the socialist construction in the Soviet Union, led by Trotsky In order to break the union of urban and rural areas and destroy the alliance of workers and peasants, the opposition alliance of It is necessary to "increase the ex-factory prices of industrial products" and "impose maximum taxation on farmers Reactionary propositions such as "squeezing". If we follow this proposition, it will inevitably lead to industrial products. Rising prices have shrunk the domestic market for industrial products, causing the majority of farmers to fall into poverty. Situation, provoke contradictions between the proletariat and the broad masses of peasants, The foundation of politics-the worker-peasant alliance. This reactionary proposition of the Trotskyists was influenced by Stalin Ruthless exposure and criticism. Before the liberation of our country, imperialism, feudalism and Bureaucratic capitalism always buys agricultural products at low prices and sells industrial products at high prices, which means expanding the scissors gap. To exploit and plunder the peasants frantically and put them in poverty and bankruptcy The situation caused sharp opposition between urban and rural areas. Especially from 1937 to 1 In the more than ten years of 1949, due to the invasion of Japanese imperialism and the Kuomintang reactionaries The anti-communist and anti-people's war was launched. Production and transportation were severely damaged. The flow has stalled, and the scissors gap between the prices of industrial and agricultural products has expanded even more violently. In a The average price difference from 1930 to 1936 was 100, and it was enlarged by 1949 For more than one hundred and thirty. According to several typical rural primary markets in Anhui, Guangxi, Sichuan, and Shaanxi before liberation According to the survey, the change in the exchange rate of industrial and agricultural products is: taking 1936 as 100, 1948 The year was expanded to 165.11. In the primary market in Ankang, Shaanxi, every hundred catties of rice The white cloth could be changed for 39.7 feet, but by 1946, the white cloth could only be changed for 10.02 feet. Page 347 321 Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, whether to reduce the price of industrial and agricultural products There has always been a serious line struggle on the issue of the scissors gap. Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiao Ping and his team have always advocated widening the scissors gap, advocating "the neck of the peasants" and "with high (Prices) against high (prices)”, the free market is vigorously developed, farmers are deprived, and the urban-rural alliance is destroyed. Department, destroy the worker-peasant alliance. Chairman Mao was fighting against Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping, It has been repeatedly instructed that equivalence must be implemented in the commodity relationship between the state-owned economy and the collective economy. The principle of exchange is to implement a policy of gradually narrowing the price scissors between industrial and agricultural products. root According to the guidelines and policies formulated by Chairman Mao, the country has The purchase price of products, while the prices of industrial products supplied to rural areas are basically stable, and some Decline, which greatly improved the economic status of farmers and promoted agricultural production. The development of production has consolidated the worker-peasant alliance. According to statistics, as early as 1958, the scissors gap between the prices of industrial and agricultural products was narrower than in 1951. 25.4%. Twenty-two years from 1952 to 1973. National purchase price of agricultural and sideline products Increased 67%, sales prices of agricultural production materials decreased by 48%, and prices of industrial goods supplied to rural areas The grid is reduced by 0.7%. With the same amount of agricultural products, the exchangeable industrial products increased by more than 66% on. The price scissors difference between industrial and agricultural products reflects the relationship between industry and agriculture, urban The unequal relationship between the exchange of industrial and agricultural products with the countryside. Prices of industrial and agricultural products The scissors difference is generally based on the price of industrial and agricultural products in a certain year. Future changes in the prices of industrial and agricultural products to analyze the generation, expansion, or Zoom out. However, if we want to deeply analyze whether the exchange between industrial and agricultural products is Price exchange, not only to understand the changing trend of industrial and agricultural product prices, but also to understand Page 348 322 Changes in the value of industrial and agricultural products. From the perspective of price changes, the The scissors gap is gradually reduced. However, if the factor of value change is added, Then, in addition to the scissors gap left over from the old society has not been completely eliminated, but also The price of new industrial and agricultural products may result in a scissors gap. This is because, at a certain time During the period, the planned prices of industrial and agricultural products were basically stable, but labor productivity It is an extremely active factor. It always changes with the change of production technology conditions Increase continuously. In this way, the value of industrial and agricultural products is constantly decreasing. and And, generally speaking, labor productivity in the industrial sector is growing faster than the Ministry of Agriculture The rate of increase in labor productivity and the decrease in the value of industrial products is faster than that of agriculture. The speed at which the value of products decreases is reflected in the value comparison relationship between industrial and agricultural products. Even under the condition of the same price, there may be a new scissors gap. This is needed People go to research and solve new problems. However, whether it is the scissors gap left over from the old society or the socialist construction Assuming that the newly created scissors gap in development can only gradually follow the development of industrial and agricultural production Zoom out. If the development level of industrial production has not reached a certain level, and the enterprise The picture is solved by reducing the selling price of industrial products at once, which will increase The burden of the state, reducing the accumulation of state funds, is not good for socialist construction; and If the prices of industrial products remain unchanged, the purchase of agricultural products should be increased drastically and drastically. The solution of price and sales price will increase the burden of urban people. Therefore, in order to gradually narrow the gap between industry and agriculture and between urban and rural areas, The difference in product prices must accelerate the development of industry, vigorously support agriculture, and accelerate the Now agricultural mechanization has improved agricultural labor productivity. The policy of small profits but quick turnover of industrial products is also an important policy formulated by Chairman Mao for our party. Necessary socialist price policy. To implement the policy of small profits but quick turnover of industrial products, we must Page 349 323 Seek the price of the product. With the increase of industrial labor productivity and the decrease of product cost, And planned to decline. Under certain conditions, the prices of industrial products have dropped in a planned way, which can Enough to expand sales, promote industrial production, help strengthen economic accounting, and prevent excessive The profit rate becomes a waste air-raid shelter; it is conducive to improving the lives of urban and rural people; In addition, it is conducive to gradually narrowing the scissors gap in the price of industrial and agricultural products, and is conducive to strengthening industrial Agricultural Union. Of course, this does not mean that all highly profitable industrial products must be reduced in price. It should be based on the supply, production and sales of various industrial products, Role in the people's livelihood, and according to the industrial development in various regions of the country, Plan and make appropriate arrangements. Section 4 Foreign Trade of Socialist Countries Between socialist countries, between socialist countries and capitalist countries There are various economic ties to varying degrees. So, socialism In addition to domestic commodity exchange relations, countries also have international commodity exchange relations. That is foreign trade. A country's social and economic system determines its foreign trade activities. law. The foreign trade of capitalist countries is based on capitalist private ownership. The basic economic laws of capitalism are governed by the cruel exploitation and plunder of other countries. The working people of the family grab high profits and accelerate capital accumulation. Imperialist country Foreign trade is the enslavement and plundering of other countries by monopoly capital to maximize Profit, a tool to compete for world supremacy. Foreign trade of socialist countries, socialist public ownership of the means of production As the foundation and governed by the basic economic laws of socialism, we must Page 350 324 Guarantee to meet the needs of the country and people. This means that the socialist country’s Foreign trade must be conducive to the development of domestic socialist production and construction, and never Allow to hinder the development of socialist production and construction; must be conducive to the consolidation of national defense And the gradual improvement of people's lives; it must be conducive to strengthening ties with people of all countries, especially The unity of the peoples of the third world is conducive to uniting all that can be united in the world Power to fight imperialism, social imperialism and modern revisionism. In short, the foreign trade of socialist countries is a socialist revolution by the proletariat And tools for socialist construction. Consciously develop a socialist country in accordance with the requirements of the basic economic laws of socialism The foreign trade of the country must correctly handle the relationship between foreign trade and domestic trade. "Unified Make all-round considerations and make appropriate arrangements." The domestic market is the mainstay and the foreign Important principles for domestic and foreign trade relations. Our country has a population of 800 million. my country's vast domestic The market is an extremely favorable condition for the development of socialist industrial and agricultural production. twenty The practice of socialist construction over the years has proved that the vast rural areas of our country are not only daily labor An important market for industrial products, and with the development of agricultural mechanization, it is also a means of production Important market. Only by earnestly implementing the principle that the domestic market is the mainstay Then, production and construction in our country can flourish, the market can be stable and prosperous, and people The people's livelihood can be gradually improved, and the worker-peasant alliance can be consolidated. Only in the first place On the basis of ranking the domestic market, according to the needs of socialist national economic development, Reasonably organize imports and exports to make foreign trade truly contribute to socialist construction service. Do not arrange the domestic market first, and do not follow the development of the socialist national economy Needs, sitting in a foreign country with his butt, eyes staring at the foreign country, with both hands out there, always Emphasizes "special foreign trade" and "domestic sales are subject to foreign sales", this is not a socialist country Foreign trade is not even the foreign trade of an independent country, but Page 351 325 It is a foreign trade of bureaucratic comprador and traitorous surrender. Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiao This is such a revisionist line of traitorous surrender. Follow this The revisionist line will result in stagnation of domestic production and construction. The people Life needs are not guaranteed. Therefore, dealing with the relationship between domestic and foreign trade should be based on The domestic market starts from the country's construction and the people's needs in order to benefit workers and farmers The consolidation of the alliance and the development of the national economy. Of course, foreign markets are also very important. Ignore. For domestic socialist construction, it is necessary to properly import some advanced technologies Equipment and domestic shortages of materials must be actively organized for export. And people of all countries The revolutionary struggle always supports each other in order to materially support the socialist brothers The country supports the revolutionary struggle of the oppressed people and the oppressed nations, a social master The Yi country always needs to export some materials. Domestic trade and foreign trade are a unified The relationship between the two parts of the body should be the mutual coordination under the national unified plan. The relationship of cooperation and mutual cooperation. A country under the dictatorship of the proletariat, in order to successfully build socialism and defend the country The independence of the country necessarily requires the implementation of national control or monopoly of foreign trade. October Revolution Later, Trotsky, Bukharin and others opposed the implementation of state monopolies in foreign trade. Advocating the so-called "tariff policy" to regulate foreign trade. This fallacy has been Ning's severe criticism. Lenin pointed out: "In the era of imperialism, the poverty among nations In an era of astonishing wealth disparity, no tariff policy can take effect. " ① " No industry Without industrial protection, the property class absolutely cannot restore our country's industry and make Russia Become an industrial country; the industrial protection here refers only to the foreign trade monopoly system, ① "On Foreign Trade Monopoly System." The Collected Works of Lenin, Volume 33, p. 414. Page 352 326 It is not a tariff policy. " ① Stalin also stressed that:" Cancel the foreign trade monopoly Suspension" means "making our country from an independent country to a semi-colonial country" ② . Under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin, the opportunities of Trotsky and Bukharin were crushed. The socialist line has implemented a foreign trade monopoly, which has guaranteed the new socialist country The financial independence of the home. On the eve of the birth of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao clearly pointed out: "People The restoration and development of the national economy of the People's Republic of China has no foreign trade control policy Is impossible. Purged imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucracy from China The rule of capitalism and the Kuomintang (this is imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capital The concentrated expression of the three philosophies), it has not yet resolved the establishment of an independent and complete industrial system. It's a problem. Only when the economy has achieved broad development, it will change from a backward agricultural country. This problem was finally solved by becoming an advanced industrial country. And want to achieve this Yes, it is impossible without the control of foreign trade. ” ③The People's Republic of China was established Later, the Chinese government implemented Chairman Mao's revolutionary line and gradually eliminated the imperial masters. Righteous ownership, expelled the economic aggressive forces of imperialism and abolished imperialism The privilege in our country has been withdrawn from customs management. Foreign businessmen manipulate my country's foreign trade The era of foreign exchange finance, shipping, and insurance is forever over. At the same time, the country Foreign trade enterprises that have confiscated bureaucratic capital and established a country that controls foreign trade Government agencies and state-owned foreign trade enterprises have gradually transformed the capitalist private import and export 口Enterprises. This fundamentally changed the semi-colonial nature of old China's foreign trade. Make our country's foreign trade independent and controlled by the dictatorship of the proletariat ① Ibid., page 415. ② "Talk with the First American Workers' Delegation". "The Complete Works of Stalin" Vol. 10, p. 99. ③ "Report at the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China". "Selected by Mao Zedong Collected Works Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, page 1323. Page 353 327 Foreign trade. Implement foreign trade control, guarantee the country's political and economic constitutional independence, Defend against imperialist economic aggression and resist the impact of the capitalist world economic crisis, And on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, normal trade with countries and regions in the world Exchanges play an important role in accelerating the pace of socialist construction. Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping undermined the principle of centralized leadership and unified foreign trade. In the trade work, I tried my best to promote capitalist liberalization, and clamored that "Supernatural powers" in an attempt to make the socialist cooperation between various import and export companies and between ports The relationship has become a capitalist competition relationship, which in turn brings foreign trade to the upper half. Orbit of the colony. The foreign trade of socialist countries and the foreign trade of capitalist countries, Since the basis of ownership of the means of production is different, it is supported by different basic economic laws. It has different business purposes and business methods. However, the socialist countries Foreign trade, like the foreign trade of capitalist countries, occurs in the country Commodity exchange relations with countries, so the law of value must be in this exchange The department plays a dominant role. Of course, the value of a commodity on the domestic market and the price on the world market The values ​​​​are different. Marx pointed out: "In a country, only The intensity of the average level will change the value measured solely by the duration of labor scale. The situation is different in the world market where each country is a component Up. Different countries have different medium intensity of labor; some countries are higher, some Countries are lower. So the average of each country forms a ladder, and its unit of measurement It is the average unit of world labor. " ① This means that every country has a level ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, page 614. Page 354 328 Average labor intensity. Under this intensity, the socially necessary labor to produce a certain commodity Time and its value are fixed; when this intensity changes The necessary labor time of the society for producing the commodity and the amount of its value have also changed. Due to the inconsistency of the average labor intensity in various countries, the society that produces a certain commodity must labor The moving time and the amount of its value are different in each country. The world market is in various A market formed on the basis of the national market. The value of a commodity in the world market, It does not depend on the socially necessary labor time for the production of this commodity in a certain country, but It depends on looking at the countries of the world as a whole, under its average intensity. The society that produces this commodity needs labor time. The price of a commodity on the world market, In addition to depending on the value of this commodity on the world market, it is also subject to The impact of commodity supply and demand on the world market. Due to capitalist production and exchange Competition and anarchy, the supply and demand of commodities on the capitalist world market is Frequent changes, therefore, it is inevitable that commodity prices on the world market will differ sooner or later phenomenon. Coupled with the frequent outbreak of capitalist economic crises, international monopoly capital groups Competition and collusion, the turbulence of the capitalist world's financial and monetary The intensification of international class struggle, etc., will bring about commodity prices on the world market. Great influence. Therefore, socialist countries must fully Estimate the role of the law of value and its characteristics in the world market, and flexibly determine The reasonable prices of foreign commodities must not be sold on the domestic planning market of socialist countries. A set of price-setting principles is applied to foreign trade. if not like this, It will surely cause socialist countries to suffer great losses in foreign trade. The composition of import and export commodities and trade settlement parties in foreign trade from socialist countries In terms of formula, since in a large number of exchange relations, the party participating in the exchange is the capital owner Righteous countries. Therefore, socialist countries have Page 355 329 As well as packaging, etc., appropriate consideration should be given to the national characteristics and customs of these countries. However, the principles of socialist countries must not be violated; Some of the commodities in the mouth are commodities that promote the bourgeois lifestyle. Boycott it. In the international market, orders, transactions, transportation, insurance, currency settlement The calculation method is actually the same as capitalism; socialist countries are In foreign trade activities, we should be highly vigilant. Compared with domestic trade, foreign trade Yizhong's bourgeois rights are more serious. How to limit the bourgeoisie The influence of legal rights on domestic production and exchange and on the foreign trade sector is the social An important issue that must be taken seriously by the socialist countries. The status and role of foreign trade in the national economy of socialist countries, and Different in capitalist countries. Marx pointed out: "The expansion of foreign trade, although The capitalist mode of production was the basis of this mode of production in its infancy, but in In the development of the capitalist mode of production, due to the inherent inevitability of this mode of production Because this mode of production requires continuous expansion of the market, it has become the basis for this mode of production. The product of the body. " ① Lenin also pointed out:" the capitalist countries do not have foreign trade It is impossible to imagine, and there really is no such country. " ②In a socialist country, Foreign trade is an important capital of the national economy. However, socialist countries The high-speed development of the people's economy does not depend on foreign markets, but on social The superiority of the righteous system and planned economy depends on the hard work of the domestic working people. "Independence and self-reliance" is the foundation of economic construction in socialist countries The policy is also a policy that foreign trade must strictly follow. Adhere to or oppose the policy of independence, self-reliance, and self-reliance. ① Marx: Volume 3 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 25, p. 264. ② "The Development of Russian Capitalism." "The Complete Works of Lenin" Volume 3, Page 4. Page 356 330 The focus of the struggle between the two lines in the building of justice. At the beginning of socialist industrialization in the Soviet Union During the period, Trotsky once put forward a so-called "world division of labor theory", what he said "ignore "The division of labor in the world economy" "will greatly reduce the speed of our economic development", Oppose the Soviet people's independent and self-reliant construction of socialism, and try to make the Soviet Lian became a vassal of imperialism. In our country, Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping He also tried his best to oppose the policy of independence and self-reliance, and desperately advocated "foreign aid decision Theory", "red comprador theory." Deng Xiaoping even frantically attacked What is the policy of Likensheng "Yelang arrogant and self-reliant". In his eyes, In economic construction and the four modernizations, the only reliance is "adopting the most advanced technology To obtain advanced technology, the only way to obtain advanced technology is to import "the latest and greatest foreign equipment." Therefore, he advocated that one is to "take out more things in exchange", that is to buy; State capitalists "conclude long-term contracts", they will supply our equipment, and then use our country The mineral products produced are “paid”, that is, borrowed, and “this is the most reliable” Policy". In fact, the "big policy" he sells is not a new thing. The leaders of the Westernization Group Li Hongzhang and Zeng Guofan shouted, "If China wants to be self-improving, it is better to learn Foreign weapon. If you want to learn a foreign weapon, you have no choice but to find a tool to make it. "Chiang Kai-shek Slandering the Chinese people for "laziness, sluggishness, and death", thinking that China wants to achieve "economic Construction" must rely on "international cooperation to develop our vast and rich sources of wealth." Deng Xiao That set of foreign slave comprador ideas advocated by Ping is the same as Li Hongzhang, Zeng Guofan, and Chiang Kai-shek. All of them come down in the same line, and they are all out-and-out traitors of admiration and fawning on foreigners. Should socialist construction adhere to the policy of independence and self-reliance? Only economic issues, first of all, political issues, that is, a society under the dictatorship of the proletariat The issue of whether the independence of the socialist country can be consolidated. World history and reality It is fully proved that if a country is not politically independent, it is of course impossible to build an independent economy. Page 357 331 Economic, without an independent economy, political independence is also impossible, or Unconsolidated. If the basic point of economic construction is to "introduce foreign technology and equipment" In order to “introduce foreign technology and equipment”, it is necessary to sell a large amount of national resources. Even if the mining sovereignty of the mines is transferred to foreign countries, this is not a socialist China Has it become a commodity sales market and raw material supply base for imperialist countries? This In this way, the industrial sector related to exports will develop abnormally, which has nothing to do with or is related to exports. Small industrial sectors will be suppressed, and the national economy will develop proportionally. Will be severely damaged, and the independent and complete national economic system will be destroyed Disabled. How can it be said that building socialism independently? Imported equipment More, the more resources sold, the greater the dependence of the national economy. Economic loss Without independence, political independence is of course impossible. If the basic point of economic construction is to "import foreign technology and equipment", then At the end of the day, we don't need to make what we can make, let alone what we can't make at the moment. If you work hard to research and manufacture, you only need to import from foreign countries. which is To make a little bit by oneself is just copying and copying foreign designs and craftsmanship, imitating Foreign equipment crawls step by step behind the ass of foreigners. In this way, In terms of technological development, we will never get rid of the situation of relying on foreigners. Talk here and there Can it achieve the four modernizations and catch up with the world's advanced level? The result will make our country Technological development and the development of the entire national economy are under the control of foreign capitalists. Once they refuse to supply our country's technical equipment, our economy will immediately be paralyzed. One In 1960, the Soviet revisionist renegade clique broke its promise, tore up the United States, withdrew experts and gave Our country's economic construction has caused serious difficulties, which are still fresh in our memory. If the basic point of economic construction is to "import foreign technology and equipment", In order to “bring in”, “make long-term contracts with foreign capitalists and pay with coal”. This Page 358 332 In this way, shouldn't our country become an investment venue for imperialist countries? Foreign debt This method is tantamount to accepting capital exports from imperialist countries. Chairman Mao pointed out: "I We do business with these countries and assume that these countries are willing to work on mutually beneficial terms in the future. What's the reason for lending us money under the case? This is because the capital of these countries The family wants to make money, the bankers want to earn interest, so as to relieve their own crisis, and It is not an aid to the Chinese people. " ① old China borrowed a hundred years of foreign debt, As a result, national sovereignty and the lifeline of the national economy have all fallen into the hands of imperialism. Can people forget the country's decay and dilapidation? Deng Xiaoping advocated The export of capital from imperialist countries is actually a vain attempt to bring our people through The imperialist forces who fought and drove away in the bloody battle brought wolves into the house again and let them continue. Exploiting and enslaving the Chinese people. Of course, we are not all opposed to the introduction of some foreign advanced technology and equipment. It's not all against the export of certain domestic mineral raw materials. The problem lies in Where is the base point? If we put the basic point on what Deng Xiaoping's "grand policy" advocated "Introducing foreign technology and equipment", then, as a result, our country will be reduced to a colony again. Civilian land, semi-colonies, there is no other way out. In the past we insisted on independence, The policy of self-reliance broke the blockade and embargo imposed by the US imperialism and defeated the Soviet revisionism Difficulty and destruction, to build a poor and backward old China into an initially prosperous Socialist New China. As long as we continue to adhere to this party set by Chairman Mao Needle, then, we will definitely be able to build our country into a modern A powerful socialist country with modern agriculture, modern industry, modern national defense and modern science and technology. On the basis of the principle of independence and self-reliance, socialist countries will ① "On the People's Democratic Dictatorship." "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, Page 1363. Page 359 333 Actively carry out economic cooperation and mutual assistance with brother countries and friendly countries; Promote the economic development of their respective countries; at the same time develop equality with capitalist countries Mutually beneficial trade dealings. Under these conditions, develop international trade exchanges It promotes the development of the socialist economy. Chairman Mao in the People’s On the eve of the establishment of the peaceful country, the issue of normal international trade exchanges clearly stated: "The Chinese people are willing to carry out friendly cooperation with the people of all countries in order to restore and develop the country. International trade to facilitate the development of production and the prosperity of the economy. ” ①Socialist countries Through foreign trade, surplus and deficiencies can be adjusted, and certain useful foreign countries can be introduced. Technology to facilitate the technological transformation of industrial and agricultural production. For this reason, the socialist countries' Foreign trade should be based on the needs and possibilities of socialist production development, actively, Organize the export and import of commodities in a planned way, support and promote the development of industrial and agricultural production exhibition. Any ideas and practices that depart from this premise are wrong. my country's foreign trade is banning foreign slaves in semi-colonial and semi-feudal old China. Compradors were established and developed in the process of foreign trade. More than 20 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China The practice proved that foreign slaves' comprador thinking was deeply ingrained in the field of foreign trade. Liu Shaoqi and Lin The revisionist line of Biao and Deng Xiaoping has a long history in the field of foreign trade. through After the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, foreign slavery and comprador thinking and revisionist foreign trade line Although criticized, the poisoning is far from being eliminated. Deng Xiaoping's admiration and surrender The traitorous "grand policy" is the latest specimen of foreign slavery and comprador thinking. If follow Deng Xiaoping's "big policy" and "foreign exchange in command" and "output value first" set The revisionist line, then, the greater the volume of foreign trade The greater the destruction of domestic production will help foreign capitalists absorb the blood of domestic workers and peasants ① "Speech at the Preparatory Meeting of the New Political Consultative Conference". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 4, People's Publishing House 1967 Horizontal Edition, p. 1355. Page 360 334 The more things there are, the more things will be humiliating and humiliating the country. This is semi-colonial and semi-feudal The old way of foreign trade in old China, the Chinese people will never allow the party bourgeoisie to China's foreign trade leads to this evil road. Page 361 335 Chapter 9 Socialist Society Currency and currency circulation Section 1 The currency of a socialist society The nature and functions of currency Since commodity exchange still exists in a socialist society, there must be goods currency. Marx once pointed out: "For this era, money is the power of all power. that power. " ① Marx this thesis, based on private ownership in society, people They are easier to understand. Then, in the socialist society based on public ownership Yes, does currency still have such great power? In other words, compared with the old society, In what ways has it changed, and in what ways is it not much different from the old society? How should the proletariat restrict the bourgeois legal rights associated with currency? To answer These issues are about the nature of currency, the function of currency, and the Conduct specific analysis on the law of currency circulation. What is the nature of currency? Marx said: "As long as you understand the root of money In the commodity itself, the main difficulty in monetary analysis is overcome. " ②We want to say ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, p.786. ② Marx: "A Critique of Political Economy". "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 13, p. 54. Page 362 336 To understand the nature of currency, it is necessary to link currency and commodity exchanges for analysis. From the calendar Historically, money is only in the process of long-term commodity exchange, from the commodity world A special commodity spontaneously separated. It is "special" because it can be directly Land exchanges unconditionally with all commodities, and serves as the general equivalent of commodities in exchange Things. Since the emergence of currency at the end of the primitive commune, although human society has experienced The history of slave society, feudal society, capitalist society and socialist society Stage, but the nature of currency as a general equivalent has not changed. In a socialist society, Currency is still a general equivalent, mainly serving as a measure of value and means of circulation. However, as Marx pointed out: "Currency represents a social production Relations take the form of natural objects with certain attributes. " ① currency from table On the surface, it looks like a thing. In fact, like commodities, it is reflected through objects A kind of social production relationship. Currency as a general equivalent, it reflects the quotient The labor exchange relationship between product producers. The nature of social production relations is Determined by the nature of property ownership. Although the nature of money Are general equivalents, but the nature of social production relations it embodies Changes have occurred due to changes in the ownership of the means of production. In a socialist society, build Commodity production based on the public ownership of the means of production is the same as direct social production. Linked commodity production; in line with this, what is linked with currency is no longer Current capital exploits the capitalist relationship of wage labor, and mainly reflects the working class And the interaction between the two working classes and the peasant class and within these two classes Socialist relationship for labor. The socialist society implements a planned economy. Socialist countries ① Marx: "A Critique of Political Economy." "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 13, p. 23. Page 363 337 When planning leadership, regardless of the regulations of production targets, the allocation of materials or the social The distribution of the total products of the meeting must use money as a unified measure of social labor. scale. This shows that the currency under the socialist system has begun to play a brand-new That is, it plays the role of measuring labor tool in the work of national economic planning. And more Going forward, increasingly this new role of currency will become important. From the development From a long-term perspective, in communist society, commodity production and commodity exchange disappeared. Currency as a general equivalent will also die out, but the national economic plan works There is still a need for labor measurement tools. Of course, regardless of the measurement of labor What is the name of the tool? It is actually no longer a currency in the original sense. This change in social production relations reflected by currency under the socialist system, It is also reflected in the function of currency. The first function of currency is a measure of value, which is also a measure in a socialist society. Kind of. But socialist countries use the function of currency to measure materialization in commodities This labor is not achieved through market competition, but through the formulation of planned prices. Socialist countries also use planned prices to formulate and evaluate production value, cost, profit, etc. Value indicators to realize the planned management of the national economy and the currency under the socialist system It still functions as a means of circulation. Socialist countries use this function of currency, To strengthen economic ties between workers and farmers, between urban and rural areas, and between state-owned enterprises, and promote Enter the development of socialist production. Currency as a means of circulation is being owned by individuals Sometimes, socialist countries are not allowed to buy labor and large-scale production Data, but can only be used to purchase personal consumer goods and certain hand tools. In this article The scope of the function of currency as a means of circulation has been greatly affected. limits. In a socialist society, currency also functions as a means of payment. Socialist enterprise Page 364 338 The industry uses this function of currency to pay taxes and profits to the Wages, labor remuneration paid to members of the People's Commune, and various debts paid to brother enterprises paragraph. Socialist countries use this function of currency to centralize and allocate national budgets Funds and credit funds, and organize non-cash settlements between enterprises to achieve The supervision of industrial economic activities, consolidate the economic accounting system, and promote the development of the national economy. In a socialist society, currency also implements socialist accumulation and savings Functions. The net social income created by the working people becomes the country in the form of currency And collective socialism. Temporarily unused in the labor income of the working people Part, also deposited in the National Bank in the form of currency, is used to promote socialism Construction. In the foreign economic relations of socialist countries, the currency of the world currency Functions. The world currency is still gold. Because the balance of payments returns to the root After all, gold must be used to pay. The role of socialist countries using world currency Yes, foreign trade and economic assistance to fraternal and friendly countries. At this In this case, currency plays a general means of purchase, general means of payment and social wealth The role of the embodiment. These functions performed by the currency of a socialist society illustrate that due to the establishment of The socialist public ownership of the means of production, and the resulting production and exchange The changes in the process, the relations of production reflected by currency and the role it plays are the same as those of capital The righteous society is no longer the same. In a capitalist society, money is mainly controlled in the asset class Is used to purchase labor and means of production and exploit Surplus value created by workers. The bourgeois state uses additional currency to compensate Make up for the fiscal deficit, cause inflation, strengthen the exploitation of the working people, and use Currency, as a means of foreign economic aggression and expansion, implements capital export and captures high Page 365 339 Amount of profit. In a socialist society, currency is mainly controlled by the dictatorship of the proletariat In the hands of the country, it is used to measure and calculate the labor consumption in social production, strengthen and Expand economic ties between industry and agriculture, and between various state-owned enterprises, Do everything possible and organize the distribution of personal consumer goods under the socialist principle of "distribution according to work". It is used by the dictatorship of the proletariat to manage socialist production and realize products The tool of distribution is also a tool for external economic contact. Money is still the soil for capitalism The currency of a socialist society has played an important role in the cause of socialist construction. Plays a positive role, but currency, like commodities, is a relic of the private economy after all. It is "the remnants of yesterday's exploitation" ① . Its existence is the same as the production of socialist products Associated with the tradition or trace of exchange that is also private. In socialism Under certain conditions, currency is still a general equivalent, still the crystallization of social wealth, and still Naturally, it has functions such as value scale, means of circulation, and means of payment. Currency and currency exchange The existence of exchange is still the soil for the production of capitalism and new bourgeois elements. These are not much different from the old society. Deny that the currency of a socialist society is private There are economic relics, denying that currency can still be transformed into capital under certain conditions. It is a revisionist fallacy in the field of political economy. As early as the early 1930s, Voznesensky, the ruling capitalist road in the Communist Party of the Communist Party of China, preached Say: In a socialist economy, money cannot be a tool of exploitation, and it will not change. ① "About deceiving the people with the slogan of freedom and equality". "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Annual edition, p. 838. Page 366 340 Cheng Capital① . Today, capitalism has been fully restored and currency has become an exploitative The Soviet Union of means, this fallacy is even more regarded as the treasure of the Soviet revisionist renegade group, and it is hyped. There was a rant ② . In fact, this fallacy cannot withstand criticism. Marxism teaches us that currency "this commodity contains in a hidden way With all other commodities, it is a magic that can be turned into anything you want. Legal means" ③ . In the form of currency, bourgeois legal rights have been concentrated. People are equal in form in front of money: money can be possessed by anyone, It can be used as a "magic method" by anyone to buy the goods he needs. Money is a radical egalitarian. However, there is actual inequality. Because mastering currency means mastering a certain number of commodities, which means possessing Have the right to exploit others' labor. In a society with a commodity system, different people don't May possess the same amount of currency. In a capitalist society, some people are millionaires Weng, some people are impoverished, even in debt. Capitalists rely on him ① Woznesensky said in his article "On the Problems of Socialist Economy" published in 1931: "In society In a socialist economy, money will never become capital. "In the article "On Soviet Currency" published in 1935, Said: "During the period of the first five-year plan, the rich peasants were crushed as a class, which basically eliminated the transformation. Currency is capital, that is, the possibility of turning currency into a tool of exploitation. The Second Five-Year Plan eliminated capitalists and one Therefore, it has completely eliminated the possibility of currency exploitation, wealth and speculation in the Soviet state. With this remnant of capitalism. " ② Two so-called "Political Economics" published in Moscow in 1974 (respectively by Л·В·Sokolova) And Ю·В·Jakowitz), almost verbatim in unison; in a socialist society, "goods Currency can no longer be converted into capital, and currency can no longer be a means of exploiting others." However, they can neither say anything There is no evidence for the truth, but can only turn to a modern Soviet novel called "The Golden Calf". After the protagonist and big liar in this novel became a millionaire through fraud, he suddenly realized that The Soviet Union must not use the money as capital" as the reason that "currency cannot be converted into capital" in the Soviet Union. argument. the What people say the About CAN at The Soviet revisionist history Political economy The, Which has Clumsy SUCH A Trick? ! ③ Engels: "The Origin of Family, Private Ownership, and State". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 4, People People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 162. Page 367 341 Some currency is used to open factories, hire workers, and squeeze workers' surplus value; Opportunities and loan sharks are also exploiting the currency they hold. of. Therefore, the formal equality that exists in the currency masks the actual inequality The right of the bourgeoisie is obvious in capitalist society. Master in society In society, the public ownership of the means of production replaced the private ownership of the means of production, and the working class and The working people became the masters of society and the means of production, and currency as the general equivalent Correspondingly, its function has been restricted, and the "magic method" of currency is no longer It is everything. However, the bourgeois legal rights on currency still continue to exist in. Since currency, as a general equivalent, still retains its basic functions, Under the condition of distribution according to work, people's money income varies, therefore, who accounts for If there is more money, whoever owns more goods, and also uses money and currency for some people The exchange of free possession of other people's labor provides the possibility. Marx is talking about the currency system When degree is a system of equality and freedom, he pointed out: "Equality is inequality, freedom is not free. Want exchange value not to develop into capital, or to produce labor for exchange value It is a pious and stupid desire not to develop into wage labor. " ① Lenin When talking about currency under socialist conditions, it also clearly pointed out: "Before the eradication of currency, Equality can always only be verbal and constitutional. At the same time, everyone with money Have actual rights of exploitation" ② . There is a difference between currency and capital. However, capital always behaves as a certain The amount of currency. Historically, the emergence of capitalism began with the accumulation of money. At the end of feudal society, under the spontaneous action of the law of value, small producers ① Marx: The second volume of "Outline of Critique of Political Economy". People's Publishing House, 1962 edition, 15th page. ② "About deceiving the people with the slogan of freedom and equality". "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Annual edition, p. 838. Page 368 342 Polarization occurs in fierce competition: most people are poor and bankrupt, turning into nothing Some "free" laborers have to sell their labor for a living; while a few Accumulate more and more money and use it to buy production materials and labor Capitalist management. Therefore, the separation of means of production and labor and the relationship between the two This special way of recombination led to the transformation of simple commodity production into capitalism Commodity production, small producers are divided into capitalists and proletarians, and money is transformed into capital. this. In a socialist society, the laws of the dictatorship of the proletariat prohibit all exploitation activity. However, the practice of the socialist revolution and construction shows that as long as the currency If it continues to exist, the possibility of converting money into capital will always exist. Who has money, Whoever can possess social wealth. Urban and rural capitalist forces, new and old bourgeoisie The son will be willing to risk breaking the law in those areas where the leadership of the proletariat is not yet consolidated. Sections and units, “using banknotes that are still private property, using these to make exploiters have The right to receive the proof of wealth of the club to speculate, make money and rob laborers" ① . In the socialist stage, the exchange of industrial and agricultural products and the distribution of consumer goods are still However, currency is used as a medium to carry out, which provides a possibility to buy today, It can be sold tomorrow; it can be bought in one place, and it can be sold in another place. Speculation Molecules will convert their own currency into capital and use the supply and demand of commodities in a certain Temporary and partial imbalances in different regions and certain seasons, By-products and industrial products are imported at low prices and exported at high prices to make huge profits. Some even with Some people in the state-owned and collective units colluded and adopted various methods to use goods Bilai sets up underground factories or organizes underground contract labor teams to exploit labor. In addition, ① "Draft Party Program of the Russian Communist Party (Brazzaville)." "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, No. 750 pages. Page 369 343 Some people also store up their own currency for usury and carry out Exploitation of usury. As Marx pointed out: "You can't see from the currency How does it fall into the hands of the currency owner, and what transforms it of. Currency has no smell, no matter where it comes from. " ① Engels criticism Doolin The Economic Commune also pointed out: "The commune accepts money payments without any consideration. Therefore, it provides a possibility to obtain through other means instead of one's own labor. Get these money. No smell. The commune did not know where it came from. " ② Therefore, In a socialist society, although exploitation is illegal, the new bourgeoisie still It can be continuously hatched from currency exchange. The party bourgeoisie enjoys a lot of A large part of the legal and illegal benefits brought by the bourgeois rights are exchanged with currencies. Exchange is also inseparable. Currency exchange is also their promotion of profit and material stimulus Important economic basis for the revisionist line of the People's Republic of China. In the Soviet Union, capitalism has fully recovered It's not very obvious that money has already become a tool of exploitation and transformed into capital. For Really? ! In a socialist society, the reform of the ownership of the means of production has been realized and the The socialist public ownership of the means of production, the asset class in commodity production and commodity exchange Level legal power has been restricted, and the economic foundation of currency fetishism has been greatly weakened. However, the currency of a socialist society is still a general equivalent, still a "wealth The absolute social form that can be used at any time" ③ , therefore, "currency is both the desire to get rich The object of hope also manifests itself as the source of the desire to get rich" ④ . As long as the society still exists ① Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, p.129. ② Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, p. 343. ③ Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, page 151. ④ Marx: "A Critique of Political Economy." "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 13, p. 122. Page 370 344 When it comes to currency, the exploiting class thinking of pursuing currency and making a fortune will have market. The "Good Song" of "A Dream of Red Mansions" says: "The world knows that gods are good, only There is gold and silver that can't be forgotten.” This point penetrates the essence of currency fetishism and draws those The greedy look of the wealth fans who fell at the feet of the "Marshal Zhao". Worship The fascination of materialism will never disappear in a socialist society. Those new asset classes The high-ranking elements simply cannot withstand the temptation and corrosion of the bourgeoisie's money and are drawn into the water. of. A capitalist society is a society where currency fetishism has developed to its zenith. Today In the Soviet Union, where capitalism was fully restored, currency fetishism became more prevalent than Western capitalism. The capitalist society is worse than the others. The Soviet revisionist renegade group in the "economic reform" Under the banner, try to promote the extreme ugliness of "money is omnipotent" and "struggle for money" Evil thoughts, openly teach the "art of making money" that smells like copper. Su Xiu Newspaper Drum The works of making a fortune and getting rich are even more widespread. Brezhnev said at the Soviet revisionist central plenary meeting in December 1973: Put one ruble in a place where we can get two, three, or even ten rubles tomorrow Fang". He called this practice "the art of making money" and said that "all of us from the central Wherever you go, you should learn this complicated art of making money." The Soviet revisionist traitor group talked about the implementation of When the effect of "making money art", he even said complacently: "We must not hesitate to enter Provide material encouragement-this fund will be compensated 100 times. "Study supported by the Soviet revisionist renegade clique Authors, politicians, and others have also written books and wrote about Brezhnev's "art of making money". Wave. For example, there is a "Ph.D." in economics named Ya Bierman, who was in 1975. An article titled "The Conscience of Economists" was published in the "Pravda of the Communist Youth League" on July 7, Put forward a formula of "Ruble-Conscience", advocating to start from "conscience" and make great money Bu and struggled, saying that "salary is a suitable document to test the quality of a person's work", "one The more rubles he earns, the greater his honor." According to Bierman's preaching, Lu Cloth is profit, honor is fame, and conscience drives people to fight for fame and fortune. This is "the ruble and conscience." Page 371 345 The essence of economics. Revisionist leaders like Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping are also a group of people. A loyal believer of coin fetishism and a fanatical advocate of bourgeois egoism. Liu Shao Qi has repeatedly advocated the business theory of "making money"; apart from what Lin Biao openly advocated In addition to “benefits”, “there is only one thing in the world that is reliable, then It's money"; Deng Xiaoping's nonsense about profit, "It's okay to be handsome" and "I Our revolution depends on material stimulus", and so on. Whether it's the Soviet or Chinese Modern revisionists, despite their different opinions, all preach that "money can move God", The currency fetishism of "money can make ghosts grind". They all use currency as a poison Our soul, the weapon to realize the restoration of capitalism. In a socialist society, if we want to gradually eliminate currency fetishism, we must Actively create conditions to weaken its social and economic foundation and restrict currency exchange The right of the bourgeoisie, and the capitalist activities of the bourgeoisie using money Fight unremittingly. At the same time, we must advocate currency fetishism to modern revisionists. In-depth criticism of the fallacy of teaching; propaganda of Marxism, Leninism, Mao Ze Eastern thought advocates the spirit of making work for revolution and farming for revolution. In the socialist calendar During the historical period, the constant struggle against currency fetishism is the proletariat's An important aspect of the implementation of total dictatorship is that the proletariat and all working people An important task in the entire historical stage of socialism. Page 372 346 Section 1 Currency Circulation in a Socialist Society The relationship between currency circulation and commodity circulation Currency circulation and commodity circulation are closely related. Marx said: "Business The circulation of goods directly endows the form of movement of money, that is, when money continues to leave the starting point Is the transfer of money from one commodity owner to another commodity owner, or Said that it is currency circulation. " ① " currency in circulation, but is changing commodity form table Now" ② . The process of currency circulation is the continuous use of currency as a means of circulation and payment. Mediating the process of commodity movement. Therefore, commodity circulation is the basis of currency circulation. The circulation of commodities determines the circulation of money, and the circulation of money serves the circulation of commodities. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, currency circulation itself has relative independence. In: First, the movement direction of currency circulation and commodity circulation is opposite; second, currency Circulation and commodity circulation may be separated in time and space; thirdly, the passage of commodities One or two exchanges leave the circulation field, but the currency has to remain in circulation China serves for commodity exchange. The above characteristics of currency circulation determine its impact on commodity flow Pass has a certain counter-effect. Normal currency circulation can promote commodity circulation, It is a necessary condition to ensure the smooth progress of socialist reproduction. The amount of money in circulation Too much or too little, or improper placement, will hinder the normal circulation of commodities and give Socialist reproduction brings about adverse effects and provides more for urban and rural capitalist forces The opportunity to take advantage of. Therefore, organize currency circulation and strengthen the purpose of currency circulation ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 23, p. 134. ② Marx: "A Critique of Political Economy". "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 13, p.126. Page 373 347 Planning and planning are the objective requirements of socialist economic development and the It is an important task of the political state to restrict the legal rights of the bourgeoisie in the economic field. The internal connection between currency circulation and commodity circulation determines that currency circulation must be Compatible with commodity circulation. This requires that while organizing the circulation of goods in a planned way, Strengthen the planning of currency circulation, so that it is not only in the overall Area and time are compatible with commodity circulation. Commodity circulation and currency circulation under the capitalist system are blind and anarchic In the state, there can be no stable currency circulation. Only under the socialist system, It is the first time that it has consciously and plannedly adjusted currency circulation to adapt to the flow of commodities. The objective possibility of communication. Money circulation channels In a socialist society, all financial revenues and expenditures caused by It is realized through two forms of cash payment and non-cash settlement. Cash payment means reality The currency circulation in the market, non-cash settlement refers to bank transfer. Under the capitalist system, all enterprises are in the hands of capitalists, and capital Home deposits in the bank, you can withdraw cash at any time, cash payment and non-cash settlement The transformation between the two is realized in accordance with the needs of capitalists. Under the socialist system, all sectors of the national economy must accept state cash Management, all income and expenditure, except for sporadic expenses, must be non-cash through the National Bank Gold settlement. The deposits of any enterprise or unit in the bank, except for the payment of wages and Other than sporadic cash, it cannot be converted into cash casually. In this way, make money circulate The scope is strictly limited to certain channels to realize currency circulation planning for the country, Provides important conditions. Page 374 348 Strictly separate cash payment and non-cash settlement to restrict currency circulation Within certain channels, it is an important feature of the currency circulation of socialist countries. point. It is not only conducive to reducing the amount of currency in circulation, saving currency circulation costs, And it is helpful for the country to strengthen the management of currency circulation and regulate currency flow more effectively. Through, restrict blindness and spontaneity in currency exchange, restrict currency exchange Bourgeois legal rights. Non-cash settlement reflects the planned large-scale The material movement is only manifested in the transfer and growth of currency funds in bank accounts. Homes can be supervised and controlled through banks; how much money the company has, also Will not directly affect the changes in currency circulation in the market, and both parties to the transaction do not need to be realistic The circulation of the currency can enable the normal exchange activities. The amount of money in circulation is much smaller than the amount of non-cash settlement. In a socialist society, Only a small part of currency circulation is connected with the circulation of means of production, the main part is It is connected with the circulation of consumer goods. Most currencies in circulation are held in the city In the hands of the working people in the township, they are mainly used to buy personal consumer goods such as food, clothing, and use. it It is characterized by frequent frequency and sporadic numbers. Channels for the distribution and withdrawal of money in a socialist society (money circulation channels), There are mainly the following four: First, state-owned enterprises, institutions and agencies receive currency from the National Bank, Pay wages to employees; employees use their wages to purchase personal consumer goods from the commercial sector Or pay other labor costs. In this way, the currency passes through the commerce, service industry and other ministries The door flows back to the bank. Or employees save, and the currency is not exchanged with commodities but directly Back to the bank. Second, the commercial sector receives currency from the national bank and submits to the rural collective economy Page 375 349 Buying agricultural and sideline products; collective economic units will sell part of the currency of agricultural and sideline products Income, buy fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural machinery and other production materials from state-owned enterprises. This In this way, this part of the currency flows back to the bank through state-owned enterprises. Collective economy Part of the monetary income is distributed to collective farmers according to the principle of distribution according to work; Farmers use it to buy industrial products from the commercial sector or save. In this way, this part Money will eventually flow back to the bank indirectly or directly. Third, under the conditions of market trade, part of the currency of urban residents Income is also circulated by buying goods at the market, but in the end it will After farmers buy industrial products and savings flow back to the bank. Fourth, the economic development between various state-owned enterprises, institutions and state agencies Basically, non-cash settlement is adopted for economic transactions, but some sporadic and small amounts For payment, cash must also be used, and the cash will eventually flow back to the bank through payment. It can be seen from the above channels of currency injection and withdrawal that the socialist currency Circulation is directly related to the number of personal consumer goods put on the market by the country. system. The adequacy of the supply of personal consumer goods is critical to the withdrawal of currency and stable currency Circulation plays a decisive role. In the field of cash circulation, currency In the hands of the owner, their consumption needs are very different and constantly changing; The state generally cannot manage these through administrative measures, and can only The linkage between relevant economic indicators and strengthening the management of wage funds. Indirect regulation. If the amount of currency issued exceeds the supply of goods, or the goods The quantity and variety supplied do not meet the needs of consumers, then it will cause a Sub-commodity reserves are reduced, some commodities are overstocked, and the supply and demand of some commodities are out of line. Elephant. In this case, some currencies that cannot achieve purchasing power will turn to the market Trade market; urban and rural capitalist forces may take the opportunity to make waves and use currency Page 376 350 Exchange, speculation, high-priced sales, and even open underground factories to dig into society The footsteps of ism and the destruction of the socialist unified planned market. There are differences and connections between cash flow and non-cash settlement in the market. Whether it is cash circulation or non-cash settlement, it is the basic function of performing currency. Mediate the movement of commodities, so the two can be transformed into each other under certain conditions. Eg, If some localities or departments arbitrarily expand fiscal expenditures and expand loans arbitrarily, Government and banking departments do not rely on enterprises to strengthen fiscal discipline, relax credit management, settlement management Management, cash management and wage fund management, it is possible to make a large number of non-cash settlements, Converted into cash circulation, forcing the country to issue more currency, it will destroy the national economy Comprehensive balance. If the leadership of the company is not in the hands of real Marxists In the hands of the working people, some people only care about their own convenience and disregard the overall interests. Intentionally recruit rural laborers, increase wages, and even believe in "money is everything", To engage in material stimulus and to increase the legal power of the bourgeoisie by raising wages and welfare standards. To stimulate production and disburse cash indiscriminately, it will also expand the country's currency issuance and undermine social Socialist planned economy, and led enterprises to the evil path of capitalism. Law of currency circulation The law of currency circulation reflects the intrinsic essential connection between the various elements of currency circulation. Department. The basic elements that constitute currency circulation are: (1) the total price of commodities; (2) The amount of money in circulation; (3) The speed of money circulation (using a unit of money in a certain time The number of exchanges with the commodity within is indicated). Marx based on the internal The essential connection of the currency circulation law is summarized as the following formula: The necessary amount of money to perform the functions of the means of circulation = Total commodity prices with cash to be realized The number of circulation of unit currency Page 377 351 Marx's law of currency circulation shows that the currency in circulation within a certain period of time must The amount is proportional to the total price of commodities to be realized with cash, and the currency is in circulation Speed ​​​​is inversely proportional. Its basic requirement is that the circulation of money must be the same as the circulation of commodities Adapt. Currency, as a general equivalent, is a material to express, measure and realize the value of commodities. material. The exchange of currency and commodities is essentially the equivalent of currency value and commodity value movement. Therefore, the necessary amount of currency circulation in a certain period of time should be It is consistent with the value of commodities in circulation that have to be realized in cash during the period. in Under the condition that the value of each currency unit has been fixed, the value of commodities in circulation The larger the value, the greater the amount of money necessary for circulation; the smaller the value of the commodity in circulation, Then the necessary amount of currency circulation is smaller. The condition that the value of commodities in circulation has been determined The greater the value of each currency unit, the smaller the amount of currency necessary for circulation; The smaller the value of a monetary unit, the greater the amount of money necessary for circulation. In the actual circulation process, the process of converting commodities into money always precedes Later, one after another. The same currency can be traded many times in a certain period of time. The process of converting goods into money serves as a service. One currency can be used as several currencies. use. Therefore, the value of currency in circulation does not actually need to be The amount of commodity value to be realized by cash is exactly the same. The amount of commodity value in circulation And the value of each currency unit has been determined, the currency flow in a certain period of time The necessary quantity depends on the number of times each currency realizes the value of the commodity, that is, currency circulation speed. The faster the currency circulation, the smaller the necessary amount of currency circulation; currency circulation The slower the speed, the greater the amount of money necessary for circulation. The aforementioned law of currency circulation is based on the circulation of metal currency. but, This principle also applies to the circulation of banknotes, because banknotes are nothing more than metal goods. Page 378 352 The representative of the currency or its value symbol. The emergence of paper money as a symbol of currency value has undergone a historical evolution. in At a certain historical stage of currency development, the widely circulated currency is expensive such as gold or silver. Metals, later they were replaced by gold or silver coins. Minting gradually wears out in circulation The actual value is lower than the nominal value, but they can still circulate as usual. At this time, Coins have begun to function as symbols of value. On this basis, the minting Steps are replaced by banknotes that have no value in themselves. Why is this evolution possible? because As a currency as a general equivalent, although it must be valuable, in its When the value scale is used, it is only a conceptual currency, and there is no need to have actual gold and silver releases. In the hand; and when money acts as a means of circulation, the commodity is exchanged for money, In order to exchange these currencies for commodities, so regardless of its full value, Or there is no value, as long as everyone accepts each other. Therefore, metal currency A certain stage of historical development will inevitably be replaced by the value symbol of paper money. The circulation of paper money is a phenomenon that conceals the essence of money and makes People have the illusion that currency is just an abstract value symbol, or direct Then represents the value of the commodity. The task of science is to see the essence through the phenomenon. paper Coins cannot be exchanged for gold or silver even if there is no stipulation on the amount of gold, but in essence, it Nor is it an abstract concept of value ① , at the same time, it is not directly represent the price of goods ① In the process of clarifying monetary theory, Marx criticized the British bishop and the mysterious idealism in philosophy. Represents Berkeley (1684~1753)'s idealistic interpretation of currency. Marx said: "Because precious metals Symbols can be used in circulation, and Berkeley concluded that these symbols do not represent anything. Only represents the abstract concept of value. ""This confuses the value scale and price standard on the one hand, and confuses the It has created gold and silver as a measure of value and gold and silver as a means of circulation. "("Critique of Political Economy." "Marx The Complete Works of Gus, Volume 13, p. 69. ) According to Marxist monetary theory, as the price standard and circulation The paper money itself can represent nothing but an abstract concept of value, but as a measure of value Page 379 353 The value is ① , but can only be a symbol of gold or silver. Marx said very clearly: "Paper money is a symbol of gold or currency. Paper The relationship between currency and commodity value is nothing more than: commodity value is conceptually expressed in a gold In terms of quantity, this amount of gold is embodied symbolically by paper. Banknotes only The amount of watch gold (the amount of gold is the same as the amount of all other commodities, but also the amount of value), it becomes Value symbol. ” ② Just because paper money is a symbol of gold or currency, the circulation of paper money returns to the root In the end, it must be governed and restricted by the laws of currency circulation. "The country can certainly print Any number of paper notes with any coin name is put into circulation, but its control is the same This mechanical action ends together. Once the value symbol or banknote is mastered by circulation, It is governed by the inherent laws of circulation. " ③ This means:" to issue banknotes limited It symbolically represents the actual amount of gold (or silver) in circulation. " ④ Circulating banknotes The amount must be compatible with the amount of metal currency necessary in circulation. Only then, paper money The amount of unit value represented is stable. If not, the issuance of banknotes Exceeding this objective limit, then it will cause paper currency depreciation and price rises. Paper money is different. It can only be a symbol of gold, representing a certain amount of gold. Otherwise, it cannot act as a value scale. use. ① Paper money directly represents the value of commodities, which is also a wrong view criticized by Marx. He said: "The table On the surface, the value symbol directly represents the value of the commodity. It does not appear as a symbol of gold, but as a symbol of price. A symbol of exchange value that only appears and actually exists in the commodity. However, this superficial phenomenon is wrong of. The value sign is directly just a sign of price, therefore it is a sign of gold. It is indirectly a sign of commodity value. number. "("Critique of Political Economy". "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 13, p. 105.) ② Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, p. 148. ③ Marx: "A Critique of Political Economy". The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 13, No. 109~110 page. ④ Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 23, p. 147. Page 380 354 This kind of "price rise is nothing but the circulation process forcing value symbols to be equal to them. The reaction to the amount of gold in circulation. " ① Under the socialist system, the relationship of production and the role of currency reflected Great changes have taken place, but the nature of currency as a general equivalent has not changed. The basic functions of currency have not changed, and Marx's theory on the law of currency circulation continues Effective, currency circulation "this law is universally applicable" ② . The law of currency circulation, and other economic regulations that work together in several societies Like the law, it does not depend on people's will, but the form in which it acts The same social forms are different. In a capitalist society, the law of currency circulation is Under market competition and production anarchy, it acts as an alien force. In a socialist society, due to the planned economy, the law of currency circulation is After we have a correct understanding and guided by the correct route, it is possible to consciously use it, Realize the planning of currency circulation, eliminate the interference of the spontaneous capitalist forces, and make it To organize production and commodity circulation services, to consolidate the economic foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat service. Section 2 my country's RMB In semi-colonial and semi-feudal China, because it represents the big landlords and big bourgeoisie The reactionary government of the Kuomintang with interests turned to imperialism, and the power of currency issuance and management Completely controlled by the imperialist powers. With the founding of the People's Republic of China, The Chinese government has cancelled all financial privileges of imperialism and forbids any foreign banks ① Marx: "A Critique of Political Economy." "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 13, p. 110. ② Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, p.139. Page 381 355 Issuing currency in our country, prohibiting all foreign currencies from circulating and trading in our market; At the same time, the National Bank of the Kuomintang regime was confiscated, the circulation of counterfeit legal currency was prohibited, and the establishment of An independent, unified and stable currency system with the issuance of RMB as the content degree. The Kuomintang's reactionary regime was in the process of victory and development in the revolutionary war. The establishment and development of life bases, and the land was broken piece by piece. Therefore, the currency The circulation positions were also occupied piece by piece. During the Anti-Japanese War, In an anti-Japanese base area, the anti-Japanese democratic regime led by the Communist Party of China issued its own Banknotes. For example, the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Liberated Area issued bank notes for the The Liberated Area issued Northwest Farmers Bank Notes, and the Shanxi-Hebei-Lu-Yu Liberated Area issued Jinan Bank Bank notes, Beihai Bank notes were issued in Shandong Liberated Area, and Central China For bank notes, Southern Bank notes were issued by Guangdong Dongjiang Liberated Area. In the third domestic revolution During the War of Life, with the victorious People's Liberation War, in some newly liberated areas Some new banknotes have been issued, such as the Northeast Bank Notes of the Northeast Liberated Area, Ludadi Kandong Bank notes in the district, Great Wall bank notes in the Jiere-Liao liberated area, and the Central Plains liberated area Zhongzhou Farmer Bank Notes, etc. In the winter of 1948, when the Liaoshen, Huaihai, and Pingjin battles were successfully carried out At this time, the situation of national victory in the People's Liberation War has emerged. For further Support the war, win victory, and contribute to post-war economic recovery and planned society Prepare for the construction of justice and build an independent, unified and stable socialism The monetary system became an important task of the party on the economic front at that time. Nineteen four On December 1, 2008, in the former North China Bank, North Sea Bank, Northwest Farmers Bank Based on the establishment of the People's Bank of China, it first issued RMB in the Liberated Area of ​​​​North China. And according to a certain price ratio, the banknotes issued by various liberated areas were successively recovered. Renminbi Page 382 356 As the currency of New China, it began to carry out its historical mission. The practice of more than 20 years has shown that my country's RMB has become one of the few in the world. Stable currency. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, my country's market prices have been stable for a long time. Set the main logo. This is similar to the soaring price before liberation and the sharp depreciation of pseudo-fiat currency. Compared with the situation, the two societies are really two heavens! In old China, the Kuomintang reactionaries, in order to make up for the huge military expenditure of the counter-revolutionary war, Implement a hyperinflation policy. The twelve years of inflation from 1937 to 1949 Among them, the issuance of counterfeit legal currency has increased by more than 140 billion times, and prices have risen by more than 85,000 over the same period. Billion times, reaching a rare scale in the world. Someone has done this to the devaluation of fake legal currency A visual analysis: the purchasing power of 100 yuan in pseudo-fiat currency, worth two scalpers in 1937, 1938 The annual value is one ox, one pig in 1939, one bag of flour in 1941, and one chicken in 1943 Only, in 1945 it was worth two eggs, in 1946 it was worth one-sixth of a solid soap, and in 1947 it was worth coal 1 ball, the value of rice on August 19, 1948 was 0.002, 416 taels (16 taels), 1949 The May value is 0.000,000,000, 00, 185 taels (that is, 2.45% of a grain of rice). From Two scalpers to 2.45% of a grain of rice Less bitterness and blood and tears! my country's trade with many countries and regions has been priced in RMB, Settlement. The reputation of RMB in the international arena is getting higher and higher, which fully demonstrates the The currency system has tremendous advantages over the capitalist system. Contrary to the situation in our country, the entire capitalist world economic crisis and financial The currency crisis continued to erupt and was chaotic. In the US empire known as the "superpower" From Yihe Soviet revisionist social-imperialists, the value of currency was declining, and gold kept flowing out. This is a profound manifestation of the increasingly decay of the capitalist system. For more than 30 years after the war, the capitalist countries in the West caused great inflation in their domestic prices. Page 383 357 At the same time as it rose, the wave of selling US dollars and snapping up gold broke out in the financial market. US$358 The price plummeted, and the price of gold in US dollars soared. The US announced the US dollar at the end of 1971 After a 7.89% depreciation, a 10% depreciation was announced again in February 1973. And in the international market, The actual depreciation of the US dollar has far exceeded the official US figures. In 1974, the United States The official gold price is 42.22 US dollars per ounce, while the London free market gold price was as high as US$195.25 per ounce, a difference of nearly five times. The status of "Jin Yuan Empire" fell The capitalist monetary system centered on the US dollar has collapsed and the capitalist world's The international monetary and financial system has fallen into great turbulence and chaos. In the Soviet revisionist social-imperialism, the ruble also depreciated drastically. According to Soviet revision In a comprehensive calculation of consumer product prices, prices in 1973 increased by about 30% over 1960. from Since the market's commodity prices have increased even more, the retail price of food in the free market in 1972 The operating license price is 62% higher. The foreign exchange rate of the Soviet ruble, compared with the new ruble in 1961, Depreciated by 55%. In capital-imperialist and social-imperialist countries and many other capitalists Country, why does the currency in circulation continue to depreciate, and the value of my country's renminbi But it is very stable and enjoys lofty prestige at home and abroad? The correct answer can only be Look for it from the economic systems of different societies. In imperialist countries, the contradiction between production relations and productive forces has become increasingly intensified. Into a profound economic crisis and disaster. In order to get rid of this dilemma, the governments of these countries Just begging for arms expansion and war preparations, large fiscal deficits, excessive paper money, and attempts to use artificial Ways to stimulate the purchasing power of society. But in this way, they have to be punished, Cause prices to rise and currency to fall. This phenomenon is exactly the mandatory value sign of the circulation process The number is equal to the reaction produced by replacing the amount of gold in circulation. In our country, it is another situation. The dictatorship of the proletariat and socialist public ownership The establishment of, eliminates the antagonistic contradictions inherent in capitalism and enables us to have To organize social production, circulation and distribution in a planned way, and according to the rules of currency circulation Page 384 358 View requirements, the planned release and withdrawal of currency, so that currency circulation is the same as commodity circulation The needs are basically adapted. The long-term stability of my country's renminbi has been achieved in struggle, and it's the Maoist. Xi's proletarian revolutionary line has continuously defeated the opposition of Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping. The result of the revolutionary revisionist line. If according to Liu Shaoqi's so-called "may Revisionist approaches such as issuing more votes, and “the more inflation gets richer” Line to organize currency circulation, which will inevitably make the currency circulation exceed the objective demand for commodity circulation. This has caused tight supply of commodities, rising prices and devaluation of currencies. In this way, the Socialist revolution and socialist construction will be destroyed, and the lives of working people will be destroyed. Will fall into many difficulties, and a small group of bourgeois elements will surely make waves Windfall. This is beyond doubt. China in the past and the Soviet Union today are a mirror child. "The correctness of the ideological and political line is everything." The same is true for currency stability. The practice of more than 20 years has proved that only Only by resolutely implementing Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line can we give full play to the socialist system. Consciously use the law of currency circulation to limit the Control the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat, and promote the cause of socialist construction Development and improvement of working people's lives. Specifically, my country's RMB Able to maintain long-term stability, mainly because: First, there is a strong socialist economy, guaranteeing the supply of a large number of commodities Putting into the market at a fixed price provides a solid material foundation for the stability of the renminbi. Currency circulation serves the circulation of commodities. The more commodities the country has, the more According to the requirements of the law of currency circulation, the necessary amount of currency needed for commodity circulation services The more. In this way, the circulation of money will not exceed the demand, and there will be no material Page 385 359 The phenomenon of rising prices and devaluation of currencies. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, my country has initially established an independent With an independent industrial system, the people of our country adhere to the policy of “developing the economy and ensuring supply” According to the order of agriculture, light and heavy, vigorously develop production so as to make the supply market The food, clothing, and use of various commodities continue to increase, and the country's expand. Compared with 1964, industrial output value increased by 1.9 times in 1974. The total agricultural output value increased by 51%, and the total purchases of commodities in 1973 Retail sales increased more than six times compared with the beginning of the liberation period. For every RMB issued in my country, There are a few dollars of goods as a guarantee. This proves that the stability of my country's renminbi currency is due to The result is that we have ample supply of goods as backing. Second, my country's currency circulation is just like commodity circulation. Under the guidance. How much salary does the state pay each year, how many agricultural and sideline products are purchased, How much currency should be put in, correspondingly how much goods should be supplied to the market, and how much goods should be returned The currency is subject to the objective requirements of the state in accordance with the laws of currency circulation, and systematically unified Make arrangements. In the development of the national economy “based on agriculture and led by industry” Under the guidance of the general policy, on the one hand, the country strives to make the growth of production commensurate with the needs of the people. Adaptation, on the other hand, organize currency circulation in a planned way so that the currency can follow The planned channels are sent out and received back to ensure that currency circulation can adapt to commodity circulation Need, this is another reason for the long-term stability of my country's renminbi currency. Third, the state's fiscal revenue and expenditures are balanced, ensuring that currency circulation does not exceed commodities The track needed for circulation. Chairman Mao pointed out a long time ago: “To consolidate the balance of fiscal revenue and expenditure And price stability" ① ; "The National Bank's issuance of paper money should basically be based on the national ① "Fighting for the Basic Improvement of the State's Financial and Economic Conditions". People's Publishing House, 1950 Edition, No. 6~7 pages. Page 386 360 The need for economic development" ① . If the country's fiscal revenue and expenditure are unbalanced, it will inevitably cause additional issuance The consequences of paper money; once the issuance of paper money exceeds the needs of commodity circulation, it flows through Cheng will force the banknotes (value symbols) to equal the amount of gold they replace, which means It is to cause the currency to fall and prices to rise. In our socialist construction, follow Chairman Mao's teachings have always adhered to the policy of fiscal balance. There are few things, and it is not allowed to increase the issuance of banknotes to make up for fiscal expenditures. My country early It has become a "debt-free country" with neither foreign nor domestic debt. Socialist fiscal revenue Most of the income comes from the income of state-owned enterprises. The continuous development and commercialization of industrial and agricultural production The continuous expansion of product circulation has provided a definite guarantee for the gradual growth of fiscal revenue. certificate. Socialist fiscal expenditures are mainly used to develop socialist economy and national defense Cultural education. Our country's sound and consolidated fiscal balance is for the people The long-term stability of the currency provides an important prerequisite. The development of the socialist economy requires the country to follow the requirements of the law of currency circulation, Control currency issuance in a planned way, make currency circulation compatible with commodity circulation, and maintain Price stability and currency value stability, and socialist society objectively has The possibility of fulfilling this requirement. However, this does not mean that the socialist currency flow There is no contradiction with commodity circulation. In the process of national economic development, there are Many factors may affect the balance of currency circulation and commodity circulation, and affect the stability of currency value. set. In terms of objective factors, such as the disturbance and destruction of the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party, urban and rural capital The impact of capitalist forces and poor harvests in agricultural production will directly affect the market. Supply of consumer goods. From subjective factors, the proportion of agriculture, light industry and heavy industry The arrangement of the department may be inappropriate. The arrangement of goods and currency between regions and seasons are also ① "Our Economic Policy". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 1, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, Page 120. Page 387 361 May be unbalanced. All of these will affect the inability to realize the purchasing power of some currencies. Thereby affecting the stability of currency value. Especially after the party's bourgeoisie The places and departments affected by the line of justice will inevitably cause the rampant capitalist forces and destroy The normal circulation of bad currency. Therefore, we must insist on fighting the correct line against the wrong line. Conflicts, under the guidance of the correct line, promptly discover contradictions, and the state will pass adjustment plans. Plan and take correct measures to overcome them in time to make currency circulation compatible with commercial circulation Should reach a new balance. This kind of constantly exposing contradictions in the process of class struggle, and The constant resolution of contradictions is showing that the socialist system is better than the capitalist system Has incomparable superiority. Page 388 Page 389 Page 390 Page 391 Chapter 4. Distribution in a Socialist Society And reproduction Page 392 Page 393 363 Chapter 10 Distribution in a Socialist Society Section 1 Distribution of National Income The ownership relationship determines the distribution relationship Distribution is an important part of social reproduction. Only through this link, Only social products can enter production consumption and personal consumption, and social reproduction can continue Continue. Therefore, when we understand the socialist production process and the circulation process Later, it is necessary to further understand the socialist distribution and reproduction process. Socialist distribution is fundamentally different from capitalist distribution. but, In terms of distribution, bourgeois legal rights still dominate. Take the capitalist road within the party The people in power always have to grasp the important link of distribution and try to strengthen and expand distribution The right of the bourgeoisie to restore the exploitative relationship of capitalism. proletariat We must fight against the bourgeoisie, prevent the restoration of capitalism, and promote socialist production For the development of the country, we must restrict the bourgeois right of distribution and correctly handle the state, The relationship between collective and individual. Distribution is the distribution of national income first, and then the personal consumption goods distribution. Let's start with the distribution of national income. In a certain period of time (usually calculated in units of one year), a country is The total amount of the means of production and consumption produced by workers in the material production sector Page 394 364 Sum, called the total social product; deducted from the total social product to compensate for the consumption The part of the social product that remains after the lost means of production is national income. it It is created by the living labor consumed by the workers in the material production sector in a certain period of time. Made. How national income is distributed will not only affect the development of social reproduction Direction and scale, but also reflect the production relations of a certain society. The material production sectors that create national income include: industry (including construction), Agriculture (including forestry, animal husbandry, sideline, fishery), the part of the transportation industry that serves freight, The part of the post and telecommunications industry that serves the production and the part that continues the production process Supply and business (such as the necessary packaging, storage, processing and transportation in the circulation process Etc.) ① . Because the socialist production process has a direct social labor process and value creation The duality of the process, so the national income of a socialist society is both expressed as The physical form is also expressed as the value form. National income in kind, depending on the product Different types, we can't use simple addition to calculate the sum, but we The value form can be used, that is, the sum of it is calculated at a fixed price in a certain year Figure it out. In this way, the national income calculated at a fixed price for a certain year can be reversed Reflect the growth and change of national income in physical form over several years. National income is the country A comprehensive indicator in the national economic plan. Analyze the changes in national income growth, It can reveal the level of a country's productivity development and the speed of the country's economic development. What determines the distribution of the part of social products as national income What? The product distribution relationship of any society cannot be chosen by people at will. ① In a capitalist society, everything that can bring profit to capitalists is regarded as an act of production. Therefore, this The income from service industries and businesses that do not create value is also included in the national income. Capital A considerable part of the national income of capitalist society is false and artificially exaggerated. Page 395 365 It is determined by a certain ownership system and the mutual relationship between people in production. Have What kind of ownership of the means of production and the relationship between people in production, there are What kind of product distribution relationship. The ownership of the means of production is a decisive factor. Once the nature of the ownership is determined, the nature of the product distribution deal. Marx pointed out: "A certain form of participation in production determines the specific form of distribution. The type determines the form of participation in the distribution. " ① Marx here talking about" involved in the production of Certain form" refers to the relationship between the ownership of the means of production and people's production Department said. In a capitalist society, because the means of production are in the hands of capitalists, there is no property The class does not have any means of production, and can only sell labor to the capitalists and suffer capital Exploitation and oppression of the home. Therefore, the basic distribution relationship in capitalist society is People can only get a small amount in the form of wages that is only enough to sustain the reproduction of labor National income; capitalists divide most of the national income This kind of form is taken as their own, and part of it is used for their profligacy, wasteful, shameless sending Life, another part is transformed into capital again, expanding the reproduction of capitalism, To extract more surplus value from workers. In a socialist society, the socialist public ownership of the means of production replaces production With private ownership of materials, the working people have become the masters of the means of production and no longer suffer from exploitation and oppression. The corresponding distribution relationship is the national income created by the working people, All belong to the working people, and in accordance with the principle of benefiting the working people, Distribute according to the interests of the country, collectives and individuals. Therefore, talking about distribution is not Can leave the relationship between ownership and people in production; leave ownership and people ① Marx: "Introduction to "A Critique of Political Economy". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 2, People Press 1972 edition, page 98. Page 396 366 To talk about the issue of distribution in the interrelationship of production is a departure from Marxism. In the nineteenth century, Germany's Lassalle, Dohring and others were separated from the means of production. There are rules to talk about distribution issues. They think that the capitalist mode of production is good, It's just that the distribution is unfair. They advocate the use of the so-called “public ownership” that does not violate the private ownership of the means of production. To eliminate poverty among working people. Obviously, this is a kind of deception. The people, defend the reactionary theory of capitalist private ownership. Marx is criticizing Lassalle At the time of the school, he pointed out: This kind of "sees the so-called distribution as the essence of things and puts the emphasis on On it, that is also fundamentally wrong. " ① The wrong view criticized by Marx here is a kind of "distributive determinism" View. Although this "distributive determinism" was met with Marx’s Deeply critical, but foreign and Chinese revisionists, old and new, still often change It is widely used to oppose Marxism and socialism. Liu Shaoqi desperately Promote such a point of view, saying that "the relations of production and production in a socialist society The contradiction in productivity is mainly manifested in the issue of distribution." Lin Biao and his group advocated The principle of distribution and material benefits" is the "decisive driving force" for the development of production. The capitalists deliberately left the ownership and interrelationship of the means of production, taking distribution as the top priority The important question is raised, "thereby describing socialism as mainly a distribution problem "Going around in circles" ② , using the so-called "distribution problem" to cover up the problems of ownership and mutual relations, The evil purpose of covering up class contradictions and class struggle is to try to disintegrate socialism. The relations of production subvert the dictatorship of the proletariat. While criticizing the "distributive determinism", we must see that distribution is in social production It is not a purely passive negative factor. Distribution is determined by production, and it is counterproductive ①②Marx : "A Critique of the Gotha Program." "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, 1972 edition,  Page 13. Page 397 367 Production counteracts the relationship between people in production, and counteracts ownership. In a socialist society, the correct handling of distribution issues will help mobilize all positive factors. Therefore, accelerate the pace of socialist construction and consolidate and develop socialist public ownership. Primary distribution and redistribution of national income How is the distribution of national income in a socialist society carried out? It must first The first allocation is made in the production area, and then it has to be redistributed. Because of the two Socialist public ownership has different forms of distribution. Therefore, the national The distribution of income presents a certain degree of complexity. Let us first take a look at the national income in the two socialist public ownership economies How was the initial allocation made. The total output value created by socialist state-owned enterprises must first be deducted from the production process The remaining part of the value of the means of production consumed is used by workers in state-owned enterprises. The national income created is the net output value of the enterprise. The part created by state-owned enterprises The income is directly determined by the socialist countries in accordance with the needs of the entire national economy. A reasonable initial distribution, decomposed into employee wages and social net income (profit) Two parts. Social net income is collected through two forms: profit and tax paid by enterprises. In the hands of the country, it is up to the country to develop the national economy according to the needs of the proletariat The interests of the laborers and the working people are allocated and used in a planned way. In the collective economy of rural people's communes in my country, the production value is deducted from the total output value. The value of the part of the means of production consumed in the process, the remaining part is the member's The national income created during the year. my country's rural people's communes are currently implemented The three-level collective ownership based on production teams, the primary distribution of national income, also Based on the production team, it is divided among the three levels of collective economy: commune, brigade and production team. Page 398 368 Don't do it. In certain communes where the production brigade is the basic accounting unit, the national The initial distribution of income is based on the brigade. Jizhong separately. The national income created by the collective economy at all levels of the commune is divided into The solution is divided into the following parts: (1) The pure income that is used by the state in the form of tax (2) Provident funds (including grain reserves) and public welfare funds used by the collective economy; (3) Work point income that is at the disposal of individual members. The initial distribution of national income in rural people's communes involves national interests, collective The relationship between interests and personal interests must be handled correctly. Just like Chairman Mao What it teaches: "On the issue of distribution, we must take into account national interests and collective interests And personal interests. For the country's taxation, the accumulation of cooperatives, and farmers' personal income To enter these three aspects of the relationship, we must handle properly, and always pay attention to adjust the contradictions. " ① "We should try our best to enable farmers to increase production year by year in normal years. Increase personal income. " ② Considering the agricultural production to a large extent subject to natural Conditions, the rural people's communes must implement the principle of In the harvest year, some accumulation can be appropriately increased. In the poor harvest year, it is appropriate to retain less or no accumulation, so that the society The life of the staff is stable and can improve year by year. National income has been first distributed in the field of material production, forming a social The original income of the socialist state, collectively owned enterprises, and workers and farmers. but Yes, the allocation cannot end here. After the initial distribution of national income, return ① "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A), human People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 471. ② Same as above. Page 399 369 We have to be reallocated to form a second income ① . Why redistribute? This is because, in addition to production sectors such as industry and agriculture, socialist society also There are various non-material production departments, such as culture, education, and health departments. Some service industries, as well as the military and state administrative agencies. These departments, For the comprehensive development of socialist economy and culture, for the improvement and enrichment of the working people The material and cultural life of China is very necessary to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat. Although the labor of workers in these sectors does not create social products and national income, But it is also the labor needed by a socialist society. Production sector and non-production sector Workers serve each other, in fact there are exchange activities between them Relationship. Therefore, after the initial distribution of national income, it must be done once Redistribute. The labor wages and various expenses paid by the non-production sector are Provided by the redistribution of national income created by the production sector. In addition, socialist society treats citizens who have lost the ability to work, martyrs, Military members, needy households, and the old, weak, lonely, widowed, and disabled who have no support in life People's needs in life and education should be given proper care. At the same time, the Free medical care and hardship subsidies will also be provided to employees. To ensure that these parties There should be a social guarantee fund to meet the needs. This fund must also pass through the national Redistribution of income to establish. The redistribution of national income in a socialist society is mainly through the following two channels The way forward: (1) State budget. Socialist countries put through budget revenue collection Monetary funds raised up in the budget are transformed into non-production sectors and ① The concentrated net income obtained by socialist countries in participating in the first distribution will be used for various purposes However, not every expenditure forms a redistribution of national income. For example, the state makes productive allocations to state-owned enterprises The issue of ownership change does not occur here, and if the second income is not formed, it does not belong to the redistribution of national income. Range. Page 400 370 The income of its workers is used to meet the increasing development of collective welfare Needs of development. (2) Activities in the service industry. Workers, farmers and other jobs Use their personal income to pay for the service industry Cost; some service industries do not create value, they will get a Divided income, converted into wage expenditure, and become workers in this part of the service industry Personal income. The redistribution of national income is also affected by price changes to a certain extent. For example, in order to reduce the “scissors” in the price of industrial and agricultural products left over from the old society Poor", under the conditions of production development, lower the sales price of industrial products and increase agricultural The purchase price of the product increases the income of farmers. National income in a socialist society, after distribution and redistribution, finally decomposed There are two parts: one part is controlled by socialist countries and collectively-owned enterprises, Used to expand reproduction and meet other common needs of society; the other part belongs to labor Owned by the workers, it is mainly used to meet the individual needs of the workers. Two parts of national income In the process of using it, it finally comes down to two purposes: accumulation fund and consumption fund. The result of distribution and redistribution of the entire social product and national income can be listed The table is as follows① : ① The foreign aid expenditure of socialist countries, like other items in the balance of payments, is It was not reflected on the distribution table. We believe that foreign aid expenditure should neither be included in the accumulation fund nor in the consumption base. It should be called "foreign aid fund" truthfully. This foreign aid fund must be deducted from the total national income, And at the same time, add or subtract other balances of international payments caused by remittances, international trade, etc. To use national income. The national income that can be used at home is distributed and redistributed, and finally decomposed into the accumulation base. Two major items, gold and consumer funds. After the foreign aid fund (referring to the loan portion) has been paid for several years, if there is any repayment, it shall be the same The other balance of payments items are calculated in a consolidated manner. As a result, if international income exceeds expenditure, the domestic National income that can be used to increase accumulation and consumption. Page 401 371 The total social products and national income are produced and created by the working people. Socialism belongs to the working people. However, as can be seen from the above table, Owned by the working people, not all social products are directly distributed to the workers Individual hands. Marx was criticizing the "out-of-put-all labor place" advocated by the LaSalle school. The fallacy of “get” pointed out that before the distribution of personal consumer goods, various Kind of necessary deductions. Of course, these deductions are ultimately used for beneficial. "Everything deducted from a producer in a private position, and Will be used directly or indirectly to benefit the producer who is a member of society accumulation fund National Management Fund: used for national administrative management and defense expenditure Culture, Education and Health Fund: for science, education, health care, and arts expenditure Social guarantee fund: socialist countries and enterprises use labor insurance and public expenses Medical and social assistance expenditure The above three fund expenditures, including the functions of each department Workers' wages Personal consumption fund in production and circulation: used to pay for production and circulation Workers' wages for work and employee's remuneration society Doctrine society Total product make up Eliminated Consuming produce data national income consumption fund Expansion of production fund: used for basic productive construction such as industry, agriculture and transportation Set up and increase corporate liquidity Non-productive capital construction funds: used in the cultural, educational, and health sectors, Capital construction, industrial and agricultural Non-productive infrastructure in the production sector Social reserve fund: socialist countries and enterprises prepare for war and prevent Unexpected interruption of the reproduction process for backup materials Reserves, such as the country's raw material, fuel and grain reserves And the grain reserves of the People's Commune Page 402 372 Profit. " ① It is with the distribution of national income and product fundamentally different from the old society. Society The distribution of products and national income should be "discounted and deducted", not to say that the more withheld The more the better, but the national, collective and personal interests should be taken into consideration as well as long-term interests And immediate benefits, and gradually improve the lives of working people on the basis of production development. Section 2 Distribution of Personal Consumer Goods The historical reasons for implementing the principle of "everyone can do their best, distribute according to work" The distribution of personal consumer goods is based on all necessary deductions Later. Marx scientifically foresaw that socialism Societies, the distribution of consumer goods cannot yet implement the “everyone's best, distribution according to needs”. The principle of production should be carried out in accordance with the amount of labor each worker provides to the society. Allocation means implementing distribution according to work. Marx explained the distribution according to work: "Social The working day is made up of all the individual working hours; the individual Human working time is the part that he provides in the social working day, that is, he is in the society A cent in a working day. He received a certificate from the society to prove that he provided How much labor (deduct the labor he did for the social fund), and he used this certificate The book receives a share of consumption from the social storage equivalent to the amount of labor he provides material. He gave the society the amount of labor in one form, and received all of it in another form. come back. ” ② ① Marx: "A Critique of the Gotha Program." "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House 1972 edition, page 10. ② Marx: "A Criticism of the Gotha Program." "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House 1972 edition, page 11. Page 403 373 Marx's theory of distribution according to work is analyzing the utopian socialist's It is formed on the basis of the theory of distribution and criticizing Lassalle's opportunistic fallacy. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, some utopian socialists began to propose thinking similar to distribution according to work. miss you. Saint Simon of France (1760~1825) said that in the future society, everyone’s Status and income should be proportional to his ability; Saint-Simon's students therefore proposed "according to ability The principle of calculating remuneration and determining ability according to work efficiency". Another French Utopian Society of Saint-Simon's contemporary Socialist Fourier (1772-1837), in his vision of the basic unit of future society In "Franji", products are partly distributed according to labor. Saint Simon and Fourier They all regard the distribution according to work initially proposed by them as the most ideal distribution principle. But in them Private ownership of the means of production is still preserved in the ideal society envisaged. Sacred capital The family is also counted as a laborer, and the profit made by the capitalist is also regarded as the capitalist's management of the enterprise. Labor remuneration; and Fourier argued that in addition to part of the product distributed according to labor, the other part According to the distribution of share capital (Fourier's assumption, the total income of francs, twelfth Fifth, it is distributed according to labor, four-twelfth is distributed by share capital, and three-twelfth is distributed by knowledge). Marx and Engels controlled this kind of untouched capitalism to utopian socialists. As the most ideal distribution principle, "distribution according to work" has been sharply criticized. Marx and Engels criticized Saint Simon in the "German Ideology" written from 1845 to 1846 The righteous's formula of "remuneration by ability" points out: "The most important difference between communism is One of the principles of all reactionary socialism" is "the difference between people's minds and intelligence, rooted in This should not have caused the difference between the needs of the stomach and the body; The incorrect principle based on our current system should be-because this principle is In the narrow sense of consumption-it becomes a principle of'distribution on demand', in other words: activities In terms of labor, the difference in labor will not cause any inequality in possession and consumption, and any special right. " ① Marx, Engels criticized both here utopian socialists do not touch capitalism The reactionary nature of the so-called "remuneration based on ability" on the basis of justice also points out the "reward based on ability" This distribution principle itself still embodies bourgeois legal rights, and it is scientifically foreseen that ① "German Ideology". "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, pages 637-638. Page 404 374 In a productionist society, the distribution of personal consumer goods will follow the principle of “distribution on demand”, but at that time There is no mention of the need for a transition from "distribution according to work" to "distribution according to needs". In 1867, In the first volume of Capital, Marx proposed for the first time that after the overthrow of the capitalist system, On the basis of the public possession of the means of production, labor time “is a measure of the collective labor The yardstick of the share in the activity, therefore, it is also a measure of the producer's personal consumption of the common product. The measure of the share in the part. " ① 1875, Marx in the" Critique of the Gotha Program ", the For the first time, the idea of ​​​​two stages of communist social development was clearly put forward. At the same time, once again In the first stage of communist society, the distribution of consumer goods had to implement the principle of distribution according to work. In addition, it made an incisive and dialectical analysis of distribution according to work. The included rights are “still limited to a bourgeois frame”, which is undoubtedly a “bad” Disease", on the other hand, he pointed out: "These ills are in the first stage of communist society", "is Inevitable" ② . Later, Engels and Lenin both made further insights on distribution according to work. Discourse. The socialist society implements the principle of “everyone can do his best and distribute according to work”, View conditions determine. On the one hand, due to the establishment of socialist public ownership of the means of production Beginning of the direct connection between the means of production and workers in the whole society or a collective Therefore, the status of the working people and the nature of labor have undergone a fundamental change. This creates an economic and political frontier for each worker to do his best to work for the society. mention. On the other hand, because socialist society is economically, morally and spiritually With the traces of the old society from which it was born. Therefore, the Need to be distributed, only distribution according to work can be implemented. Specifically, a socialist society is not The implementation of the principle of distribution according to work in avoiding land is determined by the following conditions: First, the development level of productivity is not very high, and social products have not been greatly enriched. ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 23, p. 96. ② Marx: "A Criticism of the Gotha Program." "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House 1972 edition, pages 11-12. Page 405 375 The material conditions for implementing on-demand distribution are not yet available. Second, the old social division of labor has not Elimination, there are still workers and peasants, between urban and rural areas, mental labor and physical labor The essential differences between the various laborers caused by these differences There are also differences in the quantity and quality of the labor provided. In personal consumption In the distribution of expense products, these differences must be recognized, and the default work ability is Natural privilege. Third, for most people, labor has not yet become the first part of life. Whenever they need it, they can't immediately “learn to do for society without any legal norms. Labor" ① ; especially because there are always classes and class struggles in socialist society Disputes, the exploiting class always spreads The ugly thoughts such as “getting” poison the working people. Therefore, communism without remuneration It is impossible to establish a labor attitude generally in a short period of time. The ideological conditions of distribution. Marx pointed out: "Right can never exceed the economics of society. The economic structure and the cultural development of the society restricted by the economic structure. " ② So, community The socialist society must also implement the principle of distribution according to work, that is, labor must be used As a measure of the distribution of personal consumer goods. Appropriate care for workers in distribution The difference in labor provided to society is relatively easy for most people to understand at this stage Interpretation and acceptance are conducive to sharing with the exploiting classes' ideological work Struggle is conducive to the development of social productive forces. The legal branch of the bourgeoisie in the distribution according to work dominates The principle of "everyone's ability, distribution according to work" is in the socialism of the means of production ① "State and Revolution." "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 252. ② Marx: "A Critique of the Gotha Program." Selected Works of Marx and Engels Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Annual edition, page 12. Page 406 376 Established on the basis of public ownership. This principle requires everyone to be able to work Members of society should do their best to work for the society, and the society The amount of labor provided by people to society is used to distribute consumer goods. People who can work Social work has no right to participate in the distribution of consumer goods. From slave society, feudalism From society to capitalist society for thousands of years, exploiters rely on private ownership of the means of production, For nothing, it invades the fruits of slaves, serfs, and wage-workers, living in luxury Extravagant parasitic life. The implementation of "everyone's ability, distribution according to work" is the actual To implement the socialist principle of “no food for those who do not work” is an important measure for the exploiting class. This kind of economic coercion forces them to accept the transformation of the proletariat and become self-reliant. Transformation of workers. In socialist countries, “people who do not work cannot eat”, “everyone The socialist principle of "distributing according to work and doing everything possible" abolishes the distribution of people who exploit people System, this is a great progress in history. But, on the other hand, "in terms of the distribution of products according to labor, The law of the property class still occupies a dominant position.” ① Chairman Mao pointed out: Distribution according to work There is not much difference in the old society. The difference is that the ownership system has changed" ② . Why is it said that there is not much difference between distribution according to work and the old society, bourgeois legal rights Is it still dominant? First of all, the distribution according to work recognizes that the worker is deducting his contribution to the social fund. The part of labor after labor is his own labor. Workers provide themselves The labor reserves the right to participate in the distribution of personal consumer goods. with This situation is related, under socialist conditions, the family will also be a consumer The cost unit exists for a long time, part of the labor production and reproduction cost, ① "State and Revolution." "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 251. ② Quoted from People's Daily on February 22, 1975. Page 407 377 It still has to be borne by those who can work in the family. This means that pressing The distribution of labor has still not jumped out of the box of private words of the bourgeoisie. In a socialist society, it's a natural privilege to tacitly agree that different work abilities are It is an inevitable phenomenon in the process of historical development. Socialist society is from capital Came out of the socialist society. In a capitalist society, being deprived of the means of production and A worker who has obtained personal freedom owns only his own labor force. work To survive, people must sell their labor as commodities to capitalists. Be at the disposal of the capitalists. When the proletariat seizes power and establishes a society of means of production After the doctrine of public ownership, laborers became the masters of the means of production, and laborers began A new process of direct integration with the means of production. In national ownership and collective ownership In the economy, under the guidance of the state plan, the labor of many individuals who are not controlled by capitalists Motivation began to be used directly as a social or collective labor force. This In this way, the working hours of workers also directly become the social or collective total working day. For one part, labor is no longer a commodity. However, the labor of labor is also divided into Two parts: labor for social funds and labor for personal consumption funds; The latter part of labor becomes the yardstick for distributing personal consumer goods. This situation shows that The right embodied in distribution according to work is still a bourgeois right. In the socialist society Yes, the existence of concepts such as knowledge private ownership and wage labor is a legacy of the old society. It's impossible to wipe out those who come down all at once. On the other hand, they are divided with bourgeois legal rights. The distribution field dominates, and there are also close ties. Second, the equal rights embodied in distribution according to work are still unequal in fact right. In the case of distribution according to work, workers give social benefits in a form The amount of labor is taken back in another form. Therefore, distribution according to work still prevails Page 408 378 Is the principle that regulates the exchange of commodities, that is, a certain amount of labor can be Exchange with another form of the same amount of labor. On the surface, this exchange principle seems It is equal, and the remuneration of each worker is measured by the same scale-labor However, this kind of equal rights is bound to be unfair to different workers. The right to wait. First, the labor capacity of each worker is large and small, and some are physically strong Some, some are weaker; some have a higher level of cultural skills, and some Therefore, the amount of labor they can provide to the society is not equal, which must However, the actual income of each worker is different. Second, even if the same labor Activists provide equal social labor and receive equal social products, but because they The burden of their respective families is different. Some support more people, some support The population is smaller, and the eight-level salary system does not matter if you have fewer people and more people. In this way, among them There will also be differences in wealth. Apply the same scale to different situations In the same people, there must be de facto inequality, which is equal in form In fact, unequal rights are bourgeois legal rights. It can be seen that distribution according to work is still confined to the bourgeois legal rights. It is the soil and conditions for capitalism to be produced and must be under the dictatorship of the proletariat Be restricted. If the distribution according to work is absolute, solidified, consolidated, expanded and strengthened The legal rights of the bourgeoisie and the part of the inequality it brings, it will inevitably advance In one step, the disparity between the rich and the poor and the polarization have appeared, and some members of society Under the cloak of distribution according to work, the situation of occupying the labor of another part of society without compensation Moreover, capitalism and the bourgeoisie will quickly emerge on this basis. In this regard, the Soviet Union has provided us with important lessons. On the eve of the October Revolution, Lenin explained profoundly in "State and Revolution" The implementation of distribution according to work reflects the viewpoint of bourgeois legal rights. But died in Lenin Page 409 379 Later, especially since the 1930s, Soviet theoretical circles have been working on the issue of distribution according to work. There is a tendency to gradually deviate from Marxism-Leninism and does not recognize the expression of distribution according to work It is the right of the bourgeoisie. In 1933, the Soviet Union published the manuscript of Marx's "Critique of the Gotha Program". Soviet Law Discuss circles around the issue of bourgeois legal rights raised by Marx in this work. During the discussion, some people believed that whoever said that there is bourgeois legal rights in a socialist society would It is the "enemy of the people". They deny that distribution according to work embodies bourgeois legal rights, and put it Said it is the so-called "socialist legal right", but does not recognize that it is still a "bad" left over from the old society. Disease." For example, Midin's work in the title "The Victory of Soviet Socialism and the Remnants of New Things" The article said: "Bourgeois legal rights recognize that the tools of production and the means of production are private property of individuals. Socialism makes them social property, and therefore, the bourgeois legal rights are eliminated and no longer exist. " Korneev said in a book review on Marx's "Criticism of the Gotha Program": "Mark Thinking about the existence of a'narrow vision of bourgeois legal rights' under the socialist system The principle that the advanced stage of propertyism can completely eliminate it is understood as assets under the socialist system Class rights are at work. …Under the socialist system, the word bourgeois right It has been eliminated by the intention. "After this discussion, the false recognition of distribution according to work in the Soviet Union Consciousness has been inherited. It is denying that distribution according to work embodies the false theory of bourgeois legal rights Under the guidance of the Soviet Union since the 1930s, bourgeois legal rights have been Has gradually been expanded. If the wage gap is gradually expanded, it will be effective for some people. A high salary system was implemented. Under the erosion of bourgeois legal rights, some cadres degenerate into Worker aristocracy and neo-bourgeois elements became traitors to Khrushchev and Brezhnev The group later restored the social foundation of capitalism in the Soviet Union. The lesson of this history is Extremely profound. Chairman Mao summarized the historical experience of the international communist movement and has always insisted on Page 410 380 Under the dictatorship of the proletariat, the legal rights of the bourgeoisie are restricted. However, the asset class Level legal power is the lifeblood of the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party. The proletariat must limit the bourgeoisie Legal rights, the bourgeoisie must expand the bourgeois legal rights. Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, The party bourgeoisie like Deng Xiaoping is the defender of bourgeois legal rights. Deng Xiaoping He even denies that distribution according to work embodies bourgeois legal rights. He said: "Now If everything is described as bourgeois right, it's right to work harder, it's also called capital Is the property right? "This not only exposed his ignorance, but also reflected the asset class Level legal power is the foundation for the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party to settle down. Deng Xiaoping is the party's foreign capital The chief representative of the property class, he wants to protect the interests of the revisionist officials and protect The bourgeois right, the soil that breeds capitalism and the bourgeoisie, is trying to make The tragedy of the Soviet Union's restoration of capitalism is repeated in China. When the proletariat vs. the bourgeoisie When the legal authority raised the weapon of criticism, he was greatly annoyed and felt that capitalism and The foundation for the existence of the bourgeoisie is shaken, and hopes of capitalist restoration in China bleak Therefore, he instinctively jumped out to launch a rampant attack on the proletariat. Visible, limit The struggle between bourgeois legal rights and the expansion of bourgeois legal rights is very fierce. The focus of class struggle and line struggle in the historical stage of socialism. The form of distribution in the socialist economy of ownership by the whole people In a socialist society, in accordance with the principle of "everyone does their best and distributes according to work", What specific form is adopted for the distribution of personal consumer goods is an important issue. The correct solution of this problem is essential for adhering to the socialist direction and restricting the bourgeoisie Legal rights, promote the revolutionization of people's thinking, arrange people's lives well, and inspire labor Mobilizing the socialist enthusiasm of the masses is of great significance. Wages are the income of individuals in my country's socialist state-owned economy at this stage. Page 411 381 The basic form of distribution of consumer goods. The wages under the socialist system and the capitalist system are due to It is based on different ownership systems, thus reflecting different production relations. Under the capitalist system, labor is a commodity. It is the same as other commodities, Has value and price. Wages are a masked form of labor value or price. worker The wages received can always only maintain the minimum standard of living for themselves and their families. Marx pointed out: "The wage labor system is a slave system, and social labor production The more the power develops, the more cruel the slave system will be, regardless of whether the workers are paid better Or worse. " ① wages under the capitalist system, embodies the capitalists and workers The relationship between employment and being employed, exploitation and exploitation. Under the socialist system, the working class is the master of the country and enterprises, and labor Force is no longer a commodity. Socialist wages are no longer the value or price of labor The form of masking is a form of distribution of personal consumer goods by the state to workers. It reflects the relationship between the individual worker and the country that represents the interests of the entire working class. Moreover, with the development of labor productivity, workers' labor will create more and more The more social funds, the wage levels of workers and the development of collective welfare services The overall material and cultural living standards brought about by the exhibition will also gradually improve. Since the liberation of our country, it has been based on the whole The policy of arranging is based on the socialist principle of “everyone can do their best and distribute according to work”, The extremely unreasonable wage system left over from old China has been reformed several times. On the basis of production development, the wages of employees have been increased many times. Current job Although the wage level of workers is generally not high, the employment scope has expanded and the total wages have increased. ① Marx: "A Critique of the Gotha Program." "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House 1972 edition, page 17. Page 412 382 In addition, prices will remain stable for a long time and collective welfare will continue to increase. The level of living is gradually improved. In the old China, they didn't have enough food and clothes, and they often suffered unemployment Gone are the tragic days of threats! However, salary is a very complicated problem. Part of my country's current wage system is left over from old China. Some of them were copied from the Soviet Union in the 1950s. To completely change the distribution Reasonable conditions and correct handling of various wage relations must be based on the continuous development of production. On the basis of this, gradually improve the people's livelihood, and gradually reform in the process of improving the people's livelihood. The specific forms of socialist wages are mainly hourly wages and piece rate wages. Hourly wages are based on working hours as the unit for calculating labor compensation, that is, at a certain time During the period, a fixed salary is given according to the assessed salary grade. Piece rate is based on As a unit for calculating labor remuneration, the product of labor is based on the product completed by the laborer The number of pieces is paid according to a certain unit price. In our country, these two forms of wages are A development process. Before 1958, there were quite a few state-owned enterprises in our country The piece rate system is adopted. However, piece rate is not a good system. With the opportunity The degree of mechanicalization, automation, and the continuous improvement of employees' ideological awareness, especially in the nineteenth During the Great Leap Forward in 1958, the negative effect of bourgeois legal rights embodied in piece rate The benefits are clearly exposed, which seriously affects the perfection of people's relationships and production Development: (1) The piece-rate system is easy to promote. It is not the first concern for the collective cause, but the first The idea of ​​​​caring about personal income is not conducive to the improvement of workers' political and ideological consciousness. (2) The piece-rate system widens the wage gap between workers, which is not conducive to workers' The unity of the ministry can easily cause time-workers and piece-rate workers, new and old workers, Between workers in the previous process and workers in the next process, between workers in the previous and next The contradiction between workers. (3) The piece-rate system is not conducive to the development of technological innovation, production cooperation It is not conducive to the development of production. because Page 413 383 Therefore, encouraged by the situation of the Great Leap Forward, the vast majority of employees have been The right to have an impact, and finally in this year, in the vast majority of enterprises The system changed to a timekeeping system. Only in a few units that dominate manual labor The piece system. Under the socialist system, the production relationship reflected by wages is The wages under the justice system reflect different production relations, but the wage category and its specific The form, whether it is hourly wage or piece rate, is a legacy of capitalist society Down. Although wages under socialist conditions are no longer the price of labor, But it is the value created by the part of the labor that workers form the personal consumption fund Currency performance; when workers obtain this part of currency, commodity exchange is still prevailing According to the principle, formal equality conceals actual inequality. Chairman Mao pointed Out: "Our country now implements a commodity system, and the wage system is not equal. There are eight Grade salary system, etc. This can only be restricted under the dictatorship of the proletariat" ① . Wages The inequality of the system reflects the bourgeois legal wages reflected in the distribution according to work System, the eight-level wage system is to use the hierarchical system The form of degree is fixed. The eight-level wage system is a wage level system implemented among production workers. It follows various The complexity and proficiency of production labor, the wages are set at eight levels, but different types of work Due to different labor complexity, the highest grade line is also different. For example, technology such as lathe and fitter Type of work, the highest level can be up to level 8, while porters and other ordinary types of work, the highest level can only To level three or four. The eight-level wage system emphasizes the incentive effect of wage gaps on mobilizing labor enthusiasm. The higher the level, the greater the level difference, and the greater the increase in wages per level. In this way, between complex labor and simple labor, between skilled labor and unskilled labor, ① Quoted from "People's Daily" on February 22, 1975. Page 414 384 There is a relatively large gap in wage income, which clearly reflects the eighth level of bourgeois legal power. The system has been implemented in Northeast my country since 1950. After 1952, it was gradually extended to the whole country. Over the past two decades, some adjustments and restrictions have been made to such a wage system, but it is still Some workers continue to use it. In addition to wages, in a certain period and under certain conditions in a socialist society, In order to commend those employees who performed well The form of a fixed amount of bonus. This form does not go beyond "doing things for money" The bounds of this bourgeoisie. Before the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, many factories Enterprises, under the influence of Liu Shaoqi's revisionist line, do not promote proletarian politics. Keen to engage in bonus system. As Chairman Mao pointed out: "The former leader of the factory, Not without good people. "However, he followed Liu Shaoqi's route in the past. It's nothing more than material stimulus, profits are in command, proletarian politics are not promoted, and What bonuses, etc. " ① Practice has proved that, if you do not adhere to proletarian politics in command, Do not raise the communist consciousness of the masses, but are keen to expand and strengthen the bourgeoisie Legal rights, engage in material incentives, decide on bonuses, and use bonuses as mobilization Enthusiasm, it will inevitably corrupt people's thinking and cause workers' internal The lack of unity caused the enterprise to deviate and slip into the evil path of revisionism. In the early days of the establishment of Soviet power, Lenin once advocated a bonus system for a certain period of time. Degree (or reward system in kind). He stated in the 1919 "Draft Party Program of the Russian Communist Party (Brazzaville)" Experts still have to be paid higher for a certain period of time, so that they work better than before But it's better. For the same purpose, we can't cancel and encourage high-achieving jobs, especially organizations. ① Quoted from the 4th issue of "Red Flag" magazine, 1975. Page 415 385 Work bonus system. " ① Here, Lenin talking about the implementation of the bonus system in the bourgeois experts degree. Regarding the implementation of the reward system among workers, Lenin wrote in 1920 "Report" said: "In addition to our resolute implementation of production propaganda, we must also adopt another The way of impact, that is, rewards in kind", "to reward those who have experienced incalculable suffering People still showed heroic spirit on the labor front" ② . However, Lenin in 1921 (Cloth) The Tenth National Representative Conference clearly pointed out: "Regarding The decree to encourage workers is that they are rooted in the past and lack confidence and pessimism. Concessions made by connected emotions. Within a modest limit, this kind of concession is necessary Necessary". How to understand the necessity of such concessions made at that time? Lenin said: "We The necessity of past and present concessions can only be derived from the economic point of view and from the interests of the proletariat. Point of view, but not from any other point of view. The basic and most important of the proletariat Benefit is the restoration of large-scale industry and the consolidated economic foundation of large-scale industry. With these, the proletarian Only at the highest level can we consolidate our dictatorship, and be able to thoroughly implement it regardless of all political and war difficulties. dictatorship. Why do we have to make concessions? Why is it beyond the limit to understand this kind of letting Is step extremely dangerous? This is because it is only due to temporary conditions in food and fuel And difficulties, we have to do this. " ③ This clearly shows that at the time of Lenin in the There are specific historical reasons for advocating the implementation of the reward system. At that time, the new Soviet The regime is under the threat of imperialist armed intervention and white bandit rebellion, and the domestic economy suffers severe damage. Heavy destruction, a drastic reduction in industrial production, agricultural production, extreme shortage of food and fuel, famine and The illness spread everywhere. The composition of factory workers has changed a lot due to the large number of outstanding workers coming to the front. 化. It is under such a serious situation that in order to increase industrial and agricultural production and improve people’s Life, strengthen national defense, to defend the new proletarian regime, as a temporary relief ① "Draft Party Program of the Russian Communist Party (Brazzaville)." "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, No. 768 pages. ② "Report on the Work of the People's Committee". "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, pages 391-392. ③ "The Tenth National Congress of the Communist Party of Russia (Brazzaville)". The Complete Works of Lenin, Volume 32, Nos. 401~402 page. Page 416 386 At this stage, Lenin proposed to implement a reward system within a certain limit. But Lenin emphasized that: The decisive factor is the awareness and firmness of the working class", because this is "not only a historical cause Su, and it is a factor that determines everything and overcomes everything. " ① Thus, modern revisionism Leave certain historical conditions and one-sidedly grasp Lenin's argument about the implementation of the reward system. The basis for giving them bonuses in command is completely wrong and completely contrary to Lenin's consistent teaching. Guided. Their purpose is very clear, which is to use the bonus as a way to corrupt the workers and break the society. Means of socialist economic foundation. Distribution Forms in Socialist Collective Ownership Economy The distribution of personal consumer goods in the collective ownership of the socialist working masses, Like the socialist economy of ownership by the whole people, it must follow the socialist principle of distribution. then. However, collective ownership still has different characteristics in the distribution of consumer goods. In my country's rural people's communes under collective ownership, the basic means of production and property The goods belong to each collective, and all their income, in addition to taxation to the state, other The rest is allocated by each collective. The employee's labor pay level depends on him The level of production and net income of their collectives is the same as that of state-owned enterprises under the national control The situation of stipulating wage standards is obviously different. The production teams of the rural people's communes in my country have different levels of production and net income. The same, so the level of labor compensation is also different. From my country's current agricultural productivity Starting from the level of development and the level of consciousness of the majority of members, it is bound to recognize the difference between the commune and the commune In terms of labor remuneration levels, between brigade and brigade, production team and production team The difference. ① "Report of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Brazzaville)." "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 Annual edition, pages 166 to 167. Page 417 387 For a production team, the entire year's income is deducted from national taxes, Deduct appropriate provident funds and public welfare funds for social insurance and collective welfare In the future, the rest will be distributed among members according to the principle of Make an assignment. Currently, the distribution of personal consumer goods in rural people's communes in my country, except for some Companies run by communes and brigades have adopted the form of wages due to their relatively stable income. It is achieved in the form of labor points, through the method of evaluating work points. There are two main methods for evaluating work scoring: one is to first according to the work ability of each member It is divided into ranks and labor attitudes, and the work points for each working day are determined according to the level, which is commonly known as "bottom points." After the members are on duty, the work points are evaluated according to the "base points" and with reference to the specific labor conditions of the members. At present, most production teams in our country adopt this method. The other is to record only the attendance of the members every day Time, every quarter, half a year or a year for evaluation; when evaluating, first press OK Each level of the work points set up a model, and then each person compares the model and declares that he belongs to The final level is up to everyone to discuss and determine. This method was created by the Dazhai Brigade, and it embodies Certain restrictions on the legal rights of the bourgeoisie are conducive to cultivating the communist working attitude of the members. Item Many production teams in our country have adopted this method based on their actual conditions. In addition, in In some production teams, for certain farm work, points are also recorded according to labor quotas. By labor Amount scoring is to formulate labor quotas for various agricultural activities, and then according to the technical requirements of various agricultural activities Requirement, labor intensity, importance in production, and seasonal differences to determine the standard of work points. After the employees have completed the quantity and quality of the labor quota, they can accept the qualifications according to the quota. Points standard, calculate the work points deserved. Practice has proved that this method of scoring according to labor quota Law is the same as the piece-rate wage system in an economy under ownership by the whole people. Bourgeois legal rights are more serious. It is easier to widen the difference in the income of members, which is not conducive to unity among members. Work points are a measure of the labor consumption of members in the production team, and at the same time are points. With the scale of personal consumer goods. How much income a member receives from the production team, Page 418 388 In addition to determining the number of work points done, it also depends on the amount of each work point (work Points). The amount of each work point is not predetermined, but based on the The annual income of the production team is determined. After the year-end work point value is determined, the member will press Individuals who participate in the production team in the form of currency and in kind according to the number of work points Distribution of consumer goods. The members' work evaluation should be based on the example of the Dazhai Brigade. The level of political leadership is in charge, and the members' awareness of farming for the revolution is constantly raised, and the "Handsome", care about personal gains and losses; also reflect "everyone can do their best, distribute according to work" The principle of recognition of appropriate differences in accordance with the working conditions of the members. "The principle of equal pay for equal work for men and women must be implemented" ① . Equal pay for equal work is implemented An inseparable part of the principle of "everyone can do their best, distribute according to work". It is for real Men and women are now economically equal, mobilizing the enthusiasm of women to participate in collective production and labor, It is important to consolidate and develop the collective economy. That kind of unanalytical "male work The practice of "get ten points, women must not exceed eight points" is against the principle of socialist distribution. of. This is a reflection of the distribution of feudal ideas that despise women. The third section must limit the bourgeois right of distribution Criticize bourgeois legal rights and advocate a communist attitude towards labor Socialist countries are dealing with the distribution of personal consumer goods and in choosing Proletarian politics must be adhered to when the socialist principle of labor compensation Take command, criticize the bourgeois right of law and advocate a communist attitude to labor. ① Chairman Mao: "Note to "Initiate Women into Production and Solve the Difficulties of Labor Insufficiency"." in The Socialist Upsurge in the Countryside Country, Volume 2, p. 675. Page 419 389 What is communist labor? Lenin said: "Communist labor, from comparison In a narrow and strict sense, it is an unpaid labor for the society. This kind of labor is not for fulfilling certain obligations, not for enjoying certain The right to a product is not labor performed in accordance with a predetermined legal quota, but It is voluntary labor, it is unfixed labor, does not expect remuneration, has no remuneration Labor" ① . This kind of communist labor has become the state and enterprise in the proletariat When the master no longer worked hard for the exploiting class, but began to work for his own class, There was a bud. The emergence of communist labor in the socialist society is a history of human development A matter of great significance. This is to completely destroy the old world and build a communist An extremely important condition for Yixin World. After the October Revolution, the working class in the Soviet Union Set socialism and actively respond to the Bolshevik Party Central Committee headed by Lenin. The call to "work with revolutionary spirit" set off a vigorous ignorance Remuneration of the "Communist Saturday Voluntary Labor" movement. Lenin gave I gave a high evaluation and promoted this movement enthusiastically. Lenin put Saturday Labor is regarded as a "great pioneering work" of the working class. He pointed out: "Work The communist Saturday voluntary labor initiated and organized by people is of great significance. Righteousness. Obviously, this is only the beginning, but it is a very important beginning. This is than push The more difficult, more significant, deeper, and more decisive change of the bourgeoisie The beginning, because this is the overcoming of their own conservative, disorganized and petty bourgeoisie Righteousness, this is a habit left to the workers and peasants by capitalism that has overcome all evil. When this victory ① "From destroying the historical old system to creating a new system." "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 4, People's Publishing House 1972 edition, p. 176. Page 420 390 When consolidated, and only then, the new social discipline, the socialist discipline Will be established; only then will it be impossible to retreat to capitalism, the communist Righteousness is truly invincible. " ① Lenin also strongly called on" every Communist, Everyone who is willing to be faithful to the principles of communism should devote all their energy Help explain this thing and apply it practically. ” ② Chairman Mao has always advocated a communist attitude towards labor and has repeatedly called on us to learn Comrade Xi Bethune's spirit of no selfishness, learn from Comrade Zhang Side The spirit of fully and thoroughly serving the people requires us to "keep the past revolutionary During the war, such a vigor, such a revolutionary enthusiasm, such a desperate spirit God, do the revolutionary work to the end" ③ . In the revolutionary war years, our revolutionary ancestors, For the cause of the emancipation of the proletariat, there is no wages and no benefits. Five cents of oil, salt, firewood and vegetables, under very difficult conditions with imperialism, Feudalism fought against bureaucratic capitalism, worked hard, and fought bravely. Revolutionary ancestors relied on this communist spirit to defeat the reactionaries and establish new China. Under the nurturing of Mao Zedong Thought, in the long-term revolutionary war, In the great cause of socialist revolution and socialist construction, there have been thousands of Proletarian fighters loyal to the great cause of communism. Zhang Side, Lei Feng, Jiao Yu Comrades Lu, Yang Shuicai, and Wang Jinxi are outstanding representatives of proletarian fighters. They are not for fame, profit, hardship, or death, and they are focused on revolution. ① "The Great Pioneering Work". "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, page 1. ② "About Saturday Voluntary Labor". "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, Number 144 pages. ③ Quotations from Chairman Mao. Quoted from Premier Zhou Enlai's "Government Work Report" in January 1975. People's Publishing House 1975 edition, page 10. Page 421 391 Heart for the people, infinite loyalty to the revolution, dedicated to the people, always let go The light of communism will always inspire us to continue our revolution Go forward! Establishing a communist attitude towards labor requires "relationship with traditional ownership "Practice the most thorough break", "practice the most thorough break with traditional concepts" ① , Carry out the most thorough break with the bourgeois legal right ideology. The idea of ​​​​bourgeois legal rights is a reflection of bourgeois legal rights in its conceptual form. Those who are affected by the bourgeois legal power ideology, or put under the control of the party and the people's training Grasp the labor skills and scientific and cultural knowledge, as a bargaining and contending with the party and the people "Capital" for fame and profit; or "pay according to remuneration" or "give more "Do more with less" attitude of employing labor. This attitude is exactly what Lenin severely criticized. The kind of commented "Carefully caress about, unwilling to work half an hour longer than others, A narrow vision that doesn't want to get paid less than others" ② . If the asset class is different The level of legal rights is to implement the most thorough rupture, without deep criticism of doing things for the purpose of getting money. Capitalist morality, communist labor attitude cannot be established, socialist revolution and Socialist construction will be hindered, and communism will be impossible to achieve. therefore, We should expand the propaganda and education of communism to make more and more comrades In order to do more work, excluding remuneration model. The process of cultivating and establishing a communist labor attitude is two classes, two The line and the struggle between the two ideologies. Revisionists always use material stimuli to grind Destroy the communist spirit of the working people. Brezhnev and his colleagues tried their best to preach "material ① "The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, No. 271~272 pages. ② "State and Revolution". "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 254. Page 422 392 Stimulus", preaching “larger labor quantity, better labor quality, that is, more skilled, More stressful, more important or responsible work should be stimulated with higher pay." They shouted what material stimulus is the "most important lever" to increase labor productivity. What "material stimulus expenditure can be recovered a hundred times", and so on. Liu Shaoqi, Liars like Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping sang the same tune. Lin Biao kissed in black notes The pen wrote "material stimulus is still necessary", "materialist material stimulus", "Lure officials, salaries, and virtues" and other clichés. Deng Xiaoping was in partnership before the Cultural Revolution Together with Liu Shaoqi, he actively pursued the revisionist line of material stimulation and bonuses. Said "our revolution depends on material stimulus", "after the establishment of socialism, it will depend on material Stimulate toward communism. "These fallacies of Deng Xiaoping were met during the Cultural Revolution. Severe criticism from the revolutionary masses. But shortly after he returned to work, he was upset Case, yelling "the so-called material encouragement, there were not many in the past", and he concocted In the so-called "Regulations" for accelerating industrial development, the material stimulus is emphasized. Newly thrown out. Actually, Brezhnev, Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping Fortunately, they are frantically advocating material stimulus in an attempt to increase wages, bonuses, Treatment serves as a bait to lure people into the social foundation of their restoration of capitalism, Regarding bourgeois legal rights thoughts as corroding the working people, expanding and strengthening distribution The bourgeois right of the country is to cultivate reactionary ideological weapons for the new bourgeois elements. therefore, We must do the opposite, persist in proletarian politics, and deeply criticize things. Qualitatively stimulate, and fully understand the struggle between the two classes and the two lines on the issue of distribution. The material stimulation theory advocated by modern revisionists is nothing Fresh goods. British reactionary bourgeois economist Keynes bluntly Said: "In economic activities, the only thing people consider is personal remuneration. Individuals, whether entrepreneurs or public servants, will do anything for any other reason Page 423 393 thing. "("General Theory of Employment, Interest and Currency") Another bourgeois economy The scholar Littel also said: “No matter what the idealist thinks, personal income is The only possible effective motivation for a free economy. "("Welfare Economics Review") please Look, the material stimulus theory of the modern revisionists is similar to that of the bourgeoisie. What is the difference in the theory of self-interest in China? Marx and Engels, the revolutionary teachers of the proletariat, in the Communist Manifesto When describing capitalist relations of production, there is a passage: the bourgeoisie "makes people and people In addition to the naked interest, in addition to the cruel "cash transaction", I won't have any other contact anymore." ① Going back and talking with the set of "money can help the gods" Contrasting with the fallacy, it is not clear that Brezhnev, Liu Shaoqi, Has Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping restored the ugly face of capitalism? In a socialist society, most working people work hard and faithfully Fulfill your obligations to society. However, there must be some people who don't work hard The enthusiasm for working for the society is not high enough. This raises a question: in society Under the socialist system, the working people should do their best to work for the society. What do they rely on to motivate their socialist enthusiasm? Is insisting on proletarian politics in command, Strengthening ideological education, or relying on monetary stimulus, and implementing cash in command? This is related to The big question that leads the working people in which direction is the big question about which road to take question. Marxists have always believed that politics is the commander and the soul. Only insist Take command of proletarian politics, do a good job of ideological and political work, and constantly instill in the masses Lose socialism and communism, criticize capitalist tendencies, and criticize the capitalist class ① "The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, No. 253 pages. Page 424 394 Level of legal rights to help the broad masses firmly establish a communist labor attitude, Only by fully mobilizing the socialist enthusiasm of the masses can we continuously gain social The victory of socialist revolution and socialist construction. Lenin said it well: "To achieve victory, We must also rely on the most important source of strength. The main source of strength is the workers and peasants The masses are their consciousness and organization. " ① with Marxist education labor group The public is a very meticulous job, it is a job that needs to be done for a long time. It takes effort. The enthusiasm mobilized in this way is socialist. Prostitution is firm and lasting. Of course, material stimulation can sometimes stab Arouse the enthusiasm of some people. However, what is pierced with material stimulation will never be The enthusiasm of socialism, but only the enthusiasm of bourgeois individualism, is The enthusiasm for fame and fortune is the enthusiasm for taking the capitalist road. If according to the current The modern revisionists and Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping Rationale, bourgeois ideology is bound to overflow, and new bourgeois elements are bound to have a lot of property Give birth. This not only fails to promote the development of socialist production, it will inevitably lead to To the restoration of capitalism. Some people say that the socialist principle of distribution is not distribution according to work? why Do we want to promote a communist labor attitude that does not count for remuneration? Hold this question People, obviously, the policy principles of the party in the historical stage of socialism are in line with the party's communist The ideological education is in opposition. Chairman Mao taught us during the democratic revolution in our country: "The propaganda of the ideological and social system of communism should be The practice of the democratic action program is distinguished" ② . "Communism should be expanded ① "New Economic Policy and the Tasks of the Political Education Bureau". The Collected Works of Lenin, Volume 33, Page 49. ②  "On New Democracy." "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, No. 6 66 pages. Page 425 395 Ideological propaganda, stepping up the study of Marxism-Leninism, without such propaganda and study Xi, not only could not lead the Chinese revolution to the future stage of socialism, but also Nor can it guide the current democratic revolution to victory. " ① to these teachings of Chairman Mao When applied to a socialist society, this means that it is necessary to expand the propaganda of communism, To guide the practice of socialism, it is necessary to combine this propaganda with the practice of socialist society. The policy of the line is different. Briefly speaking, it is the socialist system plus communism thought. In terms of the distribution of personal consumer goods, it is necessary to implement "distribution according to work", It is also necessary to restrict the bourgeois legal rights embodied in distribution according to work. But in thought In terms of political education, it should not be limited to the education of socialist policies. Convict the bourgeoisie's legal rights, vigorously promote a communist attitude to work, and promote communism The spirit of productionism. Otherwise, it will not only be unable to achieve communism's on-demand distribution in the future The conditions are created for distribution, and the current socialist distribution according to work cannot be done well. The socialist principle of “everyone can do his best and distribute according to work” must be fully addressed. Understand, we cannot separate "everyone can do their best" from "distribute according to work". This original First of all, they are required to do their best, that is, each worker is required to do his best to serve the community. Will work. This requires long-term and detailed ideological and political work among the working masses. Work so that workers can make the most thorough decision with the employment concept left over from the old society. To continue to raise the consciousness of working for the revolution, consciously and persistently Ability to work for society. Therefore, the education of communism should be combined with the It is wrong to oppose the socialist distribution principle. The kind that don't talk about each other's ability, only It is a one-sided emphasis on distribution according to work, which is a distortion of the socialist principle of distribution. Page 426 396 Acknowledge the difference, oppose the disparity The socialist principle of "everyone's ability, distribution according to work" is implemented. It is necessary to preserve a certain difference in remuneration. But Marxism believes that this difference What is not reflected is the bourgeois right, which must be restricted under the dictatorship of the proletariat. It must not expand indefinitely, causing a huge disparity in people's income. Marx is summing up the world's first proletarian regime-the Paris Commune In the experience, he especially praised the heroes of the commune From the beginning, all public officials from top to bottom should only receive salaries equivalent to workers' wages The principle of "Gold" ① regarded it as a great pioneering work of the Commune. Engels and Lenin both Attaches great importance to the distribution principle of the Paris Commune, and emphasizes this experience repeatedly. Ten in Russia After the victory of the Moon Revolution, under the leadership of Lenin, the Soviet regime adopted a series of List the measures to restrict bourgeois rights in distribution. These measures mainly include: 1. Lower high salaries and stipulate that party members shall not receive high salaries and enjoy privileges. From the very beginning, the Soviet regime announced the reduction of high salaries to medium workers' wages. Flat policy. In November 1917, it was stipulated that the monthly maximum salary of the people's committee should not exceed 500 Lu ① Marx: "The French Civil War". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 2, People's Publishing House, 1972 Annual edition, p. 375. The Paris Commune made the following major reforms to the wage system: 1. Abolish the high salaries and all economic privileges of the old state officials, and stipulate the highest salaries for the employees of the municipalities The annual fee is 6,000 francs, which is equivalent to the income of a skilled worker, and it is stipulated that part-time jobs are not paid. 2. Raise the wages of low-level staff and workers, and greatly narrow the gap between the two extremes of wages. Such as the post office, originally The gap between the minimum wage (delivery staff) and the maximum wage (director) is more than ten times. After reform, it has been reduced to three to three times. Quadruple. Page 427 397 cloth. This was roughly equivalent to the average monthly salary of skilled workers at that time between 400 and 500 rubles. 1919 According to the initial regulations, the highest monthly salary of the people's committee was 2,000 rubles, while the maximum wage for workers was 1,100. Sixty rubles, the difference is less than double. In September 1920, the Ninth Congress of the Communist Party of Russia (Brazzaville) stipulated that “Party members Employees do not have the right to receive personal special wages, bonuses and additional remuneration." Regarding bourgeois experts, Lenin once advocated temporarily paying them high salary. But Lenin pointed out: “This method is a compromise, it is to leave the Paris Commune and any The principle of the property-class power" ① . When Lenin took this measure, he repeatedly reminded people The corrosive effect of such high wages. 2. Narrow the wage gap among the working people. After the October Revolution, Lenin repeatedly emphasized that the salaries and labor The amount of capital tends to level off. In January 1919, the minimum and maximum wages in the wage scale of workers The ratio is 1:1.75, 1:2 in April 1920, and 1:2.8 for individual departments. Chairman Mao has always advocated carrying forward the party's close ties with the masses and sharing weal and woe with the masses. The glorious tradition and the fine style of hard work are opposed to the high salary system for a few people degree. In the revolutionary war years, Chairman Mao pointed out: "The material distribution of the Red Army personnel, It should be roughly average", "but we must oppose the absolute Against egalitarianism" ② . According to Chairman Mao's instructions, from the time of the Second Revolutionary Civil War Period, until the beginning of the national liberation, our party has The Ministry has been implementing a roughly average supply system. Chairman Mao has always maintained that in socialism During the period of revolution and socialist construction, we must never implement a system of high salaries for a few people. ① "The Current Tasks of Soviet Power." "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, Page 502. ② "On the Correction of Wrong Thoughts in the Party." Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 1, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal version, p. 89. Page 428 398 The party, the state, enterprises, and the people's communes should be scaled down reasonably and not expanded. The personal income gap between the staff and the people. Prevent everything from working Personnel use their power to enjoy any privileges. Following Chairman Mao's teachings, our country has Lowering the wages of senior cadres and increasing the wages of low-level workers many times The group relationship further aroused the enthusiasm of the working people. In a socialist society, if the distribution is not a restriction but an expansion of the asset class If a high-paying system is implemented for a few people, it will make these minorities If people are in a privileged position with vested interests, they are easily separated from the masses and from the revolution. Even opposed to continuing the revolution. As Chairman Mao taught: "After the democratic revolution, workers People and poor people have not stopped, they want revolution. But some party members don't want to go forward Some people stepped back and opposed the revolution. why? Became a high official, To protect the interests of high officials. " ① these high officials who have a good house, a car, pay The water is high, and there are waiters who are disgusted with criticizing bourgeois rights. In socialism Society, if the distribution is not to restrict but to expand the bourgeois' legal rights, it must It will in turn affect the consolidation of socialist public ownership. Widening the difference in distribution, Under certain conditions, the phenomenon of disintegrating the public sector of the economy has happened in history. of. Such was the disintegration of the primitive commune. Engels pointed out: The primitive commune "such as If there is a relatively large inequality in the distribution between members, then this is already It was a sign that the commune had begun to disintegrate. ""As the difference in distribution appeared, There are also class differences. " ② Soviet socialist public economy collapse, but also In terms of distribution, the same few people have become more and more occupied through certain legal and large-scale illegal means. ① Quoted from "People's Daily" on May 16, 1976. ② Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, p. 187. Page 429 399 The more commodities and currencies are linked together. Today, Brezhnev is the chief representative Table of Soviet bureaucratic monopoly bourgeois elements, with high wages, high bonuses, and high drafts Remuneration and various personal allowances. They suck the blood of workers and peasants. It is dozens or even hundreds of times higher than that of ordinary workers and farmers. Originally controlled by the working people The means of production in their hands have become their capital for exploiting the working people, and they are divided according to work. The allocation rules have become a shell of their distribution according to capital and power. According to reports, in Soviet state-owned enterprises, workers' monthly wages are currently around 100 rubles. On the right, those handymen deemed unskilled have only sixty rubles. And the manager, factory director, chief engineer The basic salary of Cheng Shi and others is 300 to 500 rubles, plus part-time salary, additional salary and bonus Gold can even reach more than one thousand rubles. This is also true in "collective farms", where field operations The monthly income of the farmer is only about 40 rubles, while the monthly salary of the general farm chairman is 250 Up to 300 rubles, some up to 580 rubles, plus bonuses and extra money, even up to 1,000 Many rubles. As for the country's largest handful of monopoly capitalists and spiritual aristocrats, the wages are even higher. In party and government agencies, ministerial salary ranges from 700 to 800 rubles to 2,000 rubles. In the military system, the military The long salary is 1,000 rubles, the commander of the group army is 1,400 rubles, and the commander of the front army is 1,800 rubles. In addition to wages, they also receive additional salaries and subsidies, and enjoy various privileges. In the field of culture, education, technology, research The salary of the director of the institute is more than one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles, in addition to a large number of other remunerations, Such as allowances for errands, manuscript fees and other legal and illegal income. The huge income between the privileged class of the Soviet bourgeoisie and ordinary workers The gap is by no means a sophistry such as "complex labor" and "simple labor". It can be decorated, but the performance of extremely cruel class exploitation. Lenin pointed out: "Through What is the class often referred to? That is to say, allow some people in society Page 430 400 Occupy another part of the labor. " ① the substance of today's Soviet Union, on the distribution system It is the bureaucratic monopoly that the bourgeoisie owns the labor of the working people. Whose status is higher, The greater the power, the more capital at their disposal, and the more who owns the labor of others. The historical lessons of the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union tell us that a socialist country must We must correctly implement the socialist principles of personal consumer goods distribution, and gradually limit the distribution Bourgeois legal rights on the distribution side, promote the consolidation of socialist public ownership, and ensure no The party and state of the property class will never change their colors. In this regard, it is necessary to recognize the There are certain differences in distribution, but it is even more necessary to limit the bourgeois legal rights and limit income differences The expansion of the government's efforts to prevent capitalist exploitation in the name of distribution according to work. Restrict the bourgeois right of distribution according to work and prevent the widening of income disparity, Specifically, the following relationships should be handled correctly: First, the distribution relationship between cadres and the masses. In a socialist society, workers, peasants and labor Mobilize the masses to master the means of production and are the masters of the country and enterprises, and "all work Cadres, regardless of their position, are the servants of the people." ② Cadres should closely Integrate with the people, truly represent the interests of the people, wholeheartedly Serve the people. Obviously, the distribution of cadres and the masses is very different. The interrelationship of socialism is incompatible, and it will inevitably lead to the opposition of thousands of groups. Therefore, socialist countries should follow the reform The historical teaching of the mentor, pay attention to the implementation of the distribution principles of the Paris Commune, and gradually reduce Individual income between the staff of the party, the state, enterprises, and people's communes and the people ① "The Tasks of the Youth League". Selected Works of Lenin, Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, No. 352 page. ② Quotations from Chairman Mao. Quoted from the "Liberation Daily" of Yan'an, December 16, 1944. Page 431 401 And prevent all staff from using their powers to enjoy any privileges. This pair Because they keep close contact with the masses, resist the erosion of bourgeois ideas, and prevent Serving public servants to become masters of society" ① to prevent the possession of the property of the privileged class of others' labor Health is of great significance. Second, the distribution relationship between intellectuals and workers and peasants. In a socialist society In a certain period of time, in order to unite and transform the bourgeoisie from the old society, the proletariat Level intellectuals, allowing them to work for socialist countries, allowing them to maintain their The higher wages formed in history, but this is a redemption and a temporary policy measure. Implementation should not become a principle of distribution. Engels said: "In private producers In a society, the cost of training knowledgeable workers is borne by private individuals or their families Therefore, the higher prices of knowledgeable labor are also privately owned first: Trained slaves are sold more expensively, and skilled hired workers get higher wages. In press In a society organized on the principle of socialism, this kind of expenses is borne by the society. Therefore, the results created by complex labor, that is, relatively large value, are also owned by society. " ②At present in our country, part of the cost of cultivating intellectuals has been borne by society And with the development of the socialist revolution and construction, this part is borne by the society The proportion of the cost will become larger and larger. Therefore, under socialist conditions, training The wage level of the intellectuals raised is slightly higher than that of the workers and peasants, although it is still It's hard to avoid it completely, but if someone wants to get an excessive salary, it's There is no basis. Third, the distribution relationship between workers and peasants. The worker-peasant alliance is the dictatorship of the proletariat ① Engels: "Introduction to the French Civil War". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 2, People's Publishing Society 1972 edition, p. 335. ② Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, p. 241. Page 432 402 Basically, in our country, farmers account for the majority of the entire population, so they should be handled properly The distribution relationship between workers and peasants is very important. In determining the standards and wages of workers When raising capital, it is necessary to take into account the wages of employees and the actual The relationship between income. Workers and peasants are in two different socialist public ownership There is a certain difference in production technology and labor productivity in the work under the conditions; This objective difference will inevitably bring a certain amount of income to workers and farmers. difference. However, this gap must be gradually narrowed, otherwise it will affect the Federation of Workers and Peasants The consolidation of the alliance affects the implementation of the "agriculture-based" policy. Fourth, the distribution relationship among workers. The labor of workers is at the technical level, The level of proficiency and labor intensity are different, so when determining workers' wages When standardizing, we must reflect reasonable differences, but we must oppose excessive differences to benefit workers Internal unity. It is necessary to gradually reform the wage system that has many categories and large gaps. Fifth, the distribution relationship among farmers. Dealing with the distribution relationship among farmers At the same time, according to the characteristics of the rural distribution system, the appropriate method of evaluation and scoring should be selected. And take some appropriate measures to prevent widening the income gap in distribution. some The experience of the People's Commune shows that it is necessary to support the poor teams to do a good job in the revolution, to increase production, and to Those family members with less labor should be given proper care in dispatching workers to facilitate contraction. The difference in small distribution. In our country, in the industries run by rural people's communes and teams, how to deal with the The distribution of team enterprise personnel is also an important issue. There is an excessively large gap in personal income between migrant workers and farmers in the people's communes, In addition to the differences between workers and peasants left over from the old society, it will also create This new "worker and peasant" difference affects the production enthusiasm of farmers. therefore, When determining the income level of migrant workers in the community and brigade industry, it should be roughly Page 433 403 Similar to the income level of the farming members of the commune or brigade. There are three forms of labor remuneration in Shanghai county community and team industry in Shanghai: (1) Wage system. In 1970, the members who worked in the factories established by the Qianjin Cooperative generally implemented a fixed wage system; in 1974, The average income of some migrant workers (including food subsidies) is 53% higher than that of agricultural workers. (2) Work evaluation system. In order to narrow the income gap between migrant workers and agricultural workers, in 1970 and After this year, most of the members who enter the company to set up factories will implement the work evaluation system, that is, according to the commune's average The average work point value is paid in social enterprises. In 1974, this part of the migrant workers had the The average income (including food subsidies) is 39% higher than the average income of the county's farmers. The gap in entry has narrowed compared to before. Most team-run factories also implement this distribution method. (3) Return to the team distribution system. The social and team industries that implement this distribution method will reduce the labor remuneration of migrant workers Assigned to the production team as collective sideline income, migrant workers can receive a certain subsidy In addition, they participate in the distribution of the production team they belong to in the same way as the members of the farming cooperative. When dealing with the various relationships in the distribution of personal consumer goods, one should oppose high and low suspension The difference is too big, but at the same time absolute egalitarianism must be opposed. Chairman Mao was as early as four More than ten years ago, he clearly pointed out: "Absolute egalitarianism has not disappeared in capitalism. The period of extinction was just a kind of illusion of the peasant petty bourgeoisie that was in the socialist period. The distribution of materials should also be based on the principle of “everyone is paid according to his work” and the needs of work. Yes, there is no absolute average. " ① absolutely evenly distribute personal consumer goods, both It's not a socialist distribution principle, nor a communist distribution principle. It's just a Unrealistic fantasy. ① "On the Correction of Wrong Thoughts in the Party." Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 1, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal version, p. 89. Page 434 404 Create conditions to gradually expand the distribution factors on demand In a socialist society, the distribution of personal consumer goods must implement The principle of “distribution according to work”, but this does not mean that it can be The principle of distribution of rights according to work is absolute and solidified. Engels in 1890 Commenting on the debate on the distribution method within the German party at that time, he said: “In all In the opinion of those participating in the debate, a “socialist society” is not Progressive things are stable and immutable things, so it should also have A rigid distribution method. However, a reasonable debate can only be: (1) Try to Found that the distribution method from the beginning in the future, (2) try to find out further development will The general direction to follow. " ① the socialist distribution of consumer goods The general direction that further development will follow is "everyone does their best, distributes according to needs" The principles of communism. Therefore, we are correctly implementing the principle of distribution according to work and restricting While distributing bourgeois legal rights, it is necessary to gradually expand communism on demand The factors of distribution and the ultimate elimination of bourgeois legal rights in distribution. The communist principle of “everything according to his ability, distribution according to needs” abolished the use of labor As a measure of the distribution of consumer goods, it completely negates the use of personal physical and intellectual superiority. The better the conditions, the more natural privileges to obtain more consumer goods, which eliminates people's prosperous life. The difference in degree, "from formal equality to de facto equality" ② . In a word, It is the complete abolition of bourgeois legal rights in distribution. Communist society is declining This is the principle implemented in the distribution of expense products. The unrepentant capitalist roader Deng Xiaoping Without reading, reading newspapers, and not knowing Marxism-Leninism, they talked about the distribution of communism. ① Engels: "To Kang Schmidt (August 5, 1890)". Selected Works of Marx and Engels No. 4 Volume, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, page 475. ② "State and Revolution", "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p.237. Page 435 405 Up. What did he say: "What is the most important job in communism? The most important thing is to control a doll Yes, the treatment of childcare workers is higher than that of university professors. "Isn't this talking about communism Doctrine, is there still unequal bourgeois legal rights in distribution? This is the same as Du Lin still retains the "trolley pusher" and "architect" in his "economic commune" The old division of labor is exactly the same. "Everyone does their best and distributes according to their needs" is a principle practiced in communist society, but The germ of distribution on demand has emerged in socialist society. Today, society Public welfare undertakings organized by socialist countries, such as labor protection, public expense The medical system implements a retirement system for elderly employees, and for the loss of labor and causes Those whose families are overburdened and whose lives are particularly difficult will be subsidized by the state or collective Care, etc., have to varying degrees have the factor of communist distribution on demand. In 1973, the expenditure on health and welfare within the scope of ownership by the whole nation accounted for all 18% of the country's total wages. Although this part currently accounts for a small proportion, But it goes beyond the narrow frame of bourgeois legal rights to a certain extent, and reflects the social The general direction of the development of socialist consumer goods distribution methods. Marx said that in society Under the justice system, “parts used to meet common needs, such as schools, health facilities, etc.”, "It will increase immediately and significantly, and will increase with the development of the new society" ① . In order to develop collective welfare undertakings and expand on-demand distribution factors, the state or collective is increasing When adding personal income, consider the increase in collective welfare funds and combine the two And with the deepening of the socialist revolution and the development of socialist construction, High proportion of collective welfare funds. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the movement to criticize Lin and Confucius, and counter-attack against the trend of rightist reversal ① Marx: "A Critique of the Gotha Program." "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House 1972 edition, p. 10. Page 436 406 The struggle is an extremely profound socialist revolution in the realm of superstructures. In these waves In the magnificent revolutionary mass movement, a large number of new socialist things have emerged: The majority of cadres enter the May 7th Cadre School to participate in collective production and labor, and the theoretical team of workers, peasants and soldiers Growing up, young intellectuals go to the mountains and the countryside, workers, peasants and soldiers go to colleges and educational revolutions. The growth of foot doctors and cooperative medical care, etc., these have the budding communism New things impact the old social division of labor from all aspects, continuously narrowing the three major gaps No, restricting bourgeois legal rights also creates favorable conditions for changes in the distribution field. condition. In the educational revolution, Liaoning Chaoyang Agricultural College and the Shanghai Machine Tool Factory The workers, peasants, and soldiers in the Workers' University on July 21 came from production practice. After graduation, he went back to production practice, equating with workers, poor lower middle peasants, and maintaining The standard of living is similar to that of workers and poor lower-middle peasants. This revolution in education, Not only is it greatly beneficial to cultivating successors to the cause of the proletarian revolution, but it also reduces The gap between small manual labor and mental labor in labor compensation and the expansion of demand The matching factors created the conditions. The emergence of cooperative medical care is beneficial to change the lack of medical care in rural areas The appearance of less drugs also adds some factors for distribution on demand within a group. In one aspect, it narrowed the distribution difference between workers and peasants. Lin Biao, Deng Xiao The bourgeoisie in the Equality Party viciously slandered and attacked these new socialist things. This It is their efforts to maintain and expand the reactionary aspect of bourgeois legal rights that have been exposed. I We must further deepen the revolution in the field of superstructure and make more socialist New things broke ground and enthusiastically supported them to thrive to consolidate and strengthen The dictatorship of the proletariat, consolidate and improve the socialist economic foundation, and strive to create conditions In the distribution of consumer goods, gradually increase the distribution factor on demand, so that in a longer period In the historical period, the transition from distribution according to work to distribution according to needs has been gradually realized. "The distribution method essentially depends on the number of products that can be distributed, and Page 437 407 This quantity of course changes with the progress of production and social organization, so that the distribution side The formula should also be changed. " ① This means that distribution directly depends on the mode of production Nature, but in the final analysis depends on the level of productivity development. In a socialist society In this, the socialist public ownership of the means of production fundamentally negates the relationship of exploitation. And greatly reduced the inequality in distribution, but the socialist social productivity The level of development is not very high. There is still bourgeois law in socialist production relations. Rights, and thus cannot eliminate this inequality fundamentally. For the complete elimination of thousands In the past few years, the inequality in distribution must be eliminated, and the superstructure and economic foundation must be eliminated. To carry out the continued revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat to the end, and Under the command of bourgeois politics and driven by the socialist revolution, vigorously develop social Socialist production is designed to gradually reduce the urban-rural gap left over from the old society, Difference, the difference between mental work and manual work, in order to provide more and more abundant products, Gradually expand the scope of distribution on demand to create the necessary conditions. The development of everything has a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. According to work The transition from allocation to on-demand allocation must go through a gradual increase in on-demand allocation factors And gradually reduce the factors of distribution according to work, and finally replace distribution according to work completely with distribution according to needs Development process. To complete this process, it takes a long time to experience the socialist society Historical stage. However, the law of the development of human society indicates that communist society It must come, and the principle of "everyone can do their best, distribute on demand" must be realized! ① Engels: "To Kang Schmidt (August 5, 1890)". Selected Works of Marx and Engels No. 4 Volume, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 45. Page 438 Page 439 Page 440 Page 441 409 Chapter 11 Socialist Accumulation and Expanded Reproduction Section 1 The proportional relationship between the two major sectors of social production Marx's reproduction formula No society can stop consumption and therefore cannot stop production. Observe the social production process as a continuous and constantly updated process, It is a reproduction process. Social reproduction is not only the reproduction of products, but also the reproduction of production relations. In the process of socialist reproduction, not only will communist factors be regenerated, but And it will regenerate bourgeois legal rights. The process of socialist reproduction is Movement process governed by a certain law. What are the objective regulations of the socialist reproduction process? The rule of law? How communism factors and bourgeois legal rights are reproduced, How to develop contradictions and struggles between them? How to correctly handle the two major parts of social production The proportional relationship between classes and the proportional relationship between accumulation and consumption, these are Important topics for research. The struggle between Marxism and revisionism often surrounds regeneration The issue of production is unfolding; the planning of the national economy can only be based on On the basis of a deep understanding of reproduction issues. Therefore, the question of socialist reproduction The research of, both in theory and in practice, is of great significance. Page 442 410 Marxism believes that under the conditions of the implementation of the commodity system, ten The important issue is that what has been consumed in the production process needs to be And get corresponding compensation in kind. In layman's terms, it is to be sold, It can be bought; otherwise, it is impossible to continue reproduction. For example, during the weaving process Consume cotton yarn, wear down the loom (that is, consume materialized labor), in addition, Consume the living labor of workers, which forms the value of commodities; in order to make weaving The process can continue, and the cloth needs to be sold at its value. This is In terms of value compensation. At the same time, in order to enable the weaving process to continue To go, you also need to buy cotton yarn and looms that have been consumed. The consumption materials needed for the reproduction of human labor force are said in terms of compensation in kind. When Marx analyzed the reproduction of capitalist society, in order to illustrate How to get compensation for the things that have been consumed within The difference in end use divides social production into the first category of production materials (I) and the second category of production and consumption materials (II) are two major categories; the first The products of the first category are used for production and consumption, and the products of the second category are used for daily consumption. Fee. Then, in order to show how things that have been consumed are compensated in value, It divides social products into constant capital (c) and variable capital (v) in terms of value. And the three components of surplus value (m); the part that reflects constant capital (c) Value should be used to compensate for the consumption of production materials, reflecting the variable capital (v) Part of the value should be used to compensate the expenditure of wages, which reflects the surplus value (m) Part of the value is occupied by capitalists, part of it is used for capitalist personal consumption, and the other Part of it is used for capitalist accumulation, expanding reproduction, and expanding the exploitation of workers. According to Marx's theory, social products are based on the physical form and the value form. Different divisions can be expressed as follows: Page 443 411 The value of the means of production produced in the first category in one year is: Ⅰ(c + v + m) 285F ① ; The value of the consumption materials produced in the second category in one year is: Ⅱ (c + v + m). Social reproduction must be able to continue, since the Things are compensated in two forms, in kind and in value, which requires that after production Must be exchanged. The exchange of social products is carried out in the following three ways: First, the products of the first category are exchanged among various departments within the first category. change. For example, the fuel industry sector supplies coal and oil to the machine manufacturing sector, and then The others supply machinery and equipment to the fuel industry sector, and so on. Secondly, the products of the second category are exchanged among various departments within the second category. change. For example, the food grown by the farmers is supplied to the workers in the weaving factory, and the workers in the weaving factory weave Cloth for farmers, etc. Finally, the products of the first and second categories are exchanged between the two major categories. For example, various agricultural machines produced by the machine manufacturing department are supplied to the agricultural department for To compensate for losses or to expand reproduction; while the food, live pigs, Vegetables and other products are supplied to workers in the machine manufacturing department for consumption, etc. Through the above three exchanges, the relationship between the two major sectors of social production may be There are two different situations: In the first case, the production of the means of production is no more or less, just to compensate Production materials that have been consumed. Eg: ① In order not to complicate the problem to be analyzed, it is assumed that all the constant capital is consumed within one year. All its value is transferred to the products of that year. Page 444 412 Ⅰ(4000c + 1000v + 1000m) = 6000 Ⅱ(2000c + 500v + 500m) = 3000 Here, the relationship between the two major categories is expressed by a formula, namely: Ⅰ(c + v + m) = Ⅰc + Ⅱc This formula shows that the left end of the equation represents how much production the first category can provide Data, the right end of the equation represents how much production materials are consumed by the two major sectors. These two If these numbers are equal, it means that the production process can be continued on the original scale. Go, in other words, we have a simple reproduction condition. If we then Remove an I from both ends of the above equation, and it becomes such a simpler The formula: Ⅰ(v + m) = Ⅱc Here, the left end of the equation means that the first category meets its own needs, There are surplus production materials that can be sold to the second category; the right end of the equation represents the second In addition to meeting its own needs, there are surplus consumer goods that can be sold to the first Class use. This equation Ⅰ(v + m) = Ⅱc reflects the simple reproduction conditions The exchange relationship between the first and second major categories is simple reproduction conditions Another way of expression. In the second case, the total output value of the means of production produced by society, except for the first In addition to the need to maintain simple reproduction, the enterprises in the department and the second department have surplus. Eg: Ⅰ(4000c + 1000v + 1000m) = 6000 Ⅱ(1500c + 750v + 750m) = 3000 Here, the relationship between the two major categories is expressed by a formula, namely: Ⅰ(c + v + m)> Ⅰc + Ⅱc, or Page 445 413 Ⅰ(v + m)> Ⅱc This formula shows that there are already surplus production materials that can be used Used for additional production and consumption. In this way, there is a prerequisite for expanding reproduction condition. Marx's two ideas on how social products are made in physical form and in value form Re-division, and the formula for reproduction, the analysis of socialist reproduction, The same is valid. Bukharin once put forward a fallacy after the October Revolution. To: With the extinction of commodities, the task of political economy comes to an end. Lenin refuted Say: "No.Even in a purely communist society, there are not Ⅰv+m and Ⅱc Relationship? " ① Lenin believed, even in the higher phase of communism, then no Commodity production, however, it is still necessary to divide social production into two major categories, and The socially necessary labor in production (although no longer expressed as value at that time) is divided into c, v and m three parts in order to correctly plan and arrange the ratio between the two major categories relationship. Therefore, Marx's reproduction formula, even in the advanced stage of communism, It is still applicable. Since the socialist society still implements the commodity system, then In the end, this formula is still valid, let alone. However, socialist reproduction and capitalist reproduction have different properties And features. In a socialist society, c in Marx's formula for reproduction turns out to be Represents constant capital, now used to represent the means of production compensation fund, ⅴOriginally represented Variable capital, now used to represent the newly created value that is dominated by workers and farmers Personal consumption fund; m originally represented the surplus value owned by capitalists free of charge, now The part of society that is dominated by society and collectives in representing the newly created value is pure ① Lenin: "A Commentary on Bukharin's "Economy in Transition"", People's Publishing House, 1958 Edition, page 3. Lenin mentioned Iv+m here, which is I(v + m) in Marx's reproduction formula. Page 446 414 income. Socialist reproduction and capitalist reproduction follow different laws to develop. Capitalist reproduction must meet the sociality of capitalist private possession and production The antagonistic contradiction and expansion of reproduction will be interrupted by periodic economic crises. In danger When the machine broke out, although the production materials were piled up like a mountain, it was fully equipped with Ⅰ(v + m)> Ⅱc, but the capitalists refused to use it to expand Production cannot be maintained even by simple reproduction, and it is manifested as a decline in production. Socialism again Production is based on socialist public ownership. Socialist reproduction The characteristic is the uninterrupted high-speed expanded reproduction. Socialist reproduction is subject to the basic economic laws of socialism and the national economy. Plan to develop the rule of control in proportion. Under the socialist system, people began to have May consciously apply Marx's reproduction formula to the development of the entire national economy, Make a planned arrangement. According to Marx's reproduction principle, simple reproduction is the origin of expanded reproduction. Points and components. Therefore, we must prioritize meeting the needs of simple reproduction On the basis, to arrange for expanded reproduction. The planning work departments of the socialist countries According to the requirement of the simple reproduction formula Ⅰ(c + v + m)> Ⅰc + Ⅱc, Conduct surveys and statistics to calculate how much production materials can be produced in the first category, and the two major categories How much production materials will be consumed to maintain simple reproduction, and compare and analyze, Enable the production and consumption of the means of production to be roughly balanced; after such a balance, After that, there are redundant production materials, indicating that Ⅰ(c + v + m)> Ⅰc + Ⅱc This condition of expanded reproduction can be used to arrange expanded reproduction. How many The remaining means of production stipulates a relative Right boundary. If within this limit, don't make full use of available materials Page 447 415 And potential to plan and arrange expansion of reproduction, then the people who could have been The speed of economic development cannot be achieved. Conversely, if you cross this limit, no Gu first satisfies the needs of simple reproduction, and then engages in expanded reproduction, then, Will invade the production materials originally intended for simple reproduction, thus detrimental to simple reproduction. Production is going on. For example, accessories are generally used for simple reproduction. A machine One of the parts is lost, and new parts are needed to compensate, in order to continue the simple reproduction Continue. However, if the production value is in charge and the profit is in charge, it is considered that the production of accessories The output value is low and the labor consuming is large, and the parts that are used to maintain simple reproduction are not produced, then In the end, if the accessories are damaged, if you can't get Park Charge, the host can't be started, so they have to be Sleeping there causes a waste of social wealth. Another example, if you go beyond the previous That limit, to arrange for the expansion of reproduction and lengthen the basic construction front, then, It will cause the phenomenon that the supply of production materials exceeds the demand, so that the The projects that are produced cannot be completed and put into production in time due to lack of production materials. This is for On the basis of simple reproduction, it is unfavorable to expand reproduction in a planned way. Marx's theory of the two major sectors of social production is a theoretically highly generalized theory. It is of great guiding significance to practice. We have to organize expanded reproduction, single Monetary funds are not enough, and there must be corresponding material guarantees. Expanded reproduction needs To have additional production materials, where do they get them? Extended reproduction In some cases, some workers should be appropriately added, and the consumption data should be increased Where did it come from? All of these must be taken into account when formulating and implementing the plan Research and solve the problem. The law of faster growth of production materials In the process of expanded reproduction, the growth of the first category is usually greater than that of the second category. Page 448 416 The rapid growth of the production of means of production (or called the production of means of production) The objective law of giving priority to production growth). The law of relatively rapid growth in the production of means of production, whether in a capitalist society, or It is in a socialist society, and it all works. In the thirty-two years from 1868 to 1900, the production of American means of production increased by two While the production of consumer materials only increased by 1.9 times. Between 1900 and 1929 In 29 years, the United States' means of production has increased by 1.3 times, while the production of consumer materials has only increased 60%. In the 132 years from 1781 to 1913, the production of the The average annual growth rate of production is 3.4%, while the average annual growth rate of the consumer materials industry is only 2.4%. During the various periods of Soviet socialist construction under Stalin's leadership, production also appeared The trend of rapid growth in material production: Industrial production materials and consumption from 1929 to 1932 The average annual growth rate of data was 28.6% and 11.7% respectively; from 1933 to 1937, 19% and 14.8% respectively; from 1938 to 1940, 15.3% and 10% respectively; in 1941 By 1950, it was 7.4% and 2.1% respectively. In the process of socialist construction in our country, the production of means of production has increased rapidly and is even more remarkable. During the ten-year period from 1949 to 1959, my country's total industrial output value increased by 10.8 times. The production of the means of production in China has increased by 26.1 times. Why the production of means of production must increase faster than the production of means of consumption What? This is because of technological progress and increased labor productivity, with the same amount of living labor The inevitable result of driving more and more means of production. Marx said: "Workers The increase in productivity is precisely due to the fact that the share of living labor has decreased, and the share of labor has increased in the past. Increase, but the result is that the total amount of labor contained in the commodity is reduced; therefore, the reduced labor The labor is greater than the added past labor. " ① Marx's statement, in fact, ① Marx: Volume 3 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 25, p. 290. Page 449 417 It has explained the inevitability of faster growth in the production of means of production, because with technological progress, Increased labor productivity, the living labor and total labor consumed to produce each unit of product Although the quantity is decreasing, the "past labor" that it consumes, that is, the means of production, is on the contrary Keep increasing. In this way, the production of the means of production must be better than the use of this means of production The production of those products increase faster ① . If the product to be produced is a consumer product, That is the growth of the production of means of production, faster than the growth of the production of consumer goods. If all The product to be produced is a means of production, so the production used to make this means of production The means of production must grow more than those used to make consumer goods. There is an opinion sooner that the formula Ⅰ(v + m)> Ⅱc has indicated that Seek faster growth in the production of means of production. This is a misunderstanding: first, put two things The same things are confused. Ⅰ(v + m)> Ⅱc and the rapid increase in production of means of production Although both involve the relationship between the two major departments, they are not talking about the same thing. The former says ① An example is the following table: The labor cost per unit of product is reduced from 100 in the first year to 80 in the fifth year. However, the means of production consumed in the process rose from 50 to 70, which is a typical phenomenon of increased labor productivity. Article (4) The physical volume of the file is also assumed, and its growth rate does not affect the problem to be explained here. According to the above figures Calculation, the output value has increased by 14 times (for the sake of simplification, assuming that 1 unit of labor is condensed into 1 unit of value), However, the production data required an increase of 3.2 times. Year by year Unit product labor cost Yield Consumed Production information output value (6)= (2) × (4) Living labor (1) Means of production (Materialized labor Move) (2) total (3) Physical quantity (4) Output value (5)= (3) × (4) 1 50 50 100 100 10,000 5,000 2 40 55 95 150 14,250 8,220 3 30 60 90 200 18,000 12,000 4 20 65 85 250 21,250 16,250 5 10 70 80 300 24,000 21,000 Total growth — — — — 1.4 times 3.2 times Page 450 418 It is clear that in order to expand reproduction, it is necessary to compensate for the production materials consumed by simple reproduction In the future, there will be surplus means of production; The growth rate of production should be faster than the growth rate of consumption material production. Second, these two There is no necessary connection between different things. To make Ⅰ(v + m) equal to Ⅱc, To be greater than Ⅱc, it requires a faster development in the production of production materials. Is extremely obvious, but once the relationship of Ⅰ(v + m)> Ⅱc is established, Later, to continue to meet such a condition for expanded reproduction, production is no longer required Data must grow faster than consumption data, and they can develop at the same speed. So, it's like one person has run ahead of the other, and it's going to be maintained. The back gap does not require the person ahead to run faster. Lenin is talking about Ⅰ (v + m)> Ⅱc, clearly pointed out: from Marx's The expanded reproduction formula proposed in Chapter 21 and the examples cited, “the fundamental It cannot be concluded that the first analogy is more dominant than the second, because these two categories Here it develops in parallel" ① . Third, the basis for these two things is also different of. Ⅰ (v + m)> Ⅱc is an enlarged reproduction of any type ② requirements; born The rapid growth of the production of means of production is only determined by the condition of technological progress. Marx's analysis of expanded reproduction in Chapter 21 of Volume Two of Capital, Leaving aside the condition of technological progress; therefore, there must be Ⅰ (v + m)> Ⅱc, but it does not propose that The problem of rapid production growth. Generate Ⅰ(v + m)> Ⅱc with the means of production ① "On the so-called market problem." The Complete Works of Lenin, Volume 1, p. 69. ② There are two types of expanded reproduction: one type is called "extensive expanded reproduction", which means that the level of technology is different. Change, the expanded reproduction achieved by increasing production workers and production equipment. The other category is called "embedded extended regeneration Production", that is, expanded reproduction achieved by relying on technological progress to increase labor productivity. Refer to Marx: "Capital This Theory, Volume 2. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 24, Pages 192 and 356. Page 451 419 The faster growth of production is conflated, which is wrong in theory, but in practice. Harmful. Because if it is considered that Ⅰ(v + m)> Ⅱc The demand for rapid growth in material production, as a basis to make plans and arrange production, As a result, although expanded reproduction can be achieved, it cannot meet the requirements due to technological progress. The additional demand for the means of production caused by it will hinder technological progress and labor The increase in productivity cannot guarantee the high speed that socialist expansion of reproduction should have. degree. Lenin made a great deal of the significance of the law of rapid growth in the production of means of production. Profound elaboration: "The full meaning and function of the law of the fastest growth of the means of production It lies in: the substitution of machine labor for manual labor (generally refers to the technological Technological progress) requires the intensification of the development of coal and iron, which are the real production capital Material production. "The more technology develops, the more manual labor is excluded and becomes more and more More complex machines are replaced, that is, machines and the necessities of manufacturing machines are The position occupied by the family in all production is growing. " ① This means that you are not going in technology To achieve expanded reproduction under conditions of continuous progress, it is necessary to vigorously develop the Production, especially the development of production materials such as coal and iron The production of property materials. Therefore, it is of great significance to fight the mine battle. Only a big battle in the mines can feed the furnace and produce more iron and steel; Steel rolling equipment is fully utilized, and various steel villages are rolled. Then all kinds of machine tools have Processing objects can produce more and better machinery and equipment to replace manual work Labor and renewing obsolete machinery and equipment can greatly increase labor productivity and greatly Speed ​​​​up the pace of socialist construction. The law of relatively rapid growth in the production of means of production takes place in socialist society. ① "On the so-called market problem." The Collected Works of Lenin, Vol. 1, p. 88. Page 452 420 Use has its own characteristics. In a capitalist society, capitalists are just for exploitation Workers, in order to defeat their opponents in fierce competition and pursue maximum profit, they have to Adopt new technology. There, the law of faster growth in the production of means of production is as A different kind of force is working. When the economic crisis comes, the factory closes down, or is Forced reduction in production, the production of production materials is often "prioritized" reduction in production. In socialism Under certain circumstances, the law of faster growth in the production of means of production takes effect. A wider place under the system. There is no economic crisis in socialist countries. society The working people in the socialist countries are the masters of society and enterprises, in order to completely defeat capital To accelerate socialist construction, they attach great importance to technological progress and labor production The rate of increase. Although there are bourgeoisie and old habit forces that hinder technological progress Other social forces, but through the proletariat and the broad working people Struggle and win, socialist countries can consciously recognize and use production The law of rapid increase of data, and the proportion of the two major sectors of social production in a planned way Relationship to ensure a faster growth in the production of means of production. The growth of production of means of production cannot be separated from the growth of production of means of consumption In formulating national economic plans in socialist countries, the The objective requirement of the law of faster growth of production, but this does not mean that The first part of the means of production may not be subject to the second part of the means of production and consumption. Develop in isolation from the second category. From the perspective of the way of production materials, the relatively rapid growth of the first category cannot be separated From the corresponding development of the second category. In the process of social reproduction, although there are considerable Part of the means of production is not directly used to produce consumer goods, but is used in the first category Ministry, for example: coal companies supply coal to steel companies, and the latter Page 453 421 To the machinery manufacturing industry, and the machinery manufacturing industry supplies machines to coal companies and steel Enterprise, and so on. Within the limit of mutual exchange of products within the first category, The development of the first category is indeed relatively independent; that is, even if there is no individual The growth of human consumption, the corresponding development of the second category without the means of production and consumption is the first Departments can also be expanded and reproduced within certain limits. However, the means of production It is not produced for itself. The production of means of production, in the final analysis, is to use To produce consumption materials. If there is no corresponding development in the second category, the In the end, the product will have no market, and it will not be possible to continue to develop further. Looking at the need for consumption materials, we can also see that the first category Rapid growth cannot be separated from the corresponding development of the second category. Because the first category Development requires not only the increase of production materials, but also the increase of workers and consumption. Fee information. One aspect required by the basic economic laws of socialism is to produce On the basis of continuous development, gradually improve the material and cultural life of the people, even if The first category does not increase workers, and additional consumption data is also required. Engaged in the second category The gradual improvement in the lives of the masses of workers and farmers in production also requires Put forward new requirements. All of these must be solved by the development of the second category. There are mutual opposition, interdependence and mutuality between the two major sectors of social production. Promote the relationship. Correctly handle this relationship, for social production at a high speed, Moving forward healthily is of great importance. But only in socialist society There is such a realistic possibility: the faster growth and consumption of the production materials The two aspects of the corresponding development of the production of expensive materials are correctly combined to promote the expansion of Reproduction moves forward healthily. In imperialist countries, due to the monopoly bourgeoisie grabbing high profits and pursuing world hegemony Rights, the munitions industry is inflated, and the mass production materials provided by the first category are not used for production. Page 454 422 Produce living consumer goods, but used to produce arms. The production of munitions itself, such as the production of artillery tanks, etc. It does not provide means of production and does not belong to the first category; at the same time, it does not provide consumer goods. However, it provides military materials for war consumption, so it constitutes a special department of the second category. door. As a result of the vicious expansion of the arms industry, the relationship between the two major sectors is complicated and social production is deformed. Development, the speed of production development will inevitably decline. For example, Soviet revisionism social imperialism in 1956~1975 During the years, the armaments were expanded greatly, and military expenditures accounted for the proportion of national income. In 1960, it was 13%. In 1970, Was 17%, which rose to 20% in 1975, surpassing the fascist Germany before World War II. And Japan, and the United States during the war of aggression after World War II (their military Expenses did not exceed 12% of national income). Soviet revisionist social-imperialists are expanding their arms and preparing for war As a result, agricultural investment was squeezed out; the main part of industrial investment was used for arms production. Less than 15% of the industrial investment used in the production of consumer goods in the Large-scale reproduction has caused serious damage, and the growth rate of industrial and agricultural output value is getting lower and lower. Su Xiu's Ninth Five The increase in national income, industrial output value, and agricultural output value stipulated in the plan for the year (1971-1975) The growth rate was 36%, 28% and 69% lower than the sixth five-year plan (1956 to 1960). During the eleven years from 1965 to 1975, seven years of agricultural production decreased. Su Xiugong Agricultural Production The mess is mainly the result of the restoration of capitalism, and the vicious expansion of the arms industry has accelerated This deterioration process. Social production is divided into two major categories: production of means of production and production of means of consumption. This is a theoretical summary, while the actual production is based on agriculture, light industry and heavy industry. Industry to divide and organize. What is the relationship between agriculture, light, and heavy and social production? Department? Agriculture, light, and heavy are based on the According to the different characteristics of law and other aspects, the two major categories of social production are The end-use of the product is divided, there are differences between them, and there are close links between them. Because agriculture and light industry also provide some means of production, such as economic operations They mainly provide consumer information. weight Industry also provides some consumption data, such as residential coal, residential electricity, etc., but it mainly Is to provide production materials. Therefore, arranging the proportional relationship between agriculture, light and heavy Page 455 423 Can take care of the extremely complex proportional relationship between different production departments, and can basically The above reflects the requirements of the proportional relationship between the two major sectors of social production. According to the requirements of the law of faster growth of production materials, more arrangements are required Funds and materials for the development of heavy industry, which are in accordance with agriculture, light and heavy industries. The order of the national economy is not contradictory. Because the latter is not talking about funds and The distribution of materials should enable agriculture and light industry to account for the largest proportion, but only the capital and The arrangement of materials must first ensure the needs of agriculture and light industry, and then according to agriculture and light industry. The possible development of light industry, arrange for heavy industry. But since heavy industry is mainly The department that manufactures the means of production will inevitably develop faster, so the arrangement As a result, the proportion of heavy industry in the allocation of funds and materials will still exceed that of agriculture. The growth of production based on the means of production in light industry and light industry cannot be separated from the growth of production of consumption means. The long-term principle requires that the nationals should be arranged in the order of agriculture, light industry, and heavy industry. Economic plan. Whether to engage in agriculture, light, or heavy, or heavy, light, or agricultural, is related to whether Correctly handle major issues of principle concerning the relationship between the two major sectors of social production. Do heavy, light, Agriculture, heavy industry's planning and arrangements will lose its basis, and the development of the first category of social production Exhibition is easy to break away from the second category, so it will inevitably be hindered or even destroyed. Farming, The importance is different. Agriculture and light industry are arranged first, and then heavy industry. The development of the first category of production has a solid foundation, and the entire social production has a rapid Favorable conditions for rapid development "Our country's economic construction is centered on heavy industry. This must be affirmed. But at the same time, full attention must be paid to the development of agriculture and light industry. " ① Chairman Mao taught this Guide, correctly reflects the relatively rapid growth of the production of means of production, which is the same as the production of means of consumption ① "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A), human People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 496. Page 456 424 The objective requirements of the corresponding development of these two aspects must be combined with each other, for the national economy The comprehensive balance of the plan stipulates the most basic content and enables the reproduction of Marxism The general theory of China has become the realistic guiding principle of my country's socialist construction. This is Tsushima The specific application and major development of the theory of reproduction of Creatism. Section 2 Accumulation is the source of expanded reproduction The unity of opposition between accumulation funds and consumption funds The previous chapter has studied the distribution and redistribution of national income. It has two different purposes: accumulation fund and consumption fund. This share of national income The distribution relationship is directly related to the expansion of socialist reproduction and the improvement of people's lives. This is a problem we need to focus on. In a socialist society, there is an opposition between accumulation funds and consumption funds. A unified relationship. The former is mainly used to expand reproduction, and the latter is mainly used to improve Both of these are necessary and indispensable for people's lives. But in a period of time, National income is a determined amount. If more is used for accumulation, it is used for The consumption can only be less. The opposite is also the same. There is a contradiction between them of. But from a long-term perspective, the situation is different, because accumulation is expansion The source of production is more accumulated, that is, more funds are used to expand reproduction. The national economy can develop faster, which will improve people's lives in the future. Raising consumption levels created material conditions. So there is unification between accumulation and consumption One side. In a capitalist society, accumulation is the accumulation of capital. It is used by capitalists to make progress. To further exploit the proletariat. Capitalist accumulation and consumption by the working people Page 457 425 The contradiction between the two is antagonistic. In a socialist society, accumulation is a socialist country Family and collectives to carry out socialist construction and strengthen the economic foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat The foundation serves the interests of the proletariat and the broad working people. Socialist accumulation The contradiction between consumption and consumption belongs to national interest, collective interest and individual interest. The contradiction between distant interests and current interests is non-antagonistic contradiction. The contradiction between socialist accumulation and consumption is non-antagonistic, but They cannot be considered insignificant. In the entire national economy, accumulation and consumption The proportional relationship between fees is one of the most important proportional relationships. Deal with this proportional relationship Properly, it is conducive to promoting the rapid and steady development of the entire national economy. If not handled properly, it may bring adverse consequences to the development of the entire national economy. The relationship between the determination of accumulation fund and the two major sectors of social production What is the proper ratio of accumulation to consumption? Is the accumulation fund determined Is there a minimum and maximum limit? What is its relationship with the two major sectors of social production of? What are the regularities? The research on these issues has great theoretical significance And practical significance. In the proportional relationship between accumulation and consumption, the increase in accumulation must be Appropriate improvements are combined; and the improvement of people's lives can only be based on social production On the basis of the continuous expansion and improvement of labor productivity. This means that both to consider It is necessary to take care of the possibility; it is necessary to consider the improvement of people's lives and to ensure The high-speed development of the national economy; while the construction of the country and the development of social production, It is a prerequisite for improving people's lives. In order to further explore the regularity of the relationship between accumulation and consumption ratio, let's start with specific Page 458 426 Analyze what are the minimum and maximum limits of consumer funds and accumulation funds. Positive Under normal circumstances, the portion of national income used for consumption must be guaranteed within the planned period. Considering population growth, the consumption level calculated on the average of the population is not low In the previous period. This is the lowest limit of consumer funds. Deduct from national income After this minimum consumption fund, what is left is the part that can be used for accumulation. This also sets a maximum limit for the accumulation of funds. In addition, the accumulation base Gold also has its own minimum limit. In general, this minimum limit is Maintain the accumulated amount reached in the previous period. Less than this accumulation, not only the society The speed of development of socialist production will be reduced, and the basic Some of the construction projects cannot continue to be constructed and put into production; The prepared material reserves have a certain impact, which is not conducive to "preparing for war, preparing for famine, and for the people" Implementation of the policy. Except for special circumstances such as an anti-aggression war or encountering a Except for disasters or severe disturbances from wrong routes, etc., there is generally no The situation of the accumulated amount that has been reached in a period① . The minimum limit of accumulation fund one It has been determined that the consumer fund has set the highest limit. The above minimum and maximum limits provide an option for the determination of accumulation funds. Choose the range. Under normal circumstances, we cannot go beyond this scope. Production The faster the development, the greater the increase in national income. The highest and lowest bounds The larger the specified range, then, we choose to accumulate the amount of funds, so as to consume the base The more room for manoeuvre is the greater the amount of money to accumulate funds and consumption funds. Can we let our subjective decision be made within the above range? Nor can it. Minute Distribution must be determined by production; how national income is distributed into accumulation fund and consumption fund ① What is the minimum limit of accumulation funds? It is not as easy to determine as the minimum limit of consumer funds. This issue can be further studied. Page 459 427 The two major parts, in the final analysis, are constrained by the proportional relationship between the two major sectors of social production. This is because the main part of the accumulation fund is used to carry out basic construction and expand the society. For reproduction, in addition to some additional consumption materials, it is mainly necessary to The added production materials are guaranteed. The accumulation fund without corresponding material guarantee is empty, It cannot be honored. Similarly, the consumption fund is used to purchase consumption materials, it must It must be guaranteed by the supply of corresponding consumer information. Marx is talking about the capitalist society When the relationship between accumulation and consumption ratio was formed, he once pointed out: "This movement does not It is only value compensation, but also material compensation, so it must be affected by the value of social products Constrained by the ratio of the components to each other, they are also subject to their use value. It The constraints of our material form. " ① Marx this principle also applies to social Socialism. Chairman Mao taught: "Our country makes an economic plan once a year to arrange accumulation and Proper proportion of consumption, to find a balance between production and demand. " ②Chairman Mao is here The balance mentioned here refers to the arrangement of accumulation and consumption, and there must be corresponding material guarantees. Proof means that the production of the means of production and the means of consumption must be in balance with the needs. can See, in terms of value, the amount of accumulation fund and consumption fund seem to be more acceptable. Easy, but for this kind of regulation to become an effective regulation in real life, there must The guarantee of the necessary materials must be restricted by the ratio of the existing two major sectors of social production. The ratio of the two major sectors of social production, the formation of the proportional relationship between accumulation and consumption, Plays a decisive role, but this is by no means to say that we can use a ready-made simple Mathematical formulas to mechanically specify a percentage for accumulation and consumption. Because of ① Marx, "Das Kapital" Volume 2, "The Collection of Marx and Engels" Volume 24, Nos. 437-438 page. ② "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A), human People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, pages 463-464. Page 460 428 In terms of the objective possibilities provided by the qualitative conditions, there is room for flexibility and some The product can be used as a means of consumption or a means of production. At the same time, due to the period Different, the political and economic tasks to be completed are different, how much need to accumulate and how much to consume, It is also variable. The principle of correctly handling these relationships is: to combine objective possibilities with subjective Observation of initiative is combined to combine national interests, collective interests, personal interests, and long-term Far-reaching interests and current interests are combined as perfectly as possible, and the growth of national income On the basis of this, both accumulation and consumption can be coordinated to achieve growth. On the one hand, must The accumulated growth must be placed on a reliable basis for the gradual improvement of people's lives; the other side The improvement of people's lives should never hinder the due growth of accumulation. Should be placed on the long-term interests of the people. Accumulation is the source of expanded reproduction. For the overall benefit of building socialism And long-term benefits, we should emphasize: hard work, increase production and economy, build a nation through thrift, Be diligent and thrifty, and accumulate more appropriately. The percentage of accumulation fund in national income is called accumulation rate. society Not only should the rate of accumulation of socialism, but also possible, be higher than the accumulation rate under capitalism. The accumulation rate remains at a high level. This is because the socialist society eliminated the economic crisis, Labor productivity can be continuously increased, and production materials and labor can be rationalized Use, and deny parasitic consumption, etc., thus gradually improving people's livelihood Under living conditions, it can often maintain a high accumulation rate. This is the socialist system A manifestation of superiority. In the distribution of accumulation funds and consumption funds, Marx has always existed The struggle between the two lines of ism and opportunism. For more than a hundred years, hidden workers in Germany Opportunist LaSalle in the Human Movement and Reactionary Petty-Bourgeois Socialism Du Linzhi and his like advocated that in the new society in the future, national income should be divided and no accumulation should be left. Page 461 429 Tired, so that workers can obtain the so-called "exclusive labor income", or "all labor "Moving gains" in an attempt to use bourgeois welfarism to lead the proletarian revolution Reformism goes astray. Marx and Engels gave no comment to this opportunistic fallacy. Exposure and criticism of love. Engels pointedly pointed out that in Doolin's Kyodo In the meeting, "accumulation was completely forgotten. Worse: because accumulation is social Necessary, and the preservation of money is an appropriate form of accumulation, so the group of economic communes The organization directly requires members to carry out private accumulation, which leads to its own collapse. Collapse. " ① Turin" shared society "," In addition to re-generate financial giants outside, There is no other purpose." ② Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping are similar to LaSalle and Du Lin came down in the same line, openly clamoring that socialism is to "divide more", "more Take a little", make a wish with "increased salary once a year" and so on to deceive people's hearts, evil What is "exploitation in disguised form" by poisoning socialist accumulation. They oppose socialism Accumulate, oppose Chairman Mao's strict economy, oppose waste, hard work, hard work and thrift A series of policies to ensure the accumulation of socialism such as the founding of the country, the purpose of which This deceives the people and cultivates the social foundation for their own restoration activities. On the other hand, It is a delusional attempt to undermine socialist construction by splitting, eating up, and using up. This In fact, private accumulation is used to replace the public accumulation of society, in order to disintegrate the society. Righteous ownership and the restoration of capitalism opened the way. Internal composition of accumulation fund Accumulation is the source of expanded reproduction, but how to use the accumulation fund is important for expansion. ① Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, p. 340. ② Ibid., page 344. Page 462 430 The effect of large-scale reproduction is quite different. Accumulation fund can be divided into expansion according to purpose There are three parts: reproduction fund, non-productive capital construction fund and social reserve fund. How to understand the regularity of the internal proportional relationship of the accumulation fund and how to organize the accumulation rationally The use of the fund is a combination of long-term interests and immediate interests of the people. It is an important issue related to whether we can build socialism quickly, efficiently and economically. Between the expansion of reproduction funds and non-productive capital construction funds, there is a Set the proportional relationship. Non-productive infrastructure construction should not occupy too much accumulation fund. If there is too much occupation, then the funds for expanding reproduction will be reduced. It is not in the long-term interests of national construction. Especially office buildings, auditoriums, exhibition halls, Non-productive infrastructure such as guest houses, it is not appropriate to occupy more national construction capital gold. However, some non-productive infrastructures are indispensable because they People's living or working conditions are closely related. For example, in a new industrial base or employees In old cities where the number of people has increased, worker dormitories, vegetable farms, and business Stores and other cultural and welfare facilities. Productive infrastructure and non-production The relationship between sexual infrastructure is like the relationship between bones and flesh, and needs to be handled correctly Rationale. Although the social reserve fund accounts for a small proportion of the accumulation fund, it The existence of it is necessary. Because although the development of the socialist national economy has Planned, but imbalances will always occur frequently. In the reproduction process, Fixed assets such as machinery, equipment, etc. will gradually wear out, which is set for updating fixed assets. Depreciation funds have also gradually accumulated; however, the replacement and renewal of fixed assets requires It will be carried out many years later, which may cause the fixed asset depreciation fund The imbalance between the supply and demand of the year. In addition, such as natural disasters Attacks, unexpected disconnects between various departments and sudden changes in international relations, etc. Page 463 431 And so on, may cause the imbalance of national economic development. In order to overcome these difficulties To avoid the imbalance, in order to prepare for war, prepare for famine, and serve the people, it is necessary to have a social reserve. Such as storage of important equipment, raw materials, fuel and other production materials, grain and other major Reserve consumption data such as consumer goods for use under extraordinary circumstances to ensure The smooth progress of social reproduction. In order to illustrate the important role of material reserve, Marx This kind of reserve was once said to be “the various things necessary for the reproduction of itself by society. Control of quality materials” ① . In order to organize proportional production in a socialist society, it must Establish a certain material reserve in a planned way to adjust the material sometimes redundant, sometimes Inadequate contradiction. Therefore, keeping a certain social reserve is beneficial to the national economy The plan develops at a high rate in proportion. However, the reserve increase is used for the current expansion The corresponding reduction of large-scale regeneration products; too much reserve will form funds and materials The backlog affects the speed of expanded reproduction. Therefore, we must proceed from the objective situation, Formulate a reasonable quota for the reserve of various materials and handle them correctly. Within the expanded reproduction fund, there can also be a variety of different components. Expansion of reproduction fund investment in agriculture, light industry and heavy industry each accounted for, investment There are rules to follow in the proportion of large, medium and small enterprises. Must first comply Follow the law that agriculture is the foundation and industry is the dominant, and correctly handle agriculture, light industry and The proportional relationship between heavy industry. Secondly, no matter in investment project or enterprise scale There is also the issue of investment effect in the choice of size. Marx pointed out: "There are Some businesses take labor and production materials for a long time, and during this time Does not provide any effective products; and other production departments not only Take away labor and production materials intermittently or repeatedly, and also provide subsistence materials ① Marx: Volume 2 of Capital. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels Vol. 24, p. 527. Page 464 432 And means of production. On the basis of publicly owned production, it is necessary to determine the former The scale is not detrimental to the latter. " ① Marx this passage tells us, If there are too many construction projects that require a long period of time, it just seems that the capital construction front is over. Long, the investment is too scattered, or the delays and delays caused by the incompatible construction projects The delay in production is the same as it is detrimental to the improvement of investment effects and is not conducive to expansion High-speed development of production. Modern large-scale heavy industrial enterprises are the backbone of socialist industrialization and must Must be held. However, generally speaking, they have more investment and a longer construction period. The capital effect is slower. This means that they will take labor for a long time And production materials, and no effective products are provided during this time. because Therefore, although the main part of capital construction investment will be invested in the heavy industry sector, The construction of large-scale heavy industrial enterprises must be appropriate, not excessive. Arrange students correctly Pay attention to the various proportional relationships within productive capital construction investment, pay attention to give full play to the investment effect, It is very important to build socialism quickly, efficiently and economically. Section 3 General Law of Socialist Accumulation The essence of socialist accumulation and capitalist accumulation is different and has roots This different regularity. Capitalist accumulation is the product of capitalist private ownership. The process of capital accumulation, It is the process of the production of surplus value and its transformation into capital. It is the process of capitalists getting rich, At the same time, a relative overpopulation continues to occur, which impoverishes hundreds of millions of working people. ① Marx: Volume 2 of Capital. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 24, 396~397 page. Page 465 433 Therefore, the expanded reproduction that accompanies the accumulation of capital is not only the expansion of social products. Large reproduction, but also the expanded reproduction of capitalist relations of production ① . In a capitalist society, relative overpopulation is inevitable, because with Capital accumulation and the expansion of production scale, labor productivity is increasing day by day, In the process, less labor will inevitably promote more and more means of production. this process, Specific performance is the organic composition of capital c v is getting higher and higher, variable capital is relative to constant capital Basically, it is getting smaller and smaller, so that the demand for labor is comparable to the total capital. Reduction on the ground. As a result, it will inevitably lead to a relative overpopulation and unemployment of workers. "work While the human population produces itself capital accumulation, it also grows on a growing scale. Output makes themselves a means of a relatively surplus population. This is capitalism Population law peculiar to the mode of production." Marxists believe that in human society, There is no abstract population law. "Abstract population laws only exist in history There is no animal and plant kingdom that has been interfered by humans. ” ② The result of capitalist accumulation must be: one pole is bourgeois private wealth ① Marx has made a very brilliant exposition on the reproduction of capitalist production relations. He is criticizing Proudhon Shi said: “The economist Mr. Prudhon knows very well that people are making woolen cloth within a certain range of production relations. Of burlap and silk. But he doesn't understand that these certain social relations are like linen, linen, etc. Produced. "("The Metaphysics of Political Economy". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels", Vol. 1, published by the People Press, 1972 edition, p. 108) Marx also pointed out: “Relate the capitalist production process to investigate, or As a process of reproduction, it not only produces goods, not only produces surplus value, but also produces and reproduces The capital relationship itself: capitalists on the one hand, and hired workers on the other. "("Capital" Volume 1. "Ma The Complete Works of Kers and Engels, Volume 23, Page 634) ② Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, page 692. horse These two passages of Kerth are a deep criticism of Malthus's population theory. Malthus put the capitalist-specific population The law, said to be an abstract law of population, an absolute law of nature, has nothing to do with the social system, and its purpose is to hide Disguise the evils of the capitalist system and oppose the proletarian revolution. Page 466 434 At the other extreme is the accumulation of poverty of the proletariat and working people. As Marx revealed: "Society's wealth is the capital that performs functions, Larger, the greater the scale and capacity of its growth, and thus the absolute number and The greater their labor productivity, the greater the industrial reserve army. ...But co-occurrence Compared with the service labor force, the larger this reserve army, the greater the permanent surplus population. Their poverty they have suffered the same torment of labor is inversely proportional to ① . Finally, the working class The larger the poor and the industrial reserve army, the more the poor who are officially in need of relief more. This is the absolute and general law of capitalist accumulation. ” ② In the capitalist world, even in times of economic prosperity, there is often a relative overpopulation. The unemployed often account for about 4% of the labor force. Once the economic crisis broke out, the ratio It's even higher. According to the official announcement of the United States, the unemployment rate in 1975 was 85%. Reached 7.8 million people. If you add the semi-unemployed and the long-term unemployment has now given up The part of the unemployed who hope to find a job, then, the total number of unemployed has reached 1,500 Ten thousand people, the actual unemployment rate is already 15%, while the black unemployment rate is as high as 26%. In other funds In capitalist countries, young workers and female workers are the hardest hit by unemployment. For example, in Italy Of the 700,000 unemployed, 450,000 are young people looking for a career for the first time. In Belgium Among the unemployed, there are more than twice as many women workers as men. The polarization between the rich and the poor is the inevitable companion of capitalist accumulation. According to August 5, 1972 US "Business Week" quoted materials from the University of Michigan Investigation and Research Center. The wealthy 5% of families account for more than 40% of the country's social wealth; while those at the bottom of society 50% of families account for only about 3% of the national social wealth. According to the "New York The Times Magazine cited the 1970 survey of 51 urban areas published by the National Census Bureau Materials, in these survey areas, more than 60% of all workers cannot earn enough money to make Their families maintain a decent standard of living; 30% cannot even get a kind of poverty ① Original translator's note: The French version edited by Marx himself reads: "Proportional". ② Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, page 707. Page 467 435 Level of income. The general law of capitalist accumulation, in Soviet revisionist social imperialism, is also It's becoming increasingly obvious. The Soviet revisionist bureaucracy monopolizes the bourgeoisie to manipulate the national economy Lifeline, a large part of the national income created by the working people is used to expand armaments War is used for capital accumulation in order to grab more surplus value. the result is, A handful of bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie is getting richer and richer and desperate for extravagance; while the vast majority of working people The people suffer from the threat of unemployment, and their lives are becoming increasingly impoverished. According to Soviet revisionist newspapers, in the Soviet Union, “there are some areas with surplus labor,” Problems." For this reason, so-called “employment agencies” have been widely established in various regions, and their business is very complicated. Busy, thousands of job seekers are "in an endless stream." Only the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan From 1969 to 1974, the number of job seekers reached millions. There are many "family in financial difficulties" in the Soviet Union today. Su Xiu "Socialist Labor" The magazine explained that the so-called families in financial difficulties are based on the ratio of the average income of the population to “guarantee the minimum standard Families with a lower level of material life. The TASS News Agency published a report in November 1974. 437 The news confessed that such "family in financial difficulties" "involved 25 million people." The actual situation is of course much more serious. According to calculations in Soviet newspapers and periodicals, in Soviet cities, This kind of "economically disadvantaged families" account for about 20% of the urban population. In the Soviet collective farm, use Animal power and the part of the field workers who perform manual labor also belong to this kind of "economically difficult households." Within the "courtyard", only this part of the people will account for more than 50% of the total number of farmers. Contrary to capitalist accumulation, socialist accumulation is based on socialist public ownership On the basis of the socialist system, it obeys the requirements of the basic economic laws of socialism. socialism The increase in accumulation is not only manifested in the huge increase in social public wealth, but also in social production Power is increasing, and these accumulated social wealth and increasing social The productive forces belong to the proletariat and the working people, and are used for their Page 468 436 Benefit service. This means that the process of socialist accumulation is also a socialist production Department of the process of expanding reproduction. In a socialist society, with the increase of accumulation and the expansion of production, labor and life The yield will also increase day by day. This means that a smaller amount of Labor drives more and more means of production. This process is better than under the capitalist system Go faster. This is because the accumulation process of socialism follows a completely different law. The accumulation process of socialism will not produce a relative overpopulation, nor will it bring about Unemployment. Marxism believes that in all things in the world, people are the first valuable. The establishment of socialist public ownership provides a realistic possibility, To use labor in a planned way, create wealth for the society, and provide for all working people welfare. In a socialist society, family planning is encouraged, not because of The population is relatively surplus, but to facilitate the planned socialist revolution and The construction of socialism has planned the lives of the people and is conducive to the proper protection of mothers Friendly to children's health. With the increase of socialist accumulation and the expansion of production, as labor productivity With the increase in production, some labor will become redundant in the original production process. However, this part of the labor force will not become a relative Surplus population. This is because "Socialism not only liberated labor from the old society People and means of production have also liberated the vast natural world that the old society could not use. The people have unlimited creativity. They can organize and send to everything Places and departments that wield their power to advance, advance to the depth and breadth of production, to replace Page 469 437 Create an increasing number of welfare undertakings by yourself. ” ① China's agricultural cooperation and agricultural machinery The experience of globalization shows that the surplus labor does not become a surplus population. On the contrary, it provides intensive farming and diversified operations for rural people's communes and provides Rich labor resources, promote the development of agricultural production, and promote the lives of farmers Improvement. There is a Xuejiashe production team with a small land and a large number of people in Shanghai County, which provides us with a good explanation Examples of problems. This production team is very large, with 166 households, 566 people, three There are a hundred and twenty-eight labors, but there are only 301 mu of arable land, and the average person is only more than five cents. However, agricultural mechanization ranks among the best in the county. In 1974, there were 14 kinds of power machinery, three Sixteen pieces; 113 pieces of non-powered machinery. Agricultural mechanization degree: 95% of mechanical farming, Power irrigation is 100% top dressing, watering, field transportation, rice and wheat threshing, food and vegetable plant protection and feed Cutting or crushing, etc., are basically mechanized or semi-mechanized. The realization of agricultural mechanization, Not only has it reduced the labor intensity, it has also changed the problem of "a flat pole does not leave its shoulders, and its back is bent over for thousands of years." Conditions, and liberated a large number of labor forces. In 1974, a total of 37,000 labors were saved, which is equivalent to this One hundred and forty-five labor forces were created every year. If you add the period from 1965 to 1974, The addition of 178 laborers will add a total of 323 laborers. This one The team originally had a small number of people, and there was so much labor, did it cause excess labor? What? No. Please see how well this labor force liberated under the socialist system has done Excellent: They put the extra labor force into the depth and breadth of production, and in agricultural production The labor force was increased by 156, and the grain production was changed from two crops to three crops. The annual yield per mu reaches 2,190 catties. The multiple cropping index of vegetables has been raised from 3.5 times in 1965. As high as 4.5 times in 1974, the yield per mu was as high as 157 palons. They also put out the extra The labor force was used for diversification and the labor force used for sideline production was 30% in 1970. One person, increased to 76 in 1974, and the total income from sideline businesses increased from more than 118,000 yuan. To more than 273,700 yuan. The Xuejiashe production team has increased its labor due to the realization of agricultural mechanization. ① Chairman Mao: "Note to "Excess Labor Force Found a Way Out"". "Socialism in Rural China Tide, Volume 2, p. 578. Page 470 438 Dynamic productivity, not only did not bring about overpopulation, but created for the depth and breadth of production. With favorable conditions, the income level of the members in 1974 reached an average of 540 per labor force. Five yuan, reaching 336 yuan per person, an increase of 48% over 1965. The collective family of the production team When it is getting bigger and bigger, in 1974, the public accumulation reserve was 92,300 yuan, an increase from 1965. It's 2.24 times longer. In the process of socialist accumulation, with the realization of agricultural mechanization and agricultural labor With the increase of labor productivity, some rural labor will eventually be surplus. This In addition to marching into the depth and breadth of agricultural production, part of the labor force can also transfer Enter industrial production. This is a change from the agricultural population to the industrial population and also the industrial and agricultural population Long process. This long process will be combined with the layout of changing productivity, so that Industry spreads throughout the urban and rural areas, blooming everywhere. The Xuejiashe production team mentioned earlier is in Of the 323 laborers that came out, except for 232, they increased their investment in agriculture. In addition to sideline jobs, 91 people were transferred to support community industry and other tasks. They still stay in the countryside and small and medium-sized cities, rather than in the capitalist society. In a few large cities. The realization of agricultural mechanization and the development of community industry will also Promote the further improvement of rural productivity, thereby making the commune and brigade two-level economy Get stronger. On this basis, the commune and the brigade will have something to share, and the members The horizons will be broader. This is the public ownership of collective ownership by the socialist working masses The degree of gradual increase, and the final transition to socialist ownership by the whole people Since the process of socialist accumulation is a process that enables the development and growth of socialist ownership, The process of gradual improvement. Therefore, it is also a process of making The process of gradually narrowing the essential difference and finally disappearing. Objectively speaking, socialist accumulation must be a gradual reduction and eventually elimination. The essential difference between mental work and manual work is the process of total liberation of workers. in Page 471 439 In the process of capitalist accumulation, “part of the working class engages in excessive labor to force There is nothing to do in the other part of it, and in turn, there is nothing to do in one part to force it The other part of the country is engaged in excessive labor" ① . In the process of socialist accumulation, industry and The increase in agricultural labor productivity will not only force some people to engage in excessive labor, Let another part of the people be unemployed, and it will provide a possibility to relieve all workers Labor intensity, and appropriately shorten labor hours when conditions are available in the future. All labor Therefore, people will have more time to study culture, study politics, and criticize the asset class. Level, participate in various social activities and management work. At that time, workers will be in moral education, Intellectual education, physical education and other aspects have been fully developed, and the foundation of mental and physical labor The difference will gradually disappear. With the development of socialist accumulation, it will not only lead to huge social productivity Development, and will gradually change the nature of labor, and eventually become Means of life, and it itself has become the first need of life" ② . In this way, in personal consumption In terms of the distribution of expense products, there will be two results: one is the level of distribution according to work The difference is gradually narrowing; the second is the proportion of on-demand allocation in the entire consumer fund The weight is increasing day by day. This means that the process of socialist accumulation will promote the capital class Level legal rights are increasingly restricted and eventually eliminated, while communism factors Increasingly developed and eventually turned socialist production relations into communist production relations system. In short, the general law of socialist accumulation is the same as that of capitalist accumulation The law is fundamentally different. The more wealth accumulated in a socialist society, the development of social production The greater the scale and ability of the workers, the material and cultural life of workers will become increasingly ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, page 698. ② Marx: "A Critique of the Gotha Program." "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Annual edition, page 12. Page 472 440 Increase, the communist factors in socialist production relations will gradually accumulate To create more and more material conditions and spiritual conditions for the transition to a communist society. This is the general law of socialist accumulation. This law shows that society Socialist accumulation is not only the expanded reproduction of social products, but also socialist production The expanded reproduction of relations shows that socialist accumulation and its socio-economic consequences The inevitable connection between the two reveals the development of a socialist society to a communist society The inevitable trend reflects the most essential things in socialist accumulation. However, due to the compatibility between socialist production relations and productivity Should be in a contradictory situation, bourgeois legal rights are still not in the three aspects of production relations. Exist to the same extent, therefore, in the process of expanded reproduction of socialist production relations The capitalist traditions or traces that are concentrated as bourgeois legal rights will also follow Reproduced. The bourgeoisie in the party will definitely take advantage of this capitalist tradition or trace, Do everything possible to strengthen and expand, so that it is in the socialist production relations Dominance to achieve the restoration of capitalism. Therefore, if we think that the social master The accumulation of righteousness only increases social wealth, does not limit the bourgeois rights in it, and does not To carry forward the communist factor contained in it, and not to actively organize the proletariat In the struggle against the bourgeoisie, socialist accumulation may also be Partial or even complete transformation into capitalist accumulation, that is, partly or even completely Realize the restoration of capitalism. The general law of socialist accumulation is an objective rule Law does not depend on people's will, but this does not mean that the occurrence of social law Use can not pass people's struggle. On the contrary, the law of socialist accumulation It is essentially the law of class struggle. We only have to be in all stages of revolutionary development In the field, insist on the full dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and carry the socialist revolution through to the end, Only in line with the laws of socialist accumulation can the transition to a communist society be realized. Page 473 441 my country's socialist revolution and socialist construction have only been more than two decades old. In the meantime, our country is still a developing socialist country. However, the socialist product The general law of tiredness has played a powerful role in our country. Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping and others It spreads rumors and slanders us as "the country is rich and the people are poor", "lack of food and clothing", "today is not as good as before." The countless facts on which the general laws of socialist accumulation are at work have ruthlessly shattered Their shameless slander. The amount of capital construction investment in my country over the past two decades has been huge and has grown rapidly. Foundation in 1973 The total investment in this construction has increased by more than 27 times compared with the total investment in capital construction in 1950. Capital construction investment is the main form of socialist accumulation, and its growth shows that my country's social The accumulation of socialism and social wealth have developed tremendously. With the growth of socialist accumulation, society Reproduction of ism has also been greatly developed accordingly. In the twenty-five years since the founding of the People's Republic of China (1949~1974) Although the population increased by 60%, the grain increased by 1.4 times and the cotton increased by 4 7 times, various light industrial products have increased several times, dozens of times, and heavy industrial products have increased even more. Big. With the development of social production, the living standards of the working people have gradually improved. The average wage of employees in my country in 1973 was the same as that of 1952 in the last year of the national economic recovery period. The ratio has increased by nearly 40%; during the same period, total wages have increased by more than four times. Old club Unemployment that would be left behind disappeared as early as 1958. From 1949 to 1973, The number of employees nationwide has increased by about six times; during the same period, my country's total retail sales of consumer goods increased The number of students in colleges, middle schools, and primary schools has increased by 5.6 times; The number of career beds has increased more than seventeen times. History is the best witness. my country's socialist construction has Development, social accumulation has greatly increased, and it has been built into an initially prosperous Great socialist country; at the same time, on the basis of developing production, our country The material and cultural lives of the working people have also improved accordingly. Hundreds of millions of people Freed from the predicament of hunger and cold in old China, now not only is there a general job to do, Page 474 442 Reading, adequate clothing and food, and being the masters of the country, the revolutionary fighting spirit is high, in order to achieve the right The bourgeoisie fought for the full dictatorship in the three revolutionary movements. In today's new China, There are indeed people who are "poorer" than in the past, that is, a handful of people have been deprived of the means of production Landlord and bourgeoisie. This kind of poor, very good! Could it still make them recover After the lost "paradise", let them continue to ride on the people and dominate the people, Rich GET? ! Lin Biao and Deng Xiaohu's Shameless slander not only Represents by being The fallen landlords and the desire of the bourgeoisie to restore and represent the assets of the Communist Party The desire of class usurpation and restoration. However, in our country's powerful proletarian dictatorship, Previously, this counter-revolutionary dream of the bourgeoisie in the party has been shattered and will continue to be broken. Off. Page 475 443 Chapter 12 Socialist Reproduction Money movement Section 1 The Capital Cycle in Socialist Reproduction Socialist accumulation and expanded reproduction are not only manifested as materials in kind Movement, but also manifested as a capital movement in the form of value. Socialist production process Many categories of capital movement in China, such as finance, credit, profit, interest, etc., although However, it reflects the interaction between socialist countries and enterprises and between socialist enterprises. However, these categories are all manifestations of the commodity system and are the private economy Relics. The bourgeoisie inside and outside the party can easily use these categories to restore capitalism activity. The Khrushchev Brezhnev traitor group is advocating "more Use and improve financial and credit levers, that is, ruble supervision, prices, profits, etc." (Heru In the wake of the report of the 22nd National Congress of Soviet revisionism, Xiaofu promoted the so-called "economic reform", Restoring capitalism. Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping in order to restore capital in my country It is also desperately pursuing the revisionist line of profit taking command and material stimulation. therefore, Analyze the regularity of capital movement in the socialist production process and distinguish between socialism and The limits of capitalism are an important aspect of anti-repair. The capital movement in the process of socialist expansion of reproduction runs through production and delivery. Exchange, distribution and consumption. Regarding the capital transport in the production and exchange process Page 476 444 In this book, Chapter 7 "Socialist Economic Accounting System" and Chapter 9 "Socialism In "Money and Currency Circulation in a Righteous Society", some analyses have been made separately. In this In the chapter, we will put the socialist funds in production, exchange, distribution and consumption. As a unified process, movement is further investigated in general. In the process of socialist reproduction, the movement of funds must first pass through the circulation stage. Paragraph; do not pass this stage first, use money to buy means of production and pay workers Remuneration for labor, socialist funds will remain in the form of currency and cannot be transferred Turned into a production form, it cannot enter the second stage of capital movement, the production stage. In the second phase of the capital movement, labor and means of production are combined, The production and consumption of the means of production, the production of goods, the value of the means of production is transferred to On commodities, the new value created by labor is also condensed on commodities. At this time, the Socialist capital is transformed from the form of production to the form of commodities. Then, the capital movement Entering the third stage, the products produced are sold, and socialist funds The commodity form has returned to the currency form. Socialist funds go through the above three stages Segment, followed by three forms, and finally return to the original starting point, this movement The whole process of moving is the cycle of socialist funds. Socialist funding The cycle is endless, in the process of constant movement, which shows that socialist reproduction It is going on smoothly and continuously from cycle to cycle. The overall process of the socialist capital circulation movement is also composed of many individual enterprises. The capital circulation movement constitutes. Among them, the capital circulation of each enterprise is the same The capital circulation of enterprises is mutually conditional and closely linked, thus forming a socialist society An intricate movement of the total capital cycle and affects socialist reproduction Development process. For example: the funds of a company in the first stage of the cycle, such as If the operation is unimpeded, the currency can smoothly purchase the necessary means of production, the currency Page 477 445 Capital can be converted into production capital, then, the capital of another enterprise connected with it, It must be smoothly in the third stage of the cycle, and is moving from commodity funds to Conversion of monetary funds. At this time, the funds of the previous enterprise have the ability to reproduce Material conditions, it can enter the production stage in time; the latter enterprise sells goods due to Go out, and thus have the necessary capital conditions to start another new production cycle. Obviously, the smooth circulation of total social funds is the smooth progress of socialist reproduction. symbols of. Let us further assume that there is an enterprise in the second stage of the cycle, Its production is well organized, and production funds can be quickly converted into commodity funds. This creates favorable conditions for this part of commodities to be put into circulation faster; at this time, the same The other enterprise it is connected with can obtain the necessary means of production more quickly, so that the currency The capital is quickly converted into production capital, which speeds up the company's capital from Cycle from the first stage to the second stage of operation. Under these conditions, the former company’s The time for capital to enter circulation from production is shortened, and the capital of the latter enterprise enters circulation from circulation. The time to enter production has also been shortened accordingly. Obviously, the accelerated cycle of total social funds, It is a sign of the acceleration of socialist reproduction. The above analysis is the capital circulation under the conditions of simple reproduction of socialism. There are cases involving the transfer of capital accumulation to expanded reproduction. Now it should be further divided Analyze the relationship between socialist capital circulation and socialist expansion of reproduction. Socialist funds always start its cycle with a certain amount of value as the starting point Sporty. When it enters the first stage of the cycle, through the purchase of production materials and To pay workers' labor remuneration, monetary funds are converted into equivalent production funds. in In this stage, there is no change in value. Then enter the second stage of the loop Paragraph, in this stage, the material form elements of the means of production are combined with each other, after The labor of laborers has transferred the value of the means of production consumed and created new Page 478 446 value. This new value created by workers is divided into two parts: one is used for labor The personal consumption of the mover is the part of the value paid for labor; The added part is the net social income. Finally, in the third stage of the cycle Commodity funds are sold through merchandise and then converted into monetary funds. At this time, the society's net income Incoming is expressed as an increase in monetary funds. The more this currency pattern increases, The more funds can be used to expand socialist reproduction. The net social income in the socialist capital cycle is composed of countless socialist Provided by enterprises separately, as a social fund, it must first go through a certain channel In the hands of socialist countries; then, according to the objective of socialist expansion of reproduction According to the ratio requirements, after planned distribution, from the hands of socialist countries, Newly incorporated into the capital cycle of relevant enterprises. Finally, the social pureness of this currency form Income, together with the original capital of each enterprise, has entered an expanded scale Cyclical movement that goes through three stages and transforms three forms, thus promoting the social Socialism expands reproduction and moves forward. The socialist society's net income investment capital cyclical movement also includes Circulation of non-productive funds for industry capital circulation. For example: social net income as social After the fund is concentrated in the hands of the state, a part of it must be allocated to culture, education and health Department, used to purchase equipment and medical equipment; Public goods and so on. This part of non-productive fund circulation is compared with corporate capital circulation, Have their own different sports characteristics. The difference between them is that the former only The commodity circulation stage will not return in the future; while the latter will go through circulation, The three stages of production and circulation not only return to the original starting point, but also Brings new social net income to enterprises. This different sport characteristic is caused by non The different nature of the circulation of productive funds and the circulation of corporate funds and their influence in society Page 479 447 It is determined by the different roles of ism in the expansion of reproduction. The socialist capital cycle is different from the capital cycle under capitalist conditions. Society Socialist capital circulation is governed by the basic economic laws of socialism. It requires itself Every cyclical stage and form change of the socialist countries and people The need for this socialist reproduction goal and movement. Capitalism This cycle is governed by the basic economic laws of capitalism. Capital currency form, To the form of production, and then to the continuous conversion of the form of commodities, that is, the shift of capital from surplus price The purchase stage of value production factors, to the production stage of surplus value, and then to the surplus price A continuous cycle of value realization phases. This cyclical process is always around Surplus value moves for the purpose of capitalist reproduction. Socialist funding cycle The foundation of the ring is socialist public ownership, which provides a possibility The individual capital cycles of the operating enterprise are linked together in a planned way, making it a The whole organization, among which, the capital circulation of each state-owned enterprise and the social net Income is an integral part of this overall movement. Socialist expansion The funds required for large-scale reproduction are not spontaneously provided by national enterprises from their own social Will be resolved in the net income, but the The proportional relationship required for production is to collect the net social income paid by various state-owned enterprises Resume, make overall arrangements, and solve them in a planned way. In this way, socialism The circulation of total social funds is likely to remain coordinated and smooth. Under capitalism Capital circulation is based on the private ownership of capitalists. Every capitalist enterprise The individual capital cycle of the industry and its value proliferation are all divided by private ownership into separate The established movement system enables the circulation of total social capital to show countless individual capital The chaotic and intertwined state of communication. This chaotic state of the capital cycle goes to Occurring together with cyclical economic crises, it has brought extremes to the productive forces of capitalist society. Page 480 448 Great destruction. Socialist funds will often appear in its cycle. These contradictions, but this kind of contradiction generally does not lead to the A cyclical and overall crisis, it can be guided by the correct route through social The conscious adjustment of the socialist system itself was resolved. The capital circulation under socialist conditions is the same as the capital circulation under capitalism There are differences, but the former is transformed from the latter, with the capitalist The traditions or traces left by righteousness are not much different from the old society. So it It is the breeding ground for capitalism and the bourgeoisie. The socialist capital cycle goes from its currency form to production form to commodities The constant conversion of forms is a movement of value forms. Engels said: "Value The concept is the most general and therefore the most extensive table of the economic conditions of commodity production. Now. " ① socialist society practices a commodity system, of course, is also inseparable from value-shaped State of movement. Under the commodity system, the means of production required by each socialist enterprise, Is allocated by the national plan, but still needs to follow the principle of equivalent exchange, Buy with monetary funds. The consumption of enterprises in production still needs to be derived from value To compensation. The products produced by enterprises still need to be realized in value. In order to obtain the necessary monetary funds to start the next production cycle. Here, just like Ren How can the society of commodity production be the same, or the individual labor hours for producing commodities are high? The labor time necessary for the society, or the individual labor Labor time will be necessary. Both of these situations are bound to happen. Produce the same goods, Those socialist enterprises whose individual working hours are higher than the The cost is high, the income is low, and its capital cycle is at a disadvantage. To change this ① Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition page 349. Page 481 449 For this disadvantaged position, companies can have two choices: one is to innovate technology, increase Production savings, cost reduction, etc., so that individual labor hours Time is lower than the necessary labor time of society to improve its capital circulation. another It is to use the deviation of the price and value of various commodities to produce or produce more Some commodities whose prices are higher than their value. If you follow the latter approach, the result will be Yes, commodities with a price higher than value will flood the market and exceed the demand of society. This affects the realization of the value of this part of the commodity. Finally, it has to be changed to Products whose prices are higher than their value. In this way, the socialist planned economy will Undermined, capitalist competition and production anarchy will reappear. Then, those socialist enterprises whose individual working hours are less than socially necessary What will happen to the industry? The cost of these enterprises is low, the income is high, and the capital Not only is there no difficulty in turnover, but there is still some extra after completing the normal turnover Of monetary funds. In this case, companies can also have two options: one is Follow the normal way, and hand over the excess monetary funds to the country in time. State-owned enterprises) or communes (social-run enterprises) for unified distribution and use. The other is to put This part of the surplus monetary funds goes through the evil ways to illegally arbitrage the tight Zhang Wuzi, and use this as a bargaining chip to engage in the kind of capitalist in the name of "collaboration" Free exchange of justice. This kind of activity is repeated repeatedly, which will inevitably cause a The supply of sub-commodities is tight, affecting the funds of other companies from the first stage to the second stage The cycle of segments, thereby affecting the reproduction process of these enterprises. under these circumstances, It may prompt other companies to accumulate surplus monetary funds to engage in arbitrage Material activities will eventually disintegrate the socialist planned economy and allow competition and production The state of government reappeared . In the foregoing two cases, the enterprise leader who chooses the latter path Guide, even if he himself did not grab part of the currency from this activity and put it into his own Page 482 450 His own pockets, but his activities are essentially bourgeois activities, he himself It has become or is becoming a bourgeois element in the party. Inside the party analyzed here The bourgeoisie is the bearer of the class relations and interests of the bourgeoisie. The product of a relationship. "No matter how the individual is subjectively detached from various relationships, he is It is always the product of these relationships in a social sense. " ① As for his personal capacity from the total community The share of the product is irrelevant to the analysis here. It is in the party's capital class In this kind of capitalist path, corruption, theft, speculation, etc. Only then can the activities developed, and some people will be able to use the workers, peasants, and working people as a community The social net income created by the society and the collective is transformed into surplus value, which becomes sucking New bourgeois elements with blood and sweat of the working people. In the process of socialist capital circulation, the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party The movement to carry out capitalist activities is the leader of the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party The economic basis of things and their revisionist line. Through the leadership of the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party The revisionist line formulated by the characters will further strengthen and expand assets inside and outside the party The activity of the class taking the capitalist road. This is what started in the socialist capital movement There is always the origin of class struggle and line struggle. The capital circulation in socialist reproduction, whether it is corporate capital circulation, social The total capital circulation of the society or the participation of the net income of the society in the circulation movement. Socialist public ownership is based, therefore, it is the same as the capitalist reproduction process This cycle has different laws of motion. It is subject to the basic economic laws of socialism Domination is the fundamental goal of ensuring that the needs of the country and the people are met. but if The leadership of the socialist economy was usurped by the party's bourgeoisie, and the revisionist line ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels Vol. 23, p. 12. Page 483 451 If the dominance is achieved, then the socialist capital cycle will be transformed into a capital cycle. Become "just an endless movement for profit" ① . My country's socialist revolution and The practice of construction and the experience of the international communist movement have proved that the socialist The capital circulation movement is an extremely complex curve of social economic movement. It counter Reflecting on people's cognition, it must not be a straight line. Clear, but must be expressed as a kind of curve. "Any piece of this curve Fragments, fragments, and small segments can be turned into (one-sidedly transformed) independent complete straight Line, and this straight line can lead people (if you only see the trees but not the forest) to Go in the mud, lead to monasticism (where the class interests of the ruling class Will consolidate it). " ② Therefore, in the form of value movement of the dazzling, Just because of the linearity and one-sidedness of cognition, it will also lead people to commit crimes. The wrong path of ism. This kind of error is of course similar in nature to the party bourgeoisie. Difference, but it is worthy of vigilance. Because it is easily controlled by the party bourgeoisie Use and be led into the quagmire of capitalism. Therefore, persist in the proletariat Under the dictatorship, continue to correct the capitalist trend that appeared in the socialist capital cycle. At the same time, use materialism and dialectics to arm the majority of economic workers to overcome idealism Theory and metaphysics, using Marxist worldview to analyze all aspects of economic movement, It is very important to recognize the direction of socialism. ① Marx: Volume 1 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 23, page 175. ② "Talk about dialectics". "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, No. 715 page. Page 484 452 Section 2 Fund Distribution in Socialist Reproduction Distribution of corporate funds and corporate finance The capital circulation in socialist reproduction includes corporate capital circulation, social The circulation of total funds and the participation of social net income in the circulation movement. Escape with this, The allocation of funds in socialist reproduction also includes the The distribution of the total funds of the meeting and the distribution of net social income. Now, let's first analyze the distribution of funds in the enterprise itself. The capital cycle of a socialist enterprise has to go through three stages in sequence, transforming the three Form, but this does not mean that socialist enterprise funds are all The part is in one stage and all exists in one form; and in another period Here, they all enter the next stage and all transform into another form. If this In this way, the reproduction of this enterprise can only be carried out intermittently, without continuity. Therefore, an enterprise's capital must exist in monetary capital, production capital and Above these three forms of commodity funds. Must always maintain a part of monetary funds, Can buy production materials and pay labor remuneration at any time; Production funds to enable uninterrupted production; always maintain a part of commodity funds, Available for sale at any time. Only in this way can the reproduction of the enterprise be promoted uninterruptedly. OK, keep it continuity. The coexistence of monetary funds, production funds, and commodity funds is The objective law of gold cycle movement. The normal circulation of funds in socialist enterprises The coexistence of various forms of capital is a condition, which creates a socialist enterprise must The issue of reasonable allocation of its funds among the three forms. This distribution, Page 485 453 It is done through socialist corporate finance. The socialist enterprise finance is the capital of socialist enterprise in its currency form, The distribution between production form and commodity form, in different production departments, Are not the same. For example, in a production sector like the shipbuilding industry, it takes about half a year to build a 10,000-ton ship. The production time on the right consumes several thousand tons of steel, not only the production cycle is relatively long, but also the original The proportion of materials in the overall product value is also relatively large. Therefore, it needs to be used for raw material reserves As well as the processing of products, semi-finished products, etc., the funds are more in its funds. In the structure, the proportion of production funds is relatively large. Another example, production like the rubber industry Department, the production cycle for a tire or a pair of rubber shoes is only two or three days. So in it In the capital structure, the share of funds used for raw material reserves and production of products and semi-finished products Relatively speaking, the ratio is not as large as that of the shipbuilding industry. In addition, under different supply and sales conditions, the structure of corporate funds Not the same. However, from the general trend, production funds are in the capital structure of production enterprises. The proportion of the structure is always in the first place. At the end of 1974, among the eight local The proportions are: monetary funds accounted for 6.77%, production funds accounted for 81.96%, and commodity funds accounted for 11.87%. Among them, the Textile Industry Bureau accounts for the largest proportion of production funds, reaching 87.19%. The proportion of production funds from the Science and Industry Bureau is relatively small, but it also reaches 71.81%. One of the tasks of corporate finance is to actively allocate corporate funds Work, as much as possible to reduce the currency funds and commodity funds in the circulation process to the lowest Limit, in order to increase the proportion of production funds in the production process; at the same time, To the extent possible, although it belongs to the production process, it is not in the actual production movement Page 486 454 That part of the production funds used for raw material reserves, compressed to The limit of the normal operation of industrial production in order to correspondingly raise the limit of the actual production movement. The proportion of capital used for production of products and semi-finished products. So that Enables more of the company's capital to be invested in the actual production process go with. Distribution of total social funds and bank credit Socialist enterprises must maintain a reasonable proportion of the three types of funds. In order to maximize their effectiveness in the reproduction of enterprises, they must also rely on total social capital Funds are regularly and temporarily redistributed among enterprises to continuously adjust them. The reason why the regular and temporary redistribution of total social funds is necessary, specifically It's because, on the one hand, there are often Such situations: Although some companies' funds have entered the third stage of the cycle Segment, the commodity has been sold, and the commodity funds have been converted into monetary funds, but this There is no need to purchase raw materials and pay labor compensation immediately; from the depreciation fund With the overhaul fund, there is always a gap between the renewal of fixed assets and the actual overhaul a period of time. That is to say, the monetary assets returned by some companies in the third stage of the cycle Gold will not immediately enter the first stage of the cycle, and there will always be part of it It is temporarily not used. At the same time, the monetary form that workers receive from the distribution of corporate funds Temporary labor remuneration may be temporarily stored and not used. On the other hand, some Enterprises are in the first stage of the capital cycle, due to the peak production season, or when it is time for agricultural products During the purchase season, a large amount of money needs to be temporarily supplemented to purchase raw materials; there are also some The company may need to temporarily supplement monetary funds for other reasons. condition. This determines that socialist countries must use bank credit channels to Page 487 455 Mobilize that part of the currency funds that are not in use in the society, under the condition of borrowing and repaying, Redistribute in a planned way to meet the temporary needs of some companies for monetary funds want. In this way, companies in different situations will be able to use funds Can get mutual adjustments to make the circulation of the total funds of the whole society smoother. Use more economy to promote the expansion of socialist reproduction to move forward more quickly exhibition. Socialist credit is to regulate the capital circulation of a single enterprise in the total social capital circulation. A special form of movement of the ring. Its basic feature is to pass through the National Bank to deposit Temporary acquisition and distribution of part of monetary funds in the form of loans and loans. Repay at a fixed time and pay a certain interest. Credit under different social systems reflects different production relations. Credit in a capitalist society is a form of movement for borrowing capital. Monetary capital Family lend money capital to industrial capitalists, and industrial capitalists use loans to buy production Data, hire workers, engage in business activities, and extract surplus value. Then, the industry The capitalist distributes a part of the surplus value to the monetary capitalist in the form of interest. Share the surplus value. Therefore, capitalist credit reflects the Active exploitation relationship. Under the socialist system, credit reflects socialist production relations. The credit relationship between the state and state-owned enterprises is the main aspect of the socialist credit relationship. The state uses credit to allocate funds to state-owned enterprises in a planned and To save and effectively use funds to ensure the smooth progress of socialist expanded reproduction Row. The credit relationship between the state and the collective economy is the working class The relationship between farmers and handicraft workers in economic friendly cooperation and mutual support Page 488 456 system. The collective economy deposits its temporarily unused currency funds in the National Bank to support Socialist construction; at the same time, the National Bank issued various loans to the collective economy to Support the development of the collective economy. This new type of credit relationship is the development of socialism The economy and the means to consolidate the worker-peasant alliance. The credit relationship between the state and the working people in the form of people's savings An economic relationship in which the fundamental interests of the country and the working people are aligned has been established. It is both for laborers People's savings and consumption funds and the planned arrangement of life services can also mobilize individuals to temporarily Unused funds are used to expand reproduction to facilitate the development of socialist construction. my country has mobilized enterprises and the idle monetary funds in society through credit to increase year by year. in In the 21 years from 1952 to 1973, the total amount of bank deposits increased by 7.4 The savings of urban residents have increased nearly tenfold. Lend these funds to industry, commerce and Agriculture has promoted the development of socialist industrial and agricultural production. However, socialist credit as a form of monetary funds is subject to repayment The transfer of, and the payment of a certain interest ① along with this transfer , still reflects It is the right of the bourgeoisie. The proletariat uses the bourgeois power of credit for construction For socialist services, the bourgeoisie must expand the bourgeois rights of credit to restore Provide capitalist services. The capital roaders Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping in the party went to Change the direction of business operations, once publicly shouting: only profitable companies, banks ① The Socialist National Bank must pay a certain amount of interest on deposits and loans to socialist enterprises. this In addition, a certain amount of interest is also paid to the people's savings deposits. People's savings deposit interest is a subdivision of national income It is conducive to encouraging savings and supporting socialist construction. But as a currency holder, relying on the ownership of the currency The income generated reflects the bourgeois legal rights. People who hold more money can get more money by saving more Currency, if not restricted, will widen the difference in personal income. Over the past two decades since the founding of our country, The step-by-step reduction in the interest rate of people's savings is a restriction on the bourgeois legal rights in the credit relationship. Page 489 457 Only allow loans, companies that do not make money, "banks do not lend", "must be stuck, Don't be afraid of workers hitting the pole." Under this black instruction, around 1962, a The key enterprises, military industry enterprises and enterprises that produce products urgently needed by the country are all due to lack of It was profitable and was forced to shut down. Some enterprises controlled by bourgeois elements In order to pursue high profits, they also used the supply of certain supplies as bait to provide other companies In the name of "payment in advance", engage in capitalist "commercial credit" ① to destroy society Plan credits in ideological countries. Under this kind of capitalist commercial credit, new and old capital The bourgeois elements were able to use their speculative tricks, bluffing and short selling Buy short, move east to make up for the west, and collect several batches of deposits in advance for a batch of commodities to make a big deal Capitalist management; and some state-owned enterprises have been deceived for this, affecting society The planned movement of socialist funds and the smooth progress of socialist reproduction. There is Bourgeois elements use loan sharking activities to exploit the working people. In order to limit The bourgeois right of credit, to combat the use of credit Bad socialist economic activities, the proletariat must concentrate all credit activities China is in the hands of the National Bank and the rural credit cooperatives The proletariat revolutionary line, bringing all capital movements into the track of socialist planning management To implement low-interest lending policies, ban commercial credit and private usury activities, and prohibit Stop converting money into capital, so that the total social capital always moves in the direction of socialism. move. ① Commercial credit is the foundation of the capitalist credit system. It is commonly used between industrial capitalists and commercial capitalists. A form of deferred payment for the sale of goods. Capitalist commercial credit plays a certain role in promoting commodity circulation. However, it has also deepened the blindness of the market, concealed the crisis of overproduction, and prompted the sharpening of the capitalist economic crisis. In a socialist society, commercial credit was cancelled. Certain prepaid and pre-purchase deposits approved for inclusion in the national plan, Such as agricultural and sideline product advance payment and advance purchase deposit, and unplanned commercial credit is different. Page 490 458 As a credit institution, the Socialist National Bank is to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat and An important tool for building socialism. Many books written by Lenin before and after the October Revolution In the work, he elaborated on the “communication” proposed by Marx and Engels in the Communist Manifesto Through the national bank with national capital and exclusive monopoly power, the credit is concentrated in the state "In the hands" ① , and further clearly pointed out: "Big banks are our "State institutions" necessary for socialism"; "Without big banks, socialism is Unachievable" ② . The Socialist Bank is a proletarian organization, statistics and management The tool of economic activities is the restriction of bourgeois legal rights and the same assets under the dictatorship of the proletariat. A tool for class struggle. As early as the Second Civil Revolutionary War, the Chinese Communist Party The National Bank was established. During the Anti-Japanese War and the People's Liberation War, the revolutionary base areas According to Chairman Mao's time and time again, “Big banks, big industries, and big commerce belong to the Republic's State-owned" ③ , successively established the people's own bank. Following the People's Liberation War With victories throughout the country, in December 1948, the People's Bank of China was established and the New China China's unified banking currency system; and successively confiscated the national bank and money of the Kuomintang's reactionary regime. Financial institutions, dealt with imperialist countries' banks in China, and the private The bank underwent socialist transformation. In this way, in a short period of time, our country's society was established. Socialist financial system. my country's socialist financial system currently consists of the People's Bank of China and the People's Construction Bank of China. Bank, Bank of China and Rural Credit Cooperatives. ① "The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, No. 272 pages. ② "Can the Bolsheviks maintain state power? ". "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Annual edition, page 311. ③ "On New Democracy." "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, No. 638 pages. Page 491 459 The People's Bank of China is my country's national bank, and is the nation's credit, settlement and cash teller The center is my country's currency issuing bank. Through centralized credit management, the National Bank organized non- Cash settlement and management of currency issuance functions to promote the development of industrial and agricultural production and commodity circulation, Serving the development of the socialist economy and the consolidation of the dictatorship of the proletariat. The People's Construction Bank of China is the department in charge of capital construction finance, specializing in capital construction Appropriation, loan and settlement, organization of capital construction financial management and economic accounting, supervision of capital construction Reasonable and economical use of funds to avoid waste of funds and materials. Under the leadership of the People's Bank of China, the Bank of China handles foreign exchange and international settlement services. To promote the development of my country's foreign economic relations and foreign trade. The Rural Credit Cooperative is an assistant to the National Bank in rural financial work. Its shares Money, accumulation and other properties shall be collectively owned by members of the credit cooperative. In the People's Bank of China Under the guidance, the rural credit cooperatives mainly handle the rural deposit business. According to the needs of production development, Grant loans for production expenses and production equipment to the collective economy of the rural people's communes. At the same time, also help Help the poor and lower-middle peasants overcome possible temporary difficulties in life, and stop and crack down on usury activities. In order to organize the circulation of the total funds of the socialist society in a planned way, limit funds The bourgeois legal rights in the movement, the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat treats credit, settlement and Cash teller and other businesses are all concentrated in the National Bank, making it a national credit, settlement Accounting and cash teller center, which is more conducive to the reasonable To ensure the planned development of the national economy. The Socialist National Bank, as the nation's credit center, can achieve as planned Make loans so that the distribution and use of credit funds are compatible with the national economic plan, Meet the needs of the country and people. It excludes the use of other channels such as commercial credit To obtain a loan, it is excluded to decide whether to obtain a loan based solely on the profit The centrality and planning of socialist credit, and avoid disrupting the national economy The direction of socialism is planned to move forward in proportion. As the settlement center, the Socialist National Bank unified the various ministries of the national economy Page 492 460 The transfer and settlement of accounts, enterprises and units. National Bank settles by transfer, Supervise unplanned illegal arbitrage and other capitalist activities to ensure the normal exchange of enterprises Able to make timely payment and clear both the money and the goods. This is also to limit the assets in the movement of funds Class legal rights promote the normal circulation of funds of socialist enterprises and promote society An important link in the continuous development of socialist production. The Socialist National Bank, as the nation's cash teller center, The needs of development and commodity circulation, the release of goods and the return of goods, the planned adjustment of goods Currency circulation makes currency circulation compatible with commodity circulation. At the same time, it implements strict The cash management system, all enterprises, institutions, agencies and organizations must follow It is stipulated that the cash exceeding the limit shall be deposited in the National Bank, and the salary fund shall be Line management. The state unifies the cash teller under the management of the national bank, in order to realize the cash out Plan and regulate currency circulation in a planned way to prevent the bourgeoisie from using currency to disturb Chaos in the market provides favorable conditions. The distribution of social net income and the state budget The circulation of total funds in a socialist society is always on the basis of an expanding scale It's going on. Therefore, the distribution of total social funds and the distribution of social net income are closely related. All connections are mutually reinforcing. Social net income is composed of the net income of each socialist enterprise. In society Under the conditions of socialist public ownership, the net income of each state-owned enterprise as a whole, Instead of spontaneously belonging to the respective enterprises, they are collected through the national budget. In the development of the national economy plan, redistribution is carried out. The net income of the socialist countries' budget-focused enterprises is divided between the two types of publicly-owned enterprises. In the industry, the forms taken are not exactly the same. Taxation of collective enterprises Page 493 461 In this way, part of their net income is concentrated for socialist construction. To the country In addition to taxation, business enterprises also take the form of turning in profits, They are all concentrated in the hands of the country. Currently in our country's national budget revenue, Contributions from state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises account for more than 99%. along with With the continuous development of my country's socialist economy, my country's national budget revenue has increased rapidly. increase. From 1950 to 1973, my country's budget revenue increased by about ten three times. There are no debt income items in my country's national budget revenue. my country has Has become a socialist country with neither domestic nor foreign debts. This is the same as capitalism Most of the country's budget revenue comes from the personal income tax paid by the working people and Other exorbitant taxes and living on domestic and foreign debts are completely different. Taxation in capitalist countries is the participation of the bourgeois Value sharing and additional exploitation of working people. This kind of exploitation, along with capitalist countries The intensification of internal and external contradictions and the strengthening of the state apparatus have become more and more serious. An unbearable burden. In the United States, the federal government's total budget revenue of nearly 300 billion US dollars in fiscal year 1975, Personal income tax is $129 billion, and social insurance tax is $73.6 billion. This is an increase of 9.3% and 11% respectively over the 1974 fiscal year. These two federal direct taxes alone account for 68% of total federal budget revenue. Arrange these two direct taxes equally among the population of the country, An American would have to bear nine hundred and fifty-seven US dollars, an increase of 9.24% over the previous fiscal year. In the Soviet Union, the bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie, in addition to extracting surplus value in the production process, It also exploits the working people in the form of a resident tax. The total resident tax in 1960 was 56 Billion rubles, which increased to 16.7 billion rubles in 1974, a nearly triple increase. 1973 Su On average, the resident tax paid by each worker's family accounts for more than 11% of wage income. In capitalist countries, the issuance of domestic public debt and the borrowing of foreign debt are also an important part of budget revenue. Important items. The domestic debt issued by the United States by the end of 1974 had a total of 4,927 One hundred million US dollars. Su Xiu also lived by issuing domestic public bonds and begging for loans from foreign countries. According to incomplete According to estimates, as of 1970, the domestic debt of Soviet revisionism had reached 31.6 billion rubles. To the west Page 494 462 Since Brezhnev came to power in 1964, the country's begging foreign debt has also exceeded US$20 billion. yuan. The domestic and foreign debts of capitalist countries serve the interests of the monopoly bourgeoisie, but they The working people are required to repay, so it is essentially an exploitation of the working people. Socialist countries use budgetary revenue to make most of the net income of socialist enterprises After being centralized as a social fund, it is redistributed in a planned way to form Into budget expenditures. The budget expenditures of socialist countries are used for economic construction and cultural construction. Development, national defense construction, state administration and foreign aid expenditures. among them, Economic construction expenditure and cultural construction expenditure occupy a major position. In our country Among the expenditures, those used for economic construction and cultural construction have started from 1950 It's about 36% of the country's population, which is about 70% in 1973. With the increase in the proportion of expenditure in these areas, my country's socialist construction has gained a lot With development, people's lives have improved significantly. And in imperialism and social imperialism The state, budget expenditures are used to maintain the violent machinery that oppresses the people. Expenditures and military expenditures for aggressive and expansion abroad account for a major proportion. The budget expenditure of these countries is to maintain the oligarchy and hegemony of the monopoly capitalist class. Rightist service. Take US imperialism as an example. From 1971 to 1975 fiscal year, direct military expenditure The total expenditure has reached 399 billion US dollars, an average of more than 79 billion US dollars per year. In the federal government's budget for the 1976 fiscal year, the military budget even reached 94 billion US dollars. In addition to other indirect military expenditures, the average military expenditures account for about one-third of the total budget expenditures. One or so. The Soviet revisionist social-imperialists carried out aggression and expansion abroad, and competed with the American imperialism for world hegemony. Expanding armaments frantically and implementing a policy of militarization of the national economy. Since 1971, the military expenditures of Soviet revisionism It surpasses the United States every year. In US dollars, in 1974, Soviet revisions used funds for intercontinental ballistic missiles About five and a half times that of the United States; the cost of the ballistic missile program for submarine launch 30%; the cost for the strategic defense plan is seven times more than that of the United States. In the national income of Soviet revisionism, Page 495 463 Nearly 20% is spent on military expenditures. Under different social systems, the contents of state budget revenue and budget expenditure are not The same, therefore, the nature of the national budget is also different. The socialist state budget is In order to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat, socialist countries develop economy, culture and education And health care and other undertakings, and fulfill their international obligations to socialist enterprises A distribution relationship formed in the process of redistributing the net income of the society. society The budget revenue of the socialist country comes from the people, and the budget expenditure A new type of socialist relationship. The capitalist state budget is the capitalist Using state power, through the redistribution of national income, occupy the surplus created by the working people The residual value is used to maintain a distribution relationship formed by its reactionary rule. It reflects It is the relationship between exploitation and exploitation, domination and dominance. Socialist state budget The nature of the budget is different from the capitalist state budget, but it is still It is expected that the monetary revenue and expenditure needed to fulfill its functions in a certain period of time. Chairman Mao teaches Said: "The national budget is a major issue, which reflects the entire country's Policy, because it stipulates the scope and direction of government activities. " ① Under the correct route, The socialist state budget is used to guarantee the proletariat's line and method in terms of funds. The implementation of the needle and policy; and under the revisionist line, it is also entirely possible The line, policy, and policy service used to restore capitalism in terms of funds Service. The capital roaders Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping used the state budget to Enterprises implement the method of non-subsidy, and grants to enterprises that complete the profit plan target Grant corresponding incentive funds to speed up the implementation of profit management and material incentives Orthodox line. ① Quoted from "People's Daily" on December 4, 1949. Page 496 464 The budgetary revenue and budgetary expenditures of socialist countries are planned. country In the process of arranging and implementing the budget, it is possible to follow the objective laws of fund movement, Consciously achieve the balance of budget revenue and expenditure, and pay attention to keeping proper reserve for the advance Calculate the temporary turnover of funds and meet the needs of major accidents. "Increase production, save more, and keep more reserve forces are reliable for consolidating the national budget Three lines of defense. " ① our national budget has been able to break-even year, a slight surplus. This is a manifestation of the superiority of the socialist system. The budget revenue and expenditure of imperialist countries and social imperialist countries is another scene. The budget revenue of these countries is very unstable, and budget expenditures are due to the expansion of armaments. Wars and the militarization of the national economy, the budgetary revenue and expenditure cannot be balanced. Large budget deficits have become a characteristic of the national budgets of these countries. During the 30 years from the 1946 fiscal year to the 1975 fiscal year, US imperialism had two There is a deficit in the eleven-year budget. In the twenty-nine years ending in 1974, the US budget deficit was net The total amount has reached more than 173.1 billion US dollars. Soviet revisionist social imperialism in 1965 The budget deficit in 1967 was 15.5 billion rubles, and the budget deficit from 1968 to 1971 was estimated It amounts to 40.1 billion rubles. In order to make up for the huge budget deficit, Su Xiu could only beg for money Expansion has increased the exploitation of working people. Socialist finance The allocation of funds in socialist reproduction includes the allocation of funds for individual enterprises, The distribution of total social funds and the distribution of social net income are through corporate finance, Bank credit and state budget. Corporate Finance, Bank Credit and National Budget ① Quotations from Chairman Mao. Quoted from "National Budget in 1954", Fiscal Economic Press, 1954 edition, Page 20. Page 497 465 It constitutes a complete system of socialist capital distribution. This funding distribution system Based on corporate finance, bank credit as an important regulator, and national budget as the mainstay Guide, formed socialist finance. Socialist finance is based on socialist countries An economic relationship formed by the main body's capital distribution and redistribution. The state is a product of class struggle and a tool of class oppression. The state's finances Activities can never be super-class. Socialist finance is the work of the dictatorship of the proletariat It guarantees that the socialist country will implement its proletarian dictatorship from the aspect of funding. Function to ensure the smooth progress of the socialist revolution and socialist construction. It is none All working people under the leadership of the bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party and the empire Righteousness, social imperialism, and the reactionaries Tools for revolution and socialist construction services. In the early days of the founding of New China, it was faced with inflation and Prices are soaring, the market is chaotic, and people's lives are in dire straits. The state adopted a unified fiscal Economic management, vigorously rectify taxation, strengthen cash management, and promote production recovery and development on the basis of China quickly managed to balance fiscal revenues and expenditures, curb inflation, and stabilize market prices. Consolidate the nascent proletarian revolutionary regime, in order to carry out large-scale socialist economic construction, create Created favorable conditions. During the period of socialist transformation in the ownership of the means of production, the state used fiscal A tool, for capitalist industry and commerce, according to its usefulness to the national economy and people's livelihood and acceptance of society The degree of socialist reform is treated differently in taxation and credit, which strongly matches the state The use, restriction and transformation of capitalist industry and commerce. The state also restricts taxation and credit The spontaneous forces of urban and rural capitalism support farmers and handicrafts The socialist transformation of the individual economy. At the same time, the state allocates funds in a planned way through fiscal The economic construction centered on heavy industry has promoted the rapid development of the state-owned economy. After the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production is basically completed, the socialist Finance continues to allocate and redistribute funds to ensure the continuous development of the national economy and social Page 498 466 The growing consolidation and growth of the socialist economic foundation will promote the political front, economic front and ideological front The socialist revolution continued to develop in depth and to a certain extent supported Revolutionary struggle against imperialism and hegemony. Socialist state finance is a tool of the dictatorship of the proletariat. But in the revised main Under the line of justice, it can also be used to serve the restoration of capitalism. Walk in the party In the great poisonous weed "The General Outline" which was concocted by the capitalist Deng Xiaoping, it was proposed to use the "three "Instructions as the outline" to rectify all aspects of work including finance. The rectification is through opposing the decentralization of fiscal and credit management in the fiscal system. Competence, oppose the decentralization of corporate depreciation funds to local governments and enterprises, and oppose increasing local Mainly arrange measures such as the proportion of capital construction investment to achieve opposition to Chairman Mao's Under the unified plan of the central government, let the local governments do more." What comes is: dig from the system, collect from power, pressure from indicators, and from expenditure The set of management, control, pressure and profit-oriented revisionist goods color. This is an excuse to "rectify", to engage in dictatorship in the financial field, and to try to On the one hand, we usurped the party's unified leadership over fiscal work and restored the capitalist fiscal system. Socialist finance is based on the high-speed development of socialist production Above, the relationship between finance and economy is essentially the relationship between distribution and production. Give birth Production determines distribution, which in turn affects production. Chairman Mao taught us: "Fat Developing the economy and ensuring supply is our general policy for economic and financial work. " "The quality of fiscal policy is certainly enough to affect the economy, but it is the economic Aid. There is no economy without a foundation that can solve financial difficulties, and no economy does not develop It can make the finances ample. " ① Chairman Mao's instructions, reveals the financial and scientific ① "Economic and Financial Problems in the Anti-Japanese Period." Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 3, People's Publishing House 1967 Horizontal Edition, p.846. Page 499 467 The dialectical relationship of economy is the fundamental guiding ideology of socialist financial work. Economy determines finances, which means that in order to guarantee fiscal revenue, one must first focus on To the economy, and strive to promote the development of production. Only when the economy develops, production increases Financial revenue has a rich source. "Forget about developing the economy, forget about opening up financial resources, The conservative view of trying to solve the financial difficulties by shrinking the indispensable fiscal expenditure Point, can not solve any problems. " ① hold purely financial point of view of people do not understand The dialectical relationship between economy and finance, production and distribution is only in the simple fiscal revenue and expenditure. Be in a circle, don't care about production, and don't actively promote production, so in the end it can't Solve the problem of fiscal revenue and expenditure. The economy determines finances. This is by no means to say that finances are only negative and passive causes. The quality of fiscal work also has a major impact on economic development. Socialist finance has created a part of the society that has been created by the material production sector Net income, in the form of monetary funds, is gathered in a timely manner for distribution and redistribution, To promote economic development and production growth. In addition, it also integrates Extremely productive services: (1) Promote enterprises to strengthen economic accounting and tap production potential, Promote increasing production and saving; (2) Promote competition between enterprises, learn, catch up, and help, Grasp the comparative analysis of comparable factors of products of the same type, and promote advanced exchanges between enterprises Experience, continuously reduce product costs, and improve the quantity and quality of products; (3) Gap Through collaboration, promote mutual support among enterprises, and help enterprises to solve problems in materials, technology and labor Problems with power. Socialist finance is serving production and promoting the economy It can play a useful role in its development. Socialist finance is established on the basis of public ownership, and corporate finance, bank ① "Economic and Financial Problems in the Anti-Japanese Period." Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 3, People's Publishing House 1967 Horizontal Edition, p. 847. Page 500 468 Credit and the state budget are closely linked to form a The scope of national finance based on private ownership is much broader, in general The distribution system of the entire national economy. It not only includes subdivision outside the production area It also extends to the production area. This distribution is directly based on the social The need to expand reproduction in a planned way is the planned development of the national economy. Part of the exhibition. In this respect, socialist finance has a communist The advanced stage of socialism is planned by a unified social center Distribution factors. However, on the other hand, this distribution still takes the form of value and Continue to use things like budget revenue, budget expenditure and deposits, loans, interest, etc. The old economic category. These old economic categories are both proletarian and bourgeois To take advantage of. The proletariat must use them to serve the construction of socialism And the bourgeoisie will use them to destroy socialism and restore capital Righteous service. If the revisionist line dominates, fiscal revenue, expenditure, Deposits and loans must be used to implement the profit-oriented policy and let capitalism The relations of production have gradually revived. When Liu Shaoqi preached that profit is in command, he said: "One A factory must make money. If it doesn't make money, it should close its doors and stop paying wages." The bank must be stuck." Deng Xiaoping also said: "We must grasp the finances. In the past, we had one-sided opposition. It's not right to grab profits." He linked finances with profits and promoted It is completely the revisionist line of Liu Shaoqi. Throughout the historical period of socialism, The struggle between the two classes and two lines in the financial distribution relationship is always fierce. We must rely on the vast numbers of workers and the poor, lower and middle peasants, and resolutely expose and criticize the capital running within the party The incumbents of the capitalist road expand the bourgeois legal rights and restoration funds in the financial distribution. Capitalist conspiracy to ensure the implementation of the proletarian revolutionary line, principles and policies The masses of workers and peasants are the masters of the socialist economy and the direct direct source of social wealth. Page 501 469 Creators, they hate capitalism and revisionism the most, and hate ways that violate the party the most Line guidelines and policies, as well as the expansion of bourgeois legal rights, and acts that undermine socialism. Only by fully mobilizing the masses, relying on the power of the masses to control the line and control the finances Rights, forming a vivid situation where the masses manage finances at their own The role of the tool of the dictatorship of the property class can be fully brought into play; socialist finance The way to serve production will become wider and wider; socialist financial resources Only with the development of the socialist revolution and socialist construction can the legal rights of the property class Step down and eventually disappear. Section 3 Fund Distribution in Socialist Reproduction Relationship with material distribution The relationship between budget funds and credit funds in fund allocation Socialist finance uses the two different forms of state budget and bank credit. To allocate funds to form funds for centralized use by the state. This is an objective The above requires the establishment of a unified balance between budget funds and credit funds. Establish these two funds The unity and balance of socialism and the study of their mutual relations are the result of socialist expansion of reproduction An important question. Budget funds and credit funds are interrelated. The source of credit funds, except In addition to corporate deposits, residents' savings, interest income and currency issuance, there are also social The bank credit funds allocated by the state budget and the state budget. socialism The amount of loans a bank grants is not simply determined by how much credit it has from itself. Source, in a sense, is determined by the state's use of credit to support production need. When the sources of credit funds are insufficient, they rely on budget allocations to solve them. Simultaneously, Page 502 470 Credit actively organizes deposits, grants loans reasonably, and minimizes the balance of credit income and expenditure. The amount of additional credit funds allocated in the budget can be reduced. Credit through reasonable granting of loans, Promoting production and circulation can also actively increase budget revenue. On the one hand, in credit Among the sources of funds, budgetary funds occupies an important position; on the other hand, budgetary revenue and expenditure The arrangement is also heavily influenced by the credit situation. It is credit funds and budget funds This internal connection determines the necessity of balancing these two types of funds. Budget funds and credit funds are two types of funds with different properties and functions. Budget revenue mainly comes from the net income of the enterprise. Budgetary funds formed by budget revenue Funds are allocated to enterprises uniformly by the state for long-term production investment and regular Financial expenditure. Credit comes from the temporarily unused part of the corporate capital cycle and the social For temporarily idle funds, deposits must be allowed to withdraw, and loans must be returned on schedule. This kind of Funds of a nature can only be used for short-term temporary turnover needs. Therefore, to establish The unified balance of the two types of funds, budget and credit, requires first of all Funds with different functions should be used separately and should not be confused. Basic construction This kind of long-term production investment and the liquidity frequently occupied by enterprises, as well as non-production Production funds (such as culture and education, scientific research, sports and health, national defense and national administration, etc.) Such fiscal expenditures are all national budget expenditures and should be accounted for by budget funds. Definitely; instead of arbitrarily using credit funds, credit funds can only be used for short-term turnover Of working capital. If the credit funds are used for budgetary expenditure, then it is equivalent to calculating The extra budget increases the budgetary expenditure, and as a result, it will disrupt the state's funding arrangements and materials The distribution plan conceals the truth of budget expenditures. Moreover, credit funds are used for budgeting Expenditure will inevitably prevent this part of the loan from being recovered on time. The loan specified in the plan is not Under the circumstance that it can be reduced, part of the loan cannot be recovered on time. The release of currency guaranteed by materials has caused an imbalance in credit income and expenditure. therefore, Page 503 471 Banks grant loans. First, they must lend as planned, which is not within the scope of the credit plan. Resolutely do not lend money to the budget; second, the loan must be combined with the material movement; third, The loan should be repaid on time. These principles are to realize the use of credit funds and budget funds separately An important condition for the use of credit is also to promote the normal progress of socialist expansion of reproduction. Important guarantee of the line. There is not only an internal connection between budget funds and credit funds, but also the nature and The difference in function requires a unified balance of these two types of funds. The unified balance of budget funds and credit funds is to have a centralized control of the country Funds, in accordance with the requirements of objective laws and the party's policies and Make arrangements. Here we must first properly deal with the production and circulation of capital construction investment and the same cause The relationship between the expansion and the need to allocate additional liquidity; secondly, it is necessary to further Which liquidity should be allocated by the budget and which should be provided by bank credit, determine a A reasonable boundary. How much of the funds centrally controlled by the state is used for basic construction and how much is used for additional allocation Liquidity is a major issue related to the planned and proportional development of the national economy. question. Capital construction is an important condition for expanding reproduction, and there is no proper capital construction Investment will affect the scale and speed of socialist expansion of reproduction. However, the country In addition to the capital needs of the family's centralized control, it must also be considered To the additional working capital that needs to be allocated due to the expansion of production and circulation. This part of the increase If the need for liquidity is not met, it will not only affect the expansion of regeneration Production, and even affect the progress of simple reproduction. Therefore, the state is When making money, we must first consider the additional working capital to meet the production week On this basis, actively tap the potential and arrange the foundation This construction investment. If only considering the needs of capital construction investment, it will cause discomfort Page 504 472 The local squeezed out part of the circulating funds that should be allocated, which would hinder normal production. Production turnover and commodity circulation, leading to tight supply of materials and some companies' suspension of work phenomenon. Therefore, when the state allocates budget funds, it must specifically study the capital construction The proportional relationship between investment and additional liquidity, explore the regularity, Treat it correctly. Socialist enterprises need to allocate additional working capital due to the expansion of production and circulation, which These should be provided by the budget and which should be provided by credit. The general principles that should be followed are: Short-term working capital is solved by credit funds; long-term liquidity Funds are settled by budget funds. In our country, the supply of corporate liquidity, the quota Part of it is allocated from the budget as the company's own funds; Bank loan settlement. With the continuous development of the socialist economy, corporate liquidity The demand will continue to increase, so the country must also The fixed amount of working capital of the enterprise shall be verified on schedule. If the fixed amount of liquidity of the enterprise can be played Wide, it will cause a backlog and waste of funds; if the company's own funds are insufficient, It will also affect production and development, and it will inevitably occupy bank loans for a long time, causing trust The imbalance of loan revenue and expenditure. The balanced relationship between budget funds and credit funds is the The concentrated expression of the golden balance relationship. The sign of the unity and balance of the two is: First, it depends on Whether budget funds and credit funds are strictly based on their different nature and functions Division, different use, should be arranged by the budget and not arbitrarily misappropriating credit funds Second, it depends on whether the credit balance is balanced on this basis, and the credit balance is poor. Can the budget be supplemented and resolved from budget funds; thirdly, it depends on the increase in budget funds. After making up for the credit balance, can the budget itself be balanced. only Only by accomplishing the above three aspects, can we say that the budget funds and credit funds have been realized. Page 505 473 The unified balance of gold. The relationship between budget and credit allocation of funds and material allocation The socialist national economy develops in a planned and proportionate manner, requiring capital movement to The material movement must be coordinated. Therefore, when the budgetary funds and credit funds are After the balance is achieved, we must also pay attention to handling the difference between the distribution of funds and the distribution of materials. Relationship, a comprehensive balance between budget and credit funds and materials. Funds are representatives of materials. Budget funds and credit funds directly or indirectly It is always connected with the same material, and there is a possibility of balance between the two. another On the other hand, funds and materials have their own different laws of movement. They are not It was combined from beginning to end. A funding campaign may not all be at the same time or The same area is accompanied by the corresponding transfer of specific materials. For example, a company is selling When selling finished products, the goods go out while the money comes in; when buying production materials, The money goes out while the goods come in. These capital movement processes are accompanied by The corresponding materials are transferred. However, an enterprise is paying labor compensation and When taxes and profits are paid in the budget, and the state budget allocates the taxes and profits received When spending on economic construction and cultural construction, the movement of these funds, It is not accompanied by actual material transfer at the same time and at the same place. Another example, Enterprises in place A obtain loans from the bank to place B to purchase raw materials for agricultural products. Although the gold movement was accompanied by the transfer of materials, it was not distributed in the same area. raw. Because the capital movement and the material movement are not always combined in The same situation may cause a disconnect between the distribution of funds and the distribution of materials. And imbalance. Once this disconnection occurs, if it is not corrected in time Positive, the imbalance will develop further, which will damage the smooth progress of expanded reproduction. Page 506 474 Give opportunities for illegal capitalist activities to promote capitalism for the party bourgeoisie Restore and open up the road. In order to ensure a planned and proportional development of the national economy, The expansion of socialist reproduction can proceed smoothly, in order to give full play to the socialist system Superiority in order to facilitate the struggle against the bourgeoisie in the economic field. There is a comprehensive balance between the allocation of budget and credit funds and the allocation of materials. The overall balance between the allocation of budget and credit funds and the allocation of materials, generally It refers to the difference between the budget and credit allocation of funds and the allocation of materials within a certain period of time. It is necessary to achieve a comprehensive balance in terms of total amount, composition, and various regions. Socialist reproduction first requires that the distribution of capital and material The total balance, that is, money purchases formed by budget expenditures and credit The total power must be balanced with the total supply of commodities. In production And when the price is fixed, the total amount of money and funds should be the same as the budget and credit The exchange of commodities and materials is basically decided. If the budget and credit are allocated The total amount of funds can be coordinated with the total amount of materials. Then, in general, The contradiction between value and use value in the exchange process can be resolved, and social reproduction Can proceed smoothly. If the total amount of funds allocated for budget and credit is the same as that of materials If the total amount is not coordinated, then the supply of goods and materials will exceed demand or The phenomenon of oversupply of consumers will hinder the smooth progress of social reproduction. Then, how can we achieve budget and credit allocation of funds and material allocation How about balance in total? Generally speaking, budget funds and credit funds are either direct or It is indirectly linked to a certain material movement, so as long as budget funds and credit funds When the funds are unified and balanced, the allocation of funds will be consistent with the total amount of materials it controls. If budget funds and credit funds are not in a unified balance, such as large budget expenditures Due to income, a deficit occurred, and bank credit exceeded the normal needs of production development. Page 507 475 In this case, some funds do not have corresponding material guarantees. Will make the total amount of budget and credit allocation larger than the total amount of materials it can control As a result, there is an imbalance between the distribution of funds and the distribution of materials. The allocation of funds and the distribution of materials are balanced in total, which is not equal to the budgetary expenditures. Output and credit allocation correspondingly make the various sectors of the national economy The same needs can be met. Because when the country divides budget expenditures and credit When allocating funds, these funds have a specific purpose and are used to purchase specific items. Funded. However, on the other hand, the materials available in society are Not necessarily consistent with needs. Therefore, in order to ensure that the specific use value form To achieve the specific purpose of various budget expenditures and credit allocation, it must also be On the basis of the balance of the total distribution of the same materials, further achieve the The balance in the composition of the allocation, that is, to achieve the budget and credit expenditure The proportion of uses is consistent with the proportion of materials. For example, in budget and credit expenditures, Part of it is used to purchase means of production, including: absolute capital construction investment Most (the part after deducting the wages of infrastructure workers); additional allocation of production sector mobility Most of the funds (the part used to purchase raw materials); and for defense expenditure Part of it, etc. Part of the budget and credit expenditure is used to purchase For consumption data, it includes: economic department, social, cultural and educational department and administrative department All the business expenses and personnel expenses of the door; and part of the national defense expenses, etc. Wait. The allocation of budget funds and credit funds is used to purchase production funds. The different expenditures for materials and consumption materials must not only have the same value Suitable materials, but also require the use of specific forms of value The composition can be adapted to the specific purpose of these expenditures. If you say, budget and The distribution of credit funds is consistent with the total amount of materials it can control, but Page 508 476 The material composition is not inconsistent, so the following situations will occur: In terms of capital allocation, budgets and credit arrangements are used to purchase production materials. More than this part of the materials it can control, and arrange for the purchase of consumer materials When the expenditure is less than the part of the materials it can control, it will inevitably bring In terms of material distribution, there is a shortage of production materials and a backlog of consumption materials. On the contrary, when it comes to capital allocation, budgets and credit arrangements are used to purchase production capital. The expenditure on materials is less than the part of the materials it can control, and the arrangement is used to purchase When the expenditure on consumption materials is greater than the part of the materials it can control, it must However, it will bring about the backlog of production materials and consumption materials in the distribution of materials. Demand exceeds supply. There is another difference between the allocation of budget and credit funds and the allocation of materials. Regional balance issues. The economic development between regions is always uneven, and some The funds contributed by the region to the state budget and credit may be greater than the funds allocated by the state; In some regions, the funds paid to the state budget and credit may be less than the state allocated funds. At the same time, there will also be mutual outflow and inflow of funds between regions. The flow of gold is more convenient, while the transfer of materials requires a period of transportation and allocation This may cause the phenomenon of disconnection between capital flow and material transfer. Such as If the country pays in from a region and allocates budget credit funds to this region, If it is not compatible with the materials collected and distributed by the country from this area, it will Cause an imbalance between funds and materials within a region. If between regions If the flow of funds and the transfer of materials are not compatible, the same consequences will occur. therefore, When the state makes a comprehensive balance between the allocation of budget and credit funds and the allocation of materials, In addition to the need to consider the balance of the total amount and composition of funds and materials across the country In addition, the balance of various regions must be considered. The balance of funds and materials in each region is Page 509 477 A component of the country-wide capital and material balance, the capital and material balance of each region Achieved, the distribution of national budget and credit funds and the distribution of materials are The overall balance of success is more assured. Page 510 Page 511 Page 512 Page 513 The fifth chapter s Page 514 Page 515 479 Chapter 13 Socialist Production Relations And class relations The socialist production process is both the production and reproduction of people's material means of living. The production process is also the production and reproduction process of socialist production relations. just now We can see that throughout this process is a series of contradictory movements. its The concentrated expression is class, class contradiction and class struggle. Now, this scientific conclusion has become the norm to guide our struggle. but, In the history of the international communist movement, the emergence of this scientific conclusion and its widespread The great working people have paid a heavy price. Bourgeois vulgar economics, in order to describe capitalist production relations as natural The lasting and eternal relations of production have tried to prove that capitalists' profits are Material, that is, the material elements of capital, the land owner's rent is derived from the land or Naturally produced, not created by labor. Vulgar economics gave birth to capitalism The materialization of property relations is to describe the capitalist production process as a mere human and A process that occurs between nature to cover up the insatiable capitalist The evil of creating surplus value. However, this conspiracy was shattered by Marx. Marx pointed out: "Capital is not a thing, but a certain, social, belonging The production relations of a certain historical social form are embodied in one thing and endow it with Page 516 480 Each thing has a unique social nature. ""Capital is a permanent absorbing surplus labor "The pumping machine" ① . After layers of analysis, Marx finally exposed the capitalist production The law of the occurrence, development and demise of relations hangs on the road of proletarian liberation A brilliant beacon. Like vulgar economics, modern revisionist economics takes socialism The relations of production are described as rigid and immutable relations of production, Materialization of property relations. Voznesensky, a capitalist roader in the Stalin era, vigorously preached this Such a view: After the realization of socialist industrialization and collectivization of agriculture, "who The question of whom to defeat has been unswervingly beneficial not only in industry but also in agriculture. The socialist aspect has been resolved"; "The contradiction between productivity and production relations The shield has been eliminated", "the contradiction between social needs and the level of material production" has become Is the basic internal contradiction of the socialist economy" ② . In this way, socialist production Cheng, just like the capitalist production process described by vulgar economics, is merely human The production and reproduction of our material means of subsistence, instead of socialist production relations The problem of production and reproduction. The contradiction between socialist production relations and productivity Being denied, socialist relations of production have been materialized. This is Voznesensky And later modern revisionists advocated "only productive forces Theory. Vulgar economics denies capitalist production relations and productivity The contradiction in the materialization of capitalist production relations is to maintain the capitalist system; However, modern revisionist economics denies the conflict between socialist production relations and productivity. The shield materializes socialist production relations to cover up the socialist society. ① Marx: Volume 3 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 25, Numbers 920, 929 page. ② See the combined issue of the first and second issues of the Soviet "Bolshevik" magazine in 1932, the 21st issue in 1933, and 1940 Woznesensky's article published in Issue 1. Page 517 481 Classes, class contradictions and class struggles in order to restore the capitalist system. This sin The evil conspiracy temporarily succeeded in the Soviet Union after the death of Stalin. Chairman Mao inherited, defended and developed Marxism's basic social contradictions The theory clearly pointed out that the socialist transformation of the From now on, the relationship between socialist production relations and productivity, superstructure and economic foundation There are still contradictions between the foundations. Chairman Mao pointed out: "In short, China is In socialist countries. It was similar to capitalism before liberation. Level 8 is still implemented The wage system, distribution according to work, and currency exchange are not much different from the old society. The difference is that the ownership has changed. " ① Chairman Mao pointed out:" China is now practiced It is a commodity system, the wage system is not equal, there is an eight-level wage system, and so on. This one Can be restricted under the dictatorship of the proletariat. Therefore, Lin Biao and others like to take the stage and engage in capital The capitalist system is easy. " ② Chairman Mao also pointed out:" Lenin said that there is no capital construction The home of the bourgeois state, in order to protect the bourgeois legal rights. We build ourselves Set up such a country, similar to the old society, divided into levels, with eight levels of salary, Distribution according to work, equivalent exchange. " ③ Chairman Mao's scientific thesis of this series, gave now The fallacy advocated by modern revisionism in the field of political economy has dealt a heavy blow to society The socialist relations of production are described as an extremely rich and vivid movement of contradictions. process. In this contradictory movement, due to changes in ownership, communism The relations of production were born and moved forward day by day. This shows that socialist students The production relations are different from the capitalist production relations. However, in socialist production In the relationship, "Communism cannot be fully mature economically, and it cannot ① 324 Cited from "People's Daily" on February 22, 1975. ③ Quoted from "People's Daily" on May 16, 1976. Page 518 482 Get rid of the traditions or traces of capitalism" ① . This kind of capitalist traditions or traces Traces, concentratedly expressed as bourgeois legal rights, exist in the commodity system and distribution according to work, That is, it exists in the whole process of social production, distribution, exchange and consumption, There is not much difference from the old society. In this way, the socialist relations of production show two Significance: On the one hand, the growing communism factor; on the other hand, the declining capital Capitalist traditions or traces, which form a socialist production relationship. The process of contradictory movement in which one grows and disappears or one grows and disappears. Understanding the duality of socialist production relations is our understanding of socialist The prerequisite for the formation of the new bourgeoisie, especially the bourgeoisie within the party. Engels It points out: "The materialist view of history starts from the following principles: production and production The exchange of incoming products is the foundation of all social systems; the social In the meeting, the distribution of products and the society that accompanies it is divided into classes or hierarchies, It is determined by what to produce, how to produce and how to exchange products. " ② in life On the basis of socialist public ownership of property materials, in order to meet the needs of all working people Necessary, to carry out planned production and exchange, and to link with such production and exchange, to organize The organization, maintenance and development of this production and exchange are the two labors of a socialist society. Movable class-working class and collective peasants. Then, in socialist production and In the process of exchange, how did the new bourgeoisie, especially the party, form? What about the inner bourgeoisie? We have seen that socialist production is to meet the needs of the country and the people Necessary direct social production, but it is still commodity production. So-called goods ① "State and Revolution." "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 256. ② Engels: "Socialism from Utopia to Scientific Development". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, Pages 424~425. Page 519 483 Production is value production. In the socialist production process, the production of this value Production, and production for the purpose of meeting the needs of the socialist country and the people. , It is opposite again. As a commodity production, the commodity produced is a kind of exchange Value, it can be exchanged for other commodities in a certain proportion. In this way, people and Human social relations will be transformed into social relations between things and things, and human abilities will be transformed. The ability to turn into things. In this case, the socialist production unit is always more or less There is inevitably. Under capitalist conditions, "everyone can The activities of others or the exercise of power over social wealth lies in that they are exchange value . . . . or currency . . All at the end. He carries his social power with him in his wallet and His connection with society. " ① under socialism, due to the implementation of commodity system, Every company (in fact, the leader of every company) has also Only by giving power in this area can we establish contact with society. This It is the economic conditions for production for value and profit. Such economic conditions continue to induce managers in enterprises and economic sectors to leave Open up the goal of socialist production and embark on the road of production for value and profit road. Once an enterprise or department embarks on this path, what and how to produce Production and how to exchange products are governed by the law of value and profit. The production of enterprises is actually based on the principles of capitalism rather than socialism The principle is in progress, and the socialist enterprise is actually degenerating. So original The supply-demand relationship established in accordance with the planned laws was also disrupted. Some goods are not available On demand, the phenomenon of oversupply of certain commodities will be governed by the law of supply and demand. Some people will take advantage of the expansion of the contradiction between supply and demand, ① Marx: "The Critical Outline of Political Economy (Draft)" Volume One. People's Publishing House in 1975 Edition, page 92. Page 520 484 The commodity you want is used as a bargaining chip to gain certain social power and force others to obey yourself Certain requirements of the state and collective economic units' net income Legal and a large number of illegal methods are taken as one's own and transformed into surplus value. socialism Under these conditions, new bourgeois elements were hatched. Engels pointed out: "In In a society that moves in class antagonism, as long as wealth contains the domination of people, it will Rely mainly on . . And pass . . Dominate over people to dominate over things" ① . The new bourgeoisie and the party bourgeoisie also rely on and through the control of things to enter The line is dominated by people. This is a process of interaction between the production field and the circulation field. For individual production units, they can achieve more output value and obtain more profits. It is directly reflected, it is clear at a glance, but it is caused by the profit Serious social consequences may not always be directly reflected in an enterprise. horse When analyzing the laws of the circulation field under capitalist conditions, Keith pointed out: "For the individual production party itself, this internal law is still invisible Come on, incomprehensible. " ② under socialism, the leaders of individual companies It will be the same. Only from the total connection of social production and exchange, people To realize that when a company embarks on the path of chasing profits, Capitalism and the bourgeoisie are actually incubating, and the people who lead such enterprises, They became the party in power who took the capitalist road and played the role of incubating new assets. The function of class elements. The party's bourgeoisie, the party in power taking the capitalist road, is chasing Formed in the process of profit-by-profit. The capital roaders implemented the revisionist line of profit in command, ① Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition page 225. ② Marx: Volume 3 of Capital. "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 25, page 936. Page 521 485 It maintains and represents the decadent capitalist production relations. Party bourgeoisie in it In the process of its formation, while incubating the new bourgeoisie, while protecting the old capital The bourgeoisie, thus making itself the core force of the entire bourgeoisie, appears in the party. Therefore, only opposing the non-party bourgeoisie and not opposing the internal bourgeoisie is not thorough Under certain conditions, it actually played a role in protecting the entire bourgeoisie. Only by opposing the party's bourgeoisie in the first place, can one fight a battle of class struggle. Fundamentally hit the entire bourgeoisie. As an exploiting class, the party's bourgeoisie, like other exploiting classes, must Possessing the labor of others without compensation. As for the way to freely occupy the labor of others, then It varies according to the different social production relations. Relations of production in capitalism The representatives of the bourgeoisie in the party just share the monopoly of the bourgeoisie The leftover juice can only appear as a vassal of the latter. In social imperialism Under the bureaucratic monopoly of capitalist production relations, the bourgeoisie within the party has become a national object. The possessor of qualitative wealth includes all the surplus value created by workers and peasants, and in this The class inside the class argues and rewards, sits and divides the spoils. Under socialist production relations, within the party The bourgeoisie is not the possessor of the material wealth of the whole country. They are generally in the commodity system. On this piece of soil, it plays the function of incubating a new bourgeoisie. The bourgeois right in the distribution of labor possesses a large number of social products and adopts various Hidden means to redistribute the net income of the state and collective economic units, grabbing Take a share they can grab, and convert this part into surplus value. The bourgeoisie within the party did not originally possess the means of production, and it was Must be particularly greedy, especially obsessed with bourgeois legal rights. They are corrupt capital Representatives of socialist production relations. This is the economic characteristic of this dying class. The bourgeoisie in the party is a general concept. We say that the party bourgeoisie Page 522 486 Is formed in production and exchange, which means that the socialist society's The most fundamental reason for formation must be found from changes in economic relations. But this It is by no means to say that the emergence of the bourgeoisie within the party has no political and ideological roots. Not to mention that the party bourgeoisie does not have its political representatives in the field of superstructure. Chairman Mao pointed out: "Those in power who are taking the capitalist road are in front of the curtain. There are those behind the scenes." Those who support these incumbents, "up there, are in the community, district, Counties, prefectures, and even some who work in the provinces and central departments are opposed to socialism people. " ① whether in the foreground or in the background, whether below or in Above, the bourgeoisie in the party is a class, and class interests aggregate them in Rise, it will inevitably produce its political representatives and leaders, and with a The line of justice connects them. "Everything is prosperous, and everything is lost." Implement the master The line of justice and adherence to the capitalist road are the most essential political features of the capitalist roaders in the party. Levy. Especially the leader of the revisionist line has mastered a large part of the party and the country Power, they initiated the restoration of capitalism, much more powerful than the non-party bourgeoisie, Much more dangerous. Lin Biao insisted on pursuing revisionism and developed to the production of "Project 571" "Yao", launched a counter-revolutionary armed coup; Deng Xiaoping insisted on revisionism, The political manifesto to restore capitalism, such as the "On the General Outline," instigated Tianan Counter-revolutionary political riots like the Men Square incident. These shocking class struggles The facts have exposed the reactionary nature of the party's bourgeoisie with great sharpness and clarity. quality. To analyze the duality of socialist production relations, it is necessary to understand the bourgeoisie side, We must also understand the proletariat. The reproduction process in socialist production relations On the one hand, capitalism and the bourgeoisie will continue to be secreted. ① Quoted from the 10th issue of Hongqi Magazine, 1967. Page 523 487 The idea of ​​​​long-term combat is established on the point; but on the other hand, it will inevitably continue to grow With communism and the proletariat, we must not determine the cause of communism from this point The confidence to win. Under the dictatorship of the proletariat, the movement of socialist relations of production, Not a spontaneous process, but through the proletariat and its revolutionary party The correct line and the implementation of the correct leadership unfold. The historical mission of the proletariat is to eliminate The elimination of all classes and class differences, the elimination of bourgeois rights, this produces capitalism And the important economic foundation of the bourgeoisie. In the movement of socialist relations of production, It will increase the degree of socialization of the means of production and the planning of the national economy, and strengthen the In the ranks of the human class, more and more social masters with communist elements have emerged Righteous new things, better distribute social products according to the interests of all people, The communist factor that needs to be distributed is growing. All these will strengthen the asset The restriction of class rights drives the new and old bourgeoisie including the party bourgeoisie To an increasingly narrow and isolated position. After a long struggle, it was finally eliminated. This class. Chairman Mao pointed out: "In the socialist revolution, I don't know where the bourgeoisie is. Just within the Communist Party, the party in power who takes the capitalist road. The capital roaders are still going. " ① This wise conclusion of Chairman Mao profoundly analyzes the class relationship in the socialist period. The changes in the relationship and the characteristics of the class struggle developed Marxism-Leninism. Chairman Mao The scientific thesis made us realize that socialist production relations are The relationship between the bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisie, the bourgeoisie in the party is a decadent capitalist The representatives of the righteous production relations are the main targets of the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat. Capital roaders are the main danger in restoring capitalism. This important instruction from Chairman Mao, It further pointed out the direction, encouraged and guided the continued revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat ① Quoted from "People's Daily" on March 10, 1976. Page 524 488 To consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat and prevent the capitalist Heroic struggle for the restoration of justice, the construction of socialism and the practice of communism. Page 525 489 Chapter 14 Under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat Continued revolution In order for the proletariat to victoriously carry out the struggle against the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party, guarantee Socialism defeats capitalism, gradually increases the communist factor, and makes capital The traditions or traces of righteousness are gradually weakened, and the most fundamental one is that the whole society In the historical stage of socialism, we insist on the proletariat's comprehensive dictatorship over the Continued revolution under class dictatorship. Marx once made a simple summary of the dictatorship of the proletariat: "I The new contribution of the company proves the following points: (1) The existence of class Certain historical stages of development; (2) Class struggle will inevitably lead to the proletariat Dictatorship; (3) This dictatorship is only to eliminate all classes and enter the classless society. The transition of the meeting" ① . This wonderful exposition by Marx clearly expresses the The relationship and fundamental difference between Kirth's state theory and the bourgeois state theory No, it expresses the essence of Marx's state theory, the occurrence of the dictatorship of the proletariat, The whole process of development and demise includes all the tasks and reality of the dictatorship of the proletariat ① Marx: "Agreement to Weidmaier (March 5, 1852)". Selected Works of Marx and Engels No. 4 Volume, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, pages 332-333. Page 526 490 content. Lenin also pointed out: "The transition from capitalism to communism, of course, cannot Does not produce very rich and complex political forms, but the essence is necessarily one, that is The dictatorship of the proletariat. " ① Chairman Mao pointed out: "Why does Lenin say that the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie? This question To be clear. If this problem is not clear, it will become revisionism. To make the nation aware Tao. " ② Chairman Mao's instructions, to adhere to the dictatorship of the proletariat, preventing capitalist Restoration, construction of socialism, and realization of communism have extremely important practical significance. Righteousness and profound historical significance. What are the historical tasks of the dictatorship of the proletariat? Marx in "One Eighty Eight It is specifically said in the book "Class Struggle in France from 1850 to 1850" It is clearly pointed out that the dictatorship of the proletariat achieves the elimination of all class differences and achieves the elimination of this All the relations of production arising from these differences can be eliminated. Adapt to all social relations to change the one produced by these social relations The inevitable transitional stage of all concepts. The proletariat can only finally liberate all mankind Liberate yourself. To achieve this, the proletariat must be At all stages of development, we always adhere to the full dictatorship of the bourgeoisie until the earth Eliminate these four things, so that the bourgeoisie and all exploiting classes can neither exist nor It cannot be reproduced, and it must not be abandoned halfway. In order to complete the historical task of the dictatorship of the proletariat, it is necessary to Persist in continuing the revolution under the dictatorship. In the 1850s, Marx put forward "Socialism is to declare ① "State and Revolution." "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 200. ② Quoted from People's Daily on February 22, 1975. Page 527 491 Permanent revolution, the class dictatorship of the proletariat " ① brilliant ideas, the proletariat The level of dictatorship is linked to the continuous revolution. Lenin defended and developed Marxism under the conditions of the Soviet dictatorship of the proletariat Theory of continuous revolution. Lenin analyzed the class struggle in the socialist revolution "The socialist revolution is not an action, not a war A battle online, but an entire era full of fierce class conflicts Is on all fronts, that is to say, on all economic and political issues. A long series of battles" ② . Lenin always emphasized that the conditions of the dictatorship of the proletariat Down, the proletariat must do everything economically, politically, ideologically, militaryly, etc. On the one hand, the constant struggle against the bourgeoisie must not stop halfway through. Chairman Mao based on the Marxist-Leninist principle of permanent revolution The historical experience of the dictatorship of the proletariat puts forward the principle of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat. s. Chairman Mao pointed out: "In our country, despite the socialist transformation, Generally speaking, it has been basically completed", "However, the overthrown landlord and comprador class The remnants still exist, the bourgeoisie still exists, and the petty bourgeoisie has just been reforming. " "The question of who wins or loses between socialism and capitalism has not really been resolved." "The class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, the conflict between the various political forces Class struggle, the ideological class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie ① Marx: "Class Struggle in France from 1848 to 1850". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, page 479. ② "Socialist Revolution and the Right of National Self-determination." "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 2, People's Publishing House, 1972 Version page 717. Page 528 492 The struggle is still long, tortuous, and sometimes fierce. ” ① Chairman Mao He also made a scientific conclusion that the bourgeoisie is within the Communist Party. This is the master In the history of the development of justice, for the first time in the revolutionary practice of the international communist movement, Indeed, after the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production is basically completed, There are also classes and class struggles, and the greatness of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat is proposed. The big theory calls on the proletariat to take the political front, economic front, and ideological and cultural The socialist revolution on the front is carried through to the end. Chairman Mao is deeply analyzing the basic contradictions of socialist society and creating the proletariat On the basis of the theory of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship, we have formulated a whole The basic line of the historical stage of socialism: "Socialist society is a Historical stage. In this historical stage of socialism, there are still classes, Contradictions and class struggles, there is a struggle between socialism and capitalism. There is a danger of capitalist restoration. To understand the long-term nature of this struggle And complexity. Be vigilant. We must conduct socialist education. To understand and Handling class contradictions and class struggle issues, correctly distinguishing and handling contradictions between ourselves and the enemy Contradictions among the people. Otherwise, a socialist country like ours will move towards On the other hand, it will deteriorate, and there will be restoration. We must speak every year from now on, Speaking monthly and daily, so that we have a clearer understanding of this issue. A Marxist-Leninist line. " ② Chairman Mao developed this proletariat leather The line of life reveals the objective law of class struggle in the socialist period and is The only correct line of the comprehensive dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Two lines in the socialist period ① "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Class A), human People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, page 482. ② Quoted from the 10th issue of "Red Flag" magazine, 1967. Page 529 493 The focus of the struggle is whether to uphold or oppose the dictatorship of the proletariat. Developed by Chairman Mao The party's basic line is a shining beacon, illuminating the whole party, the whole army, and the whole country. The people continue the historical journey of revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat. Our people's socialist revolution in the ownership of the means of production has achieved basic After the victory, under the command of the proletarian command headed by Chairman Mao, The great theory of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat is the same as the bourgeoisie, especially within the party The bourgeoisie has fought many times, won great victories, and is struggling In the process, I found a kind of "open, comprehensive, bottom-up mobilization The masses come to expose our dark side" ① Such a form of struggle is proletarian The Great Class Cultural Revolution. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is a great revolution in the realm of superstructure. It is A great political revolution under the conditions of the dictatorship of the proletariat can also be called China's first The second revolution. Under the correct leadership of the Proletariat Headquarters headed by Chairman Mao, In the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, after repeated contests, the broad revolutionary masses destroyed The two capitalist headquarters, Liu Shaoqi and Lin Biao, were destroyed. Among the traitors and traitors To communicate with foreign countries, trying to change the party's line and policies, subvert the dictatorship of the proletariat, and restore Capitalism. The essence of their revisionist line is the extreme right. Criticizing Deng Xiaoping, The struggle to counter the style of rightist reversal is the continuation and deepening of the great proletarian cultural revolution. Chairman Mao led us in the great proletarian cultural revolution initiated and led by himself The party defeated Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping's counter-revolutionary revisionist line and entered One step consolidated the dictatorship of the proletariat in our country. In a vast and populous country The People's Republic of China adheres to socialism and consolidates the dictatorship of the proletariat. This is Chairman Mao For the great contribution of contemporary world historical significance, at the same time, for the international ① Quotations from Chairman Mao. Quoted from "Red Flag" Magazine, Issue 5, 1969. Page 530 494 The communist movement is anti-revisionist, consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat, and preventing the restoration of capitalism. The development and construction of socialism provide fresh experience. The revolution is developing and the struggle continues. Chairman Mao pointed out: "The current cultural The revolution is only the first time, and it will inevitably be carried out many times in the future. Who wins the revolution The negative will be resolved within a long historical period. If it's not done well, capital The restoration of doctrine will be possible at any time. All party members, the people of the whole country, don't think there are After the second, third, or fourth cultural revolutions, there will be peace. Please pay attention to Don't lose vigilance. " ① Chairman Mao also pointed out:" After the democratic revolution of workers, down, poor The middle peasants have not stopped, they want revolution. But some party members don't want to go forward. Some people stepped back and opposed the revolution. why? Become a high official, we must protect it The interests of officials. "A hundred years from now, will there be a revolution?" Do you want to leather after a thousand years Life? There is always going to be a revolution. Some people always feel pressured, petty officials, students, Workers, peasants, and soldiers don't like big figures to oppress them, so they want revolution. Ten thousand Will the contradiction be invisible after a year? Why can't it be seen? It is visible. " ② us We must always persist in various forms of struggle against the party bourgeoisie, including A struggle in the form of the Sub-Cultural Revolution, until all venomous snakes and beasts were wiped out, Let the bright red sun shine all over the world. The attitude towards the dictatorship of the proletariat and the continued revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat is The touchstone of Marxism and revisionism. All revisionists, old and new, are in This fundamental issue revealed their counter-revolutionary reality. The Soviet revisionist traitor group declared: "The dictatorship of the proletariat is no longer necessary before the country's demise", instead of nothing The country under the dictatorship of the property class is a "state of the whole people." This fallacy completely negates Mark ① Quoted from the seventh issue of "Red Flag" magazine, 1967. ② Quoted from "People's Daily" on May 16, 1976. Page 531 495 Thinking about the existence of class and class contradictions throughout the entire historical stage of socialism Against class struggle, the scientific conclusion that the state is always a tool of class struggle. Su Xiu The traitor group is under the cover of the fallacy of the so-called "national state" to subvert the proletariat The dictatorship of the first class is to restore the dictatorship of the capitalist class. Chairman Mao comprehensively summarized the international communist masters The experience of both the positive and negative aspects of the Yi Movement has put forward a series of scientific thesis, which has enriched The theoretical treasure house of Marxism shows to the Chinese people and the revolutionary people of the world The direction of the struggle. To prevent the restoration of capitalism, we must understand why For the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, who knows where the bourgeoisie is and the dictatorship of the proletariat What is the task, always adhere to the basic theories and theories of comprehensive dictatorship over the bourgeoisie The basic practice is to carry out the continuing revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat to the end and finally realize communism. Page 532 Page 533 Page 534 Page 535 497 Chapter 15 Communism is Socialism The inevitable trend of development Persisting in the continued revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat is to realize the party's basic program Leadership, that is, to completely overthrow the bourgeoisie and all exploiting classes, and replace them with the dictatorship of the proletariat Take the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, use socialism to defeat capitalism, and finally realize communist Righteousness. Communism is the most lofty ideal of the proletariat and hundreds of millions of working people. There is the most complete, most progressive, most revolutionary, and most reasonable proletariat in human history Ideological system and social system. Millions of proletarian vanguard fighters and billions of revolutions Order the people to work together, in order to realize communism, chanting "Internachonel is just one The revolutionary battle hymn of "definitely to be realized", not afraid of sacrifices, go forward and continue to crush the empire The suppression and destruction of socialism, revisionism, and all reactionaries, in the vast areas of the earth District, created a increasingly socialist society, and set off an powerful society in other regions The socialist revolutionary movement fought bravely for the victory of socialism throughout the world. Socialist society is the initial stage of communism, and it is an immature communist society. Prostitutional society. The development process of a socialist society is the cause of new communism The process of gradual growth and decay of capitalist traditions or traces. From the general law of social development, a socialist society is a communist society Page 536 498 It is necessary to prepare, and communist society is an inevitable trend in the development of socialist society. in In a socialist society, the hearts of the people, the hearts of the party, and the hearts of party members are toward communism. However, the development of history is always tortuous. In the development of a socialist society, It does not exclude the possibility: within a certain period of time, bourgeois legal rights are consolidated And expansion, the capitalist factor continues to grow, in terms of superstructure and economic foundation Occupy the dominant position, and the restoration of capitalism has appeared in the whole society. of course, This kind of capitalist restoration is short-lived from a historical perspective and cannot be changed. Change the general trend of historical development. The basics of the proletariat in the historical stage of socialism The task is to adhere to the asset management in all fields and at all stages of revolutionary development. The comprehensive dictatorship of the class, criticizing and restricting bourgeois legal rights, and abolishing bourgeois laws Right thought, gradually eliminate the traditions or traces of capitalism, so that socialist production The relationship and superstructure are constantly improving, making the people feel communism Awareness has been continuously improved to promote the high development of productivity; repel the bourgeoisie Any resistance, constantly exposes and criticizes the party bourgeoisie, exposes and criticizes the party The revisionist line pursued by the bourgeoisie thoroughly defeated the bourgeoisie and prevented extinction of capital The road to the restoration of capitalism will finally eliminate all classes and class differences, so as to realize communism The highest ideal of industrialism. "The ultimate goal of all communists is Strive for the final completion of a socialist society and a communist society. " ① Then, generations of proletariat and working people have been fighting for it for life. What kind of society is a communist society? A communist society is a society in which classes and class differences are completely eliminated. A society in which people have a high degree of communist ideological awareness and moral quality is ① "The Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Communist Party". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 2, People's Publishing House, 1967 Typesetting, p.614. Page 537 499 It is a society where people are highly motivated and The society of social products is a society that implements the principle of “everyone can do their best, distribute according to needs”. Yes, it is a society where the country has withered away. As Marx said: "In the communist society At the advanced stage of the meeting, the situation that forced people to obey the division of labor like a slave has disappeared. As a result, the opposition between mental work and manual work has disappeared; Not only a means of earning a living, but also after becoming the first need of life; after With the all-round development of individuals, productivity has also increased, and all sources of collective wealth After the spring is fully flowing,-only then can the assets be completely exceeded With the narrow vision of class rights, society can write on its own banner: Do everything you can Yes, on demand! " ① According to Marxist theory of scientific communism, human beings transition to communism Prostitutional society requires the proletariat and working people in socialist countries to be The proletariat and the working people in the world have united to carry out an arduous and persevering The long-term common struggle will gradually achieve the overall victory of the proletarian world revolution and build Create a new world without imperialism, capitalism, and exploitation systems, Create conditions for the realization of communism. These conditions are: First, completely eliminate all classes and class differences and eradicate the bourgeoisie. The soil of existence and production completely eliminates bourgeois legal rights. In a socialist society, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie There is always a class struggle between. If the proletariat is not completely defeated and wiped out, The old and new bourgeoisie, especially the party bourgeoisie, can't completely eliminate the bourgeoisie. The soil of existence and production, capitalism is in danger of restoration. Under this condition, ① Marx: "A Critique of the Gotha Program." "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House 1972 edition, page 12. Page 538 500 Of course, it is not about transitioning to a communist society. In a socialist society, the bourgeois legal rights left over from the old society will be long-term Exists, the difference between workers and peasants, between urban and rural areas, between mental work and physical work will be longer. Period exists. The bourgeoisie, especially the party bourgeoisie, will inevitably use them to usurp That part of the power reached, through consolidation, expansion, and strengthening of bourgeois legal power and the three The way to fight against the proletariat, against socialism, and restore the capitalist Righteousness. Throughout the historical stage of socialism, there has always been bourgeois restoration and The repeated struggle of the property class. However, communism is a historical necessity. In society Under the influence of the movement of the basic contradictions of socialist society and the basic economic laws of socialism, Under the guidance of the party's basic line in the historical stage of socialism, the proletariat is bound to create Conditions are gradually restricted and eventually eliminated bourgeois legal rights, and gradually reduced to the most After the elimination of the three major differences, the bourgeoisie, the foundation on which it ultimately depends Destroy at the end and realize communism. Communist society, calling for "foster comprehensive generation of producers." ① . What What is a fully developed producer? What is the way to create a fully developed producer Where's the road? Chairman Mao's "May 7th Instruction" not only answers what is comprehensive development The producer's problem points to a brilliant the way. Chairman Mao pointed out: Workers focus on work, but they must also study military, politics, and culture. We must also engage in a socialist education movement and criticize the bourgeoisie. Conditionally Fang, also engaged in agricultural and sideline production, such as Daqing Oilfield. Commune farmers mainly focus on agriculture (including forestry, animal husbandry, assistants, and fishery), but also study military ① Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, p. 335. Page 539 501 Affairs, politics, culture. When conditions permit, small factories should also be set up collectively. We must also criticize the bourgeoisie. The same is true for students. They focus on learning, but also learn different things, that is, not only learning literature, but also You must also criticize the bourgeoisie when you study work, agriculture, and military. The school system should be shortened, and education should be The revolution, the phenomenon of bourgeois intellectuals ruling our schools, can no longer continue Go down. Workers in commerce, service industries, and party and government agencies must this way. ① Fully implement Chairman Mao's "May 7th Directive", enabling industry, agriculture, commerce, learning, Every worker in the army and staff of state agencies can work with a hammer. Pick up a hoe to farm, pick up a gun to hit the enemy, pick up a pen to criticize Bourgeois. In this way, the all-round development of communist newcomers will inevitably come in large numbers Emergence, the three major differences left over from the old society and bourgeois legal rights will inevitably be gradually Be dead. Therefore, the path of the "May 7th Directive" is a path leading to the communist master The only way to a righteous society. Second, to realize the communist ownership of a single means of production by the whole people, and make it Become the only economic foundation of society. In a fairly long period of socialist society, there are The two forms of socialist ownership are ownership by the whole people and collective ownership by the working masses In addition, there are remnants of individual ownership. The bourgeois right The noodles have not been completely cancelled. In the socialist collective ownership has not been improved to the society At the time of national ownership, the remnants of individual ownership have not completely disappeared At that time, farmers inevitably retain some inherent characteristics of the original small producers ① Quoted from "People's Daily" on August 1, 1966. Page 540 502 Characteristics and forces of habit. In this case, there is inevitably capitalism Spontaneous tendency, there is the soil that produces new rich peasants. At the same time, the Socialist National Institute The system is not pure and pure, but also has the traditions or traces of the old society, which can be The bourgeoisie, especially the bourgeoisie within the party, used it to restore capitalism. In leadership Under conditions usurped by capital roaders, ownership by the whole people and collective ownership may degenerate Become a capitalist ownership. The leadership of the two socialist public-owned enterprises In the hands of the real Marxists and the broad working masses, it is a considerable Long struggle process. Therefore, on the one hand, the socialist country under the dictatorship of the proletariat We must defend the socialist public ownership of the means of production; The development of productivity and the improvement of people's ideological awareness, conditionally and step by step The collective ownership has developed from low-level to high-level, from small to large, and realizes the The transition from socialist collective ownership to socialist ownership by the whole people. From restricting all The part of bourgeois legal rights that has not been completely abolished in terms of system will eventually be eliminated. Some bourgeois legal rights are a fairly long development process. Even if it reaches the whole people When everything is made into the only economic foundation of society, its nature is still social Socialist. It will take a long time to develop into a communist master Righteous ownership by the whole people. The people's commune created by our people is to solve this transition problem. One of the best forms of organization of questions. Third, develop social productive forces highly, enrich social products and realize The communist principle of "everyone does his best and distributes according to his needs". The transition from a socialist society to a communist society is one of the relations of production A huge leap. Highly developed productivity is the material condition for achieving this leap. The communist production relations are based on the communist ownership of the means of production by the whole people Basic. At that time, the commodity-currency relationship no longer exists, and the direct socialist society Page 541 503 Production will be transformed into communism's direct social production; thus, calculating social property The amount of labor contained in the product will also be directly measured by the labor hour, and the product will be determined by the society Direct distribution; although the relationship between people in production will still exist advanced and backward, The contradiction between right and wrong, but will lose the nature of the class; in the personal consumer goods In terms of distribution, the principle of "everyone can do their best and distribute according to their needs" will be implemented. All this away It is impossible to develop a high level of productivity and a great enrichment of social products. mark Thinking doctrine teaches us: “When the products provided by the total labor in society All members have only a small amount of surplus beyond the minimum life needs, so labor still accounts for When going to most members of society all or almost all of the time, this society Must be divided into classes. "" This division is based on the lack of production. It Will be wiped out by the full development of modern productivity. " ① In a communist society, society The level of productivity development is by no means comparable to the current level of productivity development of. Therefore, the realization of communism will inevitably require the great development of social productive forces. Fourth, the communist ideological awareness and moral quality of all people have greatly improved, Have a high degree of work enthusiasm and consciousness. The high development of social productive forces is an important condition for realizing communism One, but the development of productive forces alone cannot transition to a communist society To go. If we follow Deng Xiaoping's theory of "white cats and black cats", it will inevitably be like Like the Soviet Union, "satellites go up to the sky, and red flags fall to the sky", regressing to capitalism. In society Socialism, due to the existence of the bourgeoisie, due to the emergence of capitalism and the bourgeoisie The existence of high-level soil, bourgeois ideas and traditional vices will also exist for a long time. And it will inevitably invade the ranks of the working people, political life and the party ① Engels: "Anti-Duhring Theory". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, page 321. Page 542 504 Come in his life. On the ideological and cultural front, the proletariat must insist on A full-scale dictatorship must wage a long and tenacious struggle against the bourgeoisie. Long-term and patient education of socialism and communism among working people, In order to gradually eliminate the influence of bourgeois ideology and continuously improve people's communism Enlightenment is to create spiritual conditions for making labor the first need in people's lives. "Total Prostitution is an advanced stage of the development of socialism. Yu realized that he must work for the common good. " ①In a socialist society, in the same party In the process of internal and external bourgeois struggle, in the process of transforming the objective world, labor The masses are also transforming their own subjective world. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, criticize Lin criticize The Confucian movement and the struggle to criticize Deng Xiaoping and counterattack the style of rightist overturning have increased The consciousness of the class struggle and line struggle of the masses has expanded the Position in the field. Chairman Mao taught us, "Read and study carefully, and get through Marx Ism". Expand the propaganda of communism among cadres and the masses, organize cadres Reading the books of Marx and Lenin carefully with the masses, reading Chairman Mao's books, has very important meaning. Righteousness. "The world has reached a time when all mankind will consciously transform themselves and transform the world, That is the era of communism in the world. ” ② Fifth, eliminate imperialism, capitalism and the system of exploitation worldwide, The country died on its own. When imperialism, capitalism, and exploitation systems still exist in the world When one or several socialist countries can achieve socialist revolution and The final victory of socialist construction? This is a major contemporary Marxism ① "Speech at the First Congress of Agricultural Communes and Agricultural Labor Associations". Selected Works of Lenin No. 4 Volume, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p . 112 . ② "On Practice". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 273. Page 543 505 Theoretical issues. After the October Revolution, Lenin analyzed the domestic and international environment of the Soviet Union and clearly pointed out: "We are surrounded by people, classes and governments who openly express their extreme hatred for us Of. It must be remembered that we are in danger of all kinds of attacks at any time. " ① " only All over the world, only by the joint efforts of workers from all over the world can we finally Win. " ② Khrushchev, Brezhnev renegade clique has completely betrayed Lenin "Socialism has not only achieved a complete victory And achieved a complete victory"; the Soviet Union has "eliminated the restoration of capitalism Social and economic possibilities." The Soviet revisionist traitors concocted and promoted this “theory”. He Our goal is to cover up the crimes of restoring capitalism at home and let go Another superpower, the US imperialism, competes with each other in a vain attempt to dominate the world. Chairman Mao's comment on Leninism that socialism cannot achieve the ultimate goal in one country alone The theory of victory has made significant developments. Chairman Mao against Lenin against modern revisionism The distortion and betrayal of the doctrines clearly pointed out: “According to the Leninist view, a The final victory of a socialist country requires not only its own proletariat and the broad masses of people The efforts of the masses are still waiting for the victory of the world revolution and for the entire planet The system of eradicating people and exploiting people has liberated the entire human race. Therefore, easily It is wrong to say that the final victory of our revolution is against Leninism, and it is also It is not true. " ③ Chairman Mao's instructions, the so-called socialist critique of the Soviet revisionists The “theory” that can achieve a complete and complete “victory” in a country is not available to the whole world. The property class pointed out the fundamental direction of the common struggle. ① "At the Ninth Congress of the All-Russia Soviet". "The Complete Works of Lenin" Vol. 33, p. 121. ② "Report on Foreign Policy at the Joint Meeting of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Moscow Soviet". "The Complete Works of Lenin" Vol. 27, p. 346. ③ Quoted from the 5th issue of "Red Flag" magazine, 1969. Page 544 506 The revolutionary struggles of the people of all countries have always been linked together. in other countries Before the people won the victory of the socialist revolution and eliminated the system of exploiting people, It is impossible for one or several socialist countries to win the final victory. Because in front of When imperialism and the system of human exploitation still exist in the world, the international class The struggle must be reflected within the socialist country, and the socialist country will always There is the possibility of capitalist restoration, international imperialism, social empire Nationalism carries the threat of subversion and aggression. Under these conditions, the dictatorship of the proletariat Neither internal nor external functions can be weakened, but must be strengthened. "Eliminate Eliminate classes, eliminate state power, eliminate the party, all mankind must take this path, The problem is only time and conditions. "It is necessary to "work hard and create conditions so that class, National power and political parties are naturally eliminated, bringing humanity into the realm of great harmony." ① The proletariat and the working people in socialist countries are incumbent on Internationalism, do our best to support the world revolution, and truly Marxist political party, with the international proletariat and working people in Marxism Unite on the basis of an eradication of the system of human exploitation on the entire earth, making the entire Mankind has been liberated and won the final victory of socialism for the realization of Strive to the end for the great ideals of communism. Chairman Mao based on Marxist principles of scientific communism The practice of the inter-communist movement proposed the continuing revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat Theory is to build a socialist society and prepare conditions for the realization of a communist society Guiding lights. ① "On the People's Democratic Dictatorship." "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, Pages 1357~1358. Page 545 507 According to the theory of continuing revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, Struggle as the key link, insist on treating the bourgeoisie in all fields and at all stages of revolutionary development. Comprehensive dictatorship, which is to build a socialist society and transform into a communist society Basic guarantee. The state power of the dictatorship of the proletariat, "for the victorious people, This is something that can't be left in a moment, just like cloth silk. This is a very A good thing is a magic weapon for body protection, a magic weapon for heirlooms, until abroad The day when the imperialism and domestic classes were completely and cleanly wiped out, this magic weapon It must never be discarded. " ① Transition from a socialist society to a communist society means eliminating everything Class and class difference, eliminate all traditions or traces left over from the old society, eliminate Destroy bourgeois legal rights and ideas of bourgeois legal rights. Whether in production relations or in The superstructure will undergo extremely profound changes, and will be a qualitative giant. Great leap. This change and leap can only pass between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie The long-term and complicated class struggle in China can be gradually realized through social revolution. The law of class struggle under the dictatorship of the proletariat proves that in the historical stage of socialism Paragraph, the class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie Performance in the party. In order to restore the capitalist relations of production, the party bourgeoisie always It is an effort to expand the bourgeois law that inevitably exists in the socialist period Rights, strengthen this important economic foundation for the creation of a new bourgeoisie, so as to protect the entire capital The interests of the property class. The proletariat restricts the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, is to reform the party's assets The fate of class. Through the analysis of bourgeois legal rights in socialist production relations, We can see that the restriction and anti-restriction struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie ① "Why discuss the white paper". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1967, horizontal Book, pages 1391~1392. Page 546 508 The disputes are mainly focused on such issues as whether or not all economic departments and enterprises The leadership of the industry is in the hands of real Marxists and the broad working masses? Should the gap in wealth between collectively owned enterprises be gradually narrowed? Long-term From the perspective of whether collective ownership should be realized from a small collective to a large collective, from a collective to a whole The transition of the people? For those new socialist things that restrict the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, Should you actively support it? Differences between workers and peasants, differences between urban and rural areas, mental work and physical strength Should the labor gap be gradually reduced and eventually eliminated? Commodity system and wages Should the hierarchy be restricted under the dictatorship of the proletariat and actively create conditions Gradually use distribution according to needs instead of distribution according to work? The vast majority of workers, poor and lower middle peasants are in After the democratic revolution, they did not stop. They wanted to make a revolution, and they would inevitably demand restriction and eventually annihilation. The bourgeois right to carry the socialist revolution through to the end. But bourgeois law Power is the lifeblood of the bourgeoisie in the party. They always regard the bourgeois rights as heaven It is true that you cannot touch a single vellus hair, always want to strengthen and expand it. Be a revolution To the heads of these people and hurt the interests of these high officials, that is, the entire capital When the interests of the property class are concerned, they will jump out to oppose it. Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiao The far-right essence of the revisionist line that is being promoted is to strengthen, Expand the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, cultivate capitalism and the bourgeoisie, and subvert the proletariat Dictatorship, restore capitalism. The struggle between the two lines within the party is the proletariat and capital A concentrated expression of the class struggle between the property classes. Chairman Mao pointed out: “If you don't fight, Can't make progress. "With a population of 800 million, can you not fight?" ! " ①The proletariat and the bourgeoisie The class struggle between levels will run through the entire historical period of socialism until the level The difference between class and class is completely eliminated, and it will stop when communist society is realized. Therefore, the transition from a socialist society to a communist society is a long-term ① Quotations from Chairman Mao. Quoted from "People's Daily" of May 16, 1976. Page 547 509 The process of class struggle is an extremely profound social revolution. Modern revisionists Spreading that the transition from a socialist society to a communist society does not require a social revolution The fallacy is a thorough study of Marxist theory and the cause of international proletarian liberation betray "The theoretical victory of Marxism forced its enemies to dress up as Mark Thinkers, the dialectics of history is like this. " ① contemporary, all kinds of Mark The enemies of ideology have flaunted the market under the banner of communism and deceived the masses. The false communism of the Soviet revisionist renegade clique is an aggression of various false Marxist theories. Show performance. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique is under the cover of this false communist theory, Transform a great socialist country into today's social-imperialist country. Marxist political economy must be based on the Soviet revisionist's false communism theory. Advance in struggle. The theoretical core of Soviet Communism is to deny Marx Concerning the existence of classes, class contradictions and classes throughout socialist society The basic theory of struggle, instigating the bourgeoisie to wage a cruel class struggle against the proletariat Struggle, change the dictatorship of the proletariat into a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, and change the socialist system into capital Ideological system. Chairman Mao pointed out: "The Soviet Union is now a bourgeois dictatorship, The dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, the dictatorship of the fascist style in Germany, the dictatorship of the Hitler style. " ② false Communism, true capitalism, social imperialism, social fascism, this It is the essence of the problem. In October 1961, Khrushchev declared at the 22nd Congress of Soviet revisionism: Within ten years (referring to the period from 1960 to 1980-cited) we will basically ① "The Historical Destiny of Marxism." "Selected Works of Lenin" Volume 2, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, Page 439. ② Quoted from "People's Daily" on April 22, 1970. Page 548 510 A communist society was built on. "In 1964, Khrushchev collapsed. Bree Zhenev inherited Khrushchev's "potato roast beef" pseudo-communist cause. By 1976, the so-called communist society of Soviet revisionism had "built" 16 In the next four years, it should be "basically completed." Strangely, as Heru Brezhnev of Schov II has repeatedly hummed over the years, "Prostitutional society" doesn't dare to hum. Then, what kind of society is the Soviet Union today? There must be a saying! So, the Brezhnev traitor group racked their brains and broke Pen, a few years ago threw out a "unified opinion", saying: the Soviet Union "built A developed socialist society has created conditions for the smooth construction of communism. " This "unified opinion", fortunately, it declared itself that the traitors had made up The pseudo-communism has gone bankrupt. Look: the "communist" who is about to "basically complete" The "righteous society" suddenly became a "developed socialist society" ① . So fast! In fact, whether a communist society will be basically built in 20 years, a “developed society "Society", neither of these two thin veils can cover the revival of the Soviet revisionist traitor group. The hideous appearance of capitalism. "When tenacious historical facts deceive oneself When the drunken dream is dispelled, this form of socialism turns into a kind of pitiful sadness. Worry" ② . Liu Shaoqi and Lin Biao also spread a lot of fallacies on the issue of communism. They said for a while that communism should "use the word "production" as its banner", and "everyone ① A leader of Su Xiu once said fiercely in 1964 that the Chinese “surprised our party and our country The people's right to build communism." In 1971, this guy talked a lot about the so-called Soviet Union. Society", and the construction of the so-called communism's material and technological foundation is a "long-term complex and Multi-faceted and comprehensive tasks" are here. The prestige used to be, but now is it? ② "Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Mark Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, No. 276 pages. Page 549 511 "Cai"; for a while, I said that communism is "publicism." In the second lecture, "A journey on the road, the world is for the public" is "the original communism Thought". They picked up the declining slave-owner class spokesperson Kong Lao Er proposed The so-called "the world is the public" slogan, preaching this is not to destroy the bourgeoisie and everything The "publicism" of the exploiting class just exposed this group of traitors and traitors. Pictured as the ugly face of slave owners in the twentieth century. Deng Xiaoping advocated communism It's "Eat whatever you like, and wear whatever you like", "Everyone There are 60 catties of pork every year, half a catty of apples every day, and you can drink two taels of white dry" and the like Fallacy. Deng Xiaoping's communism of “two two for nothing” is the same as that of Marx. The righteous scientific communism has nothing in common with the Soviet revisionist's "potato roast beef" The pseudo-communism of China is all the same. This proves that he and the Soviet revisionist traitor group are one Hill of raccoon. The greatest contemporary Marxist, international proletariat and oppressed nation Chairman Mao, the great mentor of the oppressed people, with the majestic spirit of a proletarian revolutionary, In the international communist movement, a criticism of the Soviet revisionist renegade clique was launched. The great struggle of modern revisionism has promoted the world proletarian revolution The vigorous development of the people's anti-imperialist and hegemony cause has promoted the advancement of human history. Chairman Mao pointed out: "The Soviet revisionism and the US emperor were embarrassed and did so many bad things. A scandalous thing, the revolutionary people all over the world will not spare them. People all over the world are stand up. A new historical period against American imperialism and Soviet revisionism has begun. " ① Soviet revisionist social Social imperialism is more deceptive than the old imperialism, and therefore has a greater The danger. There are four major contradictions in the contemporary world: the oppressed nations and the empire Contradiction between justice and social imperialism; capitalism, imperialism and social imperialism ① Quoted from the fifth issue of "Red Flag" magazine, 1969. Page 550 512 The contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie within the righteous country; the imperialist country and the society Contradictions between imperialist countries and between imperialist countries; socialist countries Contradiction with imperialism and social imperialism. The existence and development of these contradictions Development will surely arouse more and more people from all over the world to participate in opposition to imperialism, revisionism, Anti-great revolutionary struggle. The capitalist social system has already entered The museum (in a socialist country); the rest of it has also been We are dying, life is in danger, and we will not worry about the night", fast into the museum. Only communism His ideological system and social system are overwhelmingly powerful, Majestic in the world, and keep its beautiful youth. Marxism, Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought on socialist political economy The theory of economics is the theoretical basis of the party's basic line in the entire historical stage of socialism. The foundation is the proletariat's insistence on the full dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and the prevention of capitalist restoration A powerful ideological weapon for the development and construction of socialism. Seriously study socialist political economy Economics will definitely enable us to deepen our understanding of the laws of socialist social development. Steadily raise the consciousness of class struggle, line struggle and continued revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, More consciously implement the party's basic line throughout the historical stage of socialism, To capture the moon in nine days, you can go down the five oceans to catch turtles" heroic spirit to climb communism peak. The revolution is developing and the people are advancing. The proletariat is a revolutionary optimist. We firmly believe that "metabolism is a universal and irresistible law in the universe" ① ; "Demise of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat are equally inevitable victory." ② horse ① "On Contradiction". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 297. ② "Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, No. 263 pages. Page 551 513 The birth of Creatism has only been more than a hundred years old, and the old world has been beaten to the ground. A new world without imperialism, capitalism, and exploitation The dawn is ahead. The future is bright, and the road is tortuous. Chairman Mao inherited, Defended and developed Marxism-Leninism. The glory of Mao Zedong Thought will always shine The way forward for hundreds of millions of revolutionary people. In Marxism, Leninism, Mao Ze Under the banner of Eastern Thought, the proletarians, the oppressed people and the oppressed nations all over the world Together, make up your mind, not be afraid of sacrifice, overcome all difficulties, and strive for victory!